Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Queen Emm's curios and antiquities

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Queen Emm's curios and antiquities

                                                       Reposted by Amelia Gora (2023)

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: What Happened to the curios and antiquities of Queen Emma, et. als.

Queen’s Hospital trustees and the Bishop Museum, 1886.


 A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Queen’s Hospital was held this morning in the Chamber of Commerce room. The object of the meeting was to consider the advisableness and feasibility of transferring the antiquities and curios left to the Hospital by the will of the late Queen Emma to the Hon. Chas. R. Bishop, who is about to open a national museum. Mr. Kunuiakea, one of the heirs of the Queen Emma estate and part claimant of the curios, consents to give his interest in them to Mr. Bishop for the purpose mentioned, on the condition that the Queen’s Hospital also give their interest. It having been the wish of the late Queen Emma to have a national museum in Honolulu, and such wish having been specified in her will (signed but not witnessed), the Trustees of the Queen’s Hospital have decided to deed to Mr. C. R. Bishop all the curios and antiquities left them by the will of the deceased queen, on the condition that all the ancient relics left by the late High Chiefess Pauahi Bishop, be also given to the museum.
(Daily Herald, 9/16/1886, p. 3)
The Daily Bulletin, Volume IX, Number 1432, Page 3. September 15, 1886.


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