The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Earlier Posts of a Royal person
reposted by Amelia Gora (2023)
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Documented Slaves of the United States, an INTERdependent Agency of the United Nations Ref. THE UNITED STATES IS BANKRUPT NOW by John B. Nelson December 26, 1991 RE: Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc. http:// "On January 17, 1980, the President (James Carter) and Senate confirmed another "Constitution", namely, the "Constitution Of. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization" found at Senate, Treaty Document No. 97-19, 97th Congress, 1st Session. A perusal of this Foreign Constitution should more than qualify the internalist intents. The "Preamble", Article 1, "Objectives" and Article 2, "Functions", clearly evidences their intent to direct, control, finance, and subsidize all "natural and human resources" and "agro-related as well as basic industries", through "dynamic social and economic changes""with a view to assisting in the establishment of a new international economic order." The high flown rhetoric is obviously of "Communist" origin and intents. An unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable oligarchy of expatriates and aliens, who fraudulently claim in the Preamble that they intend to establish "rational and equitable international economic relations", yet openly declare that they no longer "stabilize the value of the dollar" nor "assure the value of the coin and currency of the United States" is purely misrepresentation, deceit and fraud (See. Public Law 95-147; 91 Stat. 1227, at pg. 1229). This was augmented by (Public Law 101-167) 103 Stat. 1195, which discloses massive appropriations of re hypothecated debt for the general welfare and common defense of other Foreign Powers, including "Communist" countries or satellites, International control of natural and human resources, etc. etc. A "Resource" is a claim of "property" and when related to people constitutes "slavery." "The "treasonous" and "Seditious" are brewing up a storm of untold magnitude. Bush's (Sr.) public address of September 11, 1991 (See: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents) should further qualify what is being said here. He admitted "Interdependence" (See also: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5950), "One World Order" (See: Extension of Remarks, January 19,1976, Marjories S. Holt, 8 U.S.C.A 1101(40)), affiliation and collusion with the Soviet Union Oligarchy (50 U.S.C.A. 781), direction by the U.N. (22 U.S.C.A. 611) etc." Mr. Nelson's article pertaining to the United Nations can be found in the Article URL listing above. Information has also been submitted on the Issues of Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc. According to John B. Nelson, Legal Scholar "THE UNITED STATES IS BANKRUPT NOW - Documented Evidence Re: Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc." "The United States went "Bankrupt" in 1933 and ws declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 61111 and Executive Order 6260 (See. Senate Report 93-549, pgs. 187 & 594 under the "Trading With the Enemy Act" (Sixty-Fifth Congress, Sess. 1, Chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a)." "The United States thereafter entered the second World War during which time the "League of Nations" was reinstituted under the pretense of the "United Nations" and the "Bretton Woods Agreement" (See: 60 Stat. 1401) The United States as a corporate body politic (artificial), came out of World War II in worse economic shape than when it entered, and in 1950 declared Bankruptcy and "Reorganization." The Reorganization is located in Title 5 of the United States Codes Annotated. The "Secretary of the Treasury" was appointed as the "Receiver" in Bankruptcy. See: Reorganization Plan No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967). The United States went down the road and periodically filed for further Reorganization. Things and situations worsened, having done what they were Commanded NOT to do (See: Madison's Notes, Constitutional Convention, August 16, 1787, Federalist Papers No. 44 and in 1965 passed the "Coinage Act of 1965" completely debasing the Constitutional Coin (gold & silver Dollar). (See: 18 U.S.C.A. 331 & 332, U.S. vs. Marigold, 50 U.S. 560, 13 L. Ed. 257). At the signing of the Coinage Act on July 23, 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson stated in his Press Release that: "When I have signed this bill before me, we will have made the first fundamental change in our coinage in 173 years. The Coinage Act of 1965 supersedes the Act of 1792. And that Act had the title: An Act Establishing a Mint and Regulating the Coinage of the United States..." "Now I will sign this bill to make the first change in our coinage system since the 18th Century. To those members of Congress, who are here on this historic occasion, I want to assure you that in making this change from the 18th Century we have no idea of returning to it." It is important to take cognizance of the fact that NO Constitutional Amendment was ever obtained to FUNDAMENTALLY "CHANGE" amend, abridge or abolish the Constitutional mandates, provisions or prohibitions, but due to internal and external diversions surrounding the Viet Nam War Etc., the usurpation and breach went basically unchallenged and unnoticed by the general public at large, who became "a wealthy man's cannon fodder or cheap source of slave labor" (See: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, TM-SW7905.1, pgs 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 56). Congress was clearly delegated the Power and Authority to regulate and maintain the true and inherent "value" of the Coin within the scope and purview of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 5 & 6 and Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the ordained Constitution (1787), and further, under a corresponding duty and obligation to maintain said gold and silver Coin and Foreign Coin at and within the necessary and proper "equal weights and measures" clause (See also: Bible, Dueteronomy, Chapter 25, verses 13 through 16, Public Law 97-289, 96 Stat.1211)." (to be continued)A SIGNIFICANT TESTIMONY OF PROTEST AGAINST the United States A SIGNIFICANT TESTIMONY OF PROTEST AGAINST the United States (includes Its Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, Its military, its agents (FBI, CIA, DIA, etals.), the entity claiming to be a government in Hawaii, occupational status, maintaining all U.S. citizens as unknowing SLAVES etals.), documented INTERdependently with the United Nations whose beginnings include U.S. involvement, a Country/Nation documented to be in BREACH of the Law of Nations by the Kingdom of Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 until her decease in 1917 by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person, Amelia Kuulei Gora, affiliate of the Kingdom of Hawaii (impaired status) and the Hawaiian Genealogy Society /Hawaiian Genealogical Society, On this date, February 25, 2003, declare the following To be True, researched, documented, referenced, or certified: A PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN, INCLUDES ALL INNOCENTS OF the Kingdom of Hawaii (Impaired Status), ALL COUNTRIES, Their Citizenry, All Innocents: In 1493, Four (4) Papal Bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarchy “which legally sanctioned Columbus’ Genocide campaign against indigenous people of the Americas. The Bull “Inter Caetera” of May 3rd, 1493 states, “the Catholic Faith and the Christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everywhere amplified and spread, (and) that the salvation of souls may be provided for and barbarous nations subjugated and brought to the very true faith…” The colonial Spanish affirmed this arrogance claiming “the bulls gave them the right to use just war to convert local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity” (Las Casas, 1552).” (ref: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar) In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani of the Kingdom of Hawaii was wrongfully dethroned and documented that the entity recognized by the United States was NEITHER de facto nor de jure. She further documented that usurpers were conspirators/TERRORISTS (updated term) and the United States supported them. She maintained that the United States was in BREACH of the Law of Nations. The United States was in a Depression and Congress, who called Queen Liliuokalani “N I G G E R” celebrated they were ‘Millionaires’ after her wrongful dethronement. OPPOSITIONS to Americans, the entity backed by the United States was maintained by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects, including Kamehameha’s descendants, Royal Person, who existed then and exist now. In 1898, Queen Liliuokalani with 40,000 subjects are documented as OPPOSING Annexation. The funding for WARS – including the Spanish-American Wars, etc. – was made at the expense of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Millions of dollars in loans were made by Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, the Kingdom of Hawaii’s treasury had $179,000 with gold bullions, gold coins, duties, charges income, tax revenues, rents and leases, and two trusts maintained in San Francisco and China. In 1917, Queen Liliuokalani died. The United States, a month before the Queen’s death, led the move in forming the League of Nations and moved to depart from the documented charge by Queen Liliuokalani who maintained the United States BREACHED the Law of Nations. In 1923 – “The U. S. Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. McIntosh 8 Wheat 543 adopted the same principal of subjugation expressed in the InterCeteral Bull. This Papal Bull has been and continues to be, devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our populations.” (Ref: Researcher Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar) The United Nations was formed by the United States accommodating the Nations joining by allowing the use of the building, comforts, loans, services, grants, etc. The United States moved further by adopting Article I, Section 8 Cl. 10 of the Constitution for the United States delegates the power to Congress to “define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations.” “This is not the same as International Law but concerns the federal government’s enumerated powers and in this case to administer what is right and just.” The United States, under the charges of an independent country’s Queen Liliuokalani of BREACH of the Law of Nations, has in effect committed and maintains FRAUD, DECEIT, Conspiracies, Criminal Malfeasance, dishonorable conduct towards Hawaii, and All Countries. The illusion of honor, respect, democracy has been maintained against the citizenry of the United States as well due to the Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc. as uncovered by Legal scholar John B. Nelson on December 26, 1991: United States President James Carter and the Senate confirmed another “Constitution”, the “Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. (On January 17, 1980 the President and Senate confirmed the new “Constitution”. See: Treaty Document No. 97-19, 97th Congress, 1st Session.) United States is Interdependent with the United Nations. (President George Bush (Sr.) public address of September 11, 1991 (See: Weekly Compilation of Presidential documents) (See also: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5950). United States is on the track of “One World Order”. (See: Extension of Remarks, January 19, 1976, Marjorie S. Holt, 8 U.S.C.A. 1101(40)). United States has affiliation and collusion with the Soviet Union Oligarchy. (50 U.S.C.A. 781). United States Citizens are Slaves. (Public Law 101-167) 103 Stat. 1195. United States President was rewarded rights without further Congressional approval as based on the permanent national “EMERGENCY” status. (as of February 25, 2003, it has been in effect for 51 years.) (470 Provisions of Federal law were rewarded to the United States President. “These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all –encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country WITHOUT REFERENCE TO NORMAL CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS.” (includes seizing “property, organize and control the means of production; seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens”.) 1993. President William Clinton signed Public Law 103-150 apologizing for the wrongdoing to the Kingdom of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, etc. with a disclaimer. Note: OPPOSITIONS against Hawaii Statehood was made by one of Kamehameha’s descendants, Harold Abel Cathcart within the 5 year legal notice after claimed Statehood. OPPOSITION was made, Sovereignty shall be. 1996. Affidavit/Lien filed at the Bureau of Conveyances 12/17/1996 (281 pages) with historical evidence of Conspiracies, FRAUD, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE, EVIDENCE of GENOCIDE, criminal wrongdoing against the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Royal Families, the Sovereigns, and Foreign government(s), etc. by one of Kamehameha’s descendant, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a third cousin of Harold Abel Cathcart. He was a Kamehameha descendant, a Royal Person, who documented OPPOSITION to Statehood. Letters documented to the U. S. President, etals. 1998. EVIDENCE of Kamehameha descendants, Royal Persons, included in the first of 21+ books by Amelia Kuulei Gora. 1999. Halawa Condemnation Civil Case No. 92-2435-07 State of Hawaii vs. Robert Kalani Uichi Kihune, etals of the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE entered DEFENDANTS TRUSTEES UNDER THE WILL AND OF THE ESTATE OF BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP’S MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO INTERVENE BY AMELIA K. GORA; DECLARATION OF PATRICK W. HANIFIN; AFFIDAVIT OF GUY BISHAW, EXHIBITS “a” – “l”; CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. EXHIBIT “d” was a FRAUD DEED from King David Kalakaua to two deceased Alii/Chiefs – Mataio Kekuanaoa and one of his seven (7) wives. Mataio Kekuanaoa had children, and stepchildren including my ancestors. Mataio Kekuanaoa was also the father of Kamehameha IV and Kamehameha V. It is through this FRAUD DEED did THE United States government make claims to PEARL HARBOR…….ramifications continue due to the fact that MANY, MANY INNOCENTS DIED NEEDLESSLY….. 2000. Personal visit to F.B.I. office made. Was informed that the F.B.I. (others ?) maintains only 45 years of history. The F.B.I., therefore, VALIDATES FRAUD, CRIMINAL CLAIMS. OPPOSITION to the Akaka/Hawaiian Recognition Bill made. The Bill is intended to wipe clean all the GREAT MAHELE/land division of 1848 by Kamehameha III, disregarding Royal Persons, Sovereigns, Sovereigns as People and IMPRISON RESEARCHERS. OPPOSITION to the claims by President William Clinton documented by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora. Conspiracies, Fraud Issues, Criminal Deviance has been uncovered and documented in 21+ historical, genealogy writings/publications. 2001. OPPOSITION to the Akaka/Hawaiian Recognition Bill made. Due to President William Clinton’s Executive Order over the Hawaiian Archipelago, OPPOSED by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora, Japan’s ship EHIME MARU was rammed, a potential war situation. OLELO TV Show televised, a one hour history overview with genealogies of the Royal Families, Sovereigns, and Land Issues MAINTAINING THE CROWN LANDS CLAIMS/wrongfully claimed as ceded to the U.S. with FRAUD, DECEIT, LIES, etc. discussion: “TRUE CEDED LAND OWNERS” speakers: Amelia Kuulei Gora, One of Kamehameha’s descendants and Eric Poohina, a Sovereign descendant. RENTS and LEASES due from the State, Federal governments, And Trusts of our Royals and Sovereigns. FRAUD, CONSPIRACIES, etc. documented. 2002. OPPOSITION to the Akaka/Hawaiian Recognition Bill made. The Akaka Bill seeks to eliminate all land claim titles of Kamehameha III’s GREAT MAHELE/land division or 1848, disregarding Royal Families, Sovereigns, Sovereigns as People claims, FRAUD, DECEIT, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE, STRESS, DURESS, USURPATION issues disregarded and IMPRISON RESEARCHERS. RENTS and LEASES due from the State, Federal governments, Trusts of our Royals, and Sovereigns. FRAUD, CONSPIRACIES, etc. documented. OPPOSITIONS to WAR(s) documented on forums on, and entered into recent history books by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal Person. Letter to President Bush, etals. Maintaining CROWN LAND CLAIMS due to Kamehameha III’s statement that the lands belong to his “HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS”. Also submitted genealogies showing that I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, have Kamehameha direct descendant bloodlines, meaning I have the same blood as Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, and Kamehameha V. I have the same ancestors of King William Lunalilo, King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani all belonging to a separate Nation/country, the Kingdom of Hawaii. 2003. OPPOSITION to the Akaka/Hawaiian Recognition Bill made. The Akaka Bill seeks to eliminate all land claim titles of Kamehameha III’s GREAT MAHELE/land division of 1848, disregarding Royal Families, Sovereigns, Sovereigns as People claims, FRAUD, DECEIT, issues and further IMPRISON RESEARCHERS. RENTS and LEASES due from the State, Federal governments, AND Trusts of our Royals and Sovereigns. FRAUD, CONSPIRACIES, etc. documented. OPPOSITIONS to WAR(s) also DOCUMENTED in books/ pamphlets and on forum.delphiforums internet messages to the world by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal Person. OPPOSITIONS AND CONTINUED REMINDERS SENT, HAND DELIVERED, FAXED, DOCUMENTED ON THE INTERNET, BOOKS, LETTERS, ETC. THAT THE CROWN LANDS, wrongfully claimed ceded lands, STILL HAS OWNERS/Private Owners. Kamehameha’s descendants, Royal Persons “NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAWS” as recorded in Victoria Kamamalu’s Probate sibling of Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, etals, Kamehameha II’s heirs, Kamehameha III’s heirs, Kamehameha IV, and Kamehameha V heirs, King William Charles heirs, King David Kalakaua’s descendants/heirs, and Queen Liliuokalani’s heirs exist NOW. On this day, February 25, 2003 hereby state the above to be correct, valid and true. As one of Kamehameha’s, etals. descendants, with documentation verifying the genealogies through intensive genealogy research of 15 years, verification in part made by other researchers and recognized for the lands in Waikiki in which others and myself participated in the reburial of our ancestors in a site located across of the Waikiki Beach. I further state that the Alii/Chiefs and Chiefesses Trusts have been maintained by CRIMINAL con artists who have over time perpetuated criminal deviance and conspirators claims/TERRORISTS claims backed by the United States government. As maintained by Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 through 1917, I too state and MAINTAIN that the United States has BREACHED THE Law of Nations. The Unite States with documented conspiracies against Hawaii, a recognized Nation, wrongfully TAXED the subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii, maintained an environment of stress, duress, usurpation, without granted authority. The Treasury funds, Trusts of Royals and Sovereigns wrongfully assumed monies, treasuries gold bullion’s, coins, deeds, etc. The conspirators/ TERRORISTS (updated term) with their courts (inc. Federal and military) WERE NOT GRANTED JURISDICTION by Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani. Till today, the occupying governments – State, Federal, Military, etc. are NOT GRANTED JURISDICTION in Hawaii. The perpetuation of FRAUD has seriously affected all in Hawaii and NOW ALL IN THE WORLD. The ONGOING TERRORISM documented and based on Queen Liliuokalani’s charge of the United States BREACH of the Law of Nations motivated the U.S. move away and towards the League of Nations, CFR and the United Nations. I further testify that FRAUD, CONSPIRACIES, GENOCIDE issues, etc. have been found, recorded and documented. Be advised that the reckless nature of the criminal wrongdoing committed in the historical period has indeed led to a possible destruction of all of the world’s civilizations which has been existing for thousands of years. Unlike the United States with a mere 200+ year history based on plundering, criminal deviance, slavery, occupation, and wrongfully claiming democracy with issues against all people of color. Due to the intensive criminal nature, it is strongly suggested that the United Nations be dismantled, thereby disabling the unified effort of the monetary based citizenry operating in funding the world’s economics, leading to the issues of “One World Order” as documented by the Bush families over time. Corrections of wrongdoing must be made in the near future involving all countries seeking safety, continued survival in a World that appears to be heading towards significant disaster for ALL INNOCENTS. If intervention is not made, intense turmoil, mass suffering, mass murders, mass diseases, mass deaths, warring/ the BUSINESSES of WAR(S) owner - the Bush Families, Friends, Military, employees, etc. will be safely squirreled away while awaiting destruction for the rest of mankind. For those who remain, contamination, genetic mutations, human procreation ceases, the oil resources will remain a torch, destroying the reasons to war in the first place. May God help all INNOCENTS today and till times end. Dated: February 25, 2003 – Amelia Kuulei Gora, One of Kamehameha’s Descendants, a Royal Person – not subject to the Laws, affiliated with Neutral, Kingdom of Hawaii (impaired status). INFORMATION ABOUT THE LAW of Nations, League of Nations, CFR, United Nations located at OTHER BOOKS button John B. Nelson, legal scholar, and other references
Go to the OTHER BOOKS button and the book may be printed........ this book is DEDICATED to INNOCENTS, Our Children, Mankind... With much aloha from one of Kamehameha's descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal Person - many other Kamehameha's descendants EXIST, affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii (impaired status) Note: Remember, the United States has BREACHED the Laws of Nations as documented 5 times; The U.S. is acting as an INTERdependent of the United Nations; The U.S. is operating on a second Constitution unknown to most of its citizens; The U.S. citizens are documented slaves, etc. The United Nations was formed through the efforts of the United States and Great Britain with the financial backers. The United Nations resources are used to generate income and loan capabilities, and further acquire more resources by validating War. Under "emergency" status, the United States President was allowed 470 rights to pursue military activities, etc. without CONGRESSIONAL approval......all linking to the United Nations. The United Nations need to disband due to the ongoing dilemna, catastrophic events resulting from being INTERdependency with an organization that is unknown to the American Public who believes they have Constitutional rights and remain unknowing to the second Constitution in effect which remains deleterious to all in Hawaii, the United States, Abroad - affecting all countries. With ongoing concern and OPPOSITIONS to War, and in defense of our families, and all of mankind.....the information is intended to help all of us.......the humble people of all countries..... Arm yourself with knowledge, Pray, Take Care of your loved ones, your families, speak out, oppose catastrophe, WARS, for we are deserving more than despair, suffering, mass killings at the expense of handfulls of people who will squirrel away from the lashes of man made weaponry in the forms of nuclear eliminators..... aloha nui loa (much love)To the PUBLIC - A PUBLIC NOTICE One of Kamehameha's descendants and other researchers materials
An OPEN LETTER TO The People of the United States, All Foreign Countries including Royals, Sovereigns, Sovereigns as People in Hawaii/Hawaiian Archipelago:March 2, 2002 Greetings and Aloha! It is with much concern over OPPOSITION to the upcoming Wars moved on by the United States Warmongers who operate INTERdependently with the United Nations. Historically, the United States has been documented as having BREACHED the Law of Nations by Queen Liliuokalani of the Kingdom of Hawaii. To date there are five (5) BREACHED documented. The League of Nations was created just before Queen Liliuokalani’s death in 1917, and the CFR pact was entered into by the United States and Great Britain thereby creating the United Nations. In other words, the very Nation that BREACHED/BROKE THE RULES, THE LAWS of NATIONS founded a club, an entity, a club to protect itself from hostilities from separate Nations over time. (See the timeline entered in the PRESS RELEASE) If war occurs, All Americans and Citizens whose countries participate in the United Nations are and should be blamed for remaining ignorant and not investigating this Bush administration, their administration with all the folly(ies), connivance’s, deceptions, frauds, and treasonous activities incurred placing everyone in all of the countries at danger. Be it known that the administrators/claimed leaders have taken measures to protect themselves from danger, contamination, etc. along with Bush and Friends. As one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person, affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii (impaired status) which remains NEUTRAL, I, Amelia Kuulei Gora, openly state for the record based on my research activities and opposing WAR(s) hereby CONDEMN the United States for FAILING TO NOTIFY ITS CITIZENS THAT THE CONSTITUTION was SET ASIDE since 1933, THAT ALL CITIZENS are DOCUMENTED SLAVES, THAT THE United States Acts INTERdependently with the United Nations, VALIDATING WAR for claims of Peace. The United States further acts as an arm of the Vatican, the Pope with his army of perverted priests and validated in the findings of American Indian Legal Scholar through a 1923 Supreme Court Case. All countries who are claiming to be part of the United Nations should disband and remove themselves from the organization based on FRAUD, criminal deceit, deceiving citizens of the United States, of their countries, etc. The following reasons to be used are applicable: “ FRAUD vitiates the most solemn Contracts, documents and even judgments” (U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, at pg.65). (John B. Nelson, Legal Scholar.) “All de facto Federal/International chartered “Institutions”, their Officers, Employees, Servants, Agents and Representatives are subject to and should be turned over to a Court of Law for prosecution, trial, and judgment according to law (See: Pope Mfg. Co. vs. Gormully, 144 U.S. 414, at pg. 419; see also, 22 U.S.C.A. 286g).” (John B. Nelson, Legal Scholar) The criminal claims pursued and maintained in Hawaii since 1893 with the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, with documented apology P.L. 103-150 signed by United States President Clinton, has progressed into continued, wrongful decisions to pursue more of the same.….resources, lands belonging to other ancient societies. The ruthless, conspiracies, deviant motivations documented over time cannot be ignored and cannot continue. Abandonment of all United States associations and activities are hereby-deemed worthy and necessary for the preservation of all world’s societies, and for the safety of INNOCENTS – children, women, men everywhere. As a solution for Peace contrary to the Business of WARS, it is proposed that the disbanded nations’ representatives convene in the Hague, NEUTRAL Hawaii, or other suggested countries. It is further proposed that the peace intended nations send female representatives, mothers of families, peacemakers preferred instead of a male representative. Aloha. Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person. The following information is provided for your perusal: Overview of the United States Presidents and Vice Presidents since The U.S. Constitution was suspended, March 7, 1933. All Press Releases entered on this website Overview of the U.S since March 7, 1933 - the day that the Constitution was suspended- According to Gene Schroder author of EMERGENCY AND WAR POWERS, “The Constitution of the united States of AMERICA has been in suspension by “emergency and war powers” without Congressional and Presidential termination, from March 7, 1933 to the present day.” According to Legal Scholar author of the article “The United States is Bankrupt Now – Documented Evidence” in Re: Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc. the United States went “Bankrupt” in 1933 “and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and Executive Order 6260 (See: Senate Report 93-549, pgs 187 & 594 under the “Trading With the Enemy Act” (Sixty-Fifth Congress, Sess. I. Chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at `1 U.S.C.A. 95a). The following list of United States and Vice Presidents with their Terms for the timeperiod of 1933 till today, as documented with the current administration affecting all in the World today: FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT 1933 to 1941 Vice President: John N. Garner 1933 to 1941 Henry A. Wallace 1941 to 1945 Harry S. Truman January to April 1945 HARRY S. TRUMAN 1945 to 1949 Vice President: Albert W. Barkley 1949 to 1953 DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER 1953 to 1961 Vice President: Richard M. Nixon 1953 to 1961 JOHN F. KENNEDY Jan. 1961 to Nov. 1963 Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson Jan. 1961 to 1965 LYNDON B. JOHNSON Nov. 1963 to 1965 Vice President: Hubert H. Humphrey 1965 to 1969 RICHARD M. NIXON 1969 to 1973 Vice President: Spiro T. Agnew 1969 to 1973 Gerald R. Ford Jan. 1943 to Aug. 1974 GERALD R.FORD Aug. 1974 to 1977 Vice Pres.: Nelson A. RockefellerAug. 1974 to 1977 JAMES E. CARTER, JR. 1977 to 1981 Vice President: Walter F. Mondale 1977 to 1981 RONALD REAGAN 1981 to 1989 Vice President: George Bush 1981 to 1985 GEORGE BUSH 1989 to 1933 Vice President: J. Danforth Quayle 1989 to 1993 WILLIAM J.CLINTON 1993 to 2001 Vice President: Albert Gore 1993 to 1997 1997 to 2001 GEORGE W.BUSH 2001 to Vice President: Richard Cheney 2001 to DISCUSSION ABOUT THE Law of Nations (Public and Private) Kingdom of Hawaii (Impaired status) answers to many
Aloha David & Scott, I wish to comment on the Law of Nations. Yes, you say the book authored by Emmer de Vattel is not the codified law, you are correct, it is based on practices and customary usage over time by the international community. This natural law is based on the physical law the same way that the Common Law is uncodified. The Law of Nations besides being the authority of the U.S.A. to come into being and specified in their constitution is in our constitutions also. Scott, there are a few more books on the Law of Nations besides Vattel's but that is the one more commonly used by the international community and primarily the U.S.A. So just because these laws - Law of Nations and Common Law - is not codified, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have the force of law. These laws are just as binding as statutes, but in the hierarchy of law they are higher than mere statutes. The Vattel book is the law (on international deportment) as practiced and based on case law as is the Common Law. Some quotes will print it in upper case and others will be in lower, so far I haven't found that there is a distinction as in the statutes, this law had evolved and printed while the statutes were just emerging. Those bruddas that you see toting the Law of Nations are toting the public international law, there is nothing fake about it. In fact, the U.S. has been keeping this body of law from us to keep us suppressed. We must transcend the U.S.'s box of suppression they are attempting to hold us and move to our international claim as outlined in Vattel's Law of Nations. Look at Cleveland's msg. to the U.S. Congress re the Law of Nations also. A constitution is different from the Law of Nations, a constitution is a foundational document. Those things you refer to as "codified through bilateral and multilateral treaties and conventions, and has become what we call today international law" is incorrect. Treaties, conventions, executive agreements, etc. are just that - contracts. These agreements affect the parties involved and are private. The Law of Nations is public or a general set of laws to operate by in relation to other nations. "So Vattel's book is very interesting (I am glad to have a copy,and glad to see it is online), but it must be kept in perspective - it is not the literal law of nations, and even if it were, it would have been superceded by all of the subsequent formal codification of international law" again that is incorrect. It is a body of public international law and has never been superceded. What you are talking about is the private international law by contract of the signatories. The U.N. charter is that private international law. Incidentally, the Kingdom is not a part of that international law formed by the U.N. (private). We, the Kingdom, is bound and upholding the Law of Nations - public international law. If there is no public international law, Law of Nations, then we have no international claim, we are not in the community of nations and we are bound to the whims of our masters, the U.S. and the U.N. God help us if that is so. God bless and yours in liberty, Roy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: David To: Scott Cc: ; ; Sent: Friday, 21 February, 2003 06:10 Subject: Re: [livingnation] HTML Law of Nations Mahalo Scott... the preface of this "law of nations" explains its origin and import. notes and appendages explain further..... This 1758 work by Swiss legal philosopher Emmerich de Vattel is of special importance to scholars of constitutional history and law, for it was read by many of the Founders of the United States of America, and informed their understanding of the principles of law which became established in the Constitution of 1787. Chitty's notes and the appended commentaries by Edward D. Ingraham, used in lectures at William and Mary College, provide a valuable perspective on Vattel's exposition from the viewpoint of American jurists who had adapted those principles to the American legal experience. david ----- Original Message ----- From: Scott To: Cc: ; ; Donna ; ; David Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:34 AM Subject: Re: [livingnation] HTML Law of Nations At 11:41 PM -0800 2/20/03, David wrote: Rendered into text and HTML by Jon Roland of the Constitution Society. HTML version Copyright © 1999 Constitution Society. Permission is granted to copy for nonprofit purposes with attribution and a link to this site. My understanding is that there is some confusion between this book by Vattel entitled "The Law of Nations" and what is actually the "law of nations." I am no expert in this area, and others can correct if I am wrong, but I believe what is referred to as the law of nations at that time, for example in the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 8. "The Congress shall have power...To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations." - notice the lower case), refers to customary practice between nations which had not yet been formally codified. Vattel wrote down his interpretation of the law of nations, his book is about the law of nations, but it is not the law itself. I have seen some folks in the Hawaiian movement carrying around his book like the bible of international law, and basing their claims upon it and reading it like it is law. But it would be like if I wrote a book called "The Constitution of Hawaii" - it would be a book about the constitution, not the constitution itself. When it comes to the law of nations, since it was uncodified, there was no written document like the constitution, there was only customary practice. But over time the law of nations was codified through bilateral and multilateral treaties and conventions, and has become what we call today international law. So Vattel's book is very interesting (I am glad to have a copy,and glad to see it is online), but it must be kept in perspective - it is not the literal law of nations, and even if it were, it would have been superceded by all of the subsequent formal codification of international law. scott FOR ALL ANTIWAR FRIENDS, LOVES, FAMILIES, FRIENDS, ALL INNOCENTS
posted by amy 3/09/2003 Arm yourselves with knowledge, laughter, and an unrelenting devotion to your children and know that crime, mishievious issues are being done by a less number of deviants than good people...... remember as an example that Queen Liliuokalani had supporter numbering 40,000 versus 3,000 backed by the United States who BREACHED the Law of Nations........ The criminal claims of Pearl Harbor resulted in millions of INNOCENTS who died needlessly....... Many of the INNOCENTS worldwide need not remain ignorant, even though there are those who would love to perpetuate criminal deviance and lead everyone downhill with them.......learn from history, allow the issues of history be your guide...........we're heading for some really dangerous times so, take care of yourselves, your loves, your families, friends, and all who are similar to you worldwide. Aloha Nui Loa - Lots of Love, Malama Pono - Take Care.KAMEHAMEHA DESCENDANTS SON JUDGE IN CHINA, AND OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION DOCUMENTING FRAUD, ETC. - ANTIWAR AND REQUEST FOR FRANCE AND FRIENDS TO ASSIST IN COLLECTING RENTS AND LEASES DUE TO KAMEHAMEHA DESCENDANTS IN HAWAII Amelia Kuulei Gora, 16 year history researcher, 15 years genealogy researcher, legal researcher, with documentation, etc.
The following article has been sent to Consulate of France, and many important others.....OPPOSITIONS TO WAR IS MAINTAINED...REPORT FROM THE HAWAIIAN GENEALOGY SOCIETY: One of Kamehameha’s Descendants son/stepson (PART I) served as a Supreme Court Judge in China (PART II). DISCUSSION (PART III). ANTHONY L. AHLO – Justice of the Supreme Court in Peking and Entitled to the fifth rank. His mother was LAHELA married AHLO, divorced. She had other marriages. LAHELA’s sisters were HALIAKA, KALUAHINE, KIPOLA daughters of NAHUINA who was the daughter of KINI. KINI was one of the four children of HANUNA the brother of PAUAHI, KEOLA, and KONIA. They were the four children of KAOLEIOKU (died in 1818), the oldest son of KAMEHAMEHA (died in 1819). PART I. The GENEALOGY CHART follows: KALANIOPUU married KANEKAPOLEI married KAMEHAMEHA / / KEOUA married THEIR SON: KAOLEIOKU married KALUAHINE WIFE #2 / / / / CHILDREN: PAUAHI (female) KEOLA (male) HANUNA (male) KONIA (female) / / CHILDREN: KAPULE (male) HOOKAHE (female) POOHINA (female) KINI (female) / / CHILDREN: NAINOAALUA (male) KAMAI (male) KAAKAU (female) KAILI (female) HANANUI (female) KALAIKINI (female) ISAIA/KAAEA (male) ULUNUI (female) KEONI KINI/LIILII (male) (adopted) KAAPIIPII (female) MELEANA (female) NAHUINA (female) NAHUINA (female) / / HER CHILDREN: KALUAHINE (female) HALIAKA (female) KIPOLA (female) LAHELA (female) married AHLO (divorced) &others / / SON:ANTHONY L. AHLO – Supreme Court Judge in CHINA Siblings and stepsiblings PART II. SUPREME COURT JUDGE – CHINA In the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, dated June 24, 1908, Honolulu, Hawaii, the following article appeared: “ AHLO NOW ON SUPREME COURT BENCH IN CHINA In a letter received yesterday by Mrs. L. Ahlo, from her son, Anthony L. Ahlo, formerly of Honolulu, stating that he has been promoted as Justice to the Supreme Court in Peking and is entitled to the fifth rank. The position he is now occupying is an important one and enjoys a high prestige amond the officials. Ordinarily it takes a man of the eighth rank, which ws what he had up to this present one, at least ten years to advance into the fifth, and then he must have influence at his back, otherwise fifteen or twenty years would not be considered unreasonable for his promotion. Following is a clipping from the Chinese Public Opinion, an English paper of Peking, of May 26, 1908. That paper says: “We are pleased to note the appointment of Mr. A. L. Ahlo to a position as justice in the Supreme Court in Peking. This gentleman is one of the new generation and was educated at the University of Cambridge, England, where he passed his degree, with honors. He has been for some time acting as legal adviser to the High Court of Justice and has been doing good work in this department. It is a noteworthy fact that he is the first returned student who has been appointed to a position of any importance in the Judiciary of China. We trust that many more, good men and true, of a similar calibre will in future find honorable positions in this department, which is sadly in need of reform, for with an efficient staff of justices and a codified law China will be able, within a rational period, to gain the consent of the Powers to abolish the hateful system of extraterritoriality which at present exists within her borders.” PART III: DISCUSSION LAHELA Ahlo, Kamehameha descendant, had been faced with the dilemma of having a husband who ran off to China with three children. She divorced him and made sure that he would not be able to take any more of her children/stepchildren, etc. China was one of the places that held a Kamehameha Trust Account, according to relatives. The Trusts included monies from the Sandalwood Trade and Commerce with China during the time of Kamehameha. The second Kamehameha Trust Account was held in San Francisco. The Wilcox family members checked on the Trust a few years ago and found it with billions of dollars after the discovery of the Trust Account was given to one of the descendants. Robert Wilcox was one of the early leaders in Hawaii, who was schooled in ITALY funded by the Kingdom of Hawaii during King Kalakaua’s time period. Celso Moreno, friend of King Kalakaua, early suspected spy in Hawaii talked King Kalakaua into taking several young Hawaiians/kanaka maoli to ITALY for educational purposes. The Atlantic Cable Company employed Celso Moreno. The Pacific Cable Company transactions began in 1878 with Celso Moreno leading the way towards social change, representative of the United States who was financially strapped and unable to properly fund the Cable activities. The fear of JAPAN due to the possibility of San Francisco, etc. areas would become infiltrated and that it would take more than 10 years to get them out was the reason behind the need for the Pacific Cable Company. San Francisco is where the Kamehameha Trust exists. Only a few years ago, shortly after heirs of Kamehameha, not the DESCENDANTS, went to check on the trust did President Clinton’s administration suddenly claim that the United States had a substantial sum found which assisted the economy. To date, it is highly suspected that the Kamehameha Trust continues under CONSPIRACIES, CRIMINAL DEVIANTS, ACTIVITIES that remains claimed by CRIMINAL DEVIANTS who have over time claimed that BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP was the last of the Kamehameha’s. BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP was married to CHARLES REED BISHOP, a conspirator/TERRRORIST of Queen Liliuokalani. He was a banker, a plantation owner, investor in the PACIFIC CABLE COMPANY, which benefitted the United States. King Kalakaua had a FRAUD deed to two 8-9 years-deceased alii/Chief and Chiefess in 1875. All of these issues occurred during the period of King Kalakaua who was questionably helped into the Monarchy seat with the aid of PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP and Friends, most of whom were bankers, MASONS, sugar planters, American businessmen in Hawaii. The above issues reveal the following countries which actually reveals issues that affect ALL IN THE WORLD TODAY: Hawaii, United States, China, Italy, and Japan. Historical books facts reveal that Great Great Britain, Germany, France and Russia also played a considerable role, which affects EVERYONE IN THE WORLD TODAY. Observations by One of Kamehameha’s descendants, Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal Person, not subject to the Laws: The United States and Great Britain have a number of Conspiracies documented. France, China, Italy, Spain, Japan, Germany, and Russia had known about the DEVIOUSNESS of the United States over time. The UNITED STATES has a BARBARIC history, therefore IS A documented BARBARIC country which has been supported by GREAT BRITAIN over time. How is it that the VATICAN through the Pope’s continues to maintain the PAPAL BULLS documents of 1493 validating the plundering of “barbarous” countries? The arm of the VATICAN was SPAIN. The UNITED STATES became the arm of the VATICAN as documented in the 1923-court case found by an American Indian researcher. The PAPAL BULLS are the Christian International Laws basis, validating plundering upon INNOCENTS…..yet the arm of the VATICAN is a BARBARIC country, the United States with it’s friends in tow namely, GREAT BRITAIN. ITALY who at one time included the VATICAN with the Pope (and Army of perverted priests) separated in in 1920’s and the VATICAN became recognized as a Sovereign State. (A State of ?) FRANCE and GREAT BRITAIN recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii as a separate nation, a Monarchy. (American Indians, Alaskan Indians, etc. CANNOT claim such.) FRANCE recognized the UNITED STATES as a separate nation. CHINA recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii and maintained a Trust Account. One of Kamehameha’s descendants son ANTHONY L. AHLO became a Supreme Court Justice in CHINA. His descendants are unknown, although, other Kamehameha descendants EXIST including others and myself. The UNITED STATES feared JAPAN. Why? Is fear not caused due to WRONGDOING, especially when Japanese culture looks at honorable issues, customs? (I too am a descendant of the Tokugawa families, Heike clan of Yamaguchi, Japan. Great grandfather was Matsugoro Takeshita who also married one of Kamehameha’s family members. Great great grandfather, father-in-law of Matsugoro had been married to one of the wives of Kamehameha II – Liholiho/King Kamehameha II.) The three-way protectorate of Hawaii was the UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN and GERMANY……FRANCE watched closeby. RUSSIA and GREAT BRITAIN recognized Hawaii as an Archipelago, the Hawaiian Archipelago. Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned in 1893. She maintained that the UNITED STATES BREACHED the Laws of Nations. JAPAN and GERMANY questioned the wrongful dethronement. FRANCE and RUSSIA observed. SPAIN appealed to the ENTITY backed by the UNITED STATES that Hawaii was a Neutral Nation, was it not. SPAIN’s Consulate was told that they were not and supported the UNITED STATES. The Spanish American War was fought with its WARMONGER PRESIDENT Roosevelt stating that “it was a splendid little war.” The UNITED NATIONS are riding on FRAUD, TREASONOUS basis due to the founders/original founders being the CFR members the UNITED STATES and GREAT BRITAIN with bankers/international bankers etals. maintaining FRAUD, DECEIT, and TREASONOUS activities against its own people. Multiples of BREACHES to the Laws of Nations are recorded. The UNITED NATIONS should dissolve leaving the United States and Great Britain to deal with issues affecting all INNOCENTS by themselves. The United States will have to deal with its internal issues due to the documented slavery issues, changed CONSTITUTION, and INTERDEPENT status with a organization based on DISHONESTY, CORRUPTION, FRAUD, DECEIT, CONSPIRATORS/ TERRORIST from historical times affecting the present day INNOCENTS who will eventually uncover ALL OF THE FACTS…………aloha nui loa. Report prepared by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants, a Royal Person, not subject to the Laws, OPPOSING WARS, maintaining the claims of all of Kamehameha’s descendants as one of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii, Neutral status. Dated: 3/11/2003 AMERICA SHOULD GO IT ALONE submitted at delphi forums in March 2003
And America should "Go it alone". The insecurities of the society which has basically plundered upon all peoples of color due to its being an arm of the Vatican is relying on the assist of paid-off friends, countries it has accumulated at its side by granting monies at the expense of many....the complex slave society-Americans, the aborigines expense: American Indians, Alaskan-Indians, and Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli.History reveals a lot of issues and conspiracies.....but recognize there are ways out of the controlling tyranny of America with Hitler's benefactors descendants at the helm (Prescott Bush, grandfather of George funded Hitler who killed 6 million Jews Re ad: ...AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE by David Icke - check out his website). How can all the countries OPPOSE and allow America to act alone? The suggestions follow: -review the Laws of Nations -Check out how the League of Nations came into play -Check out the United Nations and the agreements made -Secure the laws and issues of FRAUD, DECEIT, etc. ex. Court cases in U.S. indicates Fraud Vitiates All Claims and Contracts;etc. Know that FRAUD issues are current in issues over the Kingdom of Hawaii a neutral government that was wrongfully impaired due to the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 by a handful of Americans 3000 vs. subjects numbering 40,000. America/ the United States backed up their citizens, conspiracies have been documented by many including myself, OPPOSITIONS have been documented over time.... -Educate your lawmakers/leaders, for the people with their homework intact can be a tremendous assist to encouraging/prompting those who are supposed to be representing them. -Note that substantial issues of FRAUD has been uncovered...See Affidavit/Lien 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) showing issues of conspiracies, etc.......what happened to Hawaii can happen to any country. -Maintain the Laws of Nations -Maintain the Laws of the Seas and note and recognize the countries that have not signed the Kyoto Treaty as posted by PKN on on 11/21/2002 (5193 of 5288) "As of November 13, 2002 the following countries had NOT ratified the Kyoto Protocol: Australia, Canada, Croatia, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Kazakhistan, Liechenstein, Lithuania, Marshall Islands, Monaco, New Zealand, Niger, Philippines, Pola nd, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States of America,Zambia". If everyone knew about the wrongdoing, criminal issues made over time, and all citizens persuaded their leaders, America (a continent which includes Canada-part of England, Mexico) would be by themselves. If all peoples were educated, brought up to date about the conspiracies, you think everyone would follow Hitler's benefactors descendant?....... EVERYTHING will be up to the citizens of all countries, including the women, and children......aloha. ================================================= CROWN LANDS/CLAIMED CEDED LANDS HAS OWNERS - Rents and Leases Due for Hawaiian Homelands From: To: dnakaso@honoluluadvertiser.comDate: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 07:17:00 +0800 Subject: ll/23/01 article on HawaiianHomelands The Hawaiian Homelands are maintaining criminal claims on lands that still has owners. You see, the claimed ceded lands, part of the government lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii de jure and the Crown lands which belongs to Kamehameha's HEIRS, successors of the Crown still has owners. The State of Hawaii, with documented opposition within 5 years legal notice period has wrongfully assumed PRIVATE LANDS of our Sovereigns, our ancestors being Kamehameha I, etals. If you research/do your homework, you will find that opposition against the assuming of lands belonging to the Crown was opposed....see San Francisco Chronicles newspapers dated 2/17/1893 and 2/19/1893 by one Franklin Seaver Pratt husband of Kekaaniau...documents were also entered in the Bureau of Conveyances document no. 96-177455 dated 12/17/96 by myself with information from many. I have been told by many that this is a lien on all of the 133 islands of our Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago. Be abreast, well read in regards to Hawaiian issues, land claims, etc. by educating yourself or checking out books at the library or purchasing books at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Chaminade, or websites. Furthermore, OLELO Tv has played our lengthy film in regards to the True Ceded land owners. Hawaiian Homelands; the State of Hawaii de facto jurisdiction over our Crown Lands IS NOT GRANTED, criminal deceit, defraudation, criminal malfeasance issues are now known by many and issues are being forwarded to the World Courts, etc. due to genocide, ethnocide, etc. issues. The lands in Hawaii, the issues are being raised by three major entities: l) Sovereignty/governments of or relating to the Kingdom of Hawaii de jure, eventually the "groups will come together, merge, etc." maintaining NEUTRALITY, non-violence as with the Kingdom of Hawaii de jure, the LAWFUL government which was set aside with Queen Liliuokalani as the head; 2) rights of tenants (erroneously maintained as native tenant rights by some); and 3) Bloodlines - Sovereign descendants/heirs of Kamehameha defrauded by Pirates, terrorists in Hawaii since our Monarchy period. The Kamehameha Schools, Estates of our Royals with their administrators have conspired and maintained deceit over time with RECORDED OPPOSITIONS IN COURT CASES, PROBATES,ETC. (Hawaii since 1893 became the CRIMINAL MECCA OF the United States who FAILED TO DO THEIR homework and listened to LIARS, CRIMINALS, CON-ARTISTS, PIRATES, HISTORICAL TERRORISTS with their allegiances to the United States government, etc. I encourage you to read and be well aware of the ongoing issues, documentation, research uncovering a tremendous amount of fraud, corruption in our 1,650 year old, ancient society who still has descendants, owners till today. Questions? or write P.O. Box 893753 Mililani, Hawaii 96789 (address updated 4/2003). Pick up a copy of Chronological History of Hawaii, Abroad and the United States 350A.D. to 2001 to get up to date of the oral history, the kanaka maoli history, genealogies, issues, evidence, etc. aloha. ----- DECLINE AND FALL OF THE BARBARIC AMERICAN EMPIRE which was prophesied by Hawaii's QUEEN LILIUOKALANI information entered on delphiforums by Hwnwahine aka
With six (6)+ underground cities filled with unwanted arsenals, etc. the occupational issues by conspirators/TERRORISTS backed by the United States is truly UGLY.........The facade of aloha for sale has been the motivations of the American businessmen here, all based on fraud, conspiracies, etc...... My ancestors were here for 1,650+ years...........Hawaii is one of the three places that has the most fresh water on earth.....i think it's in the best interest of everyone that ongoing concerns over the prevention of wars continue........ For a young uncivilized nation whose history reeks with war....that certainly is a barbaric nature if ever one could define its history... Queen Liliuokalani had prophesied the downfall of the United States in her writings appears that it has indeed begun and the momentum will be so swift that it's best that everyone get out of the way when the "goliath" takes that fall....aloha. KEEPING THE VATICAN, U.S. ETALS IN CHECK through SPIRITUAL SOURCES: MAKAULA/SEERS, PROPHETS, AND MIRACLE WITNESSES Amelia Kuulei Gora forums entry by same AK Gora KEEPING THE VATICAN, U.S. etals in check through SPIRITUAL SOURCES: MAKAULA/ SEERS, PROPHETS, AND MIRACLE WITNESSESBy Amelia Kuulei Gora (2003) In 1,650+ years old Hawaii, the belief that some persons are born with special gifts continues. The particular gift being referred to is the makaula/ the seers/ those who inform about prophesies. Kamehameha (1758-1819) a Royal Person of Hawaii was one. His prophesied harm to the Hawaiian/kanaka maoli if the Hawaiian Religion which included the kapu system/taboo and instructed his advisors to set the kapu system/taboo aside. Queen Liliuokalani (1838-1917) a Sovereign (not a Kamehameha descendant) due to her documented prophesy based on the Bible referring to Americans in Hawaii and the eventual downfall of the United States if corrections weren’t made. Then there was a Frenchman named NOSTRODAMUS, his real name being Michel de Nostredame, medical worker who became well known for his prophecies. NOSTRODAMUS stated that “Liberty shall not be recovered, a black, fierce, villainous, evil man shall occupy it, when the ties of his alliance are wrought. Venice shall be vexed by Hister.” “Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers, the greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister. He will drag the leader in a cage of iron, when the child of Germany observes no law.” Finally, the Miracle Witnesses were three Portuguese children of Fatima. They were Jacinta Marto, Francisco Marto (siblings), and their cousin Lucia dos Santos. They Witnessed Our Lady of Fatima, a Miracle sighting documented by the Roman Catholic Church and others. The following is a Chronological History with the Makaula/Seers, Prophets, and Witnesses of Miracles accounts: 1452 – “Pope Nicholas the V, gave permission to King Alfonso of Portugal to capture, vanquish and subdue, all Saracens, Pagans and other enemies of Christ, to take all their possessions and property, and to put them to perpetual slavery.” 1493 – “Pope Alexander the 2nd, one of the most corrupt Popes in Catholic history, declared that the Christian religion would dominate the world and all non-Christians would be subjugated to Christian law or be punished. “Pope Alexander the 2nd decree stands as the foundation of western international law and western constitutional law till today.” “Four Papal Bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarch…which legally sanctioned Columbus Genocide Campaign against Indigenous peoples of the Americas”. The Bull “interCaetera” of May 3rd 1493 state, “the Catholic Faith and the Christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everywhere simplified and spread, (and) that the SALVATION OF SOULS MAY BE PROVIDED FOR AND BARBAROUS NATIONS SUBJUGATED AND BROUGHT TO THE VERY TRUE FAITH.” 1503 - NOSTRODAMUS, French medical worker named Michel de Nostredame w |
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