Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Kahana Ahupuaa Issues in 2008 or 15 years ago - Repost

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  The Kahana Ahupuaa Issues in 2008

                                             Reposted by Amelia Gora (2023)

Fifteen (15) years ago, families were threatened with the smashing/destruction of their homes in Kahana Ahupuaa belonging to Keohokalole. 

The entity State of Hawaii are Not the landowners.  The following letter(s) was sent in the families defense:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amelia Gora
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:08 AM
Subject: Addendum to support native tenants/kanaka maoli, Kamehameha's descendants, heirs in Kahana ahupuaa, etc.- Restraining Order Kingdom of Hawaii Document 2008-0040
To:, WebJapan

The following letter with attachments were hand delivered, file stamped at the entity state of Hawaii's Attorney Generals office on this day, Tuesday, October 28, 2008 and stamped

2008 OCT 28 AM 10:04' :

Kingdom of Hawaii aka's
He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii

October 28, 2008

Governor Lingle, etals.
entity state of Hawaii

RE: Addendum to support native tenants/kanaka maoli, Kamehameha's descendants, heirs in
Kahana ahupuaa, etc.- Restraining Order Kingdom of Hawaii Document 2008-0040

The kanaka maoli on the Kahana Ahupuaa, etc. are utilizing their native tenant rights; authorized to take care of lands belonging to the Royal families (see attached); and Kamehameha's descendants/heirs are also protected by this Restraining order due to their status as injured parties and wrongful, willful intent to cause harm etc. on these Royal persons.

This remains in effect for the duration of the occupiers namely, U.S., entity state of Hawaii, etc. remains in our Hawaiian archipelago aka's.


Amelia Gora, one of the Royal persons,
Royal representatives and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs

attach: Mahele RP's for the
Kahana Ahupuaa, etc.

(Other attachments: IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol III No. 207 Legal Notice October 27, 2008 and copy of the handwritten
'Cease and Desist from Kahana Ahupuaa lands native tenants/kanaka maoli removal/destruction of
home sites, etc. Kingdom of Hawaii Document No. 2008-0036' which was also given to the Royal
families, descendants/heirs of Kamehameha on Saturday, October 25, 2008.

The cover page of the entire packet displays the seal of the Royal Twins, Kameeiamoku and Kamanawa, uncles of Kamehameha showing the packet return address/from:

P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Island of Oahu, US (U.S.) Occupied Territory,
Kingdom of Hawaii

attn: Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
one of Royal families representatives, and
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs -
Kingdom of Hawaii aka's -
He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii

aloha and malama pono.

Legal Notice

To All kanaka maoli whose ancestors are listed above.........interest remains in your families today......

All claims to Kamehameha's descendants lands, Royal persons lands by treasonous persons, conspirators, are claims based on terror, injury, piracy, etc. All Kamehameha's descendants (can be proven through documentation and the support of the Kingdom of Hawaii via the office of the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc.) can utilize the above Restraining Order, along with your Royal person status, etc.

Questions or network with many families of the above and more?
e-mail: or , etc.

note: we are aligned through genealogies, unlike OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs who give many a free $5 teeshirt in exchange for kanaka maoli inheritances secured to aboriginal Hawaiians through the Royal Patents, allodial titles.

remember that the treaties of various governments are treaties remaining with our bloodlines, and not the occupying, WAR bent nation filled with occupying pirates supported by the U.S. government who had a part in criminally dethroning our Queen in 1893. These are international crimes that have gotten out of hand which has resulted in the piracies, the plundering upon innocents over time. Torts, etc. are in order....currently processed by aupunihawaii etals.

As for everyone, stand your ground! and try to support our Kahana Ahupuaa ohana (Erwin Kahala; Kuuipo Malepe, Thoran Evans, Lena Soliven, Laniol Kahala (Mahi), Sherrilyn (Wallace) Johnson, etals.), descendants and heirs of Kamehameha! aloha and malama pono!

Next week: MAKUA! A. Keohokalole's Ahupuaa, Waianae, Island of Oahu ---
The Lands being Mucked Up by the Stryker's.....and how the U.S. and the entity FAILS to take care of THEIR own citizens....FAILS to properly act as a government to support the health and safety of many, etc.



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