Friday, July 14, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: No Annexation Discussions Reposted

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  No Annexation Discussions Reposted

                                                                               Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

Recorded Oppositions to Annexation by the U.S. Since Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Period, etc.

Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, April 22, 1854, Page 199, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Hawaii holomua = Progress. (Honolulu) 1893-1895, October 21, 1893, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The evening times. (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, June 22, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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The evening times. (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, June 22, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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s - annexation opposition

stimony of the 2 EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS of 1893 and his opposition to sb 1520... there is this one part that sticks in my mind and he urges the history books must be changed... no treaty of annexation was ever passed by congress to EXTINGUISH THE EXISTENCE OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM... after reading his testimony i can understand why Rep  Mele Carrol is calling for an investigation... last night on Maoliworld i watch a Pono video of you and you were right... a picture is worth a thousand words as you held your sign above your head... NO TREATY OF ANNEXATION...  anakala you are trully one of my heros of the 21 century... aloha aina... onipaa... kue...and  free hawaii…
Added by popoti at 8:11am on March 20, 2011

Added by Amelia Gora at 11:52pm on February 20, 2011
Comment on: Topic 'Withnessess Differ On Iolani Palace Assault'
osition to the continued occupation of our Hawaiian nation. We need to join in solidarity as na kupuna did when signing the Ku'e Petitions protesting annexation 112 years ago. No doubt na kupuna will be with us that day. Much appreciation to the organizers of this event. I am looking forward to returning to the seat of government of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Me ka ha'a ha'a, Miliaulani…
Added by Miliaulani at 5:11pm on August 14, 2009
Comment on: Group 'Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii'
ion Alliance (HIAA), consisting of more than ten different Hawaiian groups, will present a “Circle of Witnesses” depiction at 12:00 noon on President’s Day (Feb. 15) at the William McKinley statue in front of McKinley High School. Feb. 23, 2010 marks the 99th anniversary of the dedication of the statue of William Mckinley on the grounds of the present day McKinley High School. This statue holds in its hand the so-called Treaty of Annexation annexing Hawaii to the United States. In 1897, more than 39,000 signatures were collected on two separate petitions reflecting the will of the citizenry of the Hawaiian Kingdom, both native and non-native citizenry, in opposition to the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. Those petitions were sent to congress and, as a result, the treaty of annexation being considered in the senate was defeated. There is no such thing as a “treaty of annexation” that pertains to Hawaii, despite attempts to rewrite history. Instead, in 1898 the United States resorted to the passage of a domestic law called the Newlands Resolution to illegally annex Hawaii, and celebrated this illegality through the perpetuation of lies embedded in an educational institution for the past 100+ years. Over a century has passed, yet the lie continues. The efforts of our Hawaiian ancestors have not been fully appreciated nor recognized by most people of Hawaii, including those of Hawaiian ancestry. In effect, our ancestors’ efforts have been nearly forgotten. On Monday, February 15, on a day set aside to honor American presidents, the Hawaiian Independence Action Alliance will stage a demonstration art project, the first of many, to call attention to and honor our ancestors who protested the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. The McKinley statue, situated on McKinley High School grounds, will be enclosed by a Circle of Witnesses, representatives of those who signed the ku`e petitions against annexing Hawaii to the united states. HIAA wishes to call attention to two significant issues: 1) Our ancestors ensured there was no treaty of annexation by signing petitions in opposition; those petitions were subsequently taken to the Washington DC and introduced in the US Senate, effectively stopping the treaty from being adopted 2) McKinley high school, which honors the U.S. president during that time period, continues to this day to teach a history that is incorrect. Public school students at McKinley, throughout Hawaii and elsewhere deserve to be taught a true and accurate history. A press conference will be held at the McKinley statue at noon on Feb. 15. For more information, call Leon Siu at 488-4669.…
Added by Pomaikaiokalani to Hawaiian Political Action Council of Hawaii at 1:06am on February 15, 2010
Comment on: Topic 'The Good vs. the Bad, and the VERY UGLY: Oppositions to Anne...
xation, etc. vs. the Pirates,... Kue: The Hui Aloha Aina Anti-Annexation Petitions, 1897-1898 and 1895 - President Cleveland Gave H… …
Added by Amelia Gora at 11:42pm on June 11, 2014
Comment on: Topic 'Bobby Harmon's Whistleblower Website: HERE COMES THE JUDGE(S...
UKCv2t34Q/edit?usp=sharing page 2 page 3 page 4   Kue: The Hui Aloha Aina Anti-Annexation Petitions, 1897-1898 Note: the petitions consist of hand-written signatures therefore it is NOT possible to convert them into text documents. Petition Images   » begin browsing at first page Hawaii, Women [Kona Hema, Kona 'Akau, Kohala, Waimea, Hamakua, Hilo, Puna, Ka'u] Hawaii, Men [Kona, Hema, Kona, 'Akau, Kohala, Waimea, Hamakua, Hilo, Puna, Ka'u] Maui, Women [Lahaina, Wailuku, Waihe'e, Waiehu, Waikapu, Honua'ula, Makawao, Hana, Honokohau] Maui, Men [Lahaina, Wailuku, Waihe'e, Waiehu, Waikapu, Honua'ula, Makawao, Hana, Honokohau] Molokai, Women [Kona, Halawa] Molokai, Men [Pelekunu, Wailau, Kona, Halawa, Kalawao & Kalupapa] Oahu, Women [Honolulu, Manoa, 'Ewa, Wai'anae, Waialua, Ko'olauloa, Ko'olaupoko] Oahu, Men [Honolulu, Manoa, 'Ewa, Wai'anae, Waialua, Ko'olauloa, Ko'olaupoko] Kauai, Women [Lihu'e, Koloa, Hanapepe, Waimea, Ko'olau, Hanalei, Kawaihau] Kauai, Men [Lihu'e, Hanapepe, Waimea, Hanalei, Kawaihau] Lists Report of L.A. Thurston Tables Olelo Mua "The 1897 Petitions Protesting Annexation" by Noenoe Silva   The organization of the petitions is based on the publication: Kue: The Hui Aloha Aina Anti-Annexation Petitions, 1897-1898, compiled by Nalani Minton and Noenoe K.Silva. (UHM Library KZ245.H3 M56 1998). The copy of the petitions used for this project was provided courtesy of the Bishop Museum Archives. FOR MORE INFORMATION   call, write, fax or e-mail to:   Hawaiian Collection   University of Hawaii at Manoa Library   2550 McCarthy Mall   Honolulu, HI 96822   Phone: (808) 956-8264   Fax: (808) 956-5968   E-mail:     Kaulana Na Pua…
Added by Amelia Gora at 3:51am on December 31, 2013
Comment on: Topic 'Senate Committee on Indian Affairs members'
so I thought maybe others might want the addresses. E kala mai for not doing my homework. My knowledge of Tim Johnson from living in South Dakota, he IS an ally of Tribes, but he probably will go along with the bill. The word is not getting out about Maoli opposition views, in Indian Country....The media sucks -- all the channels don't cover both it sounds like all Kanaka Maoli is for the bill. So Indians want to support Maoli, but the Nationalist view is never covered. Is there anything like a mass protest in the works--soon? On each island perhaps. on the Queen;s birthday, September 2nd. Someone posted one coming in January 2010. Mass petition like the anti-annexation ones the kupuna did.....done at the protest....Any protest on Maui? Mahalo, e Kaohi....Naone…
Added by naone morinaga at 11:35am on August 7, 2009
Comment for: Pomaikaiokalani
onor our ancestors who protested the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. The McKinley statue, situated on McKinley High School grounds, will be enclosed by a Circle of Witnesses, representatives of those who signed the ku`e petitions against annexing Hawaii to the united states. HIAA wishes to call attention to two significant issues: 1) Our ancestors ensured there was no treaty of annexation by signing petitions in opposition; those petitions were subsequently taken to the Washington DC and introduced in the US Senate, effectively stopping the treaty from being adopted 2) McKinley high school, which honors the U.S. president during that time period, continues to this day to teach a history that is incorrect. Public school students at McKinley, throughout Hawaii and elsewhere deserve to be taught a true and accurate history. A press conference will be held at the McKinley statue at noon on Feb. 15. For more information, call Leon Siu at 488-4669.…
Added by Pomaikaiokalani at 1:09am on February 15, 2010
Comment on: Topic 'Treaties: Is this for real'
oday. The U.S. had to wrestle with Hawai'i's neutrality status as an independent sovereign nation-state. It was a sore spot with Spain which the U.S. declared war against and the U.S. needed Hawai'i as a coaling station for its naval dominance in the Pacific. Under the compact of neutrality, Hawai'i would be violating its neutrality induced by the U.S. invasion and occupation. Thus the annexation of Hawaii to the U.S. was crucial. Since the treaty of annexation was rejected by U.S. Congress because of the Kingdom of Hawai'i's citizens' opposition and couldn't muster the required majority 2/3 rds vote, the U.S. thus resorted to the unlawful and illegal Newland's Resolution which was a domestic, internal U.S. bill which has no effect or jurisdiction in Hawai'i. Today, the U.S. with its constant violation against the law of occupation has inundated Hawai'i with U.S. citizens to overrwhelm the population with its own citizens.…
Added by Tane at 10:31pm on July 23, 2010
Comment on: Topic 'FRAUDS On RAIL Research or EXPOSING THE MEGA FRAUDS OF THE R...
ributor?user... Amelia Gora replied on Sunday to Estate of James Campbell Wrongfully sold lands that they DO NOT OWN!......Opposition to Hoopili..GMO's/Genetic Modified ...  Legal Notice Sent to US President Obama et. als. on Identity ... Mar 7, 2015 - These are some of the members of the Royal Families who I, Amelia Gora am a descendant of and I did oppose the Rail System on our Private ... Reply by Amelia Gora - Maoliworld - Apr 25, 2014 - The Public Law 103-150, Apology Bill, was not accepted by the Royal Families, including myself Amelia Gora; Oppositions to the Rail; ...   Continued Opposition to the Use of Depleted Uranium ... Oct 28, 2013 - Note: I, Amelia Gora and many others are the true Title owners and ... owner, Land Title owner, Konohiki, continued opposition to Rail,Depleted ... IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Amelia Gora Posts Jun 19, 2013 - Dec 10, 2011 – Comments are closed for this blog post. Comment byAmelia Gora on February 28, 2011 at 3:52am. 1) Opposition to the Rail ... Leave a Comment - theiolani - Jan 20, 2015 - amelia_gora amelia gora Follow Author, writer, editor of the IOLANI - The Royal ... Oppositions to Rail were made and apparently ignored… theiolani | A great site Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics View Discussions ...... Oppositions to Rail were made and apparently ignored………….. In ... IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol V No, 546 Part 1a May 9, 2015 - Amelia Gora 1:21 AM (0 minutes ago) to presiden… .... et. als. on Identity Theft, Rail Opposition, Genealogies, Billings to the U.S., et. als. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Queen Liliuokalani's ... Nov 3, 2011 - against unlawful restraints and monopolies," the first Federal act .... When railroad strikers in Chicago violated an injunction, Cleveland sent ...   Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : In Defense of Kanaka ... Nov 14, 2011 - 14) 1897 - Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by .... The Oahu Railway and Land Company deeded Halawa lands "for the ...   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next …
Added by Amelia Gora at 12:14am on May 18, 2015

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Still Applicable Today............





United States of America, December 23rd, 1826 (Treaty)


Great Britain, November 13th, 1836 (Lord E. Russell's Treaty)


France, July 17th, 1839 (Captain LaPlace's Convention)


France, March 26th, 1846 (Treaty)


Great Britain, March 26th, 1846 (Treaty)


Denmark, October 19th, 1846 (Treaty)


Hamburg, January 8th, 1848 (Treaty)


Agreement Touching Consular Notices (Danish and Hamburg Treaties), January 25th, 1848


United States of America, December 20th, 1849 (Treaty)


Sweden and Norway, July 1, 1852 (Treaty)


Tahiti, November 24th, 1853


Bremen, March 27th, 1854 (Treaty)


France, September 8th, 1858 (Treaty)


Belgium, October 4th, 1862 (Treaty)


Netherlands, October 16th, 1862 (Treaty)


Italy, July 22nd, 1863 (Treaty)


Spain, October 9th, 1863 (Treaty)


Swiss Confederation, July 20th, 1864 (Treaty)


Russia, June 19th, 1869 (Treaty)


Japan, August 17th, 1871 (Treaty)

New South Wales, March 10th, 1874 (Postal Convention)


United States of America, January 30th, 1875 (Reciprocity Treaty)


German Empire, 1879-80 (Treaty)


Portugal, May 5, 1882 (Provisional Convention)


United States of America, December 6, 1884 (Supplementary Convention)


Hong Kong, December 13th, 1884 (Money Order Regulations)

Universal Postal Union, March 21st, 1885 (Additional Act of Lisbon)


Japan, January 28th, 1886 (Convention)

Universal Postal Union, November 9th, 1886 (Ratification)


Samoa, March 20th, 1887 (Treaty)


Just doing research on treaties, so that I can understand the depth of it's relationships between us and them.  Being the fact tha there is No Treaty of Annexation

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I was impressed after I posted, I checked it was from 'Free Hawaii' very good!!!!
In 1854, the Kingdom of Hawaii signed an international compact of Neutrality and participated in constructing or refining the laws of Neutrality which Switzerland now enjoys as a neutral nation till today. The U.S. had to wrestle with Hawai'i's neutrality status as an independent sovereign nation-state. It was a sore spot with Spain which the U.S. declared war against and the U.S. needed Hawai'i as a coaling station for its naval dominance in the Pacific. Under the compact of neutrality, Hawai'i would be violating its neutrality induced by the U.S. invasion and occupation. Thus the annexation of Hawaii to the U.S. was crucial. Since the treaty of annexation was rejected by U.S. Congress because of the Kingdom of Hawai'i's citizens' opposition and couldn't muster the required majority 2/3 rds vote, the U.S. thus resorted to the unlawful and illegal Newland's Resolution which was a domestic, internal U.S. bill which has no effect or jurisdiction in Hawai'i.

Today, the U.S. with its constant violation against the law of occupation has inundated Hawai'i with U.S. citizens to overrwhelm the population with its own citizens.
As a dorming student at UH Manoa for ten years, I would go done into Hamilton Library and read Diplomacy, and domestic as well as the time of the Organic Act.

I xeroxed some of the pages on Diplomacy, but I lost the front page. The recent Hamilton flood destroyed all the books, so I can't really go back there.

What you wrote is everything in a nut shell. However, I have been reading as carefully as possible the issue on annexation. The annexationist did everything they could to undo the monarchy and using every tactical means to destort ...the majority 2/3 vote. But I'm trying to carefully reread several sources. I hope that keanu Sai hit that point of contention for the Ku'e petition and confront the fanagling that went on with the US citizens that were here and on the mainland as an illegal and act of war.

I've been researching the whole notion or process for 'treaty' trade or peace.

Cleaveland was considered the 'lttle American' by the annexationsist.

International law do play a huge part in this process because US clearly abused the Hawaiian Kingdom.

It's us or them so therefore, we need to choose ourselves or live elsewhere while the military occupy Hawaii.

I will not fully experience this in my time, but we already are up against their encroachment each day. By air, by ocean and land.   

No Treaty- No Law- No Land


Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho Opposition:

Green-Mountain freeman. (Montpelier, Vt.) 1844-1884, March 22, 1855, Image 1

Image provided by University of Vermont

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