Sunday, March 9, 2025
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Reviewing (1) Kingdom of Hawaii Facts (2) U.S. Occupier Claims, and (3) International Laws Documented
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Reviewing (1) Kingdom of Hawaii Facts (2) U.S. Occupier Claims, and (3) International Laws
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2025)
The following columns shows (1) Kingdom of Hawaii Laws Violated; (2) U.S. Occupier Claims and (3) International Laws Documented:
(1) Kingdom of Hawaii (2) U.S. Occupier Claims (3) International Laws
1810 - Monarchy recognized -- --
1840 - Constitutional Monarchy recognized
1841 - Belgium recognized Hawaii
1843 - U.S. recognized Hawaii
Great Britain recognized Hawaii
France recognized Hawaii
1850 - Treaty with U.S. ratified Treaty ratified with Kingdom of Hawaii
1854 - Protectorate Treaty signed Protectorate Treaty signed by U.S.;
by Great Britain; and France
- Neutrality Law passed and served Neutrality Law was served to the U.S.;
Served to Great Britain; and France
1892 - Queen Liliuokalani requested for U.S. did not respond to Queen Liliuokalani
Protectorate Treaty from the U.S.
U.S. Benjamin Tracy helped plan the
usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892.
Dr. Mott-Smith and Thomas Akaka planned
the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in
Washington, D.C.
2,000 + Sharpshooters gathered to help usurp
Queen Liliuokalani.
The U.S. armed them with ammunition and
pamphlets on how to War.
The U.S. supported Sanford B. Dole and
Friends with plans to dethrone Queen
Liliuokalani in 1893.
1893 - U.S. Congress gave orders to USS Boston USS Boston seized the Kingdom
to take over the Kingdom of Hawaii of Hawaii in 1893
- U.S. Minister Stevens ignored Queen U.S. Minister Stevens gave Protectorate
Liliuokalani's request for Protectorate to the Provisional government
- U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back - U.S. Congress ignored it
1894 - U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back - U.S. Congress ignored it
1897 - U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back - U.S. Congress ignored it
U.S. President Cleveland brought the American flag down - U.S. President McKinley
in Hawaii had the American flag raised
in Hawaii
- Opposition to Annexation made by - Treasonous persons submitted
Queen Liliuokalani and 40,000 subjects. signatures under the Republic of
- signatures not found with her opposition Hawaii - not with the Queen's
Opposition - those delivered
were representatives of Masons
opposing Queen Liliuokalani
1945 -United Nations
1959 Executive Order signed by U./S.
President Eisenhower made Hawaii
an illegal state of the U.S.
1993 Apology Law signed by U.S. President
Clinton which failed to identify the
breaches and violations of the Treaty of 1850;
the 1854 Protectorate Treaty; the 1854 Neutrality
Law; the breaches of the U.S. Constitution by
U.S. Presidents Harrison; McKinley through Clinton
1993 - 2024 Continued breaches of the U.S. Constitution, etc. by
U.S. Presidents Barrack Obama through Biden
1996 - Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed at
the Bureau of Conveyances with evidence of genocide,
genealogies, etc. placing a lien on 133 islands in the Hawaiian
Archipelago due to evidence of fraud, genocide, criminal claims, etc.
- Enjoinder filed in regards to the lands owned by Kamehameha's
heirs of his body through the next-of-kin named Kalola (w) the next- of-
kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop whose husband Charles Reed Bishop had
only a life interest which ended in 1915. Evidence of Piracy by the
Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools since 1893,
for conspiracy/piracy and had they not committed treason their interest would
have ended in 1915. Racketeering, fraud, conspiracy, piracy, corruption, documented
for the Trustees supported by the State of Hawaii, a fraud state operating under the
United States. The Trustees are not related to our Royal Family who are the Allodial
- Generational Trust owners of the lands of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kamehameha's lands including the Crown Lands, and caretakers of the Government lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
2024 U.S. President Biden apologized for the genocide
of American Indian, and Native Hawaiian children.
2025 U.S. President Biden along with other Presidents
documented above continues to breach the U.S.
Constitution, etc.
Research shows that the Crown Lands are owned by Kamehameha's heirs of his body.
The Crown Lands and government lands deeds were found in research. Kamehameha III
documented that the Crown Lands were his private properties and it was owned by
himself, "his heirs, and successors, forever."
International Laws
shows that Private
properties cannot
be owned by the
occupying nation.
22 children of Kamehameha were found with 22 of his grandchildren in research.
Furthermore, our ancestor - great great great grandmother was named Kalola (w) who
is the documented next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who is the legal, true owners
of the Allodial lands in the Hawaiian Archipelago.
all articles, pamphlets, books by Amelia Gora, Royal Family's Representative, etc.