Monday, March 27, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Part 2 - Documented Animosity(ies), Jealousy, etc.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Part 2 - Documented Animosity(ies), Jealousy, etc. 

                                                           Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

Replies to This Discussion



                                           IMPORTANT INFORMATION AFFECTING

                              Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/

                                       Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago

                                                                   Research/pictures by Amelia Gora (2012)

Note:  Descendants/heirs of the Permanent House of Nobles exists today.

Note:  Descendants/heirs of the above exists today.  Also, another person who attended the Royal School was Kiliwehi.  She was the sister of Jane Loeau.  It appears that her name was deliberately eliminated from the list......This info is added for the records.



Note:  American military were here strategic planning for the U.S. during King William Lunalilo's time.

Note:  EYES on Pearl Harbor since King Lunalilo's time............

Note:  Example of the Media Promoting LIES about Pearl Harbor.........


NNote:  This article is EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD because the U.S. claimed that Pearl Harbor was ceded to them......

aand it WAS NOT!..........lies, lies, lies promoted by the media, etc.......this article is dated October 1892, and the U.S. did not have lands at Pearl Harbor, they were seeking to purchase Pearl Harbor, etc........the seas belonged to the Konohiki and not to King Kalakaua.........even the Treaties does not show "ceded" in the wording.............wicked lot, beyond evil............

 Treaty of 1887 which would have expired in 1894:


     His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands grants to the Government of the United States the exclusive right to enter the harbor of the Pearl River in the Island of Oahu, and to establish and maintain there a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels of the United States, and to that end the United States may improve the entrance to said harbor and do all other things needful to the purpose aforesaid.

Note:  The Convention/Treaty was ratified by King Kalakaua in 1887.....and would expire in 1894.....nothing in the above states that any part of Pearl Harbor/Pearl River was ceded to the U.S...............Lies, Lies, Lies promoted by the media and other criminal deviants, pirates, conspirators......then look at the article of 1892 showing the U. S. government moves to purchase properties in the Pearl Harbor area......

An intense research of all transactions of the U.S. shows that the U.S. purchased lease lands from Oahu Rail..... also, the criminal courts Condemned lands for the U.S. Government.....AFTER the premeditated move of removing Queen Liliuokalani from the throne with the support of treasonous persons now documented..............wicked, beyond evil...........

Top that off with the fact that King Kalakaua signed the 1887 Constitution, called the Bayonnet Constitution because he was under duress due to a gun raised to his head.............the Constitution stripped him of his Royal status..............until Queen Liliuokalani tore up the Constitution of 1887, she legally returned the Royal status to the throne.....and she could because she was adopted/hanai by Kamehameha's descendants.


Additional plans were passed on to the Americans in Hawaii on January 14, 1893:

Amelia Gora

Note: Queen Liliuokalani owned sugar plantations. The haole/foreigners were unkind to the workers. They treated people of color like slaves and did not recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom’s anti-slavery law of 1852.

About Princess Kaiulani. Queen Liliuokalani did not abdicate over to her.

The Diary of the Queen

Note: The haole/foreigners/Americans/Congress deprived her and her subjects, even after Oppositions were made through the KUE Petition. She had been imprisoned, her belongings were removed by treasonous persons, she had been arrested and called treasonous by the Pirates. She was pardoned. The Hawaiian Kingdom was under martial law.

She left a Will which shows that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. However, she did sign a Trust Deed with her hanai/adopted daughter.

Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners.

Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.

Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position.

Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the bloodlines of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.

Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa purchased an interest of the Queen Liliuokalani Trust from a descendant of the adopted daughter of the Queen’s true Trustee. She was not the bloodline of her true Trustee.

The true Trustee of Queen Liliuokalani descendants exist.....she had only two (2) real children.....and we know who they are...........

There are many unresolved issues, with genocide activities documented....racketeering, piracy(ies), etc.

Kamehameha's descendants, heirs of Queen Liliuokalani exists today, which means the Treaties with all Nations continue due to the permanent clauses documented between Nations and the King's heirs and successors.

The State of Hawaii is not related to our Royal Families.




The Above is Queen Liliuokalani's documented Opposition letter which was found in the Maryland Archives by Kiliwehi Kekumano/ is also referred to as the "Red Ribbon Letter" ........

everyone must read this again and again for full understanding..............the State of Hawaii has been displaying a criminal version since 1929 in the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu...........KEEP THE ABOVE LETTER FOR YOUR FILES/with your Land Records.....

Just received the following e-mail which cites the "Red Ribbon Letter" from Kawehi/Rita Kanui:

Letter of Intervention
"Mary Stokes"
Aloha Kakou:
From:  R.Kawehi Kanui, Na Aha Maluhia
On the 9th of Feb. I attended an OHA meeting at the Waimanalo Halau at 5:30 p.m. to hear the presentation.
While at the meeting I listened to what Malia Kaaihue and other Executive members; Bill Meheula and other legal people present give their perception of the matter at hand... Senate Bill 2783...The Kakaʻako Lands and Development Project concepts to gather input from the community...a hearing was set to be heard on the next Monday 13th of Feb. at the Legislature.
After listening and reading the hand outs, it became apparent to me that there is no "history" per se laid out in terms of the title on those lands...because, I know that the State of Hawaiʻi does not have any title to lands in Hawaiʻi, so how can OHA "accept" this land without understanding the history and more importantly, who has the title to those lands of Kakaʻako?  When time came to open it up for discussion, I was the fifth person to raise my hand and give my input.
I explained how many historical documented evidences were kept from our people; such as the KUʻE Petition, Cleveland and Liliuokalani Treaty and now, the "Liliuokalani Red Ribbon Letter" where she took back all the Crown Lands and the Treaty from the US, rendering them without JURISDICTION and TITLE to any lands in Hawaiʻi.  Not to mention years of research that reveals when the US occupied our country...she left a trail for us to follow.  Apparently OHA was not aware of the Red Ribbon Letter and I asked the "legal executive" group to do their due diligence on this document which was posted on the internet for the world to see, read and grasp the essence of what the Red Ribbon letter means for us today.
JURISDICTION:  Is still within each Hawaiian and Part-Hawaiian to know that all American entities that come after this letter was written would be illegal, and therefore the; State, Counties and Corporations all fall under the Federal Government are just ipso facto (here, but not really?) and all of their courts, office, dept. and associations are illegal because Liliuokalani took back the Treaty and ALL of the Crown Lands.
TITLE:  Remains in the people; Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians who can trace their ancestors back to the time in history will know because you have to have the, "koko" to have title.
While there is at the world court partial complaints filed from the time of 1893 to 1999, that weighed 52 pounds, we are collecting more documented evidences against the present systems from 1999 to the present who are continuing to act belligerently under occupation towards myself and all of the Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians who have jurisdiction and title over our lands in Hawaiʻi...NOT THE STATE OF HAWAIʻI or OHA...IF OHA HAD TITLE, WHY DID THE STATE "GIVE" THEM THE LANDS?  HUMMM, Something is terribly wrong with the lack of history presented in the power point presentation and the way Malia Kaaihua gave the presentation using words such as; "Ceded" and "Public Lands" without the true history will confuse our future generations.
As the Poʻo for, Na Aha Maluhia NAM, (Councils of Peace) we are a "Not for Profit/for profit" hui of Hawaiians and Part-Hawaiians who are descendants of those who signed the Kuʻe Petition that Liliuokalani speaks to in her Red Ribbon Letter who were there on Feb. 9th to listen and comment.  There were at least 4 people who raised questions that agreed to attend the Mondayʻs meeting on Feb. 13, to intervene and claim lands to our ahupuaʻa of Waimanalo, for the Hawaiians and Part-Hawaiians living there...well, we didnʻt have a chance...according to reports a group of people from OHA, Legislature and other groups met over the weekend who followed up on the phone and concocted a plan to "pass" SB 2783, BEFORE the hearing, on Monday.
Na Aha Maluhia is based in a subsidiary of; The Hawaiian Kingdom Office of Healing, Education and Economic Development Co.,
filed in the Bureau of Conveyances since 1998...whose focus is on; inmate issues, homeless issues, waiting list issues and blood quantum issues which pits Hawaiians against Hawaiians...dividing our people.  All of these issues have been paid with lip service and continues to pit Hawaiians agains one another.  Our job is to bring all of the inmates home, resolve the homeless problems, put our people on their lands and to reverse the blood quantum issues because those are all imposed American laws, that have no bearing on us as a people and our lands which is FRAUD, GENOCIDE etc. all are violations of international law.
This LETTER OF INTERVENTION sends a message to all entities that as Hawaiians and Part Hawaiians we believe and, like Liliuokalani claim ALL the CROWN LANDS for our people and all the people of Hawaiʻi as we will fix the irregularities that exists on our lands, through NAM who will raise these issues and take legal action against all of those who planned to pass this bill BEFORE the hearing and so arrogantly let their feelings known like a "shark frenzy" and using "psychological bullying" as a way to put fear into the people who came to testify AGAINST this bill.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs and their supporters in The State of Hawaiʻi have done nothing for us because, even they donʻt have the title to our lands because they are proudly saying they are a state agency...where as in the beginning of OHA they denied even being with the state.  Today, it is clear that OHA is a part of the State of Hawaiʻi...who is serving the needs of the state first and not the Hawaiian people to whom they were supposed to serve.  Sure some entities who are Hawaiian gets served but an audit is due to see who got served and who did they serve with all of our monies.
We pray that this intervention will stop everything in itʻs tracks until TITLE is clearly determined.  WHO HAS TITLE? as the first educational question that needs to be share with all the people of Hawaiʻi...that truth, justice and restitution be sought for all the wrongs now being committed since 1999 to the present.  This bill SB 2783 must be stopped at all costs because our peopleʻs lives depend on us to do them justice through filing a, Letter of Intervention, on behalf of all the Hawaiians, part Hawaiians and foreigners who live in Hawaiʻi.
Someone said, "if they gave you back all the lands, what would you do?"  I replied, first set up a government structure, education on the treaty and constitutional rights and door to door needs to find out the state of the people, what they need and everything would stay as it is with regard to the people...the taxes and other upgrades are needed to be done, starting with education of the true Hawaiian history and each oneʻs role while living in Hawaiʻi, then organize a Constitutional Conventions to address these points and reroute the taxes paid by foreignerʻs to be distributed to all of those who are Hawaiian and part Hawaiian.  There is more but I will stop here.
In closing, we intervene and claim all CROWN LANDS including Kahoʻolawe to Na Aha Maluhia a hui based on Hawaiian Kingdom Laws, not State or Federal Laws...managed and controlled by the Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians who are the only entity who have jurisdiction and title to lands in Hawaiʻi, for All the people of Hawaiʻi.
In God We Trust,
Rita K. Kanui-Gill
Rita K. Kanui-Gill
Liliuo Free by Hawaiian Nation: Listen to, download, play and stream the song, Liliuo Free, on demand.



Resist Uncle SPAM!

The New U.S.

Bill of Wrongs!

Uncle Spam says: Don’t Protest U.S. Occupation, Wars for Oil and Arms Makers, Wall St. Bank Crime, Corruption in Government, Corporate Money Buying Elections and Killing the Planet, Tax Cuts for the Rich and Cuts in Education, Health Care, and Social Safety Net programs for the poor and elderly, No Jobs, Higher Debt, Foreclosures, etc. If you protest, you may be subject to indefinite military detention, or targeted assassination by Special Ops Teams and/or Drone Attack!

Freedom is Silence!  War is Peace!

Obey the Government!  

Shut Up!


1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4.Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
Phone (808) 966-7622.  Email
Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (Feb. 24, 2012 – 544th week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office


Did you know that the Genocide documented Judge in the Case to Expunge the Crown Lands TMK Liens referred to the "descendants" - term not quantified, discussed, validated as "terrorists"..................Who Are the Real Terrorists?....In letters to Bill Clinton, I did use the term "terrorists"............and that was BEFORE GWBush used the term........

Now, I'll post the following, parts/references of the HISTORICAL TERRORIST article prepared based on the following information..............perhaps all of you could think about an article or comments about this article as well:

                                                     HISTORICAL TERRORIST(S)

                                                                   References Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012)

The following references support the article HISTORICAL TERRORIST(S) which is being prepared for the future IOLANI - The Royal Hawk with 381 issues:

Peggy Ann Brown, Researcher


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Peggy Ann Brown, Ph.D., Your Washington, D.C. Researcher

For more information about services, research, or rates, please fill out the form below. I will get back to you in 1-3 days. Thank you.

Researched Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani’s 1910 U.S. Court of Claims Case; 1850 Hawaiian princes’ tour of the United States; 1976 takeover of  Kaho’-olawe at National Archives, Library of Congress, and Hawaii State Archives for books by Neil Thomas Proto, lawyer and Affiliated Professor, Georgetown Public Policy Institute.  (2006-2009)


    My Background
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    My Research

Peggy Ann Brown, Ph.D., Your Washington, D.C. Researcher

Research Clients

Since 1993 I have conducted archival/library research for a variety of corporate, academic, and private clients.  Here is a sampling of clients and their projects. I have respected the wishes of some clients who have asked me to conduct research for them on a confidential basis and have not listed their projects.  For more information on my background and education, see my resume.  Read what my clients are saying about my work here.

    Examined the Thomas C. Corcoran Papers at the Library of Congress for Miami University Professor James Tobin, for insights on this lawyer's views on disability for forthcoming book on Franklin Delano Roosevelt and disability. (2012)

    Located and scanned classified real estate ads in 17 U.S. newspapers in the 1940s at the Library of Congress for analysis of home prices by economist Daniel S. Fetter (2012)

    Research on the 1850s military career of John Mullan in military post records and Adjutant General correspondence at National Archives, Washington, D.C. for forthcoming biography by Idaho state historian Keith Petersen (2011-2012)

    Examined the Jo Davidson Papers at the Library of Congress for Acadia University Professor Mike Dennis, for insights into the sculptor's 1930s-1940s political activities. (2011)

    Researched Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge at National Archives for Kansas State University Professor M.J. Morgan (2011)

    Located correspondence and records at National Archives on the invention and trials of the nineteenth century Sharps rifle for historian Ed Marron. (2010, 2011)

    Provided background research at the Library of Congress for Ritsumeikan University Professor Yoshiko Ikeda's project on images of Japanese businessmen in American films.  Assisted with editing article on research. (2011, 2012)

    Assisted Hervey A. Priddy, Ph.D. candidate at The University of Texas at Austin in American History, with research on the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation.  Shepherded Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for unprocessed record group at National Archives; photocopied items of interest; and located additional materials in Library of Congress collections. (2008-2011)

    Researched in Customs Case files at National Archives, College Park to locate information on the importation of Edna Gertrude Beasley's banned memoir for historian Alison Tartt (2011)

    Located information on  Sweets Company of America and other local companies for Hoboken Historical Museum, Hoboken, New Jersey in the 1930s-1940s records of the National Labor Relations Board records at National Archives. (2011)

    Research on British geographer Richard Francis Burton's 1860 visit to the United States for Neil Thomas Proto.  Included discovery of letter of introduction in War Department Papers at National Archives and research at Library of Congress (2010)

    Assisted family of the late journalist Irving R. Levine in preparing private papers for inclusion in his existing Library of Congress Manuscript Collection (2010)

    Database, Library of Congress, National Archives,  George Mason University Transportation Special Collections research on the history of Shirley Highway/I-395 for Schnader Attorneys at Law (2010)

    Photographed Civil War era newspaper articles for historian Charles Poland at the Library of Congress (2010)

    Located photographs and background information at the Library of Congress and National Archives for Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historical Site for exhibit on Percheron Horses at the site in the 1920s (2010)

    Research on Charles Eames's multiscreen projection films in the Charles and Ray Eames Papers at the Library of Congress for Lauritz Lipp, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany (2010)

    Located articles on Civil War Zouave unit in 1861 newspapers for Jeff Patrick, National Park Service, at the Library of Congress. (2009)

    Research for Art Schultz, family genealogist, on location and photos of St. James Hotel, Washington, D.C., 1903, at the Library of Congress. (2009)

    Research for Gemini Research at National Archives on a Minnesota Works Progress Administration Project in preparation for their National Register of Historic Places application. (2009)

    Research for University of Illinois Professor Inger Stole for her upcoming book on the (War) Advertising Council during World War II. Research has included records of the Office of Price Administration; Office of War Information; Federal Trade Commission; and the Temporary National Economic Committee at National Archives. (2009, 2011)

    Research for historian Anthony Arthur in National Archives and Library of Congress Manuscript Division for his upcoming book, To Mexico and Back: The Epic Journey by Confederate General Jo Shelby and His Men  (2009)

    Located correspondence and records dealing with Herman Matson and Hoboken [N.J.] Workers Defense League in unredacted ca. 1930s FBI files, Department of Justice documents, and WPA-related materials at National Archives for historian Holly Metz. (2009)

    Photographed diary entries and correspondence in Library of  Congress Manuscript Division for Lincoln Memorial University Professor Earl Hess for his research on the Stones River, Kennesaw Mountain, and Knoxville Campaign, ca. 1863 (2009, 2010)

    Research on Triumph Industries (Triumph Explosives and the "Triumph Girls"), a former fireworks factory in Elkton, Maryland, which became an ordnance plant during World War II, for University of Delaware Professor Guy Alchon. Research conducted at National Archives I and II and Library of Congress. (2008-2009)

    Research on South Carolina Ku Klux Klan rallies in the 1960s for writer John Lawson. Included research in period newspapers, FBI Counterintelligence Program records, and NAACP manuscript collection and first-person interviews. (2008, 2009)

    Research at National Archives on Jesse Mosely, African-American physician active in Mexican Revolution, for historian Jan Jones.  (2008)

    Located U.S. State Department records on French North Africa from 1949 to 1961 at National Archives for Theresa Romahn, Wilfrid Laurier University. (2008)

    Located U.S. immigration records of EakTai Ahn, composer of the Korean national anthem, at National Archives for YoungHan Hur, Korea National University of Arts (2008)

    Researcher for Seth Kaller, Inc. at National Archives, Library of Congress, and other Washington, D.C.sites.  Projects have researched the provenance of a circa 1820s copy of the Declaration of Independence engraved by William J. Stone and focused on a Civil War era suspension of a writ of habeas corpus; the Proclamation of the Ratification of the Definitive Articles of Peace and Friendship, 1784; and an 1861 Virginia Convention broadside, among other topics.(2006-ongoing)

    Researched Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani’s 1910 U.S. Court of Claims Case; 1850 Hawaiian princes’ tour of the United States; 1976 takeover of  Kaho’-olawe at National Archives, Library of Congress, and Hawaii State Archives for books by Neil Thomas Proto, lawyer and Affiliated Professor, Georgetown Public Policy Institute.  (2006-2009)

    Investigated War of 1812 privateer records and disappearance of Theodosia Burr Alston for Mercedes Bujans using sources at National Archives and Library of Congress (2006-2008)

    Provided background from National Archives and Naval Historical Center Operational Archives Branch POW reports on American POWs who served with POW/Olympian Louis Sylvie Zamperini for Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand  (2005, 2007, 2009)

     Located correspondence and government documents related to forthcoming book on Jefferson County, West Virginia in the papers of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1873, National Archives for Professor Paul Anderson, Clemson University (2005-2006)

    Located correspondence and photos at National Archives related to the work of artist Ernest L. Blumenschein for exhibit catalog for Albuquerque Museum. (2007)

    Located War of 1812 pension records at National Archives for urban archeologist in Burlington, Vermont.  (2007, 2009, 2010)

    Researched and wrote trivia questions for new board game, Wits and Wagers, produced by North Star Games, Greenbelt, Md. (2005)

    Provided research assistance to Irving R. Levine, former NBC news correspondent, in his manuscript collection at the Library of Congress and personal collections.  Conducted background research on his forty years of reporting and wrote synopses of events and broadcasts for possible autobiography. (2001-2005)

    The Rights of My People - Neil Thomas Proto

    Author Neil Thomas Proto revisits the first battle - the 1893 coup d'état and annexation in 1898 - through a new perspective: The harsh remnants of the Civil War, ...
    To A High Court by Neil Thomas Proto | Home

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    To A High Court by Neil Thomas Proto | Author

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    The Neil Thomas Proto/Scrap Papers

    Neil Thomas Proto, MA '69, JD '72, donated the source materials for his 2006 book, To A High Court: The Tumult and Choices That Led To United States of ...
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    Neil Thomas Proto - Barnes & Noble

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    The rights of my people: Liliuokalani's enduring battle with the ... - Google Books Result Thomas Proto - 2009 - Biography & Autobiography - 251 pages
    Citing previously unexamined documents, court records, and correspondence, author Neil Thomas Proto weaves into the story Liliuokalani's political, legal, and ...
    The rights of my people: Liliuokalani's enduring battle with the ...
    Neil Thomas Proto · 0 Reviews Algora Publishing, Sep 15, 2009 ...

The Judge of the Court of Claims was FENTON WHITLOCK BOOTH
read free E-book at this link

ABA Journal - Jun 1992 - Page 63 78 - 110 pages - Magazine - Full view
Charlie Houston taught tire- Ken Gormley is an attorney with Cindrich & Titus in Pittsburgh, and serves as an adjunct ... university — Howard's president appointed a white figurehead, Judge Fenton W. Booth, as dean of the law school.

the e-book is free here
the evolution of the American flag can be found here
Interestingly, FENTON WHITLOCK BOOTH was from Illinois............the same area where OBAMA descendant of BOOTH, Joseph graduated from.......

Remember the case First Circuit Court, VOLUME 2 - HAWAIIAN REPORTS Rex vs. Booth.....

More Information Needed..................



    A Revolution In Hawaii - New York Times

    Read the full text of The Times article or other headlines from the day. ... Queen Liliuokalani has been deposed from power, the monarchy abrogated, .... Justice Judd and Justice Bickerson, the staff, the ladies of the Court, the Kahili bearers, etc. ... Friends of the Queen claim that her actions of Saturday were due to advice ...
    Wrongful Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani Anniversary Special ...

    Jan 17, 2012 – His denial was recorded and Queen Liliuokalani was denied being a ... lied in Court claiming that Akahi/Chiefess Akahi had no descendants. ... vote and Queen Emma did not want to promote conflict, death, etc. .... 1893 - January 9, 1893 - the NEW YORK TIMES printed the standing order, a directive to ...
    New York Times - The Learning Network Perpetuates and Promotes ...

    Jan 23, 2012 – Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii, ... 29, 1893 edition of The New York Times recounted the events of the coup ... never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their ...... The most important part of this article is the last paragraph about "not mention the troops", etc.
    Hawaiian sovereignty movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The historical and legal basis for these claims is one of considerable dispute. ... Main article: Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Following her 1893 overthrow, Queen Liliʻuokalani did not formally abdicate the .... of Hawaii became a state in 1959, these lands were passed to the new state. ..... Macmillan, New York, 1968.
    OpEdNews - Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and ...

    Jan 17, 2012 – 'Wrongful Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani Anniversary Special: THE ... View Article Stats (1 comment) .... in Court claiming that Akahi/Chiefess Akahi had no descendants. ... vote and Queen Emma did not want to promote conflict, death, etc. .... 1893 - January 9, 1893 - the NEW YORK TIMES printed the ...
    Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen.

    BOSTON AND NEW YORK – EN ROUTE TO ENGLAND, 128 ... HER MAJESTY, QUEEN LILIUOKALANI, Constitutional Queen of Hawaii, Frontispiece. .... because its pupils were exclusively persons whose claims to the throne were acknowledged ... A thick slice of bread covered with molasses was usually the sole article of ...
    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: IMPORTANTlegalNotice

    Feb 7, 2012 – Pay for water usage, Resources, Mineral rights, etc. 5. ... of Hawaii Courts, Court Buildings, the Federal Courthouse/Building, etc. ... by Amelia Gora and the following article: ... New York Times - The Learning Network Perpetuates and Promotes ... Opposition to the claimed Trust Deed by Queen Liliuokalani ...
    Uncategorized « IOLANI – The Royal Hawk

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Sunday, July 03, 2011
Repost: History that should not—and will not—disappear: July 4, 1894, illegal overthrow of Hawaii completed

“President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.”

by Larry Geller

Cannon on the steps of Iolani palace

Cannon on the steps of the occupied Iolani Palace

On July 4, 1894, the Republic of Hawaii was declared, with Sanford B. Dole as president. The illegal overthrow of the independent nation of Hawaii was complete.

Yes, although your daily paper may want you to forget this, it is history that should not be ignored. There’s even a federal law confirming the truth of the history they refuse to print.

From the Apology Resolution, United States Public Law 103-150:

    Whereas, in a message to Congress on December 18, 1893, President Grover Cleveland reported fully and accurately on the illegal acts of the conspirators, described such acts as an "act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress", and acknowledged that by such acts the government of a peaceful and friendly people was overthrown... President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.

    Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum.

A treaty of annexation was never passed by Congress, and President Grover Cleveland withdrew the treaty. Then on this day in history…

    On July 4, 1894, the archipelago's new leaders responded to this rebuff by proclaiming a Republic of Hawaii, with Sanford Dole as president. Under its constitution, most legislators would be appointed rather than elected, and only men with savings and property would be eligible for public office. This all but excluded native Hawaiians from the government of their land… [From Overthrow, a book by Stephen Kinzer]

What was the motivation? Need you ask? Why is the US in Iraq?From the Washington Post review of Overthrow:

    As Stephen Kinzer tells the story in Overthrow, America's century of regime changing began not in Iraq but Hawaii. Hawaii? Indeed. Kinzer explains that Hawaii's white haole minority -- in cahoots with the U.S. Navy, the White House and Washington's local representative -- conspired to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her throne in 1893 as a step toward annexing the islands. The haole plantation owners believed that by removing the queen (who planned to expand the rights of Hawaii's native majority) and making Hawaii part of the United States, they could get in on a lucrative but protected mainland sugar market. Ever wonder why free trade has such a bad name?

The road leading up to the declaration of the Republic of Hawaii was rocky, and can’t be summed up in a short blog article. Did you know, for example, that a US Senate investigation revealed that a bribe had been offered to Queen Liliuokalani to turn against her people and support the Republic? This snip is from a New York Times article on the Senate investigation, dated 1/29/1894:


The declaration of the Republic was not a single, static event. There was considerable debate in Congress on resolutions condemning the overthrow and proposed annexation. For example, this snip from the 1/25/1894 New York Times will give you an idea of the complexity that we lose in simplifying Hawaii’s history:


Each article is much longer than the snips above. It would be worthwhile to skim the New York Times for a complete account of the Congressional debate. No doubt this has already been done. If not, the articles are available on-line for the harvesting..

If you’re not familiar with Hawaiian history, beware of websites that work hard to re-write it. The true picture of the overthrow is not pretty, nor can the acts of the US government be justified or whitewashed. Google cautiously.

Let your children know that there is more to July 4 than barbeques and fireworks. It is a holiday that tears people apart here in Hawaii. See how you can work this history into your celebrations and festivities, so that it will never disappear.

Technorati Tags: Hawaii, overthrow, illegal overthrow, Sanford Dole, July 4 Tags: Hawaii, overthrow, illegal overthrow, Sanford Dole, July 4

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike license.

Permalink posted by Larry @ 7/03/2011 08:20:00 PM

Thank you, Larry.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 4, 2011 7:07:00 AM HST
The 4th Of July is a myth about freedom, an example of American hypocrisy...Many thanks, Larry.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 4, 2011 9:15:00 AM HST
my pledge for this 04 Iulai 2011 is to never forget the freedom of my Kingdom. To live for justice and honor and to know that one day and be it a day soon, the Kingdom of Hawaii will be again for the people.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 6:30:00 AM HST
There are many similarities between Palestine and Hawaii; they are both illegally occupied. A NAKBA, A CATASTROPHE!!!Many thanks for daring to go where few venture!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 10:02:00 AM HST
July 4 is a triple holiday for Hawaii -- 1776, 1894, 1960

July 4, 1776 marked the creation of the United States through the Declaration of Independence. Hawaii proudly celebrates that date as part of our heritage because Hawaii joined the union.

July 4, 1894 marked the creation of the Republic of Hawaii through the publication of its Constitution. At least five delegates to the Constitutional Convention were native Hawaiians; the Constitution was published in both English and Hawaiian; the Speaker of the House was former royalist John Kaulukou.

July 4, 1960 marked the date when the U.S. flag with 50 stars was first officially displayed, by being raised at 12:01 AM at the Fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore, Maryland (where Francis Scott Key had written "The Star Spangled Banner"). This followed the tradition of naming the next July 4 following admission to Statehood as the date for official display of the new flag.

Let's remember what Hawaii was like on America's birthdate in 1776. Captain Cook had not yet arrived. Hawaiians were living in the stone age. They had not yet invented the wheel, had no written language, and no clay pottery. They had only extremely small amounts of metal that washed up in driftwood from sunken ships. There was constant warfare among competing warlords. There was no concept of human rights -- both slavery and human sacrifice were practiced. The death penalty was imposed on anyone who stepped on the shadow of a high chief, or any woman who ate a banana or coconut.

Things had functioned that way for a thousand years and would have remained unchanged except for the arrival of British explorers in 1778, followed by European and American whalers and businessmen, and then American missionaries in 1820. Hawaiians eagerly embraced reading and writing, Christian religion, human rights, private property rights, a market economy, the rule of law, etc. In 1893 a revolution led by a local militia with 1500 members put an end to a corrupt and ineffective monarchy, replacing it with a republic.

Thus we Hawaiians celebrate a triple holiday on July 4, for 1776 (U.S. independence) 1894 (Republic of Hawaii), and 1960 (50th star added to U.S. flag). Unfortunately most citizens today don't know that the Republic of Hawaii was internationally recognized de jure as the legitimate government of Hawaii by letters personally signed by emperors, kings, queens, and presidents of at least 20 nations on four continents in eleven languages, sent to President Dole during the last half of 1894.

For details about July 4 as a triple holiday for Hawaii, see

For a detailed and heavily documented rebuttal to the history-twisters' claims that the revolution of 1894 was illegal, the annexation of 1898 was illegal, and the statehood vote of 1959 was illegal, please see "Hawaii Statehood -- straightening out the history-twisters. A historical narrative defending the legitimacy of the revolution of 1893, the annexation of 1898, and the statehood vote of 1959."
# posted by Anonymous Ken Conklin : July 5, 2011 10:10:00 AM HST
Ken, I knew I could count on receiving a comment from you on July 4. Thanks for reading my blog, anyway.

There's no need for me to rebut all of it, but some is really interesting to me.

I'm glad that you seem to object to slavery and human sacrifice. Too bad, though, that you don't object to it right here at home. Hawaii will be the site of the largest human trafficking (indentured servitude) trial in US history starting next year, and this month a related case begins in federal court. It looks like our agricultural economy, at least, is still dependent on human slavery. And we're not talking 1776, either. It's 2011. In case you didn't know it, our founding fathers had nothing against slavery and some kept slaves themselves.

As to human sacrifice, have you not been reading the newspaper? Between the Taliban, Al Qaeda and yes, the USA, we're engaged in massive human sacrifice. We don't even care much about sacrificing our own troops. Or of course killing vast numbers of others. Now we've got drones to make it easier to kill. We're killing innocent men, women and children in various spots around the world in greater numbers than ever before. Our partner in crime, Israel, killed 1400+ people while we looked the other way, even though about a third (?) of those are children. Did we withhold our aid money, which made the massacre possible? No. We don't have much claim to nobility, and I'm talking again about today, not a hundred years ago.

I need to draw this comment to an end, but I don't want to miss the US firebombing of Tokyo that killed more people than either atomic bomb, or of course the killing of innocent civilians with those two bombs. I mention this to put things in perspective. Hawaii, at any time in its history, did not rise to these heights of mass human destruction that we ourselves demonstrate and still accept.

There is also the question of singling out Hawaii in those days as a place that it is ok to take over because of the nature of its people. That was part of the openly imperial argument at the time. Remember, the occupiers could not get enough slave labor to run the plantations. We did not behave much differently, did we, once we took over? Does the designation of a people as savages, which is what you are doing, justify military and then genocidal action against them? Did not one "savage" simply replace others?

The Hawaiian people were very capable of modern government, education, agriculture, and other aspects of "civilization" that defy your implications, and their government was recognized fully by other countries.

By the way, imperfect though my own arguments may be, comments in this blog are really not structured to hold a proper debate about it, and I can't devote the time to reviving an old subject for your pleasure.

So comments here will be closed with this one.
# posted by Blogger Larry : July 5, 2011 11:10:00 AM HST
Right on Larry!!!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 5, 2011 1:12:00 PM HST
Aloha e Larry & all others on this webpage and also those that will read what i will be posting, very, very shortly.

1) Everyone must understand that the United States and/or the United States of America and Congress for that matter has been "Bankrupt." The President or CEO of this "Corporation," has "abdicated" his throne," and has given it up to another "King," and/or "Monarchy," the Governor of the "International Monetary Fund," see United States Code Title 22 - Section 286: Acceptance of Membership by the United States in International Monetary Fund.

2) Not one, and i mean not even one judge/attorney is licensed in the "State of" Hawaii???? Go down to the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs," and go find and do your own research about what i just posted...That means that these "Foreign Agents" are both, "Foreign & Private Agents" of the "IMF," who receives funds for the Federal Reserve...Check out U.S.C. Title 18 Section 951; U.S.C. Title 22 Section 612; and especially this one, U.S.C. Title 8- Title 1481...

3) That all courts of the Hawaiian islands today is controlled and is a "Private Judiciary."

4) That the "Hawaii State Bar Association, who has a "private membership" now of almost 10,000, foreign and private agents to collect information and contributions for a "Foreign Power," is only registered with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, but like all "Judges/Attorneys/Lawyers, are not "Licensed" to do business in the "State of" Hawaii...

There is a lot more i could freely share, but i believe this information that i have shared, in and of itself is enough for you all to chew on for a while...
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 6, 2011 7:43:00 AM HST
Larry, you are the best! Thank you for giving us the original documents to read! And for pointing out the erroneous claims of Mr. Conklin. I plant to share this widely. (ie, on FaceBook) :-)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : July 7, 2011 9:12:00 AM HST

    Praise Our Queen Liliuokalani - Maoliworld

    Until November 11, 1917, the day of Our Queen's passing, the United States of ... January 9, 1893 - Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article printed in the NEW YORK TIMES. ... supported by their nation U.S., some from England/Great Britain, etc. .... after Queen Liliuokalani died, did take an out of court settlement to the claim by ...
    Paradise 808

    Sep 11, 2011 – IMPORTANT READ – Out of Queen Liliuokalani's Personal Files at the ... etc. with evidence printed in the NEW YORK TIMES on January 9, .... of news articles and court proceedings in the on-line archives of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. .... the later owners of the club claimed fraud was involved in the sale.
    HCR107 in the Hawaii legislature of 2011 -- A resolution ...

    As time goes by additional material will be added including committee reports, the ... let's transfer $200 Million in land or money to OHA; etc. etc. ad nauseum. ... text and citation of the New Jersey newspaper article reporting Patterson's 2010 trip and ... It was published in a New York newspaper the day after the U.S. Senate ...
    The Dominy Family In America line from Nathaniel Dominy

    The following, taken from E. P. Hodges, History of East Hampton, New York, 1897: "At ... The muster roll of Captain Ezekiel Mulford Company, in Josiah Smith Regiment, etc., time of Enlistment, July ... With my permission they made copies of the article. ... Liliuokalani was the last Constitutional Queen of the Hawaiian Islands.
    IMPORTANT: KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS NO. 2 or More Premeditation ...

    Apr 24, 2011 – King Kalakaua signed a FRAUD DEED to the claims of the Halawa Ahupuaa .... Queen Liliuokalani opposed the U.S. in Pearl Harbor. This NEW YORK TIMES article, found by researcher Shane Lee, shows that U.S. ... Officers of the Court are held to a higher degree to observe the U.S. Supremacy Law as ...
    Animosity, Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide ...

    3 days ago – 1875 -A Fraud Deed was claimed to Pearl Harbor and signed by King David Kalakaua in 1875. ... you can locate the Fraud Deeds by going to the First Circuit Court and ... NEW YORK TIMES prints the article PEARL HARBOR COALING ... gatling guns, etc. two (2) days before dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.
    OpEdNews - Page 5 of Article: Santa Claus from Hawaii Affects ...

    Dec 24, 2010 – The order was documented in the NEW YORK TIMES newspaper ... usurpation, genocide issues, etc. is recorded for the World to see. ... Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani and he ...
    User:KAVEBEAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On 24 January 2012, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article .... a monarchy just a republic; no other people can claim the throne in my opinion. ... I will call into the past far back to the beginning of time and beg them to come. .... He was the youngest brother of Queen Liliuokalani and King Kalakaua and was ...
    Queen Liliuokalani's Issues Remained With the US ... - blog*spot

    Nov 3, 2011 – Ex-Queen Liliuokalani to the President. ..... Claims to our Lands including Crown Lands, etc. dated 4/7/2009: The following is a list of ... Reference: Shane Lee researcher, NEW YORK TIMES article, “Pearl Harbor Coaling Station. ... The frauds were entered into court by the Attorneys for the Kamehameha ...
    The Great Republic: Presidents and States of the United States

    Athens, alone of the states we know, comes to her testing time in a greatness that ... New York (Dutch 1624, English 1664), 26 July 1788; .... As Jefferson understood, such a Court in the long run would act to promote the power of the ...... and in 1893 snubbed the gang who overthrew Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii (although ...

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    78.03.07: Empire Beyond the Seas

    His successors used the new American foothold in the North to declare that the ... Prime Minister in which he reasserted the Monroe Doctrine and claimed that no ... At this time, however, various alliances were being formed on the continent of ... Six years later, when the Hawaiians under Queen Liliuokalani tried to regain ...
    Opening Of The West - The US Drive To Expand Across North ...

    At that time, Adams envisioned the US extending to the Pacific, but by the end of his life, ... with an article in the New York Morning News (which he also co-founded). ... The US claimed that Mexican troops' crossing over the Rio Grande was an ... engineered the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani and named Sanford Ballard ...
    Journal of the Polynesian Society: [Front Matter] P I-xiv

    New Plymouth, N.Z.: Printed for the Society by Thomas Avery, Devon Street. ... 11 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003 JOHNSON REPRINT COMPANY LTD. ... Books, etc., received during 1911 xii; Index to Names of Authors of Papers, etc. xv ... the new Society were appointed; they were:—Patron, H.M. Liliuokalani, Queen ...
    Schenectady, New York - Ask Jeeves Encyclopedia
,_New_York - United Kingdom
    Feb 7, 2012 – From Wikipedia(View original Wikipedia Article) Last modified on 7 ... For the movie of a similar name, see Synecdoche, New York. .... In the late 20th century, the city experienced difficult financial times, as did many upstate New York .... Owen Dominis (1832–1891), prince consort of Queen Liliuokalani of ...
    History of the Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill in the 112th ...

    Full text of each news report, commentary, etc. is provided on the appropriate subpage. ... Dozens of nationally-known political commentators wrote articles strongly ... and news reports (including a New York Times editorial in favor of the bill). ..... of overthrown Queen Liliuokalani) for SB1520, a bill to begin the process of ...
    Akaka Bill Debate - Debates » The Federalist Society

    Sep 26, 2007 – The Supreme Court has ruled that the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment .... Religious groups--like Orthodox Jews in New York or the Amish in .... It is time to begin the process of settling their very justified claims. ..... white Hawaiians) was implicated in the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani: For the ...
    Purveyors of Clever Amusement

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    by D O'Dwyer - 1975
    Hawaii, the presence of Queen Liliuokalani, Hawaii's last monarch, emanated from her ... A newspaper article of 1921 claims that the. Footlights was then .... time in 1924 by the Provincetown in Greenwich Village, New York.42 ... Judge of the Land Court. Others in .... addresses on Oahu Ave., Punahou St., Nuuanu Ave., etc.
    Ali'i Diplomatic Missions and Other Business Travel to Washington ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    and now, have been identified at this time. ..... 1922, having selected Cass Gilbert, designer of the Supreme Court Building and the ... August 8: Queen Emma arrived in New York aboard the Java, after leaving Queenstown ..... a wrong which we claim has been done to us, under color of the assistance of the ...... Society, etc.
    ARTICLES - Welcome Page

    Occupy Wall Street: What is involved in making a new world? ...... She is the daughter of a member of the court of Queen Liliuokalani, the last sovereign of the ...
    IOLANI – The Royal Hawk

    Jun 18, 2011 – Rail and other issues affecting our families lands, etc. … ... Additionally, the claims to Pearl Harbor by the U.S. is based on a Fraud Deed……..much ... c/o World Court – Genocide Issues .... President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani ..... Reference: THE NEW YORK TIMES or : ...

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Sunday, July 03, 2011


Repost: History that should not—and will not—disappear: July 4, 1894, illegal overthrow of Hawaii completed

President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.

by Larry Geller

Cannon on the steps of Iolani palace

Cannon on the steps of the occupied Iolani Palace

On July 4, 1894, the Republic of Hawaii was declared, with Sanford B. Dole as president. The illegal overthrow of the independent nation of Hawaii was complete.

Yes, although your daily paper may want you to forget this, it is history that should not be ignored. There’s even a federal law confirming the truth of the history they refuse to print.

From the Apology Resolution, United States Public Law 103-150:

Whereas, in a message to Congress on December 18, 1893, President Grover Cleveland reported fully and accurately on the illegal acts of the conspirators, described such acts as an "act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress", and acknowledged that by such acts the government of a peaceful and friendly people was overthrown... President Cleveland further concluded that a "substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" and called for the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy.

Whereas, the indigenous Hawaiian people never directly relinquished their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States, either through their monarchy or through a plebiscite or referendum.

A treaty of annexation was never passed by Congress, and President Grover Cleveland withdrew the treaty. Then on this day in history…

On July 4, 1894, the archipelago's new leaders responded to this rebuff by proclaiming a Republic of Hawaii, with Sanford Dole as president. Under its constitution, most legislators would be appointed rather than elected, and only men with savings and property would be eligible for public office. This all but excluded native Hawaiians from the government of their land… [From Overthrow, a book by Stephen Kinzer]

What was the motivation? Need you ask? Why is the US in Iraq?From the Washington Post review of Overthrow:

As Stephen Kinzer tells the story in Overthrow, America's century of regime changing began not in Iraq but Hawaii. Hawaii? Indeed. Kinzer explains that Hawaii's white haole minority -- in cahoots with the U.S. Navy, the White House and Washington's local representative -- conspired to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her throne in 1893 as a step toward annexing the islands. The haole plantation owners believed that by removing the queen (who planned to expand the rights of Hawaii's native majority) and making Hawaii part of the United States, they could get in on a lucrative but protected mainland sugar market. Ever wonder why free trade has such a bad name?

The road leading up to the declaration of the Republic of Hawaii was rocky, and can’t be summed up in a short blog article. Did you know, for example, that a US Senate investigation revealed that a bribe had been offered to Queen Liliuokalani to turn against her people and support the Republic? This snip is from a New York Times article on the Senate investigation, dated 1/29/1894:


The declaration of the Republic was not a single, static event. There was considerable debate in Congress on resolutions condemning the overthrow and proposed annexation. For example, this snip from the 1/25/1894 New York Times will give you an idea of the complexity that we lose in simplifying Hawaii’s history:


Each article is much longer than the snips above. It would be worthwhile to skim the New York Times for a complete account of the Congressional debate. No doubt this has already been done. If not, the articles are available on-line for the harvesting..

If you’re not familiar with Hawaiian history, beware of websites that work hard to re-write it. The true picture of the overthrow is not pretty, nor can the acts of the US government be justified or whitewashed. Google cautiously.

Let your children know that there is more to July 4 than barbeques and fireworks. It is a holiday that tears people apart here in Hawaii. See how you can work this history into your celebrations and festivities, so that it will never disappear.




Thank you, Larry.
The 4th Of July is a myth about freedom, an example of American hypocrisy...Many thanks, Larry.
my pledge for this 04 Iulai 2011 is to never forget the freedom of my Kingdom. To live for justice and honor and to know that one day and be it a day soon, the Kingdom of Hawaii will be again for the people.
There are many similarities between Palestine and Hawaii; they are both illegally occupied. A NAKBA, A CATASTROPHE!!!Many thanks for daring to go where few venture!
July 4 is a triple holiday for Hawaii -- 1776, 1894, 1960

July 4, 1776 marked the creation of the United States through the Declaration of Independence. Hawaii proudly celebrates that date as part of our heritage because Hawaii joined the union.

July 4, 1894 marked the creation of the Republic of Hawaii through the publication of its Constitution. At least five delegates to the Constitutional Convention were native Hawaiians; the Constitution was published in both English and Hawaiian; the Speaker of the House was former royalist John Kaulukou.

July 4, 1960 marked the date when the U.S. flag with 50 stars was first officially displayed, by being raised at 12:01 AM at the Fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore, Maryland (where Francis Scott Key had written "The Star Spangled Banner"). This followed the tradition of naming the next July 4 following admission to Statehood as the date for official display of the new flag.

Let's remember what Hawaii was like on America's birthdate in 1776. Captain Cook had not yet arrived. Hawaiians were living in the stone age. They had not yet invented the wheel, had no written language, and no clay pottery. They had only extremely small amounts of metal that washed up in driftwood from sunken ships. There was constant warfare among competing warlords. There was no concept of human rights -- both slavery and human sacrifice were practiced. The death penalty was imposed on anyone who stepped on the shadow of a high chief, or any woman who ate a banana or coconut.

Things had functioned that way for a thousand years and would have remained unchanged except for the arrival of British explorers in 1778, followed by European and American whalers and businessmen, and then American missionaries in 1820. Hawaiians eagerly embraced reading and writing, Christian religion, human rights, private property rights, a market economy, the rule of law, etc. In 1893 a revolution led by a local militia with 1500 members put an end to a corrupt and ineffective monarchy, replacing it with a republic.

Thus we Hawaiians celebrate a triple holiday on July 4, for 1776 (U.S. independence) 1894 (Republic of Hawaii), and 1960 (50th star added to U.S. flag). Unfortunately most citizens today don't know that the Republic of Hawaii was internationally recognized de jure as the legitimate government of Hawaii by letters personally signed by emperors, kings, queens, and presidents of at least 20 nations on four continents in eleven languages, sent to President Dole during the last half of 1894.

For details about July 4 as a triple holiday for Hawaii, see

For a detailed and heavily documented rebuttal to the history-twisters' claims that the revolution of 1894 was illegal, the annexation of 1898 was illegal, and the statehood vote of 1959 was illegal, please see "Hawaii Statehood -- straightening out the history-twisters. A historical narrative defending the legitimacy of the revolution of 1893, the annexation of 1898, and the statehood vote of 1959."
Ken, I knew I could count on receiving a comment from you on July 4. Thanks for reading my blog, anyway.

There's no need for me to rebut all of it, but some is really interesting to me.

I'm glad that you seem to object to slavery and human sacrifice. Too bad, though, that you don't object to it right here at home. Hawaii will be the site of the largest human trafficking (indentured servitude) trial in US history starting next year, and this month a related case begins in federal court. It looks like our agricultural economy, at least, is still dependent on human slavery. And we're not talking 1776, either. It's 2011. In case you didn't know it, our founding fathers had nothing against slavery and some kept slaves themselves.

As to human sacrifice, have you not been reading the newspaper? Between the Taliban, Al Qaeda and yes, the USA, we're engaged in massive human sacrifice. We don't even care much about sacrificing our own troops. Or of course killing vast numbers of others. Now we've got drones to make it easier to kill. We're killing innocent men, women and children in various spots around the world in greater numbers than ever before. Our partner in crime, Israel, killed 1400+ people while we looked the other way, even though about a third (?) of those are children. Did we withhold our aid money, which made the massacre possible? No. We don't have much claim to nobility, and I'm talking again about today, not a hundred years ago.

I need to draw this comment to an end, but I don't want to miss the US firebombing of Tokyo that killed more people than either atomic bomb, or of course the killing of innocent civilians with those two bombs. I mention this to put things in perspective. Hawaii, at any time in its history, did not rise to these heights of mass human destruction that we ourselves demonstrate and still accept.

There is also the question of singling out Hawaii in those days as a place that it is ok to take over because of the nature of its people. That was part of the openly imperial argument at the time. Remember, the occupiers could not get enough slave labor to run the plantations. We did not behave much differently, did we, once we took over? Does the designation of a people as savages, which is what you are doing, justify military and then genocidal action against them? Did not one "savage" simply replace others?

The Hawaiian people were very capable of modern government, education, agriculture, and other aspects of "civilization" that defy your implications, and their government was recognized fully by other countries.

By the way, imperfect though my own arguments may be, comments in this blog are really not structured to hold a proper debate about it, and I can't devote the time to reviving an old subject for your pleasure.

So comments here will be closed with this one.
Right on Larry!!!
Aloha e Larry & all others on this webpage and also those that will read what i will be posting, very, very shortly.

1) Everyone must understand that the United States and/or the United States of America and Congress for that matter has been "Bankrupt." The President or CEO of this "Corporation," has "abdicated" his throne," and has given it up to another "King," and/or "Monarchy," the Governor of the "International Monetary Fund," see United States Code Title 22 - Section 286: Acceptance of Membership by the United States in International Monetary Fund.

2) Not one, and i mean not even one judge/attorney is licensed in the "State of" Hawaii???? Go down to the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs," and go find and do your own research about what i just posted...That means that these "Foreign Agents" are both, "Foreign & Private Agents" of the "IMF," who receives funds for the Federal Reserve...Check out U.S.C. Title 18 Section 951; U.S.C. Title 22 Section 612; and especially this one, U.S.C. Title 8- Title 1481...

3) That all courts of the Hawaiian islands today is controlled and is a "Private Judiciary."

4) That the "Hawaii State Bar Association, who has a "private membership" now of almost 10,000, foreign and private agents to collect information and contributions for a "Foreign Power," is only registered with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, but like all "Judges/Attorneys/Lawyers, are not "Licensed" to do business in the "State of" Hawaii...

There is a lot more i could freely share, but i believe this information that i have shared, in and of itself is enough for you all to chew on for a while...

Larry, you are the best! Thank you for giving us the original documents to read! And for pointing out the erroneous claims of Mr. Conklin. I plant to share this widely. (ie, on FaceBook) :-)

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