Monday, March 27, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Part 1 - Documented Animosity(ies), Jealousy, etc.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Part 1 - Documented Animosity(ies), Jealousy, etc. 

                                                         Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)                                      

Animosity(ies), Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide Against Our Alii Families/Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the World Today- Updated 11.30.2012

Animosity(ies), Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide Against Our Alii Families/Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the World Today

Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012)


The Truth Found Through Research About our Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina follows:

1810 -  Kamehameha was recognized as a King in a Monarchy government.

1815 -  Kamehameha with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands formed the Pacific Empire, a democratic group of recognized nations.

  This is  the true Kamehameha flag, the Hawaiian flag, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina flag/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago flag:

Note:  Notice that the stripes are red, blue, white, red blue, white, red......and NOT the colors utilized by the occupiers.

Ref:  Researchers, including David Wynn Miller who found the true flag at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, few years ago.

 1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona, a treaty/pact made by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, with England, U.S. and the Vatican to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and to start a New World Order/ One World Order was made.


1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona 
5 min - Jan 16, 2009 - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is ...

 Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church :

 1867 -Some of the Alii genealogies were documented.  Kamehameha's descendants existed during this period and families claims surfaced in First Circuit Court Probates in the 1870's, etc.:

Genealogies 1867 (first part)

Genealogies 1867 (second part)

Genealogies 1867 (third and last part)

 1875 -A Fraud Deed was claimed to Pearl Harbor and signed by King David Kalakaua in 1875. The problematic issue being that the true deed was made prior to the Mahele of 1848, due to the Halawa lands - including Pearl Harbor belonged to John Young/Olohana, the father of Grace Kamaikui who was awarded John Young's ahupuaa/Halawa lands - including Pearl Harbor in 1848. Grace Kamaikui has descendants: Hueu, Kale, and Peke Davis, and whose descendants existed then and exists today.

( you can locate the Fraud Deeds by going to the First Circuit Court and reviewing the Condemnation cases by the U.S. Government/ entity State of Hawaii vs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates aka's Trustees).

The FRAUD Deed to Pearl Harbor documented in the Condemnation Case. King David Kalakaua deeded lands of Halawa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. The problems that surfaced in the court case include the facts that Grace Kamaikui died in 1866, and Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868.

1875 - a Fraud Deed was made affecting Pearl Harbor and used in the Treaty of Reciprocity signed by King David Kalakaua who had no interest in the lands of Halawa which was conveyed to John Young's and Isaac Davis wife Grace Kamaikui.

King Kalakaua deeded already deeded lands of Halawa which included Pearl Harbor to deceased ancestors Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.

1878 - Fear of the Japanese by the U.S. was documented. The Pacific Cable Company was formed by Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

Reference: CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES by Amelia Gora and for free download

The valor of ignorance, with specially prepared maps : LeaHomer ...

Mar 18, 2010 ... The valor of ignorance, with specially prepared maps ([1909]). Author: LeaHomer, 1876-1912. Subject: Eastern question (Far East); ... - Similar

Many problems existed over the Pearl Harbor Reciprocity Treaty and criminally pursued by the U.S. representatives interested in taking over a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation.

References: King Kalakaua's files on microfilm at the Archives, Main Library etc. under the title KING KALAKAUA'S HAWAII, etc. also researchs posted over time by Amelia Gora, and covering some of the other papers/thesis written by researchers, students moving towards their Masters/PhD., etc.

Note: This basically means that the U.S. claims to Pearl Harbor is a Fraud, a lie documented.

  • "The New Lorelei". Cartoon, color. San Francisco, California. The Wasp. August 11, 1883. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

    Corner note: We are glad to hear evidences that the monumental fraud called the Kingdom of the Sandwich Islands, which has been maintained for the past twelve years at the expense of the people of the U.S., is ready fall to pieces. We presume that England will then step in and assume a protectorate.

    Description: Grover Cleveland is depicted as Lorelei sitting dejectedly on a rock in foreground, the Sandwich Isles lie in the distance, a U.S. vessel is shipwrecked and a British ship is gathering flotsam.

  • 7) 1887 -
  • 1887
  • "To the Rescue." Cartoon, chromolith. San Francisco, California, The Wasp, July 16, 1887. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/32]. 

    Description: King Kalakaua sits on a throne being toppled by the "revolution". The schooner "Lurline" is in the background. A barefoot woman rushing back from the Jubilee represents Kapi'olani.

  • "Which will win?" Cartoon, chromolith. San Francisco, California, The Wasp, August 27, 1887. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/33]. 

    Description: Shows King Kalakaua drunk, his crown askew. John Bull is holding him up by an arm and emptying a bottle onto the ground. Caricatured Kapi'olani is holding his other arm. Cleveland is on his knees before them pleading for something


1892 - Treasonous persons in a concerted effort moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani - ranging from Senator Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka; U.S. President Obama's ancestors the Joseph Booth's; Lorrin Thurston making plans in Makua with American government Representative in Makua Valley, the same valley where the U.S. military blows up depleted uranium as if to rid the evidence of their crimes, etc.

Masons/Freemasons arrived by the hundreds to help the plans along.

Travel for five (5) was approved by Queen Liliuokalani.  The Mission was for the Hawaiian Government but used by the usurpers/conspirators:

Reference: Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani's files, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu And what's so special about this document you ask?

Chronologically speaking: 1892 - Legislative Session approves the $5,000 travel expenses for five (5) men to visit Washington D.C. for Hawaiian Kingdom Commerce issues.

1892 - Masons/Freemasons unite from various nations in Honolulu, Parade, and Commemorate a building, calling Honolulu their "home city".

1893 - January 5. Funds provided for the Travel.

1893 - January 8. Congress and the U.S. President gives a standing order to assume Pearl Harbor, etc. 1893 - January 9. NEW YORK TIMES prints the article PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION - Imperative Necessity that the United States Takes Possession or 

1893 - January 15. The Military Troops poured off the United States Warship BOSTON  

1893 - January 17. American businessmen, treasonous persons, conspirators supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (includes the international bankers) moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani.

1893 - February 3. The five (5) Commissioners were:

1) Lorrin Thurston - missionary descendant. He was born in the islands.

2) William C. Wilder - steamship company which does business in the islands.

3) William Castle - owner of the Railway Company which runs thru Pearl River Harbor. "He is a native."

4) Joseph Marsden - sugar planter.

5) Charles L. Carter - lawyer.

Princess Kaiulani's father - Archibald Cleghorn 'got lost somewhere between Chicago and Washington'. From Salt Lake City and former resident from Hawaii, William A. Kinney, lawyer met them as an advisor.

Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith, a representative from the Hawaiian Islands in Washington, D. C. met the five (5) from Hawaii.

Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith's assistant was Thomas Akaka, ancestor of current day Daniel Akaka who moves with the Akaka Bill, with purposes of defrauding all Hawaiian aboriginals/kanaka maoli, etc.

Now, to get back to the above posted document, $5,000 was made available for five (5) members to travel to Washington D.C. Appears Cleghorn did not want to be directly associated with the treasonous group and happend to have gotten "lost". Cleghorn was the brother-in-law of Queen Liliuokalani due to his marriage to Princess Miriam Likelike and the parents of Princess Kaiulani. Pushing aside the reason for travel at the Hawaiian Kingdom expense for economic plans with the U.S., the travel monies granted in the Legislative Session of 1892, and approved for use on January 5, 1893, was used instead for treasonous activities involved plans to "secure annexation with the United States". The language added "We citizens and representatives of the Hawaiian Islands, organizing and acting for the public safety and the common good, hereby proclaim that a Provisional government for the control and management of public affairs and the protection of the public peace is hereby established. to exist under terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon." "The terms upon which the annexation shall be made.......................we shall remain here until our object is accomplished or our application is rejected."

See: NEW YORK TIMES article "TO PLEAD HAWAII'S CAUSE - The Commissioners Have Arrived in Washington", dated February 4, 1893 at

Note:  Wicked lot...........The pirates used the Hawaiian Kingdom monies to fund their travel expenses for their own purposes......................this is yet more evidence showing the concerted efforts made, the planning, the documented premeditation of treasonous persons, conspirators, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and the support of the United States, England, the Morgan bankers (and International bankers) who had their eyes on Hawaii since their mercenaries/missionaries set their foot down in the 1820.


The Premeditation to assume Pearl Harbor, take over Pearl Harbor which has owners was made by a standing order of U.S. Congress and documented in the NEW YORK TIMES on January 9, 1893 or 6-7 days before Queen Liliuokalani of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, a neutral non-violent nation was criminally assumed by Pirates, through acts of Piracy(ies) on the high seas.


Page 1:

Page 2:

Note: Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka worked with Dr. Mott-Smith, Lorrin Thurston, Sanford B. Dole et. als. and helped to plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at Washington, D.C. It is documented in Dr. Mott-Smith's book.

Thomas and Daniel Akaka were both up to no good in Washington, D.C., and now those who support their criminal activities pursue it as well.

9) The BOSTON Warship's Military men came off the ship with gatling guns, etc. two (2) days before dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.

  • 1893

  • Victor. "We Draw the Line at This." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, v25, 6331, December 2, 1893. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer Ills. press 1-2, Negative no. CP103.862, slide no. XS 30.786. 

    Caption: Our good-natured country may allow this administration to give our market to England, sell our embassies to Anglomaniac dudes, and cause the reduction of wages to the European standard. But...

    Description: Soldiers are holding up on points of bayonets a round platform upon which sits a caricature of Lili'uokalani, feathers in her hair, crown askew, barefoot, holding a paper reading "scandalous government", and "gross immorality".

  • Victor. "When We Annex Hawaii." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, c.1893. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Drawer Ills. press. Negative no. CP103.873, slide no. XS 31.155. Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Description: Several vignettes with captions.

    • "The bicycle will be in demand"
    • "Make Dave Hill king of the Sandwich Islands."
    • "Transfer Tammany to the wilds of Hawaii."
    • "A great American institution will be at once adopted"- i.e. swindlers, cheats, etc.
    • "Another great American institution will beautify the country" - i.e. saloon, liquor.
    • "The enterprising Yankee agents will shortly afflict the inhabitants."
    • "What a magnificent field for Dr. Parkhurst."
    • "Queen Lily will have a great time"-i.e. in a meuseum (sic) side show attraction.

  • 1893

  • Victor. "We Draw the Line at This." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, v25, 6331, December 2, 1893. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer Ills. press 1-2, Negative no. CP103.862, slide no. XS 30.786. 

    Caption: Our good-natured country may allow this administration to give our market to England, sell our embassies to Anglomaniac dudes, and cause the reduction of wages to the European standard. But...

    Description: Soldiers are holding up on points of bayonets a round platform upon which sits a caricature of Lili'uokalani, feathers in her hair, crown askew, barefoot, holding a paper reading "scandalous government", and "gross immorality".

  • Victor. "When We Annex Hawaii." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, c.1893. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Drawer Ills. press. Negative no. CP103.873, slide no. XS 31.155. Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Description: Several vignettes with captions.

    • "The bicycle will be in demand"
    • "Make Dave Hill king of the Sandwich Islands."
    • "Transfer Tammany to the wilds of Hawaii."
    • "A great American institution will be at once adopted"- i.e. swindlers, cheats, etc.
    • "Another great American institution will beautify the country" - i.e. saloon, liquor.
    • "The enterprising Yankee agents will shortly afflict the inhabitants."
    • "What a magnificent field for Dr. Parkhurst."
    • "Queen Lily will have a great time"-i.e. in a meuseum (sic) side show attraction.

    Hawaii held up by soldiers

  • McKinely marrying Hawaii to Uncle Sam

  A Shameful Conspiracy - Political Crime of the Century

  • 1894
  • "His Little Hawaiian Game Checkmated." Cartoon, chromolith. [New York], Judge. n.p., c1894. Hawaiian Historical Society, Whitney scrapbook, p114, 999.6 W61S. Kahn Collection [37/35], Hawai'i State Archives. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

    Caption: Uncle Sam: "Grover this game has been too deep for you. Every move you've made has been a blunder, and now you've lost your Black Queen and the game.

    Description: Uncle Sam and Cleveland are playing chess with pieces representing the U.S. senators and Queen Lili'uokalani.

  • Taylor. "In His Second Childhood." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, N.Y. Puck, v 35, n 886, February 28, 1894. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

    Description: Hoar is strapped into a high chair in the senatorial nursery and a page seems to be dangling a "Queen Lil" doll in front of him.


President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani

  1897 - Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano:

Annexation Opposition (page 2)

Annexation Opposition (page 3)

Annexation Opposition (page 4)

  The Hawaiian Disgrace

  Shameful Conspiracy

  • 1897

  • Taylor, C.J. "Another Shotgun Wedding, with Neither Party Willing". Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, v 42, n 1082. December 1, 1897. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives, Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer: Ills. Press 1-2, negative no. CP 103.858, slide no. XS 30.782.

    Description: A woman (Hawai'i) and Uncle Sam are getting married, kneeling before the minister (McKinley) who is reading from a book entitled "Annexation Policy". The bride seems ready to bolt. Behind the couple stands Morgan (jingo) with a shotgun.

  • Dalrymple. "Patient Waiters are No Losers." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck. January 13, 1897. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection. 

    Caption: Uncle Sam - "I ain't in a hurry-it'll drop into my basket when it gets ripe."

    Description: Uncle Sam is standing under a fruit tree, fruits hanging from tree are labeled "Hawaii, Canada, Cuba, Florida, Texas, California, and Louisiana".

  • Dalrymple. "Settling Affairs of State." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck, vXLI, n1062, July 14, 1897. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Drawer: Ills. Press 1-2, negative no. CP103.859, slide no. XS30.783. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

    Description: Secretary Sherman, dressed as an old woman, is gathering flowers from a pot labeled "Diplomatic Questions". The flowers are labeled "Bering Sea", "Cuba", "Hawaii". He is plucking petals from the Hawai'i flower.


  • Dalrymple. "School Begins". Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Puck, 1898. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection 37:39. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

    Caption: Uncle Sam (to his new class on civilization) - "Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that in a little while, you will be as glad to be here as they are!"

    Description: In the back of the classroom students representing California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Alaska are quietly reading. In the front row are boys representing the Philippines, Porto (sic) Rico, Cuba, and Hawai'i looking bored and out of place.

  • Keppler. "A Trifle Embarrassed." Cartoon, chromolith. [New York], Puck, 1898. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/36].

    Caption: Uncle Sam: "Gosh, I wish they wouldn't come quite so many in a bunch; but if I've got to take them, I guess I can do as well by them as I've done by the others."

    Description: Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty are standing by a wall labeled "U.S. Foundling Asylum". Outstretched arms labeled "Manifest Destiny" are handing them a basket of crying children representing Porto (sic) Rico, Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines. Children dancing in the yard are labeled California, Texas and Mexico.


  • 1900
  • Pughe, J.S. "Hurrah! The country is saved again." Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, 1900. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection [37/40]. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

    Description: Uncle Sam and Miss Columbia are at the gate of the Capitol dancing with little people representing Cuba, Porto (sic) Rico, Labor, Capital, Philippines and Hawai'i.

  • Dalrymple. "The Ill-Fated Sister." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck, 1900. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/41].

    Description: U.S. and Hawaii are riding in a carriage named "Free Trade", Porto (sic) Rico is standing forlornly by the roadside.

  • Hamilton, Grant. "The American Policy". Cartoon, color lithograph. Judge. c. 1901, v 40, n 1018. Hawai'i State Archives, Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

    Caption: Bringing the truant boy to the little red, white and blue schoolhouse.

    Description: Miss Columbia, teacher at the Liberty School, is ringing a bell. Uncle Sam, switch in hand, is dragging by the ear a Filipino boy in loincloth and amulet. Boys from Hawai'i, Cuba, and Porto Rico(sic) are standing around watching.

  • Dalrymple. "An Eye-Opener". Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, n.d., n.p. Hawai'i State Archives, Honolulu. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Drawer: Ills. Press, negative no. CP 103.857, slide no. XS 30.781. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

    Caption: Uncle Sam- "See if you can read that sign through this hyar telescope o' mine."

    Description: Uncle Sam is holding the small end of a telescope on John Bull's eye. John Bull is standing across the water in England and Hawaii is in the middle of the ocean. The telescope is labeled "Monroe Doctrine" and is aimed at a sign reading "No foreign interference."


1901 - December 6. The Oahu Railway and Land Company deeded Halawa lands "for the purpose of condemning for naval purposes a certain tract of land situated in the District of Ewa, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii.....Registered map #1739....635 acres, more or less." All of this "in pursuant of said agreement and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10) in lawful money of the United States of America...." "Oahu Railway & Land Co. By S.C. Allen, President; by M.P. Robinson, Treasurer" signed.

Note: This is the first deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.

 1901 - December 6. The Oahu Sugar Company Limited also a Corporation deeded to the United States of America "the sum of Ten (10) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America............portion of that certain Island shown upon that certain Chart numbered 1800 published by the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy Department, said Island being known and designated Mokuumeume or Ford Island and said portions ..........containing and including 23 acres, more or less.....". "Oahu Sugar Co. Limited by its 2nd Vice President M.P. Robinson, by its Treasurer H.A. Isenberg" signed the deed.

Note: This is the second deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.


1901 - U.S. - G. White, Civil Engineer, U.S. mapped Halawa lands , Mokuumeume (Ford Island) showing "Portion of H.O. Chart #1800 Showing Parcwels of Land to be required by the U.S. Government through the Secretary of the Navy by Condemnation Proceedings for Naval Purposes at Pearl Harbor Hawaii Territory Naval Appropriation Act March 3, 1901. Tracing by Ld. E. Newton."

20) 1902 - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees deeded lands of Halawa to the U.S.! The transaction amount was for $52,737.50 dollars "in lawful money of the United States of America" - the transaction was made "between Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and Joseph O. Carter, William F. Allen, William O. Smith, Samuel M. Damon, and Alfred W. Carter Trustees under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and of the Estate of said Bernice Pauahi Bishop, parties of the first part and The United States of America, party of the second part".

Attached to the deed:

The map - The date on the map in entry 17) shows at the bottom "Recorded and Compared this 16th day of July A.D. 1902 at 3:40 o'clock P. 71_ " signed/stamped Thos. G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances.

Note: The Territory of Hawaii entity made a condemnation case. The U.S. assumed lands of the Royal families, Grace Kamaikui's ahupuaa. The Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop were treasonous persons who did not have the rights to convey lands of the Royal families, etc. The claim that they appeared to be moving with was the King David Kalakaua deed which conveyed the Halawa Ahupuaa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui was the owner of the Halawa Ahupuaa which was already conveyed to her by Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli in 1848. The Ahupuaa belonged to John Young, who left it to his heirs/descendants. John Young was a British counselor of Kamehameha.

In other words, the claims by the Treasonous Trustees are without right, they had no claims to the Halawa Ahupuaa because John Young's, Grace Kamaikui's descendants existed then, and their descendants exist today (including myself, Amelia Gora). These illegal transactions made by treasonous persons are null and void, the U.S. supported their conspiracy activities, treasonous activities...............see the Premeditation article showing that the U.S. President, and the U.S. Congress did make a standing order to assume the Hawaiian Islands, Pearl Harbor, which is part of the Halawa Ahupuaa, and dethroning Queen Liliuokalani from a neutral, friendly, non violent nation.

The Roads to WAR with the criminal claims to Pearl Harbor, Halawa lands, Mokuumeume Island (Ford Island) is based on fraud, criminal deviance, piracy(ies), etc. Research incomplete.

  1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. She denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, William Smith, and Curtis Iaukea.

Colburn, an administrator, was left to make corrections but instead made an agreement with Prince Kuhio.

  1918 - Prince Kuhio made an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. He received Queen Liliuokalani's beach front home in Waikiki as a settlement.

Meanwhile, the true trustees descendants existed then, and exist now.

The Trustees of all of the Alii Trusts were treasonous persons, and the trustees assigned continue to perpetuate the crimes of the past. Meanwhile, the true heirs existed then, and exist today.

  1920 -

Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

Kuhio was not allowed to vote, he was allowed only to speak in Congress.

  1959 - Hawaii became a fake state.

  Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Cathcart, one of Kamehameha's descendants, first cousin of my great grandmother.

 1992 - A Condemnation Case in the First Circuit Court - Case o. 92-2435-07 was made. The claims on the case was based on the Fraud Deed of King David Kalakaua to two (2) deceased ancestors.

The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates maintained they were part of the owners of the Halawa Ahupuaa. The Trustees are not part of our families, and maintain a Pirate existence in the Hawaiian Islands with support of the U.S. who did premeditate the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893.

I pointed out the Fraud Deed. The attorney for the Trustees stated that I was a good researcher. The Trustees hired another law firm, the condemnation case was pursued and the Judge of the Court was gifted with a Federal Judge position in the Federal Courts.

2012 - The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates have perpetuated Frauds, Deceit, Lies over time and do not have titles to ANY of the Alii lands.

Kamehameha's descendants, Kalola's descendants - Bernice Pauahi's next of kin listed on her probate, et. als. exists.

The permanent treaties with the U.S., and other nations continue. 

Rents, Leases for Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, gold bullions due.

Rents, Leases for our Royal Families Private Properties, resources, water, etc. are also due.  Issues ongoing, including evidence for the purpose of documenting all the conspiracies, genocide, piracies, etc.  against a neutral, friendly nation, friendly people in the Kuala Lumpur and other courts expected.


The conspiracies by the U.S. government in claiming Pearl Harbor, the Hawaiian archipelago, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is shown in the articles posted above. 

Oppositions to the U.S. has been made by more than 20,000 subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, along with Queen Liliuokalani; many subjects/kanaka maoli over time against Statehood, etc.

A current Judge did say that "because opposition was documented, Sovereignty shall be...."

The claims to the Hawaiian Islands by the U.S. Presidents and Congress, with England, and the Morgan bankers is one BIG LIE, documented Fraud, deceit, criminal support, premeditation, conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by bankrupt persons from bankrupt nations.

PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did premeditate the criminal assumption, pirating, identity theft of the Hawaiian Kingdom since their arrival because he did work for the U.S. Consulate, and all consulates have spies employed with their units.

Charles Reed Bishop and William Lee were both employed by the U.S. Consulate.

Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did form the Pacific Cable Company in 1878 to warn the U.S. that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands. The U.S., and England were bankrupt due to their debt from the American Civil War and they assumed the Hawaiian Kingdom assets through their banking partnerships, investors the Morgan and International banks including the Bank of England who funded both sides of Wars.

Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.

Charles Reed Bishop had borrowed $2,000,000 - $4,000,000 from the Hawaiian Kingdom and the PIRATE, Racketeering entity calling themselves the Provisional government forgave him his loans.

Oppositions to the claims of Pearl Harbor has been documented and put out to the public.

The claims to Pearl Harbor by the criminal, treasonous Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Trust pirated by criminal deviants, racketeers now documented, also had a part in creating WARS against Innocents by conveying lands that they never had title or ownership to and conveyed to a Warring, bankrupt nation who did acts of War against a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation and moved to criminally assume Private properties of our Royal families, etc.

Needless Wars occurred due to greed, criminal activities maintained by the U.S. and their treasonous mercenaries who are documented Pirates and are not the true owners in the Hawaiian Islands. Genocide issues, evidence against a neutral, non-violent nation has and is being documented.

The crimes of the past affecting ALL WARS since 1893 is hereby revealed by one of the researchers, reporters, whistleblowers with documented evidence that has been posted all over the internet for the world to see. I, Amelia Gora, stand with the many other researchers, reporters, whistleblowers who convey the Truth to everyone.....and I again state that the U.S. does NOT own or have any interest in Pearl Harbor, in the Halawa Ahupuaa or any part of the Hawaiian Islands and Hawaiian archipelago due to their operations supporting documented criminal deviants who supported their cause in assuming the lands, resources, monies, gold bullions, gold coins, buildings, our Queen Liliuokalani's government are are documented Pirates on the High Seas moving to Plunder Upon All Nations for their assets, resources, monies, lands, including human bondage/slaves, etc.

The U.S., England, and the bankers formed the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations which departed from the Law of Nations and set up the United Nations with the One World Order/ New World Order goals which continues together, neglecting the Constitution, a democratic society with goals towards communism, the decimation of "needless" and "useless eaters", favoring only whites, and moving with animosities towards all people of color.

Obama is no exception as can be seen in his recent you tube video - he is but a puppet to a documented criminal, greedy psychopaths who enjoy killing by creating WARS /Plundering Upon Innocents, creating toxins, contaminants, weapons that kill, etc.

Let everyone know the Truth. The Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina whose Royal families existed then and exists now are the True Land owners, descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani, et. als.

The claims to Pearl Harbor is based on lies, conspiracy(ies) documented, Fraud, criminal claims, illegal, and one of Piracy(ies), racketeering, and the Wars created are based on deceit, greed, LIES.........LIES........LIES...........and countless souls died needlessly..........and everyone in the World should know this, including the whistleblowers, the reporters, the writers, and all who believe that the "truth shall set you free".

Wake Up Hawaii! Wake Up America! Wake Up World!

The permanent treaties with the U.S., and other nations continue. 

Rents, Leases for Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, gold bullions due.

Rents, Leases for our Royal Families Private Properties, resources, water, etc. are also due.  Issues ongoing, including evidence for the purpose of documenting all the conspiracies, genocide, piracies, etc.  against a neutral, friendly nation, friendly people in the Kuala Lumpur and other courts expected.



Informing many because..............

Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


eyes 068

Researcher (history, genealogy(ies), and legal), Writer, Editor, Publisher of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

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Countering Animosity, Jealousy, etc. ..........aloha.



- A Pictoral History -

by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010)

Let’s hop, skip, jump to the important stuff…………share it with everyone, especially intended for the children because they have been taught so many LIES, LIES, LIES, propaganda, indoctrination, etc.:

These are our Alii Nui:

Kamehameha began the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1810. He also treatied with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands. The three (3) nations 1) Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Kingdom of Hawaii; 2) Aetearoa (New Zealand); and the Samoan Islands together were called the Pacific Empire, a democratic group.

Kamehameha II – Alexander Liholiho, was a son of Kamehameha. He tried to learn about the Monarchy government in England. He and his wife died of measles.

Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli, was a son of Kamehameha. He shared his properties with the people, and the Hawaiian government, which is NOT the entity State of Hawaii, a Pirate on the high seas.

The Hawaiian Kingdom was recognized in the Law of Nations:
the following documents are very important due to the recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1844.

Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was adopted/hanai of Kamehameha III. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.

The Queen’s Hospital was supported by he and his wife Emma. Kanaka Maoli have free health care at the hospital.

Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 2 hours ago

Kamehameha V – Lot Kamehameha was an older brother of Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.

The haole/foreigners used his signature to assume large tracts of Crown Lands, water rights, etc. through his signature while he was the Minister of Interior. Even Governor Poindexter in 1936 used his signature long after he died! Yes, thieves, identity thieves, criminal acts are documented by the haole/foreigners.

It was in 1868 when this flag of our Hawaiian Kingdom appeared in the haole/foreigners records:

The flag colors appears to be WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE

Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour ago

King William Lunalilo – he was the son of Kekauluohi, Auhea and Charles Kanaina. His mother was married to Kamehameha, and when he died, she married Kamehameha II. It was part of the Royal Families tradition. Multiple marriages were acceptable for the Royal Families.

King David Kalakaua – He was not a Kamehameha but he did attend the Royal School (see the Calendar article above). His mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.

King Kalakaua was forced by the haole/foreigners to sign a Constitution which removed many of his rights. His sister Liliuokalani called the 1887 Constitution the Bayonnet Constitution.

Note: Is it right to have foreigners force someone to sign important documents while they point guns at the person?

King Kalakaua had his own flag made:

A U.S. representative asked for loans from the King and the House of Nobles. The House of Nobles said NO because they would not pay the loan back for thousands of years. The Americans intended to pay only small amounts each month.

His cousin named Robert Wilcox tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. He was charged with treason and pardoned.

Queen Liliuokalani – She was the sister of King David Kalakaua. Their mother was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant. She too attended the Royal School and was eligible to be a Hawaiian leader.

The Americans did not like Queen Liliuokalani because she knew some of the things that they were up to.

Once again, Robert Wilcox and others, tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. Once again he was tried for treason, and he was released. Robert Wilcox appeared to be testing his cousins to help the Americans.

Many people tried to pay the Queen for the Hawaiian Islands. They claimed to be Hawaiian subjects but were actually Americans and treasonous, criminals to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Even the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, former American Civil War General, and U.S. President Grover Cleveland were in on it with England and the bankers (Morgan bankers, Bank of England, and others).

They planned the takeover of our Hawaiian Kingdom since they started to say that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha’s. That was a lie! Many descendants existed then and exists today.

The U.S. Congress with the U.S. President(s), the military, etc. gave orders to take over the Hawaiian Islands on January 8, 1893:

Additional plans were passed on to the Americans in Hawaii on January 14, 1893:

Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 34 seconds ago

Note: Queen Liliuokalani owned sugar plantations. The haole/foreigners were unkind to the workers. They treated people of color like slaves and did not recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom’s anti-slavery law of 1852.

About Princess Kaiulani. Queen Liliuokalani did not abdicate over to her.

The Diary of the Queen

Note: The haole/foreigners/Americans/Congress deprived her and her subjects, even after Oppositions were made through the KUE Petition. She had been imprisoned, her belongings were removed by treasonous persons, she had been arrested and called treasonous by the Pirates. She was pardoned. The Hawaiian Kingdom was under martial law.

She left a Will which shows that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. However, she did sign a Trust Deed with her hanai/adopted daughter.

Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners.

Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.

Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position.

Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the bloodlines of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.

Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa purchased an interest of the Queen Liliuokalani Trust from a descendant of the adopted daughter of the Queen’s true Trustee. She was not the bloodline of her true Trustee.


The Pirates in place are not the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Pirates maintain Trusts that they do not have ownership to. The Kuhio and Kawananakoa’s are Kanaka Maoli Pirates who support the haole/foreigners/Americans through their criminal claims, lies, deceit, and supported by the U.S. Many issues remain. Ramifications are ongoing.

The Akaka Bill moves to have an illegal, criminal, racketeering, Piracy(ies) once and for all and proclaim our neutral non-violent nation an indigenous bunch of ignorants who have nothing, own nothing, and are nothing.

Akaka along with the Americans, et. als. look to claim an already recognized nation as a bunch of Indians under their authority ignoring the facts our people remain innocent of all of the ills, criminal activities, wrongdoings, plundering on all for the want, the lust, the greed, intent to rape, kill, deceive, commit ongoing genocide, criminal activities by slowly killing our people through depleted uranium/DU and other toxins.

They are the Terrorists of all in our Hawaiian archipelago, and are belligerent occupiers with animosities towards our People of Color.

Oppose their activities in our Hawaiian Islands, for they do not belong and have been given several notices of eviction with the date of December 31, 2010.



                                                    STEPPING BACK INTO THE YEAR 1892

                                                                Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                                                    Photos/research by Amelia Gora (2012)

The following photos speaks for itself......aloha :







Reminding everyone on the eve of American Holiday for Prince Kuhio, a traitor, a conspirator, PIRATE, supported by Americans and their 50% supporters living on the Crown Lands:

For the purpose of this article, some of the Paid off Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/treasonous/ conspirators, et. als. follows below:

*Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Kuhio

Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole was not allowed to vote in Congress.....he was only allowed to talk:

Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole claimed Queen Liliuokalani Insane, entity Hawaii Court rules in favor of Treasonous persons Cleghorn, Smith, and Iaukea

Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed


articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web see hawaiian genealogy society and

Note: All the above articles indicate that he was not a supporter of Queen Liliuokalani. Kuhio was also a Mason/Freemason and friends of Charles Reed Bishop and conspirators/pirates of the Hawaiian Kingdom, our Queen, and aboriginal Hawaiians, kanaka maoli, Hawaiian Nationals.

Kanaka maoli were under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion..........Premeditation to assume a neutral, friendly nation is documented..............what does that mean?  Ramifications ongoing.....


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    Animosity(ies), Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide Against Our Alii Families/Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the World Today- Updated 11.30.2012

    Animosity(ies), Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide Against Our Alii Families/Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the World Today

    Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012)


    The Truth Found Through Research About our Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina follows:

    1810 -  Kamehameha was recognized as a King in a Monarchy government.

    1815 -  Kamehameha with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands formed the Pacific Empire, a democratic group of recognized nations.

      This is  the true Kamehameha flag, the Hawaiian flag, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina flag/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago flag:

    Note:  Notice that the stripes are red, blue, white, red blue, white, red......and NOT the colors utilized by the occupiers.

    Ref:  Researchers, including David Wynn Miller who found the true flag at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, few years ago.

     1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona, a treaty/pact made by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, with England, U.S. and the Vatican to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and to start a New World Order/ One World Order was made.


    1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona 
    5 min - Jan 16, 2009 - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is ...

     Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church :

     1867 -Some of the Alii genealogies were documented.  Kamehameha's descendants existed during this period and families claims surfaced in First Circuit Court Probates in the 1870's, etc.:

    Genealogies 1867 (first part)

    Genealogies 1867 (second part)

    Genealogies 1867 (third and last part)

     1875 -A Fraud Deed was claimed to Pearl Harbor and signed by King David Kalakaua in 1875. The problematic issue being that the true deed was made prior to the Mahele of 1848, due to the Halawa lands - including Pearl Harbor belonged to John Young/Olohana, the father of Grace Kamaikui who was awarded John Young's ahupuaa/Halawa lands - including Pearl Harbor in 1848. Grace Kamaikui has descendants: Hueu, Kale, and Peke Davis, and whose descendants existed then and exists today.

    ( you can locate the Fraud Deeds by going to the First Circuit Court and reviewing the Condemnation cases by the U.S. Government/ entity State of Hawaii vs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates aka's Trustees).

    The FRAUD Deed to Pearl Harbor documented in the Condemnation Case. King David Kalakaua deeded lands of Halawa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. The problems that surfaced in the court case include the facts that Grace Kamaikui died in 1866, and Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868.

    1875 - a Fraud Deed was made affecting Pearl Harbor and used in the Treaty of Reciprocity signed by King David Kalakaua who had no interest in the lands of Halawa which was conveyed to John Young's and Isaac Davis wife Grace Kamaikui.

    King Kalakaua deeded already deeded lands of Halawa which included Pearl Harbor to deceased ancestors Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.

    1878 - Fear of the Japanese by the U.S. was documented. The Pacific Cable Company was formed by Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

    Reference: CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES by Amelia Gora and for free download

    The valor of ignorance, with specially prepared maps : LeaHomer ...

    Mar 18, 2010 ... The valor of ignorance, with specially prepared maps ([1909]). Author: LeaHomer, 1876-1912. Subject: Eastern question (Far East); ... - Similar

    Many problems existed over the Pearl Harbor Reciprocity Treaty and criminally pursued by the U.S. representatives interested in taking over a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation.

    References: King Kalakaua's files on microfilm at the Archives, Main Library etc. under the title KING KALAKAUA'S HAWAII, etc. also researchs posted over time by Amelia Gora, and covering some of the other papers/thesis written by researchers, students moving towards their Masters/PhD., etc.

    Note: This basically means that the U.S. claims to Pearl Harbor is a Fraud, a lie documented.

    • "The New Lorelei". Cartoon, color. San Francisco, California. The Wasp. August 11, 1883. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

      Corner note: We are glad to hear evidences that the monumental fraud called the Kingdom of the Sandwich Islands, which has been maintained for the past twelve years at the expense of the people of the U.S., is ready fall to pieces. We presume that England will then step in and assume a protectorate.

      Description: Grover Cleveland is depicted as Lorelei sitting dejectedly on a rock in foreground, the Sandwich Isles lie in the distance, a U.S. vessel is shipwrecked and a British ship is gathering flotsam.

    • 7) 1887 -
    • 1887
    • "To the Rescue." Cartoon, chromolith. San Francisco, California, The Wasp, July 16, 1887. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/32]. 

      Description: King Kalakaua sits on a throne being toppled by the "revolution". The schooner "Lurline" is in the background. A barefoot woman rushing back from the Jubilee represents Kapi'olani.

    • "Which will win?" Cartoon, chromolith. San Francisco, California, The Wasp, August 27, 1887. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/33]. 

      Description: Shows King Kalakaua drunk, his crown askew. John Bull is holding him up by an arm and emptying a bottle onto the ground. Caricatured Kapi'olani is holding his other arm. Cleveland is on his knees before them pleading for something


    1892 - Treasonous persons in a concerted effort moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani - ranging from Senator Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka; U.S. President Obama's ancestors the Joseph Booth's; Lorrin Thurston making plans in Makua with American government Representative in Makua Valley, the same valley where the U.S. military blows up depleted uranium as if to rid the evidence of their crimes, etc.

    Masons/Freemasons arrived by the hundreds to help the plans along.

    Travel for five (5) was approved by Queen Liliuokalani.  The Mission was for the Hawaiian Government but used by the usurpers/conspirators:

    Reference: Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani's files, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu And what's so special about this document you ask?

    Chronologically speaking: 1892 - Legislative Session approves the $5,000 travel expenses for five (5) men to visit Washington D.C. for Hawaiian Kingdom Commerce issues.

    1892 - Masons/Freemasons unite from various nations in Honolulu, Parade, and Commemorate a building, calling Honolulu their "home city".

    1893 - January 5. Funds provided for the Travel.

    1893 - January 8. Congress and the U.S. President gives a standing order to assume Pearl Harbor, etc. 1893 - January 9. NEW YORK TIMES prints the article PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION - Imperative Necessity that the United States Takes Possession or 

    1893 - January 15. The Military Troops poured off the United States Warship BOSTON  

    1893 - January 17. American businessmen, treasonous persons, conspirators supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (includes the international bankers) moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani.

    1893 - February 3. The five (5) Commissioners were:

    1) Lorrin Thurston - missionary descendant. He was born in the islands.

    2) William C. Wilder - steamship company which does business in the islands.

    3) William Castle - owner of the Railway Company which runs thru Pearl River Harbor. "He is a native."

    4) Joseph Marsden - sugar planter.

    5) Charles L. Carter - lawyer.

    Princess Kaiulani's father - Archibald Cleghorn 'got lost somewhere between Chicago and Washington'. From Salt Lake City and former resident from Hawaii, William A. Kinney, lawyer met them as an advisor.

    Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith, a representative from the Hawaiian Islands in Washington, D. C. met the five (5) from Hawaii.

    Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith's assistant was Thomas Akaka, ancestor of current day Daniel Akaka who moves with the Akaka Bill, with purposes of defrauding all Hawaiian aboriginals/kanaka maoli, etc.

    Now, to get back to the above posted document, $5,000 was made available for five (5) members to travel to Washington D.C. Appears Cleghorn did not want to be directly associated with the treasonous group and happend to have gotten "lost". Cleghorn was the brother-in-law of Queen Liliuokalani due to his marriage to Princess Miriam Likelike and the parents of Princess Kaiulani. Pushing aside the reason for travel at the Hawaiian Kingdom expense for economic plans with the U.S., the travel monies granted in the Legislative Session of 1892, and approved for use on January 5, 1893, was used instead for treasonous activities involved plans to "secure annexation with the United States". The language added "We citizens and representatives of the Hawaiian Islands, organizing and acting for the public safety and the common good, hereby proclaim that a Provisional government for the control and management of public affairs and the protection of the public peace is hereby established. to exist under terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon." "The terms upon which the annexation shall be made.......................we shall remain here until our object is accomplished or our application is rejected."

    See: NEW YORK TIMES article "TO PLEAD HAWAII'S CAUSE - The Commissioners Have Arrived in Washington", dated February 4, 1893 at

    Note:  Wicked lot...........The pirates used the Hawaiian Kingdom monies to fund their travel expenses for their own purposes......................this is yet more evidence showing the concerted efforts made, the planning, the documented premeditation of treasonous persons, conspirators, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and the support of the United States, England, the Morgan bankers (and International bankers) who had their eyes on Hawaii since their mercenaries/missionaries set their foot down in the 1820.


    The Premeditation to assume Pearl Harbor, take over Pearl Harbor which has owners was made by a standing order of U.S. Congress and documented in the NEW YORK TIMES on January 9, 1893 or 6-7 days before Queen Liliuokalani of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, a neutral non-violent nation was criminally assumed by Pirates, through acts of Piracy(ies) on the high seas.


    Page 1:

    Page 2:

    Note: Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka worked with Dr. Mott-Smith, Lorrin Thurston, Sanford B. Dole et. als. and helped to plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at Washington, D.C. It is documented in Dr. Mott-Smith's book.

    Thomas and Daniel Akaka were both up to no good in Washington, D.C., and now those who support their criminal activities pursue it as well.

    9) The BOSTON Warship's Military men came off the ship with gatling guns, etc. two (2) days before dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.

    • 1893

    • Victor. "We Draw the Line at This." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, v25, 6331, December 2, 1893. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer Ills. press 1-2, Negative no. CP103.862, slide no. XS 30.786. 

      Caption: Our good-natured country may allow this administration to give our market to England, sell our embassies to Anglomaniac dudes, and cause the reduction of wages to the European standard. But...

      Description: Soldiers are holding up on points of bayonets a round platform upon which sits a caricature of Lili'uokalani, feathers in her hair, crown askew, barefoot, holding a paper reading "scandalous government", and "gross immorality".

    • Victor. "When We Annex Hawaii." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, c.1893. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Drawer Ills. press. Negative no. CP103.873, slide no. XS 31.155. Honolulu, Hawai'i

      Description: Several vignettes with captions.

      • "The bicycle will be in demand"
      • "Make Dave Hill king of the Sandwich Islands."
      • "Transfer Tammany to the wilds of Hawaii."
      • "A great American institution will be at once adopted"- i.e. swindlers, cheats, etc.
      • "Another great American institution will beautify the country" - i.e. saloon, liquor.
      • "The enterprising Yankee agents will shortly afflict the inhabitants."
      • "What a magnificent field for Dr. Parkhurst."
      • "Queen Lily will have a great time"-i.e. in a meuseum (sic) side show attraction.

    • 1893

    • Victor. "We Draw the Line at This." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, v25, 6331, December 2, 1893. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer Ills. press 1-2, Negative no. CP103.862, slide no. XS 30.786. 

      Caption: Our good-natured country may allow this administration to give our market to England, sell our embassies to Anglomaniac dudes, and cause the reduction of wages to the European standard. But...

      Description: Soldiers are holding up on points of bayonets a round platform upon which sits a caricature of Lili'uokalani, feathers in her hair, crown askew, barefoot, holding a paper reading "scandalous government", and "gross immorality".

    • Victor. "When We Annex Hawaii." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, c.1893. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Drawer Ills. press. Negative no. CP103.873, slide no. XS 31.155. Honolulu, Hawai'i

      Description: Several vignettes with captions.

      • "The bicycle will be in demand"
      • "Make Dave Hill king of the Sandwich Islands."
      • "Transfer Tammany to the wilds of Hawaii."
      • "A great American institution will be at once adopted"- i.e. swindlers, cheats, etc.
      • "Another great American institution will beautify the country" - i.e. saloon, liquor.
      • "The enterprising Yankee agents will shortly afflict the inhabitants."
      • "What a magnificent field for Dr. Parkhurst."
      • "Queen Lily will have a great time"-i.e. in a meuseum (sic) side show attraction.

      Hawaii held up by soldiers

    • McKinely marrying Hawaii to Uncle Sam

      A Shameful Conspiracy - Political Crime of the Century

    • 1894
    • "His Little Hawaiian Game Checkmated." Cartoon, chromolith. [New York], Judge. n.p., c1894. Hawaiian Historical Society, Whitney scrapbook, p114, 999.6 W61S. Kahn Collection [37/35], Hawai'i State Archives. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

      Caption: Uncle Sam: "Grover this game has been too deep for you. Every move you've made has been a blunder, and now you've lost your Black Queen and the game.

      Description: Uncle Sam and Cleveland are playing chess with pieces representing the U.S. senators and Queen Lili'uokalani.

    • Taylor. "In His Second Childhood." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, N.Y. Puck, v 35, n 886, February 28, 1894. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

      Description: Hoar is strapped into a high chair in the senatorial nursery and a page seems to be dangling a "Queen Lil" doll in front of him.


    President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani

      1897 - Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano:

    Annexation Opposition (page 2)

    Annexation Opposition (page 3)

    Annexation Opposition (page 4)

      The Hawaiian Disgrace

      Shameful Conspiracy

    • 1897

    • Taylor, C.J. "Another Shotgun Wedding, with Neither Party Willing". Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, v 42, n 1082. December 1, 1897. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives, Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer: Ills. Press 1-2, negative no. CP 103.858, slide no. XS 30.782.

      Description: A woman (Hawai'i) and Uncle Sam are getting married, kneeling before the minister (McKinley) who is reading from a book entitled "Annexation Policy". The bride seems ready to bolt. Behind the couple stands Morgan (jingo) with a shotgun.

    • Dalrymple. "Patient Waiters are No Losers." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck. January 13, 1897. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection. 

      Caption: Uncle Sam - "I ain't in a hurry-it'll drop into my basket when it gets ripe."

      Description: Uncle Sam is standing under a fruit tree, fruits hanging from tree are labeled "Hawaii, Canada, Cuba, Florida, Texas, California, and Louisiana".

    • Dalrymple. "Settling Affairs of State." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck, vXLI, n1062, July 14, 1897. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Drawer: Ills. Press 1-2, negative no. CP103.859, slide no. XS30.783. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

      Description: Secretary Sherman, dressed as an old woman, is gathering flowers from a pot labeled "Diplomatic Questions". The flowers are labeled "Bering Sea", "Cuba", "Hawaii". He is plucking petals from the Hawai'i flower.


    • Dalrymple. "School Begins". Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Puck, 1898. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection 37:39. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

      Caption: Uncle Sam (to his new class on civilization) - "Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that in a little while, you will be as glad to be here as they are!"

      Description: In the back of the classroom students representing California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Alaska are quietly reading. In the front row are boys representing the Philippines, Porto (sic) Rico, Cuba, and Hawai'i looking bored and out of place.

    • Keppler. "A Trifle Embarrassed." Cartoon, chromolith. [New York], Puck, 1898. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/36].

      Caption: Uncle Sam: "Gosh, I wish they wouldn't come quite so many in a bunch; but if I've got to take them, I guess I can do as well by them as I've done by the others."

      Description: Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty are standing by a wall labeled "U.S. Foundling Asylum". Outstretched arms labeled "Manifest Destiny" are handing them a basket of crying children representing Porto (sic) Rico, Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines. Children dancing in the yard are labeled California, Texas and Mexico.


    • 1900
    • Pughe, J.S. "Hurrah! The country is saved again." Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, 1900. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection [37/40]. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

      Description: Uncle Sam and Miss Columbia are at the gate of the Capitol dancing with little people representing Cuba, Porto (sic) Rico, Labor, Capital, Philippines and Hawai'i.

    • Dalrymple. "The Ill-Fated Sister." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck, 1900. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/41].

      Description: U.S. and Hawaii are riding in a carriage named "Free Trade", Porto (sic) Rico is standing forlornly by the roadside.

    • Hamilton, Grant. "The American Policy". Cartoon, color lithograph. Judge. c. 1901, v 40, n 1018. Hawai'i State Archives, Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

      Caption: Bringing the truant boy to the little red, white and blue schoolhouse.

      Description: Miss Columbia, teacher at the Liberty School, is ringing a bell. Uncle Sam, switch in hand, is dragging by the ear a Filipino boy in loincloth and amulet. Boys from Hawai'i, Cuba, and Porto Rico(sic) are standing around watching.

      NO DATE
    • Dalrymple. "An Eye-Opener". Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, n.d., n.p. Hawai'i State Archives, Honolulu. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Drawer: Ills. Press, negative no. CP 103.857, slide no. XS 30.781. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

      Caption: Uncle Sam- "See if you can read that sign through this hyar telescope o' mine."

      Description: Uncle Sam is holding the small end of a telescope on John Bull's eye. John Bull is standing across the water in England and Hawaii is in the middle of the ocean. The telescope is labeled "Monroe Doctrine" and is aimed at a sign reading "No foreign interference."


    1901 - December 6. The Oahu Railway and Land Company deeded Halawa lands "for the purpose of condemning for naval purposes a certain tract of land situated in the District of Ewa, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii.....Registered map #1739....635 acres, more or less." All of this "in pursuant of said agreement and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10) in lawful money of the United States of America...." "Oahu Railway & Land Co. By S.C. Allen, President; by M.P. Robinson, Treasurer" signed.

    Note: This is the first deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.

     1901 - December 6. The Oahu Sugar Company Limited also a Corporation deeded to the United States of America "the sum of Ten (10) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America............portion of that certain Island shown upon that certain Chart numbered 1800 published by the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy Department, said Island being known and designated Mokuumeume or Ford Island and said portions ..........containing and including 23 acres, more or less.....". "Oahu Sugar Co. Limited by its 2nd Vice President M.P. Robinson, by its Treasurer H.A. Isenberg" signed the deed.

    Note: This is the second deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.


    1901 - U.S. - G. White, Civil Engineer, U.S. mapped Halawa lands , Mokuumeume (Ford Island) showing "Portion of H.O. Chart #1800 Showing Parcwels of Land to be required by the U.S. Government through the Secretary of the Navy by Condemnation Proceedings for Naval Purposes at Pearl Harbor Hawaii Territory Naval Appropriation Act March 3, 1901. Tracing by Ld. E. Newton."

    20) 1902 - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees deeded lands of Halawa to the U.S.! The transaction amount was for $52,737.50 dollars "in lawful money of the United States of America" - the transaction was made "between Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and Joseph O. Carter, William F. Allen, William O. Smith, Samuel M. Damon, and Alfred W. Carter Trustees under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and of the Estate of said Bernice Pauahi Bishop, parties of the first part and The United States of America, party of the second part".

    Attached to the deed:

    The map - The date on the map in entry 17) shows at the bottom "Recorded and Compared this 16th day of July A.D. 1902 at 3:40 o'clock P. 71_ " signed/stamped Thos. G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances.

    Note: The Territory of Hawaii entity made a condemnation case. The U.S. assumed lands of the Royal families, Grace Kamaikui's ahupuaa. The Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop were treasonous persons who did not have the rights to convey lands of the Royal families, etc. The claim that they appeared to be moving with was the King David Kalakaua deed which conveyed the Halawa Ahupuaa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui was the owner of the Halawa Ahupuaa which was already conveyed to her by Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli in 1848. The Ahupuaa belonged to John Young, who left it to his heirs/descendants. John Young was a British counselor of Kamehameha.

    In other words, the claims by the Treasonous Trustees are without right, they had no claims to the Halawa Ahupuaa because John Young's, Grace Kamaikui's descendants existed then, and their descendants exist today (including myself, Amelia Gora). These illegal transactions made by treasonous persons are null and void, the U.S. supported their conspiracy activities, treasonous activities...............see the Premeditation article showing that the U.S. President, and the U.S. Congress did make a standing order to assume the Hawaiian Islands, Pearl Harbor, which is part of the Halawa Ahupuaa, and dethroning Queen Liliuokalani from a neutral, friendly, non violent nation.

    The Roads to WAR with the criminal claims to Pearl Harbor, Halawa lands, Mokuumeume Island (Ford Island) is based on fraud, criminal deviance, piracy(ies), etc. Research incomplete.

      1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. She denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, William Smith, and Curtis Iaukea.

    Colburn, an administrator, was left to make corrections but instead made an agreement with Prince Kuhio.

      1918 - Prince Kuhio made an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. He received Queen Liliuokalani's beach front home in Waikiki as a settlement.

    Meanwhile, the true trustees descendants existed then, and exist now.

    The Trustees of all of the Alii Trusts were treasonous persons, and the trustees assigned continue to perpetuate the crimes of the past. Meanwhile, the true heirs existed then, and exist today.

      1920 -

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

    Kuhio was not allowed to vote, he was allowed only to speak in Congress.

      1959 - Hawaii became a fake state.

      Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Cathcart, one of Kamehameha's descendants, first cousin of my great grandmother.

     1992 - A Condemnation Case in the First Circuit Court - Case o. 92-2435-07 was made. The claims on the case was based on the Fraud Deed of King David Kalakaua to two (2) deceased ancestors.

    The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates maintained they were part of the owners of the Halawa Ahupuaa. The Trustees are not part of our families, and maintain a Pirate existence in the Hawaiian Islands with support of the U.S. who did premeditate the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893.

    I pointed out the Fraud Deed. The attorney for the Trustees stated that I was a good researcher. The Trustees hired another law firm, the condemnation case was pursued and the Judge of the Court was gifted with a Federal Judge position in the Federal Courts.

    2012 - The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates have perpetuated Frauds, Deceit, Lies over time and do not have titles to ANY of the Alii lands.

    Kamehameha's descendants, Kalola's descendants - Bernice Pauahi's next of kin listed on her probate, et. als. exists.

    The permanent treaties with the U.S., and other nations continue. 

    Rents, Leases for Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, gold bullions due.

    Rents, Leases for our Royal Families Private Properties, resources, water, etc. are also due.  Issues ongoing, including evidence for the purpose of documenting all the conspiracies, genocide, piracies, etc.  against a neutral, friendly nation, friendly people in the Kuala Lumpur and other courts expected.


    The conspiracies by the U.S. government in claiming Pearl Harbor, the Hawaiian archipelago, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is shown in the articles posted above. 

    Oppositions to the U.S. has been made by more than 20,000 subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, along with Queen Liliuokalani; many subjects/kanaka maoli over time against Statehood, etc.

    A current Judge did say that "because opposition was documented, Sovereignty shall be...."

    The claims to the Hawaiian Islands by the U.S. Presidents and Congress, with England, and the Morgan bankers is one BIG LIE, documented Fraud, deceit, criminal support, premeditation, conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by bankrupt persons from bankrupt nations.

    PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did premeditate the criminal assumption, pirating, identity theft of the Hawaiian Kingdom since their arrival because he did work for the U.S. Consulate, and all consulates have spies employed with their units.

    Charles Reed Bishop and William Lee were both employed by the U.S. Consulate.

    Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did form the Pacific Cable Company in 1878 to warn the U.S. that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands. The U.S., and England were bankrupt due to their debt from the American Civil War and they assumed the Hawaiian Kingdom assets through their banking partnerships, investors the Morgan and International banks including the Bank of England who funded both sides of Wars.

    Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.

    Charles Reed Bishop had borrowed $2,000,000 - $4,000,000 from the Hawaiian Kingdom and the PIRATE, Racketeering entity calling themselves the Provisional government forgave him his loans.

    Oppositions to the claims of Pearl Harbor has been documented and put out to the public.

    The claims to Pearl Harbor by the criminal, treasonous Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Trust pirated by criminal deviants, racketeers now documented, also had a part in creating WARS against Innocents by conveying lands that they never had title or ownership to and conveyed to a Warring, bankrupt nation who did acts of War against a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation and moved to criminally assume Private properties of our Royal families, etc.

    Needless Wars occurred due to greed, criminal activities maintained by the U.S. and their treasonous mercenaries who are documented Pirates and are not the true owners in the Hawaiian Islands. Genocide issues, evidence against a neutral, non-violent nation has and is being documented.

    The crimes of the past affecting ALL WARS since 1893 is hereby revealed by one of the researchers, reporters, whistleblowers with documented evidence that has been posted all over the internet for the world to see. I, Amelia Gora, stand with the many other researchers, reporters, whistleblowers who convey the Truth to everyone.....and I again state that the U.S. does NOT own or have any interest in Pearl Harbor, in the Halawa Ahupuaa or any part of the Hawaiian Islands and Hawaiian archipelago due to their operations supporting documented criminal deviants who supported their cause in assuming the lands, resources, monies, gold bullions, gold coins, buildings, our Queen Liliuokalani's government are are documented Pirates on the High Seas moving to Plunder Upon All Nations for their assets, resources, monies, lands, including human bondage/slaves, etc.

    The U.S., England, and the bankers formed the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations which departed from the Law of Nations and set up the United Nations with the One World Order/ New World Order goals which continues together, neglecting the Constitution, a democratic society with goals towards communism, the decimation of "needless" and "useless eaters", favoring only whites, and moving with animosities towards all people of color.

    Obama is no exception as can be seen in his recent you tube video - he is but a puppet to a documented criminal, greedy psychopaths who enjoy killing by creating WARS /Plundering Upon Innocents, creating toxins, contaminants, weapons that kill, etc.

    Let everyone know the Truth. The Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina whose Royal families existed then and exists now are the True Land owners, descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani, et. als.

    The claims to Pearl Harbor is based on lies, conspiracy(ies) documented, Fraud, criminal claims, illegal, and one of Piracy(ies), racketeering, and the Wars created are based on deceit, greed, LIES.........LIES........LIES...........and countless souls died needlessly..........and everyone in the World should know this, including the whistleblowers, the reporters, the writers, and all who believe that the "truth shall set you free".

    Wake Up Hawaii! Wake Up America! Wake Up World!

    The permanent treaties with the U.S., and other nations continue. 

    Rents, Leases for Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, gold bullions due.

    Rents, Leases for our Royal Families Private Properties, resources, water, etc. are also due.  Issues ongoing, including evidence for the purpose of documenting all the conspiracies, genocide, piracies, etc.  against a neutral, friendly nation, friendly people in the Kuala Lumpur and other courts expected.



    Informing many because..............

    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


    eyes 068


    Researcher (history, genealogy(ies), and legal), Writer, Editor, Publisher of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii.

    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
    and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

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    Countering Animosity, Jealousy, etc. ..........aloha.



    - A Pictoral History -

    by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010)

    Let’s hop, skip, jump to the important stuff…………share it with everyone, especially intended for the children because they have been taught so many LIES, LIES, LIES, propaganda, indoctrination, etc.:

    These are our Alii Nui:

    Kamehameha began the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1810. He also treatied with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands. The three (3) nations 1) Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Kingdom of Hawaii; 2) Aetearoa (New Zealand); and the Samoan Islands together were called the Pacific Empire, a democratic group.

    Kamehameha II – Alexander Liholiho, was a son of Kamehameha. He tried to learn about the Monarchy government in England. He and his wife died of measles.

    Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli, was a son of Kamehameha. He shared his properties with the people, and the Hawaiian government, which is NOT the entity State of Hawaii, a Pirate on the high seas.

    The Hawaiian Kingdom was recognized in the Law of Nations:
    the following documents are very important due to the recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1844.

    Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was adopted/hanai of Kamehameha III. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.

    The Queen’s Hospital was supported by he and his wife Emma. Kanaka Maoli have free health care at the hospital.

    Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 2 hours ago

    Kamehameha V – Lot Kamehameha was an older brother of Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.

    The haole/foreigners used his signature to assume large tracts of Crown Lands, water rights, etc. through his signature while he was the Minister of Interior. Even Governor Poindexter in 1936 used his signature long after he died! Yes, thieves, identity thieves, criminal acts are documented by the haole/foreigners.

    It was in 1868 when this flag of our Hawaiian Kingdom appeared in the haole/foreigners records:

    The flag colors appears to be WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE

    Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour ago

    King William Lunalilo – he was the son of Kekauluohi, Auhea and Charles Kanaina. His mother was married to Kamehameha, and when he died, she married Kamehameha II. It was part of the Royal Families tradition. Multiple marriages were acceptable for the Royal Families.

    King David Kalakaua – He was not a Kamehameha but he did attend the Royal School (see the Calendar article above). His mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.

    King Kalakaua was forced by the haole/foreigners to sign a Constitution which removed many of his rights. His sister Liliuokalani called the 1887 Constitution the Bayonnet Constitution.

    Note: Is it right to have foreigners force someone to sign important documents while they point guns at the person?

    King Kalakaua had his own flag made:

    A U.S. representative asked for loans from the King and the House of Nobles. The House of Nobles said NO because they would not pay the loan back for thousands of years. The Americans intended to pay only small amounts each month.

    His cousin named Robert Wilcox tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. He was charged with treason and pardoned.

    Queen Liliuokalani – She was the sister of King David Kalakaua. Their mother was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant. She too attended the Royal School and was eligible to be a Hawaiian leader.

    The Americans did not like Queen Liliuokalani because she knew some of the things that they were up to.

    Once again, Robert Wilcox and others, tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. Once again he was tried for treason, and he was released. Robert Wilcox appeared to be testing his cousins to help the Americans.

    Many people tried to pay the Queen for the Hawaiian Islands. They claimed to be Hawaiian subjects but were actually Americans and treasonous, criminals to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

    Even the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, former American Civil War General, and U.S. President Grover Cleveland were in on it with England and the bankers (Morgan bankers, Bank of England, and others).

    They planned the takeover of our Hawaiian Kingdom since they started to say that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha’s. That was a lie! Many descendants existed then and exists today.

    The U.S. Congress with the U.S. President(s), the military, etc. gave orders to take over the Hawaiian Islands on January 8, 1893:

    Additional plans were passed on to the Americans in Hawaii on January 14, 1893:

    Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 34 seconds ago

    Note: Queen Liliuokalani owned sugar plantations. The haole/foreigners were unkind to the workers. They treated people of color like slaves and did not recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom’s anti-slavery law of 1852.

    About Princess Kaiulani. Queen Liliuokalani did not abdicate over to her.

    The Diary of the Queen

    Note: The haole/foreigners/Americans/Congress deprived her and her subjects, even after Oppositions were made through the KUE Petition. She had been imprisoned, her belongings were removed by treasonous persons, she had been arrested and called treasonous by the Pirates. She was pardoned. The Hawaiian Kingdom was under martial law.

    She left a Will which shows that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. However, she did sign a Trust Deed with her hanai/adopted daughter.

    Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners.

    Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.

    Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position.

    Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the bloodlines of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.

    Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa purchased an interest of the Queen Liliuokalani Trust from a descendant of the adopted daughter of the Queen’s true Trustee. She was not the bloodline of her true Trustee.


    The Pirates in place are not the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Pirates maintain Trusts that they do not have ownership to. The Kuhio and Kawananakoa’s are Kanaka Maoli Pirates who support the haole/foreigners/Americans through their criminal claims, lies, deceit, and supported by the U.S. Many issues remain. Ramifications are ongoing.

    The Akaka Bill moves to have an illegal, criminal, racketeering, Piracy(ies) once and for all and proclaim our neutral non-violent nation an indigenous bunch of ignorants who have nothing, own nothing, and are nothing.

    Akaka along with the Americans, et. als. look to claim an already recognized nation as a bunch of Indians under their authority ignoring the facts our people remain innocent of all of the ills, criminal activities, wrongdoings, plundering on all for the want, the lust, the greed, intent to rape, kill, deceive, commit ongoing genocide, criminal activities by slowly killing our people through depleted uranium/DU and other toxins.

    They are the Terrorists of all in our Hawaiian archipelago, and are belligerent occupiers with animosities towards our People of Color.

    Oppose their activities in our Hawaiian Islands, for they do not belong and have been given several notices of eviction with the date of December 31, 2010.



                                                        STEPPING BACK INTO THE YEAR 1892

                                                                    Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                                                        Photos/research by Amelia Gora (2012)

    The following photos speaks for itself......aloha :







    Reminding everyone on the eve of American Holiday for Prince Kuhio, a traitor, a conspirator, PIRATE, supported by Americans and their 50% supporters living on the Crown Lands:

    For the purpose of this article, some of the Paid off Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/treasonous/ conspirators, et. als. follows below:

    *Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Kuhio

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole was not allowed to vote in Congress.....he was only allowed to talk:

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole claimed Queen Liliuokalani Insane, entity Hawaii Court rules in favor of Treasonous persons Cleghorn, Smith, and Iaukea

    Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed


    articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the

    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web see hawaiian genealogy society and

    Note: All the above articles indicate that he was not a supporter of Queen Liliuokalani. Kuhio was also a Mason/Freemason and friends of Charles Reed Bishop and conspirators/pirates of the Hawaiian Kingdom, our Queen, and aboriginal Hawaiians, kanaka maoli, Hawaiian Nationals.

    Kanaka maoli were under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion..........Premeditation to assume a neutral, friendly nation is documented..............what does that mean?  Ramifications ongoing.....


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    Animosity(ies), Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide Against Our Alii Families/Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the World Today- Updated 11.30.2012

    Animosity(ies), Jealousy, Pearl Harbor Evidence, Crimes, Genocide Against Our Alii Families/Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the World Today

    Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012)


    The Truth Found Through Research About our Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina follows:

    1810 -  Kamehameha was recognized as a King in a Monarchy government.

    1815 -  Kamehameha with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands formed the Pacific Empire, a democratic group of recognized nations.

      This is  the true Kamehameha flag, the Hawaiian flag, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina flag/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago flag:

    Note:  Notice that the stripes are red, blue, white, red blue, white, red......and NOT the colors utilized by the occupiers.

    Ref:  Researchers, including David Wynn Miller who found the true flag at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, few years ago.

     1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona, a treaty/pact made by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, with England, U.S. and the Vatican to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and to start a New World Order/ One World Order was made.


    1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona 
    5 min - Jan 16, 2009 - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is ...

     Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church :

     1867 -Some of the Alii genealogies were documented.  Kamehameha's descendants existed during this period and families claims surfaced in First Circuit Court Probates in the 1870's, etc.:

    Genealogies 1867 (first part)

    Genealogies 1867 (second part)

    Genealogies 1867 (third and last part)

     1875 -A Fraud Deed was claimed to Pearl Harbor and signed by King David Kalakaua in 1875. The problematic issue being that the true deed was made prior to the Mahele of 1848, due to the Halawa lands - including Pearl Harbor belonged to John Young/Olohana, the father of Grace Kamaikui who was awarded John Young's ahupuaa/Halawa lands - including Pearl Harbor in 1848. Grace Kamaikui has descendants: Hueu, Kale, and Peke Davis, and whose descendants existed then and exists today.

    ( you can locate the Fraud Deeds by going to the First Circuit Court and reviewing the Condemnation cases by the U.S. Government/ entity State of Hawaii vs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates aka's Trustees).

    The FRAUD Deed to Pearl Harbor documented in the Condemnation Case. King David Kalakaua deeded lands of Halawa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. The problems that surfaced in the court case include the facts that Grace Kamaikui died in 1866, and Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868.

    1875 - a Fraud Deed was made affecting Pearl Harbor and used in the Treaty of Reciprocity signed by King David Kalakaua who had no interest in the lands of Halawa which was conveyed to John Young's and Isaac Davis wife Grace Kamaikui.

    King Kalakaua deeded already deeded lands of Halawa which included Pearl Harbor to deceased ancestors Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.

    1878 - Fear of the Japanese by the U.S. was documented. The Pacific Cable Company was formed by Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

    Reference: CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES by Amelia Gora and for free download

    The valor of ignorance, with specially prepared maps : LeaHomer ...

    Mar 18, 2010 ... The valor of ignorance, with specially prepared maps ([1909]). Author: LeaHomer, 1876-1912. Subject: Eastern question (Far East); ... - Similar

    Many problems existed over the Pearl Harbor Reciprocity Treaty and criminally pursued by the U.S. representatives interested in taking over a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation.

    References: King Kalakaua's files on microfilm at the Archives, Main Library etc. under the title KING KALAKAUA'S HAWAII, etc. also researchs posted over time by Amelia Gora, and covering some of the other papers/thesis written by researchers, students moving towards their Masters/PhD., etc.

    Note: This basically means that the U.S. claims to Pearl Harbor is a Fraud, a lie documented.

    • "The New Lorelei". Cartoon, color. San Francisco, California. The Wasp. August 11, 1883. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

      Corner note: We are glad to hear evidences that the monumental fraud called the Kingdom of the Sandwich Islands, which has been maintained for the past twelve years at the expense of the people of the U.S., is ready fall to pieces. We presume that England will then step in and assume a protectorate.

      Description: Grover Cleveland is depicted as Lorelei sitting dejectedly on a rock in foreground, the Sandwich Isles lie in the distance, a U.S. vessel is shipwrecked and a British ship is gathering flotsam.

    • 7) 1887 -
    • 1887
    • "To the Rescue." Cartoon, chromolith. San Francisco, California, The Wasp, July 16, 1887. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/32]. 

      Description: King Kalakaua sits on a throne being toppled by the "revolution". The schooner "Lurline" is in the background. A barefoot woman rushing back from the Jubilee represents Kapi'olani.

    • "Which will win?" Cartoon, chromolith. San Francisco, California, The Wasp, August 27, 1887. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/33]. 

      Description: Shows King Kalakaua drunk, his crown askew. John Bull is holding him up by an arm and emptying a bottle onto the ground. Caricatured Kapi'olani is holding his other arm. Cleveland is on his knees before them pleading for something


    1892 - Treasonous persons in a concerted effort moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani - ranging from Senator Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka; U.S. President Obama's ancestors the Joseph Booth's; Lorrin Thurston making plans in Makua with American government Representative in Makua Valley, the same valley where the U.S. military blows up depleted uranium as if to rid the evidence of their crimes, etc.

    Masons/Freemasons arrived by the hundreds to help the plans along.

    Travel for five (5) was approved by Queen Liliuokalani.  The Mission was for the Hawaiian Government but used by the usurpers/conspirators:

    Reference: Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani's files, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu And what's so special about this document you ask?

    Chronologically speaking: 1892 - Legislative Session approves the $5,000 travel expenses for five (5) men to visit Washington D.C. for Hawaiian Kingdom Commerce issues.

    1892 - Masons/Freemasons unite from various nations in Honolulu, Parade, and Commemorate a building, calling Honolulu their "home city".

    1893 - January 5. Funds provided for the Travel.

    1893 - January 8. Congress and the U.S. President gives a standing order to assume Pearl Harbor, etc. 1893 - January 9. NEW YORK TIMES prints the article PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION - Imperative Necessity that the United States Takes Possession or 

    1893 - January 15. The Military Troops poured off the United States Warship BOSTON  

    1893 - January 17. American businessmen, treasonous persons, conspirators supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers (includes the international bankers) moved to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani.

    1893 - February 3. The five (5) Commissioners were:

    1) Lorrin Thurston - missionary descendant. He was born in the islands.

    2) William C. Wilder - steamship company which does business in the islands.

    3) William Castle - owner of the Railway Company which runs thru Pearl River Harbor. "He is a native."

    4) Joseph Marsden - sugar planter.

    5) Charles L. Carter - lawyer.

    Princess Kaiulani's father - Archibald Cleghorn 'got lost somewhere between Chicago and Washington'. From Salt Lake City and former resident from Hawaii, William A. Kinney, lawyer met them as an advisor.

    Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith, a representative from the Hawaiian Islands in Washington, D. C. met the five (5) from Hawaii.

    Dr. Smith/Dr. Mott Smith's assistant was Thomas Akaka, ancestor of current day Daniel Akaka who moves with the Akaka Bill, with purposes of defrauding all Hawaiian aboriginals/kanaka maoli, etc.

    Now, to get back to the above posted document, $5,000 was made available for five (5) members to travel to Washington D.C. Appears Cleghorn did not want to be directly associated with the treasonous group and happend to have gotten "lost". Cleghorn was the brother-in-law of Queen Liliuokalani due to his marriage to Princess Miriam Likelike and the parents of Princess Kaiulani. Pushing aside the reason for travel at the Hawaiian Kingdom expense for economic plans with the U.S., the travel monies granted in the Legislative Session of 1892, and approved for use on January 5, 1893, was used instead for treasonous activities involved plans to "secure annexation with the United States". The language added "We citizens and representatives of the Hawaiian Islands, organizing and acting for the public safety and the common good, hereby proclaim that a Provisional government for the control and management of public affairs and the protection of the public peace is hereby established. to exist under terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon." "The terms upon which the annexation shall be made.......................we shall remain here until our object is accomplished or our application is rejected."

    See: NEW YORK TIMES article "TO PLEAD HAWAII'S CAUSE - The Commissioners Have Arrived in Washington", dated February 4, 1893 at

    Note:  Wicked lot...........The pirates used the Hawaiian Kingdom monies to fund their travel expenses for their own purposes......................this is yet more evidence showing the concerted efforts made, the planning, the documented premeditation of treasonous persons, conspirators, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, and the support of the United States, England, the Morgan bankers (and International bankers) who had their eyes on Hawaii since their mercenaries/missionaries set their foot down in the 1820.


    The Premeditation to assume Pearl Harbor, take over Pearl Harbor which has owners was made by a standing order of U.S. Congress and documented in the NEW YORK TIMES on January 9, 1893 or 6-7 days before Queen Liliuokalani of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, a neutral non-violent nation was criminally assumed by Pirates, through acts of Piracy(ies) on the high seas.


    Page 1:

    Page 2:

    Note: Daniel Akaka's ancestor Thomas Akaka worked with Dr. Mott-Smith, Lorrin Thurston, Sanford B. Dole et. als. and helped to plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1892 at Washington, D.C. It is documented in Dr. Mott-Smith's book.

    Thomas and Daniel Akaka were both up to no good in Washington, D.C., and now those who support their criminal activities pursue it as well.

    9) The BOSTON Warship's Military men came off the ship with gatling guns, etc. two (2) days before dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.

    • 1893

    • Victor. "We Draw the Line at This." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, v25, 6331, December 2, 1893. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer Ills. press 1-2, Negative no. CP103.862, slide no. XS 30.786. 

      Caption: Our good-natured country may allow this administration to give our market to England, sell our embassies to Anglomaniac dudes, and cause the reduction of wages to the European standard. But...

      Description: Soldiers are holding up on points of bayonets a round platform upon which sits a caricature of Lili'uokalani, feathers in her hair, crown askew, barefoot, holding a paper reading "scandalous government", and "gross immorality".

    • Victor. "When We Annex Hawaii." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, c.1893. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Drawer Ills. press. Negative no. CP103.873, slide no. XS 31.155. Honolulu, Hawai'i

      Description: Several vignettes with captions.

      • "The bicycle will be in demand"
      • "Make Dave Hill king of the Sandwich Islands."
      • "Transfer Tammany to the wilds of Hawaii."
      • "A great American institution will be at once adopted"- i.e. swindlers, cheats, etc.
      • "Another great American institution will beautify the country" - i.e. saloon, liquor.
      • "The enterprising Yankee agents will shortly afflict the inhabitants."
      • "What a magnificent field for Dr. Parkhurst."
      • "Queen Lily will have a great time"-i.e. in a meuseum (sic) side show attraction.

    • 1893

    • Victor. "We Draw the Line at This." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, v25, 6331, December 2, 1893. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer Ills. press 1-2, Negative no. CP103.862, slide no. XS 30.786. 

      Caption: Our good-natured country may allow this administration to give our market to England, sell our embassies to Anglomaniac dudes, and cause the reduction of wages to the European standard. But...

      Description: Soldiers are holding up on points of bayonets a round platform upon which sits a caricature of Lili'uokalani, feathers in her hair, crown askew, barefoot, holding a paper reading "scandalous government", and "gross immorality".

    • Victor. "When We Annex Hawaii." Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Judge, c.1893. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Drawer Ills. press. Negative no. CP103.873, slide no. XS 31.155. Honolulu, Hawai'i

      Description: Several vignettes with captions.

      • "The bicycle will be in demand"
      • "Make Dave Hill king of the Sandwich Islands."
      • "Transfer Tammany to the wilds of Hawaii."
      • "A great American institution will be at once adopted"- i.e. swindlers, cheats, etc.
      • "Another great American institution will beautify the country" - i.e. saloon, liquor.
      • "The enterprising Yankee agents will shortly afflict the inhabitants."
      • "What a magnificent field for Dr. Parkhurst."
      • "Queen Lily will have a great time"-i.e. in a meuseum (sic) side show attraction.

      Hawaii held up by soldiers

    • McKinely marrying Hawaii to Uncle Sam

      A Shameful Conspiracy - Political Crime of the Century

    • 1894
    • "His Little Hawaiian Game Checkmated." Cartoon, chromolith. [New York], Judge. n.p., c1894. Hawaiian Historical Society, Whitney scrapbook, p114, 999.6 W61S. Kahn Collection [37/35], Hawai'i State Archives. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

      Caption: Uncle Sam: "Grover this game has been too deep for you. Every move you've made has been a blunder, and now you've lost your Black Queen and the game.

      Description: Uncle Sam and Cleveland are playing chess with pieces representing the U.S. senators and Queen Lili'uokalani.

    • Taylor. "In His Second Childhood." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, N.Y. Puck, v 35, n 886, February 28, 1894. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

      Description: Hoar is strapped into a high chair in the senatorial nursery and a page seems to be dangling a "Queen Lil" doll in front of him.


    President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani

      1897 - Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano:

    Annexation Opposition (page 2)

    Annexation Opposition (page 3)

    Annexation Opposition (page 4)

      The Hawaiian Disgrace

      Shameful Conspiracy

    • 1897

    • Taylor, C.J. "Another Shotgun Wedding, with Neither Party Willing". Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, v 42, n 1082. December 1, 1897. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives, Honolulu, Hawai'i. Drawer: Ills. Press 1-2, negative no. CP 103.858, slide no. XS 30.782.

      Description: A woman (Hawai'i) and Uncle Sam are getting married, kneeling before the minister (McKinley) who is reading from a book entitled "Annexation Policy". The bride seems ready to bolt. Behind the couple stands Morgan (jingo) with a shotgun.

    • Dalrymple. "Patient Waiters are No Losers." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck. January 13, 1897. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection. 

      Caption: Uncle Sam - "I ain't in a hurry-it'll drop into my basket when it gets ripe."

      Description: Uncle Sam is standing under a fruit tree, fruits hanging from tree are labeled "Hawaii, Canada, Cuba, Florida, Texas, California, and Louisiana".

    • Dalrymple. "Settling Affairs of State." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck, vXLI, n1062, July 14, 1897. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Drawer: Ills. Press 1-2, negative no. CP103.859, slide no. XS30.783. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

      Description: Secretary Sherman, dressed as an old woman, is gathering flowers from a pot labeled "Diplomatic Questions". The flowers are labeled "Bering Sea", "Cuba", "Hawaii". He is plucking petals from the Hawai'i flower.


    • Dalrymple. "School Begins". Cartoon, color lithograph. [New York], Puck, 1898. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection 37:39. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, Hawai'i. 

      Caption: Uncle Sam (to his new class on civilization) - "Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that in a little while, you will be as glad to be here as they are!"

      Description: In the back of the classroom students representing California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Alaska are quietly reading. In the front row are boys representing the Philippines, Porto (sic) Rico, Cuba, and Hawai'i looking bored and out of place.

    • Keppler. "A Trifle Embarrassed." Cartoon, chromolith. [New York], Puck, 1898. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/36].

      Caption: Uncle Sam: "Gosh, I wish they wouldn't come quite so many in a bunch; but if I've got to take them, I guess I can do as well by them as I've done by the others."

      Description: Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty are standing by a wall labeled "U.S. Foundling Asylum". Outstretched arms labeled "Manifest Destiny" are handing them a basket of crying children representing Porto (sic) Rico, Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines. Children dancing in the yard are labeled California, Texas and Mexico.


    • 1900
    • Pughe, J.S. "Hurrah! The country is saved again." Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, 1900. Hawai'i State Archives. Kahn Collection [37/40]. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

      Description: Uncle Sam and Miss Columbia are at the gate of the Capitol dancing with little people representing Cuba, Porto (sic) Rico, Labor, Capital, Philippines and Hawai'i.

    • Dalrymple. "The Ill-Fated Sister." Cartoon, color lithograph. New York, Puck, 1900. Hawai'i State Archives. Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection [37/41].

      Description: U.S. and Hawaii are riding in a carriage named "Free Trade", Porto (sic) Rico is standing forlornly by the roadside.

    • Hamilton, Grant. "The American Policy". Cartoon, color lithograph. Judge. c. 1901, v 40, n 1018. Hawai'i State Archives, Honolulu, Hawai'i. Kahn Collection.

      Caption: Bringing the truant boy to the little red, white and blue schoolhouse.

      Description: Miss Columbia, teacher at the Liberty School, is ringing a bell. Uncle Sam, switch in hand, is dragging by the ear a Filipino boy in loincloth and amulet. Boys from Hawai'i, Cuba, and Porto Rico(sic) are standing around watching.

      NO DATE
    • Dalrymple. "An Eye-Opener". Cartoon, color lithograph. Puck, n.d., n.p. Hawai'i State Archives, Honolulu. Kahn Collection. Also at Bernice P. Bishop Museum Archives. Drawer: Ills. Press, negative no. CP 103.857, slide no. XS 30.781. Honolulu, Hawai'i.

      Caption: Uncle Sam- "See if you can read that sign through this hyar telescope o' mine."

      Description: Uncle Sam is holding the small end of a telescope on John Bull's eye. John Bull is standing across the water in England and Hawaii is in the middle of the ocean. The telescope is labeled "Monroe Doctrine" and is aimed at a sign reading "No foreign interference."


    1901 - December 6. The Oahu Railway and Land Company deeded Halawa lands "for the purpose of condemning for naval purposes a certain tract of land situated in the District of Ewa, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii.....Registered map #1739....635 acres, more or less." All of this "in pursuant of said agreement and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10) in lawful money of the United States of America...." "Oahu Railway & Land Co. By S.C. Allen, President; by M.P. Robinson, Treasurer" signed.

    Note: This is the first deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.

     1901 - December 6. The Oahu Sugar Company Limited also a Corporation deeded to the United States of America "the sum of Ten (10) Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America............portion of that certain Island shown upon that certain Chart numbered 1800 published by the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy Department, said Island being known and designated Mokuumeume or Ford Island and said portions ..........containing and including 23 acres, more or less.....". "Oahu Sugar Co. Limited by its 2nd Vice President M.P. Robinson, by its Treasurer H.A. Isenberg" signed the deed.

    Note: This is the second deed recorded to the U.S. while the true land owners existed, while Queen Liliuokalani was still alive. This shows in part the criminal transactions of criminal deviants transferring lands that did not belong to them, and making it appear that it was a legal transaction.


    1901 - U.S. - G. White, Civil Engineer, U.S. mapped Halawa lands , Mokuumeume (Ford Island) showing "Portion of H.O. Chart #1800 Showing Parcwels of Land to be required by the U.S. Government through the Secretary of the Navy by Condemnation Proceedings for Naval Purposes at Pearl Harbor Hawaii Territory Naval Appropriation Act March 3, 1901. Tracing by Ld. E. Newton."

    20) 1902 - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees deeded lands of Halawa to the U.S.! The transaction amount was for $52,737.50 dollars "in lawful money of the United States of America" - the transaction was made "between Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and Joseph O. Carter, William F. Allen, William O. Smith, Samuel M. Damon, and Alfred W. Carter Trustees under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop deceased and of the Estate of said Bernice Pauahi Bishop, parties of the first part and The United States of America, party of the second part".

    Attached to the deed:

    The map - The date on the map in entry 17) shows at the bottom "Recorded and Compared this 16th day of July A.D. 1902 at 3:40 o'clock P. 71_ " signed/stamped Thos. G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances.

    Note: The Territory of Hawaii entity made a condemnation case. The U.S. assumed lands of the Royal families, Grace Kamaikui's ahupuaa. The Trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop were treasonous persons who did not have the rights to convey lands of the Royal families, etc. The claim that they appeared to be moving with was the King David Kalakaua deed which conveyed the Halawa Ahupuaa to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Grace Kamaikui was the owner of the Halawa Ahupuaa which was already conveyed to her by Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli in 1848. The Ahupuaa belonged to John Young, who left it to his heirs/descendants. John Young was a British counselor of Kamehameha.

    In other words, the claims by the Treasonous Trustees are without right, they had no claims to the Halawa Ahupuaa because John Young's, Grace Kamaikui's descendants existed then, and their descendants exist today (including myself, Amelia Gora). These illegal transactions made by treasonous persons are null and void, the U.S. supported their conspiracy activities, treasonous activities...............see the Premeditation article showing that the U.S. President, and the U.S. Congress did make a standing order to assume the Hawaiian Islands, Pearl Harbor, which is part of the Halawa Ahupuaa, and dethroning Queen Liliuokalani from a neutral, friendly, non violent nation.

    The Roads to WAR with the criminal claims to Pearl Harbor, Halawa lands, Mokuumeume Island (Ford Island) is based on fraud, criminal deviance, piracy(ies), etc. Research incomplete.

      1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died. She denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, William Smith, and Curtis Iaukea.

    Colburn, an administrator, was left to make corrections but instead made an agreement with Prince Kuhio.

      1918 - Prince Kuhio made an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. He received Queen Liliuokalani's beach front home in Waikiki as a settlement.

    Meanwhile, the true trustees descendants existed then, and exist now.

    The Trustees of all of the Alii Trusts were treasonous persons, and the trustees assigned continue to perpetuate the crimes of the past. Meanwhile, the true heirs existed then, and exist today.

      1920 -

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

    Kuhio was not allowed to vote, he was allowed only to speak in Congress.

      1959 - Hawaii became a fake state.

      Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Cathcart, one of Kamehameha's descendants, first cousin of my great grandmother.

     1992 - A Condemnation Case in the First Circuit Court - Case o. 92-2435-07 was made. The claims on the case was based on the Fraud Deed of King David Kalakaua to two (2) deceased ancestors.

    The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates maintained they were part of the owners of the Halawa Ahupuaa. The Trustees are not part of our families, and maintain a Pirate existence in the Hawaiian Islands with support of the U.S. who did premeditate the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893.

    I pointed out the Fraud Deed. The attorney for the Trustees stated that I was a good researcher. The Trustees hired another law firm, the condemnation case was pursued and the Judge of the Court was gifted with a Federal Judge position in the Federal Courts.

    2012 - The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates have perpetuated Frauds, Deceit, Lies over time and do not have titles to ANY of the Alii lands.

    Kamehameha's descendants, Kalola's descendants - Bernice Pauahi's next of kin listed on her probate, et. als. exists.

    The permanent treaties with the U.S., and other nations continue. 

    Rents, Leases for Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, gold bullions due.

    Rents, Leases for our Royal Families Private Properties, resources, water, etc. are also due.  Issues ongoing, including evidence for the purpose of documenting all the conspiracies, genocide, piracies, etc.  against a neutral, friendly nation, friendly people in the Kuala Lumpur and other courts expected.


    The conspiracies by the U.S. government in claiming Pearl Harbor, the Hawaiian archipelago, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is shown in the articles posted above. 

    Oppositions to the U.S. has been made by more than 20,000 subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, along with Queen Liliuokalani; many subjects/kanaka maoli over time against Statehood, etc.

    A current Judge did say that "because opposition was documented, Sovereignty shall be...."

    The claims to the Hawaiian Islands by the U.S. Presidents and Congress, with England, and the Morgan bankers is one BIG LIE, documented Fraud, deceit, criminal support, premeditation, conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation by bankrupt persons from bankrupt nations.

    PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did premeditate the criminal assumption, pirating, identity theft of the Hawaiian Kingdom since their arrival because he did work for the U.S. Consulate, and all consulates have spies employed with their units.

    Charles Reed Bishop and William Lee were both employed by the U.S. Consulate.

    Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did form the Pacific Cable Company in 1878 to warn the U.S. that the Japanese were passing the Hawaiian Islands. The U.S., and England were bankrupt due to their debt from the American Civil War and they assumed the Hawaiian Kingdom assets through their banking partnerships, investors the Morgan and International banks including the Bank of England who funded both sides of Wars.

    Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations.

    Charles Reed Bishop had borrowed $2,000,000 - $4,000,000 from the Hawaiian Kingdom and the PIRATE, Racketeering entity calling themselves the Provisional government forgave him his loans.

    Oppositions to the claims of Pearl Harbor has been documented and put out to the public.

    The claims to Pearl Harbor by the criminal, treasonous Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Trust pirated by criminal deviants, racketeers now documented, also had a part in creating WARS against Innocents by conveying lands that they never had title or ownership to and conveyed to a Warring, bankrupt nation who did acts of War against a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation and moved to criminally assume Private properties of our Royal families, etc.

    Needless Wars occurred due to greed, criminal activities maintained by the U.S. and their treasonous mercenaries who are documented Pirates and are not the true owners in the Hawaiian Islands. Genocide issues, evidence against a neutral, non-violent nation has and is being documented.

    The crimes of the past affecting ALL WARS since 1893 is hereby revealed by one of the researchers, reporters, whistleblowers with documented evidence that has been posted all over the internet for the world to see. I, Amelia Gora, stand with the many other researchers, reporters, whistleblowers who convey the Truth to everyone.....and I again state that the U.S. does NOT own or have any interest in Pearl Harbor, in the Halawa Ahupuaa or any part of the Hawaiian Islands and Hawaiian archipelago due to their operations supporting documented criminal deviants who supported their cause in assuming the lands, resources, monies, gold bullions, gold coins, buildings, our Queen Liliuokalani's government are are documented Pirates on the High Seas moving to Plunder Upon All Nations for their assets, resources, monies, lands, including human bondage/slaves, etc.

    The U.S., England, and the bankers formed the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations which departed from the Law of Nations and set up the United Nations with the One World Order/ New World Order goals which continues together, neglecting the Constitution, a democratic society with goals towards communism, the decimation of "needless" and "useless eaters", favoring only whites, and moving with animosities towards all people of color.

    Obama is no exception as can be seen in his recent you tube video - he is but a puppet to a documented criminal, greedy psychopaths who enjoy killing by creating WARS /Plundering Upon Innocents, creating toxins, contaminants, weapons that kill, etc.

    Let everyone know the Truth. The Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina whose Royal families existed then and exists now are the True Land owners, descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, King Kalakaua, Queen Liliuokalani, et. als.

    The claims to Pearl Harbor is based on lies, conspiracy(ies) documented, Fraud, criminal claims, illegal, and one of Piracy(ies), racketeering, and the Wars created are based on deceit, greed, LIES.........LIES........LIES...........and countless souls died needlessly..........and everyone in the World should know this, including the whistleblowers, the reporters, the writers, and all who believe that the "truth shall set you free".

    Wake Up Hawaii! Wake Up America! Wake Up World!

    The permanent treaties with the U.S., and other nations continue. 

    Rents, Leases for Crown Lands, Government lands in the amount of $500 Trillion dollars in gold coins, gold bullions due.

    Rents, Leases for our Royal Families Private Properties, resources, water, etc. are also due.  Issues ongoing, including evidence for the purpose of documenting all the conspiracies, genocide, piracies, etc.  against a neutral, friendly nation, friendly people in the Kuala Lumpur and other courts expected.



    Informing many because..............

    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


    eyes 068


    Researcher (history, genealogy(ies), and legal), Writer, Editor, Publisher of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii.

    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author
    and do not necessarily reflect those of this website or its editors.

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    Countering Animosity, Jealousy, etc. ..........aloha.



    - A Pictoral History -

    by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010)

    Let’s hop, skip, jump to the important stuff…………share it with everyone, especially intended for the children because they have been taught so many LIES, LIES, LIES, propaganda, indoctrination, etc.:

    These are our Alii Nui:

    Kamehameha began the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1810. He also treatied with Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands. The three (3) nations 1) Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Kingdom of Hawaii; 2) Aetearoa (New Zealand); and the Samoan Islands together were called the Pacific Empire, a democratic group.

    Kamehameha II – Alexander Liholiho, was a son of Kamehameha. He tried to learn about the Monarchy government in England. He and his wife died of measles.

    Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli, was a son of Kamehameha. He shared his properties with the people, and the Hawaiian government, which is NOT the entity State of Hawaii, a Pirate on the high seas.

    The Hawaiian Kingdom was recognized in the Law of Nations:
    the following documents are very important due to the recognition of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1844.

    Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was adopted/hanai of Kamehameha III. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.

    The Queen’s Hospital was supported by he and his wife Emma. Kanaka Maoli have free health care at the hospital.

    Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 2 hours ago

    Kamehameha V – Lot Kamehameha was an older brother of Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho. He was a true grandson of Kamehameha.

    The haole/foreigners used his signature to assume large tracts of Crown Lands, water rights, etc. through his signature while he was the Minister of Interior. Even Governor Poindexter in 1936 used his signature long after he died! Yes, thieves, identity thieves, criminal acts are documented by the haole/foreigners.

    It was in 1868 when this flag of our Hawaiian Kingdom appeared in the haole/foreigners records:

    The flag colors appears to be WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE, RED, WHITE, DARK BLUE

    Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour ago

    King William Lunalilo – he was the son of Kekauluohi, Auhea and Charles Kanaina. His mother was married to Kamehameha, and when he died, she married Kamehameha II. It was part of the Royal Families tradition. Multiple marriages were acceptable for the Royal Families.

    King David Kalakaua – He was not a Kamehameha but he did attend the Royal School (see the Calendar article above). His mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant.

    King Kalakaua was forced by the haole/foreigners to sign a Constitution which removed many of his rights. His sister Liliuokalani called the 1887 Constitution the Bayonnet Constitution.

    Note: Is it right to have foreigners force someone to sign important documents while they point guns at the person?

    King Kalakaua had his own flag made:

    A U.S. representative asked for loans from the King and the House of Nobles. The House of Nobles said NO because they would not pay the loan back for thousands of years. The Americans intended to pay only small amounts each month.

    His cousin named Robert Wilcox tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. He was charged with treason and pardoned.

    Queen Liliuokalani – She was the sister of King David Kalakaua. Their mother was a hanai/adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant. She too attended the Royal School and was eligible to be a Hawaiian leader.

    The Americans did not like Queen Liliuokalani because she knew some of the things that they were up to.

    Once again, Robert Wilcox and others, tried to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom. Once again he was tried for treason, and he was released. Robert Wilcox appeared to be testing his cousins to help the Americans.

    Many people tried to pay the Queen for the Hawaiian Islands. They claimed to be Hawaiian subjects but were actually Americans and treasonous, criminals to the Hawaiian Kingdom.

    Even the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, former American Civil War General, and U.S. President Grover Cleveland were in on it with England and the bankers (Morgan bankers, Bank of England, and others).

    They planned the takeover of our Hawaiian Kingdom since they started to say that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha’s. That was a lie! Many descendants existed then and exists today.

    The U.S. Congress with the U.S. President(s), the military, etc. gave orders to take over the Hawaiian Islands on January 8, 1893:

    Additional plans were passed on to the Americans in Hawaii on January 14, 1893:

    Amelia Gora Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 34 seconds ago

    Note: Queen Liliuokalani owned sugar plantations. The haole/foreigners were unkind to the workers. They treated people of color like slaves and did not recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom’s anti-slavery law of 1852.

    About Princess Kaiulani. Queen Liliuokalani did not abdicate over to her.

    The Diary of the Queen

    Note: The haole/foreigners/Americans/Congress deprived her and her subjects, even after Oppositions were made through the KUE Petition. She had been imprisoned, her belongings were removed by treasonous persons, she had been arrested and called treasonous by the Pirates. She was pardoned. The Hawaiian Kingdom was under martial law.

    She left a Will which shows that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners. However, she did sign a Trust Deed with her hanai/adopted daughter.

    Prince Kuhio tried to declare her to be incompetent, a crazy person. Queen Liliuokalani maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the haole/foreigners.

    Prince Kuhio took an out of court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani after she died in 1917.

    Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa were treasonous persons, were Masons/Freemasons part of a group who helped to remove Queen Liliuokalani from her position.

    Both Princes, although listed and schooled as Princes, they were relatives of Queen Kapiolani and were not the bloodlines of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.

    Prince Kuhio and Prince Kawananakoa purchased an interest of the Queen Liliuokalani Trust from a descendant of the adopted daughter of the Queen’s true Trustee. She was not the bloodline of her true Trustee.


    The Pirates in place are not the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Pirates maintain Trusts that they do not have ownership to. The Kuhio and Kawananakoa’s are Kanaka Maoli Pirates who support the haole/foreigners/Americans through their criminal claims, lies, deceit, and supported by the U.S. Many issues remain. Ramifications are ongoing.

    The Akaka Bill moves to have an illegal, criminal, racketeering, Piracy(ies) once and for all and proclaim our neutral non-violent nation an indigenous bunch of ignorants who have nothing, own nothing, and are nothing.

    Akaka along with the Americans, et. als. look to claim an already recognized nation as a bunch of Indians under their authority ignoring the facts our people remain innocent of all of the ills, criminal activities, wrongdoings, plundering on all for the want, the lust, the greed, intent to rape, kill, deceive, commit ongoing genocide, criminal activities by slowly killing our people through depleted uranium/DU and other toxins.

    They are the Terrorists of all in our Hawaiian archipelago, and are belligerent occupiers with animosities towards our People of Color.

    Oppose their activities in our Hawaiian Islands, for they do not belong and have been given several notices of eviction with the date of December 31, 2010.



                                                        STEPPING BACK INTO THE YEAR 1892

                                                                    Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                                                        Photos/research by Amelia Gora (2012)

    The following photos speaks for itself......aloha :







    Reminding everyone on the eve of American Holiday for Prince Kuhio, a traitor, a conspirator, PIRATE, supported by Americans and their 50% supporters living on the Crown Lands:

    For the purpose of this article, some of the Paid off Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/treasonous/ conspirators, et. als. follows below:

    *Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Kuhio

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole was not allowed to vote in Congress.....he was only allowed to talk:

    Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole claimed Queen Liliuokalani Insane, entity Hawaii Court rules in favor of Treasonous persons Cleghorn, Smith, and Iaukea

    Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed


    articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the

    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web see hawaiian genealogy society and

    Note: All the above articles indicate that he was not a supporter of Queen Liliuokalani. Kuhio was also a Mason/Freemason and friends of Charles Reed Bishop and conspirators/pirates of the Hawaiian Kingdom, our Queen, and aboriginal Hawaiians, kanaka maoli, Hawaiian Nationals.

    Kanaka maoli were under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion..........Premeditation to assume a neutral, friendly nation is documented..............what does that mean?  Ramifications ongoing.....


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