Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Hawaii is Occupied by Aliens - Watch Pinky the Cat Video

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk  No. 2021-0820  Special Article to Keep, Share....

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Hawaii is Occupied by Aliens - Watch Pinky the Cat Video 


Happy Admissions Day! Admissions of GUILT, that is!!
If you have no clue about why Hawaiʻi is actually NOT a STATE of the U.S., but an occupied country working actively for liberation, here is a classic primer by a very cute cartoon cat to get you started. And feel free to ask stuff. There are no stupid questions, in my book, just some stupid assumptions that have been cultivated by those who did the dirty deed in the first place. And are still doing. .

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