Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Joyclynn Costa: Who Owns Hawaii's Lands? Hint: Not the Aliens! The True Owners Are the Allodial Land Owners!



Who Owns Hawai`i's Lands? - A Visit With Joyclynn Costa

Jul 3, 2010 - When the US took Hawai`i over, what happened to Hawaiian Kingdom law? Did it just evaporate? That's what Joyclynn Costa wanted to know. So she started her own research project which unearthed some very surprising answers, including who really owns land in Hawai`i today. You'll be amazed as she reveals what she found in her remarkable one-woman journey of discovery.

Duke Palk
Even to this day my Ohana and myself are impacted by the illegal occupation it is now become an genetic factor it is instilled in hawaiians the hurt and deception by america. Just like the native americans who are scarred for life so to are the Kanaka Maoli. Much love and aloha, keep up the fight.
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Ancestors sharing their mana'o & guiding us even from the other side. Also, theres some butthurt salty foreigners (aka Americans) below in the comments, upset at hearing that their beach side mansions are in fact NOT theirs. 😂🤣😂... well technically they own the house (structure), they just gatta get it the eff off our land. 🙂... I wonder what the shipping cost is to ship a mansion to the US?!?! No worries, we're generous & compassionate people, Im sure one of us will buy your homes from you for $1... the same price you try to lease (aka rent) OUR OWN LAND to us for (homesteads).
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Amelia Gora
The issues of "heirs and assigns" is a manipulation/a change of the actual "heirs and successors" ---assigns can be aliens/ or haole or non kanaka maoli/non kanaka Hawaii maoli ......and the real terms "heirs and successors" means that the bloodlines continue under the terms "heirs and successors".....also HRS 172.11 was set up After the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani. The statutes of the Hawaiian Kingdom is the foundation laws.....the identity thieves changed the statutes under the HRS/ Hawaii Revised Statutes....remember there was No Annexation meaning the illegal business of the usurpers are all Fraud. Reference: and my researches (also have a paralegal cert from Chaminade University of Honolulu), etc.
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HRS 172-11 was originally written in 1872, it says so on the statute. Thats 21 years prior to the illegal overthrow, aka "the dethronement of Queen Lili'uokalani".
Amy Gora
 @Aloha  suggest you read word for word and notice how "heirs and successors" was changed to "heirs and assigns" ....FRAUD is it not? the manipulations of the legalese is the game played over time.... in 1865 for example the Pirate Alfred Hartwell changed inviolable - in Kamehameha III's laws to "inalienable"....Wicked SOB which is another example of the Frauds...... Look at HRS which means REVISED what was REVISED? Compare what is the true doc vs. the REVISED.....
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Andrew Neale
mahalo for your 'ike ( wisdom )
Brian Andrews
This is where the term *Indian Giver* comes from.

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