Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Problematic Issues Due to the Bishop Estates, etc.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Problematic Issues Due to the Bishop Estates, etc.

                                                                  Review by Amelia Gora (2022)

The nine (9) issues below are Problematic for Kanaka Maoli:




1.  Kue Petitions

"The Kūʻē Petitions, also known as the Anti-Annexation Petitions, is a collection of signatures from 1897-1898 of Hawaiian subjects who opposed annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi by the United States. The signatures were collected by Hui Hawai‘i Aloha ‘Āina; its members traveled by foot, horseback, and boat from island to island to collect over 21,000 signatures. The petitions, hand-delivered to the United States Senate in Washington, D.C., persuaded members of Congress not to sign a Treaty of Annexation of Hawaiʻi.[1]" - Wikipedia


The Truth

Signatures were gathered to Oppose the annexation to the United States by Patriots of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  The signatures were gathered and

delivered to the U.S. in Washington, D.C. documenting Oppositions to Annexation.

Queen Liliuokalani had stated that she had 40,000 supporters, but only 21,000 signatures were found to date.

See:  Annexation of Hawaii | University of Hawaii at Manoa Libraryhttps://libweb.hawaii.edu › annexation › petition › pet599 Kue: the Hui Aloha Aina anti-annexation petitions, 1897-1898. Previous Page ] -- [ View PDF ] -- [ Next Page ]. Men APANA O KAU (District of Kau)


2.  Kalama Valley
"The Kalama Valley is located on the east side of Oʻahu, and was owned by Bishop Estate during the protests of the 1970s."

"The project began to pick up speed with the (Bishop) Estate notifying more than 51 people of their eviction and the following announcement that those people would need to find new housing. To oversee the demolition of the Kalama Valley residences and the completion of the eviction process, Ed Michael was hired by the Estate. He is quoted as saying, "in today's modern world, the Hawaiian lifestyle should be illegal". In response to the development and escalating tension, Larry Kamakawiwoʻole called together Pete Thompson, "Soli" Niheu, Kalani Ohelo, and other noted student activists to begin protests against the evictions."

"The protests began with the eviction of many of the residents, followed by lines of bulldozers destroying what was left of many people's homes. This was due to the fact that much of the land was to be repurposed for development projects. These development projects were sponsored and connected to the Big Five, the grouping of corporations that had come to dominate Hawaiian life and politics from before the creation of its territory status. This project was projected to be highly profitable for the Bishop Estate and would go towards the education of Native Hawaiians."


The Bishop Estates Trustees are Not the Allodial landowners.  

Bernice Pauahi Bishop died in 1884 and her will was applicable to the Kingdom of Hawaii and not to the conspirators, treasonous persons who lost all interest in lands when they helped to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The terms of her Will was applicable to her government the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani.  They became sisters when Ruth Keelikolani's father and stepmother adopted /made hanai Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Kalola who was a stepsister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop was her next-of-kin in Probate.  Kalola was a first cousin and became her stepsister when Abner Paki , Bernice Pauahi's true father married the widow of his brother named Kalaniulumoku who died in 1838.

"Bernice named Samuel Mills DamonWilliam Owen SmithCharles Montague CookeCharles McEwen Hyde, and her husband, Charles Reed Bishop, as the original five trustees to invest her estate at their discretion, use the income to operate the schools, and also "to devote a portion of each year's income to the support and education of orphans, and others in indigent circumstances, giving the preference to Hawaiians of pure or part aboriginal blood." She also directed the Hawaiʻi (Kingdom) Supreme Court to appoint replacement trustees and required that all teachers be Protestant, without regard to denomination.[7]"

Note:  All of the Trustees named participated in the conspiracy against Queen Liliuokalani who was a hanai/adopted sister of Bernice Pauahi

Bishop.  The Kingdom of Hawaii Supreme Court was taken over by the Provisional Government in 1893, and the Kamehameha Boys School

played a part in helping the White Annexationists usurp the Queen in 1893.

The true land owners, the Allodial land owners are the descendants and heirs of Kalola who owned half the estate when Bernice Pauahi 

Bishop died in 1884, and Charles Reed Bishop - her husband - owned a life interest in half the estate.

Legally, Charles Reed Bishop lost all interest in the estate due to his participation in the conspiracy and overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani who

was his sister-in-law.

The Kalama Valley lands did not belong to the Bishop Estates then and even now.

The Kalama Valley innocent residents were kicked off the lands. 

Recently, we have discovered that some of the residents were actually Royal Family members.  

Research continues.

3.  Kahoolawe

"After the attack on Puʻuloa, Pearl Harbor, in 1941, the U.S. Federal government seized control of the island of Kahoʻolawe to run military exercises and bombing practice.[5] In 1976, members of Protect Kahoʻolawe ʻOhana, including George Helm and Walter Ritte, began peaceful occupations of the island to stop the bombing."


The Truth:  Kahoolawe was assumed by the U.S. military for target practice.

Our Royal Family heard about it in 1968.  

The caprock was blown up leaving the island without water.

Sheep was raised there leaving the island dry and without green grass.

Nuclear bombs were used on Kahoolawe as told by visiting scientists including Leuren Moret, Depleted Uranium expert.

The island was poisoned, contaminated by the U.S. Military who is on record as having violated, breached the Neutrality law 

documented by U.S. President Cleveland.

4.  Waiahole-Waikane

"This Waiāhole-Waikāne struggle was one of the most successful movements in Native Hawaiian resistance and later led to other similar offshoot offenses. Much of the effort culminated in the blocking of the federal highway, which caused mass traffic disturbance. This was done to raise public awareness of the mass eviction, which was being done for the creation of a 700-unit condominium and apartment complex on the island of Oʻahu. There were also numerous protests and marches across the island, with residents pushing for an end to the evictions and in many cases for long-term leases. The state would ultimately relent to the protestors' demands and would step in to stop the development. Governor Ben Cayetano granted many of the residents 55-year leases, which would have entitled them to live on the land for years to come. After much assurances, they were ultimately signed by the most Native residents and marked another victory in the resistance to land displacement."


The Truth is that some of the residents have deeds going back to the 1848 Mahele and continue to own lands in Waiahole-Waikane.

Portions of Waiahole-Waikane belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs and successors because he did form a Water Company and assigned kanaka maoli to the lands.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's properties were documented "inviolable" and Not "inalienable" as claimed by an American Civil War General who became a Judge during Kamehameha V's - Lot Kamehameha's period.

Although Governor Cayetano assigned 55 year leases, the lease terms in the Kingdom of Hawaii is only 30 years as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Kanaka maoli with Royal Patents, Land Commission Awards, Survey of their ancestor's property with their genealogies to their ancestor's name appearing on the land identified as an Allodial land, may reclaim, return to their land.

Case precedence is the Kekiekie vs. Dennis case in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.  No one can take your land away.

Also case law Kepani vs. John Watson in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS shows that you need not go to court because this case is similar to the Kekiekie vs. Dennis case.

Research incomplete.

5.Hilo Airport 

"The Hilo Airport protest was a small scale event with roughly 50 people who used ceremonial music and spatial occupation to create disturbance in the normal affairs of the airport. This was due to the expansion of the Hilo Airport on indigenous land without proper consultation of indigenous people or the Native Hawaiian Organizations that serve as de facto representatives. This protest lasted a short time but proved that even infractions of sovereignty deemed small would be met with resistance.[6]"''


Research incomplete.

6.  Mākua Valley 

"The event was triggered by numerous evictions in the Mākua Valley on the island of Oʻahu, and was followed by dozens of more threats, with the main targets being Native Hawaiians who had lived there for fifty years or longer.[7] These evictions led to numerous sit-ins and camp-ins with approximately 16 protestors arrested. Much of this action was started in the 60's, but the two major events happened with the mass arrests and disturbance that occurred on January 20, 1983, and the mass eviction in January 1996. This mass eviction is particularly notable, because the Governor at the time, Ben Cayetano, kept the media from reporting, and even went as far as threatening to arrest and suppress the press should the try to report on the event.[3]"


Research incomplete. 

7.  Haleakalā and Mauna Kea[edit]

"Protestors have clashed with astronomers and the United States government over the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope, and its location on the sacred mountains of Haleakalā and Mauna Kea. The initial movement led to the arrest of six protesters, which spurred further outrage about the suppression of free speech and the suppression of Native Hawaiian voices."

"This Native Hawaiian voice was further suppressed when one of the protesters, Samuel Kaleikoa Kaʻeo, spoke in Hawaiian during his trial, leading to a further charge from the judge.[8] This effort against the Thirty Meter Telescope is an ongoing movement and reflects a tradition of resistance and continual struggle by the Native Hawaiian people to protect their homelands and preserve their sacred sites. The telescope has so far been pushed back, but the government and the groups of astronomers pushing the project have not given up on the project.[3]"


The Truth: 

Haleakala has owners.  Kamaikaaloa is the ancestor of some of the kanaka maoli who currently reside on Oahu.

The kanaka maoli have Allodial titles to Haleakala and have sent billings for rent which is legally a lien on their properties.

Mauna Kea  belongs in part to our Royal Family.  

The Bishop Estates did lease part of the lands to the State of Hawaii for the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

The Bishop Estates are Not the landowners, they do not own the Allodial lands because they are Aliens and have never owned properties belonging to our Royal Family the descendants and heirs of Kalola who is the documented next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884 legally from the Kingdom of Hawaii.

The Bishop Estates have criminally engaged in illegal contracts with other Aliens, non-kanaka maoli.

Our Royal Family opposed the building of the telescope on Mauna Kea because of the contamination of the water, air, environment.

Also, it is not OK to use military weaponry on our lands.

Also note that the adjacent ahupuaa also belongs to our Royal Family, the lands of Hueu Davis called Waikoloa which has 95,000 acres.

Parts of our lands has been leased to the U.S. Military which is Not OK.

The Waikoloa management has not responded to my emails and this also serves as a legal notice that the U.S. Military cannot use our properties for their military purposes which appears to be connected to the telescope laser projects and the depleted uranium projects on Pohakuloa across of our Waikoloa lands and parts of Mauna Kea.

We own the Allodial titles to both Waikoloa, and Mauna Kea.

Pohakuloa belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli whose lands are "inviolable" and he did pass the Neutrality Law in 1854 which remains in effect.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland brought up the breach of Neutrality also.

Research incomplete.

8.  Sand Island

Sand Island has been leased out to many companies.


Whistleblower Greg Wongham (dec.) researched the facts that the Governors, the U.S. Presidents have used monies gotten without reporting income to the Internal Revenue Services, the people, the Departments etc.

Investigations are ongoing because the investments made by the Bishop Estates are included and Goldman and Sachs, various banks are in collusion.

Greg Wongham's building cost more than a million dollars with their equipment was destroyed and he being a kanaka maoli took a huge loss which affected many of his investors.

In the buildings place, the Governor's rebuilt and used the land for their own purposes.



9.  Halawa - Fuel Tanks on Royal Family's Private Properties

The U.S. Military purchased land from a non-owner named Samuel M. Damon, an Alien who could never own Allodial lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

Samuel M. Damon conspired against Queen Liliuokalani.  He lost all interest in lands. 

Many innocents have expressed their concern over the contamination of our ancient 2,000+ years islands and ancient society whose waters have been poisoned/contaminated.

Disregard for human rights documented.


The Truth:  The U.S. Military set up the fuel storage facility knowing that the rusting of the tanks would affect, contaminate the water source for all on Oahu.

Breach of Neutrality Law written by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was documented by U.S. President Grover Cleveland.

He also documented that a Military expedition occurrred.

Purchase of property from a treasonous person adds to the premeditation activities by a nation unfriendly to a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Kamehameha descendants existed then and their descendants exists today documenting the wrongs affecting innocents including the military's own families.

The U.S. government, and the created government under U.S. President McKinley called the Territory of the United States turned Territory of Hawaii then made a state by Executive Order of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower has Failed to protect the lives, safety, health, water, land, air etc.  

The fuel with tanks needs to be removed immediately.

This message is maintained by our Royal Family who are the true owners of our private property(ies) which does Not belong to Samuel Damon Estate/Family or the U.S. Military.

Research incomplete.



Nation to Nation Legal Directive/Notice to All No. 2022-0919  Cause for Investigations: Piracy/Corruption in Hawaii Affecting the U.S., State of Hawaii, Bankers, Wall Street etc. from Amelia Gora, a R


U.S. President  Joe Biden
Secretary of State 
State of Hawaii Governor Ige
City and County of Honolulu Mayor Blangiardi 
Many Interested others

   Nation to Nation Legal Directive/Notice to All No. 2022-0919  Cause for Investigations: Piracy/Corruption in Hawaii Affecting the U.S., State of Hawaii, Bankers, Wall Street etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii

The following information was posted due to the intense fraud, corruption, racketeering, piracy, pillaging which has occurred over time by non owners of our Allodial lands.  
The entity involved is based on our Royal Family's lands criminally claimed by the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/KSBE/ Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates who have criminally claimed what is not theirs to claim.  
The Trustees of 1893, along with Charles Reed Bishop were conspirators against Queen Liliuokalani and our Royal Family and committed treason in a neutral friendly, non-violent nation.
Much evidence has been found showing the Premeditation to overthrow, usurp a wealthy Monarchy turned Constitutional Monarchy government which was recognized in 1841 by Belgium, then in 1843 by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.
There was no Annexation as documented by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices in 1988, documented again in 2000 as a Memorandum, the researches of University of Hawaii Law Professor Williamson Chang, and in 2018 by United Nations Human Rights International Law Professor Alfred de Zayas.
Meanwhile, the piracies, pillaging continued on by the White Supremacists - Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.
U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897 after the legitimate Royal government was usurped.
U.S. President William McKinley made the officers of the Provisional government turned Republic into Americans after having the Army, Navy, and other personnel "develop" a Territory of the United States.
McKinley also turned the United States into two (2) nations:  (1) the United States - dealt with nations that had sovereignty and treaties, and (2) the American Empire - dealt with territories that had no sovereignty.
The Territory of the United States was called the Territory of Hawaii and the other islands that were part of the Kingdom of Hawaii, part of the 133 islands in the Pacific which was recognized as the Hawaiian archipelago by Russia during the time of Kamehameha.
A Constitutional Monarchy was formed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who created a Constitution, laws, including land laws giving forever lands to his people, the kanaka maoli, and secured it as Allodial lands.  Aliens, or foreigners, were only able to obtain Fee Simple, Leasehold, Freehold, Less than Allodial lands and could only be documented with 30 years time limit.
Conspiracy occurred and the White Supremacists maneuvered to claim lands with Allodial titles, which is why former Judge Bailey changed the two (2) types of lands - Allodial and Fee Simple and merged it into one title called "Allodial in Fee Simple".  Fraud, Corruption has been documented by many researchers including myself and Greg Wongham who exposed CORRUPTION IN HAWAII and documented the U.S. Presidents, the Governors et.als. all parties to the crimes.
In Wongham's research, he documented the following:
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Funds which belongs to our Royal Family and considered stolen:
- $6 billion from the Kamehameha Schools Trust
- Democratic Party spent $500 Million to purchase Goldman Sach's Stock.
-- $500 million investment by Kamehameha Schools tripled the investments.
- $10 million of Kamehameha Schools Trust funds used by Goldman Sachs stocks held by Robin Rubin, the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under U.S. President William Clinton.
Other "Missing" Funds:
- $64.4 million dollars in Federal Funds.
- $100,000 from the Sand Island Business Association/SIBA
- $75,000 to $100,000 a year for 7 years or so - salary cost for Mr. Hamasu
- $1.5 million dollars for "ceded lands" valued at $5.4 Million dollars
-$117,000 received by Senator Milton Holt from the 'boys at Sand Island'
- $ 79,000 payout to Governor John Waihee for a 55 year lease.
        Note:  Leases could only be for 30 years under the Kingdom of Hawaii.
- $500,000 contributions given by Sand Island guys.
Banks Involved:
- CPB/ Central Pacific Bank
- Manoa Finance
- Sumitomo Bank of Japan
- Xiame International Bank
- New York Stock exchange
- FDIC/Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Pacific Century formerly known as Bank of Hawaii
- Banco West formerly known as First Hawaiian Bank
- Japanese Banks:  Daiiichi Fudasan & Mitsui Trust & Banking
- Hong Kong Banks
Many Others listed in Greg Wongham's article, including this Posted Index which shows why the American people, et. als. should be aware of the monies, lands being used by many who have not been accounted for the funneling of monies which belongs to our Royal Family and kanaka maoli, the Allodial land owners.

Greg Wongham Exposed Corruption in Hawaii: 2013 Article "The Ripple Effect"

                                                                     I N D E X of Individuals Involved 


Akaka, Daniel - Senator of Hawaii - page 2, 3, 4

Alm, Stephen - Hawaii U.S. Attorney - page 11

Ariyoshi, George - Governor of Hawaii - page 3, 5, 7, 9, 10


Burns, John - Governor of Hawaii - page 7


Clinton, William  - U.S. President - page 2, 3, 6



Eisenhower, Dwight D. - U.S. President - page 7

Enomoto, Tom - page 5, 10


Gore, Al - U.S. Vice-President - page 2, 3


Hamasu, Edgar - former deputy Director of the State of Hawaii land agency, Executive Director and Secretary of     the Sand Island Business Association - page 5, 7, 8, 9, 10

Heely, Daniel - Judge of the State of Hawaii - page 10

Holt, Milton - Senator - page 8


Inouye, Daniel - Senator - page 1, 3, 



Kaneshiro, Clyde - page 5


Latief, Atang - page 1, 7, 9, 10

Lewis, Wilma - Inspector General - page 11


Michaels, Steven - 1st Deputy Attorney General in the State of Hawaii - page 8, 10




Paty, Bill - page 5

Peters, Henry - Kamehameha Schools Trustee - page 1



Rubin, Robert - Secretary of Treasury under President Clinton - page 1


Sukamto, Sukarman  page 1, 7, 9, 10


Takahashi, Sakae - page 1, 3

Tanoue, Donna - wife of Kirk Caldwell - page 3


Uchida, Dean - State of Hawaii Agent - page 10

Ushijima, John - page 3



Waihee, John - Governor of Hawaii - page 2, 5, 6, 8, 11



Young, Mason - page 5, 10


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Important Note:  The land, monies, etc. involves the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates.


"H" for Hawaii - Greg Wongham exposed "Corruption in Hawaii"

Sep 21, 2014  The Guardianship must be broken and the Hawaiians freed from assaults similar to those perpetrated by Nazi Germany as revealed in the post World ...

Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees ...

https://maoliworld.com › forum › topics › bernice-paua...
Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, the giant Hawaiian education trust, which also ...GreaterThings, by Greg WonghamThe Ripple Effect is one way we, the .

Vol. IV No. 407 Wednesday Weekly - Legal Notice August 23 ...

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Aug 23, 2012  Posted by Amelia Gora on August 23, 2012 at 11:48am in Politics ... GreaterThings, by Greg WonghamThe Ripple Effect is one way we, the .

The Truth About the CORRUPT, PIRATED Trust of Our ...

https://paradise808.wordpress.com › 2011/08/09 › the-t...
Aug 9, 2011  As to Peters, the effect of these violations has been that Trust assets have been mismanaged and misspent to the detriment of the Trust purpose.

  • Paradise 808 | Just another WordPress.com site

    Sep 11, 2011  Posted by Amelia Gora on September 11, 2011 at 1:51am ... GreaterThings, by Greg WonghamThe Ripple Effect is one way we, the people of ...

Images for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora

Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
Image result for The Ripple Effect by Greg Wongham posted by Amelia Gora
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IOLANI - The Royal Hawk | Just another WordPress.com weblog

Jul 29, 2010  I, Amelia Gora, have been assigned a Police File and have been sending ... Other Land Holdings being affected by Depleted Uranium/DU.

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: July 2010

Jul 29, 2010  Also, met with Amelia Gora at the Bureau of Conveyance yesterday with my aunty Carol Lopes from Maunalaha valley.




Amy Gora
Checking out "Greg Wongham Exposed Corruption in Hawaii: 2013 Article "The Rip" on Maoliworld: https://maoliworld.com/forum/topics/greg-wongham-exposed-corruption-in-hawaii-2013-article-the-ripple
Know what U.S. Presidents, Hawaii Governors et.als. have done affecting all lands in Hawaii, etc.
Greg Wongham Exposed Corruption in Hawaii: 2013 Article "The Ripple Effect"
                                                                     I N D E X of Individuals Involved  A Akaka, Daniel - Senator of Hawaii - page 2, 3, 4 Alm…
Amy Gora
no wonder Snowden is in Russia!
Peter Moon Band - 07 - Stand Up
Track 7 off The Peter Moon Band's fifth album The Guitar Man, released in 1988


IMPORTANT Info about CORRUPTION IN HAWAII! No wonder Snowden is in Russia! share far and wide....Pirates actively indulging in our Royal Family's lands, monies.....Greg called for an investigation....obviously JAIL TIME is necessary for the Active Corruption participants! share far and wide..........Evidence documented!



The Kamehameha Schools/KSBE - Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees are NOT the land owners.  Know that the early trustees along with Charles Reed Bishop were documented conspirators, treasonous persons and cannot own Allodial - forever lands.

Research incomplete.

Questions?  hwngensoc.akg@juno.com or goraamy69@gmail.com or 

P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii






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