Saturday, October 15, 2022

Nation to Nation Legal Advisory /Notice No(s): 2022-1015 Update- St. Augustine's by the Sea/Private Property in Waikiki, Oahu, etc.; Reminders From Amelia Gora, A Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court/Superior Court Judge, Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Konohiki - Kingdom of Hawaii




[Kanaka Maoli flag]  


U.S. President Joe Biden
U.S. Secretary of State 
Governor David Ige
St. Augustine by-the-sea

130 Ohua Ave.

Honolulu, HI 96815



Nation to Nation  Legal Advisory /Notice No(s): 2022-1015 Update- St. Augustine's by the Sea, Our Private Property in Waikiki, Oahu, etc.; Reminders From Amelia Gora, A Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court/Superior Court Judge, Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Konohiki - Kingdom of Hawaii 

                                        -Status of St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Waikiki-


The following is a Chronological History affecting St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Waikiki, etc.:

1854 - St. Augustine's in Waikiki founded.

1884 - Contract expired.  Aliens could never own Allodial lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

Keohokalole was a member of the Kingdom of Hawaii's House of Nobles.

She was the hanai/adopted daughter of Nahuina who was the wife of Kenao, the landowner in Waikiki.

Keohokalole's children were:

King Kalakaua married to Queen Kapiolani.
He had two of his own children:  Kaopu, and Kamaka (w).  Together they had an adopted son Kahanu, and he adopted others. 

Queen Liliuokalani married to several including John Dominis.
She had hanai/adopted children.  Only two (2) are named here:  Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana/Kekualoa/Kekuahine/Kekua, Abigail/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani - sister to Queen Kapiolani, et. als.
Note:  Under the name of Kaeha, a Trust was created in 1872 with her oldest hanai/adopted daughter as Trustee. Her name was Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana/Kekualoa/Kekuahine/Kekua

Miriam Likelike married to Archibald Cleghorn.  Cleghorn participated in the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani and was a conspirator, and treasonous person.
Their daughter Princess Kaiulani was a conspirator, and a treasonous person.  She was on the Provisional government payroll.

King Kalakaua died in 1891 and Queen Liliuokalani succeeded ruling the Kingdom of Hawaii.

1893 - Queen Liliuokalani was dethroned through a premeditated, planned move by many including the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884.

1909 -  William O. Smith, Curtis Iaukea, Archibald Cleghorn et. als. became Trustees for Queen Liliuokalani.  She denied signing a Trust with them.

1915 - Charles Reed Bishop the conspiring husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, left monies to the Roman Catholic Church and many others.

Note:  All of the conspirators lost all interest in lands, monies gained by income gotten from their piracies, pillaging, theft, racketeering from the Royal Family's Trusts, etc.
They had no Allodial titles to lands.

Ownership Chart /Allodial Title Owners

             - Pedigree Chart -

Kenao and Nahuina  = Landowners = Royal Patent under Kenao
Keohokalole (w) = hanai/adopted daughter, member of the House of Nobles - Kingdom of Hawaii
         /  married Caesar Kapaakea
 David Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua
 Miriam Likelike/ Princess Likelike
 Liliuokalalni/Queen Liliuokalani
Kahakuhaakoi/Kekualoa = hanai/adopted daughter of Queen Liliuokalani; daughter of House of Nobles
                                           Member named John Kapena - Kingdom of Hawaii
Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Poomaikelani = hanai/adopted daughter of Queen Liliuokalani; also           
                                           hanai/adopted daughter of Kalola - next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop; 
                                           hanai/adopted sister of  Kahekili - House of Nobles Member - Kingdom of 
                                           Hawaii; true granddaughter of Kaumualii from Kauai, sister-in-law of King 
                                           Kalakaua; sister of Queen Kapiolani - hanai/adopted daughter of her son-in-
                                           law Kaluakini married to her daughter Haili

Kahakuhaakoi/Kekualoa = hanai/adopted daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ; daughter of House of 
             /                                Nobles Member named John Kapena - Kingdom of Hawaii
           / married Kamehameha III; married JWD Paalua; married Keo/George Silveira/Kealohapauole
 Opunui married (1) Kapehe; married (2) Kalaikini
   / (siblings)                                                  /(siblings)
Kapehe opio  and  Linekona Hokuloa/Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa
Mele Keawe   married    Linekona Hokuloa/Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa (Uncle)
 /  (siblings)                                     / (siblings)
Mary Kauweloa                  Mary Kauweloa
 /  (siblings)                                   /  (siblings)
Mary Castro                        Mary Castro
/ (siblings)                                   / (siblings)
Amelia Gora                            Amelia Gora
  (siblings)                                  (siblings)

Kahakuhaakoi/Kekualoa = hanai/adopted daughter of Queen Liliuokalani ; daughter of House of 
             /                                Nobles Member named John Kapena - Kingdom of Hawaii
           / married Kamehameha III; married JWD Paalua; married Keo/George Silveira/Kealohapauole
                                                                                                                                       / (siblings)
                                                                                                                               Joseph Matsugoro/Gora
                                                                                                                                     / (siblings)
                                                                                                                              John Matsugoro/Gora
                                                                                                                                    / (siblings)
                                                                                                                            Amelia Gora

Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Poomaikelani = hanai/adopted daughter of Queen Liliuokalani
      / married Ioela the grandson of Kalola who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop; son of 
     /  Kahekili, member of the House of Nobles - Kingdom of Hawaii
Haili (w) married Kaluakini - hanai/adopted father of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani
    /  (siblings)
Elikapeka (w) married Joseph Gora
  /  (siblings)
John Gora married Mary Castro
  /  (siblings)
Amelia Gora


The St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Waikiki and others failed to pay rents, leases to the true owners, and are occupying, squatting on private properties belonging the our Royal Family, or other kanaka maoli who have been awarded Allodial lands by Kamehameha III.

The Liliuokalani Trust created in 1909 is a fraudulent set up which was documented as a entity created by conspirators who formed the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, then helped to usurp Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, then created a Trust further usurping all that she owned, etc.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with the conspirators.

She died in 1917 and left a will stating that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the conspirators.

Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani and did not pursue the Queen's statements in her Will.

Kuhio Beach was his settlement.

St. Augustines Church in Waikiki does not own the land and was delivered a bill in 2017 and again in 2022..

St. Augustine's Church in Waikiki can never own Allodial lands and has an opportunity to pay rents or must vacate the premises.

Our Konohiki will reside, store personal, business setups - including tourist business carts, etc. on our Private Properties.

Our Konohiki operate under the Kupono law, and assignments of more than 2,000 kanaka maoli were made for the lands of Kamehameha III, Mataio Kekuanaoa, et. als.

Note:  The Kupono law includes rent free assigned properties, and ae also free from taxes.

Also, important to note:

It was my ancestor, named Keawepoole/Waihoioahu/Davis Keawe/DW Keawe/DW Pauahi who was the assigned Konohiki of Waikiki at the time of the "Mahele" in 1848.  He was the hanai/adopted son of the previous Konohiki named Kauku who was the son of Kailua, the earlier Konohiki.

The assigned Konohiki for Waikiki presently are the following:

Amelia Gora
John Gora
Francis Gora
Brian Apo
Gordon Keaulana
Calvin Hulihee
Roy Nakamura
Moses Napihaa
unnamed others

May 24, 2022 — This is an updated list of our Royal Family Konohiki assignments from ... 2018 -0113 Corrected/Updated Konohiki List from Amelia Gora, ...

Allodial Titles were conveyed to Kanaka Maoli, subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  These are "forever lands", lands which can never be owned by Aliens or non Kanaka Maoli.

Aliens could only have 30 years Fee Simple, Lease, Less than Freehold, but not entitled to Allodial lands.

The St. Augustine's Church's 30 years are up.

The Roman Catholic Church did assist conspirator, treasonous person Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.  Charles Reed Bishop did leave monies to the Catholic Churches after criminally dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

Charles Reed Bishop's Will provided the Catholic Churches, etc. with monies.

Under the Kingdom of Hawaii's case precedence, no one can take our lands away.  See cases:  Kekiekie vs. Dennis, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/ Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii and case Kepani vs. John Watson, etc.

Case Law also shows that we can move onto any of our Private Properties at "our pleasure".  See:  Ioane Piikoi vs. Ioane Kapena/John Kapena - our ancestor and member of the House of Nobles - Kingdom of Hawaii/ Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

A negotiation of a Lease is possible, or the property may be leased to other Church's at our Royal Family's choice.

A portion of our property will be moved onto in the very near future.

There was No Annexation, the occupiers must follow the laws of the occupied nation.

In other words, the laws created by the U.S., Provisional government turned Republic of Hawaii and a developed Territory of the United States, then Territory of Hawaii and an Executive Order created State of Hawaii cannot be applied in an already recognized nation known as the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Under the laws of the United  Nation - documented by Dr. Alfred de Zayas, the occupiers - the United States, etc. must follow the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii. 

I, Amelia Gora, have the prima facie evidence of ownership for the properties under the name of Kenao, their hanai/adopted daughter Keohokalole whose daughter was Queen Liliuokalani through two of her named hanai daughters both  Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana/Kekualoa/Kekuahine/Kekua, Abigail/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani - sister to Queen Kapiolani, et. als.
I, Amelia Gora, one of Kalola's descendants and heirs am a Kamehameha descendant too and am Bernice Pauahi Bishop's, Ruth Keelikolani's, family.

Kalola is documented as the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani who is on record as owning 353,000+ acres of lands in the Hawaiian Islands, the Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace where we meet, own the Kamehameha's Royal Family artifacts current housed at the Bishop Museum with the name change of Kamehameha Dynasty Museum, monies, etc.
I have the documented research which was served to many including the Liliuokalani Trust.

Our Royal Family, the descendants of Kalola, et. als. are the Allodial title owners and deny that the Trustees of our Royal Family Trusts are related to us and have engaged in piracy, pillaging of our lands, assets, etc.

According to the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii, our families have the right to move on the land at our pleasure.
Reference:  Ioane Piikoi vs. John Kapena case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, etc.

Questions? or write P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii.


Amelia Gora, Royal person, one of the Representatives of our Royal Familly, descendant/heir of Kalola (w) who was the next-of-kin in Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884.

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