Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Exposing the Truth About Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Her Trustees, the Estate


 "Elephant in the Room"

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Exposing the Truth About Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Her Trustees, the Estate


An Opium, Drug Loaded, White Supremacist Supporter Used as a facade for Pirates, Pillagers, Thieves, Conspirators, Treasonous persons, and Scoundrels Who Conspired Against our Royal Family - including Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 and on

The will of Bernice
Pauahi Bishop

Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the great-granddaughter
of Kamehameha I and the last descendent of his royal line,
died of cancer Oct. 16, 1884, at the age of 52. She owned
about one-tenth of Hawaii's land at the time, and her will
created what today is known as Kamehameha Schools/
Bishop Estate. Following are excerpts from the document,
last revised a week before her death, that pertain
in particular to the establishment of Kamehameha
Schools and the selection of trustees
for the Estate:

Know all Men by these Presents, That I, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the wife of Charles R. Bishop, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, being of sound mind and memory, but conscious of the uncertainty of life, do make, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following, hereby revoking all former wills by me made:

Thirteenth. I give, devise and bequeath all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate real and personal, wherever situated unto the trustees below named, their heirs and assigns forever, to hold upon the following trusts, namely: to erect and maintain in the Hawaiian Islands two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools. I direct my trustees to expend such amount as they may deem best, not to exceed however one-half of the fund which may come into their hands, in the purchase of suitable premises, the erection of school buildings, and in furnishing the same with the necessary and appropriate fixtures furniture and apparatus. I direct my trustees to invest the remainder of my estate in such manner as they may think best, and to expend the annual income in the maintenance of said schools; meaning thereby the salaries of teachers, the repairing buildings and other incidental expenses; and to devote a portion of each years income to the support and education of orphans, and others in indigent circumstances, giving the preference to Hawaiians of pure or part aboriginal blood; the proportion in which said annual income is to be divided among the various objects above mentioned to be determined solely by my said trustees they to have full discretion. I desire my trustees to provide first and chiefly a good education in the common English branches, and also instruction in morals and in such useful knowledge as may tend to make good and industrious men and women; and I desire instruction in the higher branches to be subsidiary to the foregoing objects. For the purposes aforesaid I grant unto my said trustees full power to lease or sell any portion of my real estate, and to reinvest the proceeds and the balance of my estate in real estate, or in such other manner as to my said trustees may seem best. I also give unto my said trustees full power to make all such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for the government of said schools and to regulate the admission of pupils, and the same to alter, amend and publish upon a vote of a majority of said trustees. I also direct that my said trustees shall annually make a full and complete report of all receipts and expenditures, and of the condition of said schools to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or other highest judicial officer in this country; and shall also file before him annually an inventory of the property in their hands and how invested, and to publish the same in some Newspaper published in said Honolulu; I also direct my said trustees to keep said school buildings insured in good Companies, and in case of loss to expend the amounts recovered in replacing or repairing said buildings. I also direct that the teachers of said schools shall forever be persons of the Protestant religion, but I do not intend that the choice should be restricted to persons of any particular sect of Protestants.

Fourteenth. I appoint my husband Charles R. Bishop, Samuel M. Damon, Charles M. Hyde, Charles M. Cooke, and William O. Smith, all of Honolulu, to be my trustees to carry into effect the trusts above specified. I direct that a majority of my said trustees may act in all cases and may convey real estate and perform all of the duties and powers hereby conferred; but three of them at least must join in all acts. I further direct that the number of my said trustees shall be kept at five; and that vacancies shall be filled by the choice of a majority of the Justices of the Supreme Court, the selection to be made from persons of the Protestant religion.

Codicil No. 1
Oct. 4, 1884

17th I give unto the trustees named in my will the most ample power to sell and dispose of any lands or other portion of my estate, and to exchange lands and otherwise dispose of the same; and to purchase land, and to take leases of land whenever they think it expedient, and generally to make such investments as they consider best; but I direct that my said trustees shall not purchase land for said schools if any lands come into their possession under my will which in their opinion may be suitable for such purpose; and I further direct that my said trustees shall not sell any real estate, cattle ranches, or other property, but to continue and manage the same, unless in their opinion a sale may be necessary for the establishment or maintenance of said schools, or for the best interest of my estate. I further direct that neither my executors, nor trustees shall have any control or disposition of any of my personal property, it being my will that my husband, Charles R. Bishop, shall have absolutely all of my personal property of every description. And I give unto my executors named in my said will full power to sell any portion of my real estate for the purpose of paying debts or legacies without obtaining leave of Court; and to give good and valid deeds for the same, the purchasers under which are not to be responsible for the application of the purchase money.

Codicil No. 2
Oct. 9, 1884

4th Of the two schools mentioned in the thirteenth article of my said will, I direct the school for boys shall be well established and in efficient operation before any money is expended or anything is undertaken on account of the new school for girls. It is my desire that my trustees should do thorough work in regard to said schools as far as they go; and I authorize them to defer action in regard to the establishment of said school for girls, if in their opinion from the condition of my estate it may be expedient, until the life estates created by my said will have expired, and the lands so given shall have fallen into the general fund. I also direct that my said trustees shall have power to determine to what extent said school shall be industrial, mechanical, or agricultural; and also to determine if tuition shall be charged in any case.


The promotion of lies occurred affecting our Royal Family members:

*  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not  "the last descendent of his (Kamehameha) royal line".

By promoting lies about the last of the Kamehameha's, the application of the 1849 Treaty ratified in 1850 by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli would not have to be maintained.

The Permanent treaty of Amity and Friendship would no longer have to be regarded because the treaty was only between Kamehameha III, his heirs and successors.....which included only family of his and the U.S. President Zachary Taylor.

Note:  Genealogy Research shows that Kamehameha did have 20+ Children
Mar 10, 2019 — Kamehameha had 20 Children of his blood. His three (3) hanai/adopted children were the true descendants of his brother Keliimaikai named Hueu ...
Kamehameha's descendants existed at the time of the dethronement and their descendants exists even today. Kamehameha had 20 children.
YouTube · Amelia Gora · May 5, 2020

* Bernice Pauahi Bishop "died of cancer Oct. 16, 1884, at the age of 52".

The turn to Western medicine, and the use of China's Opium appears to have been the causes of her premature death.

The removal of her cancer tissues leading to infections could have been the cause of death or the excessive use of China's Opium which was freely given out in the past could also have been the cause of her decease.

Withholding China's Opium could have been a cause for her allowing the White Supremacists in having their way by agreeing to the terms of the Will that they set up.

Life threatening causes for Opium addiction could have been a cause of her demise.
by M Shah2021Cited by 22 — Opioid withdrawal syndrome is a life-threatening condition resulting from opioid dependence. Opioids are a group of drugs used for the ...

Realistically, the use of natural medicines could have helped her.

For example, kanaka maoli's kahuna laau lapaau were medicine doctors who helped in providing cures.  Papa Auwai was able to provide ground herbs to heal the human body from cancer, which he did for an assistant of his who had lung cancer.

The Western doctors had even signed up for his classes.  

A member of our Family applied herbs, poultices, and wraps for a cousin who had broken his leg with the bone protruding, and he was told he would be able to run around the following day, which did happen.

If Bernice Pauahi Bishop had turned away from the customary practice of healing, which included prayers, and herbs, etc. then it could be said that the Western and Far East applications of healing were the cause of her demise.

Also, the introduction of Opium in the Hawaiian Islands became a cause to ridicule Queen Liliuokalani by those who helped to plan the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 or nine  years after Pauahi's death.

* "She owned about one-tenth of Hawaii's land at the time"

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the only heir of Kamehameha's lands, unless one happens to be married to an attorney who uses his maneuvers to claim such things.

For example, in reviewing Ruth Keelikolani's lands, Ruth ended up with her former husband's Leleiohoku's lands when she was not his only heir.

Leleiohoku was the son of Kalanimoku who was a hanai/adopted son of Kamehameha.
Leleiohoku his stepmother Akahi (she married Kalanimoku) and cousin Kahekili were  heirs in a Kamehameha descendants Probate. Kahekili was the son of Kalola.

The White Supremacists lawyers played a role in eliminating Royal Family members over time from heirships by disregarding genealogies, manipulating/maneuvering whenever.

* " her will created what today is known as Kamehameha Schools/
Bishop Estate."

Important to note that this is true in 1884 about her will in the time of the Kingdom of Hawaii!


The Usurpers with a non sovereignty government called the Provisional Government turned Republic of Hawaii developed into a Territory of the United States then Territory of Hawaii that had no sovereignty and due to the U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Order made into a 1/50% shared sovereignty with the other 49 states

Important to note that the Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate was a creation made with the help of the Trustees, the Aliens, the planners, the usurpers, " Charles R. Bishop, Samuel M. Damon, Charles M. Hyde, Charles M. Cooke, and William O. Smith, all of Honolulu, to be my trustees to carry into effect the trusts above specified. I direct that a majority of my said trustees may act in all cases and may convey real estate and perform all of the duties and powers hereby conferred; but three of them at least must join in all acts. I further direct that the number of my said trustees shall be kept at five; and that vacancies shall be filled by the choice of a majority of the Justices of the Supreme Court, the selection to be made from persons of the Protestant religion."

The Official Directory of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands shows the following to be true:

* Charles Reed Bishop - Position:  Board of Education President
* Samuel M. Damon - Position:  Minister of Finance
* Charles M. Hyde - no assigned office
* Charles M. Cooke -no assigned office
* William O. Smith - Position:  Attorney-General 

the following is false:

*"I direct that a majority of my said trustees may act in all cases and may convey real estate and perform all of the duties and powers hereby conferred;"

Note:  Can a dead person convey real estate that is no longer hers?  Bernice Pauahi died in 1884.  Her heirs were her widower Charles Reed Bishop who received half of her estate for a life interest only.  The other half of the estate belonged to Kalola, her next-of-kin, and upon the death of Charles Reed Bishop, Kalola/her heirs would receive the entire estate.

The Trustees that was appointed by Bernice Pauahi owned nothing.  They merely served as assistants to Charles Reed Bishop until his death.

But, according to the Bureau of Conveyances Liber 142 page 142, Charles Reed Bishop conveyed his life interest to himself, and the Trustees.

Charles Reed Bishop's life interest terminated upon his death in 1915, which also means the Trustees interest terminated upon Charles Reed death.

In Land Court case No. 1228, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees declared that the heirs were all dead and gone and then declared themselves to be the heirs.

In the U.S. Court, it was declared that the Trustees could not be heirs.  See:  Tilden Trust at
by JB Ames1892Cited by 116 — Yeall, where the trust was void as a perpetuity, and their reliance upon this case warrants the belief that the case before them was assimilated, somewhat ...
14 pages
Note:  The Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop was set up during the period of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1884, and the usurpers had no authority to maintain the trust after the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The Trustees including Charles Reed Bishop lost all interest in lands, monies, etc. due to their conspiracy, piracy, treasonous activities in 1893.

* " but three of them at least must join in all acts. I further direct that the number of my said trustees shall be kept at five; and that vacancies shall be filled by the choice of a majority of the Justices of the Supreme Court, the selection to be made from persons of the Protestant religion."

Effective as of January 17, 1893, the Justices of the Supreme Court ceased their positions, and the Protestant religion practitioners became parties /followers of the "White Annexationists" who participated in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.



The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate legally ceased from legitimate operations on January 17, 1893.  

Charles Reed Bishop and his fellow Trustees participated in a conspiracy against Queen Liliuokalani and he no longer owned interest in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates.

The "White Annexationists" article included the Kamehameha Schools Boys who aided and assisted in helping the usurpers in 1893.

See also former Judge Stuart who wrote about the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees.

Kalola's descendants and heirs became the legal owners of the entire Estate formerly belonging to Bernice Pauahi Bishop, including all of Ruth Keelikolani's Estate made up of 353,000+ acres of land, the Ruth Keelikolani Palace, artifacts, monies, etc.

Kalola's descendants and heirs are Kamehameha's descendants and heirs and own the Allodial Titles in Hawaii today.

The Trustees are not the owners but the identity thieves, the pirates, pillagers who failed to follow rule of law, etc.


With the inclusion of Kamehameha Schools as part of the annexationists counts, this verifies the fact that the Kamehameha Schools was made for the purposes of adding supporters for the White Supremacist Charles Reed Bishop who was the "backbone" of the treasonous persons who helped to usurp Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

It can be said that since 1893, Kamehameha Schools and Punahou Schools were the financed bodies of  the White Supremacists whose purposes was to support the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani, and utilized funds rightfully belonging to Queen Liliuokalani and the Royal Family.

Queen Liliuokalani was the hanai/adopted sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop whose husband and friends orchestrated the theft of Hawaiian monies by organizing a "Trust" which criminally assumed lands of the Kamehameha's for their purposes leading up to the criminal assumption of lands, monies, etc. belonging to the Royal Family.

Therefore, it can be said that the Kamehameha Schools was a reason for the criminal pirates, pillagers, racketeers, a planned diversion to appear as if the education reason was for the children when it was really a scoundrel activity hiding the fact that the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees of 1884 were the true thieves, scoundrels, who helped to plan the usurpation of the Queen in 1893, and form a fraudulent trust in 1909 to assume all.

It is true what Judge Stuart observed:

Judge Stuart exposed the Corruptions in the Hawaiian Islands, in the claimed governments, and the courts, etc.............He complained about the usurpers to his President Wilson..............Wilson destroyed his letters by cutting it up and giving parts to those who were being written about.

Wilson threw his parts into the trash can.

Interesting man Judge Stuart....he bluntly admitted that the Bishop Estates was set up for the "real purposes of taking care of the trustees and hangers-on..."

Lastly, Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.  He left monies to many including Kamehameha Schools, and Punahou Schools.

Most of the monies was not his.  He lost all interest in the Kamehameha's monies in 1893 due to his collusion, treasonous activities. 


If that were not the case he would have lost all interest in1915 when he died and had only a life interest.

Rents are due from the Trustees of both trusts for lands criminally claimed by an illegal, criminal, pirate, pillaging, racketeering trust which owns nothing because they are not the allodial land owners, genocide activist, treasonous persons who have all breached the neutrality laws as well.

Kalola's descendants and heirs are the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the legal heirs of all the lands of Ruth Keelikolani and Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Rents of $50,000 per acre per month retroactive to 1893 are due from the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE, Bishop Museum, Bishop Estates Press etc.

Also, all monies found to be missing and are not accounted are due back.


Greg Wongham's Research see:

Nation to Nation Legal Directive/Notice to All No. 2022-0929 Cause for Investigations II: Piracy/Corruption in Hawaii Affecting the U.S., State of Hawaii, Bankers, Wall Street etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


Research incomplete.


Jun 25, 2021 — A college saved his work and posted it on the web. Judge Ezra left the islands shortly after Greg Wongham was murdered. Charley Kuehu was with a ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 9/28/22
Dec 26, 2016 — Amelia Gora the article /comments were written by Greg Wongham.....Judge Ezra actually banned him from maintaining his website and friends ...
Sep 21, 2014 — Greg Wongham Was MURDERED! -----Judge Ezra ordered Greg Wongham to Remove His Website, Greg Wongham Died, and Judge Ezra is in an Undisclosed ...
Feb 18, 2020 — pictures from Whistleblowers Roy Nakamura, Greg Wongham (dec.), and John Kelly (dec.) ... posted by Amelia Gora (2020).
Major corruption researched by Greg Wongham posted today ....share far and wide;. ... State of Hawaii, Bankers, Wall Street etc. from Amelia Gora, a R.
Sep 19, 2020 — I, Amelia Gora, a Royal person, one of Kamehameha's, ... This is Greg Wongham's Info —note that in 2007 Federal Judge Ezra moved to remove ...
Mar 21, 2016 — The following article was posted on Facebook, etc.: Additional Reasons Why the State of Hawaii is Illegal by Amelia Gora, a Royal Family .
Apr 12, 2015 — The following article was posted for the Hawaiian/kanaka maoli, other Nations, Public Notice for all to see ... Review by Amelia Gora (2015).
You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 4/18/22
Jul 11, 2010 — reviewed by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person. This important article may be found at THE NEW YORK TIMES, Published: January 9, ...

Feb 1, 2015 — Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics ... Greg Wongham posted the following on his website, Judge Ezra had ordered ...


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