Tuesday, October 25, 2022

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk Vol. 2022-1025 Exposing Lies in Samuel Kamakau writings, etc.

 Iolani Title.png

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau et.als.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau et.als.

                                                       Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)

Discovered two (2) Lies/deceitful information put out by Samuel Kamakau in 1867.....of course there are many more which is yet to be exposed because Samuel Kamakau's books have been printed by Pirates of the Pacific:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends after all.

Lies #1:

The following excerpts came from a website showing some of Samuel Kamakau's writings in 1867 in 


and The Island of Hawai‘i - Detail of North and South Kona, showing Lands, Trails and Roads of the Keauhou-Kealakekua Vicinity (Compiled by U.S. Army – 1932) documented by Kumu Pono Associates:

see:  http://manoa.hawaii.edu/coe/kulia/resources/Maly%20Keauhou-Kealakek...

"The plan was for Ke-opu-o-lani to go in a double hull canoe and Hoa-pili in a single one. Naihe ordered Hoa-pili to land at Keauhou and wait the coming of Ke-kua-o-kalani, but Ke-opu-o-lani heard the order and took canoe with Hoa-pili and came to Kailua. Upon landing she was met by the chief and there was much wailing. Ke-opuo-lani said “I was to have been killed.” “Where is Ke-kua-o-ka-lani?” asked Ka-lanimoku. “He is coming by land.” “How did he receive you?” “Friendly means have failed; it is for you to act now,” and Ke-opu-o-lani then ordered Ka-lani-moku to prepare for war on Ke-kua-o-ka-lani. Arms and ammunition were given out that evening to everyone who was trained in warfare, and feather capes and helmets distributed. The next morning Ka-lani-moku encouraged his followers to go forward, saying, “Go quietly, be strong, be soldiers, and drink of the bitter waters, O my little brothers? There are lands ahead, honor, wealth. Do not turn back, whether death or life lies ahead.” He then placed the carriers of food and water and marched his men to Keauhou, where they camped. Ka-lani-moku then sent Ka-heana, called also Moehau, [to Ke-kua-o-ka-lani’s men] with the word, “Let your chief come and confer with your chief Liholiho at Kailua, and if he will consent there need be no war.” Moe-hau met Ke-kua-o-ka-lani at Kuamo‘o and gave the message. “Where is Ka-lani-moku?” “Encamped at Kea[u]hou.” “I command you to return to Ka-lani-moku and if he attacks to seize him and await my coming.” The two were talking outside the stone wall at Lekeleke. Some of the advance scouts of Ka-lani-moku’s following, fired a shot. The kahu kissed Ke-kua-o-ka-lani, jumped into the seas, and swam to meet Kalani-moku at Kawanui. Ke-kua-o-ka-lani’s scouts fired and killed some of the men and wounded two chiefs on the side of free eating, but not seriously. They were Kaiki-o-‘ewa, wounded in the calf of the leg, and Holua-loa, the friend for Ka-uhi-wawaeono 3 Though the specific trail route traveled by Kekuaokalani and his party is not given in Kamakau’s original Hawaiian narrative of November 2, 1867 (nor in the 1961 translation), site references from the journey tell us that the route traveled was — across the flats of Ka‘awaloa on the alaloa (subsequently modified into the Old Cart Road); into the Keöpuka-Onouli lands through Kanäueue, and behind Pu‘uohau (where portions of the “stepping stone” and “Hale Kauila” trail” may still be seen; then angling towards the shore in Hökükano and Käinäliu; then across Honua‘ino and on to Kuamo‘o-Mä‘ihi and Lekeleke (on the makai Honalo-Keauhou boundary), where the opposing sides met in battle. The latter part of the route (Honua‘ino to Keauhou) generally follows the alaloa alignment which in ca. 1847 was modified into the Alanui Aupuni (Old Govenrment Road). 4 Keöpüolani is recorded as having said “E wehe no hoi i ka piko” (Kamakau November 2, 1867). In the Hawaiia

and husband of Kaka‘e. These were the first casualties, and had they been fatal, the battle would have gone to the tabu eaters. Ka-lani-moku’s men retreated, but others, seeing how few in number the shooters were, pressed forward, the two sides met, and at Kuamo‘o the battle began in earnest. Ke-kua-o-ka-lani showed conspicuous courage during the entire battle. He kept on advancing and even when shot in the leg he fought on bravely until afternoon, when he was surrounded and shot in the chest and died facing his enemies. His wife Manono fought at his side. When he was shot she cried out to Ka-lani-moku to spare her, for he and she had the same father. “How is the chief?” he called. “He is dead.” “Then it would disgrace me in men’s minds for you to live.” How pitiful to hear a woman plead for her life! She fell at her husband’s side under a volley of shots. Kuaiwa, the kahuna who had urged the revolt, was seized at Kailua and another plotter, named Wahahe‘e, who shot Puakau, and they were killed and their bodies dragged along the highway (alaloa). Ku-a-ka-mauna the son Lono-hiwa, Pe‘ape‘a, and Na-heana fled to the bush. Manono, the son of Ka-nau-kapu and Keawe-haku, went into hiding among the cliffs of Waipi‘o; many hid in the bush and some escaped to Maui. "


The event occurred in Keauhou, Kona, the lands of Akahi (w) my great great great grandmother who was the last wife of Kalanimoku.

Pedigree Chart of Akahi (w):

Kaleiwohi - brother of Kamehameha who died in 1819




Akahi (w) married Kalanimoku -m- Kikau  -m- Kahope -m- Pomaikai -m- Kaiama -m-Waha -m-Kepaa

                                    /  -m-Keopuolani  /                    /                  /                    /                    /                                                    /                           /                    /                  /                    /                    /

                         W.P Leleiohoku     Nahuina     Halemano    Kahele           Kekapu      hanai: Kalama

                 step: Kamehameha II          /                                 Kauki (w)            /                       Kapapu

                         Kamehameha III        /                                                              /                        Kaanana

                         Nahienaena (w)         /                                                             /                         Kaluakini

                hanai: Kekauonohi            /                                                             /                             /                                              /                         /                                                             /                             /

               hanai:  Abigail Maheha   Kaluakini                                           Elikapeka            Elikapeka

                          /                              /                                                             /                             /                               step: Kapena                 Elikapeka                                              John                      John

                    John Kapena               /                                                            /  siblings              / siblings

                         / siblings           John                                                       Amelia Gora    Amelia Gora

              * Keawe                           /   siblings                                             siblings                 siblings

              * Kekualoa                    Amelia Gora


* ancestors of Amelia Gora and siblings   

The book noted above is about Keauhou, Kona.  This is the place of birth of Kauikeaouli - Kamehameha III AND my grandmother Elizabeth /Elikapeka Kaluakini/ Elikapeka Gora.                        

 Note that Samuel Kamakau's writings did not include some of the new information posted above - see bold letters above.

Ku-a-ka-mauna the son Lono-hiwa, Pe‘ape‘a, and Na-heana fled to the bush. Manono, the son of Ka-nau-kapu and Keawe-haku, '

vs. the TRUTH:

Kuakamauna was the son of Kamehameha and not Lonohiwa.  Pea was another son of Kamehameha.

Manono was not the son of Kanaukapu but the son of Kahekili of Maui.

Kuakamauna's daughter was Hooleia and three (3) persons were heirs in her Probate #365:

(1) Leleiohoku - hanai son of Hooleia and true son of Kalanimoku the stepfather of Liholiho/

Kamehameha II; Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; Nahienaena (w) et. als.  Kalanimoku was married to  Keopuolani, one of the widows of Kamehameha.  Keopuolani's last husband was Hoapilikane.

 (2)  Akahi (w) - stepmother of Leleiohoku because she was married to Kalanimoku.
(3)  Kahekili - a cousin of Hooleia.  His grandfather was Keoua, a younger brother of Kalanimoku.  He was the son of Kalola (w) who was a Kamehameha descendant, Kalola (w) was the next-of-kin in Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Probate.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani who was married to Leleiohoku the son of Kalanimoku.  See No. (1)
Pedigree of Kalanimoku and His Siblings
Kalanimoku sib. Boki  sib. Wahinepio  sib. Keoua  sib.  Kekoa/Koa sib. Kahikona sib. Manono (w)
 /                              /                 /                      /                      /                                          (in the story
/                              /                 /                      /                      /                                          died with
Leleiohoku         Kuiaia     Kekauonohi      Luluhiwalani  Kaiama                                   Kekuaokalani)
step: Kamehameha II /         /                      /                       /
 Kamehameha III      /         /                      /                       /
 Nahienaena (w)      /          /                     /                       /
hanai:                      /          /                     /                      /
 Kekauonohi(w)    /          /                     /                      /
   /                        /           /                     /                      /
 hanai:                /           /                      /                      /
Abigail          Keaka   hanai:            Kahekili       Kekapu
Maheha           /          Abigail           / hanai:                 /
   /                   /           Maheha         / Kapooloku    step:  Elikapeka
  /                   /               /                 /            /                       / siblings
*Kapena   Kapehe   *Kapena         Ioela   Haili                 John
*John Kapena  /      *John Kapena  /          / sibs                 / siblings
                    Kapehe opio               Haili   Elikapeka         Amelia Gora
                       /                                / sibs     / sibs                  Siblings
                  Mele Keawe            Elikapeka  John
                      / siblings                  / sibs      / sibs
                 Mary Kauweloa       John        Amelia Gora
                    / siblings                  /  sibs        Siblings
               Mary Castro           Amelia Gora
                  / siblings                  Siblings
           Amelia Gora 
* ancestors of Amelia Gora and siblings.
Probate #365 - Hooleia (1871), Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, and other researches.

 Lies #2:

The 1867 Genealogies shows Lies that Kahekili was a descendant of a Kamehameha Nui.  The Truth is that Kahekili was the son of Kalola (w) who was the daughter of Kalaniulumoku brother of Abner Paki who descended from Kalanihelemaiiluna, one of Kamehameha's sons.

See Abner Paki's Obituary of 1855:


Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Abner Paki and His Royal Family Less Alien Pirate Charles Reed Bishop

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Abner Paki and His Royal Family Less Alien Pirate Charles Reed Bishop

                                                            Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)


One of the first Judges in Hawaii:

Abner Pākī
Abner Paki.jpg
Bornc. 1808
DiedJune 13, 1855
BurialJune 28, 1855[1]
Pohukaina Tomb
October 30, 1865
Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
SpouseKuini Liliha
Kōnia; Kaikainalii
IssueBernice Pauahi Bishop
Liliʻuokalani (hānai)  step:  J.F. Koakanu,  Jane Loeau, Abigail Maheha, Kalola, Kaluaikau, and Alapai,  
Full name
Abner Kuhoʻoheiheipahu Pākī
Mother  Brother   


 Note:  Abner Paki and his brother were descendants of Kamehameha.  See Abner Paki's obituary which shows his ancestor was Kamehameha.


Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, June 16, 1855, Page 22, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015408/1855-06-16/ed-1/...

Print this image Download this image





Note:  Although the links by wikipedia/wikimedia  below are posted, much of the information is not legal, not true or problematic.  


For example, the husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop lost all of his interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop due to his conspiracy and treasonous activities.

The Kamehameha Schools - Boys School students participated with the White Annexationist who were against Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The Kamehameha Schools - Girls School and the Bishop Museum created after 1893 by Charles Reed Bishop and Friends perpetuated a crime because he lost all interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Bishop in 1884 inherited only a half of the life estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Had he not conspired against Queen Liliuokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom, he had the use of the estate until his death in 1915.

Charles Reed Bishop could not convey his life interest and extend a claim on the Estate.

Charles Reed Bishop had only a nine (9) year interest or 1884 through 1893 use.

Kalola, the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop inherited the Estate in 1884, then became the owner of the full estate in 1893 because Charles Reed Bishop lost it all.

Kalola's descendants and heirs are the allodial, superior, paramount title owners and Not Conspirator, treasonous person Charles Reed Bishop and all he designated to be his heirs including the Trustees, Kamehameha Schools - Boys and Girls School, the Bishop Museum etc.

The Truth about Charles Reed Bishop:

The Truth about Charles Reed Bishop a documented CROOK, FRAUD, PIRATE, CONSPIRATOR, Conspiratior, Treasonous Corrupt person documented.............a White Supremacist Mahu/Gay man who had two (2) male lovers and has to be removed from our Royal Family's Royal Mausoleum

...For evidence see:  https://iolani-theroyal.blogspot.com/2022/06/iolani-royal-hawk-no-2...

https://maoliworld.com/forum/topics/the-legitimate-government-in-ha...  etc.

More of Wikipedia info - with falsities, inaccuracies, etc.:

Pākī - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pākī
Abner Kuhoʻoheiheipahu Pākī (c. 1808–1855) was a Hawaiian high chief during the reign of King Kamehameha III, the father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, ...
Born: c. 1808; Molokaʻi
Burial: June 28, 1855; Pohukaina Tomb‎; Octob...‎
Mother: Kuhoʻoheiheipahu

  • Kōnia - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kōnia
    Laura Kanaholo Kōnia (c. 1808–1857) was a high chiefess of the Kingdom of Hawaii. ... Spouse, Abner Pākī. Issue, Bernice Pauahi Bishop · Liliʻuokalani (hānai). Father, Pauli Kaʻōleiokū. Mother, Kahailiopua Luahine ...

  • File:Abnerpaki.jpg - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › File:Abnerpaki
    English: Abner Pākī (c. 1808–1855) was a member of Hawaiian nobility. He was a legislator and judge, and the father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, ...

  • Bernice Pauahi Bishop - Wikipedia

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Bernice_Pauahi_Bishop
    Bernice Pauahi Bishop KGCOK RoK (December 19, 1831 – October 16, 1884), born Bernice Pauahi Pākī, was an aliʻi (noble) of the Royal Family of the ... Father, Abner Pākī

File:Abner Paki.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

https://commons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:Abner_Paki
English: Abner Pākī (c. 1808–1855) was a member of Hawaiian nobility. He was a legislator and judge, and the father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, ***************
********* Newspaper article about our Royal Family printed in the 1867 Newspaper.........................notice that Lie #1 has the same year written by Samuel Kamakau in 1867!...Royal Families Genealogies/No ka Papa Alii Hawaii Posted in the Kuokoa newspapers Okatoba 5, 1867 - Note:  Our Families are at the ending - see 2nd page and Updates *********************************** Genealogies 1867 (first part) https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZC00NW... Genealogies 1867 (second part) https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1Mi00NG...Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkMS00MW... ************************
Note: Kahekili married Kahananui (female) and had son Ioela (and adopted son:  William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa) who married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani and had Haili (and siblings/stepsiblings, hanai/adopted) who married Kaluakini and had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini who married Joseph Gora/ Matsugoro and had John Gora (siblings:  Joseph, William, Walter, Lawrence, Jolly, and Francis) who married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, Marian (dec.) and hanai/adopted Ceferino III/Willy).

Kahananui (female) (siblings:  Kalaikini (female), Ulunui (female), and Isaia) was the daughter of Kuheleloa who was the son of Kauhi.  Kauhi was the son of Kailio and Kaawa (female) and his siblings were:  Kailio 2, Kalama (female), and Paele.  Kailio was the second oldest son of Hueu Davis (siblings:  Kale Davis, and Peke Davis) who was the son of Isaac Davis and Kalukuna/Grace Kamaikui.  Kailio (siblings:  Kahiamoe, and Holokualani) was the grandson of John Young.  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis were the hanai/adopted children of John Young, Kamehameha, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

 Kahananui (female) married Charles Kuikahi Kawelo/Kauweloa and adopted William Linekona Hokuloa/ Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa who married Mele Keawe/Keawepoo and had Mary Kauweloa (siblings:  Charles Jr., and Annie) who married Albert Castro and had Mary Castro (siblings:  Harriet, Alberta, John, Albert, Rudolph, Irene, and Joseph), divorced then married Ceferino Maduli (stepsiblings:  Vale, Lucia, Ceferino Jr., Fermina, Francis, and Celestino/Kata).  
Mary Castro married John Gora and had Amelia Gora (siblings:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, Marian (dec.), and hanai/adopted Ceferino III/Willy

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani was the daughter of Kuhio and Kinoiki (female).  Her siblings were Kapiolani/ Queen Kapiolani, Kinoiki 2 (female), and Kapali/Kapaliaweloa.  Their father was Kaumualii of Kauai.  His children were:  Kealiiahonui, Aaron; Humehume/George Humehume; Kinoiki (female); Kahinu (female); Haupu/Kahekili; Kuheleaumoku; Kahai; Kanekoa; and Kaulia.  His stepchildren were all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani was a hanai of Luluhiwalani and Kalola, the parents of Kahekili (see newspaper article for his ancestry).

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani  was a hanai of Kakainalii (female) who married Kalaniulumoku, Abner Paki, and Kealoha.

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani  was a hanai of Kaunuohua (female).

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani  was also a daughter/hanai of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani/ Queen Liliuokalani.

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani's sister Queen Kapiolani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini.  Kaluakini later married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani 's daughter Haili who had Elikapeka Kaluakini(siblings) who married Joseph Gora/Matsugoro and had John Gora (siblings) who married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings).

There are many other family lines which is not listed here.  

The point is that the Royal Families exists, and we are part of the Royal Families defrauded by the Aliens, the usurpers who planned, Premeditated in a concerted effort to criminally assume lands, monies, minerals, water, etc. from the Royal Families by lies, fraud, deceit, conspiracies, pirating, identity theft, racketeering, etc.

It appears that the purpose of the frauds, identity theft of our Royal Families was to claim that the alii were no more/there were no heirs and successors and the aliens could assume all by appearing legal and passed laws claiming that the entity Territory turned State would be the recipient of all the alii lands.

Appears that there were also other avenues in assuming the interests of the Alii and all kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli by the following:

1) lies, perpetuation of the frauds
2) conspiracies by two or more which cause injuries upon our kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli.
3)  setting up illegal contracts, such as:
      a.  Hawaiian Homes -  those who signed would also be signing their interest over to the occupiers.
      b.  Prisoners would be allowed to leave early providing they signed their interest over to the occupiers.
4)  taxes by the occupiers.
5)  steady indoctrination that there were no more Kamehameha's, etc.
     a.  indoctrination includes false information in books.
     b.  indoctrination includes false information in the media, TV, radio, etc.
6)  steady lies that Hawaii has only Fee Simple when in reality Fee Simple is an American concept of land vs.  Monarchy Government Lands are Alodio to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli and Fee Simple, less than Alodio, 30 years only, 30 years lease, or Freehold to Aliens.
Be aware that efforts were made to defraud our Royal Family, all kanaka maoli over time.  Be aware of writers including Samuel Kamakau who wrote erroneous information to misdirect the people.
Be vigilant and question what does not appear truthful.
Genocide is documented.

Research incomplete.



References:  https://hawaiiangenealogicalsocietykanakamaolikuauhau.wordpress.com...**********                                              




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evidence of existence of Kamehameha's and how the white supremacists have been screwing around with the Hawaiians over time........kanaka maoli and many others via tourist handbooks etc.
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau et.als.
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau et.als.
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau et.als. Review…
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Checking out "The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies P" on Maoliworld: https://maoliworld.com/forum/topics/the-legitimate-government-in-hawaii-series-tracking-the-lies
Exposing the White Supremacists screwing with Hawaiians since the 1860's!
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau et.als.
 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tracking the Lies Printed by Samuel Kamakau
 et.als.                                                        Review…

Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: "Kanaka Maoli" term Discussed

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  "Kanaka Maoli" term Discussed

                                                                        Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)                                                                                                                                                     

Aloha Kakou,
This post is in response to repeated requests to address the differences between the terms "Kanaka Maoli" and "Native Hawaiian." My response will be brief and is not intended to be a complete or thorough explanation of the subject matter.
The term Kanaka Maoli is adressed / referred / used in the Law of 1846, Mokuna 5, Haawina 1, Pauku 1 & 3), as follows;
PAUKU 1. Ina holo mai kekahi haole o ka aina e mai, a i keia Aupuni, he haole ho’ohiki ole, ina e holo mai e noho loa, a holo iki wale mai no paha, pono ia ia ke lawe mai a hoike i palapala ho'omalu na kekahi luna o ka aina ona i hele mai ai, a e hoakaka ia palapala i kona helehelena, a me kona mau makahiki, a me kona seka, a me kana Oihana, a pono e hoakakaia ma kela palapala ka mea e hiki ai i ka Lunakakau’olelo o kona aina iho i hele mai ai, a i ke Kanikela paha, a i ka Luna kuai paha, ke ho'oiai'o.
PAUKU 3. O na kanaka a pau i hanau malalo o ka malu o keia Aupuni, ina na na makua o ke Aupuni e, a ina na na haole ho’ohiki i kanaka Hawaii, a ina na na kanaka maoli, a me ka poe i hanau ma ka aina e, ina no keia Aupuni na makua, a mahope hele mai na keiki e noho ma’anei, e manaoia kela poe a pau, he aie i ka ho’olohe i ka Mo’i, ke alii ka lakou ma ka hanau ana, a e kau no ke Kanawai a keia Aupuni maluna o lakou. O na kanaka a pau i hanau ma na aina e, ina no ka aina e na makua, a ho’ohiki ole ho’i e like me ka olelo iloko e keia Ha’awina, alaila, e manaoia lakou he lahui e, a e hanaia’ku lakou e na’lii o keia Aupuni pela, e like nae me ka olelo o ke Kanawai.
Kanaka Maoli are not Americans (they were never naturalized or nationalized). Kanaka Maoli are not Native Hawaiians. The term is not applicable to the indigenous people of Hawaii, who were never naturalized by the United States of America. Kanaka Maoli are the indigenous inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands, and have been for approximately 2000 years.
The term "Native Hawaiian" is a contemporary definition / label / designation created by the United States Congress to be used as a justification for, or qualification, to exercise commercial authority over the Kingdom of the Hawaiian and the indigenous people (kanaka maoli) who are subject to the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Native Hawaiian
(6) The term “Native Hawaiian” means any individual who is— (A) a citizen of the United States; and (B) a descendant of the aboriginal people, who, prior to 1778, occupied and exercised sovereignty in the area that currently constitutes the State of Hawaii, as evidenced by— (i) genealogical records; (ii) verification by kupuna (elders) or kama’aina (long-term community residents); or (iii) birth records of the State of Hawaii.
You, Sharron Kia'i Gonzalez, Puanani Rogers and 96 others


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  • Chris Healy
    Mahalo ✅🙏👏
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  • Anna Baker
    Mahalo for the explanation...
    That was eye opening.
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  • Nora Makahanaloa
    Mahalo nui for that clarification on this important subject.
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  • Amelia Gora
    Hi Kamaunu ! Also, the term kanaka maoli appeared in the Census of 1890 - the question asked was "are you a kanaka maoli" and our tutu answered "Yes"....... Important to know that aliens cannot use the term and only our people/kanaka maoli can.......especially came in handy when the Rice vs. Cayetano case case came up .......and the State declared that anyone born in the Hawaiian Islands were "Native Hawaiian" ....another way to defraud our people....but the term "kanaka maoli" can only be used by kanaka maoli which differentiates all of us from the "aliens". It is all good because aliens cannot use the specific term "kanaka maoli" which becomes exclusive for our people alone... mahalo for your research too.....years ago, I gave Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell a copy of the Census page of 1890 and he was excited about it and said that we should all use "kanaka maoli". ----sharing a bit of info from the past which is applicable today disregarding the "Native Hawaiian" title which was intended to allow others to assume the benefits for our people alon\e. 😉 aloha......
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  • Elle Cochran
    Got it! Mahalo!!!
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  • Huli Rivera
    Kanaka Maoli o mau mau
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  • Alberto Genovia
    Kanaka control of hawaii and culture industry
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  • Pualani Maksoer-ella
    Mahalo nui braddah for posting and have share this its very important to know
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  • Keoki Kiili
    Mahalo kamaunu for sharing the definitions of these words. In translation of the Hawaiian words, kanaka maoli is referred to as natural people. IAW Hawaiian dictionary, kanaka refers to human being, man, etc. Maoli refers to "real" or native, aborigine. Uncle Sam Ka'ai likes to say are you real? Referring to kanaka maoli as a "real person or human being". I like uncle Sam Ka'ai definition of "real person or human being". The term "kanaka maoli" does not recognize the skin color or ethnicity of a human being, therefore, everyone can truly regard themselves as a "kanaka maoli" with kuleana. And the only aliens are from out of space. Our Hawaiian language is a dynamic and beautiful language and should not be used to divide us, the people of Hawaii. He Hawaii Au Mau a Mau should be spoken by all people who live and believe in our culture of the Spirit of Aloha and our ancestors who came before us. Mahalo for allowing me to share my mana'o. Aloha Wau ia oe.
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    • Kapiolani Martin
      Keoki Kiili I like your comment, very well addressed. Mahalo Keoki!👍🏽
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    • Kapiolani Martin
      I Love This: What about the term "Kanaka oiwi?" I've heard Anakala Sam Ka'ai use it to refer to instead of Kanaka Maoli, please clarify the difference if any? Mahalo, very interesting educational piece of the language that is important for those learning to speak their own native tongue. Now is it a small n or a big N in Native Hawaiian? I can't remember what Kumu Kaleikoa taught in Hawaiian history.
      Mahalo piha🤙🏾
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    • Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii
      Aloha no Kapiolani Martin. I hope the following, helps answer the question.
      1. nvs. Native, native son. Cf. iwi, bone; kulāiwi. Hui ʻōiwi, society of native sons. ho.ʻō.iwi To pass oneself off as a native son; like a native son. (PCP kooiwi.)
      2. nvi. Physique, appearance; to appear. Lamalama ka ʻōiwi, a physique glowing with health. Maikaʻi hoʻi kō ia ala ʻōiwi kino, he certainly has a fine physique. Nani ka ʻōiwi o Hilo i ka lehua (chant, For. 5:305), Hilo appears beautiful with lehua.
      3. n. Self; own. See ex., pūpū 5.
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    • Kapiolani Martin
      Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii yes, Mahalo no kou kokua i ka olelo hou o kanaka oiwi. Pololei maika'i, Mahalo! Please add me to more of your ho'ike, I just love reading and learning about my culture and mostly trying to embrace the language. 🤙🏾
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  • Lynda Williams
    Mahalo for sharing- it gets confusing, because “native Americans” typically refers to indigenous people of the continent. But when you’re talking to haoles, they don’t know what Kanaka Maoli means so it takes some work to explain, but it’s worth it. thanks for clarification EAducation!!❤️🐬✊
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  • Pinky Keanu
    YUP!... All true, so how do you start to Address yourself properly in an Occupied Country by another insurgent Country Called America & the present government was the Provisional Government back then & now dead & gone with the Silent take over of Government Powers by Corporate AMERICA... How do you Address yourself if your no Longer the Term Hawaiian...?
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    • Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii
      Aloha no Pinky Keanu. Mahalo for the good question. The short answer is “kanaka maoli” by virtue of Hawaiian Kingdom Law, we are kanaka maoli.
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    • Pinky Keanu
      Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Mahalo nui I have already started my identity change also Repatriation papers back to my mother land & true Country called Hawai'i & Expatriate out of American citizenship... I Am NOT American, I am a Kanaka Maoli as my Kupuna were. I am ready to END this Occupation there's No Annexation & No Peace Treaty "Yet"...
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    • MamaKeiki Hula Stacy Weigle
      Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii perhaps you could guide me... By blood I am Chinese and Kanaka Maoli on my Mama's side, as well as Keetoowah (Cherokee), Cajun Acadian French, Irish, Scottish, and English on my Daddy's side. I am Thankful to Creator and Ancestors for my bloodlines... I identify with all my cultures, but mostly as Kanaka Maoli and Chinese, being raised moreso in the traditions and cultures of my Mama. Sometimes, due to external influences and discussions on blood quantums, I feel torn, undeserving, and hesitant to say I am Kanaka Maoli, although I'm proud to do so (as I am with my other cultural bloodlines). Any advice and clarity for someone so blood and culturally mixed would be appreciated! 谢谢... Mahalo... ᏩᏙ... Goa raibh maith agat... Tapadh leat... Merci... Wado... Lim'limpt... Limləmt... Loved spending time with you in Seattle! Wish it could have been for longer! 💜
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  • Eric K. Keawe
    Kamanu, beautiful and well said. Maika'i nui. We know and understand but many may not. Great education for them on this indigenous day.
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  • Kainoa Bugado
    Most agreed! Hawaiian Islands, H. I., a country in continuity since 1843. And hopefully your clue that we were not naturalized nor nationalized makes people realize the repatriation process is NOT for na Kanaka Maoli. Mahalo nui.
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