Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Aliens Celebration of Admission of Crimes Day- a Repost


CELEBRATING "ADMISSION OF CRIMES DAY" ---Through Public Law 103-150 & Remembering Documented Oppositions to the Occupiers Over Time

[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State? 
Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State? 
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State? 
Hear What The US Dept Of Justice Says About US Sovereignty In Hawai`i ... 

1 year ago 2,786 views koanifoundation 

"U.S. Marines overthrew Monarch"
'Cleveland declared it to be an "act of war"'
Majority of Hawaiians supported Queen Liliuokalani (Kue petition - opposition to annexation)
Queen Liliuokalani protested in Washington.
Newlunds Resolution passed (illegal)
Professor Williamson Chang made a lenghthy legal expose about how it is not possible to annex a State with a resolution, etc. in the Palmyra Island case, U.S. Federal Court, Honolulu, Hawaii - Judge Ezra ( a Jew) in place.
1959 - Hawaii was made a State.
Harold Abel Cathcart documented opposition to the claims of Hawaii being a State, in answer to a legal notice by the U.S. government. Cathcart was one of the Kamehameha's descendants/ heirs who was a first cousin of our great grandmother.

1988 - U.S. Department of Justice: "taking of Hawaii illegal under U.S. laws"

1996 -2009 claims/ownership/ intense research filed showing more Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, owners of the Crown Lands exist along with evidence showing conspiracies, etc. in the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii, with the intent of maintaining truth, evidence for descendants/heirs, kanaka maoli, friends of kanaka maoli, etals., ramifications, etc.

2004 - Legal expert Francis Boyle's article(by Carolyn Lucas) in West Hawaii Today:

Law expert Francis Boyle urges natives to take back Hawaii 
Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:53 AM HST
"International law expert Francis Boyle walked hastily into Kona Outdoor Circle Wednesday morning.... to hear his three-hour speech, "The Restoration of Hawaii's Independence." 

"Boyle said the United States conceded it unlawfully occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii and has done so for more than 111 years. That fact alone, he added, "gives the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) the entitlement to restore their independent status as a sovereign nation state."

The Akaka Bill does not allow for self-determination according to Boyle. The Bill calls for a "governing entity", not a government.

"Under the U.N. Charter, Article 73, Boyle said the United States is "obligated to bring about self-government of people within territories deemed non-self governing." Hawaii was once designated as a territory, but was removed from the U.N. list of Non-self Governing Peoples, after becoming a U.S. state in 1959."

"the Palestinians, who in 1988 decided on their own to "unilaterally proclaim their own state, in a declaration of independence. This eventually led to the Palestinian state being recognized today by 125 nation states in the world."

"He said Native Hawaiians, like the Palestinians, are striving for "their right of self-determination," which is afforded to them by the U.N. Charter, Article 1. It states, "The purpose of the United Nations is to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."

"Boyle further suggested the audience "exercise their right of self-determination," instead of asking the permission of the U.S. Congress to declare their independence."

"To create an independent state, territory, population, government and international relations must exist."

"Hawaii already has a fixed territory -- the Hawaiian Archipelago -- and a population of distinguishable people -- the Native Hawaiians, who trace their ancestry back before the Europeans' appearance on the lands."

"Government, Boyle said, is in the kupuna council, but how the people are governed has yet to be organized. He added, "You don't need a government along the lines of a federal government of the United States or the State of Hawaii to have a government."

"Boyle said Hawaii also need the capacity to "enter into international relations, to deal with other states, and to keep your commitments," which meant establishing diplomatic relations as an independent state. "

"Hawaii should send the strongest message to Washington it can. Letters carry no weight. The number of people in the street do. Ghandi threw the mighty British out of India with peaceful, nonviolent force. People power, submit to it."

2008 - Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago officially reformed by the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha. We came together in part knowing, oral history, and documented history that we are the private property owners of the Crown Lands, criminally cited as the "ceded lands" by the occupiers/ criminal conspirators/deviants/perpetuators of fraud, corruption, criminal malfeasance, etc.

Now, sit back and listen to yet another criminal Jew Lingle nosing in on private properties of the Royal families who exist today:

- posted previously - cannot locate the file again -fyi.......

ceded lands with dingle.mp3
5397K Play Download 

Overview of Radio Talk Show, Monday, January 12, 2009:

Shane: Is it acceptable for anyone to possess stolen properties?

Why do you feel that the State should be allowed to keep stolen lands affected upon 

(Radio Talk Show host hung up on Shane then Linda Lingle continued.....)

Linda Lingle did not address the questions but continued on to talk about how a law suit in 1980 was made in appeal to the U.S.

Governor Waihee "native Hawaiian" did seek to sell ceded lands and obtained legislature approval for parcels on the Big Island and Maui.

The land (ceded) was transferred from the American government provided that it fulfilled five(5) purposes:
affordable housing for all (not only Hawaiians)/betterment of Hawaiian people.

Important Note:  Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III set up an alodio/ano alodio system which secures the lands to the kanaka maoli foever/"inures" to the benefit of the heirs.  The Kanaka Maoli are the ones with the title, all others claim control, etc.  Legal Titles remain in Hawaiian/ Kanaka Maoli hands.

1993 - "U.S. Congress passed...Apology resolution..." "a regret for American involvement in 1893." (Lingle identifies this as a apology resolution disregarding the fact that it was documented as P.L. 103-150 - P.L. for public law) see Professor Boyles explanation at:

see also Craven's and others information at

2) others


3)  Dr. Matthew Craven, et. als.


  1. Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics

    Hawai`i, History, and International Law (p. 6-22). ~ DrMatthew Craven, Reader in International Law, University of London, Law Department, SOAS ... - Similar
  2. Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics - General Information

    In addition, a legal opinion was written by DrMatthew Craven of the ... - Similar
  3. [PDF]

    CONTINUITY OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM by DrMatthew Craven Reader in ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by M Craven - 2002 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
    CONTINUITY OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM by DrMatthew Craven. Reader in International Law. SOAS, University of London. Being a portion of a ...
  4. hawaii-nation : Message: Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics ...

    Aug 9, 2004 – "Hawai`i, History, and International Law," by DrMatthew Craven, Reader in International Law, University of London, Law Department, ...

    Legal Opinion by DrMatthew Craven, University of London Law Department July 2002.Hawaiian Kingdom Civil Code and Penal Code available online ... - Similar
  6. Professor Matthew Craven | Academic | SOAS

    London - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
    Professor Matthew Craven BA LLM PhD (Nottingham) DipEd Public international law, ... M.,Dr and M, Prof, eds. (2005) Interrogating the Treaty: Essays in the ... › ... › Departments › Law › Department StaffCached - Similar
  7. Hawaiian Society of Law & Politics - Hawaii / South Pacific Travel

    Keynote speaker will be DrMatthew Craven, author of a 2002 legal brief on the "Continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom." ...
  8. The Basis for the Restoration of the Hawaiian - What Really Happened

    In July 2002, DrMatthew Craven, Reader of International Law SOAS, University of London, issued a legal opinion titled The Continuity of the Hawaiian...

1994 - "Senator Inouye claimed a regret...did not change anything" --- info to the contrary was recorded/found by Henry Noa's group (another Hawaiian government claim).

OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs filed a lawsuit for the ceded lands. 

Governor Cayetano did not do anything to sell ceded lands. (Cayetano did document in the Rice vs. Cayetano case that all persons born in Hawaii were "native Hawaiians")

2002 - The Circuit Court ruled in behalf of the State of Hawaii and claimed they had good title, providing the State fulfilled the five purposes:

1. Public education
2. Public facilities
3. Home ownership
4. Farms
5. Betterment of Hawaiian people

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs: (The opinion was that) a Moratorium until issues of Hawaiian claims resolved. 

'32 States joined with U.S. government joined in appeal'.

"affects ability (of the State) to sell bonds...." etc. (lands, etc.) 1.2 million acres of ceded lands affected.

(After the case is won)
"issues will (later) be addressed that the State has clear title".

2012 - the State of Hawaii thru the Attorney General's office sued the Kamehameha family(ies) for filing a lien before the most recent "Ceded Lands" case by the Supreme Court...the real term for the lands are the Crown Lands, not the occupiers "Ceded Lands" term used.  This case will continue on because much evidence has been found that shows that our family(ies) are the owners and the caretakers of the Crown Lands and we are not related to the State of Hawaii, etc.

Other issues which has come up includes the facts that we are the bloodlines/koko of many of the Alii in the Hawaiian Islands documented and the State of Hawaii, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators etc. are not related to us, etc.


The bittersweet fact is that the State of Hawaii is not a government but an entity which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, the Republic of Hawaii, and the Provisional government set in place by the premeditated acts of U.S. through its Congress, PIRATES ON THE OPEN SEAS, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends who were part of the voted in, temporary part of the Hawaiian Government named the House of Representatives.* 

When the entire World sees the progressive corruptions of the past affecting the World today, the ongoing denial of wrongs, the failure to make corrections over time, the claimed State of Hawaii, along with the U.S. will continue to fall apart while everyone watches along with us. 

Warring against other nations utilizing monies of our families, our peoples, our friendly neutral non violent nation, kanaka maoli funds/assets/gold coins, is not OK.......continued use of our monies, trusts, etc. to fund wars is not OK....cease and desist now.

Private Properties of the Royal families remain Private Properties of our Royal families. The bloodlines of Kamehameha are the owners of the Crown lands which was dubbed "ceded lands" by PIRATES IN THE OPEN SEAS, terrorists of our families, our kanaka maoli, defenders of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etals.

We are Sovereigns and will continue to operate as Sovereigns, the owners of our archipelago and maintain that the treaties with foreign governments continue to be our concerns as well. 

Rents and leases are due from the entity State of Hawaii utilizing properties owned by the Charles Kanaina's heirs, the Keoni Ana's/John Young's etals., Kamehameha descendants/heirs families lands including Washington Place, State Capitol, Iolani Palace, etc.

Rents and Leases for $500 trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893 is a friendly reminder to you by a Sovereign, one of Kamehameha's, descendant/heirs, etals., a Royal person not subject to the laws. 


Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal family representative, Kamehameha etals. descendant, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago 


*added the info 8/16/2012 based on the fact that the Hawaiian Government is made up of three parts:  1) Sovereign - heirs /descendants and successors - permanent part; 2) House of Nobles heirs/descendants and successors - bloodlines/koko - permanent part of the three part government; 3) voted in, temporary part of the government called House of Representatives - this is the part that conspired, committed treason, etc. in 1893 and progressed to Statehood with oppositions documented every step of the way.


 by Amelia Gora (2003) 

The following is a response after posting NEGROS,NIGGERS,BLACKS,POLYNESIANS, ETC. at delphi.forums: 

i'm in the agreement of a theory about how mankind evolved to adapt to the environment....sunlight gives us vitamins.....because the tropics have an intense amount of light versus the snow countries, high elevation areas, mankinds skin, noses, eyebrows, ridges, etc. adapted. 

therefore, the tropics or take Hawaii for example, the aborigines peoples skin vary in light brown, warm brown, brown, very brown, dark brown, sometimes black...............then look at Norwegians for example, super white, fair, sunburned, or fiery sunburned if in the tropical sun in Hawaii....the natural skin tones accomodates the natural environment of the persons home..... 

did some research on sea life a while ago - i worked on CORAL SEX believe it or not CORALS have sex and they are also asexual....i had the task of defining which was the male and which the female....on the night of the summer full moon, the egg and sperm are released by the corals and they swim, merge with each other and voila a baby coral is born, it settles,plants itself to another coral or a stable setting and grows....corals live and grow for hundreds of years...then again, oops, sorry diverted from the flow of thought about the sunlight or how light affects everyone over time...... a friend working on another project measured the kind and amount of light that was filtered through by depths of Hawaii, at the very deepest areas of the ocean, creatures/prehistoric creatures have been found....they are very white, look like frogs due to their long legs, and have bubbles on each side (perhaps for decompression due to their activities at the depths?), even the shrimp are very, very white due to their natural habitat at the deep levels and when they're brought up and out of the water, they become very red, even bright red........ 

the point is that the lighting truly has a significant role in color....therefore making the point that a theory can become a fact applicable for humans after observing creatures of the deep who have significantly less light than the creatures who swim near the top of the water. In other words variation of color tones, etc. are normal and is to be expected in all creatures. 

if all people had no skin,no color, then other comparisons would still be made, attempting to top/be the winner-who is better than the other....such as the level of intelligence, manners, etc. 


in the above discussion, the information could be applied to the posting: NEGROS, N*I*G*G*E*R*S, BLACKS, POLYNESIANS, ETC. -because there were four (4) POINTS expected by WHITE Missionaries/Mercenaries: 1) body 2)mind 3)heart 4)CONTROL or HELM or GOVERNMENT. 

In discussing the theory and if you add additional information such as experiments, scientific discoveries as discussed above, the theory becomes proven fact over time: 

the recognition that the issue of skin color or part of physical appearance =body(1), intelligence = mind(2), and the reproduction/breeding/continuation of the species = heart(3). The Control or Helm or Government would be the religion or government= (4). In the sea,the PREDATORS - the sharks, the evil unknowns that sea creatures face are their CONTROLS.

So, by the look at things, it can be concluded that mankind can learn from creatures of the sea, when it comes to various problems, concerns faced by mankind....the concerns towards the PREDATORS which is what the Missionaries/Mercenaries (religion, economic activists) backed by the United States government -feeding off of their kill (sharks upon INNOCENTS). 

Enter the idyllic environment called 'Paradise' and 'paradisical' terms used in the article and due to the perfect conditions for maximum enjoyment, Hawaii and other Pacific Islands, the PREDATORS (Missionaries/Mercenaries with their government) utilize EVILS, which they practice against, and through CRIMINAL DEVIANCE PLUNDER UPON INNOCENTS for the lands/territory, resources, etc. because they WANT WHAT OTHERS HAVE.....resulting in DEMONIC activities, moving towards Agression, Conflict, WARS, Killing either Physically, Mentally, or Spiritually the true owners,the aborigines of the land/territory and move validate their CRIMINAL CONSPIRACIES, PLANNED MOVES TO PLUNDER AND PRETEND TO BE VIOLATED, PLAY WAR GAMES, have CONTROLLED activities in their DEVIANT MOVES and seek others who are willing to believe their rationalizations which would be the American people, WHITES and uneducated, undereducated, mind-controlled PEOPLE OF COLOR. 

Lastly, my paternal grampa, Joseph Gora, had a saying that didn't make real sense until now: 

'There are SHARKS on the land, and There are SHARKS in the sea.' 

His wisdom and saying sums up ALL THE ABOVE in one sentence! 

aloha and malama pono. 

We, the Royal Families House of Nobles will have a series of meetings ..


additional information:

we maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent Nation......Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago





Queen Liliuokalani prophesied and stated the following:



“Oh, honest Americans, as Christians hear me for my downtrodden people! Their form
of Government is as dear to them as yours is Precious to you. Quite as warmly s you love
your country, so they love theirs. With all your Goodly possessions, covering a
territory so immense that there yet remain parts unexplored, possessing islands that,
although new at hand, had to be neutral ground in time of war, do not covet the little
vineyard of Naboth’s, so far from your shores, lest the Punishment of Ahab fall upon you,
if not in Your day, in that of your children, for “be not deceived, God is not
mocked.” The people to whom your fathers told of the living God, and taught to call
“Father”, and whom the sons now seek to despoil and destroy, are crying aloud
to Him in the time of trouble, and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the
Voices of His Hawaiian children lamenting for their homes.”

Kaulana Na Pua

Hidden behind a deceptively light tune, this protest song tells of the ardent opposition of Native Hawaiians to the annexation of their nation to ...

by CallitQuitsHawaii  2 years ago 10,112 views

Kaulana Na Pua

Sudden Rush & Na Wai Kaulana Na Pua Slide Show With Random Pics Of Hawaii Or Anyting 2 Do With Hawaii.

by ce808  1 year ago  10,876 views



fyi --- have been posting messages to the world under the Kingdom of Hawaii since 2003

see  for the 548 posts (links don't open? only the titles are shown===the articles have also been posted in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web......

love the song "gonna take a lot of love.................." which pretty much describes where we are educating kanaka maoli.....


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Madonna - Angel (Album Version)
Lyrics: Why am I standing on a cloud Everytime you're around And my sadness disappears Everytime you are near You must be an angel I can see it in your eyes ...

7 minutes ago·




                                          or ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR:

        American Missionaries/Mercenaries Perspectives From Hawaii
                                Affecting the World Today

                    Extracts and Summary of each by Amelia Kuulei
Gora, one of
                    Kamehameha's descendants, a Royal person not
subject to the laws
                    (2003), Kingdom of Hawaii

The following are extracts from THE JOURNAL OF CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY -
Lessons from the Hawaiian Islands, written by an American
Missionary/Mercenary descendant during the period of King David
Kalakaua (died 1891) and discovered in his files at the Archives and
Main Library, Honolulu, Hawaii.  A Summary of each point has been
prepared to bring the language, meaning, issues, etc. up-to-date for

 The manliness, dignity, and wisdom that characterized the Hawaiian=

rulers in all their dealings with the representatives of foreign
powers in the early days, before recognition, were worthy of the
Romans.  While attempting no unavailing resistance to the war-ships,
which they knew could annihilate them, they did not for a moment
cower or fear to speak their convictions; they were like the Indians,
who have been conquered but never subdued.(page 211)

Summary:  Hawaiians were likened to the Romans.  The author claimed
Hawaiians were like the Indians,  conquered but never subdued.

Note:  During Kamehameha's lifetime (1758-1819) he united the
Hawaiian Archipelago which was recognized by Russia, with Atearoa and
Samoa.  (U.S. occupied Hawaii, England occupied Atearoa, and Germany
occupied Samoa.  The three countries claimed to have a Protectorate
over Hawaii; however, confirmation by Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani
(ruled 1891-1917) for such a Protectorate has not been found.
Research incomplete.)

          In 1843 - England and France recognized Hawaii
and "mutually guaranteed the independence of the Islands, a pledge
still binding and perhaps worth remembering."

Note:  France had recognized the United States as a nation.  England
was not in agreement.

          In 1844 - The United States took similar action, and from
that time till now (1891) American sentiment has been expressed in
the words of Daniel Webster to a Hawaiian diplomat, "If England takes
those islands, we'll make a fuss about it."

The following are selections revealing plans, secrets, conspiracies
by Americans from the United States operating as
Missionaries/Mercenaries in Hawaii and elsewhere:

 "The negro and the Polynesian have many striking similarities.  Of=

both it is true that not mere ignorance, but deficiency of character
is the chief difficulty, and that to build up character is the true
objective point in education.  It is also true that in all men
education is conditioned not alone on an enlightened head and a
changed heart, but very largely on a routine of industrious habit,
which is to character what the foundation is to the pyramid.  The
summit should glow with a Divine light, interfusing and qualifying
the whole mass; but it should never be forgotten that it is only upon
a foundation of regular daily activities that there can be any fine
and permanent up-building.  Morality and industry generally go
together.  Especially in the weak tropical races, idleness, like
ignorance, breeds vice.  The best of sermons and schools amount to
little when hearers and pupils are thriftless, live from hand to
mouth, and are packed at night either in savage huts or in dirty
tenement houses.  Morality, though founded in spiritual life, depends
very much upon outward and social conditions; and, if man is to work
out his own salvation, he must learn how to work.  Granted that
character in its highest sense is the objective point, then mission
work evidently should be organized with reference to supplying the
conditions under which morality and the creation of character are
feasible.  Practical men, if possible, should go with preachers to
study, and in some measure to develop, local resources of labor, of
land, or of production, thus creating industries, occupation, and the
conditions of Christian living.  The right men can do much in this
way with little capital other than their own brains.  The man is half
the battle.  "Progress through self-help," is the motto of our best
missionaries to-day; but ability to carry out the principle is rare.
What is impossible with one is possible to another.  Seldom will a
man of mere theoretical education appreciate the power of seemingly
destitute savage people to help themselves.  They can do more than he
thinks.  The reaction of self-help upon character is the best result
of it.  The English missionaries in Madagascar seem to have worked on
the right principle, leading those people primarily in their
industrial life.  Labor as a moral force, is not yet fully recognized
in the missionary field."(page 214)

Summary:  The negro is like the Polynesian needing the Pyramid
foundation of character made up of education, a good head, a heart.
Practical/Businessmen should develop local resources of labor, of
land, of production, creating industries, occupation, and conditions
of Christian living.  Practical/Businessmen can with little capital.
Missionaries/Mercenaries are unwilling to help "savage" people.  In
Madagascar, the English missionaries/mercenaries focused on
industrial life.  In the missionary/mercenary field, labor as a moral
force is not yet fully recognized.

 Where the work is parental,  as among, the childish Polynesians,
Africans, and Indians, as distinct from controversial among
Mohammedans and Chinese, the people accept missionaries as superior
beings and become even more religious than those who inherit
Christian ideas, in so far as religion consists in the outward
expression of rites and ceremonies.  Their language is rich in words
of reverence and adoration; it makes prayer easy; and on the
spiritual side, their lives flower out without effort and with a
grace and beauty wholly their own.  Mentally, too, they are far from
stagnant.  But of true morality they have little or none, because
they do not possess its conditions, which require self-control rather
than pure devotional life.  In our own highest civilization morality
is common, but spirituality is rare. (page 214)

Summary:  Missionaries/Mercenaries considered their work as parental
authorities when working with childish societies such as the
Polynesians, Africans, Indians distinct from the controversial,
ancient civilizations the Mohammedans and Chinese.  The missionaries
considered themselves as superior and claimed their own civilization
to have the highest morality.

 But the Hawaiian missionary was sent to proclaim the gospel, to
convert the heathen.  Conversion is, indeed, the starting-point of a
better life:  it is to character what the seed is to the ripe fruit.
The choice of God's service is the initial step:  the goal is the
rounded, perfect, Christian life.  To take the step requires the
decision, possibly, of a moment:  to reach the goal is the struggle
of a lifetime.  Viewed thus, one understands that it is not the
planting of the seed that costs, but the wise and vigilant care of
the growing crop.  Much of the missionary work of the world has been
a patient, unselfish sowing of seed, which, taking root at first, has
in its early frail growth been choked by the vicious weeds about it.
(pages 214-215)

Summary:  Hawaiian missionary(ies) were used/ sent to convert
the "heathen" in other barbaric countries.

 The Hawaiians, who stand as a type, soon learned to read the Bible=

and to pray to God; yet in two entire generations they have not
escaped from the surroundings and the habits that make virtue
impossible.  That, in the second stage of work on the Islands,
certain mistakes were made, seems evident.  For example, until the
year 1855 the native girls were comparatively neglected.  The few
boarding-schools established for them amounted to little.  The sexes
were not educated together, on moral grounds.
(page 215)

Summary:  Hawaiians were labeled/prejudiced against and categorized
as a "type".

 On this point the testimony from Northern teachers of the negro
race has a direct bearing.  Contrary to the strongest convictions in
the South, Northern teachers have been able, in the leading
institutions for those who lately were slaves (whose weakness is on
the moral side), to bring the sexes together most successfully during
the past fifteen years.  The plan is equally good with Indians, and I
believe for all people in the early, if not in every stage, of
progress.  The way to strengthen the weak is constantly to test them
under favorable conditions.  To change low ideas of their mutual
relations into higher ones they must be trained, not in the abstract,
but in the concrete.  Separation will not teach practical wisdom in
future intercourse, any more than by being kept out of the water can
a boy be taught to swim.  If it be granted that the sexes of a race
cannot on moral grounds, with good management, be educated together,
then that race had better be given up-it is doomed to immorality.
When I was in the Hawaiian Islands in 1880 I found no one who
believed in such coeducation, though the other plan was a failure on
the side of morality.  To-day there is hardly a ray of hope for the
Hawaiian woman.  In spite of African degradation and the loose morals
of slave life, many of the colored girls of the southern States,
trained by the side of their black brothers, have in and after school
made a record of noble steadfastness.  Separate schooling would I
believe have left them far weaker, and less able, to protect
themselves.  Stronger teachers and more expensive buildings are
required for mixed schools; but if a race is to be saved it is by
creating the unit of Christian civilization, the family, and that is
only possible when equal chances are given to both sexes, and they
find each other out in the contact of school life.(pages 215-216)

Summary:  Northern Negro teachers, who were former slaves, a morally
weak person, were able to successfully bring boys and girls together
in school.  The Indians followed suit, although not as successful.
In order to be successful, the weak must be trained and constantly
tested for concrete results.  Due to morality failure, Hawaiian women
have little hope for success in coeducation. The South
recorded "noble steadfastness" despite slave status/African
degradation and loose morals due to slave life.  The girls were
called "colored" and the boys "black brothers".

 Our experience at Hampton forces us to consider carefully the
future relations of the young men and women whom we are training, and
we are more and more convinced of the power of virtuous family life.
It promises, in the future, to be the cornerstone of our work for
both races.(page 216)

Summary:  At Hampton the training on young men and women focused on
a "viruous family life", promising to be a "cornerstone" for work
with "Negroes" now known as African Americans and Indians.

 Since the year 1855 the Hawaiian mission has given more attention,=

with liberal assistance from the government, to female education; but
always in separate schools, and with no encouraging results.  The
mistake is irretrievable.  (page 216)

Summary:  Unlike the American counterparts in America, the
Missionaries/Mercenaries in Hawaii were supported by the government
to educate females in separate schools, with lesser success.

 The acquirement of the English language by the negro is a wonderfu=
help to his elevation.  So the best Hawaiian families are those who
have dropped the vernacular and speak English.  Savage dialects are a
part of a low, sensuous life,  that must be forsaken together with
its other belongings.  English is a tonic for both mind and soul.
(page 216)

Summary:  The English language elevated the "negro".  Hawaiians were
called "negro" as well and spoke English primarily.
Missionaries/Mercenaries considered Hawaiian language "Savage" and
indicative of a "low, sensuous life".  His opinion was that "English
is a tonic for both mind and soul."

 I would draw attention to the now almost universal experience of
the disappointing results of attempting the higher education of
uncivilized races as a part of mission work.  The reasons for this
seem evident enough.  The sharp brain of the savage easily outstrips
his sluggish moral nature.  With him mental attainment is merely a
matter of ready memory and of usually congenial effort.  Moral
strength is the result of long and patient struggle.  The mental food
which is given him creates a sense of power, over which his blunt
sense of obligation has little control.  "Knowledge comes, but wisdom
lingers," and especially is this true of the races which lie directly
in the path of progress, and are the prey of the advance-guard of
traders and adventurers.  Every power but that of self-control is
stimulated.  In some quiet eddies of the great world-current, as in
British America and parts of Oceanica, where only good influences
have entered, there are undisturbed fields for simple Christian
teaching, where God's word entering the heart works out into well-
ordered righteous living; but liquor and licentiousness have spared a
very small part of humanity."
(pages 216-217)

Summary:  The Missionaries/Mercenaries goals included educating
the "uncivilized races".  "Savage" peoples were considered to be
intelligent, but the moral nature/development sluggish, in his

 Education of the heathen, and of all backward races, must be of th=
head, the hands, and the heart, a judicious proportion being always
maintained.  This is our relation to the negro, though we bid him God-
speed in every endeavor for the highest culture.  The majority of
thinking people will admit that we of the civilized races do not need
so much what we are getting as this training of the whole life, for
lack of which our average types of manhood and womanhood are weakened
and point to no very hopeful future.  One can well believe the truth
of what is said of some sections of Europe, viz., that in their
thrift and prosperity they still show the influence of their early
monastic teachers, who were laborers and leaders among them in all
practical arts. (page 217)



Summary:  The Missionaries/Mercenaries goal for "heathen, and of all
backward races" is education, the mind, the working ability, and the
spirit.  The writer as a Missionary/Mercenary admitted that he(with
other Missionaries/Mercenaries) belonged to the "civilized races" and
bid "negro" people success in attaining the "highest culture".

 In making a resume of Hawaiian history, I find that it divides
itself into three periods of thirty years each, as follows:
(page 217)

1. From 1790 to 1820, the generation preceding the mission, a time of
mental activity and material progress, and the beginning of the
nation's physical decay, all due to the presence of foreign
discoverers and traders.

Summary:  In the Missionary/Mercenary's opinion, this period was the
beginning of Hawaii's, a recognized nation "physical decay" due to

2. From 1820 to 1850, in which the people embraced the Christian
faith, and civilized institutions went established through the
efforts of American missionaries, working against tremendous
obstacles.  During this period, and even before, the harbors of
Hawaii were the annual rendevous of from fifty to three hundred and
fifty whale-ships, the crews of which, during weeks of refitting
between voyages, were paid off, and while indulging themselves almost
without restraint, made the fortunes of the merchants and ruined the

Summary:  American Missionaries/Mercenaries witnessed the fortunes
made by businessmen, and natives.  The docking for shipping became a
lucrative income venture for the Hawaiian Monarchy and the natives.
Exposure to the foreigners included disease, epidemics, thievery, and
decaying morals of the visitors as well, many were Americans.

3. From 1850 to the present time (1891).  These years, all of which
come within my own personal knowledge, present a curious record.  The
line of ancient chiefs has become extinct, the people have become
indifferent to religious duties, being anxious to assert their
political power, and the influence of the missionaries has greatly
decreased, especially since 1875.  Great commercial prosperity
exists, due to the treaty with the United States and to the increase
of the sugar crop from 10,000 to 60,000 tons a year.  The five
thousand male Chinese adults of 1870 have increased to twenty
thousand in 1883, creating a serious disproportion of sexes,
resulting in polyandry and in rapid demoralization.  Another element
has been added in the presence of some thousands of Portuguese and
other Europeans, besides many Malays.  The decrease of morality has
kept pace with the increase of wealth.  Leprosy has made terrible
progress, affecting at least ten per cent of the native population,
whose death-rate has gained alarmingly on the birth-rate.  A strong
race-feeling has sprung up; and to-day the Hawaiians as a people are
anti-haole (opposed to foreigners) especially to Americans, not
because Americans, but because Americans are the strongest.  There
are but few natives of any strength left.  This last period is
preeminently one of decay, offering much food for thought, especially
to those who are interested in mission work for like races in other
parts of the world.  (pages 217-218)

Summary:  The Missionaries/Mercenaries said "the line of ancient
chiefs has become instinct"; however, that is a lie, a FRAUD
statement.  Kamehameha descendants EXIST, including others and
myself.  Since 1875, the Missionaries/Mercenaries influence
decreased.  Interesting to note that a FRAUD deed dated 1875 for
PEARL HARBOR also known as EXHIBIT D was entered in the First Circuit
Court Case No. 92-2435-07, a condemnation case.  The deed by King
Kalakaua was to two alii nui/chief and chiefess who died 8-9 years
previously.  I documented FRAUD in that case and have published
writings, copies of the documents for others.

For genealogy purposes:  The alii nui/chief was an ancestor, a great-
great-great-great grandfather named Mataio Kekuanaoa, father of
Paalua (male) oldest son (my ancestor), and who was also the father
of Kamehameha IV, and Kamehameha V and others (including
stepchildren - more who were my ancestors as well).

King David Kalakaua had two documented children named Kaopu
(male)/Kaopumomona and Kamaka (female).  Both children became part of
my families:  Kaopu legally adopted my paternal grandmother.  Kamaka
married my maternal great grandfather (first marriage).

King David Kalakaua's wife Kapiolani was a hanai/adopted child of
Kamehameha descendant named Kaluakini (male) true father of my
paternal grandmother who was legally adopted by her own grandmother,
mother of Kaluakini and King Kalakaua's son Kaopu.  Kapiolani, also
known as Queen Kapiolani was a hanai/sister of  my grandmother,
Elikapeka/Elizabeth Kaimiola Kaluakini.  She had several children
including John Kekapu Gora and he married another Kamehameha
descendant and had several children including myself Amelia Kuulei

Many Hawaiians, till today, are anti-haole/anti white/foreigners and
many continue to learn about the Missionaries/Mercenaries.  The
saying known by Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/ Sovereigns/ Royals today
is:  "When You're Brown, You're Down; When You're White, You're
Right."  (see article posted on the internet forums recently)

 There were all the outward signs of a nation of steady habits; but=

the energy of the whites was behind and sustained it all; the people
were passive, plastic, practically infants.  Of the white men's
signatures on the public papers of that day one-half was made by
marks, while only one native failed to write his own name.  In
reading and writing the natives were the equals of the average New
Englander; but, being made of very unequal stuff, the growth was not
from within outwards.  The two races were, in effect, two thousand
years apart in real civilization. (page 219)

The Whites claim that it was due to their energy that Hawaii became a
civilized nation.  The aborigine/people of the land/Hawaiians
were "passive, plastic, practically infants".
Educated white men signed legal papers while
natives/Hawaiians/aborigine people made marks.  It was the opinion of
the Missionary/Mercenary that the aborigine, although educated,
remained "two thousand years apart in real civilization", and
the "two races" Whites and Hawaii's people/aborigine/kanaka maoli
significantly differed.

 The Hawaiians in their little Pacific Paradise were like Adam and =

Eve in Eden without hardship, and it is a question whether humanity
can develop well under paradisaical conditions.  They accepted
civilization, but did not adopt it; they did not know what it meant.
(page 219)

Summary:  Hawaiians/aborigine/kanaka maoli were like Adam and Eve in
Eden.  The Missionary/Mercenary questioned whether humanity could
develop well in paradise.  It was his opinion that the whites were
accepted, but did not adopt the foreigners, and did not understand
the meaning of civilization.

 White men are as necessary in Government administration to-day as =

they were thirty years ago, and by no means all the native clergy can
be trusted with the church collections, or are above reproach
otherwise. (page 220)

Summary:  White men, the "superior" race are necessary in running the
Government and native/aborigine/Hawaiian/kanaka maoli clergy can be
trusted either in church or government.

 I believe that while a democratic form of church organization is
natural and fitting for highly civilized people, it is of doubtful
value among weak Polynesians, and the like.  Fitness to control is
rather a question of the state of society than of the individual; an
intelligent public sentiment in a race, is its best qualification to
take the helm in any department of economic, political or social
life.  It has become a matter of experience, in my opinion, that in
guiding a race through the process of development, everything should
be given it but the helm. Self help and self-control should be taught
from the first: entire control should be given only at the last.(page

Summary:  Only "highly civilized people", not the "weak Polynesians,
and the like" is natural and fitting for a "democratic form of church
organization". "Fitness to control is" a matter of the "state of
society", not an individual; an "intelligent public sentiment" for
the "race" in question is the best "qualification" for the "weak
Polynesians, and the like" to lead, be at the "helm in the "economic,
political or social" part of a society.  Excepting
the "helm"/leadership in Government, everything in
education, "guiding a race"/ "weak Polynesians, and the like",
assisting in the "process of development" is acceptable, was the
opinion of the Missionary/Mercenary.  The first things to be taught
are self-help and self-control, and the last would be
entire "control" of Government.

 What was possible to these indolent, happy Island children, placed=

by Providence as heirs of the kindliest soil and climate on earth?
Nordhoff says truly, that no effort can make these heathens into
Puritans.  Bishop Pattison demonstrated the uselessness of attempting
to make English Christians of the Melanesians, believing that
character was not an absolute result but the best that the conditions
would permit.  Is it not true, that it is not daily victory which we
should expect, but daily struggle?  A convert from barbarism may
neither be strictly truthful, nor honest, nor virtuous, and yet he
may be a Christian.  He tries to do better, asks God for help, and,
with occasional relapses, works slowly along to better things.  The
best man is he who makes the best fight. (page 223)

Summary:  Nordhoff's opinion is that "heathens" cannot be made
into "Puritans".  Bishop Pattison cited the "Melanesians" as being a
useless venture in converting into "English Christians".  Although
a "convert from barbarism" becomes a Christian, relapses of lying,
dishonesty, and not "virtuous" behavior will continue.  With God's
help, a "convert from barbarism" tries, has relapses, and corrects
himself slowly.  "Whites", who had also converted "from barbarism"
early on adheres to the belief that "The best man is he who makes the
best fight."

Therefore, the point of "When You're Brown, You're Down and When
You're White, You're Right" or "When You're White, You Fight" fits in
this Missionary/Mercenary philosophy, backed by their government, the
United States.

 The ideal missionary of to-day needs to be a linguist, a scholar, =

an adept in the knowledge of men, an organizer of society, of
infinite tact and untiring energy, ready for any emergency, a man in
short such as Hamlin was in Constanople, or Livingstone in Africa.
He must not be hampered by directors at home, but must go as an
officer in command of a foreign expedition, however stuffed with
instructions with full liberty to act in the end as he may think
best. (page 223)

Summary:  Intelligent Missionaries/Mercenaries "must not be hampered
by directors at home"/U.S. Government who supported and paid for
their work, and must operate as an independent "officer in command"/
a paid Mercenary "stuffed with instructions with full liberty to
act"/with assignments operating and representing his government in
barbaric countries.

 The splendid work done of late years in the African field, in
India, China and Japan, and in our own land, shows that the tendency
of modern educational thought and of missions is strongly in the
direction of better man-building.  We have learned how to make money,
but not how to make men.  Everywhere Christianity is hopefully
struggling with idolatry, and the semi-heathen faiths, and with the
worst degradation of all, that of corrupt civilization.  Its ideas
must conquer, for they alone meet the needs of all men; but the life
which it demands must always be slow of growth.  A maxim of mission
work might well be, "Ideas take root in a moment, habits only in
generations." (page 224)

Summary:  Missionaries/Mercenaries endeavors are complemented in
educating Africans, India's people, Chinese, Japanese, and Americans
with "modern educational thought", building better men.
Missionaries/Mercenaries "learned how to make money", "but not how to
make men" also means "how to break men".

The saying known in Hawaii is that "you either make them
(substitute "it" or "men" etc.) or you break them(substitute "it"
or "men" etc.)".

 Hawaiian slavery, at one time so extensively advertised in this
country, is an absurd invention.  (page 225)

Summary:  "Hawaiian slavery" was not true and invented in this
country, according to the Missionary/Mercenary.

"Hawaiian slavery" is documented in various news articles due to the
early Missionaries/ Mercenaries being pulled by Hawaiians who were
harnessed to the wagons, like horses, delivering the
Missionaries/Mercenaries carcasses around at their leisure.  Research
incomplete on the building of the churches made of coral blocks.
During the period, many Hawaiians were imprisoned for being Catholics
and put to hard work.  It appears that the Protestant Churches were
built by Hawaiian/kanaka maoli/aborigine SLAVES.

 Civilization is represented by a highly intelligent class of
Americans, English, Germans, and other Europeans, numbering about
twenty-five hundred (with a handful of natives), not all exemplary in
their manner of living, but making a refined society in which there
is a remarkable proportion of college-bred men and cultivated women.
(page 227)

Summary:  The "highly intelligent", "college-bred men"
and "cultivated women" who were Whites, made up of Americans,
English, Germans and other Europeans were from proper societies
forming "Civilization".  Non-Whites or all others were considered a
lower intelligence, uneducated, uncultivated or barbaric races.  This
group includes the title of this article: NEGROS, NIGGERS, BLACKS,
POLYNESIANS, ETC. (Indians, Melanesians, Middleeast - Mohammedans,
Iraqis, etc.) or ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR.
This article by an American Missionary/Mercenary verifies the
strategic plans of the Americans representing and supporting the
United States government in the past and the issues applied till

The Vaticans Papal Bulls of 1493 further validates the PLUNDERING
UPON INNOCENTS, the claimed "barbarous"/ barbaric/uncivilized nations
and participate in the feeding frenzy along with the
Missionaries/Mercenaries and the invited Businessmen supported by the
United States Government.  The "Four Papal Bulls were issued by the
Vatican Hierarchy.which legally sanctioned Columbus genocide campaign
against indigenous peoples of the Americas.  The Bull "Inter Caetera"
of May 3rd 1493 states, "the Catholic Faith and the Christian
religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everwhere
amplified and spread, (and) that the Salvation of Souls may be
provided for and Barbarous Nations subjugated and brought to the very
true faith."  The colonial Spanish affirmed this arrogance
claiming "the bulls gave them the right to use just WAR to convert
local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity"
(Las Casas, 1552)".

At the Parliament of World Religions, a "Declaration of Vision" was
drafted by 60 indigenous delegates.

The U. S. Supreme court ruling Johnson v. McIntosh 8 Wheat 543 (in
1823/1923) dopted the same principal of subjugation expressed in the
inter Cetera bull.  This papal Bull has been and continues to be,
devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our

Reseach by Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (American Indian) legal
scholar who said that "The root problem of indigenous nations and
peoples face is that they are still being deemed irrelevant by nation-
states, based on having been historically nullified under Christian
International law."

The U.S. along with supporting American Missionaries/Descendants,
Americans, Businessmen, it appears to be a current arm of the Vatican
as well.


The PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS is an ongoing campaign by the Whites in
the U.S. against the NEGROS, which really applies to ALL PEOPLE OF
COLOR in the WORLD today.

The wrongful dethronement of Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani,
Constitutional Monarchy, in 1893 by American
bankers/planters/American businessmen/Missionary/Mercenary
descendants/Masons/Freemasons - set into place to break down Monarchy
Governments,  formed a claimed "Provisional government" backed by
bankrupt United States.

Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani was called and documented a "NIGGER" in
the newspapers, and by the U.S. Congress.  Hawaii's Queen documented
that the claimed "Provisional government" was not a government but
an "entity" which was neither de facto nor de jure and backed by the
United States who BREACHED the Law of Nations.

Conspiracies have been uncovered due to interest by the
Missionaries/Mercenaries along with American businessmen, criminal
deviants, documented conspirators, updated label TERRORISTS applied
since letters to U.S. President Clinton in 2000.

American businessmen - included suspected spy, banker,
Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop, invested in the Pacific Cable
Company in 1878 to support the U.S. government lack of monies for
cable lines to San Francisco for strategic purposes and fears of the
Japanese entering San Francisco Bay, and other areas in California.

Royal families, Sovereign families, Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/aborigine
Trusts were FRAUDULENTLY claimed by Conspirators/TERRORISTS.
Examples are the Kamehameha Schools - Bernice Pauahi Trust, Queen
Emma, King Lunalilo, Queen Liliuokalani, etc.  FRAUD was entered in
Court cases.  White judges, American Missionary/Mercenary descendants
had a significant influence in Hawaii's government since their
arrival in 1820.  It appears that there are significant amounts of
FRAUD issues in court documents affecting aborigine land ownership
claims.  Senator Daniel Akaka, Missionary/Mercenary descendant has
introduced the Akaka Bill (attempted for several years and recently)
intended to wipe clean all ownership deeds of aborigine lands granted
by Kamehameha III and transfer everything to the United States,
imprison researchers such as myself, etc.  OPPOSITIONS have been and
are hereby documented.

Four U.S. Union Army Generals/their families were documented in
Hawaii prior to the wrongful dethronement of Hawaii's Queen.

Queen Liliuokalani documented that the United States BREACHED the Law
of Nations.  She was called a NIGGER by the media and U.S. Congress.
The bankers/businessmen, partners and some descendants of the
American Missionaries/Mercenaries wrongfully assumed the Sovereigns,
Royals assets, resources, and OCCUPIED our lands, etc.  The U.S. with
the CFR/Council of Foreign Relations and Great Britain formed an
entity which departed from the Law of Nations.  The entity was called
the UNITED NATIONS with documented moves towards ONE WORLD ORDER/New
World Order, the goals of the ILLUMINATI, the Masons/Freemasons, etc.
see  specifically John B.
Nelson's, legal scholar, article.

Missionaries/Mercenaries along with American businessmen continue
their work to defraud, maintain FRAUD, DECEIT, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE
like their ancestors.  OPPOSITIONS are documented by many Royal
family members, Sovereigns, including myself deliberately mucking up
Court Records showing FRAUD, etc. on land cases including PEARL
HARBOR (see above).

Hawaii made a State through Pesidential Executive Order in 1959.  In
1963 an OPPOSITION to Statehood, in answer to a legal notice by the
U.S. government was documented by a Kamehameha descendant, Harold
Abel Cathcart.  Because OPPOSITION was documented, consent was not
given, and Sovereignty shall be.

In 1969, George Bush, former U.S. President, former CIA/Central
Intelligence Agency head, "arranged hearings on the dangers posed by
the birth of too many black babies", supporting General William
Draper's policy of developing nations likened to the "world famous
animal reserve-the Kruger Park in South Africa'.  Draper's son was
appointed adminstrator to the UNITED NATIONS "Development Programme"
connected to the World Bank "supervising population control."

The PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS continued in 1990 with George Bush
former President ordering the "brutal slaying of 150,000 Iraqi
troops, in a convoy of military vehicles carrying white flags, on
their way back to Iraq under Geneva Convention rules of agreed
disengagement and withdrawal." The flags were flags of surrender.
Another 12,000 Iraqi soldiers "were buried alive in trenches they
occupied."  Bush got his orders from the "Royal Institute for
International Affairs (RIIA) who received its mandate from the
Committee of 300, also known as the "Olympians."  The Committee of
300 is headed by England's Queen Elizabeth moving towards ONE WORLD

Additionally, the 13 White families of the ILLUMINATI: Astors- ;
Bundys- ; Collins- ; Dupont- ; Freeman- ; Kennedy- ; Li- ; Onassis- ;
Rockefeller- owner of Standard Oil absorbed into EXXON and other
companies, utilizing the GRANDFATHER CLAUSE, owners of the 911 Twin
Towers, gifted the UNITED NATIONS with Land in New York; Russell-;
Van Duyn-; Krupp-; Reynolds-; all made or continue to make monies off
of (1) slaves - Americans and all who countries citizens belonging to
the UNITED NATIONS and (2) "Barbarous" countries, businesses,
investments, etc. through breaking apart governments/Monarchy
governments as well as "politically, economically(lands, resources,
etc.), and socially" PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS who are the NEGRO,
NIGGERS, BLACKS, POLYNESIANS, ETC. (including Middleeast Iraqis,etc.)

STATES by Amelia Kuulei Gora and  VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea,
Archives - Honolulu, Hawaii, Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on
12/17/96 (281 pages) at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii,
Kuulei Gora, KAOLEIOKU - Kamehameha's Oldest Son, His Descendants and
Heirs by Amelia Kuulei Gora; WAR GAMES by Thomas B. Allen,
CONSPIRATORS HIERARCHY:  The Story of the Committee of 300 by Dr.
Kuulei Gora; .AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE by David Icke

Website references: 
Hawaii "something like apartheid" see 
"For Capitalism to survive it needs blood to suck" -Malcolm X see  see article the BROWN STUFF validating War
for OIL/
"war for EXXON" statement by U.S. President George W. Bush in last
paragraph.  about NBC (General Electric), CBS
(Viacom), ABC (Disney), FOX (Murdoch) etc. (forums- politics) see posts by "surfkick" (forums) see posts by "amelia gora"  or  (miscellaneous research) see posts by "surfchic" see posts at various threads by "hwnwahine" /British Medical Journal articles by "amelia gora" 
3 or 



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Race Issues


1863 Slaves were freed through the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln.

1868 All Americans were given rights in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.

1870 Male American citizens were given the right to vote in the Fifteenth Amendment Of the Constitution.

1893 Queen Liliuokalani, of the Kingdom of Hawaii was dethroned by Conspirators/TERRORISTS/Provisional Government an Entity –Americans And followers supported by the United States government. The white males, Most who were sugar planters, American missionaries, bankers, American spies were the minority in the islands. Queen Liliuokalani was documented “NIGGER” In Congressional records. Therefore, all Hawaiians/kanaka maoli were looked at In the same way as the other NIGGERS/Blacks/Colored/African Americans.

Being that the Constitution does NOT FOLLOW THE FLAG, Hawaii remained In a slave-like state maintained by plantation owners, who were and are actually Criminal deviants/PIRATES/Conspirator/TERRORISTS who have NO INTEREST IN LANDS THAT STILL HAS OWNERS who were considered NIGGERS at the time.

1896 Segregation was upheld by the Supreme Court in the case Plessy v. Ferguson.

“Separate” facilities could be kept, providing they were “equal.”

1909 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was Formed by intellectuals (black and white) after the riots in Springfield, Illinois.

1939 Marian Anderson, a black singer, drew a crowd of 75,000 at the Lincoln Memorial after she was refused from singing in the Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

1942 An interracial group, CORE/Congress of Racial Equality was founded in New York City.

1947 Major league baseball allowed Jackie Robinson to be the first black player.

1954 The Supreme Court banned public schools segregation in the case Brown vs. Board of Education.

1955 Elderly black woman, Rosa Parks, refused her seat to a white in Montgomery, Alabama. Bus boycotts followed for a year, finally leading to Montgomery Desegregation on the buses.

1957 The Governor of Littlerock, Arkansas, Orval Faubus, tried to block black Students from entering Central High School. President Eisenhower called a thousand paratroopers to restore order in Littlerock.

1960 In Greensboro, North Carolina, blacks – evolved name African-American College students insisted on lunch counter service in Woolworth’s. A country wide “sit-in” protest began.

1961 CORE/Congress of Racial Equality groups of black and whites tested bus rides In the South.

1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. and a group of ministers were arrested for demonstrating In Birmingham, Alabama. In the march on Washington, King, Jr. gave his Significant speech “I Have a Dream”.

1964 Three of Mississippi’s civil rights workers were murdered. The Civil Rights Act Was signed into law by President Johnson. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded To Martin Luther King, Jr.

1965 Martin Luther King, Jr. led a Selma to Montgomery march leading to the Voting Rights Act. Malcolm X, black leader, was murdered.

1968 Martin Luther King, Jr., Reverend, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee with Black riots in 125 cities for a week.

1978 The city of Seattle became the largest U.S. city to voluntarily desegregate their schools without a court order.

1980 A Second Constitution was passed, ALL AMERICANS ARE SLAVES, etc. See John B. Nelson's Article on other page, legal scholar - legal research RE: Senate No. 93-549, etc.

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Why Hawai'i is Not a Legitimate State: What the Birthers Missed

Why Hawai'i is Not a Legitimate State: What the Birthers Missed

June 10 -- 12, 2011

In the brouhaha over whether President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii or not, few seem to realize, that in the eyes of many historians and legal scholars, Hawaii is not a legitimate state of the United States of America. If the government of Hawaii had not been illegally overthrown in 1893 by the U.S. Marines through a classic act of Manifest Destiny and American-style gunboat diplomacy, Hawaii would still be an independent, sovereign nation today.

Notwithstanding a series of clever illegal moves by the U.S. government, Hawaii cannot be considered a legally bona fide state of the United States. In 1898 the United States unilaterally abrogated all of Hawaii's existing treaties and purported to annex it on the basis of a Congressional resolution. Two years later the U.S. illegally established the so-called Territory of Hawaii on the basis of the spurious Organic Act. After a period of prolonged belligerent occupation by the U.S., Hawaii was placed under United Nations Charter, Article 73, as a "non-self-governing territory" under the administrative authority of the United States. Then in 1959 the U.S. falsely informed the U.N. that Hawaii had become the 50th state of the United States after an illegal plebiscite. Among those allowed to vote in this invalid election were members of the U.S. military and their dependents stationed in Hawaii. In other words, Hawaii's occupiers were permitted to vote on its future.

In November 1993, President Bill Clinton signed Public Law 103-150 apologizing to the 140,000 Native Hawaiians, who call themselves Kanaka Maoli, for the January 17, 1893, invasion of Hawaii deposing Queen Liliuokalani which led to Hawaii's illegal annexation by the United States and eventually to statehood in 1959. This apology implicitly recognized the unrelinquished inherent sovereignty and right of self-determination of the Native Hawaiian people.

Whether it was his intention or not, President Bill Clinton clearly raised the expectations of the Kanaka Maoli that one day Hawaii might once again be viewed as an independent nation-state. The downtrodden Kanaka Maoli, who make up less than 12 percent of Hawaii's population, "die younger, earn less, go to jail more frequently, and are more likely to be homeless than any other ethnic group in the islands," according to the Honolulu Weekly.

If Barack Obama were born in Hawaii, and his birth certificate says that he was, then why has he shown so little interest in the plight of Native Hawaiians? Bill Clinton has done a lot more for the Kanaka Maoli than Barack Obama, even though Obama pretends to be a compassionate liberal.

At one level, it matters not whether President Obama was born in Hawaii, Kenya, Indonesia, or Saudi Arabia. The real issue is how does he behave. Therein lies the rub. Not unlike his friend Donald Trump, Obama has a very strong predisposition towards violence and war, caters almost exclusively to the rich and powerful, and palls around with the right wing government of Israel.

Hawaii became an alleged state of the United States as a result of a foreign policy based on full spectrum dominance and imperial overstretch -- the same foreign policy employed by Obama over a century later in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and Palestine.

President Obama's benign neglect of the Hawaiian victims of American nineteenth century imperialism says more about who he is than the name of the country on his birth certificate.

Thomas H. Naylor is Founder of the Second Vermont Republic and Professor Emeritus of Economics at Duke University. His books include: Downsizing the U.S.A., Affluenza, The Search for Meaning and The Abandoned Generation: Rethinking Higher Education


2011 - Tane Inciong:

Reasons Why We Are Not Part of the United States of America...
Using their own U.S. and fake-State of Hawaii constitutions and laws and their Apology Bill, we can see where they "shoot themselves in their feet". Add to that the much discounted and over-looked Ku'e Petitions against annexation (Sept. 1897) whereby approximately 96% of the bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai'i responded against it which can be considered a plebiscite of its citizens. This Ku'e Petitions answers the Turpie Resolution of 31 May 1894.
The fact that U.S. Secretary James L. Blaine's advice, supported later by then U.S. President Benjamin Harrison and others within the U.S. government and community, was to destabilize the Kingdom of Hawaii without setting international precedent culminated in 1887 and conspired to overthrow and take control of the Kingdom of Hawaii for the purpose of annexing its territory to the United States of America for dominance within the Pacific Ocean for its Imperialism and Expansionism. This led to the active invasion and belligerent occupation unlawfully executed in 1893 by settting up a puppet "Provisional Government"/Republic of Hawai'i.

After the Treaty of Annexation was twice rejected, first withdrawn by newly-elected President Cleveland from U.S.. Congress and Executive Agreement established; then another treaty that was rejected by U.S. Congress, The Presidential-successor, McKinley allowed Congress to internally create the unlawful Newlands Resolution to annex Hawaii on 12 August 1898. This blatantly ignored the Presidential Agreement and the contested Ku'e Petitions of September 1897 and continued setting precedence in the international arena and double-standard justice. 

It is noteworthy to review the Organic Act of 30 April 1900:
Section 4. Citizenship. That all persons who were citizens of the Republic of Hawaii on August 12 , 1898 are hereby declared (!) to be citizens of the U.S. and citizens of the Territory of Hawai'i. -U.S. citizens that reside in Territory of Hawaii for one year on or since 12 August 1898 shall be citizens of the Territory of Hawaii. (This secured U.S. citizens who came to tip the population count for U.S. control to remain as permanent residence without losing their nationality and freedom to travel between the U.S. and Hawaii without a passport. The Ku'e Petitions of 1897 confirms that the bona fide subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii did not support the Republic of Hawaii and therefore not citizens of the ipso facto government.)

- Chinese Ban was applied.
- Puerto Rican did not lose political status by removing to Hawaii in 1901 but became U.S. citizens, hence, entitled to vote in Hawaii.
-24 March 1934 - Filipino placed on quota basis as aliens. Specifically inapplicable in Hawaii and immigration is determined by the Department of the Interior on basis of industrial needs. Filipino national in Hawaii became alien by proclamation of Philippine Independence.
- A person born in the Kingdom of Hawaii of British parents domiciled there was held to be a citizen of the Republic of Hawaii although he was registered at birth at the British consulate and had never renounced allegiance to the British Crown nor sworn allegiance to the Hawaiian government. (you can see U.S. preference for caucasians.)

The Admission Act (18 March 1959):
Section 19. Nothing contained in this Act shall operate to confer United States nationality nor to terminate nationality heretofore lawfully acquired, or restore nationality heretofore lost under any law of the (U.S.) or under any treaty to which the (U.S.) is or was a party.

(Since we were never lawfully citizens of the Republic of Hawaii as deemed by the Ku'e Petitions, U.S. belligerent occupation and never relinquished our rights as Hawaiian subjects, the U.S. breaches of the treaties, the U.S. violation of the law of occupation, law of neutrality, violations of the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment , the Constitution and Laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the treaties between both countries; we are still Hawaiian subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.)

A Hawaii patriot,




1993 - Admission of some of the criminal acts were made and signed into law by U.S. President William Clinton as P.L. 103-150.

International Attorneys documented the wrongs:

1. Dr. Boyle

The United States of America is "...admitting that the invasion, overthrow, occupation, annexation, starting in 1893, on up, violated all the treaties, violated basic norms of international law, and the United States Constitution... the overthrow of a lawful government... Under international law when you have a violation of treaties of this magnitude, the World Court has ruled that the only appropriate remedy is restitution."

" the United States government, after one hundred years, has finally and officially conceded, as a matter of United States law, that Native Hawaiian people have the right to restore the Independent Nation State that you had in 1893 when the United States government came and destroyed it. And also then that as a matter of international law the Native Hawaiian people have the right to go out now and certainly proclaim the restoration of that State... this resolution clears up all these matters... You don't need to petition Congress to do it. Congress has given you everything you need right here to do it, if that's what you want to do. The United Nations Charter provides the rest of the authority to do it."

"Congress is effectively conceding now that the (1959 statehood) vote is meaningless, as a matter of international law and United States domestic law. So you're not bound by it. Rather I'm suggesting you're now free to determine your own fate pursuant to the principal of self-determination."

"The State of Hawai'i, the federal government, are... the civilian arms of the military occupation authority, and... do not have sovereign powers. The sovereignty resides in the people."

"Who's land is it? Well, from what Congress seems to be saying, it's the land of the Native Hawaiians. The Native Hawaiian people still have sovereignty... You can't trespass on your own land. The trespassers then become the State of Hawai'i, and the land developers, and the golf courses, and the resorts. You are simply the Native Hawaiians asserting your rights under international law... this reversal of positions, between who is the criminal and who is the victim, who is asserting their rights and who is violating their rights, has been effectively conceded by Congress."

"... these are official findings of fact and law, by the Congress of the United States. These findings bind all state and federal courts here in Hawai'i."

"As a litigator before the International Court of Justice, I would be able to take this law to the World Court, and say, 'The United States government has now officially conceded that it illegally invaded and occupied the Kingdom of Hawai'i, and for this reason the native people of Hawai'i would be entitled to a restoration of their independent status as a sovereign nation state.'"

"I could not predict how long this would take, what would be the consequences, how many states will recognize you, but I take it that the plight of the Hawaiian people is generally well known in the world, and there's a great deal sympathy might be that you would be able to obtain recognition quickly. And especially if you pursue this process in accordance with principals of peaceful, non-violent struggle. And I submit that's the most effective technique you have today... Gandhi threw the mighty British Empire out of India without using force. People power, what we call it today. And I submit that the Native Hawaiian people would be able to do the same thing, moving in this direction and adopting the techniques of peaceful, non-violent action, which is what Gandhi called for."

"I would certainly caution you against trying to seek the same type of treatment that the federal government has doled out to the Native Americans. Moreover, on the basis of this statute, you're entitled to a lot more..."

" Independent Sovereign Nation State is one way a people who are threatened with extermination by means of genocide can attempt to protect themselves... What is the best way to protect the existence of your people, as a people? proclaim your own State, and then ultimately seek international recognition and finally UN membership..."

"'s your future and that of your children and your children's children that is at stake."

What are the Criteria ... How can it be done?

"First, a fixed territory, and clearly we have the Hawaiian Archipelago... Who's land is it? Well, from what congress seems to be saying, it's the land of the Native Hawaiians. The Native Hawaiian people still have sovereignty. The sovereignty inheres in you. And now it is for you to decide what to do with this sovereignty... the title to the land rested and still rests, under international law, with the Native Hawaiian people."

"Second, a population, a distinguishable population of people, the Native Hawaiians, those who would trace their ancestry back before the appearance of Europeans on these lands... Certainly the Hawaiian state could take the position that you'll set up a procedure to provide citizenship to all people who are habitual residents of the new State of Hawaii as of a certain date... on a level of equality with everyone else."

"Third, a government, and here you have ... the Kupuna (Elders) Council, that you've traditionally had. You don't need a government along the lines of the federal government of the United States or the State of Hawai'i to have a government. Rather what you need is a way to organize your people to govern your relations among each other, and clearly you have that."

International Relations
"And fourth, the capacity to enter into international relations, to deal with other states, and to keep your commitments. As I understand it, there are already states in the Western Pacific region that support the Native Hawaiian people and probably would be prepared to give you diplomatic recognition as an independent state... You would probably obtain recognition in that capacity from a fairly large number of states."

See Full text of Boyle's testimony

2. Dr. Matthew Craven

1998 - In Williamson B. C. Chang's brief in Civ. No. 98-0559-02 (Condemnation) dated July 29, 1998 on page 2 with Affidavit:
" Hawaii and the United States were separate and independent nations prior to July 7 , 1898. This Court may take judicial notice of that fact. No act of Congress, no Act of the Congress of the United States, no act of any Congress in the world can, without more, result in the incorporation of the territory of another nation." 1
1 See Exchange of remarks, Senators Allen and Stewart, 55th Cong. 2 d Session. 31 Cong. Rec. 6369 (Senator Stewart taking the position that the resolution was mere "puffing," in that the United States can "annex the world" if Congress so chose.) No nation has that power and not nation ever will have that power. Equally true, no nation can suffer the loss of its lands by " joint resolution ." It is not simply an illegal act - it is an impossible act. See Statement of Senator Foraker admitting Joint Resolution cannot annex Hawaii. 55th Cong. 2d Sess. 31 Cong. Rec. 6585.
Page 5: "No one claimed that Congress had power beyond the boundaries of the United States".
The following is regarding "The legislative history is more than clear: Congress deliberately sought to deny the Courts of the State of hawaii in rem jurisdiction."3 " Public Law 86-3 is the sole basis by which this Court derives its very existence, let alone its powers."
"3 Leaders of both the Republic of Hawaii and the United States were well aware of this fact. See Correspondence of Sanford Dole, President of Hawaii to A. Hartwell, dated November 15 , 1899 from the State Archives of Hawaii ("A reference to the joint resolution of annexation and the treaty shows clearly the untenable position of the President's order in that it attempts to affect land transfers made between July 7, and August 12 , 1898; for the treaty by Article 1st agrees that the Hawaiian Islands be annexed to the united States under the name of the Territory of Hawaii ;") the joint resolution changes this in a most radical way in the first paragraph by annexing the Hawaiian islands "as a part of the territory of the United States." The Treaty agreement having been departed from in this important particular by the joint resolution, it cannot be of course contended that the letter has an authority in relations to the Hawaiian Islalnds until it was accepted by us which acceptance took place on the 12th of August 1898." The protracted debate over the Joint Resolution had brought this fact to public attention. No one claimed that Congress had power beyond the boundaries of the United States."
Professor Williamson Chang under penalty of perjury stated the following:
He is licensed to practice in the State of Hawaii and before the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii and that he is now the attorney for Rachel B. Painter and appears on her behalf in the above entitled matter.
That he as filed a complaint in the United States District court for the District of Columbia that relates to this case.
Said action is titled, Painter v. The United States of America , LCIV98001737 and was filed on July 10, 1998.
That said action is related in that it seeks declaratory relief as to the scope and meaning of the Act of Admission, Section Two.
That Section Two of the Act of Admission excludes the Island of Palmyra from the State of Hawaii. That such was the intent of section two.
That the same section two also excludes the island of Oahu , on which the property here is located. That the legislative history of section two supports this plain reading of section two.
That said section two states that:
"The State of Hawaii hall consist of all the islands, together with their appurtenant reefs and territorial waters , included in the Territory of Hawaii, except the atoll known as Palmyra Island, together with its appurtenant waters and territorial reefs, but said State shall not be deemed to include the Midway Islands, San Island (offshore of Johnston Island) or Kingman Reef , together with their appurtenant reefs and territorial waters."
That the area within the Territory of Hawaii was set by section two of the Act of april 30, 1900, which states:
"That the islands acquired by the United States of America under an Act of Congress entitled "Joint Resolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States,' approved July seventh eighteen hundred and ninety eight, shall be known as the Territory of Hawaii."
That he is aProfessor of Law at the University of Hawaii , William s. Richardson School of Law.
That among his duties as a Professor of Law he has been required to develop courses in Native Hawaiian Rights and Legal History.
That he received a grant from the National Science foundation to study the evolution of property rights in Hawaii.
14. That he shall attach, when certified by the Library of Congress , copies of various documents relating to this motion. That said certified documents should be available within two weeks.
That in the course of fulfilling the terms of the above grant, and in the course of his duties as a Professor of Law at the University of Hawaii, assigned to Native Hawaiian Rights and Legal History that the following documents have come to his attention:
The records of the debates on the Joint Resolution to Provide for Annexing the Hawaiian Islands, from the debates on that resolution of the United States Senate , particularly those pages of the Congressional Record, volume 31 pages 6331-6369, 6634-6634 and 6585-6572 chich contain statements of numerous senators that the Joing Resolution was not a treaty, and could not have any effect on Hawaii.
Records of the debates on the Act of april 30, 1900, which show that the Joint Resolution, as viewed by the Senate two years later did not incorporate Hawaii as territory of the United States. Those statements are on various pages of volume 33 of the Congressional Record , such as 2385-2391.
The supreme Court Record as found in the Library of Congress, the Law Library thereof,for the case Hawaii v. Mankichi, 190 U.S. 197 (1903). The decision itself, together with the record of briefs of appellee and appellant in that matter show 1) that the Supreme Court ruled that the Joing Resolution did not incorporate the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States and that 2) the Appellee, then Territory of Hwaii took the position that the Joint Resolution did not make Hawaiii part of the United Sttes. (See brief of appellant Edmund Dole, Attorney General of the Territory of Hawaii.)
Other documents, such as volume 23 of the Opinions of the Attorney General of the United States, numerous opinions of the Attorney General state that the Joint Resolution did not incorporate Hawaii as part of the United States. In particular, Hawaii remained separate and independent for numerous purposes identified only with the rights of a sovereign and independent nation: to wit Hawaii was permitted to lay a tonnage tax on shipping between Hawaii and the United States, Hawaii was deemed separate and sovereign for the purposes of claims by British subjects arising from torts allegedly committed against them by the Provisional Government of Hawaii and Hawaii was not "the United States" for the purposes of the existing laws of the United States excluding Chinese.
House Report 305 pf the 55th Congress which shows that the ceremonies held on August 12 , 1898, in Honolulu, Hawaii had no legal effect. That is also the opinion of the United States Attorney General as stated in volume 23, relating to the "Public Lands" See pages 628 et seq.
Documents that show the intent behind section two of the Admission Act: That in the deliberations on the Statehood bill, S.49 in 1953-54, the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs committee rejected the language defining the boundaries for the future state of Hawaii, as then proposed in the draft of the State Constitution approved by the people of Hawaii November 7, 1950.
That the reasons for such rejection are partly stated in a "confidential memo" of Clark Clifford to Senator Earle Clements. That such memo notes that the definition of the State, as proposed by the people would differ from the definition of the State as set forth by the Senate in S. 49. That the Senate must reject the definition as proposed by the State Constitution. That the people of Hawaii must affirm the changes as demanded by the Senate. That, according to Clark, if the Constitution is not amended, either by reassembling the Constitutional Convention , or by a vote specially held prior to statehood, then Hawaii should not be admitted as a state.
That numerous proposed alternatives to the present boundaries of the State were considered by the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, and that such alternatives would have included the Palmyra Islands as well as the Island of Oahu. That such alternatives were rejected in favor of the present language. That the present language is identical to Committee Print 6 of S.49. Committee Print 6 adopts the approach of Committee Print 5. Committee Print 5 differs substantially from all earlier versions as committee Print 5 states that the area of the State shall consist of that of the Territory, except the atoll known as Palmyra. That Print 4 and earlier prints, contained such language that would have included all islands within a certain designated parallelogram as defined by reference to longitude and attitude. That such approach was recommended by the Department of Justice , in a letter of J. Lee Rankin of January 11, 1954. Those approached would have affirmatively included islands within the new state. Thus, the adoption of the prsent language displays conscious intent to exclude all islands.
That said approach continued the existing policy of Congress whereby the Territory was defined by reference to the legal effect of the Joint Resolution.
That certain Senators on the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs committee were well aware that the Joint Resolution did not acquire for the United States either the island of Palmyra or the Island of Oahu. That such knowledge can be imputed from the transcripts of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs committee, as to a non-public hearing of March 17, 1953. Such knowledge can be imputed to Senator Clinton Anderson who was so informed that the Joint Resolution did not incorporate the Hawaiian Islands by memorandum in April of 1954.
That the plain meaning of section two is supported by the available legislative history.
That this motion is brought arising from counsel's duty under the Code of Professional Responsibility to zealously represent his clients. That said grounds for this motion are basic and elementary. The boundaries of the State are within the knowledge of those who practice beforee the Bar of the Courts of this State. That said counsel is not bringing this motion for the purposes of delay or harassment. Rather, the failure to raise this issue, in the course of representation would be possible grounds for incompetent representation.
Under Pentaly of Perjury, I, Williamson Chang states that such are true and correct, the documentary evidence referred to does exist and was found and examined by myself, in various archives and libraries, including the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress.
Williamson B. C. Chang
Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me:
This Wed . Day of 29 July, 1998.
My Commission Expires: 9-5-99



Articles/References Affecting ALL LANDS in the Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian government from the time of Paiea/ Kamehameha, including Coral Reefs, etc.: 

Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church : id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZGIyMmNkNTMtZTczZ i0...
****************************** ***********
Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893: 
Page 1: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3YjEtNTAwM y0...
Page 2: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtNWJkY S0...
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President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0...
****************************** *****
Genealogies 1867 (first part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZ C0...
Genealogies 1867 (second part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1M i0...
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkM S0...
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0...
Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0...
The Hawaiian Disgrace archive-free/pdf?res= F70A1FF7345D117...
Shameful Conspiracy id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2Y2YjAwOTItOTEwM C0...
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920 id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzY0NzE3ZDUtZGE5M i0...

Reasons Why Anyone Can Document/Press Charges/ Document Pirates 

****************************** *****

Know About Pearl Harbor

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Updated Hawaiian History

****************************** *****

Congress Premeditated Declared War upon a Neutral, Non Violent, Friendly Nation

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Updated Royal Genealogies

****************************** ******

In Defense of Kanaka Maoli

****************************** *******

One World Order = The Monroe Doctrine Extended


Reviewing the Claimed Royal Societies


Pirates at Work with OHA in Tow


Animosities in the Hawaiian Islands - Cartoons of Queen Liliuokalani depicted as a "Nigger" , etc.


Wiki Leaks: It Was All About Oil includes my article(s)

********************************************* Reasons Why the Entity State FAILS: Premeditation; Treasonous Persons Piracy(ies); Deaths of Royalists; Lies, Criminals, Pirates Supported by the U.S. etc.; Truth and Oppositions Documented.......**********************************************************************************************
The "Pretended Owners" ARE NOT THE REAL OWNERS OF HAWAIIAN LANDS! Frauds Found In History compiled by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010) and other articles 

WAR Declared on our Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation

More Premeditation Records

Genocide Activists, Monstah Makers GMO's, etc.

More Reasons Why the Entity State of Hawaii FAILS to Protect the Lives and Safety of all citizens in the Hawaiian Islands: 

From Christie Gora:

'Hawaii water pollution and hazards':

Here is the pollution violations in Hawaii 2008: (also in my 'Hawaii water pollution and hazards' article)

What the state is doing now and has a November 01, 2011 deadline for 2012 submissions of toxicology of pollutions at their facilities (which I also had listed in my 'Hawaii water pollution and hazards' article):

Here's one of my popular articles 'Is Hawaii surrounded by trash island?':

I have more articles too, and a couple of them became popular.

Here is one about 'Hawaii cellphones and wi-fi risks':

Here is the evidence of GMO "contributions" to Hawaii democrats in congress of now:
These democrats are: Inouye, Daniel K (D-HI) $7,000; Hanabusa, Colleen (D-HI) $1,000; Hirono, Mazie K (D-HI) $5,000 
Here is a GMO video 'Island at risk: GMO in Hawaii':

Why lolo's go on Kaho'olawe?
The islands are contaminated with carcinogens and fully blown with radiation (no pun intended)...

The following videos are good to watch.
Although I just recently found these videos after the fact that I wrote my articles, it's great to see that I can relate in Environmental studies. :)

Hawaii is contaminated with toxins, radiation and carcinogenic ecosystem (land, air, water).
So here is a video on 'Bottled water':

What's in cosmetics, shampoos / conditioners, foods, toys, sunblocks, etc..? Thanks to 'nanotechnology', there's risks:

I also wrote an article about it called 'Hawaii's green tans and makeup':

Here is the story about electronics:

The article I wrote is called 'Hawaii: Donate a used computer to children, recycle and more':

Reviewing the Crown Lands and Other Issues

White House Website - Letter to the President from Amelia Gora:

What Every Kanaka Maoli Needs To Know


BMJ/British Medical Journal articles:


IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web see hawaiian genealogy society and GORA8037 and other websites including OPED News, etc.


Multiples of Affidavits/Liens filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu; Documents served to the DLNR, AG's, et. als. pertaining to the Crown Lands, etc. as one of the Owners, descendant/heir of the Crown Land Owners whose ancestors resided in the Hawaiian Islands for 3,000+ years, etc.

Oppositions documented over time recorded in Affidavits/Liens, Letters filed, delivered, served on the Occupiers who have no title or ownership of lands, etc.

Oppositions documented in court cases; Fraud documented in court cases as well by myself, family(ies).

Multiples of Letters to the U.S. Presidents Clinton, GW Bush, Barack Obama, Governors Lingle, Abercrombie, Cayetano also thru the Attorney General's office, Senator Akaka, Senator Inouye, et. als.


Some Research by other researchers:


Once again, costs for rents and leases are due and owing to our Royal Families and

Rents, leases due are 500 Trillion Dollars in Gold Coin per year, retroactive to 1893; land use, water, resources, etc.

and knowing, recognizing that you are NOT the Hawaiian government, but an entity as documented by Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 which was supported by the U.S., et. als. (includes England, and the Morgan bankers, International bankers/Bank of England, etc.).

And repeating what was posted above in part:

This is to inform you opposition to S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, as amended; S.B. No. 1520, S.D. 2, H.D. 3, C.D. 1, etc. includes SB1555 CD1, quietly signed into law by the governor on May 20 as Act 55, will create a potentially very powerful Public Land Development Corporation to implement Lim's strategy for privatizing public resources, etc. is hereby documented, along with all or similar bills, laws similar or likened to, the Akaka Bill, etc.

Because Kamehameha's descendants exist, King David Kalakaua's descendants heirs/exist, and Queen Liliuokalani descendants/ heirs exist.

Premeditation of assuming the Hawaiian Islands are on record.

Placing Queen Liliuokalani under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, etc. is on record.

Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations/treaty(ies) broken.

Placing Queen Liliuokalani's subjects /citizens numbering 40,000 under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, etc. is on record.

Genocide activities has been discovered, uncovered in research and is on record. Includes Kalaupapa the leper colony, etc.

Criminal greed is on record, includes criminal conversions, fraud, deceit, treason, etc.

Criminal claims to Pearl Harbor made by American businessmen, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees, the U.S. government, etc.

Failure to protect the lives, health, safety of all in the Hawaiian Islands are on record. See attached articles about GMO/Genetic Modification Organisms; cell phones; water; toxins in the environment, 

Many other facts are on record:

The latest - June 2011:

Why Hawai'i is Not a Legitimate State: What the Birthers Missed

Continued activities intended to affect the true land owners, Sovereigns, descendants/heirs of Paiea/Kamehameha, Liholiho/ Kamehameha II, Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, Lot Kamehameha/ Kamehameha V, William Charles /King William Lunalilo, Kalakua/Kalakaua/ King David Kalakaua, Kaeha/Makaeha/Kamakaeah/Queen Liliuokalani and their loyal subjects/citizens will be cause for legal action through the Honolulu Police Department based on Genocide Activities file, etc.

The perpetuation of lies, deceit, criminal activities, genocide, piracy(ies) is not acceptable.

OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs; the claimed Royal Societies; Hawaiian Homes organizations are but agencies set up by an entity supported by the U.S. government with designs on lands, resources, etc. of good, pono, neutral nation's subjects/citizens whose ancestors did support Queen Liliuokalani who did no wrong. 

The Wicked entities were set up by a premeditating, agressive, bankrupt, greedy bunch of thieves with wicked desires to aid their WARMONGERING ways.......intending to maintain everyone as SLAVES since the American Civil War because the debt was not paid for until 1934.

The Hawaiian Kingdom did go "under ground" and it is here.

Oppositions have been maintained and recorded over time by our families, friends of Queen Liliuokalani, Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, et. als.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person, a living human being, Acting Liaison of
Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles/Hulu Manu, One of the
Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society


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