Monday, August 15, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii is the Kingdom of Hawaii Not the Pretenders the Pirates Charles Reed Bishop & Friends , the


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii is the Kingdom of Hawaii Not the Pretenders the Pirates Charles Reed Bishop & Friends , the

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii is the Kingdom of Hawaii Not the Pretenders the Pirates Charles Reed Bishop & Friends  

                               - EVIDENCE -

                                                       Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)

The following article is evidence that Charles Reed Bishop was indeed a conspirator, a treasonous person who utilized lands and monies which did not belong to him......

Bishop and the others who were documented criminals, pirates, pillagers lost ALL interest in their allodial lands if they were kanaka maoli or their lease lands which would have expired in 30 years.

It was these people who claimed lands which they could never own.

Charles Reed Bishop was a corrupt banker, a fraud, a criminal, a pirate who conveyed lands and monies that he did not own.

Look at all the one quart low people who became parties to the crimes by reaping benefits off of a Trust(sd) belonging to our Royal Family and know that every crook gets caught, it's just a matter of time that they get caught.

Charles Reed Bishop was the President of the Board of Education under the Provisional Government which had no sovereignty and was Not the Legitimate Government in Hawaii."/>

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Know that the current trustees have been listed on Police reports.............all transactions made by them are illegal and fall under illegal contracts.

They are Not the landowners.

They are no different from  the thieves who steal cars, steal monies from the ATM machines, swindle, commit fraud, deceive, pirate, pillage, etc. and hide under the claims of being a benevolent group of people who are helping people to gain education, etc.

The Fact of the matter is that  these are a group of pirates who hide and hide the facts that they are NOT owners but blatant criminals serving a quart low population who have little knowledge of the truth and have been indoctrinated with lies, lies, and more lies given out over time.

Suggest you remove yourselves from your quart low mentality and Wake Up to the Truth!

Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants!

Know that the created State of Hawaii are hoping that the kanaka maoli don't wake up from their stupor and are banking on the ignorance of our people of color!.

Know that the Trustees of all our Alii Trusts are banking on our Alii lalnds for their survival and existence.

They are truly documented criminals and  time will tell who the smart ones are when they decide to vacate their nests if they value freedom.  For criminals caught ;have the; consequence of service or jail time in participating in a crime of genocide.




The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kamehameha School and Punahou School Boys Counted With "Annexationists"

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kamehameha School and Punahou School Boys Counted With "Annexationists"


                                                    Review by Amelia Gora (2021)


The following article shows the "white race" in the Annexation count in 1893.  

Both the Kamehameha School and Punahou School boys were taken in the count:

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 08, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 08, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 08, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 08, 1893, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


With the inclusion of Kamehameha Schools as part of the annexationists counts, this verifies the fact that the Kamehameha Schools was made for the purposes of adding supporters for the White Supremacist Charles Reed Bishop who was the "backbone" of the treasonous persons who helped to usurp Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

It can be said that since 1893, Kamehameha Schools and Punahou Schools were the financed bodies of  the White Supremacists whose purposes was to support the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani, and utilized funds rightfully belonging to Queen Liliuokalani and the Royal Family.

Queen Liliuokalani was the hanai/adopted sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop whose husband and friends orchestrated the theft of Hawaiian monies by organizing a "Trust" which criminally assumed lands of the Kamehameha's for their purposes leading up to the criminal assumption of lands, monies, etc. belonging to the Royal Family.

Therefore, it can be said that the Kamehameha Schools was a reason for the criminal pirates, pillagers, racketeers, a planned diversion to appear as if the education reason was for the children when it was really a scoundrel activity hiding the fact that the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees of 1884 were the true thieves, scoundrels, who helped to plan the usurpation of the Queen in 1893, and form a fraudulent trust in 1909 to assume all.

It is true what Judge Stuart observed:

Judge Stuart exposed the Corruptions in the Hawaiian Islands, in the claimed governments, and the courts, etc.............He complained about the usurpers to his President Wilson..............Wilson destroyed his letters by cutting it up and giving parts to those who were being written about.

Wilson threw his parts into the trash can.

Interesting man Judge Stuart....he bluntly admitted that the Bishop Estates was set up for the "real purposes of taking care of the trustees and hangers-on..."

Lastly, Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.  He left monies to many including Kamehameha Schools, and Punahou Schools.

Most of the monies was not his.  He lost all interest in the Kamehameha's monies in 1893 due to his collusion, treasonous activities. 


If that were not the case he would have lost all interest in1915 when he died and had only a life interest.

Rents are due from the Trustees of both trusts for lands criminally claimed by an illegal, criminal, pirate, pillaging, racketeering trust which owns nothing because they are not the allodial land owners, genocide activist, treasonous persons who have all breached the neutrality laws as well.


Research incomplete.


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