Monday, August 1, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kamehameha Schools Trustees Conspiracies with Booz, Allen ;& Hamilton

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kamehameha Schools Trustees Conspiracies with Booz, Allen ;& Hamilton

                                             Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)

The following post was published in my book CHRONICLE OF HISTORY FROM HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES.

The firm Booz, Allen & Hamilton are part of the NSA/National Security Agency of the United States.

In the post below, the firm Booz, Allen & Hamilton were hired by the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates for advice in how to make monies, etc. off of a Trust which they have no title to.

Thanks to Whistleblower Edward Snowden who exposed secrets about the U.S., the connections to the NSA/National Security Agency through the Booz, Allen & Hamilton, etc. firm, we would not have known the ongoing interest in Hawaiian lands by the U.S. who helped to support the invasion of Hawaii since the criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The following is evidence of an ongoing conspiracy set up to defraud the true land owners, who are the true owners of lands formerly belonging to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884.

Piracy, pillaging, fraud, racketeering is documented for the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates who have no interest in lands conveyed by treasonous person, widower of Bernice Pauahi Bishop named Charles Reed Bishop, a President of the Department of Education under the Provisional government in 1893.

The following entry is evidence of a Crime engaged in by the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who claimed to be he heirs as documented in the Land Court case 1228, First Circuit Court, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

While researching at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, the following information was handed to me by another researcher:

1961 – September 25.  The Kamehameha Schools planning survey was conducted by the firm of Booz, Allen & Hamilton for the Trustees of the Bernice P. Bishop Estate.  The survey had been conducted in accordance with the proposal letter dated May 6, 1960, which was accepted by the trustees on July 29, 1960.


           The Survey Team – consisted of seven selected persons.  They were selected by the Management Consultants, and with the Trustees of the Bernice P. Bishop Estate:


8.    Dr. H. Lawrence Wilsey - Booz, Allen & Hamilton Partner

9.    Dr. William R. Odell – Booz, Allen & Hamilton Chief Educational Advisor

10. Mr. Carl G. Burness – Booz, Allen & Hamilton Associate

11. Dr. Harold C. Hand – Booz, Allen & Hamilton Special Consultant

12. Dr. Kenneth J. Rehage – Booz, Allen & Hamilton Special Consultant

13. Mr. Donald R. Hegstrom – Booz, Allen & Hamilton Senior Consultant

14. Dr. Paul R. Hanna – Booz, Allen & Hamilton Special Consultant


            The Survey Schedule – began on August 1960 and completed September 1961.

The full cycle of observations was done on the Kamehameha Schools.


                                                  Progressive Trustees updates were made in August, September, November, December 1960, February, May and August 1961.  Progress reports, charts, progress were sent to the Trustees and President on October 24; November 15, 1960; January 17, March 1, March 23, May 9, June 27 and July 24, 1961.


                                                   Copies of drafts and other chapters of the final report were sent to the Trustees, the President and the legal counsel in July.


                                                  “Members of the survey team met with the president on the mainland in June and July 1961, to review drafts, and key report chapters.


                                                   Final presentation to the Trustees and the President was made on August 1 through 8, 1961.  Survey components were discussed in detail.


                                  Survey Procedures – Comprehensiveness, thoroughness, and objectivity was focused on. 


      “Mrs. Bishop’s will, legal decisions and opinions, basic documents, minutes, records, previous survey reports, and financial reports were reviewed by members of the survey team.


Carefully selected persons were interviewed throughout the state, individually and as members of groups.  The survey team SELECTED the persons interviewed, thereby being a biased controlled group, taking into account suggestions of the trustees, the president, and others.  In total, more than 600 persons were interviewed:


          Categories of Persons                              Individual                     Group

                                                                           Interviews                    Discussions


Trustees, former trustees and legal

   Counsel to the trustees                                           7

Bishop estate staff members                                     9

Key Admin of the Kamehameha Schools                 7

Teachers and Professional staff members                87                               125

Business and clerical staff members                          9        

Students                                                                    25

Parents of past and present students                         35                               220

Alumni                                                                      15                                 85

Community leaders                                                   30

Legislators                                                                10

Professional educators                                              40                                   7


Sixteen Chapters and a Total of four (4) Volumes were compiled for this study.  Recommendations, input from the above were requested for.


                            Recommendations – are far-reaching and demanding.  “The trustees and administration should move forward with their implementation as rapidly as possible.  The two major factors limiting the freedom of the trustees are as follows:


3.    Court approval required.  Request for approval from the Attorney General and the courts needed.

4.    Income was needed to increase the operations of the schools cost.  The trustees woud need to increase estate income as rapidly as feasible and, in anticipation of income, prepare the schools to MOVE FORWARD AS RAPIDLY AS THE INCOME BECOMES AVAILABLE.




“As noted above, this survey report provides a long-range plan designed specifically to help the schools REALIZE THEIR POTENTIAL IMPORTANCE.


To take advantage of available opportunities for service and to develop The Kamehameha Schools into the outstanding institutions they can and should become will require continuing effort on the part of the trustees, the president, administrators, teachers, parents, students, and alumni alike.  Through strong leadership from the trustees and president and the exertion of the needed effort, the fundamental educational purposes of MRS. BISHOP CAN BEST BE ACHIEVED IN THE HAWAII OF TODAY AND THE DECADES AHEAD.  With dynamic, forward-looking leadership, and the FINANCIAL RESOURCES THAT ARE POTENTIALLY AVAILABLE, THE BISHOP ESTATE COULD BECOME THE MOST SIGNIFICANT EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN THE UNITED STATES.


We have individually and as a survey team appreciated this opportunity to be of assistance to The Trustees of the Bernice P. Bishop Estate and to the Kamehameha Schools.  We shall look forward to opportunities to be of further service in the years ahead.”      

                                                         (Signed off with) Aloha and Mahalo,


                                                                 Booz, Allen & Hamilton (no specific name)


Out of the files of the State Archives of Hawaii; 371.2; K15-B, Vol 1; 2; 3 and 4.

This report was stated as Confidential and intended only for The Trustees of the Bernice P. Bishop Estates.  However, because the State Archives is a Public Record locale, this was retrieved by one of the Researchers and a copy was obtained with difficulty.


(It is of Significant interest that the Bernice Pauahi’s Will was reviewed, in actuality the Kamehameha Schools were to operate on my great grandmother’s 9,000+ acres of land.  Terrorist attorney, banker, plantation owner Charles Reed Bishop had claimed that Akahi, my great grandmother, legally my great great grandmother had no descendants.  Fraud, criminal deceit, criminal malfeasance is documented.


Bernice Pauahi’s Probate shows that her heir is Kalola (w).  Heirs EXIST such as our families. 


The recommendations for the use of funds were secured from a biased group, which was carefully selected, another group to be considered as a Partners in Crime. 


The Kamehameha Schools are built on the lands belonging to my families.  My ancestor Nuuanu (k) was the konohiki/caretaker of Kapalama.  He shared in properties of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III, etc.  Nuuanu (k) was the father-in-law of my ancestor Akahi (w).  Criminal claims, Fraud, deceit claimed by The Kamehameha Schools.


Bernice Pauahi WAS NOT THE LAST OF THE KAMEHAMEHA’s.  HER LINE DIED OUT.  She had several Hawaiian/kanaka maoli husbands.  She was the one who married the Terrorist, Charles Reed Bishop.  She was the hanai mother of OPUNUI (k) of whom my ancestor’s married on my maternal genealogical lines.)


Note and Comments:


The Booz and Allen group were the same names that came up in the IRAQ War studies, etc.           

The above information reveals evidence of a Crime against our Royal Family, the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

The criminal, pirate Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are indeed documented criminals and no different from a thief who steals throughout the day.

The  difference of this crime is that it is an ongoing crime supported by the U.S. through the NSA which engages in the assistance of the Booz, Allen & Hamilton agency.

The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are not the Allodial, Superior, Paramount land title owners because we are.

Fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts.

The laws of the occupied must be used, not the laws of the occupier using Revised laws, Common laws of Great Britain, laws of the United States, etc.

Research incomplete.





May 10, 2019 — DrAlfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the ... posted by Amelia Gora (2019).

by WBC Chang2015Cited by 23 — ChangWilliamson B.C.. Darkness over Hawaii: The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest Obstacle to Progress ...
Because the annexation was illegal, he and others seem to argue, statehood must be void, and the State of Hawaii does not hold legal title to Hawaiian land.
by WBC Chang2014 — The Joint Resolution was not a treaty. A Treaty of Annexation drafted and signed by representatives of Hawaii and the United States.
The protests within the 'Aha towards independence, ners; the OHA Board of Trustees; the against the telescopes on Mauna Kea was Williamson Chang from the ...


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