Friday, May 3, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Why Kanaka Maoli are Not Nxxxgers or Indians

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Why Kanaka Maoli are Not Nxxxgers or Indians 

                                                                      Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

White Annexationists/Supremacists have affected all three (3) groups of people over time.

Who were the White Supremacists?  

They were part of the prisoners of Great Britain who were sent to the America's to set up penal colonies - 13 of them on Indian lands.

           Note:  Great Britain also had penal colonies set up in Australia.

       Who are the Hated people?

Kanaka Maoli - are based in the Hawaiian Archipelago for nearly 2,000 years.

Nxxxggers - are based on the African Continent for thousands of years.

Indians - are based on the American Continent for thousands of years.

        What are the backgrounds of the Hated people?

Kanaka Maoli - leader Kamehameha began a Monarchy Government in 1810, ten (10 years before the White Annexationists/Supremacists arrived on the shores of the Hawaiian archipelago.)

Nxxxggers - were stolen from Africa for the purposes of White Supremacists - the haters of people of color.  They were made slaves and forced to work under the haters.

Indians - were the original people of the America's whose lands were stolen by the White Supremacists - the haters of people of color.  They were killed, made into slaves and forced to work under the haters.

               What are the Issues of the three (3) groups

Kanaka Maoli - Under the Constitutional Monarchy government, Kamehameha III supported his people, provided a Constitution, laws which provided Allodial lands/ forever lands to himself, his heirs, and successors for his people, and his konohiki.

Nxxxgers - Lived at the mercy of White Supremacists, forced to labor for the White Supremacists with little rights and kept like cattle, horses, animals, etc.

Indians - Shot at, killed for their lands, their food, and captured to be used as slaves likened to the Nxxxgers.  

                        Lands of the Three (3) Groups Today

Kanaka Maoli - Allodial lands are forever lands supported by land laws set up by Kamehameha III and no one can take it away.  Rule of Law prevails.  The permanent Treaty of Friendship and Amity of 1849 ratified in 1850 locks in to the U.S. Constitution of 1787, Article 6 - the supremacy clause which states that the Treaties are the Supreme Law of the land, even the Judges are bound to it; the Protectorate of 1854 - agreed to by the U.S., Great Britain, and France signed; the Neutrality Law of 1854 passed; the agreement made by the U.S. Junta and Queen Liliuokalani made in 1893 showing that if the U.S. played a part in the usurpation, etc., then 'all shall be returned'.

              Note:  Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law in his Constitution of 1852, and the United States passed theirs 13 years later.  Slave masters who entered the Hawaiian Islands were arrested and their slaves were set free.

Nxxxgers - The American Civil War was fought with the Union sympathizing with the slaves over the Confederates from the South who supported and maintained Slavery.

Indians - They fought ongoing Wars with the White Supremacists who disregarded their Treaties that were signed by U.S. Generals, etc.  Their treaties were breached and the people were moved in order to make way for more haters to take over their lands.

                                    Activities Engaged in by the Three (3) groups

Kanaka Maoli - are the Allodial landowners in the Hawaiian Islands.  Reclaiming the Allodial Lands are in progress.  Support is being made by the Constitutional Monarchy Government which as full 100% sovereignty occupied by haters, White Annexationists/ Supremacists who are occupiers and have no legal rights to reside in the Hawaiian archipelago.  Reason being there was No Annexation, therefore, they have no Jurisdiction.  The occupiers are documented Pirates due to the failure to follow rule of laws, failed to follow the Neutrality Law of 1854 passed by Kamehameha III who documented that those who violated/breached the Neutrality Law are to prosecuted as Pirates.  The U.S. must return everything  as agreed to by the U.S. Junta in 1893.

Nxxxgers - have a history of wrongs done to them by the White Supremacists.  The United States owes the people due to the disregard of human life over time.

Indians - have a history of wrongs done to them by the White Supremacists.  The United States owes the people due to the disregard of human life over time.

  Note:  The Indians after reviewing Treaties have been able to get some of their lands back.  Other Indians have a program called  Land back organization see:

                         Facts of the Three (3)

Kanaka Maoli - operating as an Occupied Nation that has full 100% Sovereignty.  Reclaiming Royal Family's Allodial lands, kanaka maoli reclaiming Allodial lands, with Konohiki projects ongoing based on the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  The U.S., Great Britain, and France are in violation of treaties with the Kingdom of Hawaii and all in the World must know this.

Note:  As documented by United Nations Dr. Alfred deZayas, the Occupier has to follow the laws of the occupied and cannot utilize laws that they put in place, etc.  Also, Private Properties cannot be taken.

Nxxxgers and Indians are assisted by the Land Back organization as noted below:

"LANDBACK is a movement that has existed for generations with a long legacy of organizing and sacrifice to get Indigenous Lands back into Indigenous hands. Currently, there are LANDBACK battles being fought all across Turtle Island, to the north and the South.

As NDN Collective, we are stepping into this legacy with the launch of a LANDBACK Campaign as a mechanism to connect, coordinate, resource and amplify this movement and the communities that are fighting for LANDBACK. The closure of Mount Rushmore, return of that land and all public lands in the Black Hills, South Dakota is our cornerstone battle, from which we will build out this campaign. Not only does Mount Rushmore sit in the heart of the sacred Black Hills, but it is an international symbol of white supremacy and colonization. To truly dismantle white supremacy and systems of oppression, we have to go back to the roots. Which, for us, is putting Indigenous Lands back in Indigenous hands.

In addition, LANDBACK is more than just a campaign. It is a political framework that allows us to deepen our relationships across the field of organizing movements working towards true collective liberation. It allows us to envision a world where Black, Indigenous & POC liberation co-exists. It is our political, organizing and narrative framework from which we do the work."


In 1902, the White Annexationists/Supremacists called the Kingdom of Hawaii, the Nxxgger Republic of Hawaii.  See:

Due to hatred, animosities, all three (3) groups treated the same by the White Supremacists, or White Annexationists in the Hawaiian Islands.  See: and article below.

The head of the usurpers in the Kingdom of Hawaii named Sanford B. Dole was complemented for his assistance in helping the United States and was given thousands of dollars per month and a large mansion for playing his part in the invasion of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in 1893.  see:  

The hatred, animosities towards the treatment of all three (3) groups is the downfall of a Warmongering Nation, the U.S. with the support of Great Britain, and France who are documented Pirates in the World today supporting moves to War with innocent nations for their want of land, assets, minerals, water around the world.

As shown above, Kanaka Maoli are likened to the Nxxgger and Indians only because of the general hatred, animosities towards people of color by the White Supremacists.

Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law in 1852 meaning he had a respect for People of Color, Indians who were enslaved as well.

Kanaka Maoli remain different from the Nxxggers, Indians, and the Pirate Nations: U.S., Great Britain, and France because the Kingdom of Hawaii has maintained a Neutrality status contrary to the others.  

The U.S., Great Britain, and France moved to War against a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation that bared no arms, and maintained a friendly posture vs. the U.S. backed hostile "sharpshooters" and others who moved against the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Kanaka Maoli are from a recognized fully Sovereign nation which was invaded by the U.S. military, supported by Great Britain, and France.  The rules of law exposes the Pirates for who they are.  The Kingdom of Hawaii continues on, even though it was violated by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.  Exposure of the Truth shows their wrongs, and gives all in the World a different view as Pirates in the World today.  The handling of Pirates are not the same as a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation maintained since 1841 recognition by Belgium.

Will the World support the haters, animosities put out by such nations befriending Pirate allies as well?  You decide.



'the nixxger Republic of Hawaii'

Hattiesburg daily progress. (Hattiesburg, Miss.) 18??-1909, December 13, 1902, Image 2

Image provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link:

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  S.B. Dole's Gifts of Monies & Mansion, etc. 

                                                             reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

Sanford B. Dole Gifted with large sums of monies, Mansion, etc. for assisting in the role that he played in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani, etc.:

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 06, 1897, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 06, 1897, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


Also, because there was No Annexation, that means that kanaka maoli would be treated as either Nxxxgers or Indians.

Evidence of White Annextionists/Supremacists who maintain animosities, hatred for kanaka maoli in the Hawaiian Islands.

The U.S. government continues to push for kanaka maoli to be labeled an Indian tribe in their vocabulary, unknown to many kanaka maoli.  The occupiers are exposed for who they are ---the haters, with a tremendous animosity towards ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR.  This is the evidence:

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 06, 1897, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

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