Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Life Interest of Charles Reed Bishop


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  The Life Interest of Charles Reed Bishop

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  The Life Interest of Charles Reed Bishop

                                                                           Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

The following  is a typed version of Liber 142 page 142-143 Deed by Charles Reed Bishop conveying his life interest to himself and the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate after the invasion of Hawaii in 1893:

Liber 142 Page 142

                  Charles R. Bishop to Est. B. P. Bishop

 Stamped $1.00                         Deed

This instrument marks this 27th day of April 1893 by and 

between Charles R. Bishop of Honolulu Island of Oahu Hawaiian

Islands in his own right ) of the first part and Charles R. Bishop Samuel 

M. Damon Charles M. Hyde Charles M. Cooke and Joseph O. Carter 

all of said Honolulu Trustees under the will of Bernice P. Bishop of the

second part      Witnesseth that the said party of the first part in consideration

of One Dollar to him paid by the ssaid parties of the second part the receipt

whereof is hereby acknowledged hath remised released and forever quit claim

unto the said parties of the second part their heirs successors and assigns

All of his right title interest estate and possession in and to all of those lands

at Waikiki Oahu aforesaid situate makai of the Government main and

leading to Kapiolani Park being the lands devised to the said party of

                                                                                          Liber 142 Page 143

the first part for his life by the will of the late Bernice P. Bishop

  To have and to hold together with all of the rents reversions

remainders; ;rightsd privileges and appurtenances to the same apper-

taining unto the said parties of the second part their heirs successor

and assigns forever.       And the said party of the first part doth

declare that any possession he may have of the said premises shall be

as one of the said Trustees and on their behalf .     In witness whereof

the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal

the day and year first before written .

                                                         Chas R Bishop

Hawaiian Islalnds Island of Oahu . S.S.   On this 27th day of April

1893 personally appeared before me Charles R. Bishop known to me

\to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument

and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his own right freely

and voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein set forth.

                (seal)  Henry Holmes

                                      Notary Public for the Island of Oahu

\Recorded & Compared this 27th day of April A.D. 1898 at 1:55 O'clock P.M.

                  Thos G. Thrum, Registrar of Conveyances


Note:  The only thing added is the highlighted   "for his life " which shows the conveyance of a life interest for Charles Reed Bishop.

Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest and conveyed it back to himself and the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust.

Charles Reed Bishop could not convey more than what he inherited.

Kalola's heirs and successors owned the Full Estate when Charles Reed Bishop conspired against the Queen and the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1893.

Had Charles Reed Bishop not conspired and become a treasonous person, his life interest would have ended on June 7, 1915  when he died.

Which means that Charles Reed Bishop could not convey out interest that no longer belonged to him.

Kalola, the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the documented heir and successor and her descendants, heirs and successors are the legal, Allodial landowners, landlords who are the legal landowners, landlords, rents, leases, Kamehameha monies, the gold and artifacts inherited by our Royal Family, the bloodlines of Kamehameha documented through research, etc.

Liber 142 pages 142 and 143 is a major evidence of piracy, racketeering, fraud, maliscious criminal activity by White Supremacist Charles Reed Bishop, the Trustees and Friends who conspired against Queen Liliuokalani, the Royal Family, and the Kingdom of Hawaii government.

The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are Not the landowners, the Allodial landowners, the landlords and they have perpetuated crimes since 1893.

Charles Reed Bishop, the Trustees, and Friends have played a role in conveying lands to the U.S., themselves and others for financial gain at the expense of our Queen, our Royal Family, and our neutral, friendly, non violent nation.

Evidence has been found that the U.S. was interested in Annexing Hawaii since 1820 as documented by U.S. President William McKinley.

The Inventory Project of all Royal Family lands continue.



Comment on: Topic 'The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  About Alodio/Al...
are here.....with much evidence including Genocide, lies about Hawaiiian lands.............and know that the state is actually a developed entity by U.S. President William McKinley a documented Pirate.............see Williamson Chang's info and United Nations Dr. Alfred de Zayas, and know about Joclynn Costas research on Doctrine of Political Question ---- "separation of powers" comments by former Sen. Daniel Inouye.............Be Aware of the Lies Perpetuated against the Kanaka maoli too.......share far and wide............Know about Greg Wongham's research too showing CORRUPTION IN HAWAII...........know that a MILITARY INVASION happened a planned usurpation of Queen Liliiuokalani in 1893 supported by the U.S...... the U.S. was interested in Hawaii since 1820 documented U.S. President McKinley..........sue the University Professors who leads the people towards lies, etc. Example: Lawrence Kelii Gora, Lilikala Kaumaelehiwa, and others including the Danners.......et. als.…
Added by Amelia Gora at 8:31am on February 11, 2023

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