Monday, June 12, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Focus on the Treaties with the United States

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Focus on the Treaties with the United States

                                                              Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

The Treaties prior to the 1871 Secret Banker's Constitution are Treaties that are part of the 

Supremacy Clause -affecting the U.S. Constitution of 1787 - Article 6.  

The Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States is one of treaties that affects the United States and is a supreme law of the land.

Other Treaties with the other nations documented below also affect the supreme law of the land as well:

- Nova Scotia

-Kingdom of France


-Dutch Republic


- Paris, France

- Prussia

- Morocco

- London, England

- Tripoli

- Tunis

- Louisiana Purchase Treaty

- Great Britain

- Spanish Empire

- Russia

- Gran Columbia

- Mexican

- Spain

- Ottomon Empire

- Kingdom of Siam

- China

- Russia

- Canada


The United States moved to eliminate the Treaties with the American Indians.

Those are treaties that are currently being questioned by the American Indians.

The Treaties with the Kingdom of Hawaii have been set aside by the U.S. who have been looking to Annex the Kingdom of Hawaii since 1820 as documented by U.S. President William McKinley.

The desire to treat a recognized nation by many nations as theirs, and falsely claiming that an Annexation was made is a fraud, in violation of rule of law including breaching the Neutrality Law of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation since 1843.

The Treaties are contractual agreements made between two (2) or more separate nations with permanent friendship and amity agreements.

The Treaty of 1849 was made between the King, his heirs and successors of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States President Zachary Taylor ratified in 1850.

The move to remove the status of a nation on equal footing as other nations was made by U.S. lawmakers over time to downgrade the legal status of an already recognized nation over time.

The U.S. was Not the first to recognize the U.S.  Great Britain was.  Belgium France, Russia and others also recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii which was also called the Sandwich Islands over time.

Research shows the Timeline of the Kingdom of Hawaii:

1810 - Monarchy Government recognized with Kamehameha as King.

Russia recognized the Hawaiian archipelago.

Note:  the Hawaiian archipelago makes up 132 islands, 133 islands counting Loihi, the submerged islet.

1841 - Belgium recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii.

1843 - Great Britain recognized the Sandwich Islands also known as the Kingdom of Hawaii.

United States recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii.

France recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii and so forth.


Bankrupt Nations that Funded the American Civil War (1863-1865)

Three (3) nations funded the American Civil War:

(1) United States

(2) Great Britain

(3) France

After the U.S. bankruptcy, the U.S. could no longer Treaty but were bound by Conventions, which are less than Treaties.

The following are treaties that the United States and the nations have engaged in contractual agreements.




*Note:  1826 - A Convention later called a Treaty between the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States not noted in the Wikipedia List.  See the Treaty at and the "Treaties and Conventions concluded between the Hawaiian Kingdom and Other Powers since 1825", Honolulu, "Elele" Book, 



The Treaties prior to 1871 - the Secret Banker's Constitution have been used till now.

The Treaties signed before 1871 are Treaties that have the Article 6 Clause affecting the 1787 U.S. Constitution, including the Kingdom of Hawaii.

All Nations signing Conventions, After 1871 have contracts lesser than the Nations who have signed contracts prior to 1871.

You will notice that the Nations who have signed with tehe U.S. prior to 1871 are in the news, such as china, Mexico, Russia, etc.

The U.S. has tried to eliminate the Kingdom of Hawaii from the records but cannot because the 1850 Treaty is between Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his descendants, and heirs.

Kamehameha's descendants existed then and their descendants exist today.

Testimonies to that fact was presented to the U.S. Military as shown below.

Kamehameha III's descendants, and successors existed in 1850 - at the signing and ratification of the Treaty, and exists today.

Meaning:  The Treaty continues on, and evidence of the breach of the Neutrality law of 1854 continues on.  U.S. President Grover Cleveland had warned Americans of the breach as documented at  

Jun 27, 2021 — The U.S. has indeed breached the Neutrality Laws against the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of ... For Evidence - Review by Amelia Gora (2021).
Researched and Verified by: Amelia Gora, Royal Family Representative ... Article Got the U.S. Constitution shows that treaties are the Supreme Laws of the ...






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