Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Truth About the U.S. Constitution

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  The Truth About the U.S. Constitution

                                                                      Review by Amelia Gora (2017)

The Truth About the U.S. Constitution

                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2017)

In  the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America, the United States of America is bound by the U.S. Constitution.

Although a Secret banker's Constitution was made in 1871, it was an illegal issue and a fraud which means that the current Congress is operating on Fraud, deceit, conspiracies etc. against other nations/states which includes the Hawaiian Kingdom.

The following is an article explaining the ramifications of the U.S. Constitution:


The Honolulu republican. (Honolulu, T.H.) 1900-1902, December 27, 1900, Page THREE, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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NOTE:   In essence, the violations of the U.S. Constitution would be o.k.

Appeal process would then be the next step, because the violations would be allowed to slip by.  

This means that the U.S. Constitution is not being adhered to.

Note that this explanation is dated 1900 when U.S. President McKinley made a Proclamation over the Hawaiian Islands and allowed the Justices to operate on special terms or administrative rules rather than rule of law which pertained to the U.S. Constitution.

The rules made then, is in violation of "the principles of the Constitution."

The United States is bound to the principles of the Constitution which means that "it can never acquire an island of the sea, a belt across the isthmus, a station for a naval base...."

It appears that the Judicial System moved to acquire something that they could not legally acquire just to accommodate the Proclamation made by the U.S. President McKinley, and the Army, Navy, and Federal officials to make a foreign nation appear legal, disregarding the violations or the Rule of Laws set in place by many of the other Presidential administrations.

U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.

U.S. President Cleveland rightfully followed the U.S. Constitution because he knew that under the U.S. Constitution he would be in violation if he assumed a foreign nation.

U.S. President McKinley and his legal people moved to cover McKinley's illegal moves.

U.S. President McKinley did set up a Sham entity, and identity thieving entity called/developed as the Territory turned State under the U.S. President Eisenhower's Executive Order and the Presidents since McKinley utilized his Federal employees to cover his tracks which shows that corruption/CORRUPTION is documented.

U.S. President Kennedy brought Hawaii out of the American Empire status by allowing voting to occur.

Kennedy, unlike the other Presidents also began to print his own money without utilizing the Federal Reserves private bankers monetary notes.

Kennedy was assassinated in Texas after having a Mayor's meeting in the Hawaiian Islands in which he declared that the Presidents would no longer appoint the Mayor, Governor. (Review the 1900 article again to understand this part.)

The most recent video of Karen Hudes also makes it clear that the Judges, etc. are indeed Corrupt and operating without the Rule of Law.

Watch the following video for more information:

                                              off of Facebook: Our 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii is aligned with the U,S. Constitution of 1789 ....important info presented by Whistleblower Karen Hudes
All of humanity is united in a coalition for the rule of law to exchange the Federal Reserve Notes and other fractional reserve currencies in a Global Curren...

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The center of corruption of the Justices was heightened from the period of U.S. President the old article of 1900 pertaining to the Constitution and watch Karen Hudes Whistleblower newly posted

The Truth About the U.S. Constitution                                               Review by Amelia Gora (2017) In  the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of H…

posted on : The Truth About the U.S. Constitution Posted by Amelia Gora on January 29, 2017 at 1:58am in Politics did add your link as well...think you'll like the article....aloha.

Amelia Gora article about the U.S. Constitution today you for your information shared.... aloha from the Kingdom of Hawaii...


Background Information:

November 2016 Update:  

                                        - Overview -

                                                  by Amelia Gora (2016)

The films of Williamson Chang were made in March and he was criminally SLAMMED headon by a DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources TRUCK!
Everyone supporting Williamson Chang needs to be watchful of the corrupt agents of the SHAM State....he suffered severe head injuries and is still recovering....he's actually a good guy who has been studying and researching for years finding out that the annexation is illegal, impossible act, illegal act to assume a foreign nation........ together with researchers and other brilliant folks, Williamson Chang had the gall to represent many 'Ko Hawaii Pae Aina' over time and was made to pay hefty fines fore believing in our people.... some knuckleheads even lied to him and yet he defended them.......i have also heard that he spent time in jail for believing in his fellow men and was shocked to find that even his bank accounts were drained by the corrupt servers of a SHAM setup ....
Premeditation of dethroning a Queen from a neutral, friendly non-violent nation is recorded, evidence found by many researchers; Piracy, pillaging, genocide activities, racketeering is documented, evidence found; the United States did wrongs against our Queen because they supported treasonous persons which means False Flag operations are on record;
Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893:
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the permanent amity and friendship Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli his heirs and successors with the United States of America President;
Kamehameha III did set up our alodio land system and fee simple for aliens/foreigners; this means that the U.S. has to respect the land laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii....;
opposition to annexation was made;
Reference: Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0...
Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0...
Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0...
U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office, and having full knowledge that 40,000 subjects were against Annexation...
Reference: President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0...
the new President McKinley ignored Queen Liliuokalani who maintained that she was the Queen and did Not legally abrogate the Constitutional Monarchy government ....her legal name was Liliuokalani Regina - Latin word for Queen....and she was forced to sign Liliuokalani Dominis; she was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion;
President McKinley the head over the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel and developed the Territory;
the President was shot and died of gangrene after a few days and it was claimed to be an assassination;
The Territory claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" - identity theft documented in the 1912 PA Pelekane case;
American conspirators set up a Pan-Pacific operation which became the Hawaii Tourism Authority and placed the Queen back on the throne for a day in 1915; they failed to show her that she was given Hawaii back by President Cleveland. They celebrated a flag day and
after Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917, they helped themselves to purchase real estate which was contrary to the laws of the land set in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli;
the conspirators set up a Sham entity and moved to become a State which was opposed by my great grandmother's cousin named Harold Abel Cathcart.....he had served notice to Judge King....and he was a Kamehameha....opposition was documented every step of the way...
Williamson Chang showed us how illegal it was and an illegal manuever .......he was harmed for proving the fact.....several members of our Royal families were also harmed by car crashes recently......
Reference: see reference below
the State of Hawaii operates on fraud, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, identity theft....which means that the Royal Families exists and are part of the true government, and the entity State of Hawaii is a non-government a Sham setup which was also called a fraud, a fake government, fake State, etc.
The alodio, superior titles belongs to our "ko Hawaii Pae Aina" and cannot belong to aliens who were allowed only fee simple.
The Treaty of 1849/1850 continues and Article XIV was invoked which gives reasons to charge, prosecute for piracy, pillaging, etc.and 804 persons, entitiies have been tried, listed to date. It is a contractual agreement with the United States of America President Zachary Taylor.
Treaties are the supreme law of the land according to the U.S. Constitution and the Judges must also respect that.
The Judges have failed to respect the Treaty and the U.S. Constitution which gives case for fines, etc. and operating in a non-government entity, etc.
The State of Hawaii is a sham, a organized, racketeering, premeditation based group of conspirators, treasonous persons operating on Fraud, deceit, immorality, non-integrity, Piracy(ies) in the Hawaiian Islands perpetuating lies, deceit, criminal malfeasance, racketeering  indoctrinating all people in the Hawaiian Islands, in the U.S., and the World Today.
They are but a group of genocide activists, armed, hostile criminals parading like buffoons likened to the Emperor With No Clothes, and causing terror amongst the true land owners, the true descendants of the Sovereigns, House of Nobles existing today.
Is there hope for the brainwashed, indoctrinated citizens here and the World today?  Perhaps.
Note:  In time, people will know the truth..............because our people were and remain under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion by genocide activists..........
Research incomplete.

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