Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii: James K. Kaulia Illegally Censured by "plants"/spies, usurpers

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii:  James K. Kaulia Illegally Censured by "plants"/spies, usurpers 

                                                              Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

Supporter of Queen Liliuokalani named James K. Kaulia was Illegally Censured by "plants"/spies, usurpers named James L. Aholo, William Punohu White, et. als.

The following article was posted:

More on Kaulia and Morgan, 1897.


Kaulia Censured for Signing the Request to Senator Morgan.

This will certify that Mr. James K. Kaulia, as President of the Hawaiian Patriotic League, had no authority to sign the invitation to the Hon. John T. Morgan to address Hawaiians on the subject of Annexation. The signature of Mr. Kaulia is his personal matter, not as President of our Association.

J. K. Kaunamano,
James L. Aholo,
M. Palau,
E. W. Palau,
S. K. Kaloa,
D. W. Kamaliikane,
G. W. Kualaku,
S. W. Kawelo,
E. K. Lilikalani.

Executive Committee.

(Independent, 9/29/1897, p. 2)


The Independent, Volume V, Number 701, Page 2. September 29, 1897.


James L. Aholo was a conspirator, treasonous person who worked for the Kingdom of Hawaii AND the Provisional Government in 1893.

He was NOT part of Queen Liliuokalani's supporters but operated with the Provisional Government and appears to have played a part in trying to diminish the Kue Petition in 1897.

This is the list of those who worked for the Kingdom of Hawaii and the highlighted names are those who were the ENEMIES OF Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

Therefore, James L. Aholo was an ENEMY of Queen Liliuokalani and played a major role in Censuring James K. Kaulia in 1897.

The term "Disavowal" was used in regards to James K. Kaulia.  Did the purpose of the article leave a legal "interruption" or move to disrupt the Opposition to the Annexation in 1897?

With the participation of an active usurper in the midst of the Oppositions representing the Kingdom of Hawaii, it appears that James L. Aholo was a "plant" and played a part in trying to disrupt the Oppositions to Annexation.

To lessen James K. Kaulia's authority, it appears that Aholo and the others could not oppose because James K. Kaulia was the President of the Hawaiian Patriotic League whose title was gotten from the people's vote, or the majority of those Opposing Annexation.

"After Nāwahī's death in September 1896, delegates from the different island branches of Hui Aloha ʻĀina met in Honolulu for the election of a new leadership council on November 28, 1896, which coincided with Lā Kūʻokoʻa (Hawaiian Independence Day). In this meeting, James Keauiluna Kaulia was elected as the new president and William Pūnohu White as honorary president. Vice presidents elected were Kaunamano, Bipikane, Bush, and Edward Kamakau Lilikalani.[17] "


Note:  James K. Kaulia was elected President and notice that another usurper participant named William Punohu White was named "honorary president" which is not an elected position.

It appears that William Punohu White was yet another "plant" by the usurpers who were in Opposition to Queen Liliuokalani and worked in behalf of those who wanted Annexation to the U.S.

Therefore, the "Disavowal" article was not legal based on the fact that James K. Kaulia was the elected official of the Hawaiian Patriotic League.

Research incomplete.




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