Friday, October 1, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Royal Family Members/Patriots Speak

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Royal Family Members/Patriots Speak

                                                                              Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

There was No Annexation, contrary to the entity State of Hawaii claims.  The following are letters/articles/ videos  affecting Hawaii today:

1969 -

 Pertaining to the Seizure of Hawaii, War with Spain, etc.:

"Archives takes wraps off 1899 Senate transcript, Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed"

Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 32, Saturday, February 1, 1969

The following are important excerpts of the above article:

"WASHINGTON (AP) - Now it can be told--what happened during the longest of three secret Senate cessions, during the Spanish-American War, a debate over whether to take over Hawaii."

"The debate of nearly three hours on that day - May 31, 1898 - and in two secret sessions the previous month had remained locked up until last week.  Then at the request of a historian who noted gaps in the Congressional Record, the Senate passed a resolution authorizing the National Archives to take the wraps off the debate transcript."

"The government's only explanation for the long suppression of the debate records is that they had been long forgotten."

"THE SECRECY WAS clamped on during a debate over whether to seize the Hawaiian Islands - called the Sandwich Islands then - or merely developing leased areas of Pearl Harbor to reinforce the U.S. fleet iat Manila Bay."

"PEARL HARBOR, ALREADY UNDER LEASE, Stewart argued, wouldn't be much use until costly dredging operations opened the entrance channel. "Either we must have the Sandwich Islands," he declared, "or the administration must recall Dewey."

"THE UNITED STATES ANNEXED the Hawaiian Islands five weeks after that debate.  But before the Senate reopened its doors that day, Morgan steered the discussion back to Cuba, the original cause of the war with Spain."

"The first secret session, April 25, 1898, involved technical and emotional debate over wording the declaration of war and why it or some accompanying resolution did not formally recognize the independence of Cuba or at least declare the Cubans to have the rights of belligerents in the conflict."

"THE SENATE ENDED UP BY ACCEPTING the House passed version reading that "war and the same is hereby declared to exist and that war has existed since the 21st of April" - four days earlier."

"Dropped from the final declaration was a Senate proposed tagline requiring the administration to "prosecute said war to a successful conclusion."

"Sen. Stephen White of California joined the unanimous vote for war "even with that mild prevarication" about when the war started."


Note - The following Lies are documented in the above article:

           U.S. debate on whether to take over Hawaii occurred five (5) years AFTER taking over
           Hawaii, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in a planned move since 1840.



           started/existed "four days earlier"


All 770 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web published by Amelia Gora

  1. United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped ...
    United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy ... 2015 · The Following Alii Nui/Alii Names Are Part of the Royal Families/ Royal Persons Who Are Not Subject to the Laws Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics View Discussions Royal Persons are Not Subject to the ...

2000 -

About 'Sovereignty' and the 'Doctrine of Political Question':
and the 'Doctrine of Political Question:

2008 -

Note:  Descendant of Joseph Nawahie is Eric Poohina and this is documented -

2010 - 

 the 'Doctrine of Political Question:
11 years ago on April 13th on a Friday myself and 3 others stood in front a Judge. We were accused of Criminal Trespass II reduced to Simple Trespass. The day we got arrested they put it on the 10 news about activist fighting for "Hawaiian" land. Wrong, we were standing for our rights and kuleana. After being looped in the system for months we had our day in court. The Prosecutor said if we could prove separation of jurisdiction and powers from both the State of Hawaii and the United States the Judge could recognize our claim. Our point was they could not apply their authority on Hawaiian Nationals. There were 16 arrested that day. On April 13 on a Friday I delivered what the prosecutor requested. I handed the clerk, to hand to the Judge, a letter from the late Senator Inouye. He was a United State Senator for the State of Hawaii. (two birds w/ one stone) He could not come to our trial due to a mandated Constitutional Separation of Powers. I looked it up and found within the Separation of Powers was "The Doctrine of Political Question". In this doctrine it speaks of land if created by another Country can not be decided in court. It is of a political matter between the Executives. The Judge took a look at the letter asked a few questions flipped thru his books and accepted my oral motion to dismiss with prejudice. The prosecutor had nothing else to rebut and the Judge rendered a decision to grant the Dismissal with Prejudice. I know this was not of my doing but the grace of ke Akua that worked this case. You see we were not suppose to appear that because the case was already dismissed w/out prejudice. The Judge asked why our names were on the calendar and all they could say was it was a mistake. My dad stood with me and he had his say in court. A week later all others were also dismissed w/prejudice. All 16!!!! Since then we have lost a few of those warriors. This post is dedicated to them. I miss you Bradah Lonohiwa Kekahuna.

Yes when you look at, especially developments they claim to own portions of LCA/RP according to the Doctrine it may appear to be with in the courts jurisdiction but it is not, It is of a political matter.

Joyclynn Costa

The Prosecutor said if we can show seperation of Jurisdicion and powers from US and State of Hawaii the court could acknowledge my claim. Inouye wrote and said he could not attend my case due to a Consitutional Mandated Seperation of Powers. I looked it up and found the Doctrine of Political Question. I wrote him back and thanked him for clarification. I then told the Court I fulfilled the Prosecutors request and submitted the letter. It is in my filing in the court forever. Rule 12 on dismissal w/ prejudice is base on the merits of the case. The case was only on jurisdiction and land. There were 4 of us that day to face the judge and I gave them each a copy of the letter. They presented it and was dismissed w/ prejudice also. Was a total blessing.

This is the point folks...stay on facts...the "political questions" were finally answered by the legislative and executive branch of the U.S. government, Hawaiian Kingdom "sovereignty has never been relinquished" within our "national" borders...there are two systems of law in these islands, one according to "Hawaiian National Usage", as provided by the Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the other the spawn of the dirty deeds done by a small band of criminals, now calling themselves the "state" of Hawaii, whose only rights in these islands, directly come from the Republic of Hawaii, that held/holds no lawful rights in the Hawaiian Islands...the key is Hawaiian Kingdom law is the law of the land, the state of Hawaii, is only a creation of Republic of Hawaii, and they only rights they hold, are the rights you give them...

2014 -

by WBC Chang2014 — The Joint Resolution was not a treaty. A Treaty of Annexation drafted and signed by representatives of Hawaii and the United States.

2015 -

Mar 7, 2015 — The opinions and information expressed in Community Voices are solely those of the authors and not Civil Beat. About the Author. Williamson ...

Mar 7, 2015 — The opinions and information expressed in Community Voices are solely those of the authors and not Civil Beat. About the Author. Williamson ...

2016 -

2017 -

There is no treaty annexing the Hawaiian Islands. By Williamson Chang - Guest viewpoint | Thursday, January 12, 2017, 12:15 a.m.. Share this story.

2018 -

2019 -

May 10, 2019 — Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the ... posted by Amelia Gora (2019).

2020 -

Appeals Court again rules against claim that annexation was ...

Jan 4, 2020 — Lorenzo was represented in this appeal by Williamson Chang, ... was faulty because it was not accomplished through a treaty of annexation.Ken KudoHAWAIIAN HISTORY…/intermediate-court-of-appeals-agai…/
Appeals Court again rules against claim that annexation was illegal
Posted on January 4, 2020 by Ian Lind
On the morning of December 11, 2019, three judges of the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals convened in the Supreme Court Courtroom in downtown Honolulu to hear oral arguments in an appeal in the case of State of Hawaii vs. Windyceslau D. Lorenzo, also known as Kamehameha VI.
Yes, you read that right.
Since at least the early 1990s, Lorenzo has claimed to be “His Majesty Kamehameha VI, King of the Hawaiian Islands, seventh Great Grandson of Kamehameha I, duly recognized and confirmed by the Alii Nui Konohiki Council of Chiefs under the Constitution of 1840, in the Kingdom of Hawaii.”
Of course, despite the pretensions, he’s only one of many claimants competing to speak for a kingdom that in hard reality ceased to exist with the overthrow in 1893.
In 2013, Lorenzo filed warranty deeds in the Bureau of Conveyances transferring title to three parcels of Waimanalo land, a total of approximately 335 acres, to his wife. The source of Lorenzo’s ownership of the property was identified as an earlier 1998 deed:
Deed of Rose P. Lukela, “Grantor”, to Windyceslau Donato Lorenzo, dated August 26, 1998 and recorded at the Bureau of Conveyances as Document No. 98-126382, conveying all claims of the grantor in and to the lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Lukela was also known as Rose P. Lorenzo. The basis of Lukela’s claim of ownership in the Waimanalo properties was not identified.
The state later challenged the 1998 deed in court and succeeded in having declared frivolous. It was expunged from the state’s records.
The state then challenged Lorenzo’s 2013 deeds, which were based on the on the deed that had already been throw out. Following a June 2015 hearing before Judge Victoria Crandall, title was found to be properly vested in the State of Hawaii. The three deeds were found to be frivolous and ordered to be expunged from the state’s land title records. In addition, Lorenzo was fined $5,000, and was enjoined from filing any further related deeds without prior authorization from the court.
Lorenzo then filed an appeal to the Intermediate Court seeking to reverse Crandall’s ruling.
Lorenzo was represented in this appeal by Williamson Chang, a professor at the University of Hawaii’s William S Richardson School of Law, who has become a widely quoted advocate of the theory that Hawaii was never legally annexed by the United States, one result being that therefore post-Kingdom land titles granted under the authority of the territory and state are invalid.
Chang had touted his opening brief in the appeal for its presentation of evidence of “the failure of the United States to acquire Hawaii….”
The judges of the Intermediate Court initially said oral arguments would not be held in the case, but Chang strongly objected. In a legal motion filed on September 30, 2019, Chang pressed the court to reinstate oral arguments because there were, in his words, “numerous issues that had not been covered.” Chang said he was prepared to address the legislative intent of the 1959 Admissions Act by which Hawaii became a state, as well as details of the Congressional debate over annexation in 1898.
In response to Chang’s motion, the court reversed itself, and on November 14 issued a notice setting the oral arguments for 10 a.m. on December 11. The stage was set for Chang to expound his theories.
But when the case was called, neither Williamson Chang or his client, Windyceslau D. “Kamehameha VI” Lorenzo, responded. Neither was present for the hearing that had been scheduled specifically at Chang’s request.
Less than two weeks later, the three-judge panel issued a summary disposition order rejecting each of the arguments raised by Chang and dismissing Lorenzo’s appeal.
The court found that the idea “that the 1898 Joint Resolution did not actually convey the islands of Hawaii to the United States, has been considered and rejected by the Hawaii Supreme Court,” citing the recent decision In re Conservation Dist. Use Application HA-3568.…/supreme-…/2018/scot-17-0000777.html
In that case, the Hawaii Supreme Court explicitly rejected Williamson Chang’s position that annexation was faulty because it was not accomplished through a treaty of annexation.
Citing relevant cases, the court held: “The United States Supreme Court has thus indicated that the process by which Hawaii was incorporated into the United States was lawful and binding, and we are bound by this determination.”
And as to the ownership of the Waimanalo parcels that were the subject of Lorenzo’s deeds, the court noted the history of the properties prepared by E. Mahoe Collins, the state’s abstractor, which traced the title back to the Great Mahele. The court noted that the history had not been challenged.
“Collins did not find any transfers or conveyances made by the State or its predecessors to Lorenzo or Rose P. Lukela (aka Rose P. Lorenzo), from whom Lorenzo claims he received transfer of the Parcels,” the court wrote in its decision. “Other than Lorenzo’s argument that the 1898 Joint Resolution failed to transfer the lands of Hawaii to the United States, which has been rejected by the Hawaii Supreme Court…he does not assert any challenge to Collins’s affidavit.”
Williamson Chang was ordered to pay $100 for his failure to appear for the December 11, 2019 oral arguments without good cause.

"Alexander Kalauokalani Pea
Who would win in a man to man fight? 7 foot tall Kamehameha... Who fought along side his own warriors and one his civil war on the battle field... who rumored to lift the 2 ton Naha stone... Or 6'3 243 Donald Trump who avoided the draft. Kamehameha would turn the Donald into Donald's Thumped.
Id love to see these two in a UFC cage
Ken Kudo you're such an antagonist. You better not hope Hawaii is never deoccupied because I have a feeling you're going to get voted off the island.
The US won huh? Intresting because you know supporting the US in Hawaii is no different than supporting the US in Iraq. There were no lives being threatened when the USS Boston Landed... In Hawaii... And there were no weapons of mass distraction... When the US invaded Iraq..."

Amelia Gora
the entity State does Not have the court of "original jurisdiction".... The Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court has the original jurisdiction still….
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Documents: Court of Original Jurisdiction - Researched Evidence by Amelia Gora (2019)
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Documents: Court of Original Jurisdiction - Researched Evidence by Amelia Gora (2019)


  Subject:  Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Memorandum:   Legal Notice 2019 - 0416:  The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii is recognized as the Court of Original Jurisdiction as Found in Research, and the entity State of Hawai'i does Not have Jurisdiction as documented through research from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge, House of Nobles,  Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Land owner, Landlord - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii a separate Nation founded by Kamehameha in 1810, and Constitutional Monarchy since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

The following are pages submitted with the letter above to the Supreme Court of the entity state of Hawai'i, et.als:
Note:  preparing my working on posting the group of documents for everyone's info...

1)  Supreme Court Letter dated May 5, 1998

2)  Paradise of the Pacific - March 1888 article:  THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND PEOPLE "They have also original jurisdiction..."

3)  "no officer of a foreign government can grant or destroy the jurisdiction of our courts" POLYNESIAN. (Honolulu (Oahu), Hawaii) 844-1864, December 26, 1860, Image 2

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: March 2019

"no officer of a foreign government can grant or destroy the jurisdiction of our courts" Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, December 15, 1860, Image 2

4)  "Original Jurisdiction", THE HAWAIIAN STAR.  (Honolulu (Oahu) 1893-1912, October 05, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, October 05, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:





5) Police Department letter assigned police report number 98-273435 on 7/23/1998 - to date about 1,000 persons names have been entered.

6)  President his message...spoke unreservedly of the legitimate royal government." THE INDEPENDENT. (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 30, 1897, Image 2.

The Independent. (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 30 ...

The Library of Congress > Chronicling America > The Independent. > March 301897 > Image 2 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.

The Independent. (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, March 30, 1897, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:




7)  Picture of Queen Liliuokalani...who died on November 11, 1917....returned to her throne for a day on September 17, 1915"...

8)  Repeat of the Links Leading to the Planned Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and Queen Liliuokalani:

Monday, January 21, 2019

Repeat of the Links Leading to the Planned Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and Queen Liliuokalani

The following are links that all kanaka maoli should keep, print, pass on to families, friends....
Included are parts of articles about various Trusts such as the Queen's Hospital, Queen Liliuokalani's Fraud Trust, etc.  Links to problematic issues are also posted here.
The valuable information is shared for all kanaka maoli because the links has evidence which you can use in court, for your identity as a protected person, to be used to validate your lands, etc.:

John Foster directed the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani.  Foster named conspirator Presidents, Secretary of States, Generals, Missionaries/Mercenaries, etc.

Reverend Sereno Bishop under the pen name "Kamehameha" divulged the information that Princess Kaiulani was paid by the usurpers, Bernice Pauahi was half-white, and both Bernice Pauahi and her husband Charles Reed Bishop were parties to the conspirators who planned to usurp Queen Liliuokalani.


General Alfred S. Hartwell, a Harvard grad, came to Hawaii and was appointed Judge by Kamehameha V - Lot, and maneuvered laws, helped plan the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, became 3rd richest man in Hawaii

 U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back Twice (2x) to Queen Liliuokalani

Aug 2, 2021 — Posted by Amelia Gora on June 24, 2021 at 6:54pm in Politics ... Dr. Alfred de Zayas who documented that Hawaii is under "a strange form of ...
Amelia Gora About the United States: The following Lies are documented in the 1898 ... May 09, 2019 · Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/30/21
Nov 4, 2019 — Researched and Verified by: Amelia Gora, Royal Family ... The United Nations Cr. Alfred dezayas recognized the red that the Hawatan Kingdom.
... Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc. posted by Amelia Gora (2019)
Oct 15, 2020 — Posted by Amelia Gora on June 4, 2020 at 10:39pm in Politics ... May 09, 2019 · Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 9/1/21

May 20, 2019 — I, Amelia Gora, am a Representative of our Royal Families, ... Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to Routhe Bolomet - Important Keeper.

Note:  The U.S. under U.S. President William McKinley created two (2) nations:  (1) the American Empire and (2) the U.S.  The American Empire takes care of the Territories that has no Treaties; and the U.S. maintains connections with nations that has Treaties.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli ratified the treaty with the U.S. in 1850.  He also made a Proclamation of Neutrality in 1845,  and had it served to the United States, and many other nations.  

U.S. President Grover Cleveland warned Americans about the Neutrality Laws breach which means a Military expedition, etc.  See:  

Jun 27, 2021 — The U.S. has indeed breached the Neutrality Laws against the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of ... For Evidence - Review by Amelia Gora (2021).

U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani Thrice (3x)  See:

President McKinley "directed" and "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a Territory. Too late though because President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani ...

U.S. has only a 3-12 mile jurisdiction from the contiguous states.  The Hawaiian archipelago is approximately 2,000 miles away.  See:

Dec 29, 1988 — President Reagan today extended the territorial waters of the United States to 12 miles from 3 miles, a move Administration officials said ...

The Provisional government had No Sovereignty, the Republic of Hawaii had No Sovereignty, the Territory of Hawaii had no Sovereignty, made into a State with shared Sovereignty or 1/50 part with other states AND opposed by Kamehameha Family's... an illegal state was created by White Supremacists/Pirates which made a nation with one Sovereignty....all 50 States to create one Sovereign nation vs. the Kingdom of Hawaii with a full Sovereign status.


Aug 2, 2021 — The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Crown Lands are NOT ... into the State of Hawaii which only then had a shared sovereignty ...

Research incomplete.




Nov 4, 2019 — WHICH IS NOT OWNED BY CITY & COUNTY, STATE OF HAWAII,THE UNITED STATES, ... by: Amelia Gora, Royal Family Representative — Hawaiian Kingdom.
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Amelia Gora <hawaiianhistory@mrnail. > wrote: ... Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. ... TIMES newspaper article.
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Protected Persons Handbook - Part 2. Review by Amelia Gora (2021). Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Important Articles ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/30/21
Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted ... Annexation Lies by ... Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii FactsNo Annexation .
Mar 19, 2020 — It's not legal for another nation to assume and annex a separate nation. ... Jul 03, 2018 · posted by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, .
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/19/21
Aug 21, 2020 — Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted affecting ... Aug 17, 2019 · Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii No.
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/19/21
Presi- dent Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii but President McKinley and ... by Amelia Gora (2019) The Hawaiian Monarchy Restored - article in the HAWAII ...
Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Important Articles Documenting Fraud, Conspiracies, ... the Existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc. posted by Amelia Gora (2019)

Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted affecting the United States: 1) Pertaining to the Seizure of Hawaii, War with Spain, .

  1. Hawaiian Kingdom: February 2019 - he-mokupuni-pae-aina-o ...
    See more images of john foster article by amelia gora. ... Nov 12, 2015 · Posted by Amelia Gora on October 6, 2015 at 11:01pm in Politics View Discussions Hawaiian Kingdom Records Nos. 2015-1006 Matters of the Treaty which supersedes State Laws, etc. Sereno Edwards Bishop - Wikipedia ...
  2. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: 2018
    Dec 30, 2018 · The Legal Families of Queen Liliuokalani - posted 12/30/2018 ... 735 issues of the IOLANI-The Royal Hawk news on the web, etc. ... John Gora married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (and siblings). Queen Kapiolani was the administrator of Princess Poomaikelani's lands. She was a hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini, a Kamehameha descendant who ...
  3. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : COLOR CODED CHART FOR ...
    other researches by Amelia Gora. ... John Foster Dulles. 52nd U.S. Secretary of State 12th cousin 2 times removed via William Mainwaring. ... Posted by hwnwahine. No comments: Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Translate. Picture Window theme.
    • Author: Hwnwahine
    • Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian ... - OpEdNews
      Jan 17, 2012 · Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and the Problematic Masons/Freemasons - Remembering the Criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani by Americans in 1893 with the help of U.S ...
      • Author: Amelia Gora
      • The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora ...
        Feb 01, 2015 · The Following Alii Nui/Alii Names Are Part of the Royal Families/ Royal Persons Who Are Not Subject to the Laws Posted by Amelia Gora on January 23, 2015 at 5:53pm in Politics View Discussions Royal Persons are Not Subject to the Laws; UPDATING THE ROYAL FAMILIES GENEALOGIES by Amelia Gora (2011; 2014; 2015) The following…
        • Author: February 1, 2015
        • James Campbell Trust - Based on Fraud Land Claims

          James Campbell Trust - Based on Fraud Land Claims ... and articles posted by Amelia Gora. Tags: Conspiracies, Evidence, Hawaiian, Heirs, Issues, Kamehameha, Kingdom, Legal, Treason. ... Amelia Gora, sister of John F. Gora did speak as John F. Gora (wife Melissa-Ann Kamala Gora) behalf based on the 1781 Bill of Rights of Rights where a ...
          • Author: Amelia Gora
          • Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Keep for the Records with ...

            Senator Owen: I wish to put in the Record the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine.
            • Author: Hwnwahine
            • Legal Notice: Judicial Tribunal - News from the Hawaiian ...

              Hawaiian Kingdom Records Nos. 2015-0410 and 2015-0420 Matters of the Treaty which supersedes State Laws, etc. - The Fifteenth (15th) Judicial Tribunal Meeting Held On July 17, 2015, Affecting USA/United States of America Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom, DEC. 20, 1849/1850 from Amelia Gora, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and …
              • Author: Amelia Gora

            2)  Admission by U.S. President Trump About the U.S. Causing the Death of Millions:

            Trump Admits US Killed Tens of Millions in War Based on Lies

            Amid the storm of denunciations—extending from right-wing Republicans to the Democratic Party, the New York Times and the pseudo-left Jacobin magazine—of his decision to pull US troops out of Syria, President Donald Trump issued an extraordinary tweet on Wednesday in defense of his policy:
            “The United States has spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS fighting and policing in the Middle East. Thousands of our Great Soldiers have died or been badly wounded. Millions of people have died on the other side. GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE … IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.”
            Trump’s Twitter account has dominated the US news cycle ever since he took office. Tweets have introduced fascistic new policies on immigration, announced the frequent firings of White House personnel and cabinet members and signaled shifts in US foreign policy.
            Last month, amid the mounting of an impeachment inquiry, which the Democratic leadership in Congress has focused exclusively on “national security” concerns stemming from Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the US president set a new personal record, tweeting 800 times.
            Yet the corporate media has chosen to ignore Trump’s tweet on the protracted US military intervention in the Middle East.
            From the standpoint of the bitter internecine struggle unfolding within the US capitalist state, the tweet expresses the sharp divisions over US global strategy.
            While those around Trump want to focus entirely on preparation for confrontation with China, layers within the political establishment and the military and intelligence apparatus see the continuation of the US intervention to assert its hegemony over the Middle East and countering Russia as critical for American imperialism’s drive to impose its dominance over the Eurasian landmass.
            But aside from these disputes over geo-strategic policy, the admission by a sitting US president that Washington launched a war under a “false” and “disproven” premise that ended up killing “millions” has direct political implications, whatever Trump’s intentions.
            It amounts to an official admission from the US government that successive US administrations are responsible for war crimes resulting in mass murder.
            Trump acknowledges that Washington launched the 2003 invasion of Iraq on the “false premise” of “weapons of mass destruction.” In other words, the administration of George W. Bush lied to the people of the United States and the entire planet in order to facilitate a war of aggression.
            Under international law, this war was a criminal action and a patently unjustified violation of Iraq’s sovereignty.
            The Nuremberg Tribunal, convened in the aftermath of the Second World War, declared the planning and launching of a war of aggression the supreme crime of the Nazis, from which all of their horrific atrocities flowed, including the Holocaust.
            On the basis of this legal principle, Bush, Vice President Cheney and other top US officials, as well as their successors in the Obama and Trump administrations who continued the US intervention in the Middle East—expanding it into Syria and Libya, while threatening a new war against Iran—should all face prosecution as war criminals.
            The real basis for the war was the long-held predatory conception that by militarily conquering Iraq Washington could seize control of the vast energy resources of the Middle East—giving it a stranglehold over the oil lifeline to its principal rivals in Asia and Europe—and thereby offset the decline of US imperialism’s global hegemony.
            The World Socialist Web Site described the consequences of the US assault on Iraq and its people as “sociocide,” the deliberate destruction of what had been among the most advanced societies, in terms of education, health care and infrastructure, in the Middle East (see: “The US war and occupation of Iraq—the murder of a society”).
            The casualties inflicted by this war were staggering. According to a comprehensive 2006 study done by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, the death toll resulting from the US invasion rose to over 655,000 in the first 40 months of the US war alone.
            The continued slaughter resulting from the US occupation and the bloody sectarian civil war provoked by Washington’s divide-and-rule tactics claimed many more direct victims, while the destruction of basic water, power, health care and sanitation infrastructure killed even more.
            The mass slaughter continued under the Obama administration with the launching in 2014 of what was billed as a US war against ISIS.
            This war, which saw the most intense bombing campaign since Vietnam and reduced Mosul, Ramadi, Fallujah and other Iraqi cities to rubble, claimed tens if not hundreds of thousands more lives.
            Recent estimates of the death toll resulting from 16 years of US military intervention in Iraq range as high as 2.4 million people.
            The Iraq war has had its own disastrous consequences for US society as well. In addition to claiming the lives of more than 4,500 US troops and nearly 4,000 US contractors, the war left tens of thousands of US troops wounded and hundreds of thousands suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.
            What of all the families in the United States who lost children, siblings or parents in a war that Trump now admits was based upon lies?
            Together with the veterans suffering from the wounds of this war, they should have the right to sue the US government for the results of its criminal conduct.
            The cost of the US wars launched since 2001 has risen to nearly $6 trillion, the bulk of it stemming from Iraq, while interest cost on the money borrowed to pay for these wars will eventually amount to $8 trillion.
            These grievous costs to US society are compounded by the social and political impact of waging an illegal war, resulting in the shredding of democratic rights and the wholesale corruption of a political system that is ever more dominated by the military and intelligence apparatus.
            The media’s silence on Trump’s admission of war crimes carried out by US imperialism in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East is self-incriminating.
            It reflects the complicity of the corporate media in these crimes, with its selling of the lies used to promote the aggression against Iraq and its attempt to suppress antiwar sentiment.
            Nowhere was this war propaganda developed more deliberately than at the New York Times which inundated the American public with lying reports about “weapons of mass destruction” by Judith Miller and the noxious opinion pieces by chief foreign affairs commentator Thomas “I have no problem with a war for oil” Friedman.
            By all rights, the media editors and pundits responsible for promoting a criminal war of aggression deserve to sit in the dock alongside the war criminals who launched it.
            The corporate media has also ignored Trump’s indictment of the US wars in the Middle East because it speaks for those sections of the US ruling establishment that want them to continue.
            Trump’s cynical nationalist and populist rhetoric about ending US wars in the Middle East is aimed at currying support with a US population that is overwhelmingly hostile to these wars, even as his administration—backed by the Democrats—has secured a record $738 billion military budget in preparation for far more catastrophic wars, including against nuclear-armed China and Russia.
            If the fascistic occupant of the White House is able to adopt the farcical posture of an opponent of imperialist war, it is entirely thanks to the Democrats, whose opposition to Trump is bound up with the concerns of the US intelligence agencies and the Pentagon over his conduct of foreign policy.
            While there was mass opposition to the invasion of Iraq, the pseudo-left in the United States, together with the media, worked might and main to channel it behind the Democratic Party, which provided uninterrupted support and funding for the war.
            Today, it is the most pro-war party, aligned with the opposition to Trump by the likes of John Bolton, Lindsey Graham and Bush.
            Trump’s admission about the criminality of the Iraq war only confirms what the World Socialist Web Site stated from its very outset.

            By Bill Van Auken
            This article was originally published by “WSWS

            The 21st Century

            1. Trump Admits U.S. Killed Millions In War Based On Lies ...

              Trump Admits U.S. Killed Millions In War Based On Lies The President of the United States just admitted the obvious in one of his latest tweets. Let’s hear what he had to say. TrumpU.S. Killed Millions Based On Lies
            2. Trump admits US killed millions in war based on lies ...

              3 days ago · QuickLink: Trump admits US killed millions in war based on lies - World Socialist Web Site - This admission is like the man who crosses his arms and points to everyone but himself. It is though he...
            3. CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is ...

              ATLANTA, GA—CNN host Brian Stelter blamed President Trump for the network's falling ratings Sunday, accusing the president of killing millions upon millions of people …
            4. Trump delivers fascist tirade at United Nations - World ...

              Sep 25, 2019 · Trump admits US killed millions in war based on lies (10/10/2019) Trump White House declares it will not cooperate with impeachment inquiry (09/10/2019)
              • Author: Andre Damon

            3)  U.S. President Trump Inherited War Based on Lies, and now Challenges Turkey over ISIS - U.S. President Obama's War and Moves to Make Corrections with Turkey's President:

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            “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool!”: Read Trump’s wild letter to Turkey’s Erdogan

            This is one of the most astonishing letters in diplomatic history.

            By Alex Ward

            October 16, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - President Donald Trump sent a letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan last week urging him to make a deal with the Kurds, saying: “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool!”

            The letter is dated October 9, which means it was written just three days after Trump ordered the withdrawal of US troops from northern Syria. The goal of the letter, it seems, was to convince Erdoğan not to send his forces into Syria to attack the Kurds, who had been the American military’s strongest partner in the fight against ISIS.

            “You don’t want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people,” Trump writes, before threatening to destroy Turkey’s economy if Erdoğan doesn’t heed his demands. Trump then calls on the Turkish president to make a deal with Kurdish leaders so they don’t fight each other.

            “History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way,” the letter reads. “It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don’t happen.”
            But, as we now know, Turkey did launch its offensive against the Kurds — on October 9. It’s unclear when Erdoğan received the letter.
            The letter, first obtained by Fox Business’s Trish Regan on Wednesday and which I confirmed shortly afterward, goes against every tenet of decorum and presidential communication. It’s brash, nasty, and lacking any diplomatic tact whatsoever.
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            “Having helped draft a few presidential letters to foreign leaders, I want you to know that this is not what they normally look like,” Kelly Magsamen, a former official who worked under both the Bush and Obama administrations at the State Department, Pentagon, and National Security Council, tweeted about the letter.
            It also shows that Trump has personally tried to mediate the conflict in Syria that he himself kick-started by withdrawing troops last week, even though on Wednesday he told reporters that the conflict “has nothing to do with us.”
            “I view the situation on the Turkish border with Syria to be, for the United States, strategically brilliant,” the president said in the Oval Office.
            Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are on their way to Turkey now to attempt to negotiate some kind of ceasefire deal between Erdoğan and Kurdish leaders — a deal the Turkish president has vowed not to make.
            It’s possible the administration leaked the letter to the friendly network as a way to send a message to Ankara before the talks. Trump also mentioned on Wednesday that the White House might release the letter.
            Regardless of how it got out, the letter shows that American foreign policy is firmly in Trump’s hands — and, like it or not, run by his own unvarnished words. But if Erdoğan is upset about this whole thing, perhaps he and Trump can smooth it over on the phone. “I will call you later,” the commander in chief ends the letter.
            This article was originally published by "Vox"- -
            ==See Also==
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            The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Information Clearing House.


            The Wars listed above were made by Lying U.S. Presidents who failed to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution:

            1)  U.S. President William McKinley Warred with Spain disregarding the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.  It was the 1898 Spanish American War which resulted in hundreds of thousands innocent killed over lies.

            2)  U.S. President George W. Bush supporting his father George Bush and lying about the Iraq War.  Hundreds of thousands died needlessly over lies.

            3) U.S. President Trump who believes in rule of law and the U.S. Constitution inherited an ongoing Wars created by U.S. Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama who did Not believe in rule of law and put down the U.S. Constitution.

            U.S. President Trump challenged Turkey's leader by saying that he would be guilty of killing innocent people over lies perpetuated by U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Barrack Obama's administration.

            U.S. President Trump revealed that the U.S. Presidents of previous administrations were the cause of Wars based on lies.

            It appears that U.S. President Trump is guiding Turkey's President to move away from Wars based on lies.

            Only time will show how U.S. President Trump will prosecute the War Criminals - including former U.S. Presidents who have been moving to impeach him, etc. - and those who have been the real cause of killing innocent people.

            Research incomplete.



            all 774 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web, etc.




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