Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Hawaiian Kingdom - Collection Agency


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October 6, 2021

Public Notice: Billings Being Prepared by the Hawaiian Kingdom Collection Agency

Public Notice

Public Notice:  Billings Being Prepared by the Hawaiian Kingdom Collection Agency

                                                      Posted by Amelia Gora (2019)

The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii is the Legitimate Government documented by U.S. President Grover Cleveland.


The Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Supreme Court Cases were heard, adjudicated as guilty.

The following are the 42 cases heard and verdicts rendered.
The lands attached to each of the 42 cases were held for the true owners, including the Royal Families who are descendants, heirs of Kamehameha.

All sitting on these lands owe rents in the amount of $5 million dollars per acre per month, and past rents are also due.

As you may already know, racketeering has been the basis of the wrongful occupation of lands belonging to kanaka maoli, or Royal Families because of the alodio/allodial titles and were fraudulently sold by those who cannot own alodio/allodial land titles.

Aliens, as you may already know, were entitled to only 30 year usage and upon the 30 years, the lands returned to the proper parties:  the alodio/allodial land owners, or to the Hawaiian Kingdom government, or the Royal Families called the Crown Lands which belongs to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs, and successors, forever.

The facts are that premeditation or conspiracies or piracies or racketeering was planned by many and the true owners exists.

The following article shows that hundreds moved to usurp Queen Liliuokalani, and they were supported by the United States Presidents, Secretaries of State, Generals, etc. who plotted, moved against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, and who was a documented protector in place.


Feb 23, 2020 — by Amelia Gora (2020) Articles John Foster -Directed the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 - Secretary of State under U.S. President ...

I, Amelia Gora, am one of Kamehameha's descendants from four (4) of his children named Kaoleioku, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kanekapolei (female), and Kalanihelemaiiluna.  Am also one of his heirs through eight (8) of his stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.

The following evidence is hereby entered for the records:

John Foster directed the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani:

Reverend Sereno Bishop under the pen name "Kamehameha" divulged the information that Princess Kaiulani was paid by the usurpers, Bernice Pauahi was half-white, and both Bernice Pauahi and her husband Charles Reed Bishop were parties to the conspirators who planned to usurp Queen Liliuokalani.

The Collection of rents from those sitting on our Royal Families lands, konohiki lands, private properties of our people/kanaka maoli are currently being worked on.

The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate, and Charles Reed Bishop Trusts, etc. owe our Royal Families monies for rents and leases.

A newly formed agency called the Hawaiian Kingdom Collection Agency is being worked on and billings will be mailed out to the Trustees of the various trusts who have no authority to hold on to our Alodio/Alodial lands.

The billings includes the following information:

Royal Patent/Grant Number _____________________

Land Commission Award Number _________________
(for Royal Patent only)

Survey/Survey Notes ____________________________

Foreign Testimony/Native Testimony/Native Register/Foreign Testimony __________________

Genealogies ___________________________________

Konohiki Assigned:  __________________________________________________________

Deputy Konohiki/Assistant Konohiki Assigned: _____________________________________

Seven Day Notices Filed: _______________________________________________________

Police Report No. Filed (if trespassing notices are filed) _______________________________

Other:  ______________________________________________________________________

Note:  The 42 Cases heard in the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court are listed below.  The entity State of Hawaii has no jurisdiction in these matters.

Dr. Alfred DeZayas letter is supporting evidence of the matters under international law.

this document.


Reference:  Second Letter


The Kamehameha descendants exists including Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Family, her next-of-kin Kalola (w) - her heirs and successors, who did not participate in the planned usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani or King David Kalakaua.

Those excluded due to conspiracies, treason follows:

*  Bernice Pauahi Bishop and husband Charles Reed Bishop/Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools

* Liliuokalani Trust created in 1909

*  Princess Kaiulani

* Albert Kunuiakea

* Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole

*Prince David Kawananakoa

* Queen Emma

* Campbell Estates



The entity State of Hawaii has obtained lands through the treasonous banker Charles Reed Bishop,
and his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop who gave lands to the entity Provisional Government turned Republic, then Territory of the United States, and Executive Ordered State of Hawaii.

The claim to Annexation is a documented Fraud.

1 - Professor Williamson Chang
2 - Justice Memo -  Illegal Annexation article:

3 -  Kilikina Kekumano video:

4 - Senator Daniel Inouye (dec.)

U.S. Senator Dan Inouye - 'Sovereignty is inherent in the people...does not require recognition by the U.S.'  

5- Joyclynn Costa:

"Our point was they could not apply their authority on Hawaiian Nationals. There were 16 arrested that day. On April 13 on a Friday I delivered what the prosecutor requested. I handed the clerk, to hand to the Judge, a letter from the late Senator Inouye. He was a United State Senator for the State of Hawaii. (two birds w/ one stone) He could not come to our trial due to a mandated Constitutional Separation of Powers. I looked it up and found within the Separation of Powers was "The Doctrine of Political Question". In this doctrine it speaks of land if created by another Country can not be decided in court. It is of a political matter between the Executives. The Judge took a look at the letter asked a few questions flipped thru his books and accepted my oral motion to dismiss with prejudice." 


6 - Dr. Alfred DeZayas letter:  see above.

7 - Amelia Gora article showing Kamehameha's 20 Children found in research:

Friday, August 10, 2018

Kamehameha's 20 Children documented - Some of Them Found In Research




Kamehameha's 20 Children documented.........  

Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners:  The Royal Families/Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research

                                                            - Updated -
                                                                                  by Amelia Gora (2018)
The following are some of the Descendants/Heirs of Kamehameha Found in Research.  
Introducing the Royal Families who are the Crown Land, etc. Owners who are not subject to the laws, have sovereignty, maintain all non-treasonous persons/kanaka maoli and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and maintaining the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Treaty with Japan, Treaty with the Netherlands, Convention with Portugal, Convention with Russia, Treaty with Spain, Treaty with Sweden and Norway, Treaty with the Swiss Confederation, Postal Convention with Tahiti, etc.:
Kamehameha's Family/Bloodlines/Heirs/Children/Descendants:
1)  Kaoleioku - his four (4) children were:  Pauahi (w); Hanuna/Hanuno (k); Keola (k) and Konia (w)
2)  Kanekapolei (2) - her children were:  Kikau (k); u.i. others/research incomplete
3)  Kahiwa Kanekapolei - her children were:  Kepelino (k); u.i. others/research incomplete
4)  Keliiokahekili (w) - her children were: u.i. others/research incomplete
5)  Liholiho/Kamehameha II - research incomplete
6)  Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III - his children were 10:  Keawe 1(k); Keawe 2 (k); Opunui (k); Kekipi;                          Keawe; Mahoe (w); Kahalaoa; Papa; Nalimu; and Albert Kunuiakea.  His hanai                                            hookama/ adopted and inherited sovereignty:  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV;                                 Hueu Davis, Kale Davis (w), and Peke Davis (w)
7) Nahienaena (w) - her u.i. child/research incomplete
8) Kamamalu (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children
9)  Kinau (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children
10)  Kinau (k) - his children were:  Miriam Kekauonohi/Kekauonohi (w); Maulili (k); and                      
                        Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k)
 11)  Kahalaia (k) - was with Pauahi (w) the mother of Ruth Keelikolani; also married Kekuanaoa (k)
12)  Kapapauai (w) - child u.i. - research incomplete
13)  Peapea - son Kuakamauna
14)  Kalanihelemaiiluna/Kaleihelemaiiluna - sons Kalaniulumoku/Kalani/Kaleiulumoku and Paki/Abner Paki
15)  6 other u.i. siblings of Liholiho/Kamehameha II; Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; and
                         Nahienaena  (w) - research incomplete        
Kamehameha's had 20 Children, which includes those being researched.  



Billings are being prepared, etc.

Our Royal Families Konohiki, and Assistant Konohiki/Deputy Konohiki have also been assigned to our various Alodio/Allodial lands.




Updated Supreme Court Cases to Date 1 - 42

                              Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court Cases 


The following are the Supreme Court Cases Heard and Adjudicated Guilty of Conspiracy(ies), Piracy, Racketeering, etc.:

Case 1.  Liliuokalani Trust of 1909 and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools - Bishop Estates/ Kamehameha Schools Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc.

Case 2.  the Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii;

Case 3.  Kawananakoa/Receiver J. Wright et. als/501(c)(3) non profit/Incorporation;

Case 4. Queen's Hospital, TCB Rooke, nephew Creswell Charles Keane RookeCCKC Rooke;

Case 5.  King Lunalilo Trust/Trustees;

Case 6.  King David Kalakaua Trust/Trustees,

Case 7.  Charles Reed Bishop Trust/Trustees et. als.

Case 8.  Campbell Estates/Trustees et. als.

Case 9.  Bishop Museum to Kamehameha Museum Trustees et. als.

Case 10.  John Ii Estates Land Application #1000/Trustees et. als.

Case 11.   Kualoa Ranch/Trustees et. als.

Case 12.   Oahu Sugar/Trustees et. als.

Case 13.  Hamakua Sugar formerly known as Kohala Sugar/Trustees et. als.

Case 14.  Dole Corporation/Trustees et. als.

Case 15.   United Methodist Church/Trustees et. als.

Case 16.   Akahi (w) Probate/Trustees et. als.

 Case 17.   Kekauonohi (w) Probate/Trustees et. als.

 Case 18.  Roman Catholic Church/Trustees et. als.

 Case 19.   Mormon Church/Zion Industries/Church of Latter Day Saints - Hawaiian Islands/Trustees et. als.

 Case 20.  Harold Castle/Castle and Cooke/Trustees et. als.

Case 21.  Hawaiian Homes/Trustees et. als.

Case 22.  Judd and Families - Gerritt Parmele Judd (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

Case 23.  DLNR/Department of Land and Natural Resources - entity State of Hawaii etc./Trustees et. als.

Case 24.  Lorrin Thurston and Families (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

Case 25.  Department of Interior - U.S. - refer to Doctrine of Political Question - Treaty 

 Case 26.  Sanford B. Dole and Families (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

 Case 27.  Daniel Inouye and Families   (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

 Case 28.  Daniel Akaka  and Families (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

 Case 29.  Samuel Damon and Families  (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

  Case 30.   C.C. Harris and Families   (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

  Case 31.  William O. Smith and Families  (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

  Case 32.  Curtis Iaukea  and Families (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

   Case 33.  Archibald Cleghorn and Families  (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

   Case 34.  Joseph Booth and Families   (heirs and successors)/Trustees et. als.

   Case 35.   State of Hawaii - Land Court System/Trustees et. als.

   Case 36.   Miriam Kekauonohi Trustees/affecting Lands/Trustees et. als.

  Case 37.  W.P. Leleiohoku Trustees/affecting Lands/Trustees et. als.

  Case 38,  Mataio Kekuanaoa Trustees/affecting Lands/Trustees et. als.

  Case 39.  Kamehameha IV Probate/Trustees/affecting Lands/Trustees et. als.

   Case 40.  Queen Emma's Probate/Trustees/affecting Lands/Trustees et. als.
   Case 41.  Abigail Kawananakoa/"Princess Abigail"

   Case 42.  Charles Reed Bishop/Charles R. Bishop


Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0703 Case 41 - Abigail Kawananakoa/"Princess Abigail" and Case 42 - Charles Reed Bishop/ Charles R. Bishop Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated both Abigail Kawananakoa/"Princess Abigail" and Charles Reed Bishop/Charles R. Bishop - deceased (June 7, 1915)  Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc.
Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, one of the four (4) Judges elected by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and the House of Nobles heirs and successors effective March 13, 2018

Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0408 First Supreme Court Court Case Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated the Trustees of the Liliuokalani Trust of 1909 and Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools - Bishop Estates/ Kamehameha Schools Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, one of the four (4) Judges elected by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and the House of Nobles heirs and successors effective March 13, 2018

Subject of Correspondence:  Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2018-0424 Second (2nd), Third (3rd), Fourth (4th), Fifth (5th), and Sixth (6th) Cases of the Supreme Court Court Case Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated the Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii; Kawananakoa/Receiver J. Wright et. als/501(c)(3) non profit/Incorporation; Queen's Hospital, TCB Rooke, nephew Creswell Charles Keane Rooke/CCKC Rooke; King Lunalilo Trust/Trustees;  and King David Kalakaua Trust/Trustees, Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, one of the four (4) Judges elected by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and the House of Nobles heirs and successors effective March 13, 2018

Subject of Correspondence:  Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice No. 2018-0601 Corrections/Updates/Clarifications  Supreme Court Cases 7 - 19 Adjudicated Guilty on May 4 - 18, 2018; Supreme Court Cases 20 - 34 Adjudicated Guilty on May 18 2018 from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, one of the four (4) Supreme Court Judges

Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice No. 2018 - 0603 Supreme Court Cases #35 (corrected) - 42 Adjudicated Guilty on June 1-3 2018 and Friday, June 1, 2018 corrections made on Sunday, June 3, 2018 Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice - Supreme Court Cases #7 - #34 Recorded Guilty from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, one of the four (4) Supreme Court Judges

Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice - Supreme Court Cases #35 - 42 Recorded Guilty (Updated)

Mahalo/thank you for your attention in these important matters.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person


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