Birth Certificate:
Date: Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 9:18 AM
Subject: Fw: Well here it is! Copy of birth certificate..
Don't know how accurate these documents are. But they do raise some questions for those that have an open mind to this debate. Take a look for yourselves.
Here it is, folks! The document we have been waiting for! Now if only SOMEONE in Congress or the Supreme Court will act on this!
Spread this around.....if these documents are as authentic as they certainly seem to be, Obama is NOT qualified to be our President and he sits in the White House illegally!
This is what Obama has spent almost $2M (so far) to hide.
Here's a close-up of the top of the document where you can plainly read his name and his parent's names, etc....
A British history buff was asked if he could find out who the colonial registrar was for Mombasa in 1961.
After only a few minutes of research, he called back and said "Sir Edward F. Lavender” Note the same name near the bottom of the photo above.
Source(s): “ Kenya Dominion Record 4667 Australian library."
And here’s a close-up of the bottom of the document where you can read "Coast Providence of Kenya " and the
official signature of the Deputy Registrar.....
The above document is a "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth", but below is a copy of the actual Certificate of Birth...
the real-deal legal kind of certificate.
The Mombasa Registrar of Births has testified that Obama's birth certificate from Coast Province General Hospital in
Mombasa is genuine. This copy was obtained by Lucas Smith through the help of a Kenyan Colonel who recently got it
directly from the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa , Kenya . Here it is.....
Note the footprint!!
The local Muslim Imam in Mombasa named Barack with his Muslim middle name Hussein so his official name on this certificate is Barack Hussein Obama II.
The grandmother of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. reveals the story of his birth in Mombasa , Kenya , a seaport, after his mother suffered labor pains while swimming at ocean beach in Mombasa
"On August 4, 1961 Obama's mother, father and grandmother were attending a Muslim festival in Mombasa , Kenya .
Mother had been refused entry to airplanes due to her nine month pregnancy. It was a hot August day at the festival so the Obama’s went to the beach to cool off. While swimming in the ocean his mother experienced labor pains so was rushed to the Coast Provincial
General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya where Obama was born a few hours later at 7:21 pm on August 4, 1961(what a sad day for the USA!). Four days later his mother flew to Hawaii and registered his birth in Honolulu as a certificate of live birth which omitted the place and hospital of birth."
Letter from Kitau in Mombasa , Kenya ......
"I happen to be Kenyan. I was born 1 month before Obama at Mombasa medical center. I am a teacher here at the MM Shaw Primary School in Kenya . I compared my birth certificate to the one that has been put out by Taitz and mine is exactly the same. I even have the same registrar and format. The type is identical. I am by nature a skeptical person. I teach science here and challenge most things that cannot be proven. So I went to an official registrar today and pulled up the picture on the web. They magnified it and determined it to be authentic. There is even a plaque with Registrar Lavenders name on it as he was a Brit and was in charge of the Registrar office from 1959 until January of 1964. The reason the date on the certificate says republic of Kenya is that we were a republic when the "copy" of the original was ordered. I stress the word "copy". My copy also has republic of Kenya . So what you say is true about Kenya not being a republic at the time of Obama's
birth, however it was a republic when the copy was ordered.
The birth certificate is genuine. I assure you it will be authenticated by a forensic auditor. We are very proud Obama was born here. We have a shrine for him and there are many people who remember his birth here as he had a white mother. They are being interviewed now by one of your media outlets.
Fortunately they even have pictures of his parents with him immediately after his birth at the Mombasa hospital with the hospital in the back ground.
It will be a proud day for us when it is proven that he was born here and a Kenyan became the most powerful man in the world.
I encourage anyone to come here and visit. I will be happy to take you and show you the pictures at the hospital myself as well as
my document and many others that are identical to what Taitz posted. God Bless. Kitau"
So, how much more proof do we need?
Well, Here it is...{SJC}
Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, baby Maya Soetoro, and 9 year old Barry Soetoro.
This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi
school inJakarta, Indonesia , shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name
Barry Soetoro made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro.
Name: Barry Soetoro
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Indonesian
How did this little INDONESIAN Muslim child - Barry Soetoro, (A.K.A. Barack Obama)
get around the issue of nationality to become President of the United States of America ?
In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's qualifications for the presidency, the
group "Americans for Freedom of Information" has released copies of President Obama's
college transcripts from Occidental College ...
The transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a
foreign student from Indonesia while an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released
by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the
Superior Court of California . The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial
aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program.
To qualify for this scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.
This document provides the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking -
that he is NOT a natural-born citizen of the United States - necessary to be President of these
United States. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya , here we see that there is
no record of him ever applying for US citizenship..
Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation
of Obama's campaign spending. This study estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000
in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block
disclosure of any of his personal records.
Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still on-going but that the final report will be provided
to the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused comment on this matter.
Subject: Fwd: SSN from Researcher Mike
Facts regarding a SSN. Everyone's first three digits represent thestate where the application was submitted. Matter of fact known and usedby the military and civil service personnel when doing background checksregarding applications.
The Plot Thickens
An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose SocialSecurity number (SSN) is being used by President Obama: Jean Paul Ludwig,who was born in France in 1890, emigrated to the United States in 1924, andwas assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (Obama's current SSN) in or about March 1977.
Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut.. Because of that, hisSSN begins with the digits 042, which are among only a select few reservedfor Connecticut residents.
Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason onearth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!
Now comes the best part! Ludwig spent the final months of his life inHawaii, where he died.
Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time inthe Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore hadaccess to the SSNs of deceased individuals.The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig'sdeath, andbecause he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits tostop and therefore, no questions were ever raised.The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not aU.S. citizen, either because he was born in Kenya or became a citizen ofIndonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro simply scoured the probaterecords until she found someone who died who was not receiving SocialSecurity benefits, and selected Mr. Ludwig's Connecticut SSN for Obama.Just wait until Trump gets past the birth certificate and onto the issueof Barry O's use of a stolen SSN. You will see leftist heads exploding,because they will have no way of defending Obama.Although many Americans do not understand the meaning of the term "naturalborn" there are few who do not understand that if you are using someoneelse's SSN it is a clear indication of fraud.Let's all start getting the word out to everybody on our mailing lists.
articles posted previously:
Aloha kakou,
Will the real Osama Bin Laden please stand-up? May be we should be asking, will the real Obama please stand-up?
Almost two weeks has past of the end of Public Enemy Number One, Osama Bin Laden yet there is still speculation. But has Osama Bin Laden become a fictional character Strawman of convenience or is he
a National Hero? Some question, is Osama Death Certificate as valid as Obama's Birth Certificate?
After all the "At a Boy, Obama , and the Monday morning media quarterbacks substitution for Coach Obama, finally the chaotic world can rest in peace, for the kepalo, Satan is dead? Even "24" Jack
Bauer could not have done a better job of such a "diplomatic assassination". After billions of taxpayers dollars, destruction of sovereign foreign nations with their millions of refugees the USA gets
its Enemy. We get our Man! May I share my view of some of the hypocrisy of events of that week of infamy.
May 1 Situation Room (May Day is Might Day)
The scene of Obama's Executive Staff at the Situation Nintendo Room playing Geronimo on May 1 was almost as convincing as landing on the moon with the American Flag waving in the windless atmosphere
of earth's luna surface. Then, producing the stash of evidence that included a video of the AK-47 totting Osama playing Nintendo games like that of Obama's Staff of Intelligence playing Geronimo, of
materials for a ten year run of ABC's Television 24.
There are several reports that indicate Osama Bin Laden died several years ago from wounds her suffered in various attacks. But, nothing like having an "Enemy of Convenience" ready to be blamed and
not able to defend the charges against you as the Perpetrator of Peace. Some say Osama was spiritually kept alive so the the escalation of aggression in the Middle East will continue until India
becomes the commercial power to check or cancel the commercial trade power of China for no right-minded military power would ever consider attacking China. Is Osama Bin Laden just a fictional
corporate Strawman created for commercial purposes just like U. S. Citizens? Or is Osama Bin Laden a National Hero of Afghanistan like Sadam of Iraq or Quadafy of Libya, and soon Osama maybe the Hero
of the Arab World. But they all have one thing in common for they got their start as CIA Operatives in their homeland.
(Note: Osama Bin Ladin in one of his messages said that the Western bankers would be brought down. He blamed them for the problems of the Middle East. Did find out that the Middle East Oil men
were told to bank only with certain banks, the investments were documented on bonds...........and after so long, the bonds could be transferred into money......well, that certain agreed upon bank
transferred the wealth to other banks, then closed down........leaving the Middle East oil men with worthless bonds. )
Americans were cheering in the streets, kissing strangers just like V-Day after WWII, as joyfully like most German people did approving Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939. How is it that stronger
military nations start their aggression only against weaker nations?
I haven't heard so much "engineering consent" since Pearl Harbor but then I was just 5 years old. For the first week after December 7, we lived a a home-made bomb shelter dug-out of coconut tree logs
that we shared with about 10,000 toads and mosquitoes in Kailua, Oahu, for all Hawaii were indoctrinated that the "Japs" were returning in a week with a landing force to take over the Hawaiian
Islands , and those of us who survived would be Japanese slaves. Very soon we became more hungry than scared and came out to eat without chewing mosquitoes and toads at your feet.
U. S. Federally trusted Caucasian Civil Defense Wardens enforced Martial Law with Military backup close bye. Blackout cause all windows in structures and auto headlights to be painted black and no
outside barbeques at night but it was a lot better than mosquitoes and toads as companions.
May 2 World Trade Center Ground Zero
Obama and Company attend ceremony of WTC meeting with Emergency personal survivors and surviving families. The only thing missing was Osama Bin Laden's head on a silver platter.
Professional documents show the absolute destruction of Tower I and II was impossible to happen to a Class I Protected Structural Steel High-rise Superstructure. An authorites ry to tell the public
that Building 7 fell due to harmonic shock it felt from Tower I and II.. No bodies of passengers on the three hijacked planes nor aircraft parts were found or detected. All ground zero evidences was
fastly secured away from the site and disposed of in the depths somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, never to be investigated by any authority or examined under forensic laboratory analysis. Property and
Casualty Insurance layered companies said nothing Very similar destruction of evidence of Osama's assassination, were the victim Osama is the evidence but all for the good of the World.
(Note: the 911 Twin Towers were owned by the Rockefellers. Part of the buildings were open and not rented out, which means loss of revenue, inability to pay for the tremendous amounts of mortgage
for the area. The buildings were insured. The buildings surrounding the site were mostly vacant and up for sale.
The Rockefellers were the pemanent heads of the Standard Oil Company which evolved into EXXON, and operates as the umbrella organization over many other organizations, companies including many of the
smaller oil companies, banks, etc. examples are the GW Bush oil companies, Cheney's oil company, and Candoleeza Rice, one of the heads at the EXXON Oil who even had an oil ship/tanker named after
her before she went into office.
The Rockefellers gave the land which has the United Nations building ......the United Nations was put together by the U.S., England, and the bankers (Morgan, Bank of England, etc.) who created the
CFR/Council on Foreign Relations. The United Nations departed from the Law of Nations (Queen Liliuokalani said that the U.S. breached the Law of Nations) and was formed with the intention of being
the basis of the One World government/New World Order.
War was set up for the Middle East since the 1970's for their oil.
Criminal set up for the Middle East is on record.
The 911 destruction was planned ......................a friend's girlfriend was in a meeting on that day when her boss answered a ringing phone and said "yes, here they come now" all of them
watched a plane flying straight into the building across the way...........her boss turned to the office workers and instructed them to leave the building...........and there are many other
documented stories..... ).
May 5 White House Fiesta Cinco de Mayo Celebration
Hundreds of Special Latino, Hispanic and Chicano Guest were invited to the Fiesta de White House with Barry and Michele honoring Mexican Independence. Mexican Independence? Almost as equal to the
Emancipation of African Slaves! Since 1800 Mexico has had nearly 40 years of war that has bankrupted the Country and is land base 1/3 reduced.
1810 Mexican Independence War with Spain. Eleven years later (1821) Spain finally leave Mexico.
1836 to 1845 The Republic of Texas is formed within the territory of of Mexico. Battle of the Alamo sets the stage for the American -Mexican War. The USA to stir the plot claims The Republic of Texas
as its 28th State in 1846.
(Note: It was the sugar planters from the Hawaiian Islands who moved over to Mexico to grab large tracts of lands for their plantations. These sugar planters then obtained the support of the
American Calvary to support their criminal claims affecting the Mexicans. Linda Lingle, who hails from Texas are cousins of the car dealers, the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani activists, et.
als. I have a very old history book dated in the early 1900's with this information about the sugar planters from Hawaii.)
1846 to 1848 U.S. Army and Naval forces invade Mexico. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo awards the United States of America 1.3 million million acres which soon become the new states of Arizona,
California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Wyommy and of course Texas. Prior to this, Missouri was considered the Far Western State of the United States of America!. CINCO DE MAYO, MEXICAN
INDEPENDENCE! Americans celebrate the defeat of Mexico and Latino's and Chicanos play music and dance to their demise just Hawaiians do on dates of their demise.
1858 to 1861 Mexican Civil War
1861 to 1867 French Mexican War. France occupies coast of Mexico disguised as support for the Confederate States in the American Civil War and stays in Mexico until it is defeated by Mexico in 1867.
(Note: The French helped to fund the Confederates in American Civil War supporting Slavery with the U.S. and England. The U.S. and England supported both sides. Both U.S. and England borrowed
money from the Bank of England for War. The French were only interested in maintaining Slaves. In the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona, the move towards One World Order/ New World Order was the move
made by Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, the U.S., England and the Vatican, who was complemented for maintaining "Obedience" amongst the people. See the Secret Treaty of Verona at
Treaty of Verona - Secret Articles
Senator Owen: I wish to put in the Record the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the ...
<a href="http://www.
The Evening Light - The Secret Treaty of Verona.
The Secret Treaty of Verona referred to its contractors as the "Holy Alliance". ... of Congress as to what the meaning of this Secret Treaty truly was. ...
<a href="http://www.eveninglight.
1916 - Congress Record - Sen. Owen Treaty of Verona
5 min - Jan 16, 2009 - Uploaded by ForgottenHistoryUSA Because I can find no official online primary source for the 1916 Congressional Record, I have linked to a copy of "Where is ...
<a href="
More videos for secret treaty of verona »
1910 -1912 Mexican Civil War. In between these years there have been years of Mexican-Indian Wars.
Verily, verily, Cinco de Mayo can not be Mexican Independence. It is "Sicko de Mind-o"
Certainly, a great week in Hypocrisy! And we make it possible!
Throughout history, our ignorance condones and perpetuate our stupidity. In 1918, U. S. Senator Hiram Johnson said, "the real casualty of war is Truth!
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)
9-11 Truth Movement
I don't think there is a more important topic than this. IF our government is in any way complicit in the 9-11 tragedy, we must fight to expose it.
pent.jpg picture by MrSammo1
The Big Lie is a propaganda technique. It was defined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf as a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to
distort the truth so infamously".
Report of bin Laden’s death spurs questions from conspiracy theorists
May 2, 2011, Washington Post
<a href="http://www.
While much of America celebrated the dramatic killing of Osama bin Laden, the Sept. 11 conspiracy theorists still had questions. For them and a growing number of skeptics, the plot only thickened.
Could the public trust bin Laden’s DNA samples? Why was [his body disposed of] in an undisclosed location in the northern Arabian Sea? “This has not put a single of the 9/11 questions to bed,” said
Steven Jones, a retired Brigham Young University physics professor and contributor to the 9/11 Truth Movement. “I don’t know how you can have closure, when there are hundreds of contradictions to the
stories that you were told. The story doesn’t end here because we are told bin Laden is dead,” said Mike Berger, who works with, an organization founded to examine facts around the
attack. Alex Jones, a radio personality out of Austin, who gives voice to the 9/11 Truth Movement and runs the Web site, sent out a Web headline, “Red Alert. Inside Sources: Bin Laden
Corpse Has Been on Ice for Nearly a Decade.” He lists FBI officials and counterintelligence leaders from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan who have said for years that bin Laden was dead. Former Council
on Foreign Relations member Steve R. Pieczenik even told Jones on the air in 2002 that bin Laden had been dead for months.
Note: For intriguing BBC News reports from 2010 and 2007 which claim bin Laden was already dead at that time, click here and here. WantToKnow team member David Ray Griffin's book establishing the
likelihood that Osama bin Laden died in December 2001, Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?, is available here.
Osama Bin Laden never charged for 9/11
May 2, 2011, International Business Times
<a href="" target='_blank'>http://www.
Osama Bin Laden's death is being celebrated, and everyone seems to repeat the old conspiracy theory that he was indeed the mastermind behind the terror attacks of 9/11. But that was never proven, and
there is not even evidence hinting at such a connection according to the FBI. Osama Bin Laden was never formally charged, because the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation didn't deliver the necessary
evidence to the Department of Justice. Read ... what Rex Tomb, FBI Director of Investigative Publicity, stated in 2006 about the FBI's position: “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered,
DEATH BY OBAMA "The British Whore" ---Homeless, Healthcare ---Reasons to Impeach, Remove, etc.
Latest on Lyndon LaRouche--------"impeaching of OBAMA"; ........collapse of the World economy coming up.....
"get rid of OBAMA now"..........collapse scheduled late July,
August...not a depression, money ceases to exist....
"BARACK OBAMA is their(England's) stooge".......Constitution
ux-thumb-128" id="video-thumb-SCQUXypspl0-
month ago
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month ago
Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on August 28, 2010 at 9:02am
- transcripts available at the LaRouche website:
This interview appears in the August 27, 2010 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
The Game Is Over: He's Out;
The `Indian Sign' Is on Obama
Lyndon LaRouche was the special guest on the LPAC-TV Weekly Report Aug. 18, hosted by John Hoefle, and joined by EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg.
[PDF version of this interview]
John Hoefle: So, Lyn, what do you have on the agenda, today?
Lyndon LaRouche: We have a situation, in which the dumping of this President is clearly in process. The dumping is not secure, either in general fact, or in timing. But, the word has been out since the middle of this past week: "The Indian sign is up. He's out." When, and how, is still to be decided.
One of the factors in this, is that, as of the middle of last week, a phase-shift occurred, partly by virtue of the policy of the current Administration, or at least people like [Treasury Secretary Tim] Geithner and so forth, who have set into motion, a hyperinflationary program, comparable to what was done in Germany, before the Nazis, in the famous hyperinflation of 1923. Now, what was done in Germany is notable, and the comparison is extremely important for people to understand today. At that point, Germany was targetted for this operation, this rape operation, within its own borders. And a French occupation of the Rhineland aggravated the problem acutely. So this started a hyperinflationary explosion in Germany, from the Spring into the October-November period, the most famous hyperinflation in modern history.
We face a similar situation now, and I say "similar," because the difference is, in the case of 1923 Germany, the hyperinflation was confined to one country. It was actually within the borders of that country, and it was by an occupying, military power, the Anglo-French power. Today, the hyperinflation is global.
And one other feature: It can not be compared with the hyperinflationary crisis in Japan [in the late 1980s]. Because, then, Japan was not an international economy. In other words, the point is, a hyperinflation of this type can only occur within the bounds of the political grounds of an economy, because money is a political entity; it is not a measure of value as such, it's a political entity. And it's whatever the territorial area is, of that political unit, is affected. All right, so, Japan is Japan: Japan is, politically, Japan. So that Japan hyperinflation arising from the carry trade, was not a global factor. It affected the planetary system, but it was not a global factor.
Today, we have a global factor of hyperinflation. We are in a hyperinflationary mode, comparable to what struck Germany in the Spring and Summer of 1923. However, this time, it's on a global scale, and it's not the tight effect that you would have in a Weimar Germany. But, it is comparable to the German hyperinflation, otherwise. But it's on a global scale, because the global scale is defined, as you know.
Since 1971-72, the United States' dollar has been subject to the British Empire. That is, when we lifted the fixed-exchange-rate system, under conditions created by the Vietnam War on the U.S. economy—under these conditions, and with the launching, by Lord Jacob Rothschild, of the Inter-Alpha Group, what happened, is that the United States economy became implicitly a subject of this new group, which now represents over 70% of the world's monetary activity, including hyperinflationary stuff.
So therefore, the hyperinflation is occurring inside the Anglo-American area, with emphasis on Anglo, because of the Inter-Alpha Group, because more than 70%, of the world financial markets are controlled by this one area, and the hyperinflation is now occurring, especially in that area. It spills off into other parts of the world as a whole, but the primary locus of the hyperinflation is the Anglo-American sector, that is, Wall Street, as, actually, a British colonial power occupying the United States, essentially.
So that has to be understood. So don't expect something exactly like Germany, before the Nazis, which led to the Nazis, of course; but expect this kind of adjustment.
But as of now, the United States is in a hyperinflationary mode, under the policies of Geithner, and Geithner's associates. So, what happened, in two days during this past week, you had the impact of the fact that the United States was going into a hyperinflationary commitment, under Geithner, under Geithner's direction, which means the present Administration's direction. So, at that point, you had mass speculation, in two days of last week, which is a tip-off of that change. Then, you get, on the weekend, as typified by what came out of the British press, on Monday [Aug. 15], is, you now get a reaction declaring, "The game is over." The hyperinflationary mode has struck; doom is inevitable, and get ready.
In this context, suddenly, the oars are out, for the great ship to go down the ocean of hyperinflation—unless we change it.
A Short-Term Interval
Therefore, we now have a very short-term interval available to us, I would say, in the coming months, the two months, three months from now. And then, the game would be over. So, what we have now, is, we have about a 30-day period, in which the President, at least as planned now, is going to be out of the game. He is going to be on Martha's Vineyard, and who knows where else? Raising grapes, or rapes, or whatever he does. And so, the sign is out: The game is over, hyperinflation is here. People are running scared on the money markets, knowing that the hyperinflation is here. And Obama is probably being trajectoried out.
Now, how that's going to work is not certain. I have various stories as to how this might work out; different people have different views on the matter. But the fact is, if we don't get rid of Obama from the Presidency, now, within the 30 days, or 60 days at most, before us, that is, well before the November elections, if we don't get Obama out, we have lost the United States, and the world goes into a hyperinflationary explosion.
That is the choice. Obama will not change. Obama is a mental case, of a special kind, and he will not change. He's like the Emperor Nero, and he's like Adolf Hitler: They will go down to the end, until somebody removes them. And somebody has to remove this guy. Now, the question is: How are we going to get him removed? We can not allow to have him killed; he has to be protected. But, the game is over. And anyone who thinks that politics-as-usual is available to them—they are nuts.
There has to be a radical change. There has to be, essentially, a sudden, very sudden change. And the change is, again, to repeat, for those who don't know: The first thing to do, is—Obama out. You can not do anything, until you've got Obama out. You can set into place, things which we will do, when Obama is out. But you can't do a thing: This guy is what he is. He will cling to his position. He will not change his policy, willfully, unless somebody puts a drug into him and hypnotizes him, or something like that, and gets him to say things he would never say willingly, otherwise.
Jeff Steinberg: Hijack his teleprompter.
LaRouche: That wouldn't work any more. The teleprompter is also brainwashed.
So, that's the issue, right now. And there are several things that can be done, to do this:
The first thing, which has already occurred. First, you have the explicit actions, which were signaled from Britain, and other places, but essentially from Britain, that the game is over. And, at the same time, a signal from Wall Street, and from the European markets, especially the British markets: The hyperinflationary phase has been entered. And you had two days last week, where you got this wild speculation, which is a reflection of knowledge. Then you got the Monday breakout in the British press and elsewhere, indicating that the hyperinflationary breakdown is on.
So, that's where we stand. Anybody who thinks there is something different than that, is being very foolish. And we see also, the fact that Obama has suddenly been inspired to join the former governor of the state of Illinois [Rod Blagojevich], and to join him in, shall we say, a quasi-retirement, for a period of time, until a more decisive disposition has been adopted, that is, to get him out, one way or the other. So, that's where we are.
Obama Out, Glass-Steagall, NAWAPA
Now, the sequence that has to be taken, is of course, of the utmost importance: The first thing that has to be accomplished, is, Obama out of the Presidency. At least, de facto, out of the Presidency, where he no longer controls policy in any degree. And Geithner, of course, his "little boy," is going to have to find new toys to play with.
But then, the first thing we have to do, is re-install Glass-Steagall, exactly as Roosevelt defined it in 1933, an exact copy of 1933. That means that the entire banking system, the merchant banking system and similar things, go under Federal protection. Because, by cancelling the entire speculative market, which is what happens when you apply Glass-Steagall, the banks that remain, under Federal protection, are not solvent. They have to be given government protection, so they are not put into insolvency, until we can straighten the mess out. Because they don't have the assets to cover their deficits, even that portion. So therefore, they have to go into Federal protection.
And it would have been a lot easier, if the idiots had not interfered with my Homeowners and Bank Protection Act in 2007. We could have avoided all this nonsense. But they did it, and it was Barney Frank and company who led the charge on that. So, it's their fault. If it's a problem, go tell Barney Frank that his services are no longer wanted, and he will cry, or he will do something like that.
So therefore, we have to put them under protection, the whole banking system, the Federal system.
We then, knowing that the Federal government is now suddenly relieved, from the implications of the funny-money system—in other words, all this funny-money stuff, financial derivatives and so forth, is simply cancelled. The nation takes no responsibility, for paying any debts of this nature. They are gambling debts: "Ya lost, buddy! It's a gambling debt. We don't cover gambling debts! We cover legal, proper obligations, conforming to our Constitutional standard."
Therefore, since the government would then be freed of these gambling debts, which are being enforced by Geithner and company, we then are able to issue Federal credit from the U.S. government. This credit would largely go into supplying credit for the use of national banking; that is, for the commercial banking system, and national banking institutions. This money, which is put in there, which will show a throughput of credit, which will put the banks, at least, formally, under law, into stable operations. They will not be treated as bankrupt. They will be treated under reorganization, so they will have a mass of money, all of the decent, Federal types of banks, Federal and state, which have conformed to Glass-Steagall.
That money will then have to be focussed on a number of things, but one thing that has to be done, absolutely: We must put through—which we are now working on, and we will have in the coming two weeks—we will have more and more public information uttered by us on this, on the actual design, for an installation of a NAWAPA program.[1]
Now, this will mean that we will be employing—within a very short period of time, once Obama is out—we will be employing, under this provision, millions of skilled people, either scientists, or related categories, or highly skilled trades. And we will probably be employing, in the NAWAPA project, very rapidly, about 3 or 4 million people. That is our first estimate. When you take the total territory, this is, in some sense comparable to what Franklin Roosevelt did quite successfully, in 1933, with the Tennessee Valley Authority. This is a much bigger operation, and it will have a great global effect, and it will have reverberations throughout the world.
This means, that we will be taking this area, and we will be changing the rainfall patterns, inside the United States, because this project, once installed—and it will be a process of installation and development—in the meantime, will probably employ about 3 million people, directly, as productive elements of this process.
And we have the people there, ready to be hired. All we have to do, is get some laws through to make sure this thing works; but once we have done that little technical job, we have 3 million highly skilled people, not people doing imitation work jobs, paper clip jobs, but people who are really skilled, highly productive, and we will have about 3 million of them employed; employed on the basis of the utterance of Federal credit, under a Federal law, which generates the basis for that credit.
Now, the banking system, the merchant banking system, will now go into functioning, and the biggest stimulus will be this. And you are talking about a 30- to 50-year-term investment.
Now, you could take the rate of employment which has occurred, the actual unemployment—what they do now, is they shoot people who run out of their 99th week of [unemployment benefits].
Steinberg: "99 and out."
LaRouche: Yeah, 99, out, and dead. 99 and dead.
Reversing the Depression
Suddenly, we stop that nonsense: We count the labor force as the labor force, not those whom the Federal government, by some cheating scheme, chooses to recognize as the labor force. People who actually would like to have jobs, would like to have decent employment! They are the labor force! If they are willing and able to work, they are the labor force.
Now, you take the couple million jobs which have been lost, largely due to Bush and Obama, and you are going to put a 3-million-job employment of the highest skills, and the rates of pay that these people command, just for the normal work that they do, you have suddenly reversed the depression, within a matter of weeks. And that is what it takes. We not only need a reform of our system, we need some action that corresponds to the implementation of that reform.
Now, what would happen then? Once we do that, we have a situation, with Russia and some other countries, which have similar projects in mind.
And the other aspect of this, is the water problem: Since Teddy Roosevelt was President, we have destroyed the development of the United States territory. In other words, the territory from the 20-inch-rainfall line in the Western states (Figure 1), to the mountain ranges on the coast of the Pacific—that whole area has never been developed in any honest way. It is still a desert land. We have been draining the water from the aquifers, underneath the prairie land, and we are now sinking the land level, by taking the water out! And we are exhausting the water resources, to maintain our agricultural system!
Now, not only by putting this system in, will we stop that, we will stop draining—which is a crucial problem—our underground water resources. We will then be generating, as the program works—and we are talking about decades—we will be increasing the amount of evaporation, caused by the throughput of water, through trees and leafy shrubbery, and so forth. You are now suddenly changing the character of this whole area, which is a desert area. Rapidly, this desert area is going to become a richly developed area. And you have a factor of 2.7 times—the moisture that you run through the NAWAPA project, will give you 2.7 times the moisture falling on the territory of the United States as a whole—and Canada, they both benefit—and to a lesser degree, a part of Mexico.
So you are creating—for every drop of water that you conserve through NAWAPA, you are getting the equivalent of 2.7 drops of water, in the rainfall patterns going from west to east, across the United States territory. Whereas now, you are changing the character, by going to green! And that means you have to rip up and destroy the solar collectors, which are a waste of money, and they are ecologically stupid. Because every territory you tear up to put in solar collectors out there, you are destroying the fertility of the land-area. So, the first thing you have to do, for conservation purposes, you have to rip up the solar collectors, which are the greatest threat to agriculture ever invented. It's insane! ...
So, in this case, we are going to, essentially, we are going to a real green policy! And the green policy, is taking the desert and making it bloom. That means, on the mountains where conservation is developing forest areas, in areas which are maintaining the water system; wheat is a mistake in a sense. We need wheat grain, but wheat is a mistake, because from an ecological standpoint, we want leafy vegetables. Wheat is very inefficient in vapor transmission, and we need vapor transmission, now. That means we want, essentially, trees, shrubbery—we want grasses, of course; we want wheat of course, but the emphasis, from an ecological standpoint, has to be on trees and leafy vegetables.
Which means a highly diversified agriculture. What we have done with agriculture in the Western Plains is idiotic. The whole thing of just cutting down the hedgerows, and growing wheat all over the place, according to the "Monsanto law," which has now taken over and subordinated the supreme law of the nation. We have to go back to hedgerows, to a traditional agricultural system, in the sense of—large-scale, yes; high-technology, yes, but we want green: We want leafy vegetables, we want trees and hedgerows, we want all the things that go with a good system of taking the moisture, which we are saving from just flooding directly into the Pacific and into the Arctic Ocean, we are taking that moisture, we are putting it in this system, and we are organizing it, so you don't have dry spells. You've got a buffer: You are taking the average amount of water you are going to get through the entire system, you are conserving it; you are putting it through an area where you are growing trees, you are growing other things. You are developing the green, and developing the green in this area, which is one of the largest areas in the world for development: And that water that is going through there, 2.7 times the amount will come down as rainfall on the whole territory of the United States.
So that's our perspective.
And we also, of course, are going into space. Now, people may not understand what space is, and this President certainly does not understand space. He has got a lot of space in his head someplace, but I don't think there's anything there, otherwise, just empty space, not for rent. But that's where we stand.
That's what our perspective is, right now.
So therefore, number one: Obama out. You want to save the United States? Obama out! If you do not get Obama out, you don't give a damn about the United States. It has to happen. Because the man is a madman. He will not change, he will not adjust. He really is a Nazi, in terms of his policies, his health-care policies, these other things—just like Hitlerian policies. So, that has to end.
Large-Scale Infrastructure To Develop the World
Now, we have to have Glass-Steagall: We have to now integrate other countries, which will be our partners in this deal, and that includes Europe, it includes a program for Africa, and without large-scale infrastructure in Africa, you are not going to do anything good for Africa. And that is an obvious problem. The whole continent's a mess, because of this problem, mismanagement—largely British. The British actually run Africa. If you find something bad in Africa, blame the British, they are to blame, the British Empire.
We have large-scale projects in Russia, available, in the Vernadsky Institute. But, what is required is, the whole of Siberia, the northern area, contains very large mineral deposits. These mineral deposits are indispensable, for countries to the south of that, including China, India, and so forth, which have poorer mineral deposits in their land area. Remember, that India has 1.1 billion people, China 1.5 billion people, in a congestion, which is about three, four times our land area. They have very limited resources there. They are developing an infrastructure, but it's not developed yet, it's not reaching enough of the whole population. So therefore, we have to have a development period, in which international credit is focussed, to ensure that countries like India, and especially China, are able to move up.
And we are going to have to develop water systems, we're going to have to develop mineral systems, and a lot of this is going to require the development of this large territory which was once part of the Soviet Union, of the Asian part of the Soviet Union. And that territory is going to have to be developed, for mineral resources and similar kinds of things, which will then flow down, to sustain the southern part of the Asian area
This will mean we are setting up an international system. Because, with a Bering Strait project, and with the development from Europe into Africa, we can launch an infrastructure development program with these areas, which will solve the problem there. It's a long-term project. But, without infrastructure, of the type that nobody allows in Africa today—and any country in Africa that tries to develop and infrastructure project now, such as Sudan, is going to be crushed, by the British!
The British do not allow development; the British are the greatest genocidalists in the world. They do not allow any development of any significance in Africa. Any country in Africa, that is actually developing independently, which is not raping its own people, that they can get by with—they will destroy the country! They will overthrow the government—as the British are planning to overthrow the government of Sudan! It's a typical case of genocide, done by the British. And that comes to an end.
So, we can have a plan for an immediate development of the world economy over the coming century, based on using the NAWAPA program, as a fulcrum to coordinate with developments in Asia, to coordinate to develop the Americas. We have this Darien Strait problem, but with that, getting the transportation system through there into South America, means that South America, which is an impossible problem in many respects now, can be developed.
So we can develop the Americas, we can develop Eurasia, we can develop Africa, which is the greatest part of the land-mass area of the world. And this can be a program, which is a key cornerstone for us, over the coming remainder of this century. It means three generations of our people are going to go through an upgrade in transformation.
In the meantime, we start, as I proposed, and include not only a Glass-Steagall standard of credit, but also a fixed-exchange-rate system: Then we have a system, a global system of sovereign nation-states, in cooperation, using large-scale projects in infrastructure, to further this. And we can say, the remainder of this century can be secure, as a century of progress for mankind. Whereas, under Obama, if we were to continue Obama as President, exactly the opposite effect is inevitable: a dark age.
The Real History of Mankind
Hoefle: Well, what the Obama Administration is doing, with Geithner and Bernanke, they are basically printing money like mad, to try to save the Inter-Alpha system.
LaRouche: It appears that way; but that is not the motive. People do not know history. They may know history in a sense of a schoolbook sense, or in a sense of a political history, but they don't know the real history of mankind. It's not discussed. There is too much of this green philosophy of the other type available.
The objective of empire—and we are talking about maritime empire, which started actually in the Mediterranean, in the aftermath of the fall of the Persian Empire, in which you had a maritime power develop imperial power. First, it was in the Mediterranean, and then there was a shift, which is what the British system means, a shift to the Atlantic. So, from 1492 on, especially from the beginning of the 17th Century, there was a shift in power, of imperial power, from the Mediterranean-centered imperial power, into the Atlantic-centered imperial power, and the absorption of the Pacific area into the Atlantic area. This was the shift, which moved the capital of international imperial finance from Venice, as such, into a Venetian colony, called London.
London, the British system of imperialism, is not something specific to the United Kingdom. The people of the United Kingdom and Ireland, are a completely different thing than this empire. The empire is essentially located in a Venetian-style financial power, centered on London.
But London—it's really a Venetian system, in which Venice, from 1000 A.D. on, was the center of power, of the Mediterranean imperial system. With the development of the maritime traffic in the Atlantic Ocean, and the exposure into the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, maritime power was now shifted to the Atlantic region, and therefore, there was the movement from the continental political capital for imperialism, to London. And London is simply the residence, across the English Channel, which is the dividing line, which controls the world. That is, about 70% of the world's banking is controlled by the Rothschild and similar groups. But you have to recognize that Wall Street and U.S. banking, is also controlled by the British, as you can see, in the way this thing functions now.
So, that is where the problem lies. The imperialism is, if you want to have an empire, in which you have a ruling class, which rules the world, perpetually, you have to keep people stupid. Because only stupid people would put up with that! So, therefore, what you need to do, is, you plan to reduce the level of technology—that's what the green movement is! Keep people stupid! And then they are not a threat to the empire. This is the thesis of Aeschylus' trilogy, the Prometheus trilogy: That they want to keep people stupid. Don't allow them to know anything; don't allow them to know science and technology. Keep them stupid, and then you can manage them for the empire.
And the objective now, as you see in the case of England, in terms of the policies of Prince Philip: the policy of eliminating technology, eliminating progress, and making people stupid. But if you make people stupid, they are less productive. So therefore, Prince Philip and his friend, the former Nazi SS man Prince Bernhard, came up with this program, of the World Wildlife Fund. And the purpose of the World Wildlife Fund, which is the same thing as Bertrand Russell's policy, is: People must be kept stupid.
And if you are going to keep them stupid, you can not maintain a population of 7 billion people. You have to reduce it to less than 2 billion. And what you have with Obama, with Obama's health-care policy, which is a copy of Hitler's health-care policy, a copy of Tony Blair's health-care policy, and then, imported into the United States, is, Nazism! Is, keep the people stupid. And keep the population size down to the level where people are stupid, work for dirt wages, and then the empire can persist.
Intelligent people, who are capable of understanding how a world system works, understand why we need nation-states, based on language groups. They must be eliminated, is what the intent is. So, all these other things, are not the intent of greed, money greed. Money greed is there, but money greed is not the motive for this thing, and people who try to explain this in terms of money greed, do not understand it.
Since the collapse of the Persian Empire, and since the Peloponnesian War, you had the rise of maritime imperialism, which was then centered in the Mediterranean, until 1492, when the break into the Atlantic region occurred. And you have in this process, a movement, over the period of religious warfare, from 1492 to 1648, you had a movement of the center of power, away from the Mediterranean Sea, into the maritime area of the Atlantic, and from the Atlantic, into the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
So, imperialism is that. Imperialism is not one nation trying to absorb other nations. Imperialism is an international system, on which a monetary system, runs the world. And manages the world in a way which keeps the population stupid enough, that you can not maintain today's level of population; you have got to back to less than 2 billion people. So, it's a policy of genocide. The green movement, so-called, the windmills, the solar panels, is a policy of genocide. It's a continuation of Hitler's movement. (cont. at 3733lpactv_obama_out... ) OBAMA IS MESSED UP!!!!.....................
lol................evidence taken and documented........... OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMA!
click on picture(s)Obama 57 States Fail"">
year ago
Note: OBAMA is a descendant of JOSEPH BOOTH.............
Hawaiian Kingdom was returned to Queen Liliuokalani by President Cleveland......
therefore, OBAMA was born in a foreign country, the Hawaiian Kingdom.............or born in KENYA, AFRICA..............
sharing this cute video from
Just for Laffs Fail"">
************************************************************ ******... Other FAILS
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Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani on October 9, 2010 at 11:02am
- ALOHA Kaua, e Amelia,
Not only is Obama Messed Up, so are many of the American people. Messed Up with Too Much Education that make the Educational Idoits! Sadly many of our own people of the Blood Quantum are also Messed Up as Obama and the American people.
I posted this to you with the ALOHA of my Grandma and my Ohana.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on October 9, 2010 at 11:28am
- hi Richard,
Here's to moving on the same page and making corrections for all the uwe, heartaches, etc. that were caused by many documented ones..........and for our Queen Liliuokalani...and her loyal subjects who were all part of the genocide project by the
Americans/Amerikkkans, the English, the bankers, etc.........................aloha.
enjoy......things are turning around.............
Permalink Reply by Tane on October 11, 2010 at 12:08am
- How odd that the war crimes and economic fiasco under the reins of both George Bush and his son George W. Bush and hardly a peep from the public asw the media glossed over important points. Now with Obama, it's a perfect scapegoat to transfer the blame on a black man probably sealing the opportunity for another Black President; but it works all the way around.
Albeit, I wouldn't let Obama completely off the hook; he had to be complicit to maintain the status quo demanded by the corporate powers and cut a deal. A lot of this seems to be well-orchestrated including the Tea Party and Sarah Palin. It's like making Bozo the Clown from Alaska to become U.S. President comparable to George W. Bush. They would be malable and dangerous.
Permalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani on October 11, 2010 at 10:24am
- Like most Hawaiians, Tane,
most Americans are Brain Dead.
Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai
Abercrombie's Claims of OBAMA's birth certificate appears to be a documented INTIMIDATION, Genocide, etc.....
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Our Electors" rel="nofollow""> A Message to Our Electors
Important message for our electors. For more information, please visit
by deanhaskins
years ago
OBAMA SPENT $800,000 for legal fees for a $10 Birth Certificate
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video-actions" data-video-ids="9QdyLOUHz-A" data-feature="thumbnail"">
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Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow""> Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
More on the Obama Birth Certificate. More evidence of forgery on his Birth Certificate that is posted on his web-site.
Could his possible adoption ...
by syc1959
years ago
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video-actions" data-video-ids="SIsQJNTvlUE" data-feature="thumbnail"">
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Certificate Fraud Proof" rel="nofollow""> Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Proof
Obama's Birth Certificate on his web-site and FactChech are forgeries. Here is proof. A comparison of an actual LEGAL Birth
certificate and scan ...
by syc1959
years ago
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End President Obama Birth Certificate Controversy" rel="nofollow""> Hawaii Gov Will End President Obama Birth Certificate
Hawaii Gov Will End President Obama Birth Certificate Controversy
day ago
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Abercrombie CNN John King USA interview, Abercrombie lies about Obama birth certificate" rel="nofollow">
Neil Abercrombie CNN John King USA interview, Abercrombie
lies about Obama birth certificate
Neil Abercrombie CNN John King USA interview, Abercrombies lies about Obama birth certificate Neil Abercrombie was
interviewed on John King, USA ...
by CitizenWells
hours ago
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Birth Certificate?" rel="nofollow""> Obama-Fake Birth Certificate?
Obama has posted what appears to be a fake birth certificate on his "smears" page to end rumors that he is not a US
Citizen. If he has nothing to ...
by ForBibletruth
years ago
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Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith / Coast Province General Hospital" rel="nofollow">
Barack Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas
Smith / Coast Province General Hospital
----NEW NOTE----- Hello again everyone. Please see my other four videos her on Youtube. (1) Part 1 Lucas Smith debunks World Net
Daily s ...
by InspectorSmith
year ago
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="9V1nmn2zRMc" data-feature="thumbnail"">
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Barack H. Obama Birthcertificate." rel="nofollow""> Mike Castle on Barack H. Obama Birthcertificate.
Get to Washington and demand Answers to All of your Questions Call and fax to express your concern. Hey Mike, When's the next one? I
have a ...
by WilliamDawesinDE
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Mocking the Obama Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow""> Congress Mocking the Obama Birth Certificate hr 3:00 June 23, 2010 1
by rachelabombdotcom
months ago
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Certificate Church Presentation" rel="nofollow""> Obama Birth Certificate Church Presentation
A presentation from "The Truth about Barack Obama Part 5" I am not the only one questioning his birth certificate. This
man also has the same ...
by syc1959
years ago
Opposition to Statehood was documented by one of Kamehameha's descendants named Harold Abel Cathcart, the opposition was taken in by now deceased, descendant of conspirator James King, named Samuel King, a former Judge.
All of this is on record, including Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) which was also served to U.S. President William Clinton.
Additionally, a researcher, konohiki of Kailua, also posted the following:
| show details Dec 25 (1 day ago) |
U.S. Dept of Justice,
Legal Issues Raised by Proposed Presidential Proclimation
to Extend The Territorial Sea,
Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel,
Vol. 12,p.238-263,Oct 4,1988,
Exerpts Commenting on the Illegal resolution
to annex Hawaii taken from pp. 250-252.
Hawaiian Apology law 103-150, 103 Congress
Nov. 23, 1993, paragraph 29,
"whereas Hawaiians never reliquished their
sovereignty as a people or over their
National Lands."
The 1988 U.S. Justice Dept. Memo on Extending the
Terrirorial Sea during the Regan Administration
and the Hawaiian Apology Law of 1993 is the
proof that Hawaii was not and is not a state of
the USA.
Obama was born in Hawaii not the USA !
Eric Po'ohina
po box 744
kailua hi 96734
ph# 348-7550
Kanaka maoli did no wrong.................U.S. citizens did no wrong...........hmmmm....
Little Lies With Lyrics" rel="nofollow""> Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies With Lyrics
sweet little lies
by auzziegurl06
year ago
Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Kaohi on December 28, 2010 at 3:40pm
Over half a million hits on the birth certificate.
I was taken by the mere words natural born terminology.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on December 28, 2010 at 3:49pm
hi Kaohi,
along with the KENYA birth certificate.............
Abercrombie seemed vicious in his intent, his hatred and animosities show through..........meaning, many people can implicate him in crimes as documented above....... Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow""> Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
More on the Obama Birth Certificate. More evidence of forgery on his Birth Certificate that is posted on his web-site.
Could his possible adoption ...
by syc1959
years ago
ux-thumb-128 "">Province General Hospital" /">3:08
video-actions" data-video-ids="BkWd2INPhL4" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queueKenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith / Coast Province General Hospital" rel="nofollow">
Barack Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith /
Coast Province General Hospital----NEW NOTE----- Hello again everyone. Please see my other four videos her on Youtube. (1) Part 1 Lucas Smith debunks World Net
Daily s ...
by InspectorSmith
year ago
viewsux-thumb-128 "">
ux-thumb-128 "">Jones!" /">0:36
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Added to queuebirth certificate found? Thanks Orly Taitz and Alex Jones!" rel="nofollow""> Obama kenyan birth certificate found? Thanks Orly
Taitz and Alex Jones!Obama healthcare may incite mass murder? found at If this new certificate
gets authenticated then Obama is ...
year ago
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Added to queueKenyan Birth Certificate Finally" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL Kenyan Birth Certificate Finally
Posted 2:25 am, Sept. 9th, 2009, SANTA ANA, CA. - Today, 9th Dist. Federal Judge David O. Carter, gave a boost the Lawsuit filed on
behalf of many ...
by williamwagener
year ago
Abercrombie talks about disrespecting the deceased parents of OBAMA, but what about his FAMILY IN KENYA?
Think Abercrombie has opened up a can of worms for himself...........because of his offending many who believe in the U.S. Constitution still.........
ux-thumb-128 "">9:56
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Added to queueKenyan Birth Certificate Finally" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL Kenyan Birth Certificate Finally
Posted 2:25 am, Sept. 9th, 2009, SANTA ANA, CA. - Today, 9th Dist. Federal Judge David O. Carter, gave a boost the Lawsuit filed on
behalf of many ...
by williamwagener
year ago
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Added to queueKENYAN Birth Certificate, finally - part 3" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL KENYAN Birth Certificate, finally
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Added to queueKENYAN Birth Cert - part 2" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL KENYAN Birth Cert - part 2
SANTA ANA, CA. Federal Courthouse, part 2 Press Conference continues with Police Officer Clint Grimes, and Lucas D. Smith, showing
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Everybody in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama, that Americans don't know! Hear what they have to say
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Added to queuebirth certificate" rel="nofollow""> obama's Kenyan birth certificate
Hot NEWS! 8/7/09: "Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's
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ux-thumb-128 "">rotated 90 degrees" /">3:09
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Added to queueBarack Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate - rotated 90 degrees" rel="nofollow"'> Lucas Smith - Barack Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate
- rotated 90 degreesLooks very dubious, almost like a bigfoot video. Still, it would be earth-shattering if true. I can't even begin to imagine how it
would cause ...
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ux-thumb-128 "">FAKE?" /">2:26
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CERTIFICATE LEAKED REAL OR FAKE?WASHINGTON California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility
to serve as president ...
year ago
ux-thumb-128 "">2:21
video-actions" data-video-ids="SebxDwji__I" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queueAmbassador Finally Admits Obama Born in Kenya" rel="nofollow""> Kenyan Ambassador Finally Admits Obama Born in ,Who would have thunk it,has anyone ever seen his real birth certificate,why won't they show it,July
4th 2009,chemtrails ...
by josephcderer
year ago
ux-thumb-128 "">Found In Australia" /">2:35
video-actions" data-video-ids="EO1Uv8_laus" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue"Kenyan" Obama Birth Certificate Found In Australia" rel="nofollow""> Origin Of "Kenyan" Obama Birth Certificate
Found In AustraliaLawrence O'Donnell's got the perfect birthday gift for President Obama: news that the template used to create the fake "Kenyan"
birth certificate ...
by PoliticsNewsPolitics
year ago
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on December 30, 2010 at 6:04pm
com/2010/12/obama-birth- certificate-a-b... Obama Birth Certificate: A Birther is a Racist is a Truther is a Nazi
Substitute the word 'racist' for 'birther' to see who's serious about the discussion
A trio of stories has propelled Obama’s birth certificate back into the news. Also back in the news: the favorite PC term for those who don’t wish to seriously engage in the discussion: Birther. It’s
another politically correct Alinskyite term designed to substitute
ridicule for debate.wp-image-26605" width="450" height="674" /">
“BIRTHER” Is So Passé
BIRTHER!:AVOID A DEBATE BY SHOUTING ONE LITTLE WORD!The topic of the elusive birth certificate of Barack Obama has been thrust back into the news, this time via two stories: Chris Matthews asking the question “Why doesn’t Obama show his birth certificate?”;
and, the new governor of Hawaii telling tales of Obama’s parents, who
were apparently two of his
pals from the past.A third, though lesser-noticed, item has also unintentionally contributed to the discussion: the sudden revelation by the Associated Press–without citing a source for its discovery–of the particular
Hawaiian hospital with the honor of hosting our 44th president’s entry
into this world.Obama himself has never publicly revealed that information–so one would think that the AP would be anxious to reveal where it got the previously-undiscovered info in it’s piece, Hawaii’s
governor wants to reveal Obama birth info.But, it wasn’t like the AP made a big deal of it. They just slipped it into their article–probably for “flavor.”
Back to Chris Matthews.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
So Matthews and his panel wonder–two years after Matthews abrogated his constitutionally-protected duty to investigate the question–why BHO hasn’t gotten around to producing his long form
birth certificate? Actually, the correct question would be: “Why
hasn’t BHO gotten around to producing his long form birth certificate
and instead spent upwards of two million dollars in court over the
question?”Which makes this story REALLY about: why has Chris Matthews suddenly become curious? Why has Matthews apparently decided that being tied to the Progressive wolfbane of “birther” no longer is any big deal? Does
it all have to do with Neil Abercrombie’s peculiar statements?As Allahpundit [Chris Matthews and liberal panelists: Where’s the birth certificate?] put it: “You bought the ticket, Neil
Abercrombie. Enjoy the ride.”Which brings to mind the second story: that of Hawaii’s new governor, Neil Abercrombie.
MORE about Obama’s birth certificate and the rest of the missing Obama records and history @ DBKP:
* Hawaii
Governor Neil Abercrombie Adds Fuel to Obama Birth Certifica...
* Who
is Barack Obama?As LBG discovered in an earlier post today, Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie Adds Fuel to Obama Birth Certifica..., Neil Abercrombie was TIME’s go-to guy for Obamabilia back in April
2008.On April 9, 2008, TIME published The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother. TIME magazine managed to find only one
person for the interview who knew both
of Barack Obama’s parents, Neil Abercrombie.Here we are almost two years later and guess who’s the governor of Hawaii? Neil Abercrombie! Son of a gun! Only now, he remembers seeing Barack Sr. and Obama’s mother with “their child at social events.”
Abercrombie surely knew that he would have had to have seen the happy Obama family within a two-week window: Stanley Ann Dunham was enrolled in classes in Washington state 15 days after Barack Obama was born.
Obama Sr. left Hawaii in July of the next year, while Ann Dunham was
still a student on the mainland.So, Neil Abercrombie was one serendipitous guy: he happened to be at those “social events” in that fortuitous window. But, Abercrombie has to be aware of how far-fetched his timeline appears–and, also aware that
that others would be aware of it: it’s a matter of what little public
record is available for our most private of presidents.Abercrombie is the author of another queer quote: “Maybe I’m the only one in the country that can look you in the eye and say that I was here when that baby was born.” What does that even mean? Why is he the
only one in the country? How odd.Also odd: why is Abercrombie bringing up the subject of Obama’s birth certificate now–and doing so with quotes sure to invite more speculation?
It’s amazing the discussion that can be sparked by a couple of Progressives with platforms. If only that would have occurred back in 2008…
And why is this discussion even being held? There’s absolutely no reason for it: Barack Obama–like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz–has always had the power click his heels three times
and make the whole issue disappear. (Okay, so there was no way I could
work “I want to go home” into the previous thought. Sue me.)The entire discussion, it’s timing and the reason for it are beyond absurd.
Which brings us to another point: from the beginning, anyone who exhibited any curiosity about such a mundane matter got tagged with the very latest in PC though control: the infamous “birther.”
Inconvenient, unanswered questions? Shout “BIRTHER!” and end the debate.
Just like shouting “NAZI!”
Just like “shouting TRUTHER!”
Just like “RACIST!”
It’s Godwin for Dummies. It’s also as passé as Ché. Tactics are most effective when the other side isn’t aware of them.. That’s why PC is so 1980s college
campus: most who are serious immediately see the game and call BS.It’s also a tired tactic. The repeated use of “racist” by the Left to describe the concerns of the Tea Party cheapened the term–and the tactic.
“BIRTHER!”, however, is used at least as much by conservative writers as by Progressives–maybe that’s the reason it’s not been called out as an attempt to limit the debate. That doesn’t make it any less of a
garden variety politically correct trick resorted to by those too lazy
to address the issue; it shorthand for “I don’t have time or inclination
to seriously address the points of the matter.”Why argue the merits when it’s much easier and quicker to substitute smug arrogance and a handy pejorative for what’s sure to be tedious research.
It’s so easy, anyone can do it–and boy, have they!
Instead of writing, “I’m busy and have a lot of other issues occupying my time,”–or taking a pass altogether–why do some pundits feel compelled to throw a headline, a link and a suitable derogatory
adjective for “BIRTHER!” together on the subject as a substitute for
reasoned thought?Actually, it makes them sound like they’re a card-carrying member of the MSM. Speech codes are coming under increased fire on college campuses, but they’re alive and well in the media–and “BIRTHER!” is
evidence of it!CHALLENGE #1: next time you’re about to write “BIRTHER!”, substitute the word “RACIST!” and read it back. Does it sound silly? It should.
CHALLENGE #2: next time you’re filled with the righteous anger that comes only from well-meaning people beomg smeared with the “RACIST!” label, substitute the word “BIRTHER!” in the the offensive article. Are
you still angry?You should be–because it’s the same Thought Control PC tactic used successfully for years by Progressives. Why have a discussion when you can avoid it altogether with one little word. “NAZI!” works well
here as well.Also, “CONSPIRACY THEORIST!” For 10 months, that was one of the favorite phrases used to describe this writer when the new blackout was underway over all things John Edwards Scandal. It enough to make one
believe that one definition of a conspiracy theorist might be “one who
is better informed.”Don’t present counter arguments, present scorn. Don’t answer inconvenient information, ridicule it.
Saul Alinsky would approve–even if he would be a bit disappointed at the moment by Chris Matthews and Neil Abercrombie.
[NOTE: There is a minority who use 'birther' as a neural descriptive term--just as there are those who use racist, Nazi, conspiracy theorist and truther. This post was not referring to that small group.]
by Mondo Frazier
image: dbkp file******************************
************************* fyi:
Let's look at the TRUTH..............for example..........
Think the Nazis are bad? Think again.........- Gina: Have you seen the movie Rabbit-Proof Fence? I
finally saw it yesterday and I think it showed an accurate depiction of
the racism, white-washing and brainwashing that is still prevalent
today.Chris: no, i haven't seen it yet. Thanks
for the title. I will check it out asap. As for brainwashing example.
sadly, there is a racist black and white woman at my job that calls
herself a proud american. I think she's brainwashed confused and doesn't
like black ppl and Japanese ppl as she hatefully told me. Go figure.Chris: Gina, you should check out this
video: ch?v=jJyKTilOQXA
its so true!Gina:Sad when people just hate period. It really just shows how much they hate them selves. Hopefully, they get it right
in this lifetime... there should be many opportunities for them to learn
the universal lesson that all is truly one.
Thanks f...or sharing that link, Christie. I'll check it outSee - Chris: that is true. Sometimes its hard to grasp ahold of the all is one, as some people make it hard to forgive.
******************************* Note: historically, the TRUTH is kicked under the rug.............because many FEAR the TRUTH...........
Obama did spend $2,000,000 to date for legal fees..................Where's the TRUTH? Also, the TRUTH that the Hawaiian Kingdom exists............hmmmmm.....
ux-thumb-128 "">Soetoro" is Obama's Legal ..." /">8:26
video-actions" data-video-ids="xZ2jhKrcFlA" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queueLatest on Lawsuit Showing "Barry Soetoro" is Obama's Legal ..." rel="nofollow"">
Phil Berg: The Latest on Lawsuit Showing "Barry
Soetoro" is Obama's Legal ...Alex also talks with Phil Berg, an activist attorney who brought a RICO lawsuit charging president George W. Bush and 154 others
with complicity ...
by TheAlexJonesChannel
months ago
views- Gina: Have you seen the movie Rabbit-Proof Fence? I
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on December 30, 2010 at 6:21pm
video-actions" data-video-ids="Ra8SJBEzhxc" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue Exposed Finally"">Crashes And Burns - Alex Jones Tv 2/3" /">14:55
video-actions" data-video-ids="MBK5tnMh4qc" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns - Alex Jones Tv 2/3"">********************
see OBAMACRIMES.COM for more info..........aloha.
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Abercrombie's Claims of OBAMA's birth certificate appears to be a documented INTIMIDATION, Genocide, etc.....
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="sX7uuhHXs-0" data-feature="thumbnail"">
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Our Electors" rel="nofollow""> A Message to Our Electors
Important message for our electors. For more information, please visit
by deanhaskins
years ago
OBAMA SPENT $800,000 for legal fees for a $10 Birth Certificate
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="9QdyLOUHz-A" data-feature="thumbnail"">
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Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow""> Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
More on the Obama Birth Certificate. More evidence of forgery on his Birth Certificate that is posted on his web-site.
Could his possible adoption ...
by syc1959
years ago
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="SIsQJNTvlUE" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue
Certificate Fraud Proof" rel="nofollow""> Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Proof
Obama's Birth Certificate on his web-site and FactChech are forgeries. Here is proof. A comparison of an actual LEGAL Birth
certificate and scan ...
by syc1959
years ago
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="rZlvrUlg_WI" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue
End President Obama Birth Certificate Controversy" rel="nofollow""> Hawaii Gov Will End President Obama Birth Certificate
Hawaii Gov Will End President Obama Birth Certificate Controversy
day ago
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video-actions" data-video-ids="hLmM6QQuo6c" data-feature="thumbnail"">
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Abercrombie CNN John King USA interview, Abercrombie lies about Obama birth certificate" rel="nofollow">
Neil Abercrombie CNN John King USA interview, Abercrombie
lies about Obama birth certificate
Neil Abercrombie CNN John King USA interview, Abercrombies lies about Obama birth certificate Neil Abercrombie was
interviewed on John King, USA ...
by CitizenWells
hours ago
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="iBgkDSw-wQ0" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue
Birth Certificate?" rel="nofollow""> Obama-Fake Birth Certificate?
Obama has posted what appears to be a fake birth certificate on his "smears" page to end rumors that he is not a US
Citizen. If he has nothing to ...
by ForBibletruth
years ago
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Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith / Coast Province General Hospital" rel="nofollow">
Barack Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas
Smith / Coast Province General Hospital
----NEW NOTE----- Hello again everyone. Please see my other four videos her on Youtube. (1) Part 1 Lucas Smith debunks World Net
Daily s ...
by InspectorSmith
year ago
ux-thumb-128 "">
video-actions" data-video-ids="9V1nmn2zRMc" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue
Barack H. Obama Birthcertificate." rel="nofollow""> Mike Castle on Barack H. Obama Birthcertificate.
Get to Washington and demand Answers to All of your Questions Call and fax to express your concern. Hey Mike, When's the next one? I
have a ...
by WilliamDawesinDE
year ago
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video-actions" data-video-ids="mV9-bgSrV_s" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queue
Mocking the Obama Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow""> Congress Mocking the Obama Birth Certificate hr 3:00 June 23, 2010 1
by rachelabombdotcom
months ago
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Added to queue
Certificate Church Presentation" rel="nofollow""> Obama Birth Certificate Church Presentation
A presentation from "The Truth about Barack Obama Part 5" I am not the only one questioning his birth certificate. This
man also has the same ...
by syc1959
years ago
Opposition to Statehood was documented by one of Kamehameha's descendants named Harold Abel Cathcart, the opposition was taken in by now deceased, descendant of conspirator James King, named Samuel King, a former Judge.
All of this is on record, including Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) which was also served to U.S. President William Clinton.
Additionally, a researcher, konohiki of Kailua, also posted the following:
| show details Dec 25 (1 day ago) |
U.S. Dept of Justice,
Legal Issues Raised by Proposed Presidential Proclimation
to Extend The Territorial Sea,
Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel,
Vol. 12,p.238-263,Oct 4,1988,
Exerpts Commenting on the Illegal resolution
to annex Hawaii taken from pp. 250-252.
Hawaiian Apology law 103-150, 103 Congress
Nov. 23, 1993, paragraph 29,
"whereas Hawaiians never reliquished their
sovereignty as a people or over their
National Lands."
The 1988 U.S. Justice Dept. Memo on Extending the
Terrirorial Sea during the Regan Administration
and the Hawaiian Apology Law of 1993 is the
proof that Hawaii was not and is not a state of
the USA.
Obama was born in Hawaii not the USA !
Eric Po'ohina
po box 744
kailua hi 96734
ph# 348-7550
Kanaka maoli did no wrong.................U.S. citizens did no wrong...........hmmmm....
Little Lies With Lyrics" rel="nofollow""> Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies With Lyrics
sweet little lies
by auzziegurl06
year ago
Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Kaohi on December 28, 2010 at 3:40pm
Over half a million hits on the birth certificate.
I was taken by the mere words natural born terminology.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on December 28, 2010 at 3:49pm
hi Kaohi,
along with the KENYA birth certificate.............
Abercrombie seemed vicious in his intent, his hatred and animosities show through..........meaning, many people can implicate him in crimes as documented above....... Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow""> Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
More on the Obama Birth Certificate. More evidence of forgery on his Birth Certificate that is posted on his web-site.
Could his possible adoption ...
by syc1959
years ago
ux-thumb-128 "">Province General Hospital" /">3:08
video-actions" data-video-ids="BkWd2INPhL4" data-feature="thumbnail"">
Added to queueKenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith / Coast Province General Hospital" rel="nofollow">
Barack Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith /
Coast Province General Hospital----NEW NOTE----- Hello again everyone. Please see my other four videos her on Youtube. (1) Part 1 Lucas Smith debunks World Net
Daily s ...
by InspectorSmith
year ago
viewsux-thumb-128 "">
ux-thumb-128 "">Jones!" /">0:36
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Added to queuebirth certificate found? Thanks Orly Taitz and Alex Jones!" rel="nofollow""> Obama kenyan birth certificate found? Thanks Orly
Taitz and Alex Jones!Obama healthcare may incite mass murder? found at If this new certificate
gets authenticated then Obama is ...
year ago
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Added to queueKenyan Birth Certificate Finally" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL Kenyan Birth Certificate Finally
Posted 2:25 am, Sept. 9th, 2009, SANTA ANA, CA. - Today, 9th Dist. Federal Judge David O. Carter, gave a boost the Lawsuit filed on
behalf of many ...
by williamwagener
year ago
Abercrombie talks about disrespecting the deceased parents of OBAMA, but what about his FAMILY IN KENYA?
Think Abercrombie has opened up a can of worms for himself...........because of his offending many who believe in the U.S. Constitution still.........
ux-thumb-128 "">9:56
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Added to queueKenyan Birth Certificate Finally" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL Kenyan Birth Certificate Finally
Posted 2:25 am, Sept. 9th, 2009, SANTA ANA, CA. - Today, 9th Dist. Federal Judge David O. Carter, gave a boost the Lawsuit filed on
behalf of many ...
by williamwagener
year ago
ux-thumb-128 "">7:51
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Added to queueKENYAN Birth Certificate, finally - part 3" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL KENYAN Birth Certificate, finally
- part 3The Sept. 8, 2009 News Conference after Federal Judge David O. Carter set trial dates & hearings, temporarily denying US Atty.'s
last minute ...
by williamwagener
year ago
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Added to queueKENYAN Birth Cert - part 2" rel="nofollow""> OBAMA's REAL KENYAN Birth Cert - part 2
SANTA ANA, CA. Federal Courthouse, part 2 Press Conference continues with Police Officer Clint Grimes, and Lucas D. Smith, showing
the actual ...
by williamwagener
year ago
ux-thumb-128 "">1:59
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Added to queueBorn in Kenya II" rel="nofollow""> Barack Obama - Born in Kenya II
Everybody in Kenya seems to know something about Barack Obama, that Americans don't know! Hear what they have to say
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by livingonplanetZ
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Added to queueObama's Long-Form Kenyan Birth Certificate" rel="nofollow"'> President Obama's Long-Form Kenyan Birth
CertificateDOCUMENT OBTAINED IN KENYA SENT TO EVERY MEMBER OF US CONGRESS (Sept. 5, 2010) — Lucas Daniel Smith has
just completed a ...
by WakeUpToTheNWO
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Added to queue- Born in Kenya IV - The REAL Birth Certificate AT ..." rel="nofollow""> Barack H. Obama - Born in Kenya IV - The REAL Birth
Certificate AT ...Ever wonder about B. Hussein Obama"s REAL birth certificate? Check it out here close-up and personal! Find out why
the people trying to discredit ...
by livingonplanetZ
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Added to queuebirth certificate" rel="nofollow""> obama's Kenyan birth certificate
Hot NEWS! 8/7/09: "Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's
lawmakers ...
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Added to queueBarack Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate - rotated 90 degrees" rel="nofollow"'> Lucas Smith - Barack Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate
- rotated 90 degreesLooks very dubious, almost like a bigfoot video. Still, it would be earth-shattering if true. I can't even begin to imagine how it
would cause ...
by SacramentoKari
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ux-thumb-128 "">FAKE?" /">2:26
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CERTIFICATE LEAKED REAL OR FAKE?WASHINGTON California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility
to serve as president ...
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Added to queueAmbassador Finally Admits Obama Born in Kenya" rel="nofollow""> Kenyan Ambassador Finally Admits Obama Born in ,Who would have thunk it,has anyone ever seen his real birth certificate,why won't they show it,July
4th 2009,chemtrails ...
by josephcderer
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ux-thumb-128 "">Found In Australia" /">2:35
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Added to queue"Kenyan" Obama Birth Certificate Found In Australia" rel="nofollow""> Origin Of "Kenyan" Obama Birth Certificate
Found In AustraliaLawrence O'Donnell's got the perfect birthday gift for President Obama: news that the template used to create the fake "Kenyan"
birth certificate ...
by PoliticsNewsPolitics
year ago
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