Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Info reposted About Fed Reserve owners etc.


Alex Jones - Operation End Game


Letter for filing


Amelia Gora

Feb 17, 2009, 11:13 AM
From: Amelia Gora <>
To:, "" <>, "" <>, Web Japan <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 07:17:58 -1000
Subject: Revealing the Corruption Mecca of the United States- entity State of Hawaii -now filed in the Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2009-0091
                                                                        February 12, 2009
Greetings everyone!
My name is Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Royal Family representative, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
of the Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaiian
The following information was posted to MICHAEL MOORE who requested for assistance from all who wants
to help him in his new movie.
Knowing that the economy is going down, way down, it would be beneficial for all of you to understand why.
The following was posted to MICHAEL MOORE, posted on various websites and now to you.........aloha, Amelia Gora - a living human being, a Royal person, Royal Family representative, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.
 P.S.  Descendants of the Ruling Chiefs, owners of the Crown Lands as Heirs in Hawaii have formed the Royal families House of Nobles.  Our claims to the Crown Lands are not aligned with Pirates on the High Seas:  Governor Linda Lingle of the entity State of Hawaii (a corporation) and all past and present U.S. Presidents from Benjamin Harrison to Barak Obama as you will note from the following message:
topic by
amelia gora
(827 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
2/12/2009 (05:02)
I feel goodremove topic editreply top
hi Michael, There's MILLER BONDS Abuse going on in Hawaii and under current investigation. The Kingdom of Hawaii has monies which the entity State of Hawaii utilizes at their leisure. The Judges, Attorneys are paid out of these funds and Bonds are used to pay for many houses of the wealthy, foreigners, etc. Recently, a group of part Hawaiian families discovered the MILLER BONDS and set their sights on having their homes paid for through the program...........some of their homes did get cleared, and there's an ongoing investigation by the FBI, etc. The illegal use of the MILLER BONDS program continues with the entity State of Hawaii Linda Lingle supporting the use and abuse of Hawaiian Kingdom monies to those that she allows ----her friends? foreigners as far away as the HAGUE!........... as you may already know, Hawaii is indeed the criminal mecca of the U.S. because the U.S. and England were bankrupt since the American Civil War days........the criminal assumption of Hawaii's monies by dethroning our Queen led to the revival of the American and England's finances through their investor JAMES MORGAN who had purchased the bank of Vice President under President BENJAMIN HARRISON...........that Vice President was an expert in foreign financial transfers. President CLEVELAND was again nominated as President and did support his BANKER relatives in New York........suspiciously, those relatives of his were related to the JUDD families in Hawaii........President CLEVELAND was also the one who sold the stocks of the FEDERAL RESERVE in 1913 to private individuals named below: 1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin2. Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris3. Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam5. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York6. Lehman Brothers Bank of New York7. Goldman Sachs Bank of New York8. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefellers) Ref: THE REAPER published by RE McMaster another list found by Eustace Mullins SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE: 1. The Rothchilds2. Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer)3. Israel Sieff4. Kuhn Loeb Company5. Warburg Company6. Lehman Brothers7. Goldman Sachs8. The Rockefeller family and J.P MORGAN interests Now, out of Hawaii know that the KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates perpetuating historical crimes, treasonous activities, criminally assuming lands, monies, etc. did purchase the majority of shares in GOLDMAN SACHS..... The Rockefeller family are the permanent chairmen according to the STANDARD OIL AGREEMENT which evolved into the EXXON Corporation........... EXXON Corporation headed by Rockefeller's operate with many businesses, including CITIBANK, electric companies, oil companies all in agreement to share their wealth amongst themselves. Remember that EXXON chairmen Rockefeller's were the owners of the TWIN TOWERS OF THE 911..........the reason why GWBUSH and friends took on the Iraqi's for their OIL! Beyond evil..........but just wanted to let you know that delving into the MILLERS BONDS will expose the MEGA CRIMINALS who have been Plundering UPON INNOCENTS in the Middleeast, in the U.S. , etc. IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE! Need consultants in your project? I'll be more than glad to help, and know others who would also be able to fact, another is attractive, intelligent whistleblower LEUREN MORET, a depleted uranium/DU expert who I think would be happy to assist in exposing the truth! fyi: depleted uranium/DU is being used in Hawaii as target practice.....the bomb makers make money off of it while moving to exterminate Hawaiians as well because we are the evidence for the World to see............. aloha,Amelia Gorawriter/editor of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii, a Royal person, Royal families representative, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian Kingdom/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian islands/Hawaiian archipelago contact: or

fyi Information at MAOLIWORLD blog posted:
Hwnwahine_surfchic Permalink Reply by Hwnwahine_surfchic on February 9, 2009 at 10:16am
Actually, the criminal assumption of Hawaii and its assets were due to pirate activities because during the period of King Kalakaua, our House of Nobles were asked for loans by an American representative. Our House of Nobles denied them because they would not pay back for thousands of years, and only an interest would be returned. Ref: King David Kalakaua's papers

When you think about it, the U.S. has spread itself thin all over the world and actually owes an umpteen amount of countries monies, which in turns makes all citizens of the U.S. slaves to their government even moreso....they are actually slaves to all other governments who gave them loans as well. German Jews for starters.

Then you have to explore the concert of criminals ready to attack the assets of a nation that was in the black. Then you have to look at the fact that bankrupt nations cannot treaty, etc. etc.

The U.S. did not pay off the American Civil War debt until 1934, etc. etc. another hint is that France, and England along with the Bank of England funded the American Civil War......they were interested in maintaining slaves, England, the U.S. and the financiers Bank of England couldn't have cared dip because they funded both sides of the War.

What is very interesting is the fact that approximately 8 American Civil War generals were operating before, during, the time of the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893. Former American Civil War general Benjamin Harrison assisted in obtaining monies for the U.S. by informing the Confederate generals that they had a choice to either spend time in jail or to work on assignments.

Add that to the fact that many haole who claimed to be part of the Hawaiian government, did assist, conspire, committed treasonous activities against our government, our people, our Queen.

Example: Thurston who conspired in Makua with B.F. Tracy (American) in 1892. Ask OHA for the proof.

Another excellent example: Thomas Akaka (pray tell ancestor of current Daniel Akaka?) was in Washington, D.C. with Dr. Mott-Smith conspiring against the government, our people, our Queen.

What's interesting is that the same names surface or their descendants appear to be perpetuating the criminal activities of their ancestors!

The KUE Petition signers descendants are mostly the ones who understand the wrongs and have oral histories, etc.

anyways, flooded information to some leads to misunderstanding by most.

Premeditation of assuming Hawaii can be found at the New York Times Website archives....look for the Pearl Harbor Treaty Coaling Station, etc.

 (this is also my post)


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