Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: A Brief Condensed History of Our Hawaiian/Kanaka Maoli



PEOPLE by Amelia Kuulei Gora (2001) One of Kamehameha's descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the law(s) 

The following was written with the purpose of showing the early contact period, the Pre-Monarchy Period through the Monarchy Period up till Kamehameha V. (Other Periods have been discussed and has been presented on various boards on this and other other forums as well.)

Number 1.
Utilization of Aged Documents for Land, Money, Water, etc. Ongoing Since 1863 Disregarding the True Heirs
KOHALA SUGAR, the predecessors of Hamakua Mill/Hamakua Sugar was started by the missionaries utilizing documents of association signed by Minister of Interior, Lot Kamehameha, in 1863.
Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was still in command at the time.

Number 2.
The Protestant Missionaries, the KOHALA SUGAR and other eventual plantations operating under the documents of 1863, were descendants of the English Pilgrims who had historically created a climate of hate, animosity, greed towards the indigenous peoples, the Indians.

The English Pilgrims and 50 years later, Captain James Cook left the location called Plymouth, England. The English Pilgrims landing in the Americas, named their already inhabited site Plymouth, Massachussetts.
A statement made by a well-known Protestant minister sets the climate of the times:
“The woods were cleared of those pernicious creatures (Indians) to make room for a better growth.”

Two well known ministers, Increase and Cotton Mather (father and son), wrote more than 450+ books. They were descendants of Richard Mather a minister suspended from the Church of England’s ministry and moved to Massachussetts where he created conflicts in the church.

**** A Look at the Wampaog Indians – King Phillip’s War ****
The Wampaog tribe was nearly wiped out, many prisoners were taken into slavery.
King Phillip, the high chief was decapitated, his head was placed on a stick in the Massachussetts town square, on display till as late as 1700.

**** A Look at the Witchhunts of Massachussetts ****

The following books witten by the influential Protestant ministers moved the masses of people to witch hunts, hangings, killings, cruelty and punishment to many innocent people. These books were: ESSAY FOR THE RECORDING OF ILLUSTRIOUS PROVIDENCES; CASES OF CONSCIENCE CONCERNING EVIL SPIRITS AND OTHERS. These books led the people to believe that WITCHES WERE IN THE LEAGUE OF SATAN. **** The Printing Presses of the Early Missionaries or Pilgrim Descendants **** With the proud missionaries and their printing presses, it afforded news of all kinds to be dispersed to all “learned men or cultured peoples” including Plymouth, England, the former homes of the Pilgrims who had formed a Pact/Mayflower Compact, forming a new kind of government, a government in the already inhabited America’s. 

RETALIATION AFTER CAPTAIN JAMES COOK’S DEATH Captain James Cook GRABBED kapu alii/chief Kalniopuu by the shoulder. Cook failed to respect the cultural norms of the Hawaiian Society and was killed. No one was allowed to touch the kapu alii/chief and suffered the consequences, along with his men on shore. After Captain James Cook and four of his men were slain, the English retaliated similar to the works of the English Pilgrim/missionaries on the Indians. In Captain Cook’s men’s diaries/journals, they constantly referred to the kanaka maoli as “Indians”.

(Notice the Protestant pilgrims influence.) 

Three of our kanaka maoli alii/chief’s were decapitated, their heads were hung on the bows of the ship for all to see. Hundreds of kanaka maoli were shot, many in their backs, fire was set to their homes. 

(Notice the Protestant pilgrims influence – see the previous entries of the Wampaog Indians and the slain Indians leader King Phillip.) 

Thousands of kanaka maoli were killed, due to the disease infested men from Captain Cook’s ships. They had frequented many island shores, such as TAHITI, COOK ISLANDS and others leaving disease trails behind them. The doctor knew that 66 were afflicted. The men knew they were afflicted/infected and yet blamed the kanaka maoli for being the cause of the later outbreaks. 

The Protestant Missionaries in later years, accused the kanaka maoli as being the cause. What about the depraved English sailors aching for sexual, bodily pleasures, which ultimately produced another human? Were whites exempt from the carnal evils preached by whites and caused by only people of color? 

Meanwhile, thousands, hundreds of thousands of unborn kanaka maoli babies, women and men died. 


Kamehameha friend/consultant was name Paul Marin, or Paulo Manini, a Spaniard who baptized more than 300 chiefs into the Catholic religion. 

Kamehameha (k) instructed his alii/chiefs to set aside the kapu system because he was a makaula/a seer and prophesied the dangers if the Hawaiian religion were continued. He died on May 18, 1819. 

Kaahumanu (w), one of his wives, became the Kuhina Nui. Her Cousin Kalanimoku (k) became the assistant and kahu of Kamehameha’s son through another wife Keopuolani (w), Kamehameha , Liholiho. 

Note: The setting aside of the kapu system left the Hawaiian Society in a fragile condition, a period of Anomie – social norms absent. This was the perfect period for social change, a time for Opportunists to sell their bibles, preach their bibles, etc. The main concern of Kamehameha was the ceasing of the ancient Kapu system with “barbaric” rituals which could have been the cause of the demise of the whole of the kanaka maoli society. 

Kamehameha was a makaula, a seer, who operated partly with spiritual confidence aside from his physical confidence. 

Due to the affects of the Papal Bull issues by the Pope in 1493 and the thrust towards all world civilizations with the claims of delineating the uncivilized vs. the civilized peoples, with intentions of destroying, plundering, and assuming lands, resources, etc. belonging to those suspected as being barbaric, etc., the rationale of our ancestor Kamehameha can be seen. The Papal Bull was recently set aside after ongoing protests by aboriginal peoples which included kanaka maoli and American Indians. Kalanimoku’s (k) mother had been baptized a Catholic and had requested for her family to follow. Kalanimoku (k) whose wives included Akahi (w), my ancestor, and his brother Boki (k) were baptized Catholics aboard the French ship L’URANIE. Kamehameha II – Liholiho (k) wanted to be baptized also but chose not to because of stepmother Kaahumanu (w) the appointed Kuhina Nui’s temperament. Number 4. PROTESTANTS/PILGRIMS DESCENDANTS INFLUENCE The First (1st) Company of American Protestant Missionaries sponsored by the American Board of Foreign Missions (ABFM) arrived in Hawaii on the THADDEUS at Kailua, Hawaii. The American missionaries introduced the concept of Western marriages. Their names are as follows: Rev. Hiram Bingham and wife Sybil Mosely Daniel Chamaberlain and wife Jerusha Thomas Holman, M>D> and wife, Lucy Ruggles Elisha Loomis and wife, Maria Theresa Sartwell Samuel Ruggles and wife, Nancy Wells Rev. Asa Thurston and wife, Lucy Goodale Rev. Samuel Whitney and wife Mercy Partridge Three Hawaiian helpers: Thomas Hopu William Kaniu John Honolii On April 27, 1823, the Second (2nd) Company of American Protestant Missionaries arrived from New England. They arrived on the ship THAMES captained by Reuben Clasby. The missionaries were the following: Rev. Artemas Bishop and wife Elizabeth E. Abraham Blatchley, M. amnd wife Jemima Marvin Levi Chamberlain and wife, Maria Patton Rev. James Ely and wife, Louisa Everest Rev. Joseph Goodrich and wife, Martha Barnes Rev. William Richards and wife, Clarissa Lyman Rev. Charles Samuel Stewart and wife Harriet Bradford Tiffany Miss Betsy Stockton Tahitian: Stephen Popohe Hawaiians: William Kamooula Richard Kalaioulu Kupelii These mercenaries for the United States, armed with bibles, greed, jealousy, animosities, etc. quickly moved to encourage the kanaka maoli in joining their cause. They were opportunists who entered a Society which was in a state of anomie – unstable, flux, grasping at all religions to substitute one that was in place for hundreds/thousands of years. These mercenaries(backed by their government: the United States who also paid for their move, etc.) were operating from a slave-master society along with validation given to them through the Papal Bulls of 1493 by the Vatican to plunder upon ‘barbarous societies’. 

The Papal Bulls of 1493 allowed killing of peoples, most of whom were all peoples of color. 

On November 27, 1823, Kamehameha II – Liholiho (k) and company sailed for England. Kauikeaouli was named as heir apparent under Kaahumanu’s regency. On July 8, 1824, Kamamalu (w) died, six days later, on July 14, 1824 her husband, Kamehameha II - Liholiho (k) died. Both were afflicted with the measles, died in England and their bodies were returned unaccompanied by John Rives, Kamehameha’s II’s childhood playmate who was a Catholic. 

(Kamehameha II had eight wives. One was named Pali who married my great great grandfather.) Kaahumanu (w) who took care of Liholiho (k) was so angry that it appears that the Protestant Missionaries saw it as an opportunity and took advantage of the situation. 

Catholic Chiefs were tortured, imprisoned, put to hard labor. All Catholics were punished. ---------------------------------- 


The information has been placed on the internet due to requests.  

The above information covers part of the missionary/mercenary period of Hawaii and the United States revealing the similarities of labeling Hawaiian/ kanaka maoli "Indians" by Americans and British. 

Significantly, all countries will see some of the issues when exploring each time period with the missionaries/mercenaries in their homelands as well. 

The United States government maintains that they will "protect the lives, and property of their own" actually means that Americans outside of the United States, once investing in foreign soil is also investing as private investors in foreign lands due to the taxes, etc. due to the United States. 

As with out ancestors and the Great Mahele/Land Division period, Kamehameha III/King Kamehameha III, foreigners were given "freehold" paperwork, less than "allodial" paperwork. 

Americans then rewrote the meanings, destroyed old books that has the true definitions and proceeded to accommodate and deviate by helping themselves through devious manipulations of paperwork, legalities, etc. 

Although the United States and others tried to write history as Hawaii being barbaric, that charge could not be maintained due to the activities uncovered in conspiracies, deviance, FRAUD, criminal manipulations via the paper trails which exists in Monarchial and other such governments. 

FRAUD vitiates all claims, all contracts, which also covers all the bases for the many, excessive amount of reasons why the UNITED NATIONS can and must cease to exist. 

A formation of a new entity must be made for the purpose of ongoing respect to each country knowing that the United States has indeed set everyone up based on FRAUD, CONSPIRACIES, DEVIANCE and as documented by Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 has BREACHED THE LAW of NATIONS. 

The continued survival of all ANCIENT nations, countries, societies must recognize the importance of the LAW of NATIONS versus the manipulations and maneuvers by United States etals who maintains the documented charge of BREACHES by Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani, Kingdom of Hawaii, a Monarchy government turned Constitutional Monarchy.

The Kings bloodlines EXIST, Kamehameha's descendants are Royal Persons and NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAWS. 

The Sovereigns, namely King Kalakaua, bloodlines and heirs exist and much to the despair, despair of the entity calling themselves the State of Hawaii with documented OPPOSITION and wrongfully backed by the United States with ongoing and unresolved issues affecting ALL NATIONS today. 

Oppositions to War, financed at the expense of the Kingdom of Hawaii and our Kamehameha Families, Royals Families is UNACCEPTABLE. It is with ongoing hope and prayers that these efforts via the Internet are indeed purposeful and useful in maintaining the continued safety from harm by those who make BUSINESS OF WAR and set their goals on PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS for greed, power, animosities towards all people of color, etc.........................

aloha nui loa.

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