The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Articles About the Kingdom of Hawaii - Alii, Genealogies, Lands, etc.
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)
Articles affecting All Allodial lands/Generational Trust lands belonging to kanaka maoli and NOT for Aliens, Pirates, Pillagers, Liars, Thieves, Criminal activists, Genocide activists, treasonous, conspirators, etc.:
The following information is for all Kanaka Maoli to Read, View, Pass On to All.....This was posted the other day and now it's posted for you and all to see.........
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Please assist Kerena and Ohana requests for your assistance.
The Ombudsman's office denied them assistance in referrals, etc.
The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators have terrorized this family.
The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators wrongfully, criminally claim lands that they have no title to, are not related to our families who are the true owners of the Royal Patents which is secured to our family, who are part of the Alii Families, descendants/heirs of Kamehameha, et. als.
Premeditation of taking over the lands, Hawaiian Government, Queen Liliuokalani, is documented, is illegal, and they are not the heirs of the Perpetual Treaty(ies) in place which is only for the bloodlines, Alii, kanaka maoli and NOT criminal whites, treasonous, conspirators, pirates, parasites, leaches who have perpetuated criminal deviance, malfeasance, criminal conversions over time.
The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Trustees/Administrators cannot use our family(ies) names - our Kamehameha name.
They have no titles to our family(ies) properties.
The Vegas family, et. als. have been allowed by our families to take care of our families interests.
The Vegas family did live in a house which was formerly owned by John Dominis and his wife Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani - who used it as a summer home.
The home has been placed on our families Register of Special Places, which includes the Iolani Palace, Royal Mausoleum, Kawaiahao Church, Kukaniloko, Maunawili, etc.
Queen Liliuokalani was two of my great great grandmother's mother/hanai mother documented. Their names were Kapoolohu/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani and Kaaumoana.
The land is under LELEIOHOKU, W.P. who was the son of Kalanimoku, stepson of Akahi my ancestor who also had her son Nahuina and grandson Kaluakini who was a hanai/adopted son yet a true grandson who were also the siblings of LELEIOHOKU, W.P. owner of part of the Punaluu Ahupuaa. LELEIOHOKU, W.P. was also the first cousin of Luluhiwalani who was married to Kalola the next-of-kin documented in Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Probate. I, Amelia Gora, am one of Luluhiwalani's descendants/heirs.
The Bureau of Conveyances has Lien No./Document No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 which includes my Police Report filed at the Wahiawa Police Station --- 'in the event of my demise, it is because of the Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates - Trustees, etc.' documented since 1996.
The Honolulu Police Department also gave me a Genocide Activities File which also has the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees - et. als. entered.
I, Amelia Gora am one of the konohiki of Punaluu Ahupuaa.
Part of the Punaluu Ahupuaa belongs to the Hawaiian Government (see attached) which I, Amelia Gora, and members of our families who are descendants /heirs of the Sovereign and House of Nobles, particularly descendant/heir of Paalua the oldest son of Mataio Kekuanaoa. I, Amelia Gora, am also a descendant/heir of Mataio Kekuanaoa's last wife Kalima in multiples of ancestors.
See explanation of the 'Hawaiian Government' which is a permanent set up by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in the attached file.
The perpetual treaty(ies) are in place because I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants/heirs of Kamehameha..........
I/we have provided Protective Orders, recorded their concerns/issues, etc. and move to return them to the home once again.
The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, an entity filled with Pirates, Parasites are not related to me/us.
Documents were served to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees under Certified Return Receipt Requested packet with
article Number: 7011-3500-0001-7576-9130
In addition to our Protective Orders, the Vattel's International laws cited in the Landais Case also applies.
The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators are not the true landowners because they do not have title. Trustees/Administrators cannot own properties belonging to the Royal Family(ies) who existed when Bernice Pauahi died and are not related to our families, etc.
Protection from the most corrupt Trust is necessary for the Vegas family, our family, and all kanaka maoli in the Hawaiian Islands who have been terrorized over time.
Please add Dee Jay Mailer to the Genocide Activities File.
Mahalo and aloha,
Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/
heirs, Punaluu Ahupuaa landowner through
Leleiohoku, W.P.; one of the Punaluu Ahupuaa
Konohiki; one of Queen Liliuokalani's descendants/
heirs through Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/
Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani and
Kaaumoana; House of Nobles descendants/heirs;
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Department
recognizing the Perpetual Treaty(ies) and
International Laws, etc.

From: Kerenakupu
Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:08 PM
Subject: Fwd: Police Report Number 96-177-455
From: Kerenakupu
Sent: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 3:51 pm
Subject: Fwd: Police Report Number 96-177-455
From: Kerenakupu
To: hpd <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 3:49 pm
Subject: Police Report Number 96-177-455
We are also seeking police protection from Bishop Estates as we along with many families have been lied to, have experienced the intimidation, threatening , bullying, terrorizing acts by Bishop Estates management, employees and associates, their attorneys and affiliates.
We have been notified by Amelia Gora and her family that they are the direct decendants and heirs to the Punaluu lands and Ahuapuaa and have received protective orders from her and her family on July 31st, 2012. Yet Bishop Estate through an independent sherriff services namely, "All Legal Pro-Serve, INC." Authorized Process Servers, Tony & Jackie Shannon, 629 Akoakoa Street, Kailua, Hawaii 96734 Ph# (808) 754-3039 and (808) 927-3039, Fax# (808) 263-8029, Email proceeded to force and evict us out of our home.
- Discussion Entry: The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kale Davis Descendant Donna Lanakila Willard on MLP
- Discussion Entry: The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kale Davis Descendant Donna Lanakila Willard on MLP
- Blog Entry: Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools Trustees, Employees ARE TERRORISTS/Terror Activists
- Discussion Entry: Coconut Obama's White Family in the Will of Charles Reed Bishop
- Discussion Entry: BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP & Problematic Husband PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP Entitled to Only a LIFE ESTATE ---Cousin Kalola (w) Next of Kin
- Discussion Entry: Updated Information & Reminder: Rents Due December 1, 2020 sent by Amelia Gora, one of Kalola's descendants
Ruth Keelikolani, et.als.:
- Discussion Entry: The Plundering Upon Innocents by the Big Island Cops, etc. Defending Pirates Bishop Estates, etc.
- Discussion Entry: The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kale Davis Descendant Donna Lanakila Willard on MLP
- Discussion Entry: The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kale Davis Descendant Donna Lanakila Willard on MLP
- Discussion Entry: Who Are the Descendants/Heirs of Our Alii? Hint: IT'S NOT The Trustees Under the Will of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates or the State of Hawaii, et. als.
- Discussion Entry: Illegal Statehood Day..........Reminder To All..............
- Discussion Entry: Frauds Found or Some Reasons Why There Are No Clear Titles To Lands; Criminal Contracts by Bankers Can Be Suits Against Them, etc.
- Discussion Entry: Where are the Kamehameha's...........Who Are They?
Wanna Know the true story of Bishop Estate? The Lost Heirs of Mataio Kekūanāo‘a A riches to rags story. Who was Mataio Kekūanāo‘a ?  Kekūanāo‘a was born in Hawaii in 1793 and had a long and active career in Hawaiian government affairs. He accompanied Kamehameha II on his ill-fated journey to England in 1823, served in the House of Nobles and the Privy Council, was a governor of O‘ahu, the King’s chamberlain, and president of the Board of Public Instruction. His propitious marriage to Kīna‘u, a daughter of Kamehameha I, made him the father of two kings, Kamehameha IV and V. Kekūanāo‘a was married several times first to Kalehua (ca.1822 - 1825), then Pauahi (ca. 1825- 1826), then Kīna‘u (ca. 1827-1839), and Kaloloahilani (1845-1868). It has been reported that “no one married up, more than Kekūanāo‘a”, as his wives Pauahi and Kīna‘u were direct descendants of King Kamehameha I, and the Royal Family. Kekūanāo‘a was father the following children: Pa‘alua (k), son of Kalehua Ruth Ke‘elikōlani (1826-1883), daughter of Pauahi David Kamehameha (1828-18__), son of Kīna‘u Moses Kekūāiwa (1829-1848), son of Kīna‘u Lot Kapuāiwa, Kamehameha V (1830-1873), son of Kīna‘u Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha IV (1834-1863), son of Kīna‘u Victoria Kamāmalu (1838-1866), daughter of Kīna‘u During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Kekūanāo‘a was entitled to multiple parcels of land on Oahu, as his private estate, mainly in downtown Honolulu, they are not listed herein as they are too numerous. Kekūanāo‘a was Awarded larger parcels, which are listed as follows: The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7712 H, in the Districts of Kona, and Kohala, For the ahupuaa’s of Keokea, Waiapuka, Upolu. Land Commission Award 10474*H, in the Districts of North Kona, North Kohala, North, for the ahupuaa’s of Moeanoa, Awakee, Helelua, Kulaikahonu, Halelua, Weha, Puohai, Honokohau. The Island of Kauai Land Commission Award 7712 K, in the District of Kona, in the ahupuaa of Hanapepe. The Island of Oahu Land Commission Award 7712 O, the Districts of Kona, Ewa, in the ahupuaa’s of Honolulu, Halawa, Kalihi When Kekūanāo‘a passed away on November 4, 1868 he left no Will or instructions (intestate) on how his lands were to be distributed. The Supreme Court determined that to Ruth and Lota were entitled to rights of inheritance, according the Laws of Descent. This report focuses on three of Kekūanāo‘a’s children, who were descendents of the Royal Family of Kamehameha I: Her Royal Highness, Princess Ruth Ke‘elikōlani  HRH Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was born on June 17, 1826, her birth name was Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa KeʻelikōlanI, her mother was Princess Kalani Pauahi who was a granddaughter of Kamehameha. During her lifetime Ruth was known as a staunch defender of ancient Hawaiian traditions and customs. While the kingdom became Christianized, Anglicized, and urbanized, she continued living as an ali'i of antiquity. While her royal estates were filled with elegant palaces and mansions built for her family, she chose to live in a large traditional stone-raised grass house. While she understood English and knew how to speak it with ease and grace, she refused to do so. She used the Hawaiian language exclusively throughout her life, requiring English-speakers to use a translator when speaking with her. Trained in the Christian religion, she held fast to practices and beliefs that were considered pagan, including her patronage of chanters and hula dancers. During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was entitled to the following lands as her private estate, and in most cases was awarded in entire ahupuaa, with thousands of acres. The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7716 H, in the District of North Kona, including the ahupuaa’s of Laaloa, Kealia, Hianalolo, Hamanamana, Opea, Mahukona. The Island of Oahu Land Commission award 7716 O, in the district of Ewa, which is in the ahupuaa of Manananui, in an area known as Manana. The Island of Kauai Land Commission Award 7716 K, in the District of Halelea, for the ahupuaa of Waipa. The island of Maui Land Commission Award 7716 M, in the Districts of Kahikinui, Lahaina, Honuaula, for the ahupuaa’s of Auwahi, Kuhua, Kuia, Kanahena. When Ruth passed away, in May of 1883 she devised her Estate, and much of her lands to several people, including Bernice Pauahi Bishop, as her only son had passed away, and she left no other blood heirs. His Royal Highness Lot Kapuaiwa Kamehameha King Kamehameha V  Lot Kapuāiwa — reigned as monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi from 1863 to 1872. He was born 11 December 1830, and died on his 42nd birthday 11 December 1872. His motto was "Onipa`a": immovable, firm, steadfast or determined; he worked diligently for his people and kingdom and was described as the last great chief of the olden type, like his grandfather Kamehameha I. During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Lot Kapuāiwa was entitled to the following lands as his private estate, and in most cases was awarded in entire ahupuaa, with thousands of acres. The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7715 H in the Districts of Hamakua, Kona, North, Kau, Hilo, Kohala, for the ahupuaa’s of Hihiu, Kamano, Kahua 1, Kauapalaoa, Hikiaupea, Hawi, Kaloko, Kaupulehu, Keauhou, Puaa, Punaluu, Hilea 1, Paukaa. The Island of Maui Land Commission Award 7715 M, in the Districts of Lahaina, Hana, for the ahupuaa’s of Waiokama, Hanakaoo. The Island of Oahu Land Commission Award 7715 O, in the District of Kona, for the ahupuaa of Moanalua. When Lot passed away he left no Will or instructions (intestate) on how his lands were to be distributed. There remains issues if he had a daughter, but there are no records of his alleged daughter, from Abigail Maheha, of asserting any rights of inheritance when his Estate was Probated by the Hawaiian Supreme Court. As his half sister HRH Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was the only blood heir to appear during the Probate, entitled to rights of inheritance, according the Laws of Descent. Kekūanāo‘a ‘s other children, David Kamehameha, Moses Kekūāiwa, Alexander Liholiho had no children, died intestate and had Kindred (Blood) Heirs. Her Royal Highness, Princess Victoria Kamamalu  HRH Princess Victoria Kamamalu was born on November 1, 1838, her mother was Kinau, who was a granddaughter of Kamehemeha. She was the Prime Minister of the Hawaiian Kingdom from January 16, 1855 to December 21, 1863 and was in line to become Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom. During the Great Mahele, the Land Commission confirmed Victoria Kamamalu was entitled to the following lands as her private estate and in most cases was awarded in entire ahupuaa, with thousands of acres. Victoria was Awarded more land than any other individual in Hawaii! The Island of Hawaii Land Commission Award 7713 H, the Districts of Kau, Hamakua, Hilo, Kona, North, Kohala, North, Puna, for the ahupuaa’s of Kahua, Honokane, Holualoa 1,2, Kahaluu, Keopunui, Keauhou, Honuaino, Honokua 2, Haukalua 1, 2, Pakini, Kahuai, Kauhaleau, Kauaea, Kalalau, Pahoehoe, Onomea, Alae, Kuilei The Island of Kauai Land Commission Award 7713 K, in the Districts of Kona, Puna, for the ahupuaa’s of Huleia, Makaweli, Niumalu, Haiku, Kipu, Kalapaki. The Island of Maui Land Commission Award 7713 M, in the Districts of Lahaina, Wailuku, Hamakualo For the ahupuaa’s of Waihee, Paunau, Aki, Kelawea, Moalii, Kalua, Haiku, Makapuu, Kawela, Onouli, Kaumanu, Kahalehili, Kaeleku, Honokolani, Kawaipapa, Niumalu, Palemo, Pakakia, Kahuakamalii, Ihuula, Oloewa, Papalauhau, Mokae, Puekahi, Puuiki, Kapohoe, Pukuilua, Kaou, The Island of Oahu Land Commission Award 7713 O, in the Districts of Waianae, Kona, Ewa, Koolau & Kaluanui, Kawailoa, Paalaa, For the ahupuaa’s of Opukaula, Kilauluna,Hananau, Kanenelu, Pohe, Kaulu, Kapuna, Poupouwela,Kapaloa, Panio, Kuhialoko, Kahoaiai, Papaa, Kaohai, Kalona, Kuhiawaho, Kapuaihalulu, Haleaka, Piloaumoa, Kionaole, Hanakehau, Kapopou, Kalimukele, Kumuulu, Hapuna, Waialua, Kalaepohaku, Land Commission Award 02671, in the District of Kona, in the ahupuaa of Honolulu at Puunui, Nuuanu St. The Island of Molokai Land Commission Award 7713 MO, the District of East Kona, for the ahupuaa of Halawa. The Island of Lanai Land Commission Award 7713 L, in the District of Lanai, for the ahupuaa of Kaa. Victoria passed away on May 29, 1866 at a young 27 years old. When she passed she left no Will or instructions (intestate) on how her lands were to be distributed. Her father Mataio Kekūanāo‘a was determined by the Hawaiian supreme Court he was entitled to rights of inheritance, according the Laws of Descent. The Lost Heirs. After extensive research the records reflected that Mataio Kekūanāo‘a ‘ eldest son Paalua was born around 1823, his mother was Kalehua, was not from the Kamehameha line. The research indicates Paalua was hanai (adopted) lived a life of obscurity. Unlike Mataio Kekūanāo‘a ‘s other children, Paalua was not of Royal Blood from the Kamehameha line. During the course of extensive research it was discovered, there was no evidence that Paalua ever laid claims to his fathers or half brother and half sisters estates. Under the concept of a Royal family and the fact that Paalua was not blood of the Royal family, at the time, it would have been very improper for Paalua to lay claim to lands which were awarded to members of the Royal Family. When Mataio Kekūanāo‘a died, he left no Will or instructions related to distribution of his estate (lands). Ruth Keelikolani and Lot Kapuāiwa Petitioned the Supreme court of the Hawaiian Islands to affirm their rights of inheritance. Lot Kapuāiwa passed away during the Probate proceedings and on 9/11/1873 the court ruled Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was an heir. The only other person that made claims to Mataio Kekūanāo‘a lands was his brother. The court ruling that Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was the heir was correct at the time as she was the only child of Mataio Kekūanāo‘a to assert her rights during the probate. Prior to Ruth Ke‘elikōlani’s passing away she devised a Will naming several persons as heirs to her estate, including Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The biggest land grab in History! This story really takes a twist when Bernice Pauahi Bishop passed away, her Will called for a Trust to be created, this Trust became known as Bishop Estate. Bishop Estate claimed, and continues to claim today that all the lands inherited by Ruth Ke‘elikōlani from her father Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , half sister Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa we given to them as a direct result of Ruth Ke‘elikōlani’s Will, and they are entitled by law an absolute Fee simple interest in all these lands. These claims have worked well for the Trustees of Bishop Estate for over a 130 years, by enriching most of the Trustees, and few Hawaiians. Because Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa left no Will or instructions (intestate) of how their lands were to be disturbed when they die, the laws of the Hawaiian Islands defines who is entitled to rights of inheritance. The Laws are very clear under the “Civil Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), CHAPTER XXXII OF THE DESCENT OF PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL: Section, 1447. “Whenever any person shall die intestate within this Kingdom, his property, both real and personal, of every kind and description, shall descend to and be divided among his heirs, as hereinafter prescribed.” History reports that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was a “cousin” to Ruth Ke‘elikōlani. Under Hawaiian Kingdom Law, during Bernice Pauahi Bishops lifetime, the law affirms her rights of inheritance of lands inherited by her cousin Ruth Ke‘elikōlani. The rights to Land Commission Awards in the name of Ruth Ke‘elikōlani, given to Bernice Pauahi Bishop, are not at issue. The issue is the rights to lands inherited by Ruth Ke‘elikōlani, once Bernice Pauahi Bishop died. The law appears to indicate that as Bishop Estate is a corporate Trust, there are not “of the blood” of Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa, and they are not entitled in law to the rights they claim? The Laws are very clear under the “Civil Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), CHAPTER XXXII OF THE DESCENT OF PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL: Section 1454: “The kindred of the half blood shall inherit equally with those of the whole blood in the same provided; however, that where the inheritance came to the intestate by descent, devise, or gift, of some one of his ancestors, all those who are not of the blood of such ancestor, shall he excluded from such inheritance.” The keepers of the Royal Family of the Hawaiian Kingdoms Lands? Bishop Estate currently calls itself “Kamehameha Schools“, they tout themselves as the keepers of the Kamehamhea Legacy. The reality is that the first Trustees of Bishop Estate were the very bastards that claimed to overthrow the Hawaiian Royal Family and attempted to destroy the Kamehameha Legacy in 1893. With names like Stanford B. Dole who was one of the first Trustees, who became the first president and leader of the dictatorship known as the “Provisional Government” which re-branded itself as the “Republic of Hawaii”, and then re-branded itself the “Territory of Hawaii”, Bishop Estate has a long history of doing everything it can to tarnish the identity of the Hawaiian Royal family, and rob the Hawaiian people of their true Legacy. During the course of research it has been discovered that Bishop Estate not only claims the Royal Family Lands, but also claims perhaps hundreds of “Kuleana” parcels given to individual Hawaiian Families land Commission awards. As recently as October 2009 in a letter to Uncle Sonny Paalua, the lead attorney for Kamehameha Schools claims "the heir of Lot Kapuaiwa (Kamehameha) was judicially determined to be his daughter Ruth Keelikolani" as the baseline of their ownership to Mataio Kekūanāo‘a, Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa lands awarded by the Land Commission. If Ruth Ke‘elikōlani was the daughter of Lot Kapuaiwa this could radically effect Lost heirs such as Paalua’s legal rights to these lands. While Bishop Estate has been effective over the years of holding onto these lands for profit, they can not change historical facts with the amount of information available. The facts are Ruth Keelikolani was born in 1826, Lot Kapuaiwa was born in 1830, it is not humanly possible for Lot Kapuaiwa to be the father of Ruth Keelikolani. History is clear Ruth’s and Lot’s father was Mataio Kekūanāo‘a, Ruth’s mother was Princess Kalani Pauahi who was a granddaughter of Kamehameha. Lot’s mother was Kīna‘u . They were half brother and half sister, as with their eldest half brother Paalua. The heirs of Paalua have not claimed they are the “sole” heirs and understand there could be many, the issue remains these rights have not been divided, yet Bishop continues to not share!. What is pretty clear is that as the heirs of Paalua assert their rights, at some point Bishop Estate will have to take some sort of legal action, or turn over the revenues to the lands claimed by the heirs of Paalua. If Bishop Estate decides to “quite the title” it will be their burden in court to prove that their interest is superior to the heirs of Paalua. From the onset of Uncles communications with Bishop Estate he has encouraged them to act in good faith, in the spirit of lokahi and resolution, Bishop continues to act like they are the big bad wolf! No claim, no complain! In the case of the Heirs of Paalua, after years of research, documenting their genealogy, scouring through thousands of legal and historic records and documents, in January 2009 the heirs of Paalua have asserted their undivided hereditary property rights. The first round of the claims was directed to the lands held by Bishop Estate awarded to Lot Kapuaiwa. The issues are the same related to the lands awarded to Victoria Kamamalu and Mataio Kekūanāo‘a. These lands are the bulk of lands claimed by Bishop Estate. In the case of Victoria Kamamalu she was awarded more land by the Land Commission then any single individual. Mataio Kekūanāo‘a was awarded vast lands in downtown Honolulu, also claimed by Bishop Estate. Divide and conquer, the Legacy of Bishop Estate! On the surface, Bishop Estate, via Kamehameha Schools appears to major advocate for “native Hawaiians”. This is what is known as a half truth as today with the recent changes in compensation for the Trustees, versus the basically unlimited prior compensation for the Trustees, Bishop Estate is attempting to clean up its act. But the bottom-line is that Kamehemeha Schools is a religious school, based on Protestant values. Despite the fact that Bernice Pauahi Bishop Will calls for all “native born children” to benefit from her Will, Bishop Estate continues to limit their educational investments to “native Hawaiians”. It is true Bernice Pauahi Bishop instructed her estate to give “preference to indigenous children”, the fact remains that Bishop has controlled billions of dollars and only invested a small amount in creating schools. While Bishop uses lands of the Hawaiian Royal families, up till recently the focus of their educational process did not include the Hawaiian Language, promotes racism and division. These facts are under the light of who were the folks were that Bishop claims the rights for their lands. As demonstrated Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Victoria Kamamalu, and Lot Kapuāiwa were staunch defenders of the Hawaiian Kingdom and traditional and customary Hawaiian values, yet Bishop Estate has done everything it can to destroy the Hawaiian Kingdom and traditional and customary Hawaiian values? In Uncle Sonny’s case, much like his great great grandfather Mataio Kekūanāo‘a , Uncle is a true patriot of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Uncle and his ohana have spent decades, thousands of dollars, countless hours trying to resolve and make right the issues Hawaiians continue to face. Uncle was a Plaintiff in Eono Hoaloha o Hawai’i nei in 1999, where the issue was if the “state of Hawaii is a legitimate government” under the light of the January 17th 1893 incident. It turned out the state of Hawaii did not claim they were a legitimate government and the crux was the state of Hawaii was claiming they are waiting for Hawaiian nationals to decide how to proceed with reasserting the nationality of Hawaiian Kingdom citizens. Like many Hawaiians, Uncle Sonny was on the waiting list for a Hawaiian Homes Commission lot. After 39 years Uncle finally got a his award which consists of a small lot, a mortgage, in a place that “a goat could not live on”. Tell a lie long enough, its still a lie! Today Bishop Estate portrays themselves as the keepers of the Kamehameha Legacy, through misrepresentations and outright fraud. “Pauahi Pākī was born December 19, 1831 in Honolulu, Hawai‘i to High Chiefs Abner Pākī and Laura Kōnia Pākī. She was the great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I, the warrior chief who united all the islands of Hawai‘i under his rule in 1810.” (From Kamehameha Schools website) But in the in the Estate of Charles Kaaina Probate, Charles Reed Bishop argued as an attorney that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was entitled to a “one ninth interest in his estate” based on the representations that her great, great grandfather was Kanaina, and her great grandfather was Hao, who was the father of her grandmother Luahine, her mothers mother? The “Genealogy of Bernice Pauahi Bishop” can be found in many places and in many forms, the Genealogy mentioned above comes from probably the most respected leader of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani, in her book “Hawaii’s story”, appendix “G” at page 408. Bernice Pauahi Bishop may have a connection to the Kamehameha line, she is not a “great-granddaughter”. There is no intent to dishonor Bernice Pauahi Bishop, her intentions were extremely honorable, Charles Reed Bishop, her husband was also a respected citizen of the Hawaiian Kingdom. There is little historic evidence that Charles Reed Bishop was directly or indirectly involved in the January 17, 1893 attempt to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Trustees of Bishop estate are a very different story, each of them were directly involved with the attempted overthrow and the fraud that continues to be perpetuated on the citizens of Hawaii and the entire planet. These men were the scourge of the earth, pirates and profiteers. In any nation, one of the most evil acts a citizen can do against his country and fellow citizens is commit treason against their nation. Few people are aware of the Penal Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), these are written laws structured exactly like any modern laws. Not only were these Laws written in the official language of Hawaii,(Hawaiian) there were also written in the other official language, English. As with any other nation if you want people to understand your laws, then they must be written. In the case of the definition of Treason under the laws of Hawaii, the law is clear: Penal Codes of the Hawaiian Islands (1859), CHAPTER VI.TREASON. SECTION 1. Treason is defined as follows: “1. Treason is hereby defined to be any plotting or attempt to dethrone or destroy the King…“ “5. To constitute the levying of war, contemplated in the first section of this chapter, it shall be requisite that the persons concerned therein be parties to some overt act, in or towards procuring, preparing or using force, or putting themselves in a condition in readiness to use force, either by being present at such overt act, or by promoting, aiding in, or being otherwise accessory before the fact to the same. “6. In order to constitute the levying of war, the force must be employed or intended to be employed for the dethroning or destruction of the King or in contravention of the laws, or in opposition to the authority of the King’s government, with an intent or for an object affecting some of the branches or departments of said government generally, or affecting the enactment, repeal or enforcement of laws in general, or of some general law; or affecting the people, or the public tranquility generally; in distinction from some special intent or object affecting individuals other than the King, or a particular district. Based on the Facts there is no issue that the First Trustees of Bishop Estate committed Treason. On October 19, 1893 in a Letter from W. Q. Gresham the Secretary of State of the U.S. State Department to President Cleveland, Mr. Gresham informs the president of the United States: “The PRESIDENT: The full and impartial reports submitted by the Hon. James H. Blount, your special commissioner to the Hawaiian Islands, established the following facts: Mr. Gresham cites the formal Protest of the reigning Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdoms official protest relating to the January 17, 1893 incident: “I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.” “That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, his excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the Provisional Government. “Now, to avoid and collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do, under this protest, and impelled by said force, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representative and reinstate me and the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.” “…The Government of Hawaii surrendered its authority under a threat of war, until such time only as the Government of the United States, upon the facts being presented to it, should reinstate the constitutional sovereign After an extensive investigation by the State Department of the United States of America, on December 18, 1893 President Grover Cleveland fully informed the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives of the United States that the acts of the first Trustees of Bishop Estate were Treason against the Hawaiian Kingdom. “But for the landing of the United States forces upon false pretexts respecting the danger to life and property the committee would never have exposed themselves to the pains and penalties of treason by undertaking the subversion of the Queen's Government. “ The first Trustees were the major players and leaders of attempts to destroy the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Facts clearly document it was not a popular uprising of the people of Hawaii to create a “Provisional Government”, just 13 pirates, many were Trustees for Bishop Estate?. “I believe that a candid and thorough examination of the facts will force the conviction that the provisional government owes its existence to an armed invasion by the United States. Fair- minded people with the evidence before them will hardly claim that the Hawaiian Government was overthrown by the people of the islands or that the provisional government had ever existed with their consent. I do not understand that any member of this government claims that the people would uphold it by their suffrages if they were allowed to vote on the question.” The Queen Liliuokalani Trust? In May of 2010, after extensive review of documents, some interesting facts were discovered about this Trust. Lydia K. Dominis’s mother passed away, the estate was Probated, Lydia K. Dominis was deemed and heir to her mothers estate, the rights in the lands were divided between her brothers and sisters. Lydia K. Dominis’s rights to several large parcels were confirmed by the court. The Queen Liliuokalani Trust was created in 1909, by a “Trust Deed”, the Trust Deed never mentioned “Lydia K. Dominis”, the Trust Deed was never signed by Lydia K. Dominis? There is evidence that Lydia K. Dominis did not agree with the concept or creation of the “Liliuokalani Trust“? The records reflect that persons who had witnessed the Trust being valid, were major players in the so called overthrow, of the Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Liliuokalani, and Trustees of the Trusts that were supposedly created? The Queen Liliuokalani Trust has been plagued with problems, since its creation. It is reported that the Trust currently has over $300 million as “assets” and about $30 Million in annual income? Forgive, never forget! It is true the current Trustees had no involvement in the so-called overthrow, their refusal to address the long standing issues relating to the heirs of the Royal Family continues to rob the Hawaiian people of the Legacy left by na kupuna of Hawaii. The lawful heirs of the Royal Families must be allowed to utilize the money generated from these lands for purposes other than those of a school based on one particular set of religious values. Many Hawaiians, and people from all over the world support Hawaiian religious and cultural values that may conflict with some aspects of Christianity. We should not forget that cultural practices that tourists so enjoy today, like Hula, was banned by religious zealots for many years. In Uncle Sonny’s case he wants to insure that Hawaiian cultural values are allowed to flourish, without the constraints of any one particular set of religious values. One of uncles priorities will be during the transition from Bishop Estate management of these lands will be to develop cultural centers where all people are able to learn and live the Hawaiian culture. Another one of uncles priorities will be to move these lands into sustainable farming, more crop diversification, with less reliance on mono crops. While Bishop estate is just starting to invest in perpetuating the Hawaiian Language, uncle intends to offer some of the many children that have been attending Hawaiian language Immersion schools the opportunity, via scholarships and income, to become the teachers of Hawaiian language, not only for their love of all things Hawaiian, but to divert some of the revenues generated by these lands to provide income to insure the Hawaiian culture thrives. An intricate aspect of moving towards sustainability will be to help locate the families of the many kuleana lands that Bishop has taken control of, and empower those families with their rights as heirs and to begin to malama their family Legacy. Some of the revenues will help fund the Legacy Lands Project which helps heirs of Land Commission awards connect with their families kuleana lands. Bishop Estate has had the opportunity to use the billions of dollars generated over the past 130 years, by the Royal Family lands to help the Hawaiian people. As of 2010 the Hawaiian people continue to face the worst health and economic conditions, of any other people in Hawaii. Bishop Estate has failed, Queen Liliuokalani Trust has failed, it is time to forgive them, and never forget they had their chance, now it is time for the lawful heirs of these Legacy lands to have their chance to continue the wishes and Legacy left for all peoples of Hawaii. Want more information? 1-971-235-6219, Will be working on this!
Created time: 2012-04-19T16:34:03+0000
Update time: 2012-04-19T18:33:51+0000
- Discussion Entry: LANAI ISLAND IS NOT FOR SALE! ....................CEASE AND DESIST!
- Discussion Entry: Rents & Leases Due, Kamehameha's Exists - The Hawaiian Kingdom Exists (Still), Judicial Tribunal Results, and Other Important Matters
- Discussion Entry: Legal Notice: Keep With Your Land Records --- Our Families Would Talk with the 40+ Hawaiian Kingdoms, etc.
- Discussion Entry: Legal Notices Sent to Aliens Who Have No Title, No Legal Claims To Our Royal Families Lands
- Discussion Entry: Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal Results on Pirates/Privateers, etc. Results of 10 Meetings or 408 Pirates, Pillagers, etc. Documented To Date
- Discussion Entry: Legal Notice: Negating/Null and Voiding Illegal Contracts for Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni, etc.
- Discussion Entry: Yet Another Version of the Discovery of Hawaii by Foreigners..........Captain Bligh of Mutiny on the Bounty....
- Discussion Entry: Updated 07/31/2014: Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs Exists..........Including Myself, Amelia Gora et. als.
- Discussion Entry: Rents & Leases Due, Kamehameha's Exists - The Hawaiian Kingdom Exists (Still), Judicial Tribunal Results, and Other Important Matters
- Discussion Entry: Our Royal Families Exists, the True Land Owners Exists, Our Alodio/Ano Alodial Lands: Out of the Hands of Many Including All ALIENS
- Discussion Entry: Legal Notice - Affecting the 1849-1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the U.S.A.
- Discussion Entry: Legal Notice - Matters of Rents and Leases due, etc.
- Discussion Entry: Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: "The Last of the Kamehameha's" used to defraud the Kamehameha Family by Aliens, Pirates, et. als., the Media
- Discussion Entry: Understanding the Illegalities of the U.S. In Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands and Why They Are to Cease and Desist
- Discussion Entry: Opposition to OIS/Why the Office of Interior For the U.S./U.S.A. Has No Jurisdiction/Not Granted Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands
- Discussion Entry: EXPOSING America, the lands of 10% according to the German Jews: Read Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs vs. the State of Hawaii or the PIRATES/PARASITES IN PARADISE
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GENOCIDE, RACKETEERING, CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES AT KAMEHAMEHA'S. etals. expense - Documenting Genocide by Amelia Gora
Documenting Genocide, racketeering, piracy(ies) etc.:
A Kamehameha Descendant Documents Genocide....Oral History Now VERIFIED with Documented Evidence......Wicked...TERROR/updated TERRORISTS against our People...
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Amelia GoraThe Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
They hated us then in 1893, and they hate us now......... aloha. p.s. the Royal Families exist, our monies, gold bullions, gold coins were stolen ----even criminal assumptions of lands by Pirates now, who's the terrorists? especially since Premeditation issues have been found? the Wars with Spain, Germany, Japan, etc. was based on lies, deceit, fraud, etc. Hundreds of thousands died needlessly....wicked to use monies, assets of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation by the U.S. who bases claims to Hawaiian lands thru fraud, conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) and supported treasonous persons in the Hawaiian Islands in 1893.....affecting all in the World then and today.... aloha.
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Amelia Gora The Hawaiian Government is made up of three parts: 1)Sovereign - his heirs and successor-permanent part; 2) House of Nobles - their heirs and successors-permanent part; and 3) the temporary voted in part called the House of Representative...See More
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January 24 at 11:56pm · Like ·
Amelia Gora the photo was posted by hokulani - the guy who makes videos, some with erroneous information ..most of his videos has good pics...the history is sometimes questionnable...more on the disinformation side..... see
A Tribute to Queen Lili'uokalani of Hawai'i
A video I made in honor the Hawai'i's Last Queen. Queen Lili'uokalani (1838 to 1...See More
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Can we the next of kin of the REAL Bernice Pauahi Bishop come out again?