Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Judicial Tribunal for 969 to date - from 2014


Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice 2016-09162016 - 763 Persons/Entities Documented on the Judicial Tribunal List Applicable to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, one of Kamehameha's et. als. descendants/heirs

Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice 2016-09152016 - 763 Persons/Entities Documented on the Judicial Tribunal List Applicable to Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Judicial Tribunal Member/Judge, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, one of Kamehameha's et. als. descendants/heirs
Image result for hawaiian flag - red stripe first




U.S. President Barrack Obama
Secretary of State  
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others
Re: Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Records No. 2016-0916 Matters of the Treaty which supersedes State Laws, Federal Laws and are the Supreme Law of the Lands, etc. - The Twenty Eighth (28) Judicial Meeting Held on August 26, 2016 Total Corrected to 750 (not 755); The Twenty Ninth (29th) Judicial Tribunal Meeting Held on September 6, 2016; and The Thirtieth (30th) Judicial Tribunal Meeting Held on September 9, 2016, Affecting the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America Treaty, DEC. 20, 1849/1850, Article XIV, from Amelia Gora, Royal Person, Royal Family Member, One of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Heirs and Successor, Judicial Tribunal Member, Land Owner, Title Owner, Judicial Tribunal Member, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative


Since August 20, 2014,  the  Judicial Tribunal Meetings/sessions have been held.  The Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii met and determined that the individuals/entities listed below were guilty of " murder, piracy,arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper,committed within the jurisdiction of either," as documented under the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV.
On  August 26, 2016, the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom met and determined that 755 corrected to 750 persons/entities created/supported/ premeditated the treasonous activities against the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii, the Royal Families, and subjects of Queen Liliuokalani, which affected the development/facilitation/affecting the entity Provisional government, turned Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii, then State of Hawaii with documented oppositions every step of the way, were declared guilty under the Treaty of 1850.
The latest lists/the Twenty Ninth (29th) and Thirtieth (30th) Judicial Tribunal Meetings/Session(s) included a Professor who undermines the Kingdom of Hawaii kanaka maoli, non owners of Alodio/Ano Alodio lands, etc.entities created to assume parts of our Hawaiian archipelago , an illegal entity created by the Presidents of the  United States, State of Hawaii, A & B, Inc. subsidiary of ALEXANDER & BALDWIN and Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, et. als. etc.   The Judicial...
First List from the First Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated August 20, 2014: 
1)  Henry P. Baldwin
2)  James Campbell
3)  Bruce Cartwright
4)  Samuel Northrup Castle
5)  William R. Castle
6)  Amos Starr Cooke
7)  Charles Cooke
8)  John A. Cummins
9)  W.H. Cummings
10)  Samuel Mills Damon
11)  Benjamin Franklin Dillingham
12)  Walter Dillingham
13)  Sanford Ballard Dole
14)  John O. Dominis
15)  James Isaac Dowsett
16)  Walter Murray Gibson
17)  Charles Coffin Harris
18)  Alfred Stedman Hartwell
19)  Curtis Piehu Iaukea
20)  Albert Francis Judd
21)  Bernice Judd
22)  Charles Hastings Judd
23)  Gerrit Parmele Judd
24)  Maria Kaia
25)  Kalanianaole Kuhio/Prince Kuhio/Kuhio Kalanianaole
26)  Morris Keohokalole
27)  Samuel Parker
28)  Claus Spreckels
29)  Lorrin Andrews Thurston
30)  Albert S. Wilcox
31)  Charles Wilcox
32)  George N. Wilcox
33)  William C. Wilder
34)  W.O. Wilder, Jr.
35)  Alexander Young
 Second List from the Second Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated August 29, 2014: 
36)  George S. Belknap
37)  Charles Reed Bishop
38)  Eben Faxon Bishop
39)  Sereno E. Bishop
40)  Charles Brewer
41)  Charles Brewer II
42)  De Witt Coffman
43)  Theophilus Harris Davies
44)  Francis R. Day
45)  David Dayton
46)  N.B. Delameter
47)  F.S. Dodge
48)  John Emmeluth
49)  Joseph Henry Fisher
50)  H.F. Glade
51)  J.A. Hassinger
52)  C.F. Herrick
53)  L.G. Hobbs
54)  R.R. Hoffman Hoes
55)  I. Ihihi
56)  G.W.C. Jones
57)  Peter Cushman Jones
58)  D. Kalu
59)  William Kaluna
60)  Samuel K. Kamakaia
61)  SM Kanakanui
62)  Kauanui
63)  James A. King
64)  William A. Kinney
65)  Sam Kulike Ku
66)  J.A. McCandless
67)  F.W. McChesney
68)  John S. McGrew
69)  Charles MacCarthur
70) J.H. Soper
71)  Z.S. Spalding
72)  M. Stephens Stelker
73)  John Leavitt Stevens
74)  W.T. Swinburne
75)  Thomas G. Thrum
76)  B.F. Tracy
77)  C.E. Vida
78)  Henry E. Waity
79)  W.E. Wall
80)  John Thomas Waterhouse
81)  Jno C. White
82)  William  Austin Whiting
83)  H.A. Widemann
84) Lucien Young
85)  C.W. Ziegler
Third List from the Third Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated September 12, 2014:  
86)  Aldrich, William Arthur Alexander,
87)  William DeWitt Alexander,
88)  Samuel Thomas Allen,
89)  Elisha Hunt Allen,
90)  William F Allen                                                                                        
91)  Andrews, Lorrin
92)  Armstrong, Richard Armstrong,
93)   Samuel C.  Armstrong,
94)  William N. Armstrong
95)  Ashford, Clarence Wilder  
96)  Ashford, Marguerite Kamehaokala                                                                       
97)  Atherton, Joseph Ballard
98)  Austin, Jonathan Baldwin,  
99)  Bolte, C.
100)  Bond, Edward P. Boyd. E.S.   
101)  Boyd, J. H.                                                           
102)  Boyd, R. N. 
103) Brown, Charles Augustus                                                                     
104) Brown, George                                                                                       
105)  Brown, Godfrey                 
106)  Brown, Jacob Foster
107)  Brown, M.
108)  Bush, Gavien Fred
109)  Bush, John Edward                                                                              
110)  Camara, Jr., J.M. 
111)  Carlisle, John Griffith
112)  Carter, Charles L.
113)  Carter, George Robert
114)  Carter, Henry Alpheus Pierce                                                              
115)  Chamberlain, Levi
116)  Cleghorn, Archibald Scott                                                                   
117)  Cooper, Henry Ernest  
118)   Damon, Edward     
119)   Dimond, Henry 
120)  Forbes, Anderson Oliver
121)  Frear, Walter Francis 
122)  Gilman, Gorham D.  
123)  Godkin, Edwin L.
124)  Green, William Lowthan
125)  Gresham, Walter Quintin                                                                    
126)  Gulick, Charles T.  
127)  Hall, Edwin Oscar
128)  Hall, W. W. 
129)  Hooper, William Northey 
130)  Irwin, William  
131)  Kaai, Simon K.
132)  Laird  Lieutenant
133)  Lawrence, Robert
134)  Lee, William Little
135)  Liwai, J.
136)  Low, Frederick Ferdinand
137)  Lucas, Albert
138)  Ludlow, N.
139)  Lyons, C. S. 
140)  Macy, George
141)  Mahaulu, S.
142)  Marsden, Joseph                                                                         
143)  Meheula, H.
144)  Moore, E. K.
145)  Moreno, Celso
146)  Morgan, James F.
147)  Mott Smith, John
148)  Nakuina, Moses K.
149)  Neumann, Paul
150)  Notley, Charles                                                                            
151) Oleson, William B.
152) Olney, Richard
153) Oxnard, Henry T.
154) Parker, Samuel
155) Peterson, A. P.                                                                             
156) Pratt, J. W.
157) Preston, Edward
158) Procter, John Robert
159)  Ralston, William C.
160)  Reeder, F. W.
161)  Rice, William Hyde
162)  Robertson, George
163)  Rosa, Geo                                                                                 
164)  Rose, Geo C.
165)  Rowell, William E.
166)  Schurz, Carl
167)  Shipman, William
168)  Simpson, W. E 
169)  Smith, William Owen 
170)  Spreckels, Claus 
171)  Ward, Curtis Perry 
172)  Willis, C. J.
173)  Wundenburg, F. W. 
174)  Wyllie, Robert C. 
175)  Young, Alexander 
176)  Abercrombie, Neil
177)  OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustees
178)  Native Hawaiian Roll Commission
179)  Kau Inoa
180)  Hawaiian Registry
181)  Operation "Ohana"  
 Fourth List from the Fifth Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated September 26, 2014:  
182)  Kamehameha V Trust - Administrator C. C. Harris
183 - 187)  Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees - The First Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools
183) S.M. Damon/Samuel M. Damon
184)  C.M. Hyde
185) C.R. Bishop/Charles Reed Bishop
186) C.M. Cooke
187)  W.O. Smith
188)  Queen Emma Trustees-
189)  Queen Kapiolani Trustees-
190)  King Lunalilo Trustees -
191)  Mataio Kekuanaoa Trustees -
192)  Kalakaua Trust/King Kalakaua Trustees -
193)  Queen Liliuokalani Trustees -
194)  Kanaiolowalu -
195)  Kawaiahao Church Trustees -
196)  Oahu Burial Council Members -
197)  Paulette Kaleikini
199)  David Kaapu   

Fifth (5th) List of 44 added making the list  from the Sixth Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 3, 2014: 
200) William L. Lee
201)  Elisha H. Allen
202)  George Robertson
203)  Charles Coffin Harris
204)  Albert Francis Judd
205)  Lawrence McCully
206)  Benjamin Hale Austin
207)  Edward Preston
208)  Richard F. Bickerton
209)  Abraham Fornander
210)  Sanford B. Dole
211)  Walter Francis Frear
212)  C. W. Ashford
213)  Governor Poindexter
214)  Joseph Booth
215)  Joseph Cardoza
216)  Bert I. Ayabe
217)  J. Castagnetti/Jeanette Castagnetti
218)  Rhonda Nishimura
219)  Daniel Morris
220)  Donna Kalama
221)  David Louie
222)  Judge Richardson (ret.)
223)  Judge Chang (Kahoma Case)
224)  Judge David Ezra - Federal Judge
225)  Judge Chang - Federal Judge (Pearl Harbor Case)
226)  Kohala Sugar/Hamakua Sugar
227)  Kahoma
228)  Haseko (Honouliuli, etc.)
229)  Waikapu Properties/Wailuku Sugar
230)  U.S. Bank National Association (Honouliuli, etc.)
231)  Kualoa Ranch
232)  West Maui Sugar
233)  Monsanto (Honouliuli, etc.)
234)  Dr. Katsuki - Maluhia Hospital
235)  Peter Carlyle
236)  George Ariyoshi
237)  Linda Lingle
238)  "Spark(y)" Matsunaga
239)  Benjamin Cayetano
240)  Patsy Mink
241)  Daniel Inouye
242)  Daniel Akaka
243)  Thomas Akaka
 Sixth (6th) List of 14 persons and 17 entities or 33 from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 24, 2014:  
 244)  Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation
245)  Judge Carl Sakamoto
246)  Judge Fenton Booth
247)  JM Monsarrat
248)  Wells Fargo Bank
249)  Leu Okuda & Doi
250)  Karyn A. Doi Esq.
251)  Ewa by Gentry Community Association
252)  Hawaiiana Management Co., Ltd.
253)  Ashford & Wriston
254)  Michael W. Gibson
255)  Wayne Nasser
256)  Pioneer Mill Company, Limited
257)  Kahoma Land LLC
258)  Judge Gary W.B. Chang
259)  Cades Schutte
260)  Philip J. Leas
261)  W. Keoni Shultz
262)  Nathan T. Okubo
263)  Kualoa Ranch, Inc.
264)  Ray P. Wimberley
265)  Waikapu Properties LLC
266)  Waiale 905 Partners, LLC
267)  Craig G. Nakamura
268)  Carlsmith Ball LLP
269)  Patrick K. Wong
270)  Colin J. Lau, Esq.
271)  State of Hawaii - Land Use Commission
272)  State of Hawaii - Department of Land & Natural Resources
273)  Bishop Museum
274)  B.S.I.  Financial Services, Inc. , Titusville Pennsylvania 16354-Mtg.
 Seventh (7th) List of 21 persons and 18 entities or 39 were added from the  Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated November 7, 2014: 
275)  State of Hawaii - Hawaiian Homes
276)  State of Hawaii -  House of Representatives
277)  Title Guarantee
278)  Oahu Rail & Land Company
279)  Bank of Hawaii
280)  First Hawaiian Bank
281)  Trustees of the Emma Kaleleonalani Estate
282)  Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii & Trustees
283)  Church of the Latter Day Saints & Trustees
284)  United Church of Christ & Trustees
285)  Kapiolani Hospital & Trustees
286)  King Lunalilo Trust and Trustees
287)  Queen's Hospital - a "Magnet Hospital/Corporation"
288)  A.B.C.F.M.
289)  Honolulu Rail Transit
290)  Kiewit (Contractor for Rail)
291)  Alexander & Baldwin
292)  Committee of Public Safety
293)  Henry Waterhouse/Water House
294)  W.C. Wilder
295)  Lorrin A. Thurston
296)  William O. Smith
297)  Theodore F. Lansing
298)  C. Bolte
299)  John Emmeluth
300)  Andrew Brown
301)  J.A. McCandless
302)  Edward Suhr
303)  F.W. McChesney
304)  Henry Cooper
305)  U.S. Minister John L. Stevens
306)  Capt. G.C. Wiltse - the "Boston"
307)  Curtis P. Iaukea
308)  Antone Rosa
309)  James William Robertson
310)  George W. MacFarlane
311)  Antone Sylva Mason/Antone Sylva
312) C.K.B. Rooke
313) T.C.B. Rooke - a Mason, Doctor, from England
Eighth (8th) List of 33 persons and 10 entities or 43 were added from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated November 14, 2014: 
314)  Mrs. Macfarlane
315)  Mrs. Lucy Henriques/Lucy Henriques
316)  Mrs. Elizabeth Low
317)  Miss Kulamanu Ward
318)  Daughters of Hawaii
319)  Irene Holloway
320)  Margaret Walker
321)  Lucy Peabody
322)  Belle Klebahn
323)  Charles M. Cooke Jr.
324)  Governor Lucius Pinkham
325)  Mayor Joseph Fern
326)  Regent Emilie Macfarlane
327)  Emma Dillingham
328)  Two cropduster planes flying in Wahiawa near the Botanical Gardens at 11:15 - 11:45 AM on Tuesday, November 11, 2014, spraying unknown orange colored cloud over residential area - toxic substance, genocide issues over Royal Families residence, etc.  FAA (Hawaiian Kingdom FAA) needs to follow up subject to complaint, arrest, charges, etc.
329)  All GMO/Genetic Modified Organisms companies in the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago
330)  Anna Cooke
331)  Harriet Lewers Wall
332)  Laura Wilder
333)  Dr. Harold Lyon
334)  Guy N. Rothwell
335)  Richard Tongg
336)  Emma Lyons Doyle
337)  Mrs. Harriet Rice Moody
338)  Paul Weissich
339)  Harriet Wedeman
340)  D.V. "Joe" Wedeman
341)  James F. Hubbard
342)  Harper Richards
343)  Stephen F. Mechler

344)  Leiana Woodside
345)  Bruce Cartwright
346)  Mrs. August Dreier
347)  Wilhelmina Tenney
348)  Alice Atkinson Hite
349)  Marjorie Booth Stephens
350)  Uninvited military since 1893
351)  University of Hawaii at Manoa - Researches with Military, Telescope, War/Weaponry, etc.
352)  University of Hawaii at Manoa - West Oahu
353)  Hawaiian Electric Company
354)  Board of Water Supply
355)  WHO/World Health Organization in Hawaii
356)  Pan-Pacific/Balboa/Hawaii Tourism Authority, etc. utilizing Queen Liliuokalani's signature/Liliuokalani signature, while under duress, stress, coercion, usurpation, etc.

Forty Three (43 names/entities) were added  making the overall total of 356 persons/entities, etc. guilty to date affecting the Treaty of 1850, Article XIV.
Ninth (9th) List of 28 persons and 9 entities or 37 were added from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated January 5 and January 7, 2015: 
357)  E. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Dunham - niece of Charles Reed Bishop
358)  Bernice Parke - daughter of W.C. Parke
359)  Bernice Bishop Barnard - daughter of JE Barnard
360)  Bernice Bates - daughter of Dudley C. Bates
361)  Annie Pauahi Cleghorn - daughter of A.S. Cleghorn
362)  Lilah Bernice Wodehouse - daughter of JH Wodehouse
363)  Hoopii (w)
364)  Pauahi Judd - daughter of CH Judd
365)  Kaluna (k)
366)  Mrs. W. Allen
367)  Lola Bush/Lola Kahailiopua Bush
368)  Mrs. Amoe Haalelea
369)  Kaia (w)
370)  Mrs. Antone Rosa
371)  Kahaahiki (w)
372)  Mrs. Nancy Ellis
373)  Mrs. Kapolikamakau
374)  Mrs. Caroline Bush
375)  Mrs. Keomailani Taylor
376)  Mrs. Sarah Parmenter
377)  Mrs. Emma Barnard
378)  Kawaiahao Church
379)  Kawaiahao Girls Boarding School
380)  Kamehameha Schools
381)  Molokai Ranch
382)  Iolani College
383)  English Sister's School
384)  St. Andrews Church
385) Kauilani Cleghorn (Kaiulani Cleghorn)
386) Rev. Henry Parker
387)  Mary B. Colling
388) Maggie Winn
389) Ashford and Wriston
390)  Larry Ellison - Lanai
391)  Walter F. Dillingham - Mokuleia
392)  Kennedy Wilson/Kennedy Wilson Inc. - Mokuleia
393)  Dillingham Ranch Aina LLC - Mokuleia
394)  Barrack H. Obama - President of U.S., American Empire 
Thirty Eight (38 names/entities) were added  making the overall total of  394 persons/entities, etc. guilty to date affecting the Treaty of 1850/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article I and Article XIV.
Tenth (10th) List of 10 persons and 4 entities or 14 were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated March 13, 2015: 
395)  Carlsmith Ball LLP
396)  Craig G. Nakamura
397)  Catherine L.M. Hall
398)  Arsima A. Muller
399)  Tom Leuteneker
400)  Waikapu Properties LLC
401)  Waiale 905 - Partners, LLC
402)  Waikapu Properties LLC
403)  Susan Alden
404)  Catherine Iles
405)  Robyn K. Peterson
406)  Blaine K. Kobayashi
407)  Denny Chung
408)  Paul Ueoka
Fourteen (14 names/entities) were added  making the overall total/Grand Total of 408 persons/entities, etc. guilty to date affecting the Treaty of 1850/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article I and Article XIV.
Eleventh (11th) List of 2 persons  were added from the Twelfth Session  of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated March 27, 2015: 
409)  David Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua/King Kalakaua
410)  John M. Kapena
Two (2) names were added  making the overall total of  410 persons/entities, etc. guilty affecting the Treaty of 1850/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article I and Article XIV.  
Twelfth (12th) List of 14 persons and 6 entities or 20 were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated April 3, 2015:
411)  Governor Jack Burns
412)  Governor John Waihee
413)  Catherine L.M. Hall
414)  Arsima A. Muller
415)  Tom Leuteneker
416)  Susan Alden
417)  Catherine Lles
418)  Robyn K. Peterson
419)  Blaine K. Kobayashi
420)  Denny Chung
421)  Paul Ueoka
422)  Bob Gerell
423)  Maunalua Associate
424)  Aaron Eberhardt
425)  The State Legacy Land Conservation Commission
426)  Land Use Commission
427)  Department of Land and Natural Resources
428)  Honolulu City Council
429)  Carleton Ching
430)  Castle and Cooke
431)  D.R. Horton - Schuler Division
432)  Cameron Nekota, Vice President
433)  Gentry
434)  Haseko Construction Company
435)  W.H.O./World Health Organization, Honouliuli, Ewa, etc,
436)  U.S. Military - Drones Program
437)  F.B.I./Federal Bureau of Investigations, Honouliuli, Ewa, etc.
438)  University of Hawaii - West Oahu, etc., Honouliuli, Ewa, etc.
439)  Lawrence Gora/Kelii Gora/Larry Gora
440)  Lilikala Kameeleihiwa
441)  Mililani Trask/Mili Trask
442)  Kamehameha Heirs/ "recognized, organized heirs of the Kamehameha dynasty" 501 (3)(c)
443)  I.R.S./IRS/Internal Revenue Service for the United States and American Empire in the Hawaiian Islands
444)  U.S. and American Empire Federal Government and Agencies in the Hawaiian Islands
445)  State of Hawaii and agencies in the Hawaiian Islands
446)  City and Counties and agencies in the Hawaiian Islands
The Twelfth (12th)  List of 14 persons and 6 (six) entities  were added from the Twelfth Session  of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated April 3, 2015 and with a Grand Total of 430 persons/entities   documented applicable to Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
The Thirteenth (13th) List of  two (2) persons and 6 (six) entities were added from the Thirteenth Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated April 10, 2015 and with a Grand Total of 438 persons/entities   documented applicable to Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
The Fourteenth (14th) List of three persons and 5 (five) entities were added from the Fourteenth Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated April 20, 2015 and with a Grand Total of 446 persons/entities now documented applicable to Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.
Fifteenth (15th) List of 58 persons(some re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments) and 3 entities or 61 were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated July 17, 2015 with a Grand Total of 507 persons/ entitities:
447)  S.B. Dole
448)  J.A. King
449)  P.C. Jones
450)  W. O. Smith
451)  S.M. Damon
452) A. Brown
453)  L.A. Thurston
454)  J.F. Morgan
455) J. Emmeluth
456) H. Waterhouse
457) J.A. McCandless
458) E.D. Tenney
459) F.W. McChesney
460)  F. Wilhelm
461) W.R. Castle
462)  W.G. Ashley
463)  W.C. Wilder
464)  C. Bolte
465)  Henry E. Cooper
466)  Andrew Brown
467)  Theodore F. Lansing
468)  John Emmeluth
469)  C. Bolte
470)  Ed Suhr
471)  Henry Waterhouse
472)  W.C. Wilder
473)  F.W. McChesney
474) Wm. O. Smith
475)  Lorrin A. Thurston
476)   Wm. R. Castle
477)  J.A. McCandless
478)  Sanford B. Dole
479)  J.A. King
480)  P.C. Jones
481)  W.O. Smith
482) John Emmeluth
483)  Andrew Brown
484)  C. Bolte
485)  James F. Morgan
486)  Henry Waterhouse
487)  S.M. Damon
488)  W.G. Ashley
489)  E.D. Tenney
490)  F.W. McChesney
491)  W.C. Wilder
492)  J.A. McCandless
493)  W.R. Castle
494)  Lorrin A. Thurston
495)  F.J. Wilhelm
496)  Sanford B. Dole
497)  J.A. King
498)  P.C. Jones
499)  William O. Smith
500)  David Ige/Governor David Ige
501) Kirk Caldwell/Mayor of Honolulu, etc.
502)  Mayor of Kauai, etc.
503)  Mayor of Big Island, etc.
504) Mayor of Maui, Molokai, etc.
505)  Department of Land and Natural Resources
506)  National Guard
507)  State Sheriffs, et. als. 
Sixteenth (16th) List of 16 persons(some re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments)  or 16 were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated September 28, 2015 with a Grand Total of 523 persons/entities documented guilty :
       508)  William Lee
       509)  Elisha H. Allen
       510)  George Robertson
       511)  Charles Coffin Harris/Charles C. Harris/C.C. Harris
       512)  Albert Francis Judd/A.F. Judd
       513)  Lawrence McCully
       514)  Benjamin Hale Austin
       515)  Edward Preston
       516)  Richard F. Bickerton/Richard Frederick Bickerton
       517)  Abraham Fornander
       518)  Sanford B. Dole/S. Ballard Dole
       519)  Walter Francis Frear
       520)  Captain Bent - Palmyra Island Issues
       521)  Captain Wilkinson - Palmyra Island Issues
       522)  Lorrin Thurston - Palmyra Island Issues
       523)  Forbes/Mr. Forbes
Seventeenth (17th) List of 8 persons(some re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments)  and one entity or nine (9) were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 5, 2015 with a Grand Total of 534 persons/entities documented guilty : 
        524)  Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni (OHA - Office of Hawaiian Affair
        525)  John Waihee/former Governor
        526)  Ben Cayetano/Benjamin Cayetano/former Governor
        527)  Linda Lingle/former Governor
        528)  Lorrin Andrade
        529)  Joseph Maunupau/Manupau
        530)  George Ariyoshi/former Governor
        531)  Daniel Inouye
        532)  Daniel Akaka  
        533)  Dexter Kaiama
        534)  Keanu Sai
Eighteenth (18th) List of 2 entities (one re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments) were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii's Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 26, 2015 with a SubTotal of two (2) entities documented guilty : 
         535)  Native Hawaiian Roll Commission
         536)  U.S. Minister of Interior 
Nineteenth (19th) List of 3 persons and 4 entities (one re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments) were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii's Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 26, 2015 with a SubTotal of seven (7) persons/entities documented guilty : 
          537)  J. Michael Seabright - U.S. District Judge/J. Michael Seabright
          538)  Dean Tufts - U.S. Navy Official speaking out for leaking gas/fuel/tanks in Halawa, Oahu affecting water
          539)  Shan Tsutsui/ Sean Tsutsui/Shan Tsutsui - Lt. Governor of entity State of Hawaii
          540)  Queen Emma Land Company/The Queen's Land Company/Queen Emma's Land Company aka's
          541)  Waimea Valley Hi'ipaka, LLC/Waimea Valley Hiipaka, LLC
          542)  Native Hawaiian Convention
          543)  Native Hawaiian Roll Commission

Twentieth (20th) List of 7 persons and 6 entities (some re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments) were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii's Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 26, 2015 with a SubTotal of seven (7) persons/entities documented guilty : 
           544)  Judge Cardoza
           545)   Andy Anderson, et. als.
           546)   Department of Transportation Services - City and County of Honolulu
           547)   Victorial Ward Limited/VWL
           548)   Dawn Chang
           549)   Oahu Island Burial Council
           550)   State Historic Preservation Division/SHPD - State of Hawaii
           551)    Ms. Regina Hilo
           552)    Kelly Cruz/Ms. Kelly Cruz
           553)   Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Inc.
           554)   Ann Shimatsu
           555)   Michael Gibson
           556)   Kamehameha Schools, Trustees, Attorneys, et. als.

Twenty First (21st) List of 3 persons and 2 entities (some re-listed due to their multiple positions/assignments) were added  on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii's Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated October 26, 2015 with a SubTotal of seven (7) persons/entities documented guilty : 

           557)  Michelle Kauhane
           558)  Danner and Associates/Company
           559)  Department of Interior - U.S.
           560)  Judge McKenna (Hoopili/Ho'opili Case)
           561)  Horton of the Hoopili/Ho'opili Project
Twenty Second (22nd) List of 1 person and 3 entities (one re-listed due to multiple positions/assignments) was added on the 
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii's Judicial Tribunal/ Judicial Tribunal dated February 2, 2016 with a Sub Total of four (4) persons/entities documented guilty : 

            562)  Bishop Museum
            563)  David Ige (Governor) re:  telescope/TMK/30 Meter Telescope, etc.
            564)  University of Hawaii - Astronomy/Observatory Department
            565)  REITS/Real Estate Investment Trust
Twenty Third Session (23rd) List of 1 entity and 148 persons  (one entity re-listed) was added on the 
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
Tribunal dated March 3, 2016 with a Sub Total of 149 persons/entities documented guilty : 

566)  Nai Aupuni
567)  President Kuhio Asam/Kuhio Asam
568)  John Aeto                                  
569)  John Agard
570)  Keoni Agard
571)  Hanalei Aipoalani
572)  Edward Akana
573)  Rowena Akana
574)  Jacob Bryan Aki
575)   Zuri Aki
576)   Annelle Amaral
577)   Naalehu Anthony
578)   Alani Apio
579)   Karen Awana
580)  Donald Aweau
581)  JD London Aweau
582)   Danielle Beirne
583)  Teresa Bright
584)  Norman Brown Jr.
585)  Jennifer Cadiente
586)  Dante Carpenter
587)  Mark Castro
588)  Williamson Chang
589)  Claude Ching
590)  R. Aopohakuku Craig-Rodenhurst
591)  Mahealani Cypher
592)  Jade Danner
593)  Brickwood Galuteria
594)  James K. Giffard Jr.
595)  Lawrence Gora
596)  Dean Guzman
597)  Michael Hikalea
598)  Claire Hughes
599)  Matthew Kaaihue
600)  Henry Kaalekahi
601)  Linitra Maraea Cosier Kaio
602)  Dreanalee Kalili
603)  Leona Kalima
604)  Frances Kaluhiwa
605)  Radine Kawahine Kamakea-Ohelo
606)  Adrian Kamalii
607)  Lilikala Kameeleihiwa
608)  Dennis Kanahele
609)  Michelle Kauhane
610)  Brannon Kealoha
611)  Curtis Kekoa
612)  Glen Kila
613)  Colin Kippen, Jr.
614)  Harvey Maxwell Kopper
615)  Keoni Kuoha
616)  Poka Laenui
617)  Gerald Lam
618)  Brendon Lee
619)  Rosalie Lenchanko
620)  Kuhio Lewis
621)  Kealiilanikulani Lopez
622)  Bradford Lum
623)  Jocelyn Macadangdang-Doane
624)  Davianna Magregor
625)  Mary Milham
626)  Patricia Morgan-Dupuis
627)  Clyde Namuo
628)  Charles Naumu
629)  Kristen Oleyte
630)  Christopher Oliveira
631)  Wilder Paikai
632)  Anthony Melvin Makana Paris
633)  Lisa Parker
634)  Davis Price
635)  Andrew Purdy
636)  Keoni Rawlins-Fernandez
637)  Janice Ringler
638)  Randy Rivera
639)  Sari Sanchez
640)  Benjamin Shafer
641)  Israel Silva
642)  Rebecca Justine Iolani Soon
643)  Robert Stender
644)  James Stowell
645)  Henry Tripp
646)  Colleen Vierra
647)  Kalaniakea Wilson
648)  James Wong
649)  Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu
650)  Wesley Yoon
651)  Moanikeala Akaka
652)  Alvin Akina Jr..
653)  Chad Awai
654)  Fredrico Cachola
655)  Clarence Ching
656)  Keoni Choy
657)  Kalikookalani Chun
658)  Kaipo Dye
659)  Norine Fitzgerald
660)  Lunakanawai Hauanio
661)  Amy Kalili
662)  Katie Kamelamela
663)  Clifford Kapono
664)  Manuel Kiaha
665)  Lei Kihoi
666)  Joshua Lanakila Magauil
667)  Shane Palacat-Nelsen
668)  Kahiolani Papalimu
669)  Diana Suganuma
670)  Michalann Rae Trainer
671)  Kanoe Wilson
672)  Karyle Yamane
673)  Olu Campbell
674)  Renee-May Filimoeatu
675)  Kaniela Ing
676)  Bronson Kaahui
677)  Edward Kaahui
678)  Natalie Kama
679)  Carol Lee Kamekona
680)  Robert Luuwai
681)  Sharolee Naeole
682)  Sarah Nakihei
683)  Justin Roman
684)  Keoki Sousa
685)  Samuel Aea
686)  Linda Ka’auwai-Iwamoto
687)  Noa Aluli
688)  Lori Buchanan
689)  Catelin Aiwohi
690)  James Anthony
691)  Melanie Bison
692)  Darlene Butts
693)  Keala Carter
694)  Sandra Castell
695)  Harry Cornwell Jr.
696)  Ethel (Dolly) Crawford
697)  June Francis
698)  Theodora Furtado
699)  Raul Goodness
700)  Tanya Harrison
701)  Pualani Hockenhull
702)  David Kaeka
703)  Roscoe Kahumoku
704)  Blake Kalana
705)  Gabriel Kamakahi
706)  Laakea Kamauoha
707)  Bruce Lambert
708)  Joel Malailua
709)  Winona Matsuzaki
710)  Soulee Lester Kealohaonalani Stroud
711)  Yvette Terui
712)  Hollace Anne Teuber
713)  Candace Wall
714)  Diane Welhaven Dr.
Twenty Fourth Session (24th) List of 2 (two) entity and 8 (eight)persons were added on the 
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
Tribunal dated March 18, 2016 with a Sub Total of 10 (ten) persons/entities documented guilty:

715)  Commission on Water Resource Management
716)  Suzanne D. Case
717)  William D. Balfour, Jr.
718)  Kamana Beamer
719)  Michael G. Buck
720)  Milton D. Pavao
721)  Virginia Pressler, M.D.
722)  Jonathan Starr
723)  Ryan Yamane
724)  Alexander & Baldwin
Twenty Fifth Session (25th) List of 2 (two) entity(ies) and 2 (two)persons were added on the 
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
Tribunal dated April 25, 2016 with a Sub Total of 4 (four) persons/entities documented guilty : 
725)  American Title Company
726)  Security Guard Kasaoka - Royal Hawaiian Management Company
727)  Security Guard Sowa - Royal Hawaiian Management Company
728)  Royal Hawaiian Management Company

Twenty Sixth Session (26th) List of 3 (three) entity(ies) were added on the 
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
Tribunal dated August 2, 2016 with a Sub Total of 3 (three) persons/entities documented guilty:

729)  A & B, Inc. and A &  B, Inc. - under the Jurisdiction of Sov. Kingdom of Hawaii
730)  ALEXANDER & BALDWIN/Alexander & Baldwin
731)  Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates 
Twenty Seventh Session (27th) - List of five (5) persons were added on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
 Tribunal dated August 15, 2016 with a Sub Total of 5 (five) persons documented guilty:

732) Ann Marie Gomes
733)  Barnie Gomes
734)  Ricki Amano/Riki Amano/retired Judge Riki Amano/retired Judge Ricki Amano/Riki May Amano /Ret. Judge Riki May Amano
735)  Clyde Gonzales
736)  Roy Leo
Twenty Eighth Session (28th) - List of five (5) persons and nine (9) entities were added on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
 Tribunal dated August 26, 2016 with a Sub Total of 5 (five) persons and 9 (nine) entities documented guilty:

737)  Kimberly Pine/Kimberley Pine/Kymberly Pine/Kymberly Marcos Pine
738) Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (kahako in two areas:  "Papaha(kahako above second "a")naumoku (kahako above "a" in akea) akea Marine National Monument)
739)  U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt
740)  U.S. President George W. Bush
741)  U.S. President Barrack Obama
742)  Three Co-Trustees (of #738)
743)  Seven Co-managing agencies (of #738)
744)  Department of Interior - U.S. Government
745)  Department of Land and Natural Resources - entity State of Hawaii
746)  Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez, et. als.
747)  Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, et. als.
748)  Secretary of Interior through U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
749) Linda Lingle/Governor Linda Lingle
750) Office of Hawaiian Affairs - entity of State of Hawaii 

Twenty Ninth Session (29th) - List of one (1) person was added on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii

 Tribunal dated September 6, 2016 with a Sub Total of 1 (one) person documented guilty:
751)  Professor Boyle/Francis Boyle

Thirtieth Session (30th) - List of eight (8) persons and four (4) entities were added on the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii
 Tribunal dated September 9, 2016 with a Sub Total of eight (8) persons and four (4) entities documented guilty:

752)  Richard Ha
753)  Henry Yang
754)  Keahi Warfield
755)  Patrick Kahawaiolaa/Kahawaiola'a
756)  Bill Brown
757)  Mapuana Waipa
758)  Professor Jennifer Doudna
759)  Dennis Gonsalves
760)  TMT - Thirty Meter Telescope
761)  PUEO - Perpetuating Unique Educational Opportunities
762)  Keaukaha Community Association
763)  Panaewa Community Association



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