House of Nobles -of 1851 excepting the aliens that is… our relatives are Kamehameha lll, Paki, Kekuanaoa,, John Young.and Kaena.
All reactions:
Ishmael W Stagner, Donald Martin and 3 others


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  • Azizi Kaiama
    So what...We Haia-Kaiama House of Lahaina...Talk to me....I been waiting? You met my mom Charlene Kaiama-Kahoe with my mom and Unlce Martin Aikala and you was with your boyfriend Santos. We need to put Boxable houses fast, just HOST your land in Maalae… 
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  • Azizi Kaiama
    you the Elder Aunty of the PAKI House Aunty. I have to work with my Kupunas ONLY. Per Mommy. So please call mommy if anything asap. We get business for do. We serious!!! The Freemason thinking they going rule over Lahaina and think they going make it a… 
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  • Daniel Kelii Perez
    Thank you for sharing!
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  • Daniel Kelii Perez
    Have you all done your DNA testing? Great way to show irrefutable DNA connections.
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    • Aahuikekapalani Kahiwalani
      Daniel Kelii Perez how did dna corporate testing become irrefutable? The corporate entity then owns your dna sample to do with it as they please. 🤔
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    • Amelia Gora
      true, they actually test and use the results to set up toxins for individuals.....evil works.... besides why not do research book by book by book..... seems a lot of people are actually scared of handling the aged books....hmmmm
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    • Amelia Gora
      Daniel Kelii Perez I remember visiting the Military lab which tested the remains of Vietnam soldiers found.... then told some of them my mixtures and do you know what they said? "why don't you give your bones to us so that we could study it!" what a sick fu..k! yep the invaders/the invasion of the Kingdom of Hawaii violators of the Neutrality law of 1854 are still here... wicked bunch poisoning our water, more aware of the violations the breaches which needs to be corrected....... the U.S. had 53 False Flag operations recorded but in actuality the count is more because the Kingdom of Hawaii needs to be on it! see: btw have been hearing about military laser testing and the possibility of the fire in Lahaina was the result of.......hope that's not true but maybe you may know something about that.............hmmmmm
      53 Admitted False Flag Attacks. "Not Conspiracy Theory … Admitted Fact" - Global Research
      53 Admitted False Flag Attacks. "Not Conspiracy Theory … Admitted Fact" - Global Research
      53 Admitted False Flag Attacks. "Not Conspiracy Theory … Admitted Fact" - Global Research
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    • Daniel Kelii Perez
      Forensics is powerful evidence.
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    • Daniel Kelii Perez
      Hi Amelia Gora. Nice to hear from you finally. Ka la mai I have struck such a strong chord in doing so though. I have watched your videos, takes to people who know you, and seen your posted genealogy. I have no ma’i intent but only wanting to learn—especially from people who have spent so many years in their commitments. As it is known in the culture of our farming people—fruit trees have to grow and mature before they show their fruit. Kokua mai keoluolu 🙏🏽
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    • Daniel Kelii Perez
      In the case of over the counter dna testing, perhaps they are keeping a database. But it does show a deep connection to hoahanau and ancestors. There is always going to be pros and cons to everything but the world as we know it is not getting better for our people and more than ever we must find connections that would band us together and not do the latter. I am putting myself to the testing but won’t include my children in the genealogy. This is my my willing sacrifice according to my pule and choice.
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    • Aahuikekapalani Kahiwalani
      Daniel Kelii Perez I understand your perspective. I still don’t understand how a corporate agency who contracts your dna by your own compliance irrefutably validates connections?
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    • Daniel Kelii Perez
      Well that’s more from a perspective, on my part, of combining all evidence for further verification. It’s another form that already is being accepted in court to my understanding based on testimony. If you already have evidence, via kupuna testimony and certified documents, as well as dna matches to those who carry names, have evidence, as well as had done dna sampling, then you start to build a case to file a very strong affidavit. In my humble opinion.
    • Daniel Kelii Perez
      Technology has, can, and will further, help the cause. In my estimation
    • Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0910: The House of Nobles - Genealogies/Pedigree of Our Royal Family from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Representative, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Acting Liaison of...
      Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0910: The House of Nobles - Genealogies/Pedigree of Our Royal Family from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Representative, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Acting Liaison of...
      Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0910: The House of Nobles - Genealogies/Pedigree of Our Royal Family from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Representative, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Acting Liaison of...
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    • Amelia Gora
      also more genealogies posted ---for use with land projects etc. see
      IOLANI - the Royal Hawk
      IOLANI - the Royal Hawk
      IOLANI - the Royal Hawk
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    • Amelia Gora
      cousin and i are posting info intended to educate kanaka maoli...... research stuff the kind that the UH and schools in Hawaii fail to teach....some of us are talking about a college for kanaka maoli and friends.... in the planning stages.....also farming, aquaculture in the plans.....keep in touch....kinda exciting too........ no more alien altered education! should be interesting.... our plans that is in a neutral, friendly, nation kind of way ... 😉
      Alice Cooper - School's Out (from Alice Cooper: Trashes The World)
      Alice Cooper - School's Out (from Alice Cooper: Trashes The World)
      Alice Cooper - School's Out (from Alice Cooper: Trashes The World)
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  • Guy Holt
    House of Nobles, it's our time now
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