Saturday, September 9, 2023

Royal Family Legal Directive/Notice No. 2023-0908 Reporting Stolen Vornado Standing Fan from Amelia Gora, a Kamehameha descendant, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii

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Governor Josh Green
Honolulu Police Department
Principal Joseph Passantino of Princess Ruth Keelikolani School/Central Intermediate/Princess Ruth Keelikolani Palace

   Royal Family Legal Directive/Notice No. 2023-0908 Reporting Stolen Vornado Standing Fan from Amelia Gora, a Kamehameha descendant, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii


This is posted for the legal records:

On Friday, September 8, 2023, we discovered that our stand up VORNADO fan was stolen from our meeting place. located in the building on the premises of Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace.

My VORNADO fans were left on the premises for our usage because there is no air conditioning there and the two (2) fans have greatly reduced the heat.

The largest of the two (2) fans were discovered missing this morning. 

The value of the missing/stolen fan is $125.

The fan is a personal expense item which was left for our use on our Royal Family's Private Property.

I am one of the descendants of Kalola who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

article on Princess Ruth's Palace.jpg

The entity State of Hawaii is Not the landowner, the Allodial land owner.

Please record this for the records.

We will report it once more in the event someone returns it.

Thank you,

Amelia Gora.



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