Friday, August 25, 2023

Neutral Nation to Nation/Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023 - 0825 Remove our Private Properties off of the NPS list/National Park Service list - Ownership of Keoua Hale/Prince Ruth Keelikollani Palace,, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii









Neutral Nations/Nations

U.S. President Joe Biden
Governor Josh Green
National Park Service/NPS
Neutral Nations & Other Nations
et. als.


Neutral Nation to Nation/Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023 - 0825 Remove our Private Properties off of the NPS list/National Park Service list - Ownership of Keoua Hale/Prince Ruth Keelikollani Palace,, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Removal of our Royal Family's lands from the NPS/National Parks Service List - Keoua Hale/Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace, Iolani Palace, Washington Place, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Lands & Sites of our Royal Family, etc.

                                                                      Review by Amelia Gora (2023)

The following lands, sites, buildings, etc. belonging to our Royal Family needs to be removed from the listing of the Foreign entity(ies) because of the following reasons:

(1)  Our Royal Family exists, descendants of Kamehameha - Sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian Archipelago /Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

(2)  The United States is an occupier and cannot own Allodial lands.

(3)  Our Royal Family has immunities from a foreign nation that fails to follow rule of law due to breaches in the stipulations of the Protectorate in 1854 with Kamehameha III.

(4) Our Royal Family has immunities from a foreign nation that fails to follow rule of law due to breaches in the stipulations of the Neutrality Law in 1854 with Kamehameha III.

(5)  Protection against occupiers are also covered in the International Laws.

(6)  The Laws of the occupied nation must be adhered to.

(7)  The case Kekiekie vs. Dennis, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, (1851), states that the Allodial Land "title was good against all the world."... the "title would be good; for the people's lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself."

See:  Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

(8)  The case Jona Piikoi et als. vs. Jona Kapena, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, (1857), "A bare possession, without title,.... is not sufficient as against the Government purchaser of the land, who has acquired that general property, which draws to it the possession."  The land was "acquired from the Government, and acquired that general property which draws to it the possession"...."If the plaintiffs (aliens) took possession without the consent of the owner, that owner had a right to resume possession at pleasure".  The land was returned to Jona Kapena because of his Government purchase.

See:  Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

(9)  The case Kalama vs. M. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardian of Victoria Kamamalu, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, (1859), "in every case, the certificate of award with the accompanying survey,... when they appear to be genuine, they are at least prima facie evidence of the right of the party in whose favor the certificate was issued."  (In this case, the true owner was Kalama's brother Kailio who had the certificates under his name,)

See:  Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

(10)  The case Kepane vs. John Wastson, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, was based on the Kekiekie vs. Dennis, ee:   HAWAIIAN REPORTS, did not require either parties to go to court, the matter was settled out of court.

See:  Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

(11)  Separation of Powers exists - see Joyclynn Costa's case on Doctrine of Political Question.

(12)  U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel - Memorandum for Abraham D. Sofaer, October 4, 1988, "the President can extend the territorial sea from three to twelve miles by proclamation." Note:  Hawaii is more than 2,000 miles away from the contiguous United States.

(13) The U.S. Supreme Court Justice memo shows U.S. never legally annexed Hawaii "in 1898"..... what was annexed was the Republic of Hawaii.

Reference:  Author:  Steven T. Newcomb, THE HONOLULU ADVERTISER, Sunday, March 12, 2000.

(14)  University of Hawaii at Manoa - Law School Professor Williamson Chang: "only two of the 90 senators claimed that annexation by joint resolution was constitutional.  The rest stated that it was unlawful, unconstitutional, and logically impossible."  ""the United States never acquired the Hawaiian Islands or the Crown and Government Lands.  Neither the Treaty of 1897, The Joint Resolution of 1898, the Organic Act of 1900 or the Act of Admission as a State in 1959 acquired the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States."

"The United States does not have territorial jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands.  The Crown and Government lands never passed or conveyed to the Territory State or United States of America."

(15)  United Nations, Human Rights Independent Expert, Dr. Alfred M. deZayas Memorandum dated 25 February 2018:  "the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation."  The occupier must follow the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom law and international law, not domestic U.S. law."

"The people of Hawaii are internationally protected persons and under no circumstance can protected persons be deprived of their rights or coerced into renouncing their rights (GCIV, article 8).

See also: HAWAII'S INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STATUS by Dr, Kioni Dudley, Leon Kaulahao Siu, Poka Laenui /Hayden F. Burgess, Professor:  Dr. Alfred de Zayas (2019).


We have immunities as members of the Royal Family, and those who are part of us are also with immunities, protected from alien misrepresentations.

There was No Annexation, meaning there is No Jurisdiction for the occupiers.

U.S. Military Invasion, Seizure of Hawaii, Breaches of the stipulations recorded for the 1854 Protectorate, Breaches of the Neutrality Law of 1854, disregard for the 1849 Treaty ratified by Kamehameha III in 1850, . is documented by U.S. President Grover Cleveland.

The Agreement made by the U.S. Junta with Queen Liliuokalani has yet to be discussed, etc.

Our Property on one of the 500,000+ acres, etc.

Our Royal Family has been meeting at the following site belonging to the Descendants and Heirs of Kalola who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who received the property(ies) from her sibling, her true cousin:  Ruth Keelikolani whose Probate shows that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of=kin.

Note:  When Bernice Pauahi Bishop died, her husband Charles Reed Bishop received a life interest in part of her estate, and Kalola her stepsister and true cousin received the other part.  When Charles Reed Bishop died, Kalola/descendants then owned the entire estate because of the Allodial titles.

When Charles Reed Bishop conveyed the Keoua Hale/ land, he had only part of the estate.

Since Charles Reed Bishop conspired and became treasonous, he lost all interest in the lands of his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Note:  The Kamehameha Schools Boys taking part in the Annexation \conspiracy(ies) also left the School, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum without any funds, support.  The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop who also conspired, committed treason were legally without lands, funds.  instead, they pirated, pillaged, committed fraud, deceit and made themselves heirs and assumed an shared interest of Charles Reed Bishop's life interest.

They have been adjudicated as pirates including Charles Reed Bishop.

Keoua Hale/Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace has been occupied by our Royal Family, descendants and heirs of Kalola since November 2021 for the following purposes:

(1)  Royal Family's Meetings.

(2)  Kingdom of Hawaii Government Meetings - Official Business -

- House of Nobles,

- House of Representatives planning stages

(3)  Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustees Meeting - Official Business for her True Trust that she set up in 1872.

(4)  Hawaiian Genealogical Society Meetings

(5)  Konohiki and Assistant Konohiki Meetings

(6)  Gathering Place for Kanaka Maoli Visitors from Outer Islands, Mainland, etc.

(7)  Strategic Planning for Group Developments, Planting, etc. for All the Hawaiian Islands.

(8)  Land Inventory Projects, Reclamation of our Alii Trusts, Kamehameha Gold, Banking, for our Royal Family, etc.

(9)  Adding space for our Research Library to be opened for All Kanaka Maoli.

(10) Follow up with Neutral Nations, etc.

(11)  Planning for TV, Radio, Podcasts, Publishing, etc.

Maintaining a peaceful, neutral, friendly nation since 1843.

Please remove our Private Properties off of your NPS - National Park Service lists.

Mahalo/thank you.



p.s.  This legal Posting is also for the Principal Joseph and Vice Principal who ignores our Royal Family, and Konohiki and are now attempting to aggressively move to remove us from our land.

Principal Joseph Passantino of Central Intermediate now called Princess Ruth Keelikolani School dropped a large heavy box from the second story building narrowly missing two (2) members of our Royal Family about two (2) weeks ago.  We narrowly missed a fractured skull injury.  Documenting this for the records.  Guess he forgot that he called me the landowner, and landlord a number of times since we first started meeting on our Private Property for more than a year and 9 months.  Also note that Assistant Principal sent their messenger sent was  their female janitor - no, not a teacher, but a full time female janitor who said that we would have to leave  because they/ the Vice Principal standing in for absent Principal --- wanted to open the area up for the homeless poor community who were from the Pacific Islanders and other Alien sort -----and disregarding our Alii, Our Royal Family! ---recording this as Genocide, continued War Crimes against Peace!  ..... Letting everyone know that this parcel is 4+ acres for the Palace but the entire parcel in 17 acres that we currently are reviewing to send billings for rents.....

Keōua Hale

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keōua HaleDrawing room of Keōua Hale

Keōua Hale was the mansion of Princess Ruth Keʻelikōlani at 1302 Queen Emma Street in downtown HonoluluHawaii.


The mansion was built upon the site of Ruth and her adoptive son Leleiohoku's residence in Honolulu, Kaʻakopua. It burned down in 1873 and plans were made to build a grander home on the location. In the meantime Keʻelikōlani and Leleiohoku resided in another house on King Street until the house was completed, although most of her time was spent on the Big Island of Hawaii at the Hulihee Palace.[1]: 47  Leleiohoku never saw the building completed, dying in 1877.

The main architect behind new structure was Charles J. Hardy, an American from Chicago, employed at the Enterprise Planing Mill in Honolulu. The gaslit interior of the mansion was celebrated for its ornate plaster work and frescoes.[2] It followed the Second Empire architecture, or so-called French style of architecture, and was considered a classical Victorian-style mansion. Surrounded by extensive, well-kept gardens, it was characterized by mansard roof, broad lanais, from which lofty flights of steps led down into the gardens, and a large drawing-room upon the ceiling of which was emblazoned the Hawaiian coat of arms.[3]

In the spring of 1883 the building was completed. It was larger than the ʻIolani Palace. Ruth gave a grand luau to celebrate the event. This was followed by a ball in the evening, which was attended by all the best society of Honolulu, whether of native or foreign birth. But after these festivities the princess was taken suddenly ill, and left for Kailua on Hawaiʻi island hoping to restore her health. She received medical attention, but did not recover. On 24 May her remains were brought back to Honolulu, and lay in state in the new house. It was later inherited by Princess Bernice Pauahi who died in it.[4]

Today, the site of Keōua Hale is occupied by Central Middle School.[5]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Kristin Zambucka (1872). The High Chiefess: Ruth Keelikolani. Kristin Zambucka Books. p. 5.
  2. ^ Charles E. Peterson (1964). "Pioneer Architects and Builders of Honolulu". Hawaiian Journal of History. Hawaiian Historical Society: 7–28. hdl:10524/80.
  3. ^ Mary Hannah Krout (1908). The Memoirs of Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The Knickerbocker Press. p. 205.
  4. ^ Liliʻuokalani, Queen of Hawaii (1838-1917) (1898). "Chapters XVI-XXVIII"Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen. Boston: Lee and Shepard. Retrieved 2009-05-05.
  5. ^ "About Us – Central Middle School".

External links[edit]

 Media related to Keōua Hale at Wikimedia Commons


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