Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Proof of Life Interest Ended in 1915 for Charles Reed Bishop


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Proof of Life Interest Ended in 1915 for Charles Reed Bishop


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Proof of Life Interest Ended in 1915 for Charles Reed Bishop

                                                               Researched by Amelia Gora (2023)

The following deed was found more than 10 years ago and obtained again a few days ago to be added with billings for rents, etc.:


Truth exposed .....
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Examine the deed of Charles reed Bishop and know what criminal works seen in liner 142 pages 142 and 143 reveals interest conveyed ....Reed is dead an…
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Examine the deed of Charles reed Bishop and know what criminal works seen in liner 142 pages 142 and 143 reveals interest conveyed ....Reed is dead and gone since 1915 are a witness to piracy racketeering and now know that illegal contracts have been made since 1893 ... and the wicked have looked the other way .... so where are the honest people? The wicked shall be exposed .... that’s why Queen Liliuokalani prayed about the good people .... very few exist…
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Important and informing all about the Pirate trustees of the estate of Bernice Pauahi bishop
Charles Reed Bishop transferred his life interest to himself and the trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop .... 1). Bishop had only a life interest. 2) he died in 1915 and life interest is dead and gone. 3) Bishop and trustees were conspirators and treasonous persons 4) the Kingdom of Hawaii was invaded By the U.S. warship Boston 5) Neutrality law breached 6) the usurpers created a provisional government foreign to the Kingdom of Hawaii 7) provisional government had no sovereignty. 😎. The U.S. Great Britain and France violated the treaties and removed their protectorates to protect the usurpers instead...9) all 3 breached the NeutrLity laws 10) Bishop an attorney himself made the move to transfer his life interest when he was no longer part of the Kingdom of Hawaii and legally lost all interest in all lands in Hawaii ... you are looking at some of the evidence found showing why the trustees are perpetuating a crime and are documented Pirates etc.... the Life interest is dead and gone.... kalolas descendants and heirs are the Allodial landowners .... for the legal records
Charles Reed Bishop transferred his life interest to himself and the trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop .... 1). Bishop had only a life interest. 2) he died in 1915 and life interest is dead and gone. 3) Bishop and trustees were conspirators and treasonous persons 4) the Kingdom of Hawaii was invaded By the U.S. warship Boston 5) Neutrality law breached 6) the usurpers created a provisional government foreign to the Kingdom of Hawaii 7) provisional government had no sovereignty. 😎. The U.S. Great Britain and France violated the treaties and removed their protectorates to protect the usurpers instead...9) all 3 breached the NeutrLity laws 10) Bishop an attorney himself made the move to transfer his life interest when he was no longer part of the Kingdom of Hawaii and legally lost all interest in all lands in Hawaii ... you are looking at some of the evidence found showing why the trustees are perpetuating a crime and are documented Pirates etc.... the Life interest is dead and gone.... kalolas descendants and heirs are the Allodial landowners .... for the legal records
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Charles Reed Bishop's Life Interest in Lands, Monies, etc. ended on January 17, 1893; He Deeded His Life Interest to Himself, and the Trustees of  the Esta
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Charles Reed Bishop's Life Interest in Lands, Monies, etc. ended on January 17, 1893; He Deeded His Life Interest…
Charles Reed Bishop transferred his life interest to himself and the trustees of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop .... 1). Bishop had only a life interest. 2) he died in 1915 and life interest is dead and gone. 3) Bishop and trustees were conspirators and treasonous persons 4) the Kingdom of Hawaii was invaded By the U.S. warship Boston 5) Neutrality law breached 6) the usurpers created a provisional government foreign to the Kingdom of Hawaii 7) provisional government had no sovereignty. 😎. The U.S. Great Britain and France violated the treaties and removed their protectorates to protect the usurpers instead...9) all 3 breached the NeutrLity laws 10) Bishop an attorney himself made the move to transfer his life interest when he was no longer part of the Kingdom of Hawaii and legally lost all interest in all lands in Hawaii ... you are looking at some of the evidence found showing why the trustees are perpetuating a crime and are documented Pirates etc.... the Life interest is dead and gone.... kalolas descendants and heirs are the Allodial landowners .... for the legal records

  •  Amelia Gora
    Sh—-t heads in Naboths Vineyard ..... notice for all nations .... see the good bad ugly and extremely ugly using aloha to hide their wickedness.... a message from a neutral friendly non- violent nation with watching pirates surrounding us their basis for claims to lands based on occupiers laws not following the rules etc ,,,,, premeditation neutrality law breach is documented..keep this post for your records .....genocide piracy issues documented .... Reed is dead and long gone .... I see a failure to follow rule of law ....trespass.... Private property violations ....genocide ... international violations etc, hmmmmmmmm
    Amelia Gora
    Amelia Gora


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