Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Nation to Nation Legal Directive/Reminder: Revocation of Fraudulent Lease Contracts from the State of Hawaii


Nation to Nation Legal Directive/Reminder: Revocation of Fraudulent Lease Contracts from the State of Hawaii

                                                                Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)


Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Memorandum: Legal Notice Reminder 2022 - 0727 and Reposted No. 2019 - 0314 and 2019 - 0406: Revocation of Fraudulent Lease Contracts of Wilfred and Lei Lopes who are the True Land Owners from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc

Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Memorandum: Legal Notice 2019 - 0314 and Reposted No. 2019 - 0406: Revocation of Fraudulent Lease Contracts of Wilfred and Lei Lopes who are the True Land Owners from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc.




 U.S. President Joe Biden
Secretary of State  
Governor David Ige

 State of Hawaii

Attorney General's Office

Police Department
Sheriff's Department
Others/Interested Others

                         Re: Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Memorandum:   Legal Notice 2022 - 0403 Repost of Legal Notice 2019 - 0314 and Reposted No. 2019 - 0406: Revocation of Fraudulent Lease Contracts of Wilfred and Lei Lopes who are the True Land Owners from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc.


My name is Amelia Gora and I am the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lopes did sign an illegal contract with the entity State of Hawaii over lands in Makiki called Opu /Keawehano's lands.

As the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, one of Kamehameha's descendants from four (4) of his children, I hereby revoke the illegal contract that they signed based on fraud, misrepresentation, piracy, pillaging, duress, criminal malfeasance.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lopes are the descendants/heirs of Keawehano who was conveyed 119.90 acres during the Mahele of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Chronological History

1848. February 11 - Opu under Keawehano was "partitioned with the King and awarded to Keawehano under Mahele Award No. 11
Reference:  1/14/2000 letter from E. Mahoe Collins

1/2 Poloke ili, Waikiki, Oahu to A. Keawehano ma kona hope signed Hazaleleponi Kapakuhaili - page 145

Kamehameha signed on page 146 for the other 1/2 Poloke, Ili, Waikiki, Oahu.

Keawehano was also the designated Konohiki of the Poloke, Ili, Waikiki, Oahu.

1869 -  John Dominis made application on  behalf of the Crown under Boundary Certificate No. 33 and was "declared to be sufficient."

1874 -  Boundary Commissioners decision on Opu made on August 5, 1874 - Boundary Certificate No. 37 - property of the estate of Kamehameha V by possession and by descent.

1888 -  Ahupuaa of Opu and the lands "passed over in the original Mahele for which no written title exists."  Questions arose as to whether it belonged to the government, the Crown, or the lineal heirs of Kamehameha III.

1889 - April 10 - right of ownership for "unassigned" land of Opu.

1893 - January 17 - "Committee of Public Safety assisted by the U.S. Navy overthrew the Hawaiian government."

1894  -  Opu classified as Public lands under the 1895 land act by the Republic of Hawaii created on July 3, 1894.

1898 - July 7.  Republic of Hawaii "ceded absolutely" to the United States.

1900 -  April 30 - Congress approved "The Act of Congress Organizing Hawaii into a Territory", and appointed a governor.

1911 - July 18  -  Executive order set aside 560 acres to establish and create the "Makiki Park and Reservation".

1913 - October 13 -  Proclamation of the Territorial governor made and created the "Honolulu Watershed Reserve"

1926 - Dec. 24 - subsequent proclamation established to traverse across the governments land of Opu.

1930 - lands for Makiki Park were withdrawn and "remaining portion remained in the forest reserve as proclaimed."
Note:  Tenants have continuously resided on their lands in Makiki from as early as 1877.
The owners are the descendants of Keawehano himself, the documented konohiki since the time of the Mahele.

1945 -  Reg. Map No. 3086 - the residences of 27 families were identified.

1950 - July 22 - State Constitution adopted.

1959 - March 18 - Approval made by Congress for Admission of the State of Hawaii.  Opu continued to be called "unassigned lands"
Correction:  Executive Order signed by U.S. President Eisenhower made Hawaii a State - an illegal act due to fraudulent annexation.
Reference:  See Dr. Alfred DeZayas of the United Nations letter regarding a military occupation and a fraud annexation at  or 
May 10, 2019 — Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the ... posted by Amelia Gora (2019).
Also see Professor Williamson Chang's article on why annexation was unlawful, illegal, and not possible at
Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Abel Cathcart, a Kamehameha descendant/heir.  Reference: IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web.

1969 - 1977 -  22 families resided in Opu.

1977 - April 22 - 29 applicant families documented - 18 families residing on the valley site.

1981 -  State legislature enacted Act 225 approved 6/22/1981 a "long term tenure" for the families looked at.  TMK (1)2-5-19:08 and 2-5-20:06 documented for the area known as "Maunalaha Home Sites."

2048 - November 30 - lease to expire.

Reference:  Supreme Court Case, Thurston vs. Bishop, 7 Haw 421, 188 continues to be "vested in the State of Hawaii".  The State claims Fee Simple 21.41 acres.


The entity Provisional government who usurped Queen Liliuokalani was aided by the United States as found in research was a Premeditation, False Flag operations since the time of U.S. President Tyler.  See the article about John Foster, Secretary of State who directed the overthrow.
read other articles from the 746 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web.

The claim to annexation is illegal.

Kamehameha's descendants exists including myself whose ancestors are from four (4) of Kamehameha's children, two (2) of his hanai/adopted children, and six (6) of his stepchildren.

Wilfred and Lei Lopes were instructed by former Governor George Ariyoshi who told them to do their genealogies.

Both of them approached many people who looked the other way.

The entity State does Not own the properties which belongs to Wilfred, Lei Lopes and others who can prove their ties to Keawehano who maintained the breadbasket for the Kamehameha's who lived in Waikiki.

Wilfred and Lei Lopes descend from Keawehano and have evidence to prove so.

Wilfred and Lei Lopes also have the prima facie evidence of ownership.

I, Amelia Gora, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs represent them in their claims to the alodial/forever titles which were conveyed to Keawehano.

I, Amelia Gora, hereby null and void the illegal contracts which were wrongfully, fraudulently gotten by the entity State of Hawaii, which has conspired against the true owners of the 119.90 acres called Opu under the name of Keawehano.

I, Amelia Gora, request that the lease rents which were paid over time by Wilfred, Lei Lopes and others in the Opu or lands of Keawehano be returned.

Wilfred and Lei Lopes also own the water rights, mineral rights of the 119.90 acres.

Our Royal Families maintain interests in the Crown Lands which is the other 1/2 of Poloke, Opu, lands of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli as well.

Rents are hereby billed for the 119.90 acres in behalf of Wilfred and Lei Lopes and others who can show proof of descending from Keawehano, et. als. in the Ahupuaa.
The rental amounts includes the water usage of $5 million dollars per acre per month. 
Rent is due in seven (7) days or March 21, 2019.

Additionally, entity State projects such as water dams cannot be continued due to the fact that the true land owners have been wrongfully paying for leases on their own properties, etc. 

The Army Corps of Engineers are Not the landowners and are not allowed to move into the 119.90 acres of Keawehano's lands, and Kamehameha III's Crown Lands which belongs to his heirs and successors, forever.

Your expeditious response which includes the return of the fraud claim of lease rent from the owners will be greatly appreciated.

The case precedence for this land case is in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, Kekiekie vs. Dennis - no one can take their lands away, not even the Royal Families, also, the right to collect back rents is also part of the case.

The Lopes Families and others have the prima facie evidence of ownership and were under duress when they were approached to sign a lease agreement when they in fact are the real owners, the landlords who were contacted by an entity who can never own lands in the Hawaiian Islands.

The Lopes Families are also part of the true trustees of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani who created her Trust in 1872, then the planners, conspirators criminally assumed Queen Liliuokalani's lands through a fraud Trust.

All of these things can be proven because I, Amelia Gora, am also part of Queen Liliuokalani's families, descendant of two of her hanai/adopted daughters named Lydia/ Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kuahine, and Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani.  

The Lopes Families, and our families are related in multiples of ways.

You may not destroy the ahupuaa belonging to Keawehano, and part belonging to Kamehameha III, et. als.

Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs


Posted by at 5:29 PM 

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