Review by Amelia Gora (2019)
The move to Plunder Upon Innocents, the American Indians, the Hawaiian Kingdom - a recognized neutral, non-violent nation with documented Treaties and respected as part of the sisters of nations with the same status of the U.S.A, Great Britain, France, Belgium etc.; and recently Iraq is now documented.
Tulsi Gabbard, a half-white candidate for the U.S. President position recently asked questions about Iraq.
Gabbard is from the Hawaiian Islands, which is legally known as the Hawaiian Kingdom, and which was Not Annexed by the United States of America.
Iraq was the number 1 on the List of Nations to WAR with or TERRORIZE. See my following post from 2003:
REFERENCE: FOREIGN AFFAIRS - The Road to War America and the World, page 31,Volume 70, No. 1
In other words the following on the U.S. list to WAR with or TERRORIZE are:
1. IRAQ (2003 – Iraq accused of having nuclear weapons – GW Bush moved to WAR for EXXON (oil) see: above article, a repost, THE BROWN STUFF by Greg Palast,
4. NORTH KOREA (October 2006 – underground nuclear weapon set off)
Off the forums:
MC Intern
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: New York City
Posts: 15
you're absolutely right!
I can't agree with you more. First Afghanistan, now Iraq, next? God knows better!
I, as a Pakistani, believe our turn is right around the corner somewhere. If the US government and foreign policy go unchecked, and the media continues to play its present role, then surely, the world will be an absolutely horrifying global village.
and not necessarily in that order! Just to verify some of the above:
'Learn from Iraq'
Top Stories - Reuters
By Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday warned countries it has accused of pursuing weapons of mass destruction, including Iran, Syria and North Korea (news - web sites), to "draw the appropriate lesson from Iraq (news - web sites)."
The following may answer some of Tulsi Gabbard's and other interested persons about questions on Iraq.
Author: Andreas Zumach of the article says that this was posted to "remind people in the USA of a very dark chapter, which the Bush administration would prefer to forget about." :
List of suppliers for Iraqi development of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Legend used in this list: A = nuclear program, B = bioweapons program, C = chemical weapons program, R = rocket (missile) program, K = conventional weapons, military logistics, supplies at the Iraqi Defense Ministry and the building of military plants.USA
1 Honeywell (R, K)2 Spectra Physics (K)
3 Semetex (R)
4 TI Coating (A, K)
5 Unisys (A, K)
6 Sperry Corp. (R, K)
7 Tektronix (R, A)
8 Rockwell (K)
9 Leybold Vacuum Systems (A)
10 Finnigan-MAT-US (A)
11 Hewlett-Packard (A, R, K)
12 Dupont (A)
13 Eastman Kodak (R)
14 American Type Culture Collection (B)
15 Alcolac International (C)
16 Consarc (A)
17 Carl Zeiss - U.S (K)
18 Cerberus (LTD) (A)
19 Electronic Associates (R)
20 International Computer Systems (A, R, K)
21 Bechtel (K)
22 EZ Logic Data Systems, Inc. (R)
23 Canberra Industries Inc. (A)
24 Axel Electronics Inc. (A)
Zusätzlich zu diesen 24 Firmen mit Stammsitz USA werden in dem irakischen Rüstungsbericht knapp 50 Tochterfirmen ausländischer Unternehmen aufgeführt, die ihre Rüstungskooperation mit dem Irak von den USA aus betrieben. Außerdem werden die Washingtoner Ministerien für Verteidigung, Energie, Handel und Landwirtschaft sowie die Atomwaffenlaboratorien Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos und Sandia als Zulieferer für Iraks Rüstungsprogramme für A-, B- und C-Waffen sowie für Raketen benannt.
(Anu's translation) of the above:
"In addition to these 24 companies home-based in the USA are 50 subsidiaries of foreign enterprises which conducted their arms business with Iraq from within the US. Also designated as suppliers for Iraq's arms programs (A, B, C & R) are the US Ministries of Defense, Energy, Trade and Agriculture as well as the Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories."
1 China Wanbao Engineering Company (A, C, K)2 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd (K)
3 China State Missile Company (R)
1 Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique (A)2 Sciaky (A)
3 Thomson CSF (A, K)
4 Aerospatiale and Matra Espace (R)
5 Cerbag (A)
6 Protec SA (C)
7 Thales Group (A)
8 Societé Général pour les Techniques Nouvelles (A)
1 Euromac Ltd-Uk (A)2 C. Plath-Nuclear (A)
3 Endshire Export Marketing (A)
4 International Computer Systems (A, R, K)
5 MEED International (A, C)
6 Walter Somers Ltd. (R)
7 International Computer Limited (A, K)
8 Matrix Churchill Corp. (A)
9 Ali Ashour Daghir (A)
10 International Military Services (R) (im Besitz des brit. Verteidigungsministeriums)
11 Sheffield Forgemasters (R)
12 Technology Development Group (R)
13 International Signal and Control (R)
14 Terex Corporation (R)
15 Inwako (A)
16 TMG Engineering (K)
17 XYY Options, Inc (A)
1 Soviet State Missile Co. (R)2 Niikhism (R)
3 Mars Rotor (R)
4 Livinvest (R)
5 Russia Aviatin Trading House (K)
6 Amsar Trading (K)
Weitere Länder
Japan: Fanuc (A), Hammamatsu Photonics KK (A), NEC (A), Osaka (A), Waida (A)Niederlande: Melchemie B.V. (C), KBS Holland B.V. (C), Delft Instruments N.V. (K)
Belgien: Boehler Edelstahl (A), NU Kraft Mercantile Corporation (C), OIP Instrubel (K), Phillips Petroleum (C), Poudries Réunies Belge SA (R), Sebatra (A), Space Research Corp. (R)
Spanien: Donabat (R), Treblam (C), Zayer (A)
Schweden: ABB (A), Saab-Scania (R)
A = Atomwaffenprogramm, B = Biologisches Waffenprogramm, C = Chemiewaffenprogramm, R = Raketenprogramm, K = Konventionelle Waffen, militärische Logistik, Zulieferungen an das irakische Verteidigungsministerium und Bau militärischer Anlagen
A = Atomwaffenprogramm, B = Biologisches Waffenprogramm, C = Chemiewaffenprogramm, R = Raketenprogramm, K = Konventionelle Waffen, militärische Logistik, Zulieferungen an das irakische Verteidigungsministerium und Bau militärischer Anlagen
This list is from Die Tageszeitung = Atomwaffenprogramm, B = Biologisches Waffenprogramm, C = Chemiewaffenprogramm, R = Raketenprogramm, K = Konventionelle Waffen, militärische Logistik, Zulieferungen an das irakische Verteidigungsministerium und Bau militärischer Anlagen
the following is a translation of one of the articles from the German by Andreas Zumach
Translation by Anu de Monterice • Wednesday December 18, 2002 at 10:05
Germany and the other non-permanent members of the UN Security Council received only a truncated version of the weapons dossier. Data concerning foreign suppliers of Iraq are missing.Geneva: The 10 non-permanent members of the UN Security Council--to which Germany will belong starting in January--have been withheld substantial parts of the Iraqi arms report. All information about the supplies from--and the support of--foreign companies, research labs and governments from the mid-1970's on, related to Iraqi arms programs, have been deleted. The 5 permanent Council members, the USA, Russia, China, France and Great Britain, are aware of this censorship. According to the German Press Agency DPA, it has reduced the 12,00 page report to only 3000 pages.
From information gathered from UN diplomats of 2 of these 5 countries taz learned that the censorship was agreed on primarily upon the urging of the United States. Among the 5 constant members of the Security Council it was the USA that stood out by giving the strongest support to Saddam Hussain's regime by arming it with the means of mass destruction.
The report gives us a complete overview of these supplies for the first time. In particular it names the 24 US companies and when and to whom in Iraq the supplies were delivered. And it makes clear how strongly the Reagan and the first Bush administrations supported the arming of Iraq, from 1980 up to the Gulf conflict of 1990/91. Substantial construction units for the Iraqi nuclear weapon and rocket programs were supplied with permission of the government in Washington. The poison Anthrax for the arming of Iraq with biological weapons stemmed from US laboratories. Iraqi military and armament experts were trained in the US and there received know-how having to do with their domestic arms programs.
According to the estimation of Susan Wright, a US arms-control expert from the University of Michigan, publication of this information would be "especially embarassing for the USA." It would "remind people in the USA of a very dark chapter, which the Bush administration would prefer to forget about." Whether the US had already struck out this information before it made copies for the other 4 permanent Council members continues to be unclear.
Author: Andreas Zumach
Depleted Uranium: A War Crime
Pictures of it's effects on Iraqi infants & children can be seen
These pictures and opinionated editor's comments go here. For links for more information on DU see here
More information about DU:
Uranium Medical Research Centre
European Committee on Radiation Risk - indirectly related
Democracy NOW! January 30, 2003 - look in the archives
Uranium Medical Research Centre
European Committee on Radiation Risk - indirectly related
Democracy NOW! January 30, 2003 - look in the archives
The use of Weapons of Mass Destruction includes Deaths, Injuries of Nuclear Weapons, including Depleted Uranium which has been used in the Iraqi Wars or WAR FOR OIL Projects.
Depleted Uranium is also used by the military in the Hawaiian Islands - Pohakuloa, Schofield, etc.
This is also WAR CRIMES against innocents.
Iraq's Issues:
Saddam Hussein Executed
Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago, a Non Annexed Hawaii Issues:
In conclusion, the U.S. is guilty for War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity and documented in Iraq as well as the Hawaiian Islands/archipelago/Hawaii a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
The Planned /Premeditated War for Oil has been the object of the Bush Administration who were part of the EXXON Corporation which was formerly the Standard Oil Company headed by the Rockefellers who gave property to the United Nations for their building.
The Planned/Premeditation of assuming a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom was also a target by the One World Order promoters which includes Bush & other U.S. Presidents since the signing of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona targeting Monarchy and Constitutional Monarchy governments.
The United States of America, which is a part of the "colony of the Crown" along with Great Britain and the CFR/Council of Foreign Relations made up of J.P. Morgan bankers, etc. did form the United Nations with the purpose of continuing the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona targeting Monarchy, and Constitutional Monarchy governments.
"Failure in telling Americans about the true relationship with England/U.S. is but a "colony of the Crown (of England)"
Reference: CBS Channel 9 news, 5:45PM, 10/30/05 Sunday
Announcing Prince Charles and his wife would visit the U.S.,
"a colony of the Crown (of England)";
Depleted Uranium is a form of killing people indiscriminately, and aligned with those who believe in One World Order, New World Order affecting all in the World today.
The crimes of humanity is based on greed, aggression, hate, racketeering, piracy(ies), pillaging, plundering and desire to assume what other nations have, own.
Currently, the United Nations appear to be under fire because their goal is contrary to those who helped to develop the entity which began as the Law of Nations based on Vattel, then became the League of Nations, then the United Nations with the rules by the United States of America, Great Britain, and the Council of Foreign Relations - the bankers: J.P. Morgan bankers, World Bank etc.
The Whistleblowers speaking out about the United States citizens, etc. were Russian Leader Vladimir Putin, J.P. Morgan banker Alana Fleischmann, and World Bank attorney Karen Hudes.
Credit to Whistle Blowers: Vladimir Putin-Russian Leader; Karen Hudes-World Bank; and Alayne Fleischmann -JP Morgan
Wicked set up to destroy civilizations, exterminate the "useless" and "needless eaters", extraction of wealth, Plundered, looting, destroy lands, water, etc., Racketeering, exploitation, etc. documented. Watch Leuren Moret's videos, and read articles written myself. Read other authors books, etc..... the Jesuits are deliberately destroying to dominate the World using the Catholic religion.....Read all Whistle blower's's important.................there are a lot of broken people who run anNations....including those operating broken, bankrupt nations including the United States, and the American Empire, who operate on the 2nd U.S. Constitution since 1871.
Maka Ala/Wake Up Kanaka Maoli/Hawaiians from an ancient society more than a 1,650+ years - making up a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation recognized, and Others who loves their country, their people.
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Some of the Reasons Why Kanaka ...
Mar 20, 2018 · The people were usurped according to Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes and Alana Fleischmann.....the Leader of Russia, and World Bank Whistleblower, and JP Morgan Banker whistleblower. ... Alana Fleischmann's article.... I,Amelia Gora, ... Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, ... IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol VI No. 666 Part 1b ...Diary: One World Order Background or The Dark Forces ...
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Sandwich Islands/Hawaii
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