An Empire of Bullshit By James Howard Kunstler

April 19, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -   After two years of gaslighting the public while it blew smoke up America’s ass, the Jacobin news media enjoyed its final feeding frenzy with the release of the 400-page Mueller report. They expected 1000 pounds of raw filet mignon, but it turned out to be tofu fried in olestra. The ensuing fugue of hyperventilating hysteria was also duly expected and William Barr stoically endured their hebephrenic peevings at the release ceremony — a press conference which itself offended the media.
The threats and raving continued all the livelong day and far into the peeper-filled night with CNN’s Chris Cuomo blustering “It’s time to rumble,” and the lugubrious hack David Gergen muttering soulfully, “This was not fake news,” and The Times’ Maggie Haberman fuming that the White House had played the “Nazi anthem” Edelweiss — very fake news, it turned out, since the tune was written for Rodgers’ and Hammerstein’s 1959 Broadway show, The Sound of Music (and sung by the anti-Nazi hero Baron von Trapp). Meanwhile Rachel Maddow had the balls to confab in prime time with disgraced former FBI mandarin Andy McCabe, officially identified as a liar by his own colleagues at the agency. What a circus of perfidious freakery!
Understand that the Mueller Report itself was the mendacious conclusion to a deceitful investigation, the purpose of which was to conceal the criminal conduct of US government officials meddling in the 2016 election, in collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign, to derail Mr. Trump’s campaign, and then disable him when he managed to win the election. Mr. Mueller was theoretically trying to save the FBI’s reputation, but he may have only succeeded in injuring it more gravely.


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How did Mr. Kunstler get access to the full, unredacted report? Maybe he'd like to share it with us. Or, withhold his condemnation till he's read it. With commentators like Mr. Kunstler who needs Trump or any of his mouthpieces?
While I agree with those who have criticized the Mueller investigation from the start as being, at the very least, the height of hypocrisy, given the history of US election meddling, particularly in securing Yeltsin's victory in 1996, I find Kuntsler's references to Trump, both of which, are positive, troubling for someone who posits himself as a supreme critic of American politics and culture which he has tended to view in other of his writings, to put it mildly, from a white supremacist perspective.

Here he speaks of the Mueller investigation as preventing Trump attending to "his duties." What those are he doesn't say but if appointing right wing Republicans to cabinet positions whose agenda, following that of Trump, is to exploit our resources to the maximum while destroying the environment, then anything that would prevent doing that should be welcomed.

Moreover, like a typical MAGA hat wearer, he complains of the efforts to "disable him [Trump] when he managed to win the election." Disable him from building his wall, breaking up refugee families, and the like?

I opposed Clinton's candidacy and believed there should have been a campaign directed against the DNC and DCCC for its interference in the 2016 campaign on behalf of Clinton but Kuntsler seems to have it more in for the assemblage of Washington insiders who were afraid, for a variety of reasons, of what Trump has been doing to America. Sorry to find his writings on ICH.
The ever genre of bait switch and distract from the 1000 lb. Gorilla in the midst of the deep state… All the representatives of OZ now belong to their masters and overlords the, Israeli Knesset. The head of political illusion is Trump-Netanyahoo talking heads and rear window bobbing heads of the order of Talmudic Rabbinic Judaism… The long and short of the secular reality is, we belong to the deep state and are slave goyim or Jew-Christian-Wahhabis… The latter, is what Royal imperialism is all about in my opinion. The call to mecca, the call to The wailing wall, or the evangelical demonic sub-reality of The Resurrection of the so called riotous…. The Israel of Judaism and the insanity of Rabbinic lore and Narcissistic self governing man gods that think their **** is free from stench.
They all are insane monolithic self determined psychopaths looking for a free lunch from the rest of humanity…the powerful of fake religions and fake Security genres that keep the rank and file goyim in line with object slavery and the illusion of freedom… War after war and no peace in sight… Tell me pocking a stick in a hornets nest will not bring pout the ugly side of our inhuman behaviors…

Mr. Mueller is just another Zionist Insider… Keeping the ball of Jewish Zionist Hegemony on its course of global domination… Rule by money and the Rothschild Ashkenazi , the Rothschild Ashkenazi Federal Reserve Board and the Sephardic diaspora of tribal infighting of Spy vs, Spy… and the rank and file propagandized citizen of intelligentsia, (
The latter, is an oxymoron, a code of imperium, deciding what is righteous for the rest of humans not under the influence of the grandiose illusion of self made authority, giving the rest of us, a code of behaviour to follow, the latter, the free Lunch for the controllers of humanity’s ignorance of self-authoritarian totalitarian concepts’ fodder for the slaughter. The concept of law, code, and authority by the few. These are those that have convinced humanity’s ignorant that they should be in the drivers seat. Hence, WAR&PEACE… the latter, is no where in the cards of these players of the con game. They send the young and ignorant to spill blood so they can control.
4 replies · active 29 weeks ago
It seems the only solace we can look forward to is the coming end of humanity, though I hate the taking of all other life with it. And the only solace from that is that in all possible life on all possible planets in the universe throughout eternal time is that life either self destructs, as the only possible endgame of evolution, or that extraplanetary disaster ends it.
I like a positive mental attitude! Maybe fate will cross the gazinta line... gazinta line of abstract deflection... the cosmic order of chaos and the math designed to counter the excepted narrative?? We will not see it in our lifetime I’m afraid... History is a snow ball, a metaphor of the results being the same year after year.. the mindset keeps propagation and adverse delegation too the Status Quo...

The faces are different and the agenda the control and imperialize and nations with socialistic robots without a nation or a creed... this way, the few, will have complete control of the mind of the masses... “We will bury You” was the concept of Russians Trotsky's Marxist, disguised as Thermal Nuclear annulation… what is really meant is, I believe, a matrix of subversive Massod credo deception… “By deception we will wage war”… The say it means, through intelligence we will baffle the goyim masses with propaganda and wars without end.
The Jewish rabbinic diaspora are heavily burdened with anxiety because of years of being in control of the governments of various nations and then kicked aside when the rank and file goyim were tired of the con game they always pull. They, the Jew, herd together in a monolithic ghetto and then blame the goy for there living conditions…lying to themselves at the cost of everyone else when they are discovered once more… Their con game of winner take all and the undo hardships it places on those that they use. Historically they say they are the victims while victimizing the unsuspecting dump **** American Christian stamped out, and misinformed image of a ideological numbed brain on the dumb down… maybe I will include my former mind set. The conditioning is rampant in our sociological dementia as a people… Ok that’s a blanket statement… but the pied piper has been around for ages.
Are all Jews the same? This question can be answered in light of…are all Christians the same? But not all Christians are of the same race… I do not include crypto Jews. The obvious is the oxymoron of the term anti-Semitic…a term use as a blanket to cover crimes and misdemeanors of the Talmudic Rabbi and his followers.
Namaste… Hope is a good thing, But the reality is something of a different color. 
I can’t say I enjoy being a realist but can’t seem to help it.
And I know of no Jews living in ghettos, but you are welcome to post links of course. Now if you are speaking of the crazy settlers making “outposts” on West Bank orchards and farms, or the crazies in the 100,000s of jack-in-the-box settler apartments on West Bank, I suppose those could be somehow described as ghettos. But those are fake Jews, as are most of the West’s and Russia’s “Jews”.
"we will bury you" was a reference to historical inevitability. some might argue we're not nations or creeds but a species.
"The Special Prosecutor’s main bit of mischief, of course, was his refusal to reach a conclusion on the obstruction of justice charge. What the media refuses to accept and make clear is that a prosecutor’s failure to reach a conclusion is exactly the same thing as an inability to make a case, and it was a breach of Mr. Mueller’s duty to dishonestly present that failure as anything but that in his report — and possibly an act of criminal prosecutorial misconduct.
Like any tantrum, the media’s frenzy will run out of steam (and credibility) and now they will be whipped like dogs for betraying their public trust. There is a counter-narrative to the “Resistance” narrative, and it is a true crime story. That suppressed story is finally going to roll out in the implacable workings of actual (not fake) justice and it is going to crush a lot of people who concocted this epic political hoax, including some members of the press who knowingly and dishonestly abetted it."

Don't bet on justice being served any time soon. The Roosky Ruse was a lie and a sham production initiated by Hillary Clinton and her cohorts from day one. Meanwhile the real infiltration, influence peddling and corruption went on in broad daylight, in plain view out in the open by the Zionists, the ruling class psychopaths like the Clintons, the Bu$h crime family and their extensive networks. Even though Daddy Bu$h is dead the power of his network is deeply entangled in the Deep State which includes Robert Mueller But the dead-enders at CNN, MSNBC NPR will not let up and the Bizzaro World of Fox News will continue to defend Trump to further the divide conquer and rule agenda of the NWO. Keep in mind the Roosky Ruse exposed Cambridge Analytica and the British meddlers and their FaceBook cronies and how they impacted the 2016 election. I honestly believe the media and the Clinton/DNC thieves who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders actually created the Roosky Ruse to obfuscate the real reasons Clinton lost and to see just how gullible the AmeriKKKan public really is. This was another way to ramp up their plan to further enslave us.
The Deep State is alive and well, "“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” -Former CIA Director Bill Casey.

2 replies · active 29 weeks ago
Thanks for your links. It seems from Mueller has been a senior CIA asset for a very long time, doing precisely what he was claiming to investigate, i.e. "Meddling in the affairs of other nations", only on a much grander scale.
It gets uglier the deeper you dig! : and provide even more insight into who and what Mueller is, who he bows down to and works for. This last article is a bit lengthy but it offers insight into the many headed hydra that runs the Deep State and shows how ruthless these psychopaths are. Mueller is definitely one of them!!
This of course represents only what has been uncovered so far - the full extent of possible future prosecutions still remains to be seen.
If Trump wins a second term,surely more of the same/similar will occue over the next 4 years of his tenure.
If he does get a second term,the neocons/deep state/corrupt officials/press,only have to wait out that remaining 4 years to continue down a similar path,should the next presidential candidate not be of their liking.
We certainly live in interesting times !
The Israelis need to pay the $35 million for the Mueller investigation which served only to divert attention from Israeli interference in US elections and US policy.
The Russians aren't stupid enough to support a Trump Presidency, but the Israelis might be that stupid.
5 replies · active 29 weeks ago
The Israelis, or rather the dual Israeli/US citizens can be found in municipal, state and the federal level of government, and in all three branches. They are the so-called deep state. They have been running the United States since 23rd November, 1963. Every President since Johnson kisses their collective ass. They have bought both POTUS candidates for generations.
Johnson kissed their arse as well, though Truman can be said to be the first US prez to lick their boots.
Johnson was in the know on 21st November 1963. Dallas was his turf. Qui bono?

1. The Zionist owned Federal Reserve System was being undermined by Kenedy's PD 11110.

2. The Zionist controlled CIA was threatened to be dismantled by JFK.

3. The Zionist Organization of America were prohibited by JFK to register as a domestic lobbyist.

That is just three reasons the Zionists had to get JFK out of the way. On 23 November that year LBJ

- retracted PD 11110. The debt free currency the US Treasury started printing on 4th June was destroyed and made null and void.

- signed off on what later became AIPAC to become a "legitimate" domestic lobbying organization instead of having to register as a foreign agent.

- left the CIA alone, and increased the number of troops sent to Viet Nam.
I should have added, the sole reason Truman became the First Nation in the UN to “recognize” Israel, was his advisors told him he would need Jewish money to win his first election as Prez, since he was only sitting in WH due to FDR’s demise.
This is true, although Truman wasn't a nation. ;-)
FEARING THE TRUMPS: U.S. PRESIDENT TRUMP AND WHISTLEBLOWER JULIAN ASSANGE or_************************_What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in Common?__ Review by Amelia Gora (2019)_SUMMARY___All involved the United States, Great Britain, Banker's Connections:___Captain James Cook___the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871___the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani___Pearl Harbor Fraud's___911 - Planned Implosion involving the move to War for Oil by Standard Oil Company, which turned to EXXON......EXXON support in the United Nations by giving them land for the United Nations, which was created by the United States, Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers under the CFR/ Council on Foreign Relations..........___The most recent issues that everyone should examine is the Great Britain, and United States collusion, along with the banker's behind each event.___David Wynn Miller (deceased) hit on some very important points, as did U.S. President Trump who's currently on the hot seat with the Democrat's trying to impeach him.........___Appears this is one of the major reasons the Democrat's move to remove U.S. President Trump because of his 911 comments made in December 2018 which implicates collusion of Federal employees, et.als …....aloha.__The following is the title of the article at the above link:__What Does Captain James Cook, the Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871, the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, Pearl Harbor, and 911 have in Common?__ Review by Amelia Gora (2019)_ __ Reference of U.S. President's Trump comments over 911:__collective-evolution.com__Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition_The destruction of the World Trade Towers on 9/11 is an event that:_the Banker's are part of the answers....financing of _Captain James Cook - Bank of England_Secret Banker's Constitution of 1871 - stockholders: U.S. President Washington, heirs: Robert E. Lee, his heirs: Obama et. als. (see Karen Hudes, World bank whistleblower article at of Queen Liliuokalani - planned since 1841 to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom since the time of U.S. President Tyler, et. als. including Great Britain documented,_Pearl Harbor - lands owned by Grace Kamaikui whose father was England's John Young, and Mataio Kekuanaoa -----Dr. TCB Rooke nephew claimed lands of Grace Kamaikui which is an absolute Fraud..........because TCB Rooke died before Grace Kamaikui and his English nephew could never own alodio lands in the Hawaiian Islands.....the U.S. President's appointed judges gave lands to the English nephew and Fraud continued which also led to the fraudulent claims over Pearl Harbor, etc...... both U.S. and Great Britain were bankrupt since the American Civil War in 1863-1865 and had borrowed monies from the Bank of England etc. to pay for War Costs.......Presidents who moved with Rules of Law were killed: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, and U.S. President John F. Kennedy.....currently, the move to go after U.S. President Trump is now on record...........911 devastation, plundering upon innocents over Oil made through the Standard Oil Company turned EXXON who moved to finance the CFR/Council on Foreign Relations - U.S., Great Britain, and the JP Morgan bankers which conjured up the United Nations to Plunder Upon Innocents documented.__Read all issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk with 751 issues posted to date.___aloha. __Reference: full article at
Why is the US so UNINFORMED on the assassination of JFK ?
A few without money may be sacrificed. In America, Justice, like everything else is For-Sale and those with money will walk. Clinton for e.g. - too much money to submit to America's brand of "justice". For e.g. Michael, OJ, Smollett, the murder of Vince Foster, Ives and Henry on the tracks in Arkansas. Oh no - nobody that's anybody's going to jail - the Republic's For-Sale, too.
If one beleives there was a clandestine and concerted effort by a group of Republicans to thwart Trump's election (including James Comey then director of the FBI). Why in name of all logic did he announce his conclusions about Hilary Clinton's emails just days before the election? Vastly improving Trump's chances..
This all boils down to what is TRUE, and what is a LIE. Essentially everything that is taught now about the events from 1800 onward are LIES. The Satanists of the World Revolutionary Movement are in charge, and have been for about 200 years. Most Americans are so STUPID that they can not find the truth. 911 is the perfect example. Israel did 911. Anyone with an IQ over 75 should be able to figure this out. Another HUGE lie is the so-called Holocaust. The International Red Cross numbers for Jews who died in the German labor camps in Europe during WWII is about 271,000; yet, most Muricans believe the 6 million LIE, which was first tried after WWI. Read Carr's PAWNS IN THE GAME for a start. Knowledge of the TRUTH is your only path to survival.
1 reply · active 29 weeks ago
I went to elementary, junior and and high school with Ashkenazim in the 50's and 60's at that time they said the number killed by Hitler was 2 million. Where did the additional 4 million come from? It's all a scam, a diversion and a way to deflect any criticism or truth about how they systematically destroyed indigenous and aboriginal people via their financing of European colonialism and imperialism, how they funded the trans Atlantic slave trade and all the major European wars.
Study the history of the expulsion of "Jews" from most early European nation states from the 15th century on and discover the reasons cited then juxtapose those events with their role today in global finance and political intrigue and you will see a direct correlation and connection. Their power and influence have grown ten fold over the years which is why it is now against the law in many countries to even question the veracity of the holocaust narrative or promote the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against the criminal state of Israel!
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