Monday, July 29, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Researcher's Truths With Documented Lies From the U.S.

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Researcher's Truths With Documented Lies From the U.S.

                                                                         Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

The following are Evidence of Researchers Truths About the Kingdom of Hawaii, a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation at peace with all nations, recognized on equal footing with all nations:


* The U.S. Claimed to Annex Hawaii.  Research shows that the U.S. could claim only

3-12 miles of the contiguous U.S. and Hawaii is 2,100+ miles away from the U.S.


by Michael Kumukauoha Lee
Hawaii is seized lands neither Queen Lilioukalani nor the Hawaiian kingdom nationals willingly turned over their Allodial interest to their lands to the USA 2 Kue petitions spoke up to stop the Treaty of Annexation and only a lei remains today.
The Newland's Resolution is illegal instrument to cede the Hawaiian Kingdom Crown lands to the USA so says the US Constitution Article 6 Section 2 the supremacy clause it is only the Executive Branch of government that can negotiate a treaty of Annexation for the US not the Legislative Branch.
After World War II the United Nations was created. The UN set-forth the decolonization of all countries under the Empirical powers of other country's.
The occupied Hawaiian Kingdom and the Hawaiian Kingdom nationals including kingdom national descendants not blood Hawaiian's
"Kopae aina's" where to vote in a Pleb-aside to seek inclusion and absorption into the USA or separate self determination.
The US failed to meet the demands of the UN Charter by allowing US citizens who where not the injured party and did not control the Hawaiian lands by Mahele Allodial titles to vote for Statehood and there was not the option two to vote for self determination.
Many Kanaka's boycotted this vote.
There fore the Hawaii vote for Statehood to the USA was a continuing fraud perpetuated not only on the Hawaiian Kingdom nations who never applied for US citizenship but where captured by the USA and given US citizen ship in 1900 to gain control over their Allodial titles going against the US Constitution of the 19th Amendment that you have to apply for US citizenship. another lie .
The so called ADMISSION'S ACT DOCUMENT is a fraud:
Article One Section One is strangely missing.
Because Article One Section One is suppose to articulate how legally the USA in a legal instrument justifies seizing the Hawaiian Kingdom lands under the UN charter mandate or International law or the US Constitutional law which it can not.
The USA has no legal instrumentality to claim the Hawaiian Kingdom Lands where legally ceded to the USA.
So Hawaii became a giant TRUST like Bishop Estate.The U.S. became the Board of Trustees and the Hawaiian Kingdom National became beneficiaries of this FAKE STATE TRUST.
"We have the right to makes laws in the State of Hawaii because of the people."
What people?
No one can make laws unless they own said land and only Hawaiian's of the blood still have interest in their family allodial titles see Kumu Mike Lee's Allodial title classes on YOUTUBE.
It is impossible under the "GREAT MAHELE a Foreign Allodial title to transfer the private or Hawaiian Kingdom Crown land in a Allodial title because Hawaii Allodial titles can only be transferred from Grantor to Grantee by having Hawaiian bloodlines in the Hawaiian genealogy.
You must have a living Hawaiian of the blood to be able accept the Allodium and that is impossible if the USA is not a Hawaiian Nation of the Hawaiian blood lines.
The interest of Ano Allodial is forever the way the Mahele laws where written and it can not be transferred as if it is fee simple or freehold or fee hold it is superior which Western Authors purposely overlook by quoting US allodial title law which had nothing to do with the HAWAII KINGDOM GOVERNMENT creation of Hawaiian allodial titles what so ever.
The U.S. Federal Supreme Court dealt with Feign Allodial titles not created in the land boundary's of the USA in the US Federal Supreme Court case "Foster and Elam v. Neilson " 27 U.S.. 253 (1829).
This case dealt with lands in Louisiana, New Orleans and the country the land was received from France west of the Mississippi through the treaty of Paris concluded between Great Britain, France, and Spain on February 10, 1763
The case boiled down to this the United States Supreme Court rules that it has no control or possession, or control over FOREIGN ALLODIAL TITLES..
The "Great Mahele is a Foreign Allodial title that the USA has no control or possession of since inception in 1847 and 1848, 1853 by US case president of the US Federal Supreme Court, and US Constitutional law ,and Hawaiian Kingdom law, and the UN Charter and international law.
"This fact was proved out by the US Justice Department memo in 1988, the U.S, Justice Department issued and advisory to the State Department in which the unconstitutional and illegal nature of the 1898 Newlands Resolution is quite clearly spelled out. The memo explains that the Senate rejected an annexation treaty that had been negotiated by President McKinley with the "Republic of Hawaii."
In an effort to by-pass the treaty process, Sen Newlands of Navada sponsored a joint resolution of annexation. A Senate Foreign Relations Committee report, issued at the time, explained that the resolution relied on the annexation of Texas as a president. The Justice Department memo, however, points out a major difference between Texas and Hawaii,
Because Texas was acquired as a new state, the joint resolution annexing Texas relied on the constitutional power of Congress to admit new states, and was not a proper precedent for annexing a land that would be retained as a possession or territory. In other words, annexation of Hawaii could not be achieved in a constitutional manner by a simple legislative act.
The Hawaiian Islands were foreign soil in 1898, some 2,100 miles beyond U.S, territory, based on the international law principle of extraterritoriality, a U.S. joint resolution to annex Hawaii could not legally extend that far. The 1988 memo fails to identify any provisions in the U.S. Constitution or any principle in the international law which could have provided a legal basis for the United States to acquire Hawaii by a joint resolution.
In fact, the memo says that during the annexation debates Congressman Ball characterized the effort to anex Hawaii by joint resolution as "a deliberate attempt to do unlawfully that which can not be lawfully done,"
article appeared in The Honolulu Advertiser Sunday March 12, 2000 written by:Steven T. Newcomb is Director of Indigenous Law Institute.
The more the U.S. Government and the Fake State Pushes in a illegal act the more the world will see that the phrase," American exceptionalism" is a lie a well. The United States criticized the Russian President for annexing part of the Ukraine illegally but the U.S. has done no difference to the harm and injury that in the "Apology Resolution of 1993" passed by Congress and signed by the U.S. President did not go far enough as the U.S. preaches to Russia to release territory illegally seized the U.S. Government should take it's own advice as well to release Hawaii to its rightful owners the Kingdom of Hawaii and its citizenry the Hawaiian Kingdom National if the US is truly what it says a"exceptional Nation.


* The State of Hawaii Courts claimed they had jurisdiction.  Lies Discovered - Joyclynn Costa found that there is a separation of powers and the State of Hawaii does not have jurisdiction.  All of the kanaka maoli
who were arrested for trespassing when they defended their ancestral iwi/bones/burials and was released because of the "Doctrine of Political Question" and obtaining a letter from U.S. Senator Dan Inouye (deceased) who said he was unable to help her because of the separation of powers.  Her case with the others were dismissed.


*  The U.S. claimed to own the Crown and Government Lands - A Lie.

*  The U.S. claimed .to Annex Hawaii - A Lie  "the only claim that the U.S. has made to

Hawaiian Sovereignty is through the joint resolution of 1898.  In a secret debate of the U.S.

Senate in 1898 which was kept secret until 1969 (71 years), only two of the 90 senators

claimed that anneation by joint resolution was constitutional.  The rest stated that it was

unlawful, unconstitutional, and logically impossible."


* U.S. claimed to have Annexed Hawaii - a Lie.  The Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands is a "sovereign nation
state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States
resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation."

* U.S. claims to have sovereignty over the Kingdom of Hawaii, disregards the laws of the Kingdom of
Hawaii, violates the rights of protected persons, and confiscates private properties of the occupied
subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  The U.S. fails to follow Rule of Law in the State and International

An "emergency investigation and intervention investigation" is currently ongoing.


*Justice memo shows U.S. never legally annexed Hawaii." The Lie was exposed by author      C  Steven T. Newcomb posted John Goeman's Feb. 27, 2000 op-ed essay about the Supreme Court decision actually annexed the Republic of Hawaii and not the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1898.  A U.S. Joint Resolution could not affect foreign soil which was 2,100 miles away.

"The "Territory of Hawaii" was not established in 1900, despite congressional legislation purporting the contrary.  The statehood vote was an attempt to hide an illegal act that began in 2893, with U.S. complicity."


Complicity means - "In criminal law, complicity is when someone helps, encourages, or asks another person to commit a crime. It's also known as accomplice liability, accessorial liability, or the law of aiding and abetting."


The U.S. claimed that they Annexed the Hawaiian Kingdom and Lied to the World.  They invaded Hawaii with their
Marines through "a classic act of Manifest Destiny and American style gunboat diplomacy...".

"A series of clever illegal moves by the U.S. government, Hawaii cannot be considered a legally bona fide state of the United States."

- 1898:  the United States unilaterally abrogated all of Hawaii's existing treaties and purported to
annex it on the basis of a Congressional resolution."

- 1900:  the United States illegally established the so-called Territory of Hawaii on the basis of the spurious Organic Act."

After a period of prolonged belligerent occupation, Hawaii was placed under the United Nations Charter, Article 73, as a
"non-self governing territory" under the administrative authority of the United States.

-1959:  "the U.S. falsely informed the U.N. that Hawaii had become the 50th state of the United States after an
illegal plebiscite."

Note:  The people who were allowed to vote in the invalid elections were U.S. Military members and
their dependents.

"Therefore, Hawaii is not a legitimate state of the United States of America."


* The King's Lands were inalienable according to American former Civil War General Alfred Hartwell.  A Lie because the legal word is inviolable which was found in the original records at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

* The lands were claimed to be "Allodial in Fee Simple" which was documented by Judge Bailey of the Territory of Hawaii created government.  A Lie because there were two types of Deeds:  1) Allodial or forever lands to the kanaka maoli and 2) Fee Simple or 30 years or short term leases/freehold lands to Aliens who could never own Allodial lands.

* The alternative was to make Princess Kaiulani the Queen under British rule.  This was seen as a Plan B - from the usurpers arsenal.

* The move to Annex Hawaii was a Fraud.  U.S. Secretary of State Walter Gresham:  the Hawaiian Kingdom was a weak state, gotten by Conspirator's,/Fraud, and Annexation was Not Possible.

*  Annexation was obtained by U.S. President McKinley.;  The Truth is that U.S. President Cleveland documented that Annexation "was dead forever".
1.  The 10,000 natives outnumbered the usurpers of 637.
2.  The 10,000 natives will continue to be held under manacle and musket by the usurpers. many were enslaved with carrying a ball and chain.

Note:  The Kingdom of Hawaii maintained a neutrall, friendly, non-violent nation while the usurpers supported by the U.S. held the Kanaka Maoli in bondage and the usurpers with the U.S. as their
Protectorates failed to follow rule of law, breached and violated the Treaties, the Protectorate of 1854,
the Neutrality Law, the agreement with the Junta/U.S. Junta, etc.

 The 10,000 natives were the majority who maintained their support for Queen Liliuokalani.  The minority kept them as 

* The U.S. Annexed Hawaii.  That was a Lie because there are many reasons found including the following:

* The State of Hawaii and the U.S. government claims to own the Crown Lands and the Government Lands. 
Those are LIES perpetuated since 1893.

1.  The Crown Lands belongs to Kamehameha III, his "heirs, and successors, forever".  These are the
Private Properties of the sovereign, his heirs, and successors, forever, and not to aliens of another
nation who failed to follow rule of law over time.  The claims to lands called "ceded" was conveyed
by non-owners.    Kamehameha's heirs of his body exists.  Usurper Sanford B. Dole was an Alien, a non-owner,
not an Allodial land owner was a treasonous person who lost interest in all lands in Hawaii.  Dole was a
pirate, a pillager, who was a usurper, a treasonous person guilty of piracy, theft, fraud, corruption,
criminal racketeering, etc. and had no rights to the Private Property of Kamehameha III, et. als.
Dole's claims are Null and Void.  He was not in a position to convey any Royal Family's lands, etc.

Dole was also not able to convey Private Properties, including the government lands.  The government
lands are to be held in perpetual keeping by the House of Nobles, and Minister of the Interior of the
Kingdom of Hawaii.  

Note:  The Crown Lands and Government Lands deeds were found in the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii,
by members of our Royal Family who are also members of the House of Nobles, etc. 

* There were no more Kamehameha's, or "they disappeared".  Lies because Kamehameha had 22 children and 
22 grandchildren and many heirs of his body exists today as found in research.  Kamehameha's heirs of his bodyare parties to the 1849 ratified in 1850 Permanent Friendship and Amity Treaty with Kamehameha III's "heirs and successors".


Much research by many has uncovered the facts that U.S. has failed to follow rule of law and
violated/breached the U.S. Constitution, including the Supremacy clause, the Treaty of 1849 
ratified in 1850, the Protectorate of 1854, the Neutrality Law of 1854, the Agreement of the
Junta/U.S. Junta with Queen Liliuokalani, etc.

The fraudulent claim to Annexation and having jurisdiction are Lies perpetuated over time by
a nation that has wrongfully, criminally moved against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation that
is a documented civilized nation on equal footing as other nations since 1841 with Belgium and
others who recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii, a Constitutional Monarchy which according to
law could never be overthrown.

The status of U.S. was bankrupt, and nearly out of gold in 1893.  The evidence has been found for
the legal records.

Because there was no Annexation, the U.S. has no jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands which is
outside of the 3-12 mile area according to law.

The Hawaiian archipelago is 2,100 miles away from the United States who have criminally claimed
some of the 133 islands as territories of the United States.

The failures to follow rule of law, the breaches documented above, including the violations of a neutral,
friendly, non-violent, peaceful nation is documented.

Kamehameha III did document that nations who violates/breaches the Neutrality Law of 1854
were pirates.

To date, the status of pirates remains for the United States, Great Britain, and France.

The Kingdom of Hawaii exists with many of Kamehameha's heirs of his body existing during
the time of Kamehameha and even now.



Kamehameha Waltz - Emma Veary


ThLegitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Truth Messages from Michael Lee (dec.)

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kamehameha's Descendants, His 22 Children and 22 Moopuna/Grandchildren, etc. Documented Today

  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kamehameha's Descendants, His 22 Children and 22 Moopuna/Grandchildren, etc. Documented Today

                                                   - Hawaiian Genealogical Society -

                                                                            Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

                                                                         -   A Royal Family Genealogy Researcher

Kamehameha’s Descendants, His 22  Children and 22  Moopuna/Grandchildren  are                    Documented Today:



by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants (2013 updated 2017 updated 2024)

The following are Kamehameha’s 22 children and  22 grandchildren found in research:

 1 - Kaoleioku's four (4) children:

     1)  Pauahi – Ruth Keelikolani’s mother

     2)  Konia – the true Bernice Pauahi’s mother

     3)  Hanuna (k) – Kapule(k); Kini (w); Poohina (w); and Hookahe’s   father

    4)  Keola (k) – research incomplete

2 - Kamehameha II - Liholiho - no children.

3 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's ten (10) children

    5)  Opunui

    6) Kekipi

    7)  Kahalauoa/Kahalau/Kahalaoa

    8)   Keawe

    9)  Mahoe (w)

    10)  Papa

    11) Nalimu

    12) Keawe 1

    13) Keawe 2

   14) Albert Kunuiakea

4 - Nahienaena (w) - no children.

5 - 10 - Children documented but unnamed in the MEMOIRS OF KEOPUOLANI's book at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu.

11 - Kinau (w) - no children

12 - Kinau (k) -  three (3) children: 

       15) - Miriam Kekauonohi; 

        16) - Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole; 

         17) - Maulili

13 - Kamamalu (w) - no children.

14 - Kahalaia - u.i. children.

15 - Kalanihelemaiiluna's two (2) children:

      18) Abner Paki

      19) Kalaniulumoku

16 - Kanekapolei (w) son:

        20) Kikau

18 - Kahiwa Kanekapolei (w) son:

         21) Kepilino


 19 - Kuakamauna - one daughter

        22)  Hooleia

20 - Peapea had no documented children found in research.

21 - Keliiokahekili (w) - u.i. children.

 22- Kapapauai - u.i. children

Stepchildren of Kamehameha:

 1) - Kiwalao

 2)- Keoua Ahuula

 3) - Keoua Peeale

 4) - Puali Nui (w)

 5) - Manouwa (w)

  6) - Kalaipaihala

  7)- Keliiahonui/Kealiiahonui

  8) - Humehume/George Humehume

  9) - Kinoiki (w)

 10) - Haupu/Kahekili

 11) - Kekauluohi/Auhea/Miriam Kekauluohi (w)

Hanai/Adopted Children of Kamehameha:

   1)- Kalanimoku

  2) - Hueu Davis

  3) - Kale Davis (w)

  4)- Peke Davis (w)

Kamehameha's Siblings:





Kiilaweau (w)

Kalanikaulihiwakama Piipii (w)

Researched Findings:

Seven (7) of Kamehameha's 22 children had children.  Fourteen (14) of his children had no documented children. . 

There are 22 of Kamehameha’s grandchildren documented in research. 

Kamehameha had eleven (11) stepchildren.

Kamehameha had four (4) hanai/adopted children.

Kamehameha had six (6) siblings.


Much Fraud, conspiracies, piracy(ies), racketeering was made over time.  Tampering of the Royal Family's genealogies were also tampered with by the Pirates of the Pacific:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends who wanted lands, monies, etc. of the Kamehameha Royal Family's.

The purpose of this research is to show that the Kamehameha's heirs of his body exists.  Also, the research reveals who the true land owners are.l

Lies were documented by the haters, the animosity filled belials - devils (a word used by Father Damien who helped with the kanaka maoli who were banished to Molokai Leper Colony even though they did not have the disease.  

The PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends were the greedy, hate based scum of the earth white supremacists/ Annexationists, genocide activists who were supported by the U.S, Great Britain, and France, the nations who failed to follow rule of law since 1893.

All of Kamehameha's heirs of his body and his hanai/adopted families are and remain parties to the Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 with the U.S. President Zachary Taylor and ratified by the U.S. Congress in 1850.  The Treaty is only between Kamehameha, his heirs and successors and the U.S. which is also a permanent Friendship and Amity Treaty.

The Treaties are the supreme law of the land as documented in the U.S. Constitution of 1787, Article 6: Supremacy Clause.

The U.S. went bankrupt and could not Treaty since 1871.

It was in 1874 when Sanford B. Dole began to claim that the Kamehameha's were nearly gone, then started to claim later that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was "the last of the Kamehameha's" etc.

The Lies continued on, a concerted effort to defraud the Kamehameha's, the Royal Family by active PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

Conspiracies, Fraud, Piracies are documented, and the genealogies researched over time reveals the Truth that Kamehameha's heirs and successors existed well before the missionaries/mercenaries arrived under the cover of the 1820 Annexationists/White Supremacists/haters entered the Hawaiian Islands with the support of the U.S., etc.

More Lies about an Annexation was made to many.  Many believed the Lies, the Frauds made over time.

Fraud vitiates all contracts, all claims.

Sanford B. Dole, et. als. introduced Fraud by claiming there were "no more Kamehameha's".

Even today the Lies have been perpetuated by the haters, the White Supremacists/Annexationists who are documented Pirates due to failure to follow rule of law.


United States v. Throckmorton

  1. United States Supreme Court case

    United States v. Throckmorton is an 1878 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on civil procedure, specifically res judicata, in cases heard at equity. Wikipedia

UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON. | Supreme Court | US Law | LII / Legal ...

  1. Wells, in his very useful work on Res Adjudicata, says, sect. 499: 'Fraud vitiates every thing, and a judgment equally with a contract; that is, a judgment obtained directly by fraud, and not merely a judgment founded on a fraudulent instrument; for, in general, the court will not go again into the merits of an action for the purpose of ...

The multiple purposes of this research is to prove that Kamehameha's heirs and successors exist and are the Allodial land owners in the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago even today.

This research also proves why Hawaii is the Most Corrupt State in the United States, and adds to my article "Hawaii is the Criminal Mecca of the United States" on OpEd News.



Hawaii Has Been Named the Most Corrupt State in America!

Jan 9, 2024 — Conclusion. HonoluluHawaii, emerges as the most corrupt city in the United States, according to the Institute for Corruption Studies.

In 2010, I, Amelia Gora, a researcher and publisher of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web an author, writer, descendant of Kalola - next-of-kin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop wrote the following:


Jan 12, 2010 — by Amelia Gora (2010). It appears the U.S. government through Congress are aiding the CRIMINAL MECCAHawaii through the Akaka Bill Maneuver.


Friday, January 19, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Most Corrupt State in the U.S. - Hawaii, the Occupier of the Kingdom of Hawaii

Exposing the Truth for all to know, share, and for the legal records showing the Genocide, Criminal Fraud, Racketeering, Piracies against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation that is inundated by occupiers who have No Annexation, and No Jurisdiction, etc.

All illegal contracts are null and void.  

The Legitimate Government exists and continues on with full sovereignty called the Kingdom of Hawaii recognized by Belgium in 1841.

The Crown Lands are part of our Private Properties, which does not belong to the occupier State of Hawaii supported by the U.S. which has No Annexation, and No Jurisdiction way outside of the boundaries of 3-12 miles from the contiguous U.S.

We, the Kingdom of Hawaii also known as the Hawaiian archipelago with 133 islands, approximately 2,100 miles away from the United States which has no jurisdiction, and fails to follow rule of law, and breached the Neutrality Law of Kamehameha III, breached the Protectorate of 1854, breached the Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850, breached /violated the U.S. Constitution Article 6, and the Agreement of Queen Liliuokalani and the Junta/U.S. Junta in 1893, violated peace, etc. which has resulted in piracies, 'War Crimes, Genocide, etc.

Research is incomplete.



2010/03/06-Limited Appearance Statement from Amelia ...

Mar 6, 2010 — NEW YORK TIMES articles ... While the U.S. government considered Hawaii as a U.S. territory, the world including U.S. Americans recognized us as a.

Hawaiian news - fyi - keep, share far and wide!

IMPORTANT ARTICLES TO KEEP Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2020) The following articles ... U.S. Congress and documented in the NEW YORK TIMES on ...

Bill 2, CD1 Additional Testimony

Nov 4, 2019 — NOT the Bishop Estates, etc. Konohiki: Roy Nakamura. Date. Researched and Verified by: Amelia Gora, Royal Family Representative — Hawaiian ...

2010/03/12-Limited Appearance Statement of Amelia ...

Mar 12, 2010 — I, Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs descend from ... the Law of Nations, U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, clause ...

American Civil War Losers and their Effects on Society ...

Dec 11, 2017 — See: Updating the ILLEGAL U.S. Documented in Hawaii -A Review- by Amelia Gora (2016) ... Articles on Hawaii and the American Civil War.

DeRAILed In Hawaii or The RAIL Hits Mountains/Ahupuaa's in ...

Jun 18, 2011 — John Kekapu Gora (k) married Mary Kuulei Castro and had Amelia Kuulei Gora ... Note: This basically means that the U.S. claims to Pearl Harbor is ...


Jul 6, 2011 — from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs ... U.S./Americans who did premeditate the criminal dethronement of Hawaii's ...

Hawaiians Do Not Understand America's 4th of July

Jul 6, 2020 — Amelia Gora posted a photo of Kamehameha I on social media and ... Amelia's attached article explains history: King Kamehameha, the ...

theiolani | A great site

Oct 31, 2017 — The United States claims to Hawaii being a State is a lie. The ... by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants (2013 updated 2017).

Keep for the Records with other articles

Jan 16, 2011 — Note: This is one of lies conjured up by the Americans looking to assume our Hawaiian Islands. ... Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of ...

Gora v. Costa, 971 F.2d 1325

Aug 7, 1992 — ... lying in the corner and struck Edmund Gora with this bat. ... Amelia Gora but does not give us jurisdiction over the other plaintiffs.

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series

Aug 2, 2021 — Aug 18, 2020 — Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted ... ... Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: The Lying, Hypocrite U.S. ..

Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and ...

Jan 17, 2012 — Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012). Kamehameha I --. King of the Hawaiian ... U.S./America and the Sovereigns heirs and successors. Our ..

the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii vs. the EVIL ...

Jan 5, 2021 — Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted affecting the United States: 1) Pertaining to the Seizure of Hawaii ...

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: The Lying, Hypocrite U.S. ...

Aug 11, 2020 — Amelia Gora About the United States: The following Lies are documented in the 1898 Senate transcript exposed in the article: "Secret debate on ...

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: The Lying, Hypocrite U.S. Presidents Documented for the Public Records

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts:  The Big Liars - U.S. Presidents Who Perpetuated Fraud Claims to Annexation of Hawaii

                                                Researched by Amelia Gora (2020)


All in the World were lied to about Hawaii being part of the United States.

The following U.S. Presidents are documented Liars and hypocrites who perpetuated Fraud Claims About the Annexation of Hawaii:


Liar legal definition of liar

TO LIE. That which is proper, is fit; as, an action on the case lies for an injury committed without force; corporeal hereditaments lie in livery, that is, they pass by livery; incorporeal hereditaments lie in grant, that is, pass by the force of the grant, and without any livery. Vide Lying in grant.


Hypocrites meaning

Definition of hypocrite. 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion. 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. —.

Hypocrite | Definition of Hypocrite by Merriam-Webster

The Liars and Hypocrites are.........

 25. William McKinley 1897-1901

26. Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
27. William Howard Taft 1909-1913
28. Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921
29. Warren Gamaliel Harding 1921-1923
30. Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929
31. Herbert Clark Hoover 1929-1933
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945
33. Harry S. Truman 1945-1953
34. Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961
35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1961-1963
36. Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-1969
37. Richard Milhous Nixon 1969-1974
38. Gerald Rudolph Ford 1974-1977
39. James Earl Carter Jr. 1977-1981
40. Ronald Wilson Reagan 1981-1989
41. George Herbert Walker Bush 1989-1993
42. William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001
43. George Walker Bush 2001-2009
44. Barack Hussein Obama 2009-2017
45. Donald Trump 2017 - Present is different from the rest of the U.S. Presidents because he admitted that the U.S. has lied and Caused the Death of Millions...etc. 

U.S. President Trump Said that the U.S. Lied and Caused the Death of Millions and Now Moves to Make Corrections with Turkey's President

The above U.S. Presidents 25-44 - U.S. Presidents William McKinley through Barack Obama Failed to follow the Rule of Law, International Laws, the 1787 U.S. Constitution, and the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States when it came to the Hawaiian Kingdom.


1969 - Secret about the claimed annexation of Hawaii revealed in a 1969 article releasing information from the Library of Congress after obtaining approval from U.S. Congress. 

The information was released after 71 years which means Lies to the people was made by the United States.


U.S. President Trump Said that the U.S. Lied and Caused the Death of Millions and Now Moves to Make Corrections with Turkey's President

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: U.S. President Trump Said that ...

  • Review posted by Amelia Gora (2019) The following articles were posted affecting the United States: 1) Pertaining to the Seizure of Hawaii, War with Spain, etc.: "Archives takes wraps off 1899 Senate transcript, Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 32, Saturday, February 1, 1969

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Important Articles Documenting ...

  • Amelia Gora About the United States: The following Lies are documented in the 1898 Senate transcript exposed in the article: "Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed" (1) U.S. debate on whether to take over Hawaii occurred five (5) years AFTER taking over

1993 - U.S. President William Clinton perjured in Public Law 103-150 by saying that "President McKinley signed the Newlands Joint Resolution that provided for the annexation of Hawaii."

"Whereas, on July 7, 1898, as a consequence of the Spanish-American War, President McKinley signed the Newlands Joint Resolution that provided for the annexation of Hawaii;"

2000 - There was No Annexation/annexation of Hawaii.


2014 - University of Hawaii at Manoa Law Professor Williamson Chang's research shows that there was no annexation and it was impossible for another nation to annex an independent, already recognized nation.


  • [PDF]

Darkness over Hawaii: The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest ...


    NATION (2014); Williamson B.C. Chang, Federal Jurisdiction, 16 GOLDEN GATE U. L. REV. (1986); KEANU SAI, UA MAU KE EA-SOVEREIGNTY ENDURES: AN OVERVIEW OF THE POLITICAL AND LEGAL HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS (2011 ); Keanu Sai, American Occupation of the Hawaiian State: A Century Unchecked, HAW. J. OF LAW AND POL. (2004).

    • File Size: 399KB
    • Author: Williamson B.C. Chang
    • Page Count: 46
    • Publish Year: 2015
  • [PDF]

1 Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law University of ...


    8d609792b9c.pdfWilliamson Chang, “In Praise of Addison Bowman: The Ideal of Equality in the American Tradition in the Pacific” 18 University of Hawai‘i Law Review (1996) Williamson Chang, “The Wasteland in the Western Exploitation of Race and the Environment” 63 Colorado Law Review 849 (1996)

  • [PDF]

Testimony and Appendix of Williamson B.C. Chang, Professor ...

  • Williamson Chang, Do not Distribute or Quote without Permission Page 4 The Appendix to the Testimony of Williamson B.C. Chang April 16, 2015 “A Rope of Sand:” A Documentary History1 of the Failure of the United States to Annex the Hawaiian Islands Part I By Williamson Chang, Professor of Law University of Hawaii School of Law at Manoa

  • [PDF]

Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law Honolulu, Hawai‘i …

  • Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law William S. Richardson School of Law University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa 2515 Dole Street Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822 September 17, 2014 Eric Holder, Jr., U.S. Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 FedEx Tracking Number 8061 7191 0836

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Williamson Chang's pdf for Mauna ...

  • BOARD OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF HAWAI’I IN THE MATTER OF ) CASE No. BLNR-CC-16-002 Contested Case Hearing ) Re Conservation District Use ) WRITTEN DIRECT TESTIMONY Application (CDUA) HA -33568 ) OF WILLIAMSON B. C. CHANG for the Thirty Meter Telescope ) AS TO APPLICANT'S LACK OF at the Mauna Kea Science Reserve , ) TITLE TO THE SUMMIT Ka'ohe Mauka, …

  • 2017 - 

Updated: "The Doctrine of Political Question" Applies to All Land Cases.....Important, Mahalo Joyclynn Costa!

Joyclynn Costa

  • · 22 hrs ·
    11 years ago on April 13th on a Friday myself and 3 others stood in front a Judge. We were accused of Criminal Trespass II reduced to Simple Trespass. The day we got arrested they put it on the 10 news about activist fighting for "Hawaiian" land. Wrong, we were standing for our rights and kuleana. After being looped in the system for months we had our day in court. The Prosecutor said if we could prove separation of jurisdiction and powers from both the State of Hawaii a...nd the United States the Judge could recognize our claim. Our point was they could not apply their authority on Hawaiian Nationals. There were 16 arrested that day. On April 13 on a Friday I delivered what the prosecutor requested. I handed the clerk, to hand to the Judge, a letter from the late Senator Inouye. He was a United State Senator for the State of Hawaii. (two birds w/ one stone) He could not come to our trial due to a mandated Constitutional Separation of Powers. I looked it up and found within the Separation of Powers was "The Doctrine of Political Question". In this doctrine it speaks of land if created by another Country can not be decided in court. It is of a political matter between the Executives. The Judge took a look at the letter asked a few questions flipped thru his books and accepted my oral motion to dismiss with prejudice. The prosecutor had nothing else to rebut and the Judge rendered a decision to grant the Dismissal with Prejudice. I know this was not of my doing but the grace of ke Akua that worked this case. You see we were not suppose to appear that because the case was already dismissed w/out prejudice. The Judge asked why our names were on the calendar and all they could say was it was a mistake. My dad stood with me and he had his say in court. A week later all others were also dismissed w/prejudice. All 16!!!! Since then we have lost a few of those warriors. 
  • 2018 - Dr. Alfred deZayas documented that there was no annexation and the Hawaiian Kingdom exists:

  • Reference:  

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to ...

  • May 09, 2019 · DrAlfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to Routhe Bolomet - Important Keeper Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc. posted by Amelia Gora (2019)

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Dr.Alfred DeZayas Exposes ...

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Important Articles Documenting ...

  • May 09, 2019 · DrAlfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc. posted by Amelia Gora (2019) GENOCIDE: 1893 SHARPSHOOTERS WHO KILLED KANAKA MAOLI REVEALED

  • This post has been posted for purposeful reasons.

  • aloha.

  •                                         The Hawaiian Anthem by Queen Liliuokalani


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