Monday, May 6, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Taxes from Hawaii Gotten Illegally by U.S. Congress

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Taxes from Hawaii Gotten Illegally by U.S. Congress

                                                  - Piracy in Taxes Evidence -

                                                       Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

No Taxation Without Representation

Prince Kuhio was not a Representative because he was not allowed to vote.

Therefore, taxation by the U.S. Congress was gotten without Representation.

"No Taxation without Representation."

Which means, taxes were gotten from Hawaii illegally.  See article below:

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, August 15, 1901, Page 13, Image 13

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


There were no entries about Hawaii in the most recent change to the phrase: (1) No Taxation without Representation, and (2) the entry shown after the following explanation is is the latest found on the web:


No taxation without representation


No taxation without representation

"No taxation without representation" (often shortened to "taxation without representation") is a political slogan that, though rooted in the Magna Carta, ...

No Taxation Without Representation History & Example

The phrase "No Taxation Without Representation" is a verbal protest against taxes being imposed upon a people that feel like they have no say in the matter.



Who said "No taxation without representation"?

The American colonists first began using this slogan in the 1760s to voice their concerns and protest against new taxes imposed by the British on goods. This occurred after the passing of the Stamp Act, its repeal a year later, and the passing of the Townshend Acts.

Why is taxation without representation unfair?

Taxation without representation is unfair because the people who are being taxed have no say in the matter. They are not heard by the government because nobody is there to defend their case, yet they are taxed anyways. An analogy to this would be a mediator only listening to one side of an argument, thereby making a decision only off of that side.

What did the slogan "No taxation without representation" mean and why was it a rally cry for the colonists?

No taxation without representation was first used as a phrase in colonial America. The people stated that since they were not represented in British parliament through a physical diplomat, then they should not be taxed. As the British continued to set harsher taxes upon the colonists and imported goods, the slogan became more popular. It eventually led to events including the Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party.

How did "No taxation without representation" lead to the American Revolution?

The phrase was used as a protest against imposing taxes on goods in high-demand. The colonists had no voice in government to argue against being taxed, which angered them further. The British insisted that since the colonists were under British rule, they were already being represented virtually through the parliament.

What does No Taxation Without Representation mean? The phrase "No Taxation Without Representation" is a verbal protest against taxes being imposed upon a people that feel like they have no say in the matter. Over the centuries, this slogan has also been used to express frustration over the governing of an area's trade, politics, and way of life. Additionally, this phrase tends to make an appearance most often during times of conflict. For instance, in the years leading up to the American Revolution, "no taxation without representation" became a popular slogan during open protests against British trading taxes. Without any voice in the government to use to speak out against the government in power, the people were left unable to air their grievances and reach a middle-ground in a civil manner. The building resentment ultimately led to conflict in the American Revolution and beyond. The meaning has changed very little since the 1760s when the term was first used regularly and is used in some places today to convey the same general idea.

also see

(2)  Shown Here:
Introduced in House (02/24/2021)

1st Session
H. R. 1295

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to tax bona fide residents of the District of Columbia in the same manner as bona fide residents of possessions of the United States.

February 24, 2021

Mr. Gohmert introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means


To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to tax bona fide residents of the District of Columbia in the same manner as bona fide residents of possessions of the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “No Taxation Without Representation Act”.


The Congress finds the following:


“Sec. 938. Income from sources within the District of Columbia.”.


Hawaii was not Annexed, yet Taxes were collected.

So,  the following is found to be true:

1) breaches and violations against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is documented.

2)  There was no Annexation, it was all lies.

3)  U.S. Congress supported the U.S. Military invasion into Hawaii.

See:  article on Pearl Harbor Coaling Station

4)  U.S. Congress failed to support U.S. President Grover Cleveland who gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

5)  U.S. Congress failed to follow rule of law in regards to taxes because 'No Taxes without Representation' was not adhered to.

Delegate Prince Kuhio was not allowed to vote and was not a Representative when it came to taxes, etc.

Therefore, the U.S. Congress violated their own U.S. Constitution of 1787.

The Neutrality Treaty was violated a number of times by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, U.S. President William McKinley, et. als.

Piracy is an ongoing activity by the United States as documented in the issue of taxes, etc.




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