Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: U.S. Pirates Promoting Wars, Genocide Since 1893

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  U.S. Pirates Promoting Wars, Genocide Since 1893

                                                                 Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)


Kingdom of Hawaii                              Palestine                                              Ukraine

  Invasion by the U.S.                         Invasion by Israel                       a Russian Territory

  - with Great Britain, and France      -- Supported by the U.S.          --Supported by U.S.

                                                                      with Great Britainand France   - with Great

                                                                                                                     Britain and France

*Weapons, and manuals on how        * Monies, Weapons supplied      * Monies, Weapons

to War supplied by the U.S.                by the U.S.                                  supplied by the U.S.

Note:  Documented Pirates                   Documented Pirates                Documented Pirates

based on the violations/ breaches        Status of Pirates since 1893   Status of Pirates         of the Neutrality Law of 1854,                                                                since 1893                                   since 1893

 documented by Kamehameha III;

violations of the U.S. Constitution,

the 1849 Treaty of the Kingdom of 

Hawaii and the U.S. ratified in 1850;

Article 6; Protectorate of 1854;

1893 - Agreement between Queen Liliuokalani

and the U.S. Junta.

Genocide of Kanaka Maoli recorded including

the theft of monies, lands, etc.

Status of the U.S. - bankrupt, and Pirates

Importantly, Kamehameha III documented that

those Nations that violated the Neutrality Law 

are to be punished as Pirates. 


The U.S. are Occupiers because there was no Annexation

meaning they have no jurisdiction, and collect taxes without 

representation since 1893,  Lies about Annexation was made

over time.  It's not possible to Annex a separate Nation with

Sovereignty and claim it - Reference:  Professor Williamson

Chang  see:

  1. by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2016) Let us review the the Article: 1897. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. - Article posted 1904 in the New York Times. P1050255.JPG. ... the University of Hawaii School of Law has written about the incapacity of the Joint Resolution in a recently published articleWilliamson Chang ...
    • Hawaiian Kingdom: Annexation

      Jan 12, 2018 · The Lies About Annexation Exposed by Williamson Chang or Why the State of Hawaii is Legally a Fraud (and a Royal person Amelia Gora - My Comments: They are ... [PDF] Darkness over Hawaii: Annexation Myth Greatest Obstacle to ...

Status of the kanaka maoli present day:  "Niggers or Indians",

see below.

white annexationists/supremacists exists with apartheid views

recognizing Kanaka Maoli as lesser than they.  Taxes obtained

without legal rights and used for wars from a neutral, friendly,

non-violent nation since Kamehameha III's time.

The U.S. appears to try to validate their illegal moves in the

Hawaiian archipelago and serves to promote ongoing activities 

hiding the facts that they have been documented as Pirates, along

with Great Britain, and France since 1893.  

Lies have continued on with failure to inform other nations of the


The pact made in 1822 called the Secret Treaty of Verona has

everything to do with the Pirating of innocent Nations even today.

Everyone should be aware of this.  The U.S. fails to follow its own

U.S. Constitution of 1787, Article 6 and continues on a Genocide

campaign against innocents in the World today.

See: Overthrow - from Hawaii to Iraq and the 53 False Flag operations at


The ongoing slaughter, killing of innocents  in Palestine, etc. are based on Pirates activities which has been ongoing since 1893.

The multiple violations are hereby documented for the records.

All nations should recognize that a Cease Fire must occur.

Pirates are unacceptable and are genocide activists in the World


Most Nations are unaware of the facts that the U.S., Great Britain, and France violated the Neutrality Law of 1854, the Protectorate of 1854, etc.

To align with the U.S., Great Britain, and France means that the Nations

such as the NATO organization have become partners in crime and Pirates who have joined an uncivilized ring of haters, seeking to exterminate innocents around

the World with weapons obtained by piracy activities on innocent Nations such 

as the Kingdom of Hawaii. 

Queen Liliuokalani prophesied that if the U.S. does not make corrections, it will

fall apart.





In Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, Stephen Kinzer tells the stories of the politicians, spies, military commanders, and ...

Feb 5, 2019 — False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if ...


There was No Annexation which means Kanaka Maoli are treated as "Niggers or Indians" and Not Americans..see article below:

The Independent. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1895-1905, August 06, 1897, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

OpEd News › Diary › PIRATES-IN-TH...
Jul 6, 2011 — from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting ... 1795 May Battle of Nuuanu and conquest of Oahu. ... See article "Arrests for Treason in Hawaii" in THE ...

IOLANI – Legal | Paradise 808 - 

Some Nations fail to do their research!
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: U.S. Pirates Promoting Wars, Genocide Since 1893
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Amelia Gora
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Oct 29, 2010 — 313 Legal Notice October 27, 2010 ( posted ... Lastly, I, Amelia Gora hereby maintain that the Hawaiian ... of Hawaii, an invasion of the rights of ...

Jun 27, 2021 — The U.S. has indeed breached the Neutrality Laws against the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii documented in the past and the recent present.
James Campbell Trust - Based on Fraud Land Claims ... and articles posted by Amelia Gora. Tags: Conspiracies, Evidence, Hawaiian, Heirs, Issues, Kamehameha, ...
Oct 7, 2010 — Because we are a genealogy based society, Hawaiian genealogical records are posted for your personal or family files. At times, genealogies of ...
Genealogy Research Links. Posted by Amelia Gora on November 6, 2017 at 6:20pm in Politics ... 2021-0627 - Documenting the Breach of Neutrality ... Opposition to TMK ...

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