Friday, September 23, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Evidence of Manipulation of Legalese by Aliens in the Hawaiian Islands

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Evidence of Manipulation of Legalese by Aliens in the Hawaiian Islands

                                                               Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)

There are a number of words that have been changed by the Aliens which gave a different meaning to the words used by our Royal Family members including Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

The following are some of the words found which were changed by the Aliens.

Even genealogies were tampered with, but for our purposes in this article, the focus is on the legalese that was deliberately, purposefully changed in the records:


     Documented Word                      Changed Word                 

*  kanakolu                                                                fifty years

meaning:  kanakolu =30                translated        to 50 years

Note:  The proclamation by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was recorded in the Hawaiian language which conveyed the fact that leases were for only "kanakolu" or 30 years.

The English translation was documented as 50 years.

The Aliens gave themselves 20 years more than what was law.


The English translation is wrong! Aliens translated 30 years into 50 years!

This is evidence of Fraud.  Lease lands, freehold, less than allodial lands could only be  leased for 30 years and Not 50 years.

This documents the deliberate changes affecting lands in the Hawaiian Islands:

The Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu (Oahu), Hawaii) 1840-1841, June 19, 1841, Page 6, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu (Oahu), Hawaii) 1840-1841, June 19, 1841, Page 7, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu (Oahu), Hawaii) 1840-1841, June 19, 1841, Page 7, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

The Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu (Oahu), Hawaii) 1840-1841, June 19, 1841, Page 7, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

* allodial and Fee Simple                                            Allodial in Fee Simple

meaning:  There are two kinds of conveyances   vs. the merging of the two words

Note:  Allodial titles were "forever" lands conveyed to kanaka maoli only and Fee Simple was intended for the Aliens/foreigners who could never own Allodial titles.  Aliens were conveyed only 30 year time limits called Fee Simple, Leases, Freehold or less than allodial.


NOTE:  See the speech of Kaeo disclosing that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave lands FOREVER AND FOREVER


The manipulation of the legalese occurred after the wrongful dethronement of   Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

Note:  It appears that the Allodial titles were deliberately tampered with so that kanaka maoli could not claim their lands throughout time.  The purpose was to defraud, deny land ownership to the kanaka maoli by indoctrinating the people that all was lost.

FOUND IT!!! Sanford B. Dole, et. als. Began the Indoctrination/Lies About Fee Simple Ownership Disregarding Alodio/Alodial Titles - Forever Lands from Kamehameha III Posted by Amelia Gora on August 17, 2017 at 1:54am in Politics View Discussions researched by Amelia Gora (2017)
(2) 1929 Indices of Awards:

*  inviolable                                                                 inalienable

the term that means not to be violated or able of being invaded.


This Means that the Crown Lands which are the King's Private Lands and Personal Properties are Inviolable.

When Kamehameha III died, his successor was his hanai/adopted son named Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV.

Judge Hartwell, a former American Civil War General was given the position of Judge by Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha brother of Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho who died.

Judge Hartwell claimed that the Crown Lands was "inalienable".  

Definition of INALIENABLE RIGHTS: the term given to the fundamental rights accorded to all people.
Judge Hartwell moved away from the original word "Inviolable" to "Inalienable" which does Not mean the same.
Claims over the Crown Lands which are the Private Properties of Kamehameha belongs to Kamehameha III, his heirs and successors, forever.

This is the Evidence:

Reference: Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii


The Criminal manipulations of the legalese were made by American psyops, agents who arrived in the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina to conspire, create chaos, create fraud, criminal manipulations in legalese to confuse, pirate, pillage, steal, etc. and criminally assume what was not belonging to Aliens in the Hawaiian Islands.
Alfred S. Hartwell became one of the three wealthiest persons in the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.
The Private Lands/Crown Lands, and other properties numbered 10806 (more than 25 parcels) of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, were "inviolable" and Not "inalienable".
The King's documents supersedes the criminal Alien infiltrator who declared that the lands of Kamehameha IV one of the successors of Kamehameha III were "inalienable".
Chronological History of the Private Properties/Crown Lands and Personal Properties vs. Aliens Perspective/Frauds/Conclusions
1848 - June 7 - Crown Lands and Government Lands Deeds documented.
1852 - May 4 -  Records of Legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom:

"Article 41.  "The Kings private lands, and other personal property are inviolable; "they cannot be sequestrated by the nation; "but they are responsible for His Majesty's "just debts, lawfully contracted."
Note:  "sequestrated" means "given up for safekeeping".
1854 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli died.  His successor was Alexander Liholiho who became Kamehameha IV.
One of Kamehameha's widows named Queen Kalama gave her Dower to Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho.
1864 - Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho died.
His widow Queen Emma gave her Dower to the Hawaiian Government, the Legitimate Hawaiian Government.  It was only her lifetime interest.  
The Kamehameha's, the Royal Family were heirs and upon the death of Queen Emma, her Dower went to the Kamehameha's, the Royal Family again, "forever" as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in his perpetual deed as noted above in the Crown Lands and Government Lands deed.
Note:  This important Deed was found by my brother John and myself at the Archives in a file that was not related to the subject.  In other words, the file was either deliberately misplaced, or hidden from the public.
It was my former father-in-law who was an Assistant Archivist who had complained to me that the Archivist named Agnes Conrad was destroying records, etc.  So, it can be said that records were moved, etc. in the process of destroying evidence, etc.
1865 - Probate of Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho resulted in Alfred Hartwell's opinion to distort the deed of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in five (5) ways:
(1)  change "inviolable" to "inalienable".
(2)  claim that the Crown Lands belonged to the "seat of the Crown"
(3)  remove, give up, and disregard the term "sequestrated"
(4)  disregard, eliminate the "allodial" titles.
(5)  disregard, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's "himself, his heirs, and successors, forever."
      Note:  Kamehameha IV - Alexander was Not the only successor.
Kamehameha III had heirs, his heirs at that time had heirs and successors, and his successors at the time also had heirs and successors.
Therefore, the terminologies manipulated, maneuvered by thieving, Pirates, Pillagers, Aliens assigned to the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina did conspire against the Kamehameha's since Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha allowed Alfred Hartwell to infiltrate the Judicial branch of the legitimate Hawaiian government.
Fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts.
These issues about Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's private properties/Crown Lands and Personal properties under the number 10806 are owned by the Royal Family, descendants and heirs of Kamehameha.
The Crown Lands are Not "ceded" lands claimed by conspirators, pirates, pillagers, thieves, terrorists (updated term) as noted by the above documented evidence, and all the references below, etc.
There was no annexation, meaning there is no jurisdiction.
The evidence includes the 1969 article of the Seizure of Hawaii - see below; Former Law School Head and Professor Williamson Chang - see below;  the U.S. Supreme Court Memo of 2000; and United Nations Alfred de Zayas Letters showing that the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii exists; and my/Royal Family's research which shows that premeditation, conspiracies against the Hawaiian government, against the Queen, and showing that Kamehameha's descendants exists are proof that the Crown Lands/private lands and personal properties are owned by our Royal Family, the Kamehameha's heirs and successors.
Rents are due for the use of our Crown Lands/private properties, personal properties, etc.


The manipulations of the legalese by Aliens appears to be deliberate and the purpose is to defraud the kanaka maoli landowners.

The Aliens could not own what the kanaka maoli could, which is the "forever lands".

The only way Aliens could own "forever lands" was to marry a kanaka maoli and receive a life interest, and only their children who were part-kanaka maoli could inherit the "forever lands" and their descendants with kanaka maoli bloodlines.

Research incomplete.



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