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Article posted in 2003 : Uncovering Conspiracies in Hawaii Affecting Other Nations by Amelia Gora(2003)

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Author: surfchic
Date Posted: #a March 24, 2003
Topic Lead: HAWAII's QUEEN WARNED:  The U.S. Breached the Law of Nations, Supported Conspirators/....

                                  AFFECTING OTHER NATIONS

                                        By Amelia Kuulei Gora, one of Kamehameha’s
                                            Descendants, a Royal Person, not subject to
                                            The laws; March 23, 2003


Hawaii/the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Archipelago is more than 1,650+ years old, an ANCIENT Society based on genealogies.

Due to the prime location, in the middle of the Pacific, Hawaii became well known due to Captain James Cook’s explorations of the Pacific Ocean.  Visits to Tahiti, and Hawaii placed the Islands on the British maps.

Polynesians traveled utilizing their knowledge of the innumerable stars location, an ancient method taught by ancestors over time.  The celestial mapping system are known by several of the Polynesian Societies till today.

Great Britain and the United States appeared to have been in contact with each other over time.  The terminology of “Indians” describing “Hawaiians/ Kanaka Maoli” is evidenced in the diaries of Cooks men.

In 1819, Kamehameha set aside the kapu/taboo system in a secret meeting with his Alii/Chiefs.

In 1824, Kamehameha II – Liholiho had ventured to Great Britain to seek and learn more information about the Monarchy Government, details, etc.

In 1843, a Hawaiian mission “was already in Europe, seeking formal recognition of Hawaiian Independence.”

            February.  Lord Paulet of Great Britain “ served demands on the Hawaiian government, with an ultimatum expiring at four o’clock the next afternoon.”

Note:  The French had just “seized the Marquesas Islands and Tahiti, and in the long-range historical view it is believed that the policy in London was to preent French seizure of the Hawaiian Islands as well.  It has also been suggested that there was some thought of counteracting American influence in the Islands.”

        July. American Commodore Lawrence Kearney, of the frigate Constellation, “protested the cession and saluted a Hawaiian flag which was hoisted aboard ship.
        Under the British control for five (5) months, Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli celebrated after Great Britain’s  correction through Rear Admiral Richard Thomas, “arriving from Valparaiso.

        July 31.  “Nobles, commons, and foreigners” gathered at the location named after Admiral Thomas, now known as Thomas Square.

                        An announcement was made as follows:  “The commander in Chief of Her Britannic Majesty’s ships and vessels in the Pacific ….does not accept of the provisional cession of the Hawaiian Islands.”

                        A flag made for Hawaii as ordered by Admiral Thomas was a  flag “with a crown and an olive branch in the center.”

                          Hawaiian flags were then “raised over the fort at the harbor and over the battery on Punchbowl Hill”.

        October.  The UNITED STATES commissioner to Hawaii named George Brown “bore a somewhat more cautious recognition” of Hawaii as a separate Nation. 

        November 28. Both “FRANCE and GREAT BRITAIN recognized Hawaiian independence and pledged themselves not to infringe upon it.”

1849 – United States Commissioner to Hawaii and Captain William H. Gardner of the USS Vandalia, warship “was prepared to defend the American flag if the king saw fit to raise it over the island.”

The “difference between Hawaiian and European ideas of property, particularly in land.  Hawaiian land tenure was feudal, vested in the King and allotted by him to his chiefs and through them to the people, and it was revocable at will.”  Then came the Great Mahele, the Land Division, with issues of ALLODIAL and FREEHOLD, less than ALLODIAL.

So, it appears that from the time of Kamehameha III, a heightened state of interest in Hawaii became an issue with primarily GREAT BRITAIN, and UNITED STATES, who kept an eye on FRANCE since then.

The following topics are areas of Conspiracies/TERRORIST activities Uncovered:


Genealogies have been maintained for more than 1,650+ years and Is the basis of Hawaii’s Royal Families, Sovereign Families, and Sovereigns as People in Hawaii.  As with other ANCIENT Societies, Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli respected and regarded genealogies, planned the relationships due to the purpose of maintaining the bloodline connections to the lands.

The genealogies were deliberately falsified by those perpetuating in Hawaii since the period of Kamehameha III such as PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

However, genealogies have withstood the test of time, the families of Kamehameha, Kalakaua have continued on maintaining OPPOSITIONS yet continue to be defrauded by American Conspirators/ TERRORISTS who maintain and perpetuate FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE, affecting Hawaii till today AND AFFECTING ALL NATIONS TODAY. 

Rents and Leases are due from the Entity now known as the State of Hawaii and the United States.  Issues of Occupation, occupation in many other countries continues.

The following were found to be true and in contradiction to Conspirators/ TERRORIST claims over time:

Kamehameha – had 10 documented wives:
1) Kanekapolei
2) Keopuolani
3) Kaahumanu
4) Kaheiheimalie
5) Namahana/Piia
6) Peleuli/Kekela
7) Kekikipaa
8) Wahinepio
9) Manono
10) Kekauluohi

Kamehameha II – Liholiho had seven (7) documented wives:
1) Kamamalu
2) Liliha
3) Pauahi
4) Konia
5) Kekauluohi
6) Kapule
7)  Pali

Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli had three (3) documented wives:
1) Nahienaena
2) Kekualoa
3) Kalama

Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho had one (1) wife:
Emma/Kaleleonalani/Queen Emma

Kamehameha V – Lot Kamehameha – remained single

King William Charles Lunalilo – remained single

King David Kalakaua – David Kalakaua had two (2) wives:
1) Kalele/Kaahulele
2) Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani

Queen Liliuokalani – Makaeha/Kamakaeha/Lydia had four (4) husbands:
1) Naihe
2) Maulili
3) Koolau
4) John Dominis


1872 – Admiral A. M. Pennock, Commander of the North Pacific Squadron, General John M. Schofield, Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific, and Brigadier General B. S. Alexander were on a mission under secret orders by the War Department.

            Mapping of Pearl Harbor, Schofield Barracks, Fort Armstrong, and other military staging areas on Oahu and the neighbor islands were made and pinpointed during this survey.

1875 – Reciprocity Treaty signed by King Kalakaua in Washington, D.C.

1876 – FRAUD DEED signed by King Kalakaua affecting PEARL HARBOR made to two 8-9 years deceased Alii/Chief and Chiefess.  The
Alii were:  MATAIO KEKUANAOA who died eight (8) years previously or 1868.  One of his wives, KAMAIKUI died ten (10) years previously or 1866.

 MATAIO KEKUANAOA – was the nephew of KAMEHAMEHA, through his mother KIILAWEAU.  He practiced multiple marriages.  He
Was the father of KAMEHAMEHA IV – Alexander Liholiho and
KAMEHAMEHA V – Lot Kamehameha and others.

 KAMAIKUI – was the adoptive mother of QUEEN EMMA.  QUEEN
EMMA  was the wife of KAMEHAMEHA IV – ALEXANDER LIHOLIHO who was also her stepbrother through marriage.

Note:  This information surfaced in a CONDEMNATION OF LAND CASE by the Entity now known as the State of Hawaii vs. the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates.



1878 –Celso Caesar Moreno, employed by the Trans-Pacific Cable Company arrived in Hawaii.  He became close friends with King Kalakaua.

            Pacific Cable Company was formed, invested in by United States citizens/supporters, mostly sugar planters, businessmen, bankers in Hawaii.  The reason was due to the United States fear of the Japanese entering San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles.  The government feared that it would take more than 10 years to get them out based on strategic studies by Homer Lea author of THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE.  The book includes strategic maps involving the Hawaiian Islands, Samoa, and Antarctica.

1885 -  American Minister in Hawaii, Mr. Dagget/Daggett/Daggitt sent official dispatches to Washington stating the following:

            “With the death, a few months since. Of Mrs. Bernice Pauahi, the Kamehameha family, so far as recognized, became extinct, and the death of Queen Emma leaves no one to contest, on the score of lineage, the sovereign right of the existing dynasty which stands alone, at last, as the sole representative, unless very remotely, of the Hawaiian rulers of the past.”

Note:  The Minister in Hawaii, Daggit, FAILED TO DO HIS HOMEWORK and made his COMMENTS/OPINIONS about Kamehameha’s families, believed the Conspirators/TERRORISTS in Hawaii creating a precedence, an erroneous precedence and sent ERRONEOUS information to Washington.  See U.S. President Bush letter dated February 23, 2001.

1887 -  The Reciprocity Treaty with the United States was renewed and extended to 1894.  Hawaii then granted a coaling-and-repair station site at Pearl Harbor to the United States.  Pearl Harbor was claimed to be useless unless the United States had full control of the Port and all of Oahu, complained the Naval officers.

              Pearl Harbor’s interests were due to the barrier reef and more than a mile of shallow waters, which would be inaccessible for large ships, securing a safe distance.

1890 – The United States, Great Britain and Germany devised a three-way protectorate over the “islands”, Hawaii and Samoa.

            A perspective of “anticipated annexation” as an American policy towards Hawaii and Samoa was planned.  The executive move to acquire and control both Hawaii and Samoa were reluctantly backed by the Senate until the Spanish-American War in 1898.

1892 – Lorrin A. Thurston offered to purchase the Hawaiian Islands for approximately $60,000.

            A U.S. agent through the Annexation Club offered Queen Liliuokalani $250,000 to purchase the Hawaiian Islands.

            United States Secretary of the Navy, B. F. Tracy, met with Makua Valley rancher, Samuel Andrews nephew, Lorrina A. Thurston during the “preliminary contemplation…of overthrowing the Monarchy”, and talk about annexation afterwards.


The lands remain under ALLODIAL Titles.  FREEHOLD documents were given, less than Allodial, rentals/leases.

The Great Mahele was made in 1848 with the following Land Commissioners and alternates appointed:

 John Ricord, Attorney General – Chairman; a lawyer; former secretary of the Republic of Texas in 1836.  Arrived in Hawaii 1844.
 William Richards – Protestant Missionary in Hawaii.
 Zorababela Kaauwai – Kamehameha heir through his mother Kaheiheimalie married to Hoapilikane.  Kaheiheimalie was one of the widows of Kamehameha.  He was the brother of Kekauluohi the mother of King William Lunalilo.
 James Young Kanehoa – grandnephew of Kamehameha.  His grandfather was Keliimaikai, brother of Kamehameha.
 John Ii – great grandnephew of Kamehameha.  His grandmother was the sister of Kamehameha named Kalanikaulihiwakama Piipii.


 William L. Lee/Colonel William L. Lee – arrived in Honolulu with Charles Reed Bishop in 1846.  Early suspected spy who falsely claimed that Kamehameha III’s intentions were to cede Hawaii to the United States.
 Namauu – great grandnephew of Kamehameha.  His grandmother was the sister of Kamehameha named Kiilaweau.  He was a brother of Mataio Kekuanaoa who was the father of Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho, Kamehameha V – Lot Kamehameha, and others.
 S.M. Kamakau – married into the Piikoi family line.
 G.M. Robertson
 J. Kekaulahao
 Joseph H. Smith

The Land Commissioners, the Great Mahele was finalized with the Government, Moi/Kings lands/Crown Lands, Alii and Rights of Tenants portions set.  The Land Commission was dissolved in March 1855.


Since 1822, coral stones began to be tabooed by the Government.

The Laws of 1842 included the coral reefs to the sea beach, and the fish tabooed/kapu by the landlords.  Notices were also to be given by the landlord.  The rights of all would be protected.

  “But no restrictions whatever shall by any means be laid on the sea without the reef even to the deepest ocean.  Though those particular fish which the general tax officer prohibits, and those of the landlords which swim into those seas, are taboo.”

The Kingdom of Hawaii exercised jurisdiction in the corals by issuing permits to mine calcium deposits.

In 1844, Taboo/kapu of the coral reefs was declared by the Governor of Oahu.  A. Paki/Abner Paki; Charles Kanaina/ C. Kanaina; John Young/Olohana; L. Haalelea/Levi Haalelea and G.P. Judd/Gerritt Parmele Judd documented these facts in their testimonies.

Those listed above genealogies/history includes the following:

1) A. Paki/Abner Paki – married to Kamehameha’s great grandaughter named Konia.  He was claimed father of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, although there’s oral history information stating she was hapa/part haole/foreign and a man named Pierce was her father.
2) Charles Kanaina/C.Kanaina – married to Kamehameha and Kamehameha II’s wife Kekauluohi.  He was the father of William Lunalilo/King Lunalilo.
3) John Young/Olohana – was great grandnephew of  Kamehameha.  His father named Keliimaikai was the full brother of Kamehameha.
4) L.Haalelea/Levi Haalelea – was the great grandson of Kamehameha.  His father was Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole son of Wahinepio married to Kamehameha.  Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole’s brother was Maulili
5) G.P. Judd/Gerritt Parmele Judd – Conspirators/TERRORISTS father of
Albert Francis Judd, a Judge who STOLE Queen Liliuokalani’s documents after the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.
He was also the father of Charles H. Judd who was the Chamberlain of
King David Kalakaua.  He was deeded a parcel of land by Mataio Kekuanaoa and one of his wives named Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine.
Charles H. Judd’s twin sister married the grandson of a New York bankers who was the first cousin of U.S. President Cleveland.

Note:  International waters remain around the Hawaiian Archipelago.  The recent RAMMING of the Ehime Maru shows that the United States created an act of War.  Likened to penalties incurred by Warring parties, the United States compensated some monies to the families for the wrongdoing.

In 1889, The Hawaiian Kingdom ‘s representative attended an International Maritime Conference for all Maritime Nations on the “Rules of the Road at Sea” held in Washington, D.C.

In 1982, the United Nations Law of Sea Treaty was approved, establishing 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zones for nations adjacent to or surrounded by the oceans.  The hotly debated topic over marine and mineral resources continue. 

A Law of the Sea Treaty was signed by 117 nations and the United States failed to sign it.  The claimeed concern was over the deepsea bed and mining of materials.  Negotiations have failed.

The United States fails/denies the recognition of Hawaii under the archipelagic concept, a concept not acknowledged and disregarded.

Note:  Convoluting terminology have been used to defraud Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli including the claim that Hawaii is not an Archipelago.


Discoveries of ANCIENT burials leads to the remains being removed.  Public Notices are given, the families appear, their genealogies verified.  Yet, the Court in Hawaii which IS NOT GRANTED JURISDICTION allows and maintains prejudice, CRIMINAL CLAIMS AGAINST the true landowners, the Hawaiians/kanaka maoli.

As one of the researchers stated that the removal of ANCIENT burials are a matter/issue of  “conquest”, the DECEIT, CRIMINAL WRONGDOING continues with OPPOSITIONS hereby documented.

Our families have been recognized for the reburial of remains in Waikiki and have agreed to plans for a Memorial closeby.  The purpose of the recognition were for the following reasons:

1) Claims to our ancestors iwi/bones – remains discovered while removing the street and sidewalk.
2) Claims to our ancestors made through genealogies to ancestors who have their names as owners of the lands verified by a Hawaiian/kanaka maoli
Employed by the Entity, State of Hawaii.

3) Purpose of moving forward to be recognized was because Hawaii’s
Hawaiians/Kanaka Maoli, etals. Need to be made aware that
Kamehameha’s descendants EXIST.  The Claims to the Waikiki burials,
And Waikiki Lands were made with the following with supporting documents presented to the Burials Program under the Entity now known
As the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources:

                                                                        KAMEHAMEHA married
MAHI/MAHIHELELIMA (male) brother of KANEKAPOLEI (female)
                      Son: KIKAU/KIIKAU (k)
                              Married AKAHI (w) grandniece of KAMEHAMEHA
                                  Son:  NAHUINA married great grandaughter of
                                            KAMEHAMEHA named KAILI /other aka’s
                                                              Son:  KALUAKINI/LUAKINI
                                    Married second cousin, another KAMEHAMEHA
                                          Descendant named HAILI/KAILI/KALAMA had
            Several children including ELIKAPEKA KAIMIOLA KALUAKINI
                              Married JOSEPH GORA formerly MATSUGORO had
            Several children including JOHN KEKAPU GORA who married
          Another KAMEHAMEHA descendant MARY KUULEI CASTRO
          And had Several children including AMELIA KUULEI GORA, a
          Royal Family member, heir of Sovereigns, along with Others.


There “was the clash between two broad groups of foreigners and between corresponding groups of natives over the laws regulating community morals.  Some merchants and sea captains wanted a “wideopen town.”

“The more powerful chiefs, relying upon the advice of New England missionaries, had enacted stern laws, the nature of which was summed up in the proposal of 1825 to declare the Ten Commandments the basic law of the land.”

Laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii appear to have been mischievously changed to accommodate the Entity, now known as the State of Hawaii.  Example:  During Kamehameha III’s period, the 1840 Laws were removed and reprints made after the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.


 The Law of Nations existed for hundreds of years, with the basis being a respect towards All Nations.
 Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the United States breached the Law of Nations.
 After the illegal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Morgan, approved “Minister Stevens’ order landing troops from the Boston on the ground that conditions existed which led naturally to the apprehension of civil commotion, and endangering the security of American citizens”, he also pointed out that there were four occasions in the past.

“In view of this the report lays down the proposition that “in a country where there is no power of law to protect the citizens of the United States, there can be no law of nations, nor any rule of comity that can rightfully prevent our flag from giving shelter to them under the protection of our arms.  This is without reference to any distress it may give the Queen, who generated the confusion….”

 A departure from the Law of Nations occurred after the death of
Queen Liliuokalani in 1817.  The League of Nations formed, the CFR
With United States and Great Britains partnership formed the United Nations with purposes/schemes of “ONE WORLD ORDER”


 In 1493, “Four Papal bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarchy…which legallly SANCTIONED COLUMBUS GENOCIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST INDIGENOUR PEOPLES of the Americas.  The Bull “Inter Caetera” of May 3rd 1493 states.  “the Catholic Faith and the christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everywhere amplified and spread, (and) that the SALVATION OF SOULLS MAY BE PROVIDED FOR AND BARBAROUS NATIONS SUBJUGATED AND BROUGHT TO THE VERY TRUE FAITH…”.
 In 1552, (Las Casas) The colonial Spanish affirmed this arrogance claiming “the bulls gave them the right to use just WAR to convert local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity”.
 In 1888, Reverend Sereno Bishop, a Protestant minister, addressed the Social Science Club and stated in regards to those who did the hula and kahuna:  “they are venomous reptiles……who need to be exterminated.”
 After the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, United States
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations named Morgan resented the report of the investigations “whether any, and if so what irregularities occurred in the diplomatic or other intercourse between the United States and Hawaii in relation to the secret political revolution in Hawaii.”  SEE ALSO:  MASONS, secret society
“The report then declares against monarchism in the islands, saying we exercise at least moral suzerainty over Hawaii, which, it says, “is an American State embraced in the American commercial and military system,” entitling it to the indulgent consideration, if not active sympathy, in its endeavors to release her people from the odious anti-Republican regime, and subordinates her people to the supposed divine right of a monarch “whose title to such divinity originated in the most slavish conditions of pagan barbarity.” SEE ALSO:  PAPAL BULLS


See: PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends by
        Amelia Kuulei Gora


The MASONS/FREEMASONS were set in place to break down Monarchial Governments.

The MASONS/FREEMASONS was a documented secret society as stated in a Report in Hawaii.  See:  CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII,


See:  PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends by
        Amelia Kuulei Gora


See:  PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends by
        Amelia Kuulei Gora


See:  PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends by
        Amelia Kuulei Gora


The United States have wrongfully collected taxes over time.  The first Internal Revenue Head was George Macy.  SEE:  PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, the SANTA CLAUS article by Amelia Kuulei Gora


PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends owed the Kingdom of Hawaii MILLIONS OF DOLLARS due to Loans, etc.

The United States was in a depression. 

The Kingdom of Hawaii’s STOLEN monies by the Entity, now known as theState of Hawaii had $279,291.53 cash, Gold Bullions, Gold Coins, jewelry, precious artifacts, etc.  The gold coins, housed at the American Savings Bank, are currently being used as collateral for buildings, etc.

Books, important documents, artifacts, personal belongings were removed from the Iolani Palace and thrown into a landfill on the Ewa Plains.  The exact location is known by a few because King David Kalakaua’s jeweled laden belt buckle was uncovered along with other things.


 Recognized as an archipelago by Russia and Great Britain.
 Important stopover for supplies:  water, food, other necessities.
 Government of Alii Nui/Alii – Chiefs and Chiefesses System based on genealogies.
 133 Islands in the Archipelago – major 8 islands were used as
homes, all other islands were fishing stopovers assigned to
Alii Nui/Alii – example:  Kalama Island, currently known as
Johnson Island – area where bombs made over time are deactivated, destroyed which includes contamination of the seas.

Kingdom of Hawaii – Monarchy Government

Kamehameha had ongoing conflicts with his relatives as discovered through genealogies.  His uncles wife, Kanekapolei became his wife, etc.  The Kapu System was maintained until he had a meeting with his Alii/Chiefs and instructed them to set aside the Kapu System.  Kamehameha was a makaula, a seer.  He recognized that catastrophe would befall onto his people.

Kamehameha II – Liholiho was from multiple Kapu genealogy lines and he was given the Royals position in Government.  He was a child at the time, and his caregivers, also his relatives Kaahumanu (female) widow of Kamehameha and her cousin Kalanimoku (male) were the Kuhina Nui over Hawaii until the time when Liholiho was old enough.

Kalanimoku was married to the niece of Kamehameha named Kuwahine.  Her mother was the full sister of Kamehameha, named Kalanikaulihiwakama Piipii.

Kaahumanu (female) was one of the ten (10) wives of Kamehameha.  She was also the stepmother of Liholiho – Kamehameha II.

Kamehameha II and entourage left for England to find out more about the Monarchy Government, etc.  He and one of his seven (7) wives died.  Her name was Kamamalu.

Kingdom of Hawaii – Constitutional Monarchy Government

In 1840, Hawaii became a Constitution Monarchy under Kauikeaouli – Kamehameha III.  International Treaties and protocols were implemented.
The Land Commission was formed, known as the Great Mahele, awarding Lands of Kamehameha to be divided.  The three way divisions were the following:

1) Crown Lands belonging to the King and for his heirs and successors.
2) Government Lands
3) Rights of tenants

Foreigners were allowed to rent and lease lands based on the Allodial, and Freehold applications on the deeds.  The aged dictionaries appear to have been destroyed, hidden away with the TRUE MEANINGS left unknown to date.  It appears that the translations/meanings have also changed over time to accommodate the “HAVE NOTS”, the conspirators/TERRORISTS.

Kingdom of Hawaii -  Constitutional Monarchy Government
                                      (Impaired status)

The Entity also known as the Provisional Government, turned Republic of Hawaii, turned Territory of Hawaii, and turned State of Hawaii with OPPOSITIONS.

 The currently claimed Entity aka State of Hawaii perpetuates CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES/FRAUD, Perpetuation of Fraud, Criminal Activities, Conspiracies/TERRORIST activities before and now.
  FRAUD GENEALOGIES are perpetuated by the Conspirators/TERRORISTS backed by the United States government.
  FRAUD HISTORY documented.  Example includes the claim that Hawaii was not recognized as an Archipelago, documentation found shows otherwise.
 FRAUD CLAIMS TO OUR ALII /Chiefs and Chiefesses TRUSTS, FRAUD.  The perpetuation of Fraud is maintained by Conspirators/TERRORISTS who continue wrongdoing….FRAUD was stated by many ancestors in Court made up of Conspirators/TERRORISTS in Hawaii.
 Perpetuation of FRAUD Continues based on:
1. Court activities due to Judges discretion and applications of personal bias/interest and based on a Second Constitution implemented through the INTERDEPENDENCY relationship with the United Nations.
2. Law Enforcement validates FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE, FRAUD CLAIMS based on its backing of 45 year old history.  Therefore, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE IS THE AMERICAN WAY.

a. Police Department – formed during the period of the Kingdom of
Hawaii and wrongfully assumed by the Entity backed by the
United States government.
b. FBI / Federal Bureau of Investigations
Due to a personal visit in the Honolulu Office, found out that the
FBI validates 45 years of claims/history.  Translation:  The FBI
Exists to validate and perpetuate FRAUD CLAIMS by American citizens in Hawaii and elsewhere.
c. National Guard – created after the wrongful dethronement of
Queen Liliuokalani, set in place to support FRAUD, CRIMINAL
DEVIANCE in Hawaii and set as a backup group to support the
United States Wars, Battles, Conflicts, protection for its citizens, most of whom are ongoing FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEVIANTS associated with the Conspirators/TERRORISTS of Queen Liliuokalani, etals.


Panic of 1893, President Cleveland made a loan from the J.P. Morgan – N.M. Rothchilds Syndicate, which ws formed in 1870.  Suspicion was on President Cleveland due to his allowance of the Nation’s money being in absolute control by private interests, Morgan, Belmont, and the Rothschilds.  The country was shocked by the huge profit that was rendered to the private interests.

Important Note:  President Cleveland’s first cousin was a banker from a large bank, which became the City & Country Savings Bank in Albany, New York.  His first cousin was James Hyde Pratt whose Hawaii resident son John Scott boyd Pratt married Sarah Dickson, daughter of Charles Hastings Judd’s twin sister Laura Fish Judd II, whose brother was Albert Francis Judd, Supreme court Justice, documented conspirator/TERRORIST.

Chairman Morgan of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations prepared a report “of the investigations of that committee made under a resolution requiring it to report “whether any, and if so what irregularities occurred in the diplomatic or other intercourse between the United States and Hawaii in relation to the secret political revolution in Hawaii.” See:  MASONS

In 1991, the following was documented in Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc. and researched by John B. Nelson, Legal Scholar:

1933 – The United States went “Bankrupt” and “was declared so by President roosevelt by Executie Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and Executive Order 6260.

1937 – The Organizations  which pledged “the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the National Government, and formed numerous socialist committees, such as the “Council of State Governments:, “Social Security Administration” etc., to purportedly deal with the economic “Emergency”.  “These Organizations operated under the “Declaration of INTERdependence.”

1965 – President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a Coinage Act of 1965 which supersedes the Act of 1792.  No Constitution Amendment was made.

1966 – “Congress being severely compromised, passed the “Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966,” “by which the entire taxing and monetary system was placed under the Uniform Commercial Code”.

              The United States was engaged in United Nations Conflicts – Vietnam and North Korea.

1970 – President Nixon issued Proclamation No. 3972, declaring an economic “Emergency” setting the “Declaration of INTERdependence” of 1937 in place.

1973 – “Congress passed Public Law 93-110, amending the Bretton Woods Par Value Modification Act, 82 Stat. 116(31 U.S.C.A. 449), and reiterated the “Emergency”.
1976 – January 19.  “ a second “Declaration of INTERdependence” and clearly identified the U.N. as a “Communist” organizaation, and that they were seeking both production and monetary control over the Union and the People through International Organizations promoting the “One World” as noted for the record by Marjorie S. Holt.
1980 - The U.S. President and Senate confirmed another "Constitution", namely, the "Constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization" found at Senate, Treaty Document No. 97-19, 97th Congress, 1st Session.  It is this section that the people are considered SLAVES.
1988 - Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel made advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in Relation to their Official Duties developed.

The Opinions covered the following:
-  The Territorial Sea
- The Constitutional Authority to Extend the Territorial Sea
- The President's Power to Assert Jurisdiction
- The President's Power to Assert Sovereignty
- Assertion of Sovereignty by Treaty
-Assertion of Sovereignty by the President Acting Alone - Discovery and Occupation
- Congress Power to Assert Sovereignty over the Territorial Sea
- The Proclamation's Effect on Domestic Law
- Conclusion:  "We believe that the President may make an extended jurisdictional claim to the territorial sea from three to twelve miles by roclamation."

1991 - President George Bush in his address of September 11 admitted "Interdependence", "One World Order", affiliation and collusion with the Soviet Union Oligarchy (50 U.S.C.A. 781, direction by the U.N./United Nations (22 U.S.C.A. 611) etc.  "You might also find it interesting that Treasury Delegation Order No. 92 states that the I.R.S./Internal Revenue Service is trained under the direction of the Division of "Human Resources" (U.N.) and the Commissioner (INTERNATIONAL) by the "Office of Personal Management".  In the 1979 Edition of 22 U.S.C.A.287, the United Nations, at pg. 248, you will find Executive Order No. 10422.

The "emergency" as stated in Senate Report 93-549:  "...give force to 470 provisions of Federal Law.  These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordianry powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners.  This vast range of poers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional process."

reference:  THE UNITED STATES IS BANKRUPT NOW - Documented Evidence Re:  Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc.; OPINIONS OF THE OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL of the United States Department of Justice Consisting of Selected Memorandum Opinions advising the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES< THE ATTORNEY GENERAL and other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in relation to Their Official Duties, Volume 12 [1988) Washington 1996


Conspiracies found through history, genealogies, and legal research uncover the deceit, treasonous activities which heightened at the time of the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

In all of the above issues, evidence has been gathered supporting the fact that the United States and Great Britain were supporting the conspirators/TERRORISTS in Hawaii as well as their friends in Congress. 

A prime example of their friends in Congress is Mr. Morgan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relaions who prepared the report on Hawaii.  The Chairman appears to be the same Morgan family of bankers, businessmen who maintained the United States and Great Britains monies, investments.

The Report "whether any, and if so what irregularities occurred in the diplomatic or other intercourse between the United Sttes and Hawaii's relation to the secret political revolution in Hawaii", include the position "against Monarchism".  The highlights of the words "secret" and "Monarchism" reveals that Morgan was indeed a MASON/FREEMASON, a secret society member whose function included breaking down Monarchial governments.

Reference:  AGAINST MONARCHY an article in the EVENING newspaper, San Francisco, California found in Queen Liliuokalani's personal clippings out of the Liliuokalani Collection at the Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii; ...AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE by David Icke; WAR GAMES by Thomas B. Allen.

Other issues of Genocide, FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEVIANCE have been published as HISTORICAL EVIDENCE AFFECTING ALL LANDS IN HAWAII by Amelia Kuulei Gora.

An Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 was filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii with genealogies, claims maintained, FRAUD, CRIMINAL MALFEASANCE, DEVIANCE, strategic maps of U.S., conspiracy issues, etc. by Amelia Kuulei Gora. (one of Kamehameha's descendants, a Royal Person)

This information is meant for our Hawaiians/ Kanaka Maoli, families, friends, all Countries/ Nations to see and to be aware of the documented deviance, fraud, conspiracies/TERRORISM on record which affected/affects Hawaii and the World today.

Aloha and Malama Pono (Love and Take Care.)


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