c/o the State of Hawaii Attorney General, et. als. Acting as Trustee for Abigail Kawananakoa
Many Interested others
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii 96814
Re: Claiming the Reward for Submitting the Name of the Person(s) who Stole the Kaai/Funerary Basketry from the Bishop Museum
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: More on the Kaai/Iwi/Remains basketry stolen by David Keanu Sai et. als.
Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
Facebook post:
Amelia Gora
23h ·
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Am posting this for the records: It was David Keanu Sai his cousin Kalama (dec.)who stole the Kauai/ the funerary basketry of some of our own ancestors.... no one has followed up on this .... instead ugly comments have been made against me a longtime researcher a whistleblower whose whistleblower friends included Greg Wongham of the show “Corruption in Hawaii “ , his cousin Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, Raymond Kamaka, and many other patriots in the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii
14Calvin Hulihee, Douglas Kaiama Gora and 12 others
- Amelia GoraThis is for our Legal Records .... Also know that Sai cannot represent the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii in any capacity . Why? Theft of our Royal Family’s iwi/bones/remains. Legal posting.7
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- · 23h
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- Sudden Rush EASudden Rush EA4
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- · 22h
- Calvin HuliheeTruth IZ!!!!!
3- Care
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- · 21h
- Ishmael W StagnerAnake… Speak the Truth!!!3
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- · 19h
- Bruce PascuaWhy dont you grab the bat,step up to the plate and take over what Keanu has been doin by working towards the return of our Hawaiian Kingdom instead constantly throwing rocks in a calm ocean....3
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- · 19h
- Poipe Elaine SanJose KealiiwahamanaBruce Pascua I agree but we all need to come together and do it together!!!!1
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- · 10h
Active - Punohu KekaualuaMahalo for exposing aunty3
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- · 17h
- Benny RamosPunohu Kekaualua. Yessah Cuzzin Expose that Sonna ma Bitch!1
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- · 17h
Active - Poipe Elaine SanJose KealiiwahamanaNow make sense why Keanu Sai involved all his family members into the Acting Council Regency and now hoahanau, Amelia Gora has been pushed out after all she had done for them. Smmfh... I no can! Crabs in the bucket action. No matter what we do for the sake of our people and Aboriginal Sovereign Country in regaining back our MokuPuni O Hawai'i, there are always our own people and family members whose always pulling us down back into the bucket. Hoahanau, Amelia Gora the truth will set us free and no matter what or what is said you continue sharing all your mana'o and 'ike with all of us cause we see, we hear, and nothing but the truth is being sought! And I didn't see it as being a whistleblower, I see the TRUTH!!!! My own theory is no one is Higher than the other in today's way of life when it comes to our Royal Lineage because there are so many of us that we need to all come together as one big Lāhui to rise our Aboriginal Sovereign Country or else we might as well give up now! Because I know in my na'au we have no time in this world today to be arguing, fighting, or challenging whose Chief or Chiefess... We are way pass that time and age.3
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- · 11h
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- Amelia GoraNever was a part of Sais fictitious government.... we asked Sai and Dexter Kaiama to assist in a Court case because the State sued us over the Crown lands .... Sai did nothing and said nothing in Court.....Dexter Kaiama failed to defend us when the attorney general called us terrorists and all Dexter did was put his head down and said nothing.... we filed oppositions etc and the sad part is that early on Dexter Kaiama had become a member of the House of Nobles and then moved with Sai .... Poipe Elaine SanJose Kealiiwahamana we are not only the descendants of the Royal Family but are the Allodial land owners too in multiples of genealogy lines with evidence and are Queen Liliuokalani’s family too .... I have some family members who went for help paid Keanu Sai thousands of dollars for their mortgage case. And heard of so many others who did the same .... nothing came out of it or correct me if I’m wrong .... Donald Lewis who was a former partner has been hiding and has not connected with Sai .... Donald was changing his phone every so many months ... this is a Constitutional Monarchy government which is what continues on Not a Regency etc group moved on by criminal David Keanu Sai who stole our ancestors iwi..... we purchased some of the law books and we are waiting for the U.S. to return the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii documents etc anything outside of our Constitutional Monarchy government is a foreign, treasonous body also known as the kanaka maoli who loses their Allodial titles etc. bet you didn’t know that we are descendants of Kekuanaoas family ...he was married 6x and we are from 3 of his marriages .... best you do your research instead of spilling out untruths .... we are also the keepers of the oral history’s and practice our culture less song and dance ....and parading and going to luncheons and not continuing what my grandparents did when they were active in the Royal Order the Kaahumanu Society and the Hale o na Alii clubs now supported by the treasonous bodies supported by the Kamehameha School’s who are NOT the Allodial land title owners but pirates, frauds, pillagers, racketeering entities today .... Sai is also a Pirate btw documented.2
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- · 9h
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- Amelia GoraBruce Pascua best you check the names of ancestors who were stolen because am pissed that several of those listed are Our ancestors and Nobody has the right to steal them and place them where the hell that they want them to be! Heard that Sai descends from a Sharpshooter who killed Hawaiians.... research incomplete......3
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- · 9h
- Poipe Elaine SanJose KealiiwahamanaAmelia Gora I totally agree! No one has the right to remove any of our IWI Kūpuna from their resting place. You and I along with many others share the same Kūpuna 'Ōiwi, Lonohonuakini. My Tūtūkane KAHA'AULANI & your Tūtūkane, PAULI KA'ŌLEIOKŪ were brother's. 3rd and 4th keikikane of Kamehameha the Great, Pai'ea Wohi Kūnuiākea. I also shared my MO'OKŪ'AUHAU with Kaho'opii Ohana where I found out you were also Ohana to them as well.1
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- · 9h
Active - Amelia GoraA note to shake everyone ....the theft of the Kaai appears to have been a major project headed by Sai...... about a year after the Kaai was stolen, I met some kanaka maoli from the other islands - not the Big Island where the Kaai was taken btw - who said that artifacts that were in the Kaai were removed, copied, and sold to wealthy people.....replacements were placed within the Kaai basketry......now Who made monies off of the artifacts? ....many people were involved! wicked .....which means many, many, many people are aware of the project pursued headed by Sai......
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- · 1h
- Lina K K KaehuOmg!!!!! Many of us knows what Sai wrong doing was however he did among many others bring us this far and in the end all the hewa will come out! Exposing things is for? It’s all talk and even if there are facts of evidence how will that help us to regain what is rightfully ours? Strap on boots suit up in BDU’s go head to head toe to toe with USA like we are then come talk!
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- · 27m
- Amelia GoraWho are you! all mouth? but thanks for posting that "many of us knows what Sai wrong doing was" that alone says a L O T ! Lina K K Kaehu
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Active - Amelia GoraEveryone ...fyi:Background:Our cousin was Herbert Pratt (dec.) who descended from the McCandless family ----- There were three (3) McCandless family members who were on the SHARPSHOOTERS list, those who killed kanaka maoli.Our cousin Herbert 's mother married our uncle Walter Gora who was a Nuclear Engineering Professor from UC - Berkeley. Herbert's mother was a librarian who was older than our Uncle. Uncle helped to develop the nuclear bomb in the Livermore Labs with other scientists.Herbert didn't care to have Uncle as his stepfather because they were very close in age.....can't help if his mother was a Couger! lol.....they loved each other so we had no say!Herbert , Donald Lewis, and Keanu Sai formed the Perfect Title Company.A short time later Herbert withdrew his affiliation/association with Sai because Sai wanted more than the Title Company, and something funny about how he wanted to be the head/King? and took the Company into a different direction, etc.Herbert and a number of us met until he passed.Donald Lewis said that he learns about what's going on from his nephew who shares the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web which I've been posting for more than 10 years with more than 850 issues.Felon Sai spent a short time in jail then got his education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.Have always suspected Sai as a military psyops agent.Such agents usually do not get charged and are set free easily such as the case of Deedy who killed kanaka maoli - suspect the victim was a Kamehameha - in Ewa, Oahu.The kanaka maoli is a relative of activist Dr. Niheu whose family hails from the Island of Niihau which is owned by the Kamehameha's and others.Note: The Robinson's are Not the owners who claim their connections to the Sinclairs who purchased interest from Kamehameha V in the 1860's AFTER the Mahele. The Robinson's allowed the military to occupy our private properties.see:Nation to Nation Advisory/Rents Due No. 2021-0201 for the ...https://maoliworld.com › 2011971:Comment:559145Feb 1, 2021 — Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, and successors, ... Niihau Island belongs to the Kamehameha's NOT theNation to Nation Legal Notice/Advisory No. 2021-0627 ...https://maoliworld.com › forum › topics › nation-to-nat...Jun 27, 2021 — 2021-0627 - Documenting the Breach of Neutrality 13 Times by the U.S. from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles ...****************The point is that Hawaii a neutral nation with the breach of neutrality documented...this is another military expedition - connections with Sai; FBI Deedy who killed a Kamehameha? our National treasure stolen....MaoliworldMaoliworld
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- · 5m
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Also note that U.N. Alfred deZayas disallowed David Keanu Sai from attending meetings at the United Nations.
Sai wanted credit over Routhe Bolomet.
Sai had wanted his name to be on U.N. Alfred de Zayas letters:
May 10, 2019 — Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the ... posted by Amelia Gora (2019).
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