Monday, August 23, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Important for Kanaka Maoli to Know.....


About the wicked ones ....
Did you know the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates have been operating on Fraud since 1884 and are not authorized to use our Royal Family’s land? Did you know that I asked an attorney from the mainland to assist us and he told me that the Estates pays the attorney’s to not help theHawaiian people ..... he was apologetic and smirking as he walked away.... did you know that the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp are cheating every kanaka maoli that engages in their courts by having kanaka sign away their mineral rights and water rights reserving it to the State, the illegal state .... there’s more but know that attorneys are perpetuating frauds against our people ....they are doing crimes to defraud even nowadays .... did you know that there’s slandering going on too.....did you know that article XIV from the 1850 Treaty can be applied to all the above even now? They are genocide activists... complaints can be recorded too ...
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  • Alapai Louise Hanapi
    Yes you are right Alapai n I were in Maui Court little more then a week again over our kuleana lands. We told the judge that the state and county can not tell us they claim the water rights we are Kuleana! River runs alongside our Aina and the ocean. Judge agreed. Take care be safe keep up the good work
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