The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Piracy, Pillaging, TREASON out of the Mouth of Charles Reed Bishop
Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
The following is an interview of Charles Reed Bishop, widower of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who freely spoke about the 40,000 kanaka maoli, and how the foreign residents had enough of monarchy:
White Supremacist Charles Reed Bishop:
Facts From Charles Reed Bishop's Interview above:
1) The man was a White Supremacist.
"virulent attributes which characterize the white races." - Reed boosts the "white races", and
"kanakas....................their known weaknesses." - Charles Reed Bishop was a White Supremacist as shown in his comments.
2) The man was a Pirate, a Snake, a Scoundrel, a Criminal Deviant, a Thief, Racketeer:
Evidence of Charles Reed Bishop pirate, pillaging, racketeering thinking/views/perspectives..." Crown, and government lands .....and other public property besides the income derived from taxation."
Note: The Crown lands belonged to Kamehameha III, his heirs, and successors, forever...not to criminal deviants who only had a life interest.
The Government lands were to be overseen by the House of Nobles, and conveyed by the Minister of Interior for 30 year periods, not to criminal deviants who only had a life interest.
Other public property .....undefined.
Income derived from taxation - did not belong to Pirates, pillagers, racketeers, frauds, etc.
In Charles Reed Bishop's case, he lost all interest in lands because of his treasonous activities, etc.
3) Charles Reed Bishop was indeed treasonous, one of the usurpers when he included himself by saying, "....we are tired of native rule."
Additionally, his comment about the foreign residents, "had enough of monarchy." shows that he engaged with others discussing the monarchy government.
The Hawaiian Monarchy was recognized in 1810 during the time of Kamehameha.
The Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii became a Constitutional Monarchy in 1840 during the time of Kamehameha III.
Note: It appears that the burning of the Constitution that Queen Liliuokalani put together intending to change the 1878 Bayonet Constitution which returned power to the Sovereign, changed the Constitutional Monarchy to a Monarchy government.
Charles Reed Bishop was actually a brother-in-law of Queen Liliuokalani.
Another brother-in-law was Archibald Cleghorn who was the husband of her sister Miriam Likelike the parents of Princess Kaiulani.
Charles Reed Bishop, Archibald Cleghorn, Princess Kaiulani, Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole, Prince David Kawananakoa, and Albert Kunuiakea were documented treasonous persons.
Charles Reed Bishop was the backbone of the those who usurped the Queen in 1893.
The evidence came out of the mouth of Charles Reed Bishop himself, the PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC for all to see.
Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest which ended in 1915.
Charles Reed Bishop's deed of his life interest to the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates ended in 1915, if he was lawful, non treasonous.
Due to treason, Charles Reed Bishop and Friends including his Trustees lost all interest in 1893.
The Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop along with the Court System of the illegal entity perpetuates fraud, deceit, piracy, pillaging, racketeering and are perpetuating a crime. They cannot prove or show that they are the allodial title owners,
Bernice Pauahi Bishop's heirs: Charles Reed Bishop - life interest; Kalola (w) - next-of-kin - our ancestor.
Our Royal Family, descendants of Kalola (w), multiple genealogy lines of Kamehameha are the allodial title owners, the landowners who are the legal owners of our Kamehameha Family with evidence.
Questions? or
Address: P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii.
Research incomplete.
Something stinks and I know it's Not me!
PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends by Amelia Gora and other books, etc.

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