Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Opposition to TMK/Telescope Mauna Kea for Breaches of Neutrality Laws etc.,Court Tidbits; , etc.


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Telescope Mauna Kea is yet ANOTHER BREACH OF THE Neutrality Laws! Sharron Gonzalez CushmanWe Are Mauna Kea
14h ·
Ka Lahui Hawaii
t1olS5pochnsodred ·
Here we go again.
“The astronomy community is awaiting word from the federal government about spending priorities that could boost the chances for the Thirty Meter Telescope.” #AoleTMT
Amelia Gora
Yet ANOTHER Military Expedition using Weapons of War in a neutral, non-violent nation ----Lasers are WEAPONS --- and another breach of the Neutrality Laws.... see: instead of 13, now there's 14 breaches!
Nation to Nation Legal Notice/Advisory No. 2021-0627 - Documenting the Breach of Neutrality 13 Times by the U.S. from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member - Hawaiian
Nation to Nation Legal Notice/Advisory No. 2021-0627 - Documenting the Breach of Neutrality 13 Times by the U.S. from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member - Hawaiian
Nation to Nation Legal Notice/Advisory No. 2021-0627 - Documenting the Breach of Neutrality 13 Times by the U.S. from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member - Hawaiian
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Amelia Gora
SOJA - Peace in a time of war
SOJA - Peace in a time of war
SOJA - Peace in a time of war
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How to Defeat Admiralty Courts and the Law of the See
Specifically, there is a defendant living in Florida who discovered the answer to this puzzle and properly embraced his (all caps name / strawman) by registering it as a “Fictitious Name” with the state of Florida.
This process identified him as having a commercial and intellectual proprietary interest in the (all caps name). He, by entering it as such clearly on the Public Record, successfully rebutted all (12) presumptions on the private side of the Admiralty Court and nullified its “jurisdiction.”
What did he do?
The Registration of a Fictitious Name is something you might do if you wanted to open a commercial business and you wanted to reserve a “creative name” to identify that business. The process, however, does not obligate you to ever open a business or to incorporate. It simply reserves the name for your future use and as your commercial and intellectual proprietary property.
For many years patriots have attempted to disassociate their sovereign beings from the legal fiction – the all caps name / strawman - created by the corporate government because this was designed to make you personally vulnerable and convert your living being into a corporation – a thing – and the property of the corporate government.
Certain patriots properly decided to embrace the corporate fiction / strawman as their own personal property by affidavit using a Financing Statement filed under the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) as a notice to the world. This is because an unrebutted affidavit stands as Truth in Commerce and the government never rebuts these affidavits.
So why didn’t it work?
The patriots bypassed one crucial step. They failed to rebut the presumptions of the private side of the corporate government and courts that imprisoned their sweat equity and labor.
An unrebutted presumption stands as Truth in Commerce. Their presumption nullified the affidavit and placed them on the private side.
There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the Private Bar Guilds, which, if left unchallenged, stand as Truth in Commerce.
Amelia Gora

Here we go again.
“The astronomy community is awaiting word from the federal government about spending priorities that could boost the chances for the Thirty Meter Telescope.” #AoleTMT
Susan Rosier and 33 others
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