Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Vol VII No. 788 - Part 1a

https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/…/iolani-royal-haw… Remembering Queen Liliuokalani ...share with families, friends...…...share far and wide...aloha,

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https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/…/nation-to-nation… Important Notice sent to U.S. President Donald Trump, entity Governor Ige et. als. - records, opposition to using our private properties for a dog park, billings for our private properties, and removal of alien names such as Patsy Mink, Dan Inouye, etc. ...share far and wide...…….

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Real Estate and Bank Swindles as far as the eye can see

Show your support by donating any amount. (Note: We are still technically a for-profit company, so your contribution is not tax-deductible.) PayPal Acct:…

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  • Pikanini Pake And Pauahi was half white from whom Paki? Konia? Princess Ruth had father with 2 heads, 2 different dad, if so, how did Pauahi inherit from her? She was never declared an heir to the throne neither by blood, how did Pauahi inherit anything from her?
  • Kanaloa Koko There was a lot of books written that were fake news about the Hawaiians there are other genealogy showing that naea was not the father of Queen Emma you cannot believe everything you read
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Share far and wide...…..use also for court cases, keep with your PROTECTED PERSONS HANDBOOK!

PIRATE'S HIERARCHY - View from Haw...

https://iolani-theroyal.blogspot.com/…/pirates-eyes-on-hawa… Important Keeper ...share, pass on to families, friends.... keep with your land documents, etc.

PIRATE'S HIERARCHY - View from Haw...

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Billions Gone Wild
  • Katherine Hine As Judson Witham has been telling us, the psychopaths in charge are pulling out all the stops so they can get away with all their thievery, mass murder, and terrorism. Can we allow this?
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