U.S. Secretary of State
entity State of Hawaii Governor David Ige
entity State of Hawaii Judges without "original jurisdiction"
entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates - Trs. Ofc./KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees
Interested others
Nation to Nation Legal Notice/Public Notice No. 2020-0107 - Regarding: Kalola (w) descendants and heirs, the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop and Evidence, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii
My stationery was used in serving our legal ownership to all lands, assets, etc. which has been illegally used by non-owners of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates since she died in 1884.
Her husband Charles Reed Bishop was a "strong supporter" of those who planned the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trust in 1884, then planned the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and set up a Fraud Trust for Queen Liliuokalani in 1909.
As one of the descendants of Kalola (w) who is documented as the next-of-kin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the evidence was served by our Witnesses/Konohiki, Assistant Konohiki to the entity
Governor David Ige's office and date stamped: "20JAN6 AM 9:36 GOVERNOR, HI".
I, Amelia Gora and our Witnesses/Konohiki, Assistant Konohiki also served the evidence to the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Est. Trs. Ofc. 1/6/20 567 S. King St., Hono. 96813 at 11:15 "Received by: Carol Valant".
I, Amelia Gora and our Witnesses/Konohiki, Assistant Konohiki also served the evidence to you, U.S. President Donald Trump addressed: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 through USPS/United States Postal Service (which also has a Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii), Certified Return Receipt Requested, on 01/06/2020 01;44 PM costing a total of $9,54,
The Contents included some of the following :
(1) Stationery with signatures
(2) First Circuit Court Probate No. 2425 for Bernice P. Bishop cover page and another page: "Petition for Probate of Will" showing that the deceased left a husband living, and next of kin: "Kalola (w) of Honolulu, a half cousin of said deceased"
(3) Introducing the Kamehameha's: KALOLA Next-of-Kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Sister and Cousin - by Amelia Gora (2018)
- Pedigree of Kalola pages 27, 28, and 29 showing descendants including myself - Amelia K. Gora, my brother John Francis Gora, and our cousin Francis Keoua Gora, with references, filed on July 31, 2019, and filed as a Joinder to Affidavit Lien No. 96-177455 filed 12/17/96 (281 pages), this Joinder has 118 pages signed by the Notary Gedow No. 96-278.
(4) Evidence, etc.
- Treaties and Conventions concluded between the Hawaiian Kingdom and Other Powers since 1825 - Honolulu, "Elele" Book, Card and Job Print, 1887
- page 25: Identifying ARTICLE I. "There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, His heirs and His successors."
- page 27: Identifying ARTICLE XIV: "The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender, upon official requisition, to the authorities of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy, arson, robbery, forger, or the utterance of forged paper, committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed; and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person so charged, that he may be brought before such judges or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issue for the surrender of the fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive.
- ANNUAL REPORTS Read Before HIS MAJESTY, to the HAWAIIAN LEGISLATURE, May 12, 1851, with the King's Speech to the Legislature, May 6, 1851, Honolulu; Printed by Order of Government, Government Press, 1851.
- The King's Speech.
Note: the following two (2) important points:
- (1) "With the United States, also, my relations continue of the most friendly kind. The Treaty, negotiated in Washington, on the 20th of December, 1849, was ratified by me on the 19th of August, 1850."
- (2) "The Resolutions, passed in December, 1849, granting to my Subjects, engaged in the cultivation of the soil, Allodial Titles to the portions they occupied, confirmed by the Act of the 6th of August last, and the Act of the 10th of July, 1850, allowing gto Aliens to acquire and convey lands, in fee simple, have greatly promoted the prosperity and industry of my Peope, and of the man industrious Foreigners who live among them...."
- The CONSTITUTION of The United States of America"
- "The National Archives and Records Administration, in Washington, DC, holds in Public Trust the original Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, as well as millions of other permanently valuable records of the Federal Government." "ISBN 978-1-55709-105-5, 25 24 23 22 21, Manufacgtured in the U.S.A."
- ARTICLE VI: paragraph 2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."
- EVIDENCE OF U.S. PREMEDITATION, PIRACY(IES), PILLAGING, FRAUD, CORRUPTION, RACKETEERING IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2019), A Royal Person, Representative of our Royal Families, House of Nobles, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii
- article (1): HAWAII AND THE UNITED STATES - Ex-Secretary Foster Declares Annexation the Plain Duty of Our Country - Note: Gen. John W. Foster, ex-Secretary of State - directed the Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 - he served under U.S. President Benjamin Harrison.

- Article (2): IN THE LAND OF POI - article by "Kamehameha" the pen name for Sereno Bishop:

The following article was found on the chronicling america website which shows that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was half-white, and Charles Reed Bishop was indeed a Conspirator, Pirate due to his participation in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893:
Half- White Bernice Pauahi Bishop:
Half- White Bernice Pauahi Bishop:


- Unresolved Issues
Unresolved Issues
Note: 1916 - "The Supreme Court of Hawaii held today that Liliuokalani, former Queen of Hawaii,, was mentally competent when, several years ago, she executed a deed of trust conveying all her property to three Trustees, headed by the late Samuel Cleghorn, father of Princess Kaiulani, also deceased.
The court denied the suit brought by Prince Kuhio who claimed she was not sane and incompetent. They also claimed the deed of trust "gave the Trustees absolute and irrevocable control over Liliuokalani's extensive estate."
Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement and accepted a Waikiki beach front property.
Queen Liliuokalani denied signing the Trust Deed and recorded it in her Will.
Case Precedence shows that lands deeded to make a Trust cannot be given back to form another Trust.
Also, the Supreme Court of Hawaii was NOT the court of original jurisdiction,
The court of original jurisdiction is the Hawaiian Kingdom's Supreme Court.
Annexation did not occur, it was a Fraud claim documented by University of Hawaii Law Professor Williamson Chang, U.S. Supreme Court Justice article, Joclynn deCosta verified through the Doctrine of Political Question showing two (2) nations, and validated by United Nations Alfred deZayas who recognized that the Hawaiian Kingdom exists.
The Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court adjudicated that conspiracy(ies) have been found and the 1872 Trust created by Kaeha/Liliuokalani is the legitimate Trust, and the 1909 Trustees were in collusion, illegal, operating on fraud, conspiracy(ies), etc.
The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Trust of 1884 were the same crime figures who set up that trust, then planned the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and set up the Fraud Trust for Liliuokalani in 1909, disregarding the true Trust created in 1872, yet, using the lands/interests based on a tampered document by changing an Agr./Agreement to a Deed.
The Agr./Agreement affected interests in the following Alii: Queen Kalama; Charles Kanaina, King Lunalilo, and Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
The Trusts were legally stripped from any land ownership.
Reference: https://iolani-theroyal.blogspot.com/2019/12/queen-liliuokalanis-unresolved-issues_3.html
- IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol VII No. 782 - Queen Liliuokalani's Unresolved Issues - Part 1 of 2 - Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2019)
Queen Liliuokalani's Unresolved Issues - Part 1 of 2 - Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2019)
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2019)
1838. September 2
Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani was born.
Her parents were: Ane Keohokalole and Caesar Kapaakea.
Her siblings were: Miriam Likelike; David Kalakaua; and William Pitt Leleiohoku.
She was a hanai/adopted daughter of Abner Paki and Konia.
Her siblings were: Bernice Pauahi (married Charles Reed Bishop); Kalola (female); Kaluaikau (female); and Alapai.
She was also a hanai/adopted daughter of Kailikole.
She was educated in the Royal School and in a private Honolulu day school.
She was married to Kaumauma; Keawe; Koolau; and John Dominis.
Her Hanai/adopted children were: Pau; Kekua/Kekualoa/Kahakuhaakoi/Kahakukuakoi/Kaaumoana /Luka/Luika/aka's (female); Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/Poomaikelani (female); Kaeha opio (female); Ioane; Kamukai; Kema; Wahie;
Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani made a Trust Deed to Prendergast for Kaaumoana one of her hanai daughters.
Reference: Liber 35 pages 131-132, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
King Kalakaua died and his successor was
A conspiracy to dethrone her was documented in a 1891 news article "A Chronic Agitator. Celso Caesar Moreno interested in Hawaiian Affairs". Celso Caesar Moreno an American agent for th,e Atlantic Cable Company, assisting the Pacific Cable Company held letters which showed that "native revolutionists, who are expected to assert themselves, overturn the present Government, dethrone Queen Liliuokalani and set up a republic before the Hawaiian election..."
Reference: The Daily Bulletin, (Honolulu, Hawaii) 1882-1895, December 2, 1891.
Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article with an 'Imperative Necessity to Take Over the Hawaiian Islands' showed Premeditation and conspiracy to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Reference: New York Times, January 9, 1893.
January 15. Armed military left the BOSTON to assist in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.
January 17. Under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, and intimidation, Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani stepped down until corrections were made.
U.S. President Cleveland gave two (2) letters to Willis:
(1) a letter to Sanford B. Dole - greeting him as a friend.
(2) a letter to Willis instructing him to 'Place Queen Liliuokalani Back on the Throne'.
Reference: Attorney, Orator James Ingersoll's Writings of the period, see: Guttenburg.com website, with 55,000 free e-books on the web.
- Explanation of the Crown Lands
- DIRTY MONEY, DIRTY POLITICS and BISHOP ESTATE - Stealing the Legacy of a Hawaiian Princess - Sightings from The Catbird Seat
- Part I - The Stealing Begins
Dirty Money, Dirty Politics and
Bishop Estate
Bishop Estate
Stealing the Legacy of a Hawaiian Princess
~ o ~
PART I – The Stealing Begins….
PRINCESS BERNICE PAUAHI was born on December 19, 1831, the last in the
royal lineage of Kamehameha the Great, conqueror and first king of the Hawaiian
As was the custom for Hawaiian royalty, it had been planned from childhood that
Pauahi would marry her hanai brother, Lot Kamehameha. She doted upon her brother
but declined to take him as a husband. Instead, the attractive young Pauahi met and
fell in love with a commoner, a foreigner from Sandy Hill, New York — Charles Reed
The love between Princess Pauahi and the foreigner faced great opposition from her
family, other ali’i and members of the community. But the young princess was
intelligent and independent, and in June 1850, at age 18, she married the young
“haole” businessman.
The Princess and her husband eventually won over many of their critics and their
relationship came to be admired by Hawaiians and westerners alike, and she eventually
reconciled with her family and the other ali’i.
Pauahi grew and developed as a young matron and counselor to her people. At the
age of 25, she inherited over 16,000 acres of land from her parents. Other inheritances
followed as other members of the royal family passed away. The greatest of the
inheritances came from Princess Ruth, her first cousin. Ruth had declared Pauahi sole
heir to her entire estate. The amount of land was mind-boggling: about 353,000 acres.
Ruth’s gift to Pauahi made her the largest landowner and the richest woman in the
Kingdom. At the same time, she presented Pauahi with the greatest challenge and
responsibility of her life. Pauahi now owned a giant estate, and she would have to
decide how it would be used.
The Bishops had a multitude of blessings, except one. They never had children of their
own. Possibly from this came Pauahi’s inspiration to use her legacy to establish the
Kamehameha Schools for all the children of Hawaii.
On Thursday, October 16, 1884, the princess passed away. Charles was by her side.
The newspapers reported that a heavy downpour of rains reached a crescendo just
about the time Pauahi died. In ancient days, the Hawaiians said when rain fell at a the
time of a person’s death or funeral, “Kulu ka waimaka, uwe `opua.” (The tears fall; the
clouds weep.), for the gods mingle their tears of affection with those who weep in
sympathy and aloha.
Of all the eulogies that were held upon her death, perhaps that of Reverend J.A.
Cruzan was the most moving and prophetic:
“The great loss which Hawaii sustained last Thursday was not that the last of this
great line of High Chiefs died, nor that the possessor of great wealth died, but
that a true woman died…True in all times and among all races…
That Bernice Pauahi Bishop was such a true woman her life bears
witness….Refusing a crown, she so lived that she was crowned. Refusing to rule
her people, she did what was better, she served them, and in no way so grandly
as by her example….
‘The world can do without its masters better than it can without its servants.’…For
fifty-three years her royal life here has borne unswerving witness in favor of
virtue and purity…
She hated that which was impure with an intense hatred. She had only loathing
and contempt for that which was coarse and low. Place, power, wealth, nor
influence could win her favor or regard if it was joined with degraded character.
And her womanly example was all the more potent for good because it was so
The things that are most noisy are not the most powerful. Nay, things that make
no noise, and make no pretension, may be really the most powerful. This quiet,
modest, true womanly life has been for years, and still is, and will be for years to
come, a mighty power for good here in Hawaii.
Only the God who loveth purity and righteousness can measure this one true
woman’s influence for good upon her people…”
by George Hu`eu Sanford Kanahele
by George Hu`eu Sanford Kanahele
~ ~ ~
It was from Pauahi’s legacy that vast amounts of wealth eventually flowed, until
the Bishop Estate became the wealthiest charitable organization in the United
States. It is her estate that has been systematically looted over the last decades
by persons “with degraded character” that the princess undoubtably would have
viewed with only “loathing and contempt.”
Reference: https://www.the-catbird-seat.net/bishop/Note: The following is a continuation of the above:
In 1997, responding to a surging tsunami of criticism from the faculty, students and alumni of the Kamehameha Schools, and from concerned citizens of all ethnic backgrounds in Hawaii, Governor Ben Cayetano took an unprecedented action and directed the state’s attorney general, Margery Bronster, to investigate the practices of the Estate’s five highly paid trustees.
But the attorney general was not the only one investigating the estate. The IRS had already been auditing the records of the estate for several months — empowered by the “interim sanctions” regulations which had been passed by Congress in early 1996. At the same time, the court-appointed “master” who is charged by the probate court with oversight of the operations of the estate, was digging deeper into the activities of the trustees than a long line of previous masters.
Suddenly the trustee’s were, for the first time in the schools’ 115-year history, under siege from all sides.
The full and sordid story of the looting of the estate is too long to relate here. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the financial losses, however, the Master’s Report on the 109th Annual Account of the Trustees revealed that the Estate’s investment portfolio suffered substantial losses in 1994, the year under review. The records relating to the various investments showed that combined losses and loss reserves of $264,090,257 were recognized in fiscal year 1994 alone.
The short story is that, after long and hard-fought court battles, the five former trustees were forced to resign, and five interim trustees were selected to take their places until a new trustee selection process was created and implemented. The removal of the five former trustees was one of the non-negotiable conditions of the IRS to prevent the loss of the estate’s tax-exempt status.
The long story can be found herein and in the volumes of news articles and court proceedings in the on-line archives of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
The removal of the incumbent trustees was good news, hailed by many as the beginning of the healing process….
March 12, 2000
Bishop Estate’s first trustees played
key role in overthrow
key role in overthrow
By Bob Dye, Honolulu Advertiser
They were American annexationists, these first five trustees of the estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Within three years of their appointment, they helped strip King Kalakaua of his power. When, upon his death in 1891, Pauahi’s hanai sister Lili‘uokalani succeeded to the throne, they joined with others to depose her, establish a provisional government and a so-called republic.
The annexationists realized their ultimate political goal four years later when the Hawaiian Islands became a U.S. territory. Their political agenda had a profound effect on Bishop Estate and the Kamehameha Schools.
Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha dynastic line. Upon Pauahi’s death, in the 11th year of Kalakaua’s reign, the royal lands of the Kamehamehas — one-ninth of all land in Hawaii — passed to the control of five esteemed haoles — the trustees.
None had a drop of Hawaiian blood.
Those lands became a base of wealth for two great estates — those of Bishop and Damon.
The trustees were:
Charles Reed Bishop, president, founder of Bishop Bank (now First Hawaiian) and Pauahi’s husband. Born in Glenn Falls, N.Y., in 1822, he came to Hawaii in 1846 and accepted a clerkship in the U.S. Consulate. He became the Collector General of Customs in 1849, and a year later, he married the princess. She was 16 and he was 26. Her missionary teachers at the Royal School — Amos Starr and Juliette Montague Cooke — encouraged the courtship.
“I’m decidedly in favor of annexation, not only because I’m an American, proud of the ‘stars and stripes’ and expect to gain something by such a move, but because I’m an Hawaiian too, and believe that while such a change might bring its evils, it would be the best thing for the great majority of the population both native and foreign,” he wrote in 1853.
In 1873, as Lunalilo’s minister of foreign affairs, he urged the cession of Pearl Harbor to the United States for a naval base. In addition to being a trustee of the Punahou School, he headed the public board of education. He served as president of the Legislative Assembly, and was a member of the House of Nobles.
The Rev. Charles McEwen Hyde, vice-president. Hyde was born in New York City on June 8, 1832. His father, an attorney, was treasurer and general agent of the American Bible Society, and his uncle William was a board member of American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions.
A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and the holder of a doctor of divinity degree from Williams College, Hyde came to Hawaii in 1877 to be secretary of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. He reorganized a Honolulu theological school as the North Pacific Missionary Institute, and served as principal. He was named a trustee of Punahou School in 1877.
Supporters called Hyde a “typical American, combining all the energy and persistency of the New Englander with the refinement and culture of the Christian Gentleman.”
Charles Montague Cooke, secretary. A son of missionary parents and teachers of Princess Pauahi, Amos Starr and Juliette Montague Cooke, he was born in Honolulu on May 16,1849.
He began his business career with Castle & Cooke, a firm founded by his father.
At the time of his appointment, he was a partner in Lewers & Cooke. He married missionary daughter Anna Charlotte Rice in 1874. They had six children. He became a trustee of Punahou School in 1880. He was a charter member of the Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Samuel Mills Damon, treasurer of the board. A son of missionary parents, the Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon and Julia Mills Damon, he was born in Honolulu on March 3, 1845. A partner of Charles Reed Bishop in the Bishop Bank after Sept. 1, 1881, he inherited from Bernice Pauahi Bishop the ahupua‘a of Moanalua. That bequest contained about 7,000 acres, and stretched from the Koolau Range to Keehi Lagoon. He coordinated her funeral.
Earlier he had coordinated the funeral of Princess Ruth. He married missionary daughter Harriet Melinda Baldwin. Her brother, Henry P. Baldwin, was a founder of Alexander & Baldwin. At the time of appointment Damon was a member of Kalakaua’s privy council. With Charles R. Bishop, he was an executor of Princess Pauahi’s will.
William Owen Smith, trustee. A son of missionary parents, Dr. James William and Melicent Knapp Smith, he was born at Koloa, Kauai, in 1848. He became the sheriff of Kauai in 1870, and of Maui in 1872. In 1875, he was admitted to the practice of law. The following year he married Irish-born Abbey Hobron, the daughter of Capt. T.H. Hobron, founder of the 3,000 acre Grove Ranch on Maui. They had five children. He was named a trustee of Punahou School and an editor of Planters’ Monthly in 1882.
When appointed to the Bishop Estate board, he was a trustee of Lunalilo Estate. A member of the Hawaiian legislature, he was politically allied with Sanford Ballard Dole, a childhood friend. Smith, who had extensive trust experience, resigned as trustee on Oct. 20, 1886, and was replaced a day later by Joseph Oliver Carter, another trust expert.
Schooling Hawaiians
The trustees met at least once a month in the board room of Bishop & Co., but usually more often than that. Hyde’s biographer reported that trustee commissions “hovered”‘ about $1,000 a year during the first years.
But apparently individual commissions varied. Cooke returned every penny he received from his trusteeship in the first five years — a total of $989.79 — and pledged all future commissions to establish a library at the school.
The Rev. Hyde recommended a site for the Boys’ School, and enunciated “the objective, aims, method, time, and extent of the school.” Called The Prospectus of the Kamehameha Schools, the report was unanimously adopted. After Princess Pauahi’s will called for the establishment of a school to educate Hawaiian children, the document became the principal guideline for the development and management of the schools.
Hyde became the “lead trustee” for the schools and advocated appointing the Rev. William Brewster Oleson as principal. Oleson began his duties on July 1, 1886, and soon traveled to the United States to visit similar schools and recruit faculty.
Planning an overthrow
Calling King Kalakaua “a bully and a coward,” Hyde advocated his overthrow.
He wrote to the Rev. Judson Smith, head of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, on Nov. 20, 1886: “I have learned facts about the King’s measures and objects, which convince me that with the cunning of the savage and the tirelessness of revengeful animosity, he is seeking the overthrow of Christian institutions and the utter demoralization of society. His aim is to restore heathenism with its absolute power of the chief and licentious orgies of wasteful indulgence … we should have a revolution.”
A Jan. 13, 1887, correspondence from Hyde to Smith states: “By the Constitution, he is not responsible to anybody for anything he chooses to do. He can steal, murder, defraud. He cannot be called to account. But if twelve of the leading men of this community should agree upon a line of policy that they believe the King ought to pursue, and publicly demands, he would have to succumb. That is my idea in reply to your question what means there are of checking this irresistible rush to disgrace and ruin.
“But there are no such twelve men to be found in this community … But if circumstances should put me in a position in which I should have to defend the interests of Christ’s Kingdom, as against the King, I should have neither fear nor hesitancy in doing so.”
Months earlier, the king had confided to an aide that he feared he might be overthrown. Members of his staff spent the night guarding him for several weeks after as he slept in the palace.
It was confirmed later that a secret organization, called the Hawaiian League, had been formed about the first of the year, consisting of some of the most powerful businessmen and their pastors. All were white, male and mostly Protestant.
Hyde refused to join the Hawaiian League, “objecting to the secret, underhand plottings involved in such a style of procedure.” But his co-trustee Cooke was among the first to sign up. Kamehameha School principal Oleson was on its executive committee and vice principal Henry S. Townsend, was a member.
Members pledged to keep the League secret and to “protect the white community” of the kingdom “against any arbitrary or oppressive action of the government.”
The League held its first meeting at the home of Sanford B. Dole. By June 30, 1887, it had 405 members. Meetings usually took place in the evening, and in different parts of the city, to frustrate police efforts to gather information on them.
Seizing control
The revolution was bloodless.
Kalakaua was stripped of power and the government fell into the hands of the Hawaiian League. On July 5, 1887, the Honolulu Rifles were ordered out in full uniform. Their cartridge belts were full. Charles Bishop’s nephew, Eben Faxon Bishop, was one of the officers as a first lieutenant of Company B. In addition, League members armed themselves.
At the palace a New York Herald correspondent asked King Kalakaua:
“What means have you of self-defense?”
“I have my bodyguard of sixty men, who are passably well armed and drilled,” he replied, “an Austrian battery of six field pieces, two brass cannon with sweeping fire, good bolts to outside doors and good hearts within. Then, too, there are two companies of native volunteers called the Queen’s and King’s Own, composed mainly of old retainers.”
“But outside, as I understand it, there are three hundred men, over a thousand rifles and ammunition enough for a siege.”
“Yes,” replied the king, nervously wetting his lips, “but they have not got in yet.”
Hyde told a different story. He wrote that Kalakaua had “ordered his military to assemble at the palace Friday night, but only 20 assembled out of 200. When he asked them how many would fight for him, only 2 said they would.”
Hyde also wrote: “The backbone of the whole movement is the money furnished by some of our capitalists, while the brains came largely from the ‘missionary ring’ and the muscle from the sturdy mechanics, carpenters, and masons and machinists who have no great regard for royalty but do believe in right and justice.”
A man credited with financing the revolution was Trustee Damon, the banker. In July 1889, the “reform” cabinet named him minister of finance. Kalakaua died in 1893 and was succeeded by Queen Lili‘uokalani.
-Bob Dye is a Kailua historian and writer.
~ ~ ~
The Catbird Chronicles: Bishop Estate
1986 – Bishop Estate joins golf course designer Robert Trent Jones and North Carolina developer Clay Hamner in the purchase of 1,100 acres at Lake Manassas, Virginia.
1989 – Bishop Estate trustees approve the McKenzie Methane acquisition, with trustees, principle executives, managers, family members, business cohorts and other insiders co-investing millions of their personal money. Among the investors are the estate’s tax-adviser, Mark McConaghy of Price Waterhouse.
1989 – HFH, a holding company originally comprised of four major investors, William E. Simon, Sr., Gerald L. Parsky, Larry B. Thrall, and Roy Doumani, to purchase HonFed Savings & Loan Association, sells approximately 23 percent of its ownership stake in the thrift.
1991 – Bishop Estate and partners set up RTJ Acquisition LP to develop the Lake Manassas property, which is to become the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club — the object of controversy and a lawsuit in which the later owners of the club claimed fraud was involved in the sale. The purchasers allege Bishop Estate was both the buyer and the seller (BE trustee Henry Peters also served on the golf club’s board of trustees), and also had failed to inform them of a $33 million development debt they would have to pay off — to Bishop Estate.
1992 – Bishop Estate invests $31 million in Mid Ocean Reinsurance Co. with partners J.P. Morgan & Co, Marsh & McLennan Co. and Texas deal-maker Richard Rainwater. While a director of Mid Ocean, estate trustee Henry Peters received substantial director’s fees and received options to acquire 6,000 shares of Mid Ocean Stock.
1993 – Bishop Estate, The MacArthur Foundation, and Duke University Endowment Fund back the formation of a Boston merchant bank called Orion Capital Partners LP.
1993 – Robert Rubin, worth an estimated $100 million at the time, resigns Goldman Sachs to join the Clinton administration. Rubin makes a phone call to Bishop Estate and the estate “insures” Rubin’s stake in Goldman Sachs for $100,000 a year — a real “sweetheart deal” for poor Rubin?
1994 – Bishop Estate invests another $250 million in Goldman Sachs.
1994 – The records relating to the various investments held by the Trust Estate and its Pauahi Holdings, Inc. subsidiary, showed that combined losses and loss reserves of $264 million were recognized in fiscal year 1994.
1995 – The Wall Street Journal exposes the estate nationally with their in-depth, front-page article, Bishop’s Gambit – Hawaiians Who Own Goldman Sachs Stake Play Clever Tax Game.
1995 – According to The Cheating of America: “Tax attorneys for Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand– the Washington, D.C.-based law and lobbying powerhouse whose members include the likes of Bob Dole and former treasury secretary Lloyd Bentsen – prepared a thirty-page confidential report for a client (Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate) in search of a new home. The attorneys surveyed the tax and legal consequences of relocating in 49 states (only Hawaii was excluded), then recommended a single location to their client: the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota.”
1996 – Bishop Estate lends $1 million to Charles M. Harmon, Jr., an investment banker and former general partner at Goldman Sachs, and together with Larry L. Landry, chief investment officer of the MacArthur Foundation; and Brad Heppner, a consultant at Bain & Co. and former director of private investments at the MacArthur Foundation, they form Crossroads Group to purchase Bigler Investment Management, a Conn. firm that manages fund-of-fund accounts. Bigler’s clients include: Connecticut State Treasury; Massachusetts’ Pension Reserves Investment Management Board; Rhode Island Employees’ Retirement System; City & Co. of San Francisco Retirement System; and pension funds of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.
1996 – The estate spends more than $330,000 on federal lobbying – most of it going to three firms to fight, unsuccessfully, the “interim sanctions” law that created penalties for employees or officers of charitable institutions who gain undue “excess benefits” from their positions. The three lobbying firms were Verner, Liipfert, Bernard, McPherson & Hand, a prominent Washington, D.C. firm that employs former Hawaii governor (and friend of Bill Clinton), John Waihee; Hecht Spencer & Associates; and Price Waterhouse. Other Verner firm members enlisted in the effort included former Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell of Maine and former Texas Governor Ann Richards. Also, enlisted to fight the “interim sanctions” regulations was the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
1996 – In October, Bobby Harmon, the estate’s Risk Manager and president of P&C Insurance, reports suspected fraud and collusion between Trustee Henry Peters; Nathan Aipa, the estate’s general counsel, and Marsh & McLennan, Inc. to the organizations’ auditors, Coopers & Lybrand. In November, Harmon is terminated from both positions.
~ o ~
~ o ~
- The following letters from Dr. Alfred deZayas of the United Nations was also added:
Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc.
posted by Amelia Gora (2019)
posted by Amelia Gora (2019)
Dr. Alfred DeZayas 1st Letter
- Copies of the Return Receipts PS Form 3811, July 2015 (2) pages:
(1) from U.S. President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
article #: 7019 1120 0001 8603 3707
from Governor David Ige
State of Hawaii
P.O. Box 2280
Honolulu, Hawaii 96804
article #: 7019 1120 0001 8603 3684
(2) Kamehameha Schools/KSBE Trustees
567 S King Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
article #: 7019 1120 0001 8603 3691
Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust
1100 Alakea Street Ste 1100
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
article #: 7019 1120 0001 8603 3677
Sincerely and aloha,
Amelia Gora, one of the legal land owners/Representatives etc. based on Alodio lands of Kalola (w) next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani through her hanai daughters named Kaaumoana/Kahakukuakoi/Kahakuhaakoi/Kekua/Kekualoa/Kekuahine and Kapooloku/ Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani, et. als.
The following, as with the "Note(s)" above are additional information posted:
A Reminder:
Reasons Why Kalola (w), the next-of-kin documented in the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop is the real heir.....She was a Kamehameha descendant and the stepdaughter of Abner Paki.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Researched by Amelia Gora (2018)
The following article was found on the chronicling america website which shows that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was half-white, and Charles Reed Bishop was indeed a Conspirator, Pirate due to his participation in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893:
Half- White Bernice Pauahi Bishop:

Then it is true that the real Bernice Pauahi Bishop was replaced by a neighbor's half white child after the real Bernice Pauahi died at age 16.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop | |||||
![]() | |||||
Born | December 19, 1831 ʻAikupika, Haleākala, Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaii | ||||
Died | October 16, 1884 (aged 52) Keōua Hale, Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaii | ||||
Burial | November 2, 1884 [1] Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum, Oʻahu, Hawaii | ||||
Spouse | Charles Reed Bishop | ||||
Issue | Keolaokalani Davis (hānai) | ||||
| |||||
Father | Abner Pākī Kekūanāoʻa (hānai) | ||||
Mother | Laura Kōnia Kīnaʻu (hānai) | ||||
Signature |
More Evidence to be found out:
A member of the Royal Families owns the missionary book revealing the truth and for some reason fails to provide the reference.....one wonders if they are or have been getting paid off...…….Hint: the Grace family member has it and did state that fact......there are many Grace family members but they need to know that their family member is hiding that evidence.
The genealogy in part follows:
Waha married Akahi (w) who was married to Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku; Kikau; Kahope; Pomaikai; Kai/Kekai; Kaiama; and Kepaa.
The hanai /adopted children of Waha and Akahi (w) were Kalama Mayers; Kapapu Jones; Kaluakini;
and Kaanana?Kanana;
The Grace family claims Kanana as their ancestor.
The name of the exact member of the Grace Family will not be revealted but the persons relatives will most likely find out if their family member is indeed selling out/getting paid as hush money, etc.
Waha and Akahi (female) hanai:
Kalama Meyers - her husband was the administrator of Queen Kalama. Research incomplete.
Kapapu Jones - the alias name of Jones is Aluli. Research incomplete.
Kaluakini - he was the true grandchild of Akahi (female) and became Akahi (female) hanai/adopted child when his father Nahuina died.
Kaluakini had two wives: He and his first wife named Kawahineahanui were the hanai/adopted parents of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani. She had been married to Bennett Namakeha and had adopted a child named Kahanu. Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani married Kalakaua/King Kalakaua after her first husband died.
Kaluakini married Haili the daughter of Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Pomaikelani the sister of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani. There was another sister name Kinoiki who was the mother of the three (3) sons: Edward; Kuhio; and Kawananakoa.
Kaluakini and Haili had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini and others. Kaluakini was claimed to have leprosy and was sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai. His wife Haili went as a kokua. Kokua's had to submit to experimentation if they desired to stay with their loved ones. Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini was adopted by Kaluakini's mother and brother Kaopu momona who was King Kalakaua's real son.
Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini married Joseph Gora and had John and others (Joseph, William, Walter, Jolly (female), Lawrence, and Francis). John married Mary Castro and had myself - Amelia Gora and others (Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian).
Akahi (female) other marriages and children/stepchildren:
Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku - children/stepchildren/hanai children: Leleiohoku; Kekauonohi (female) - a true niece; Kamehameha II - Liholiho; Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli; Nahienena; all of Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's children/stepchildren/hanai - adopted children, et. als.
Kikau - Nahuina; Keliihue
Kahope - Halemano
Pomaikai - Kahele; twin u.i.; Kauki
Kaiama - Kekapu; hanai/adopted: Emma.
Kai/Kekai - Abraham Kekai
Kepaa - u.i.
Note: Charles Reed Bishop and Bernice Pauahi Bishop claimed that her aunt Akahi had no children.
Research incomplete.
Charles Reed Bishop Treason Evidence
Charles Reed Bishop is documented as one of the "warmest supporters of the revolution and the republic".
This article is also the documented evidence of his affiliation, association, participation in the Premeditation activities against King David Kalakaua AND Queen Liliuokalani.
Enemies of Bernice and Charles Reed Bishop:
King Kalakaua was the son of Keohokalole and Caesar Kapaakea. Keohokalole was the hanai/ adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina (female), daughter of Kini (female) and Kapule who were the descendants of Hanuna (brother of Konia - mother of the real Bernice Pauahi, Pauahi - mother of Ruth Keelikolani, Poohina - u.i.). children of Kaoleioku the oldest son of Kamehameha and wife Kanekapolei.
Queen Liliuokalani was the daughter of Keohokalole and Caesar Kapaakea. Keohokalole was the hanai/ adopted daughter of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina (female)., daughter of Kini (female) and Kapule who were the descendants of Hanuna (brother of Konia - mother of the reall Bernice Pauahi, Pauahi - mother of Ruth Keelikolani, Poohina). children of Kaoleioku the oldest son of Kamehameha and wife Kanekapolei.
Also, Queen Liliuokalani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Abner Paki and Konia. The real Bernice Pauahi was their daughter. Additionally, Abner Paki married his Kalaniulumoku/his brothers wife named Kakainalii. He became the father of Kalola (female), Kaluaikau (female), Alapai and others.
Background on Charles Reed Bishop:
Bishop arrived in the Hawaiian Islands with his lover William Lee and both worked with the American Consulate.
Consulates are known to be the offices for spies in nations. Reference: None Dare to Call it Conspiracies by Thomas Allen, etc.
Charles Reed Bishop | |
![]() | |
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Hawaii | |
In office January 10, 1873 – February 17, 1874 | |
Monarch | Lunalilo |
Preceded by | Ferdinand William Hutchison |
Succeeded by | William Lowthian Green |
Personal details | |
Born | January 25, 1822 Glens Falls, New York, United States |
Died | June 7, 1915 (aged 93) San Francisco, California, United States |
Resting place | Royal Mausoleum of Hawaii |
Spouse(s) | Bernice Pauahi Pākī |
Children | Keolaokalani Davis (hānai) |
Occupation | Businessman, Banker, Politician |
Signature |
For more information see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Reed_Bishop
This is evidence of a major conspiracy, piracy, pillaging by Americans in the Hawaiian Islands. Charles Reed Bishop, Pirate of the Pacific and His Friends are documented as conspirators, co-conspirators, pirates, racketeers in the Hawaiian Islands since his arrival.
Bishop was also a J.P. Morgan banker with affiliations to the Rothschild's, etc.
His claims to lands in Hawaii are null and void.
Collusion of the usurpers are documented through the Trustees who took claims to being owners of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and even the Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust, etc.
All conspirators have been legally stripped of lands, mineral rights, water, monies, trusts by our Hawaiian Kingdom Judicial Tribunal based on the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Unites States of America, Article XIV, and the Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court, etc.
Documented criminals are not welcomed in our Hawaiian Islands.
Mr. Furbish, Secretary of State/Assistant under U.S. President Cleveland said that if evidence was found showing a conspiracy, etc. then in the interest of justice, all must be returned to the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Summary: The treasonous persons who created the Provisional Government turned Republic supported by the U.S. "confiscated" the Crown Lands. Nearly 1,000,000 acres of land were claimed as "ceded" by the treasonous persons and transferred to the U.S.
Prominent American lawyers were hired and "engaged to handle the case against the United States Government."
Premeditation, duress, dethroning a Queen of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation, criminally assuming private properties, genocide, fraud, criminal deviance, breach of international laws, genocide, etc. ongoing issues.
Summary: "Mr. Furbish, who is connected with the State Department of Washington....quoted from the official records of the correspondence between the provisional Government and the representatives of this country to show that the United States assisted the revolutionists, and urged that if this was proved it was only right that the status quo should be restored."
The Evidence in part is hereby posted for the records and for all Kanaka Maoli, friends, other nations to see the wrongs that is on record.
This, along with other evidence documents the Crimes of the centuries which has affected our Queen, the Royal Families, kanaka maoli, friends, other citizens, other nations.
These are issues of PIRACY(IES) on the High Seas, genocide, racketeering, mafia, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands.
Mr. Furbish, American testimony is also indicative of what must occur as stated above ....."the official records of the correspondence between the provisional Government and the representatives of this country to show that the United States assisted the revolutionists, and urged that if this was proved it was only right that the status quo should be restored."
All the above is part of the proof and validates that premeditation is documented, and ramifications are ongoing.
It was U.S. President Cleveland who gave Hawaii back twice to Queen Liliuokalani in 1894 and 1897.
Reference: http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2017/10/us-president-cleveland-gave-hawaii-back.html
Dr. deZayas from the United Nations letter and U.S. President Donald Trump's recent e-mail shows that the Rule of Law and the adherence to the U.S. Constitution is aligned with Mr. Furbish's statements made during the time of U.S. President Cleveland's administration shows some Justice.
Reference: https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/home/un-independent-expert-hawaii-under-strange-form-of-occupation-by-us
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From: The White House <noreply@whitehouse.gov>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Response to Your Message
To: hawaiianhistory@gmail.com <hawaiianhistory@gmail.com>
From: The White House <noreply@whitehouse.gov>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Response to Your Message
To: hawaiianhistory@gmail.com <hawaiianhistory@gmail.com>
Research incompletem ramifications are ongoing in the interest of Justice.

by Christine Gralow
The Hawaiian Kingdom Blog released a letter today written by United Nations Independent Expert Alfred deZayas to two Hawaii Circuit Court judges.
In the letter, dated February 18, 2018, deZayas wrote, "I have come to understand that the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation."
DeZayas addressed this letter to Hawaii Circuit Court Judges Gary Chang and Jeannette Castagnetti. Chang presides over Hawaii's Land and Tax Appeal Court. Castagnetti presided over the contentious Nelson v. Hawaiian Homes Commission case, in which she ordered the Hawaii State Legislature to pay the Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands $28 million in 2016.
"To call this (U.N.) document 'remarkable' is an understatement," David Keanu Sai told Hawaiian Kingdom Blog.
Sai, who holds a Ph.D. in political science from U.H., has led several international complaints regarding the legal status of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He explained in an email to Meanwhile in Hawai'i that his complaints aimed to expose "the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent and sovereign State."
Sai said a relative of Routh Bolomet, "a Hawaiian-Swiss citizen," alerted him last week to deZayas' letter.
In the letter, deZayas referred to his review of a 2017 complaint from Bolomet to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Bolomet complained of "historical and ongoing plundering of the Hawaiians' lands, particularly of those heirs and descendants with land titles that originate from the distributions of lands under the authority of the Hawaiian Kingdom," deZayas wrote.
DeZayas served as the U.N. Human Rights Council's Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order from May 2012 through April 2018. He wrote the letter while serving in that position. He previously served as Secretary of the U.N. Human Rights Committee and Senior Lawyer with the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. He is a Cuban-born U.S. citizen with a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He currently teaches at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Law.
Meanwhile in Hawai'i has reached out to deZayas to try to gain more legal context on the letter. This article will be updated as more information is received. Mahalo to Hawaiian Kingdom Blog for publicly sharing this document.
The Hawaiian Kingdom Blog released a letter today written by United Nations Independent Expert Alfred deZayas to two Hawaii Circuit Court judges.
In the letter, dated February 18, 2018, deZayas wrote, "I have come to understand that the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation."
DeZayas addressed this letter to Hawaii Circuit Court Judges Gary Chang and Jeannette Castagnetti. Chang presides over Hawaii's Land and Tax Appeal Court. Castagnetti presided over the contentious Nelson v. Hawaiian Homes Commission case, in which she ordered the Hawaii State Legislature to pay the Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands $28 million in 2016.
"To call this (U.N.) document 'remarkable' is an understatement," David Keanu Sai told Hawaiian Kingdom Blog.
Sai, who holds a Ph.D. in political science from U.H., has led several international complaints regarding the legal status of the Hawaiian Kingdom. He explained in an email to Meanwhile in Hawai'i that his complaints aimed to expose "the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent and sovereign State."
Sai said a relative of Routh Bolomet, "a Hawaiian-Swiss citizen," alerted him last week to deZayas' letter.
In the letter, deZayas referred to his review of a 2017 complaint from Bolomet to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Bolomet complained of "historical and ongoing plundering of the Hawaiians' lands, particularly of those heirs and descendants with land titles that originate from the distributions of lands under the authority of the Hawaiian Kingdom," deZayas wrote.
DeZayas served as the U.N. Human Rights Council's Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order from May 2012 through April 2018. He wrote the letter while serving in that position. He previously served as Secretary of the U.N. Human Rights Committee and Senior Lawyer with the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. He is a Cuban-born U.S. citizen with a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He currently teaches at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Law.
Meanwhile in Hawai'i has reached out to deZayas to try to gain more legal context on the letter. This article will be updated as more information is received. Mahalo to Hawaiian Kingdom Blog for publicly sharing this document.
Hawaiian Kingdom Subject
5/20/2018 09:52:46 am
Hawaiian Kingdom legal victory
Read more at: https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/home/un-independent-expert-hawaii-under-strange-form-of-occupation-by-us
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