This is a Legal/Public Notice for an Apology to Kaulana Bonnet/Kaulana Fraser Who Is the Consort of the King of Tahiti and Not the Dowager Queen:
"A queen consort is the wife of a reigning king (or an empress consort in the case of an emperor ). A queen consort usually shares her husband's social rank and status. Jul 26 2019 "
Errors were made in posting that Kaulana Bonnet/Kaulana Fraser was a Dowager Queen, for she is not:
"A queen dowager, dowager queen or queen mother (compare: princess dowager, dowager princess or princess mother) is a title or status generally held by the widow of a king. In the case of the widow of an emperor, the title of empress dowager is used. "
This is a public posting correcting the fact that Kaulana Bonnet/Kaulana Fraser is married to the King of Tahiti and is his Queen Consort.
Sincere apologies for the error in status.
Best wishes for a long and happy life together.
cc: Honolulu Police Department
Please remover "Dowager Queen" and change to "Queen consort" of Tahiti for Kaulana Bonnet/ Kaulana Fraser whose husband is alive and well.
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, etc. Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii
Correcting the following post of 2016:
False Flag Ops - Genocide Activities Ongoing File at the ...
False Flag Ops - Genocide Activities Ongoing File at the Honolulu Police Department for the "Dowager Queen" of Tahiti and Friend ... Genocide Activities Ongoing File/False Flag Ops for Kaulana Fraser aka's and Owana Salazar: Amelia Gora <> ... Kaulana Fraser also goes by a French name Kaulana Bonnet, etc. ...
Evidence of Owana Salazar Posted today 1/02/2020: (Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
facebook:…/legalpublic-notice-f… Kaulana Bonnet/Kaulana Fraser is a Consort Queen and Not Dowager Queen ---her husband, the King of Tahiti is alive and well....
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