Monday, February 10, 2025

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Reposted - 2/10/2025 - Keep for the Records with other articles: What Every Kanaka Maoli Needs to Know

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Reposted - 02/10/2025

Keep for the Records with other articles: What Every Kanaka Maoli Needs To Know

Keep for records

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by DaHawaiian06 | 2 years ago | 9,445 views

                                         compiled by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person.(2010)
The "glue" that adheres all of us together are genealogies.  We are based on a 2,650 - 3,000 year history of genealogies.
Our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii has been the target of many criminal deviants over time and the identity theft of our ancestors, along with the criminal dethroning of our Queen, criminally assuming assets, resources, occupation of our lands became the moves by the U.S. whose representative asked for loans and our House of Nobles said "no" to.
Now that many of our people are moving onto their ancestral lands, or pressing on with their beliefs, because most have oral histories of the wrongs, it is best (and wise) to gear up with information to better represent yourselves.
Have the following on hand, keep copies for yourselves and family members.  If you can, also pass the important information on to those who haven't a clue on what to do.....etc.
1.  Genealogy research of your own families.
2. Know that if you're a member of the Royal family(ies) - anyone descending from the King - Kamehameha then that means that you should be aware that governments, and the Masons/Freemasons were set in place to break apart Monarchy governments worldwide.

3.  Print this article and the references below as evidence, etc.


The United States has been on the road to WAR since the criminal assumption, occupation of a neutral, non-violent nation known as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii since 1893.

The following are the important dates in Hawaiian history which shows other nations interactions along with the belligerent occupiers the U.S., United States/United States of America, as well as an entity under the title:  The Independence of the United States of America.

350 A.D.  - 1765   Kumulipo or the Creation Chant documents ancient genealogies of our ancestors.

1555 - Hawaiian Islands documented by Spaniard Juan Gaetano.

1700 -  Japanese vessel shipwrecked in the Hawaiian Islands, Samurai swords kept and used by the kanaka maoli.  Japanese returned to Japan on a repaired vessel.

1766 -  Keaweikekahialiiokamoku's, Kekaulike's, Manokalanipo's, Kakuhihewa's families lead organized societies on the eight (8) major islands, the other 125 islands were maintained by alii, konohiki families.

1778 - Captain James Cook anchored in Kauai, He had sailed past Oahu and moved on to Kauai.

          November. Captain Cook anchored in East Maui.  His 66 disease infested men introduced sexually transmitted diseases to our people.  Cook introduced the Western calendar.

1779 -  Captain Cook's voyages were translated into French, German, and Russian.

           Russia recognized the Hawaiian archipelago as a strategic, political, and economical pursuit.  Hawaii was looked at as a connection to Kamchatka, the Aleutians, and North America's Cossack hunter-traders outposts.

1782 -  Kalaniopuu, uncle of Kamehameha, died.  Family skirmishes over leadership continued.  Kamehameha married his aunt Kanekapolei and led the Hawaiian people.

1786 -  The Hawaiian archipelago was documented by Nathaniel Portlock and George Dixon arriving on British ships.

Note:  Attempts to dissuade the public that Hawaii was not an Archipelago came from the United States Administration later in history.

1787 -  Kaiana sailed for China with Captain Meares.

1788 -  Kaiana returned from China.

1789 - Abroad:  George Washington was inaugurated the first President, after five (5) others headed Americans in the British Colonies.

          George Washington was a descendant of the British Royal family and failed to tell the citizens.  He used his Royal privileges by extending it to the "Executive Order" which became a tradition used by U.S. Presidents, and not law.

           Congress debated over his title as "His High Mightiness."  A German ridiculed them and Congress decided to call him simply the President.

            Thomas Paine, author of the Constitution pronounced him "Treacherous in private friendship and a hypocrite in public lifte."

            Washington was a shareholder in the Bank of England, owned 300 slaves.

            England established a penal colony in Australia.

Note:  Unlike all other nations, the U.S. did not consider itself a Monarchy government. In 2005, the U.S. was viewed to be "a colony of the Crown (of England)" on the CBS Channel 9 news at 5:45 P.M. while broadcasting the news of Prince Charles and his long time affair wife visiting the U.S. on their first official overseas trip.  Prince Charles former wife Diana had died earlier, and she was an international banker - Rothschild's descendant.

1790 - Simon Metcalfe of the ship ELEANORA traded with the Hawaiians who brough taro, bananas, potatoes, chickens, and hogs.  The sailors whipped the Hawaiians with ropes.  A Hawaiian stole a small boat, took it apart for weapons, and the ELEANORA set off killing many innocent people. More Hawaiians came from other areas to trade and Metcalfe commanded the sailors to open fire on the Hawaiians and killed many.  This was called the "Olowalu Massacre."

A boatswain, Englishman John Young decided to sightsee and was detained by Kamehameha.  Metcalfe decided that John Young had abandoned his post and sailed on to his destination, Oregon to China.

ELEANORA's sister ship the FAIR AMERICAN was attacked, five (5) killed and survivor Isaac Davis was held and became good friends with his future father-in-law John Young.  Many of their descendants exist today.

1803 - The ship LELIA BYRD captained by American William Shaler introduced horses into Hawaii.

In the United States, France sold the Louisiana Territory for $15 million - doubling the area of the American nation.

1806 - Austria head whose title was Holy Roman Emperor removed his title Francis II.

           Napoleon Bonaparte of France pronounced his brother Joseph, King of Spain.

1809 -  The Russian Ship NEVA returned with Archibald Campbell, whose descendants exist today.

The Russian Governor of Alaska indicated an interest in Hawaii.  A fort was built, imperial flag was raised, and negotiations for the lease of the entire island of Kauau began but not consummated.

1810 -  Kamehameha formed the Hawaiian Kingdom Monarchy government.

           Kamehameha made treaties with Aetearoa, and the Samoan Islands and became part of the Pacific Empire.

1814 -  The SIR ANDREW HAMMOND sailed into Honolulu's Harbor as the first American Ship flying an American flag.  This was a pirated ship at sea, reclaimed by the British at sea and returned to Honolulu's Harbor.

          Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

1816 -  Russian ships IIMEN; KADIATE: and OTKYODE arrived in Hawaii.

          Kaumualii of Kauai was claimed to have signed a document putting the island of Kauai under the protection Russia's Czar.

1817  -  Kaumualii of Kauai renounced the Russian's claim.

            Abroad, in the foreign port of Macao, the Hawaiian flag was flown for the first time.

1818 -  Spanish pirates captured by the ship ARGENTINA arrived in Hawaii.

           Chile and LaPlata declared independence from Spain.

1819 -  Kamehameha set aside the kapu system, an ancient system involving men, women eating separately, the people kneeling before high chiefs/alii, rituals, etc.  He instructed his chiefs/alii as well.

1822 -  Independence of Brazil was recognized.

           The Secret Treaty of Verona was signed by Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, United States and the Vatican.  Reference from the Congressional files uncovered by researcher Wolfram Graetz.  The move towards One World Order/New World Order is indicated here:


Senator Owen: I wish to put in the Record the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchical government and government by the people. The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document:


The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:
ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers, being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchical principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually, in the most solemn manner, to use all that their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever county it may exist in Europe, and to prevent it being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known.
ARTICLE 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper measures to suppress it, not only in their own States but also in the rest of Europe.
ARTICLE 3. Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective States those measures which clergy may adopt, with the aim of ameliorating their own interests, intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.
ARTICLE 4. The situation of Spain and Portugal unite unhappily all the circumstances to which this treaty has particular reference. The contracting parties, in confiding to France the care of putting an end to them, engaged to assist her in the matter which may the least compromit [sic] them with their own people and the people of France by means of a subsidy on the part of the two empires of 20,000,000 of francs every year from the date of the signature of this treaty to the end of the war.
ARTICLE 5. In order to establish in the Peninsula in the order of things which existed before the revolution of Cadiz, and to insure the entire execution of the articles of the present treaty, the high contracting parties give to each other the reciprocal assurance that as long as their views are not fulfilled, rejecting all other ideas of utility or other measure to be taken, they will address themselves with the shortest possible delay to all the authorities existing in their States and to all their agents in foreign countries, with the view to establish connections tending toward the accomplishment of the objects proposed by this treaty.
ARTICLE 6. This treaty shall be renewed with such changes as new circumstances may give occasion for, either at a new congress or at the court of one of the contracting parties, as soon as the war with Spain shall be terminated.
ARTICLE 7. The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at Paris within the space of six months.
Made at Verona the 22nd November, 1822.
for Austria: METTERNICH
for Prussia: BERNSTET
for Russia: NESSELRODE
Senator Owen: "This Holy Alliance, having put a Bourdon prince upon the throne of France by force, then used France to suppress the condition of Spain, immediately afterwards, and by this very treaty gave her a subsidy of 20,000,000 francs annually to enable her to wage war upon the people of Spain and prevent their exercise of any measure of the right of self-government. The Holy Alliance immediately did not same thing in Italy, by sending Austrian troops to Italy, where the people there attempted to exercise a like measure of liberal constitutional self-government; and it was not until the printing press, which the Holy Alliance so stoutly opposed, taught the people of Europe the value of liberty that finally one country after another seized a greater and greater right of self-government, until now it may be fairly said that nearly all the nations of Europe have a very large measure of self-government.
"However, I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this important history in the growth of constitutional popular self- government. The Holy Alliance made its powers felt by the wholesale drastic suppression of the press in Europe, by universal censorship, by killing free speech and all ideas of popular rights, and by the complete suppression of popular government. The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain, and Italy, had well-laid plains also to destroy popular government in the American Colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States."
"It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, who was still living at that time, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States would regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act, if this coalition, or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American continent any control of any American republic, or to acquire any territorial rights.
"This is the so-called Monroe Doctrine. The threat under the secret treaty of Verona to suppress popular government in the American republics is the basis of the Monroe Doctrine. This secret treaty sets fourth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government, and the government of the few as against the government on the many."
(Senator Owen, Congressional Record 1916)
1824 -  The Russian Imperial Navy ship PREDPIYATIE captained by Otto von Kotzebue arrived in Hawaii.

1825 -  English frigate manned with forty-six-guns named BLONDE under Lord Byron brought the bodies of Kamehameha II and one of his seven(7) wives named Kamamalu back from England where they were exposed to measles.  They had returned some of the remains of Captain Cook, and were on a peaceful mission to learn more about Monarchy governments.

           Claims by England's Lord Byron attending a Hawaiian council meeting was made.  Lord Byron was claimed to have been under secret orders of England's King George IV to declare Hawaii as its protectorate from foreign intervention.

Note:  This is questionable since the Council of Alii/Chiefs were made up of the Secret Advisors of Kamehameha, their descendants.

           Lord Byron with his crew on the BLONDE bid farewell and made a stop at Kealakekua Bay where Captain James Cook died and placed an engraced brass plate inscribed with the following:

            "To the memory of Captain James Cook, R. N. who discovered these islands in the year of our Lord 1778.  This
             humble monument was erected by his fellow countrymen in the year of our Lord 1825."

Note:  Rather than that plaque, the following should replace it:

              "In the defense of intruders upon the shores of 1,650+ years inhabited Hawaiian Islands; in the year 1778, here resulted a massacre of several hundreds of human life, Hawaiians/kanaka maoli, who had befriended England's Captain James Cook and his foreign disease infested, immoral men who sought to kill our leaders, plunder, and to decimate our masses by multiples of diseases, carnal lust, slavery, greed, hatred, animosity and jealousy".

1827 -  The First U.S. Naval vessel entered Hawaii's port.

1836 - A Treaty between England and the Kingdom of Hawaii recognized the sovereignty and the independence of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

          A French Navy ship BONITE arrived, requesting permission for Fr. Arsenius Walsh, Irish-Catolic priest to reside in Hawaii.

          A British Warship ACTEON arrived and whose Captain Lord Edward Russell negotiated a Treaty between Great Britain and the "Sandwich Islands".

1837 - Two European ships arrived in Honolulu:  Sir Edward Belcher and his British Royal Navy ship SULPHUR; and Captain Abel du Pettithouars and his French Naval ship VENUS.

           They intervened in the conflicts between Catholic missionaries Alexis Bachelot and Patric Short.  The CLEMENTINE, a British Ship was chartered by the French.

1839 -  The French frigate ARTEMISE with Captain LaPlace threatened to fire on Honolulu unless Catholic priests were allowed into the Kingdom and liquor imported.  The King allowed them and revised the Missiona laws.

           A Treaty was signed and $20,000 paid to Captain LaPlace.

1840 - England annexed Aetearoa or New Zealand. 

Note:  Aetearoa, Samoan Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands were part of a democratic Pacific Empire recognized among nations.

1841 - An ambitious policy of guaranteeing the security of Slavery in the United States and the "whole of this continent" was proclaimed by Secretary Calhoun.

1842 - Hawaii's ambassadors Messrs. Haalilio and Richards left for the United States and Europe.

         "The United States of American first recognized publicly, and by an Act of Congress, 19th Dec. 1842, the sovereignty and independence of your Majesty's Kingdom".

Note:  Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

1843 -  "Great Britain, on the first of April 1843" recognized the sovereignty and independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

           "France next recognized publicly, by her joint guarantee with Great Britain, dated the 8th November, 1843."

Note:  Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

          Arrival of H.B.M. ship CARYSFORT with Lord George Paulet and crew.

A provisional cession of the islands to Great Britain was documented.

          July 31.  Admiral Thomas of the English Navy restored the sovereignty of the islands.

           November 28.  Great Britain and France recognized Hawaii's independence.

1844 - England and France's governments recognized the independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

Equal consideration of the three 1) The United States of America; 2) Great Britain, and 3) France was approved by the King and Premier of the Hawaiian Kingdom and signed by Kamehameha III, and Kekauluohi at Lahaina, Maui, on the 29th day of June, A.D. 1844.

Note:  Under the Law of Nations general convention, the Congress of Vienna convened, and "contained delegates from the eight principal Powers of Europe, Austria, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Prussia, who among other arrangements saw fit to terminate by mutual agreement, the dissension about precedence:  These Powers unanimously agreed to the following articles on that subject... see THE POLYNESIAN, Saturday, July 20, 1844

          Belgium's government recognized the independence of the Hawaiian Islands.

1845 -  British Treaty and Danish Treaty documented with the Hawaiian Kingdom.          

1848 -  Republics of France and Rome began. 

          The King of Prussia destroyed the German's unity at Frankfort, German's parliament.

1849 - French Admiral Tromelin arrived in the ship POURSUIVANTE.  Tromelin seized a Honolulu Fort.

          Occupation of the Fort and seizure of the yacht KAMEHAMEHA II was documented.

          Treaty concluded with the United States.

1850 - French consul, Mr. Perrin, arrived on the ship SERIEUSE.

1851 - A Protectorate by the U.S. was claimed according to American mercenary/missionary W. D. Alexander.

Note:  the issue remains questionable.  Such an action as "Protectorate" would have to require the approval by the House of Nobles, the House of Representatives and signed by the King in Privy Council according to the Constitution of 1840.

1852 -  Napoleon III became the Emperor of France.

           The Hawaiian Kingdom passed the anti-slavery law.

Note:  The United States passed their anti-slavery law which was almost identical to the Hawaiian Kingdom law in 1865 or 13 years later and after the assassination of U.S. President Lincoln.

1853 -  France annexed New Caledonia.

           U.S. President Franklin Pierce allowed slave ambitions in the America's and foreign lands.  Slavery was abolished by Great Britain in the West Indian islands.  Mexico abolished Slavery.  Spain abolished slavery in Cuba after a meeting in Belgium with the joint issue in the "Ostend Manifesto" involving Great Britain, France, and Spain.

           Three American ministers to Europe proclaimed that the United States intended on capturing Cuba, if it could not be bought.  This issue was called the "Ostend Manifesto" which became disowned.

1854 -  The United States signed a treaty with Japan.  Commodore Perry successfully completed his secon expedition/mission, and opened Japan to Wester trade.

            The U.S. President and associates seriously considered the formal annexation of the Hawaiian Islands according to the Native Hawaiian Study Commissions compilation, Volume II.

Note:  This is one of lies conjured up by the Americans looking to assume our Hawaiian Islands. 

Judge William L. Lee left for the United States according to the Probate 2410 (First Circuit Court) of Kamehameha III who died on December 15, 1854.  Executors appointed were Mataio Kekuanaoa (true father of Kamehameha IV); John Young/Keoni Ana (uncle of Emma who became Queen Emma married to Kamehameha IV); and William L. Lee (Judge and documented early Terrorist in Hawaii - he was an early American spy who worked for the American Consulate and Charles Reed Bishop's lover.  Charles Reed Bishop also worked for the American Consulate, an American spy, who was a banker, plantation owner who married one of Kamehameha's descendants, was employed with the Morgan bankers, owed several millions of dollars to the Hawaiian Kingdom for a loan, was a conspirator, pirate, treasonous person against Queen Liliuokalani and the Royal families, and the Hawaiian Kingdom subjects, et. als.)

1858 - New treaty made with France.

1861 - The Kingdom of Italy was established.  The King named was Victor Emmanuel.  Rome and Venice were not part of the Kingdom.

1864 - The Mercenaries/Missionaries in Hawaii provided nearly $12,000 American money to the U.S. Sanitary Commission (similar or like the Red Cross services) for the American Civil War (1863 - 1865),  Read THE FRIEND, December 5, 1864 Column 3, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

           In the U.S., an Amendment to the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was made abolishing slavery.

1867 -  A Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was established.

           The new Emperor of Mexico Maximilian was shot.

           Midway Islands became occupied.

           Secretary of State W.H. Seward moved to acquire Santo Domingo and the Danish West Indies.  It was refused by the U.S. Senate.

1871 - The German Empire was founded after Paris surrendered.  Prussia's King William I became the German Emperor.

           In Italy, the Law of Papal Guarantees rejected by the Vatican; the Pope considered himself the prisoner of the Vatican.

           A settlement for the Treaty of Washington was made in the U.S.

1872 -   In Geneva, Switzerland an arbitration between the U.S. and Great Britain occurred.  The U.S. claimed that the British Government failed in allowing the Confederates (Civil War Southerners) to build and fit their ships/cruisers in the British ports contradicting their neutrality duties.  The verdict awarded the U.S. $15,5000,000 in gold.

Note:  The U.S. evolved into a predatory nation aggressively assuming Hawaiian private properties in 1893, which changed their status from one of neutrality to Warring, aggressive, criminal, terrorist, conspirators, deviants, etc. The planning, premeditation includes the following:

           Admiral A.M. Pennock, Commander of the North Pacific Squadron, General John M. Schofield, Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific, and Brigadier General B. S. Alexander were on a mission steaming to Hawaii aboard the U.S.S. California under secret orders by the War Department.  The plan was to visit Hawaii during the Holidays.

           Pearl Harbor, Schofield Barracks, Fort Armstrong, and other military staging areas on Oahu and the neighbor islands were mapped and pinpointed during this survey.

           Generals Sschofield and Alexander retured and reported on the value of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  "Admirals Irwin, Walker and Miller, agreed that it would be tremendously useful" providing the sand bar entrance be eliminated.

1873 - John Schofield/General Schofield arrived in Honolulu and concluded that Pearl Harbor should be acquired for strategic use in defending the West Coast from overseas invaders.

1875 -  The British purchased shares in the Suez Canal.

1876 -  King David Kalakaua signed a fraud deed over Pearl Harbor.  The deed was made out to two deceased ancestors 8-9 years after they died.  Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868.  He was the father of Paalua, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, Victorial Kamamalu, and stepfather to many others.  Grace Kamaikui died in 1866.  She was one of the wives of Mataio Kekuanaoa, T.C. B. Rooke, mother of Hueu, Kale, and Peke Davis; claimed adopted mother of her niece Emma who married Kamehameha IV.

Note:  The U.S. disclaimed any interest in Pearl Harbor according to Land Court application no. 966; however, the criminal entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates criminally claimed ownership and supported the fraud claim of the U.S. over Pearl Harbor.

1878 -  The Pacific Cable Company was formed by Charles Reed Bishop, sugar planters, who helped to pay for the costs of laying a cable for the U.S. communications which would also be used to inform them that the Japanese were coming.

Note:  The U.S. feared that the Japanese would enter San Francisco Bay, etc. and it would take more than 10 years to get them out.  Read the book VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea or see pages in Afffidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) by Amelia Gora, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

1879 - Atlantic Cable Company employee Celso Moreno came to Hawaii and befriended King David Kalakaua.  His project included the promotion of the California to China trans-Pacific cable.

           The French laid the Atlantic Cable.

1882 -  The French began the work on the Panama Canal.

1883 -  Great Britain occupied Egypt.

1884 -  The Trade Treaty was renewed with the U.S.  The Pearl Harbor locale was allowed for the U.S. to use as a naval base.  The Treaty was good for 10 years or due to expire in 1894.

Note:  The U.S. disclaimed any interest in Pearl Harbor according to Land Court application no. 966; however, the criminal entity Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates criminally claimed ownership and supported the fraud claim of the U.S. over Pearl Harbor.

            Germany annexed northeast New Guinea and Bismarck Archipelago.

1887 -  With guns to his head, King David Kalakaua signed a new Constitution accommodating American conspirators, treasonous person in Hawaii.  The Constitution was dubbed "The Bayonnet Constitution" by his sister Princess Liliuokalani (later became Queen Liliuokalani). 

            The Constitution was signed under duress and without the consent/ratification/approval by the Legislature.

           A Joint French-English-American Naval Commission was established over the Samoan Islands.

 Note:  The Samoan Islands, Aetearoa, and the Hawaiian Islands formed the Pacific Empire which was held by treaties since the time of Kamehameha.  Aetearoa was grabbed by England, (see previous entries).

1889 -  Pacific Cable Company was formed with the following members:

W.G. Irwin; H.F. Glade; P.C. Jones; H.A. Widemann; James Campbell; Charles Reed Bishop; Samuel Northrup Castle; John T. Waterhouse and unnamed others.

1892 - A Concerted Move to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani progressed:

            Lorrin A. Thurston, American, conspirator, treasonous person, offered to purchase the Hawaiian Islands for approximately $60,000.

           A. U.S. agent through the Annexation Club offered Queen Liliuokalani $250,000 to purchase the Hawaiian Islands.

           U.S. Secretary of the Navy, B..F. Tracy, met with Makua Valley rancher, Samuel Andrews, a nephew of Lorrin Thurston during the "preliminary contemplation ......of overthrowing the Monarchy" and talk about annexation after.

           Hawaiian Kingdom employees in Washington, D.C. Dr. Mott-Smith and Thomas Akaka (ancestor of Daniel Akaka promoter of the Akaka Bill presently pushing criminal assumptions of all lands, assets, identity(ies) of all kanaka maoli) consulted, confided, planned the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani and assume lands, assets, resources, etc. with communications from Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Congress, et. als.

           May 24.  Cousin to Queen Liliuokalani Robert Wilcox, and Englishman Volney V. Ashford were arrested for Treason in Hawaii.  "On the morning of the 21st...twenty persons charged with the crime of treason against the Hawaiian Government were arrested.  Their object was the overthrow of the existing form of government by deposing Queen Liliuokalani and establishing a Hawaiian republic."

                        Robert Wilcox did try to overthow King David Kalakaua, also a cousin, and "he and his associates were convicted on like charges, they were promptly pardoned"..........Wilcox "was elected to the Legislature."

               "The leaders of the movement are understood to be Voleny V. Ashford and Robert Wilcox, the well-known agitators."
Read:  THE NEW YORK TIMES, published June 1, 1892.''

                "The penalty for treason is death; for conspiracy imprisonment, not to exceed ten years, and a fine of $1,000."

Read also articles "The Hawaiian Conspirators", THE NEW YORK TIMES, and "Trials for treason in Hawaii do not seem to be very fruitful in results...:, THE NEW YORK TIMES, Thursday, July 14, 1892.

Note:  It appears that this and previous moves to dethrone cousins King David Kalakaua, and his sister Queen Liliuokalani by Robert Wilcox and 19 others shows trial runs, testing over what was to come......Robert Wilcox appears to have been supported by the U.S., and Volney Ashford supported by England, etc.

Other New World Order/One World Order Activists - Masons/Freemasons:
The following article appeared in the Hawaiian newspapers before the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani:
Hawaiian Gazette, Honolulu, Tuesday, January 3, 1893
(note:  Queen Liliuokalani was wrongfully dethroned on Tuesday, January 17, 1893, exactly two (2) weeks later.)
                                              THE NEW TEMPLE
The Corner-Stone Is Laid With Masonic Honors.
Eloquent Oration By Hon. Paul Neumann --- Full Account of the Impressive Ceremony.
Tuesday afternoon the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple, on the corner of Alakea and Hotel Streets, was laid with appropriate ceremonies by Hotel Streets, was laid ith appropriate ceremonies by Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A.M., for which lodge the new temple is being erected.
Everything passed off pleasantly and the impressive Masonic ceremony was witnessed by a vast concourse of people.  During the morning a number of carpenters were engaged erecting a platform for the limited guests.  The platform was a covered one and seats were provided for 300 people with a special row of chairs for the Royal party.
About 2:00 o'clock the procession started from the building at the corner of Fort and Queen streets.  A: present occupied by Hawaiian Lodge, and marched up Fort street to King, along King to Alakea and up Alakea to the scene of the ceremony, proceeding in the following order:
                                                                The Procession
                                                             Royal Hawaiian Band.
                                                           Henri Berger, Conductor.
                                                        Grand Tyler, with a Drawn Sword,
                                                             Bro. John Morris Angus
                                                        Two Grand Stewards, with White
                                                           Bro. Charles Jerome Campbell,
                                                           Bro. Archibald Forrest Gilillan.
                                                                        Grand Marshal,
                                                               Bro. James Anderson King.
                                                                      Entered Apprentices, 
                                                                          Fellow Crafts,
                                                                     Master Masons,
                                                                         Junior Deacons,
                                                                         Senior Deacons,
                                                                         Junior Wardens,
                                                                         Senior Wardens,
                                                                           Past Masters,
                                                             Brother Bearing Golden Vessel of
                                                                    Brother John Harris Soper,
                                                             Two Brethren Bearing Silver Vessel
                                                                       Of Wine and Oil
                                                                   Bro. Thomas James King,
                                                                       Bro. Robert Catton,
                                                          Grand Orator and Grand Chaplain,
                                                                        Bro. Paul Neumann,
                                                          P. .M. ., Alexander Mackintosh.
                                                       Principal Architect Bearing Working
                                                                    P..M..C. Briggs Ripley
                                                                       Grand Secretary
                                                                   P..M..John Philillips,
                                                                      Grand Treasurer.
                                                       P..M.. James Nelville Monsarrat.
                                                                    Grand Bible Bearer,
                                                                   Bro. Charles Ham(?)
                                                       Supported by two Stewards with
                                                                         White Rods,
                                                           Bro. William Francis Love
                                                            Bro. Abraham Fernandez
                                                                Grand Junior Warden,
                                                           P..M.. William M. Graham.
                                                             Grand Son of Warden,
                                                     P..M.. Theodore Cunningham Porter.
                                                               Deputy Grand Master,
                                                             P..M..John Astair Hasinger.
                                                                     Grand Master,
                                                      P..M.. William Fessenden Allen,
                                                     Supported by two Grand Deacons
                                                                     With Rods.
                                                        Bro. Clarence L. Crabbe,
                                                      Bro. Milton Nelson Sanders,
                                                          Grand Sword Bearer,
                                                      Bro. David Bowers Smith
                                                  Two Stewards with White Rods,
                                                     Bro. William George Ashley,
                                                     Bro. William Lewers Hopper.
When the procession reached the new building, thanks to Mr. E. D. Thomas, the contractor of the edifice, everything was in readiness for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone.
During the ceremony, odes were sung by the choir of St. Andrew's Catherdral, Mr. Wray Taylor accompanying on the organ.  The instrumental music was furnished by the Hawaiian Band under the direction of Professor H. Berger.
                                              The Ceremony
After a prayer byGrand Chaplain P.M. Rev. Alex. Mackintosh, an ode was sung by the choir, when the ceremony of laying the cornerstone was begun by W. M. Andrew Brown, on behalf of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A.M., who invited Grand Master P.M. W. F. Allen to commence the ceremonies.  The Grand Master responded as follows:
     We are gathered here today by invitation of the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M. under authority given me as follows:  "You will convene the Grand Lodge of California, F. & A.M., at Honolulu, H. I.. on the 27th day of December, 1892, for the purpose of laying the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple at that place, performing said ceremony in my place and stead, accepting this as your authority and deputation from me, C. R. Gretman, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California."; to witness and assist in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of this building, which, when complete, will be the Hawaiian Masonic Temple.
     Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M.. was chartered by the Grand Lodge in California on the 5th day of May, 1872 our sister Lodge Le Progress some years older, and the charter members were:  Letanel Lyon, C. W. Vincent, Wm. Wond, Frederick W. Thompson, Andrew C. Mott, John Meek, David P. Penhallow, Jas. G. Saukins, Alexander J. Cartwright, Joseph Irwin, F.M. Stokes.
     From that time our Lodge has prospered, and today we have one hundred and twenty-seven members, and are able to erect this Temple.
     Masonry has always held a high position in Honolulu:  sovereigns, governors, judges, clergymen, and those most respected in our community have and do belong to the order.
     I do not say that all good citizens are Masons, but I do say that all good Masons are good citizens.
     Brother Masons, now that we shall become more prominent, let me ask you to unite with our neighbors the Young Men's Christian Association and the Honolulu Library and Reading Room Association in doing all we can by our good example, to promote good morals, and good citizenship in this our home city.
     After the Band played a selection Grand Secretary P.M. John Phillips read the contents of the box which was afterwards deposited in the cavity of the lower stone.  The box was made of sheet copper and was 14 l/2 inches long, by 9 inches wide by 7 inches high.  The following is the official list of the contents:
                                                        List of Documents.
     List of contents of receptacle of cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakea Streets laid on St. John's Day, December 27, 1892 at 2:00 P.M.
     Objects transferred from receptacle of the cornerstone of former Mason building corner of Queen and Fort Streets, (?) not published in the Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892.
Photographs of Her Majesty Queen Liliuokalani.
Photograph of H.R.H. Princess Kaiulani.
Photograph of Hon. A.S. Cleghorn
Photograph of Hon. A.F. Judd, Chief Justice and Chancellor, P.M.
Photograph of C. W. F. Alle, P.M., Acting Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California.
Photograph of Andrew Brown, Master Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M.
Photograph of J.H. Soper, Senior Warden of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A.M.
Photograph of the Officers of Lodge le Progres de PO sat le No. 121 F. & A.M.
Photographs of prominent men, Masons and officials of this Kingdom.
Photographs of prominent public buildings.
List of Past Masters, Officers, Members, Trustees, Building Committee and Committee of Arrangements of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F& A.M.; Certified copy of the Dispensation of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California, delegating W.F. Allen, P.M. to lay the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple.
List of Meanings of Lodge de Progreess de l'Oceanie No. 121 F. & A.M.
List of Members of Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection.
Proceedings of Grand Lodge of California of 1881 (?).
Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1892 and 1893(?) compiled by Thos. G. Thrum.
History of the Hawaiian People by W.D. Alexander: Tourist's Guide Through the Hawaiian Islands, by H.M. Whitney
Compiled Laws of 1884.
Seventh Volume Hawaiian Reports.
Report of Chief Justice to Legislature of 1892(?).
Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, signed by King Kalakaua in 1887.
Report of the Minister of the Interior to the Legislature of 1892.
Copy of Catalogue of Library of Supreme Court.
Copy of rules of Supreme Court.
Session Laws of 1890 (?).
Act to Re-organize the Judiciary Department.
Report of the President of the Board of Health.
Report of the President of the Board of Education.
Review of the Honolulu Water Works by J.C. White, Superintendent.
Report of the Chief Engineer of the Honolulu Fire Department and of the Superintendent of the Honolulu Water Works to the Legislature of 1891(?).
List of the Cabinet:  list of the Supreme Court:  list of Government officials, Heads of Departments.
Daily Bulletin of December 16, 1892, containing a specified list of objects transferred from the cornerstone of former Masonic building to the receptacle of the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple.
Legal English and Hawaiian Papers.
Masonic Diploma(?) of King Kalakaua.
Complete set of Hawaiian postage stamps, postal cards and envelopes issued since 1878. 
Hawaiian Silver coins, $1, (?), 25c.,inc.: effigy of King Kalakaua.
Planters' Monthly for November, 1892.
Programs of the Ceremony of the Laying of the Cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, December 27, 1892.
After an ode was sung by the choir, the architect P.M. Clinton B. Ripley distributed the working tools among the Grand Officers, giving the trowel to Grand Master P.M. William F. Allen; the square tot eh Deputy Grand Master; the level to the Senior Grand Warden, P.M. Theodore F. Porter, and the plumb to the Junior Grand Warden, P.M. William M. Graham.  These officers then descended from the platform to the stone and placed themselves around it according to the Masonic ritual. 
After the cement had been spread on the lower stone, the Grand Master directed the upper stone to be lowered to its place which was done at three separate intervals and at each stoppage the brothers gave the grand honors.
When the stone was properly adjusted the Grand Master pointed the cement upon the edges of the stone and the usual ritual was proceeded with until the tools were returned to the architect, after which another ode was sung by the choir.
Grand Master Allen then introduced Hon. Paul Neumann, the orator of the day, who delivered the following eloquent oration:
                                                   The Oration.
This is the era of terseness.  We desire to waste no time and that which is to be said on any occasion must be said briefly, provided that brevity does not detract from the solemnity of the occasion or mar the purport (?) of the speech.
The paragraphs on the newspaper epitomizes the information which he gives us, that we may glean without waste of time what is necessary or interesting to know of the happenings of the day, and he is appreciated.  The speaker of the day who says that which he is called upon to say without waste of words or time deserves also appreciation and praise.
Let me then, in accepting the honor of addressing this goodly assemblage, make up by the brevity of the discourse for other defects.
Not only to the members of the Hawaiian Lodge of Masons, but to our fellow citizens, this ceremony is of interest.  With this ceremony is inaugurated further advancement of our town as well as a manifestation of the prosperity of our Order and our Lodge. On the 12th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1852, over forty years ago, an application was made to the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of California for a dispensation to open a lodge of Masons in Honolulu under the name of Hawaiian Lodge.  A few months later, on the 5th day of May of that year, a regular charter was granted to that lodge giving it a lawful standing throughout the world.
The lodge then began its masonic work and while its meeting place improved in appearance from time to time, and while it could boast of the possession of its own house, many of the members deemed the accomodations insufficient.  Hence arose the intention which we are not carrying out, of erecting a place where we find room not only for our masonic work, but also for social converse.
For more than forty years our lodge has been in existence, maintaining the rites and principles of the ancient craft without a taint upon the membership or work; without strife, without comity, without ill feeling, but in undisturbed harmony has this lodge done its work during all that length of time.
The records of this lodge are but part of the evidence of the good done by it and its situation upon the confines of the world of our European and American bretheren has given additional value and weight to all the charitable acts performed by this lodge and its individual members.
In former days when the communication between these Islands and Europe and America was scant and irregular, it must have been a great comfort for the stranger brother landing upon these shores to find a loge of brothers of the mystic tie to welcome him.
To find men with whom he could fraternize, and who in a measure lessened, under the shelter of the lodge, that sense of loneliness and dejection of spirit which is so often caused by the absence of relatives and friends.  It is one of the boons which masonry grants, that wherever we go, even in the furthest regions of the world, where all whom we meet are strangers, there is usually some one found who is attached to us the by bonds of masonry; with whom we can find a home; whose presence gives us a feeling of security and lifts the weight of loneliness which would otherwise depress us.
We as Masons do not ask charity.  There is no grinding obligation on the part of a brother mason to assist us by the diminishing his own means.  Masons do not trade or speculate upon those obligations which we assume so freely and willingly.
Doubtless there are men who have joined our order for purely selfish ends.  Doubtless there are men utterly worthless who have gained admission to our house, who have by their subsequent conduct laid bare their worldlessness to the masonic and to the outside world.  It is a consoling fact that they are not many in number and it is as a consoling fact that they do not stay with us after they are found out.
Such mistakes as the admission of persons of that class are sometimes unavoidable.  Let us be warned to exercise the utmost caution in the selection of those who seek admission, and let us hope that when we are installed in this new house no cowans will gain access to our family; that none but those who are found worthy and well qualified will be permitted to join us.
Before the institution of our lodge the Order was represented here by our sister lodge Le Progres de l'Oceanie, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France.  If information is correct, this lodge was opened in 1842, ten years before the birthday of Hawaiian Lodge.  In those days I am told, they had no lodge room on shore, and the earliest meetings of this venerable lodge were held on board of the ship of Captain Letellier, who was authorized to institute the lodge.  From that time on many of our best appreciated fellow citizens because members of Le Progress.  Some have joined the silent majority, a goodly number remain and sustain our ocean-born sister.  We welcome them to-day in the true masonic spirit, to join with us in this important celebration and hope to see them share in whatever good may be the outcome of our present undertaking.
This day, my brethren, is a day of justifiable pride to us.  On this, our masonic holiday, is laid the corner stone for the new temple of our lodge.
This budding which is to adorn our town by its outward beauty.
This building wherein the social and moral virtues inculcated by masonry are to be, and will be practiced and maintained.
This building, from whose portals will issue messages of fraternal love and deeds of charity, and assurances of good will toward all men.
To those of our guests who are not connected with the order, a few historic facts relating to our order may prove interesting.  Our association of so called speculative masons is comparatively young in date, in so far as regards his direct influence upon civilization, education and sociality.  It is known to have exercised such influence at the beginning of the 10th centry or about four hundred years ago.
Free masonry existed centuries before that time.  It originated by the formation of a guild of builders and institution of lodges, among whose members were apprentices, fellows of the craft and masters.  It had its rules of government, its instructions and its signs and passwords, just as we have now.
The grand architectural monument of the middle ages and of the time of the renaissance cathedrals, churches, palaces, bridges and other ornamental and useful structurs were built by the most skillful wormen.  Those who followed the vocation of masons and attained masterships traveled from one place to many other places where their skill and services were needed and prized.
As a passport recommending them for possessing the requisite skill and stainless character, certain words and signs were imparted to them, by means of which they were sure of being accepted, though they came from foreign lands.  These were the operative masons, and their art is called by us operative masonry in contradistinction from speculative masonry, to which we devote ourselves.
From the intermingling of operative masons with men, who though not of the craft, were imbued with the love and appreciation of the arts and sciences, and especially of architecture, our modern or speculative masonry took its rise.  This latter art and science did not aid in the erection of beautiful edifices and structures, but set for its task to make man better and more perfect, and in him to raise an edifice worthy of acceptance by the Great Builder of the world.
In the same manner wherein the benefits mentioned were bestowed upon operative master masons, so in speculative masonry., those members who are sufficiently advanced in worth and knowledge receive tokens and signs by means of which they can make themselves known as masons at home and abroad.
Even in foreign parts and where they are unacquainted with the tongue of the land they can by those signs and words gain recognition and claim as a right the assistance and protection of the members of our order.  You may think that a keen and shrewd observe could accidentally or surreptitiously obtain those signs and tokens which are simple indeed, but nothing is more difficult than for an imposter to continue his imposition for any length of time.
From this by no means lowly source then sprang this institution of Freemasons, and naturally it adopted for its symbols many of the tools of operative masons.
For instance the twenty-four inch gauge which is to teach us the proper division of the hours of the day allotting one-third to the service of God and charity, another third to our usual vocations and another third to refreshment and repose.
Again the plunder, a symbol to teach us to walk uprightly in the sight of God and man; the square to teach us to practice honestly in all our dealings; the level to remind us of the right of all mankind to equal consideration.
We have also our traditions.  The outside world derides them as mythical and puerile, but we find in them sublime teaching; we find in them ethics far above any other except the gospel; we find in them thoughts above sublunary aspirations; we find in them a guide and inspiration to the noblest efforts of humaness.
If we believe those traditions feeling and knowing that their influence works good, why should the outside world object?
In every word, in every legend, in every charge and in every lecture in Masonry nothing is contained except that which makes man purer and better.
All our lore teems with admonitions to be charitable, to be just, to be honest, to be temperate, to be loyal, as men and as citizens.
Then if we choose to place the beginning of our institution as coeval with the beginning of the world, or with the time of the flood, or with the building of the temple at Jerusalem, or with any time, and accept that as an esoteric fact, whom does it concern?
It is only the purposes of Masonry which may concern the world at large.
What are those purposes?  Essentially these:  To command the practice of charity, not in it's narrower, but in its broader application to improve the mind and to preserve the morale of the members.
To promote good fellowship and fraternal love among men who are not bound thereto by blood relationship.

To remove irritating differences created through diversity of nationality or religion.  To having all our fellowmen, as far as possible, to a recognition of the brotherhood of mankind and of the necessity and propriety of goodwill among all men and nations.  To enable us by precept and example to curb our passions, repress our selfish aims and learn to practice that consideration toward others which is a distinguishing mark of gentlemen.
These aims are noble and high enough to condone but the slight offence of  pomp in our traditions, in our rites and it, our regalia.  There is a seriousness and solemnity in our work which may well exclude the commonplace from our ceremonies.
The site upon which our temple is to stand is connected with some historic reminiscences of the town of Honolulu.  Upon this land, where a few months ago, the cow of our good friend Dr. McGrew was want to chew the solitary cud and where now the busy noise of the builders resounds, stood in olden times a Temple of Thespis devoted to the drama and to music.
In that house many of the masterpieces of the poets were presented for the instruction of the art-loving citizens of Honolulu; in it were heard beautiful straits of music, ad delightful songs of some of the great artists of the day.
In that house were evoked touching memories of homes and of loved ones far away from this ultima thule of Western civilization.
What more appropriate site for our Masonic temple could have been chosen?  As fellowcrafts we were bidden to cultivate the seven liberal arts, among them grammar, rhetoric and music.  And is there not, moreover, in the Master's degree a drama?  A drama most closely and intimately connected with the traditions our our order.
A tragedy of deepest pathos which calls forth the heartfelt pity in the breast of the initiate, but which bears with it a solemn lesson of resurrection and immortality.
A drama whereof the moral is that man may perish, but that his spiritual part and his virtues, that fidelity, truth and love remain imperishable.
Our ancient and honorable order has had the reproach laid at its door that it indulges in useless and childish mysticism.  Who that understands the deeper import of our legends and the beautiful and comforting lessons which we gain from the, will echo the accusation?
Has not the Saviour spoken in parables?  Are the poems of the inspired writers without merit and of less value than because the noble thoughts in them appear in attractive disguise?
There may be myths and fictions in our ritual, but they detract nothing from the noble aims and aspirations of our institution.  Our Order has been accused of fomenting discontent, undermining religious faith and creating dangers for States and Churches.  How far from the truth is this.  One of our earliest instructions enjoins obedience to the law, loyalty to the country, forbearance with those who differ from us in creed.
Henry of Beaufort, the Cardinal of Winchester, suceeded in suppressing the meetings and conventions of Masons daring the minority of Henry the VI, of England.  After the King attained his majority he not only caused this order to be repeated, but became a member and a patron of the Freemasons, and his successor, Henry the VII, was one of the Grand Masters of the Order.
In 1799, when secret political societies mainly of anarchists, sprung up like mushrooms, a prohibitory law against secret societies was enacted by Parliament, but the Masonic Order was honorably excepted from its provisions, showing pretty clearly that our Order has not favored sedition or lawlessness.
The fact that Masonic tenets discountenance bigotry and intolerance has created prejudice against masonry in the minds of bigots and fanatics, and those who weakly follow them.  Our Order has been accused of exerting deleterious influence upon us in our public relations and functions.
Those who are of us know how groundless those charges are.  They know that we are taught to fulfill our duties with unswerving rectitude and impartiality, but always with charity toward the weak and erring.  We do not countenance oppression, or cruelty, or crime, or vice in our Order, but in the exercise of that virtue which is the foundation and reason for the existence of Masonry in the exercise of charity, we try to save, to redeem, to console, to encourage the erring brother, without, however, interfering with human justice.
This is not a defense against cavilers.  In the consciousness of the probity of our aims and deeds, our Order needs no defense.  The binding force which unites us as though we were brothers by blood and affinity, is charity, the ever recurring lesson in our Masonic life is to restrain our passions and that to curb that strongest of our impulses—our selfishness.  We have been accused of exclusiveness.  As in natural relationship, we usually give greater scope to affection and considerateness to our relatives, so it is true that in our Masonic relations we are more strongly inclined to those who are accepted in our brotherhood, than to those who are not bound to us.
The reason of this is not only that we expect and know ourselves to be entitled to reciprocal consideration, but because we are assured that those whom we aid, comfort and sustain are generally worthy of it.
Mistakes may occur.  All human schemes and contrivances are imperfect.  Perfection by the grace of the Grand Master of the Universe we may, and hope to attain hereafter—not in this life.  But as a system to join in universal brotherhood all free, educated, virtuous and unselfish men regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, regardless of station, regardless of wealth—none other has ever approached Freemasonry in promise or for hope of fruition.
No other attempt has ever been made by the civilized part of the human race to smooth the approach of man to man in fraternal affection and loving forbearance, and to carry our Christ's commands of love for our fellow man.
The tender solicitude of Masons for unfortunate and sick brothers, and for the widows and orphans of departed members of the order; the ready and gracious help and consideration which they accord to brother Masons who are strangers; the patient forbearance which they show to weak and erring brothers who are not past redemption; the courteous deference to those who are of different creeds, political opinions, or nationality, all these are the result of Masonic teaching.
Nor do we confine our charitable acts to our own Masonic family exclusively.  Whenever and wherever the cry of distress proclaimed a public calamity, the Masons were in the van with others in procuring and carrying relief to the stricken communities.
Whenever and wherever institutions for the advancement of education or the relief of the sick were created by public contribution, the Masons stood side by side with other generous men in promoting the work.
If such is the effect of Masonic lessons, we can well overlook the scoffs at our claims for antiquity, at our peculiarities of ritual and language, and at our harmless pomp.
Upon the heaven implanted foundation of charity our house is built.  Not alone that charity which is prompted by the sight of suffering and misery, not alone that charity which is evoked because we feel that fate has dealt more kindly with us than with those whose misfortune appeals to our generosity, but that higher charity which in the words of the gospel covereth a multitude of sins.
That charity which leaves pride behind, and making as conscious of our own transgressions, induces us in an humble spirit to crave forgiveness for our own failures, whilst we hold out a helping hand to those who are weaker and more needful of help than ourselves.
That charity which raise up to the level of the angels, and appeals to the all-merciful Creator to take into account our good intent, and not to score against as our short-comings.
Then let this house when built become the abode of harmony and virtue, and in its halls and everywhere let sweet charity continue to move us to good and acceptable deeds, that our course as men and Masons may gain approval above and appreciation here.
After the oration the hymn "Old Hundred" was sung by the choir, the audience joining in the singing.  The ceremonies were terminated with a benediction by the Grand Chaplain.
                                                List of Members.
Following is the list of members of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & a.M.:
PAST MASTERS – William Fessenden Allen, Albert Francis Judd, George Everett Howe, Robert More, William Montrose Graham,; John Adair Hassinger, Alexander Mackintosh, Theo. Cunningham Porter, James Melville Monsarrat, John Phillips.
PAST MASTERS OF OTHER LODGES – William Henry Cornwell, Clinton Briggs Ripley.

Ashley, William George

Auebach, Frank Bond
Austin, Stafford Lapham
Beckley, George Charles
Bohm, William Siegfried
Boyd, James Harbottle
Brown, Malcolm
Brown, George Watson
Bruns, John Henry
Buchholtz, Franz
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, Charles Jerome
Carter, Samuel Morrill
Catton, Robert
Cleghorn, Archibald Scott (Trustee)
Cummings, Jr. , James Henry
Eckart, Maxmillan
English, Henry
Ewart, George Robert
Farnsworth, Joan
Fernandez, Abraham
Foote, Gilbert
Gilillian, Archibald Forrest
Goldberg, Mauried
Goodale, Warren
Gray, George
Gregory, James
Grossman, Moses Edward
Hammer, Charles
Harrison, John Henry
Heinemann, George
Hewitt, George Clinton
Hopper, William Lewers
Hyman, Joseph
Johnson, William
Johnson, Christopher
Jones, John Griffith
Jones, John Walter
King, Thomas James
Linder, Axel Ferdinand
Lindsay, Adam
Little, Joseph Musgrave
Lihman, Thomas Walker
Louisson, Morris
Love, William Francis
McGregor, Alexander
McIntyre, Edward
Melanphy, John
Monachesi, Herbert Drew
Myhre, Halvor
Neumann, Paul
Nolte, Henry Julius
Parker, Samuel
Paty, John Henry (trustee)
Phelps, Caspar Fittig Phelps
Poor, Henry French
Pratt, James William
Reist, Jay Harry
Renton, James Robert
Roth, Simon
Rowat, Allan Rithie
Schaefer, Frederick August
Schlemmer, Maximillian
Scholtz, Oswald
Serimgeour, Alan Briggs
Searle, John Cooper
Shepard, Alfred
Smith, Henry
Smith, Thomas
Smith, William Graham
Smith, David Bowers
Smithies, John Samuel
Sorrenson, Thomas
Strebs, Edward
Strobach, Frank
Stupplebeen, John
Swift, Sydney Bourne
Tannatt, Thomas
Tenney, Edward Davies
Tripp, Alfred Newton
Turner, Lewis Farrant
Wade, Ehner Ellsworth
Wall, Charles Frederick
Wallace, Kenneth Robert Gordon
Weight, William
Wentworth, Harris Barnes
West, Gideon
White, John Corbet
Wilcox, William Luther
Wilder, John Knights
Wilder, Gerrit Parmile
Williams, Robert Barker
Wood, Clifford Brown
Wootten, Henry George
Worth, Henry Fletcher
Fellow Craft Masons -
Conant, Elmer Ellsworth
Fair, James
Entered Craft Masons -
Isenberg, Daniel Paul Rice
Kuehu, Rolando
Peterson, Arthur Porter
                                              The Committees
Committee of Arrangements -
Cooper, Henry E.
Wall, Thomas E.
King, James A.
Wood, C. R.
Campbell, Charles J.
Building Committee -
Schaefer, F. A.
Catton, Robert
Mackintosh, P.M. Rev. Alex.
Hammer, Charles
Porter, P.M.T.C.
Sanders, M.N.
Wilder, J.K.
                                             Installation of Officers
As soon as the ceremonies were completed, the Masons formed line and marched to the old hall, preceded by the Hawaiian Band.  At a meeting, afterwards held, the following officers were installed for the Masonic year:
Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A.M. -
Brown, Andrew - W.M.
Soper, John Harris - S.W.
Cooper, Henry Ernest - J.W.
Giffard, Walter Montais  - Treasurer
Wall, Thomas Edward – Secretary
Mackintosh, Alexander – Chaplain
King, James Anderson – Marshal
Crabbe, Clarence Linden – S.D.
Sanders, Milton Nelson – J.D.
Gilfillan, Archibald Forrest – Steward
Campbell, Chas. Jerome – Steward
Angus, John Morris – Tyler

                                    THE NEW TEMPLE.

Description of the Building Now Being Erected.
Appended wil be found a brief description of the new Masonic Temple now in course of erection at the corner of Alakea and Hotel streets.  Mr. C.B. Ripley is the architect.
In the erection of a new Masonic Temple the problem given by the Building Committee to their architect to solve was to design a building which should have an exterior suggestive of the character of the building, pleasing in its outlines, inexpensive in detail, and with interior arrangements fully up to all the requirements of the Craft.  Lava rock was selected as the material for the construction of the building, because it possessed a beauty and richness in itself that no elaborate ornamentation in other material could give, and thus the exterior is almost wholly devoid of ornamentation, the details being simple but effective, the general design being an adaptation of the recent use of the Renaissance style of architecture, so far as it could be made available, the strictest economy in expenditure being required in everything except that which appertained to the solidity and durability of the structure.
The first floor contains five suites of offices, each suite having two large well lighted and well ventilated rooms connected by sliding doors.  Each suite of rooms having front and rear entrances and having stationary wash-basins and electric lights.  There is a broad veranda in front protecting these rooms from the glare of the sun, and making them most desirable for doctors, dentists, or even for private apartments.  And at any time in the future when there is a demand for stores in this locality the partitions dividing the rooms of each suite can be removed and stores second to none in Honolulu are available.
The second floor is to be used entirely for Masonic purposes.  The entrance is through two large arches in the tower at the corner of the building into a vestibule with tiled floor up broad stairs, and landing in an entrance hall on the seconf floor.  From this hall access is had to the Tyler's room 18X30 feet with a ceiling 20 feet high and galleries on two sides.  From the Tyler's room double doors admit to the Lodge room 32X54 feet, the ceiling being 20 feet high at the sides and 25 feet high in the center.  This room isthoroughly ventilated and in the warmest nights will be found delightfully cool and pleasant; it has large windows on three sides arranged to open at any joint desired, giving fresh air without draughts, and with the system of ventilation used in the ceiling and apex of roof above, this room will be a model lodge room.  Connected with the Tyler's room and by separate entrance with the lodge room are the ante-rooms containing all the conveniences required by any of the Masonic bodies.  Beyond the Tyler's room and connected with the same by sliding doors, 14 ft. wide, is the banquet hall, 20X30 ft., with a reading room, 13X13 ft., adjoining , both well lighted and ventilated.  Special care has been given to the arrangement of that part of this "Masonic Home," in which the members spend the hours while "called from labor to refreshment."  From these rooms exit is had to the hall and stairway, also the lavatory, which contains every convenience that the best modern plumbing furnishes.  Rooms for the storage of the paraphernalia used by the different Masonic bodies are arranged on the third floor, which occupies a portion of the building.  Every window is to be supplied with patent sliding blinds, the entire building to be lighted with electric lights.
This Masonic Temple is being built for the future as well as for the present.  The materials for its construction are the best and most durable; the workmanship called for is to be first-class, and the architect is employed to give every detail the most careful supervision, so that nothing may be left undone which shall add to the strength and beauty of the structure; and that the work of Hawaiian Lodge in "operative masonry" may be as successful as it has been in "speculative masonry" must be the wish of every citizen of Honolulu.
Premeditation of assuming Hawaii article found by researcher Shane Lee  Article Preview

Researcher Important Discovery which CHANGES HISTORY!


                                                         Researcher - Shane Lee, a Royal person
                                                         reviewed by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person

This important article may be found at THE NEW YORK TIMES, Published:  January 9, 1893 was discovered by researcher Shane Lee a few days ago.

It appears that Washington utilized the "wire" to relay messages to "the framers of the new treaty (with the Hawaiian Kingdom)".....and were instructed to "avoid all mention of troops.  All that is necessary is the continuance of the exclusive right to enter Pearl Harbor and establish and maintain there a naval station".

So, let us look at the facts CHRONOLOGICALLY:


January 9, 1893 - New York publication  THE NEW YORK TIMES relays the information to the "framers of the new treaty" via  posted information . 

note(s):  Directions, commands were given from Washington via the news publications, the media. 

Researchers should review previous newspapers, publications, etc. of major events occurring/surrounding the time period.

January 15, 1893 -Sunday- Queen Liliuokalani discarded the Bayonnet Constitution.

January 15, 1893 -Sunday - Prayers and speechʻs made;  unlawful public gathering with the intentions to pursue treasonous and terrorist activities.

note(s):  Refer to the article about Lynching - see back issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk/ book - Shadows In the Light by Amelia Kuulei Gora at   - regarding Church meetings prior to the intended crimes.

Briefly, the Whites attended Church, prayed, then moved to LYNCH blacks /People of Color in the South.  In other words, they prayed before they moved in to physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc. KILL.

January 16, 1893 - Monday - 1,300 citizens gathered endorsing the Committee of Safety; illegal public gathering, inciting riot; public violence; public display of offensive and treasonous activities occured; terrorists backed by a country under a treaty, a convention that was due to end in 1894.....the treaty which was written about in January 9, 1893.

                           Monday evening - Terrorists infiltrated their planned areas.

January 17, 1893 - Tuesday - Terrorists/Provisional government leaders or the "framers of the new treaty" moved to establish themselves at the Government House, the Palace surrendered, Station House surrendered;  Terrorists raised themselves to Power; Surrender of the Palace made to maintain peace contrary to violence as a tradeoff; surrender of station house made to maintain peace contrary to violence as a tradeoff.

                             Queen Liliuokalani "temporarily" yielder her authority to the United States Government, to its President, as a fact Finder, and NT to the terrorist entity Provisional Government and to avoid bloodshed.


The concerted effort to occupy Hawaii was a longtime planned movement which included conspirators/terrorists/mercenaries/treasonous persons operating under the directions/ in sync with instructions from Washington via the support of the media as it continues today.

Washington is up shit creek, in deep kimchee because all research shows the devious activities of a bankrupt nation moving to assume the valuables of others through the concerted use of their contacts/mercenaries, the military "troops", and the controlled  media.

It is truly Diabolical, or beyond evil.................Americans.....take back your government and make corrections NOW!


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References:  Various articles in the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news from Hawaii, THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 9, 1893, CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES (2003) and other books by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal person



January 9, 1893, Wednesday
Page 9, 1176 words
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station. [ END OF FIRST PARAGRAPH ]
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     Reference:  New York Times article about the Pearl Harbor Treaty, January 9, 1893.
4.  Annexation did not occur or could not occur legally:
See Palmyra Island Courtcase testimony by University of Hawaii at Manoa Law Professor Williamson Chang.  First Circuit Court. Also see Keanu Sai's recent find in the Maui News about the annexation claim being illegal.
5.  Opposition to Statehood was made by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart:
6.  Public Law 103-150 - Apology of the U.S. President William Clinton:
7.  The U.S. Presidents are Masons/Freemasons:
PARTICULARLY THOSE AFFECTING THE Kingdom of Hawaii/The Hawaiian Kingdom/ The Hawaiian Archipelago/ The Hawaiian Islands

Review by Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Sovereign Heir/Royal person - one of the descendants of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, Princess Poomaikelani, etals. (2007)

The following is a list of the U.S. Presidents, with a focus on the Mason/ Freemason Presidents which affected Hawaii's Royal families, Kamehameha's descendants, including the wrongful/criminal dethronement of Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani, her families, her subjects in Hawaii since the American Civil War because the U.S. was bankrupt and moved to assume funds, assets, lands, resources, etc. along with England/Great Britain, France, etals.

The criminal deviance affects Hawaii, along with the World today.

George Washington, 1789-1797
John Adams, 1797-1801
Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
James Madison, 1809-1817
James Monroe, 1817-1825
John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829
Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841
William Henry Harrison, 1841
John Tyler, 1841-1845
James Knox Polk, 1845-1849
Zachary Taylor, 1849-1850
Millard Fillmore, 1850-1853
Franklin Pierce, 1853-1857
James Buchanan, 1857-1861
Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1865
Andrew Johnson, 1865-1869
Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-1877
Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-1881
James Abram Garfield, 1881
Chester Alan Arthur, 1881-1885
Grover Cleveland, 1885-1889
Benjamin Harrison, 1889-1893
Grover Cleveland, 1893-1897
William McKinley, 1897-1901
Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909
William Howard Taft, 1909-1913
Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921
Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921-1923
Calvin Coolidge, 1923-1929
Herbert Clark Hoover, 1929-1933
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945
Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953
Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963
Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969
Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974
Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974-1977
James Earl Carter, Jr., 1977-1981
Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-1989
George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993
William Jefferson Clinton, 1993-2001
George Walker Bush, 2001-

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln -

Note: A Mason/Freemason due to his Knights of Pythias membership, and assumed Loyal Legion member.

Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) — also known as 'Honest Abe'; 'Old Abe'; 'The Rail-Splitter'; 'The Illinois Baboon' — of Illinois. Born in a log cabin, Hardin County (part now in Larue County), Ky., February 12, 1809. Grandnephew by marriage of David Rittenhouse Porter; married, November 4, 1842, to Mary Todd; married to the sister-in-law of Ninian Wirt Edwards; married to the half-sister-in-law of N. H. R. Dawson; father of Robert Todd Lincoln. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during the Black Hawk War; lawyer; member of Illinois state house of representatives, 1834-41; U.S. Representative from Illinois 7th District, 1847-49; candidate for Republican nomination for Vice President, 1856; candidate for U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1858; President of the United States, 1861-65; died in office 1865. English ancestry. His election as president in 1860 precipitated the Civil War; determined to preserve the Union, he led the North to victory on the battlefield, freed the slaves in
the conquered states, and in doing this, redefined American nationhood. Shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., April 14, 1865; died at Peterson's Boarding House, across the street, the following day, April 15, 1865. He was elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1900. His portrait appears on the U.S. penny (one cent coin) since 1909, and on the $5 bill since 1913. From the 1860s until 1927, his portrait also appeared on U.S. notes and certificates of various denominations from $1 to $500. Interment at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Ill. Lincoln counties in Ark., Colo., Idaho, Kan., La., Minn., Miss., Mont., Neb., Nev., N.M., Okla., Ore., Wash., W.Va., Wis. and Wyo. are named for him.
Cross-reference: Isham N. Haynie; William M. Stone; John Pitcher; Stephen Miller; John T. Stuart; William H. Seward; Henry L. Burnett; Judah P. Benjamin; Robert Toombs; Richard Taylor Jacob; Clement Claiborne Clay, Jr.; George W. Jones; James Adams; John G. Nicolay
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Abraham Lincoln: David Herbert Donald, Lincoln; George Anastaplo, Abraham Lincoln : A Constitutional Biography; G. S. Boritt, ed., The Lincoln Enigma : The Changing Faces of an American Icon; Albert J. Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln 1809-1858 (out of print); Thomas DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln : A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War; Geoffrey Perret, Lincoln's War : The Untold Story of America's Greatest President as Commander in Chief; David Herbert Donald, We Are Lincoln Men : Abraham Lincoln and His Friends; Edward Steers, Jr., Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; Mario Cuomo, Why Lincoln Matters : Today More Than Ever; Michael W. Kauffman, American Brutus : John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies; Karen Judson, Abraham Lincoln (for young readers)
Critical books about Abraham Lincoln: Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln : A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unecessary War
Fiction about Abraham Lincoln: Gore Vidal, Lincoln: A Novel
U.S. President Andrew Johnson -

Note: He was a member of Freemasons and Knights of Templar.

Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875) — of Carthage, Moore County, N.C.; Greeneville, Greene County, Tenn. Born in Raleigh, Wake County, N.C., December 29, 1808. Married, May 17, 1827, to Eliza McCardle; father-in-law of David Trotter Patterson. Mayor of Greeneville, Tenn., 1830; member of Tennessee state house of representatives, 1835; member of Tennessee state senate, 1841; U.S. Representative from Tennessee 1st District, 1843-53; Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, 1862-65; U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1857-62, 1875; died in office 1875; Vice President of the United States, 1865; President of the United States, 1865-69; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1868. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar. In 1868, was impeached by the House of Representatives; tried and aquitted by the Senate, which voted 35 to 19 (short of the required two-thirds) on three of the eleven articles of impeachment. Died, after a series of strokes, at his daughter's home in Carter County, Tenn.,
July 31, 1875. Interment at Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, Greeneville, Tenn.
Cross-reference: Edmund G. Ross; George T. Brown; Christopher G. Memminger; Thomas Overton Moore
See also: congressional biography.
Books about Andrew Johnson: Hans Louis Trefousse, Andrew Johnson: A Biography; Mary Malone, Andrew Johnson (for young readers)
Critical books about Andrew Johnson: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Ulysses Simpson Grant -

Note: He was a Loyal Legion member.

Grant, Ulysses Simpson (1822-1885) — also known as Ulysses S. Grant; 'Savior of the Union'; 'Lion of Vicksburg'; 'The Austerlitz of American Politics'; 'Unconditional Surrender Grant'; 'The Galena Tanner'; 'The Silent Soldier'; 'The Silent General' — of Galena, Jo Daviess County, Ill. Born in Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio, April 27, 1822. Married, August 22, 1848, to Julia Boggs Dent; father of Frederick Dent Grant. Republican. General in the Union Army during the Civil War; President of the United States, 1869-77; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1880. Methodist. Scottish ancestry. Member, Loyal Legion. Elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1900. His portrait appears on the U.S. $50 bill, and also appeared on $1 and $5 silver certificates in 1887-1927. Died of throat cancer, at Mt. McGregor, Saratoga County, N.Y., July 23, 1885. Interment at General Grant Memorial, Manhattan, N.Y. Grant counties in Ark., Kan., La., Minn., Neb., N.M.,
N.Dak., Okla., Ore., S.Dak., Wash. and W.Va. are named for him.
Cross-reference: Horace Porter
Books about Ulysses S. Grant: Jean Edward Smith, Grant; Frank J. Scaturro, President Grant Reconsidered; William S. McFeely, Grant : A Biography; William S. McFeely, Ulysses S. Grant: An Album: Warrior, Husband, Traveler, Emancipator, Writer; Brooks D. Simpson, Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph Over Adversity, 1822-1865; Brooks D. Simpson, Let Us Have Peace: Ulysses S. Grant and the Politics of War and Reconstruction, 1861-1868; James S. Brisbin, The campaign lives of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax (out of print); Josiah Bunting III, Ulysses S. Grant; Michael Korda, Ulysses S. Grant : The Unlikely Hero; Edward H. Bonekemper, A Victor, Not a Butcher: Ulysses S. Grant's Overlooked Military Genius
Critical books about U.S. Grant: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Rutherford Birchard Hayes -

Note: He was a Grand Army of the Republic; Loyal Legion; Odd Fellows member.

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard (1822-1893) — also known as Rutherford B. Hayes; 'Rutherfraud B. Hayes'; 'His Fraudulency' — of Ohio. Born in Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio, October 4, 1822. Married, December 30, 1852, to Lucy Ware Webb Hayes; father of Webb Cook Hayes. Republican. Lawyer; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; U.S. Representative from Ohio 2nd District, 1865-67; Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, 1876-77; President of the United States, 1877-81. Methodist. Scottish ancestry. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Loyal Legion; Odd Fellows. Stricken by a heart attack at the railroad station in Cleveland, Ohio, and died that night in Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio, January 17, 1893. Original interment at Oakwood Cemetery, Fremont, Ohio; reinterment in 1915 at Spiegel Grove, Fremont, Ohio. Hayes County, Neb. is named for him.
Cross-reference: Leopold Markbreit
See also: congressional biography.
Books about Rutherford B. Hayes: Ari Hoogenboom, Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior and President; Hans Trefousse, Rutherford B. Hayes: 1877 - 1881; William H. Rehnquist, Centennial Crisis : The Disputed Election of 1876
U.S. James Abram Garfield -

Note: He was a member of Freemasons; Delta Upsilon.

Garfield, James Abram (1831-1881) — also known as James A. Garfield — of Hiram, Portage County, Ohio. Born in a log cabin near Orange, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, November 19, 1831. Married, November 11, 1858, to Lucretia 'Crete' Rudolph; father of James Rudolph Garfield. Republican. Lawyer; college professor; president, Eclectic University (now Hiram College); member of Ohio state senate, 1859-61; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; U.S. Representative from Ohio 19th District, 1863-81; President of the United States, 1881; died in office 1881. Disciples of Christ. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Delta Upsilon. His portrait appeared on the U.S. $20 gold certificate in about 1898-1905. Shot by Charles J. Guiteau, at the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., July 2, 1881; died from the effects of the wound, in Elberon, Monmouth County, N.J., September 19, 1881. Interment at Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland, Ohio. Garfield counties in Colo.,
Mont., Neb., Okla., Utah and Wash. are named for him.
Cross-reference: William S. Maynard
See also: congressional biography.
Books about James A. Garfield: Allan Peskin, Garfield: A Biography; Justus D. Doenecke, The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur

Responses: 1 -->-->-->                reply by
amelia gora
(648 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
7/10/2007 (15:55)            delete edit  reply top        Response to topic written by amelia gora

-->U.S. President Chester Alan Arthur

Note: He was a Loyal Legion; Psi Upsilon member.

Arthur, Chester Alan (1829-1886) — also known as Chester A. Arthur; 'The Gentleman Boss'; 'His Accidency'; 'Elegant Arthur'; 'Our Chet'; 'Dude President' — of New York. Born in Fairfield, Franklin County, Vt., October 5, 1829. Son of Rev. William Arthur and Malvina (Stone) Arthur; married, October 25, 1859, to Ellen Lewis 'Nell' Herndon (died 1880). Republican. Lawyer; New York Republican state chair, 1879-81; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1880; Vice President of the United States, 1881; President of the United States, 1881-85; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1884. Episcopalian. Member, Loyal Legion; Psi Upsilon. Died, of Bright's disease, in New York, New York County, N.Y., November 18, 1886. Interment at Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands, N.Y.; statue at Madison Square Park, Manhattan, N.Y. Arthur County, Neb. is named for him.
See also: congressional biography.
Books about Chester A. Arthur: Thomas C. Reeves, Gentleman Boss : The Life of Chester Alan Arthur; Justus D. Doenecke, The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur; George Frederick Howe, Chester A. Arthur, A Quarter-Century of Machine Politics; Zachary Karabell, Chester Alan Arthur; Paul Joseph, Chester Arthur (for young readers)
U.S. President Grover Cleveland -

Note: He was a Sigma Chi member.

Cleveland, Stephen Grover (1837-1908) — also known as Grover Cleveland; 'Uncle Jumbo'; 'The Veto Mayor'; 'Grover The Good'; 'The Sage of Princeton'; 'Dumb Prophet'; 'Buffalo Hangman'; 'The Veto President'; 'Beast of Buffalo'; 'Big Steve' — of Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y.; Princeton, Mercer County, N.J.; Tamworth, Carroll County, N.H. Born in Caldwell, Essex County, N.J., March 18, 1837. Married, June 2, 1886, to Frances Folsom; father of Richard F. Cleveland. Democrat. Lawyer; mayor of Buffalo, N.Y., 1882; Governor of New York, 1883-85; President of the United States, 1885-89, 1893-97; defeated, 1888. Presbyterian. Member, Sigma Chi. Elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1935. His portrait appeared on the U.S. $20 bill from 1914 to 1928, and on the $1,000 bill from 1928 to 1946. Died in Princeton, Mercer County, N.J., June 24, 1908. Interment at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, N.J. Cleveland counties in Ark. and Okla. are named for him.
Cross-reference: Henry T. Ellett; Wilson S. Bissell; David King Udall
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Grover Cleveland: Alyn Brodsky, Grover Cleveland : A Study in Character; H. Paul Jeffers, An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland; Mark Wahlgren Summers, Rum, Romanism, & Rebellion : The Making of a President, 1884; Henry F. Graff, Grover Cleveland; Jeff C. Young, Grover Cleveland (for young readers)

U.S. President Benjamin Harrison -

Note: Although not listed, he appears to have been a Loyal Legion member.

Harrison, Benjamin (1833-1901) — also known as 'Little Ben'; 'Kid Gloves' — of Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind. Born in North Bend, Hamilton County, Ohio, August 20, 1833. Great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison (1726-1791); first cousin twice removed of Beverley Randolph and Burwell Bassett; grandson of William Henry Harrison (1773-1841); son of John Scott Harrison; second cousin once removed of Carter Henry Harrison; married, October 20, 1853, to Caroline Lavinia Scott (died 1892) and Mary Scott Lord Dimmick; second cousin twice removed of Carter Henry Harrison II; grandfather of William Henry Harrison (1896-1990). Republican. General in the Union Army during the Civil War; candidate for Governor of Indiana, 1876; U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1881-87; President of the United States, 1889-93; defeated, 1892. Presbyterian. English ancestry. Member, Loyal Legion; Phi Delta Theta. Died of pneumonia, in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., March 13, 1901. Interment at Crown Hill
Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind.
See also: congressional biography.
Books about Benjamin Harrison: Rita Stevens, Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President of the United States; Harry J. Sievers, Benjamin Harrison : Hoosier President: The White House and After, 1889-1901; Charles W. Calhoun, Benjamin Harrison; Homer E. Socolofsky & Allan B. Spetter, The Presidency of Benjamin Harrison; Susan Clinton, Benjamin Harrison : Twenty-Third President of the United States (for young readers)
Critical books about Benjamin Harrison: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Grover Cleveland (second time)

Note: Although not listed, he appears to have been a Loyal Legion member.

Cleveland, Stephen Grover (1837-1908) — also known as Grover Cleveland; 'Uncle Jumbo'; 'The Veto Mayor'; 'Grover The Good'; 'The Sage of Princeton'; 'Dumb Prophet'; 'Buffalo Hangman'; 'The Veto President'; 'Beast of Buffalo'; 'Big Steve' — of Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y.; Princeton, Mercer County, N.J.; Tamworth, Carroll County, N.H. Born in Caldwell, Essex County, N.J., March 18, 1837. Married, June 2, 1886, to Frances Folsom; father of Richard F. Cleveland. Democrat. Lawyer; mayor of Buffalo, N.Y., 1882; Governor of New York, 1883-85; President of the United States, 1885-89, 1893-97; defeated, 1888. Presbyterian. Member, Sigma Chi. Elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1935. His portrait appeared on the U.S. $20 bill from 1914 to 1928, and on the $1,000 bill from 1928 to 1946. Died in Princeton, Mercer County, N.J., June 24, 1908. Interment at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, N.J. Cleveland counties in Ark. and Okla. are named for him.
Cross-reference: Henry T. Ellett; Wilson S. Bissell; David King Udall
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Grover Cleveland: Alyn Brodsky, Grover Cleveland : A Study in Character; H. Paul Jeffers, An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland; Mark Wahlgren Summers, Rum, Romanism, & Rebellion : The Making of a President, 1884; Henry F. Graff, Grover Cleveland; Jeff C. Young, Grover Cleveland (for young readers)
U.S. President William McKinley -

Note: He was a Grand Army of the Republic, Loyal Legion, Freemasons; Knights of Pythias; and Sigma Alpha Epsilon member.

McKinley, William, Jr. (1843-1901) — also known as 'Idol of Ohio' — of Canton, Stark County, Ohio. Born in Niles, Trumbull County, Ohio, January 29, 1843. Married, January 25, 1871, to Ida Saxton; fourth cousin once removed of Henry Prather Fletcher. Republican. Major in the Union Army during the Civil War; lawyer; U.S. Representative from Ohio, 1877-84, 1885-91 (17th District 1877-79, 16th District 1879-81, 17th District 1881-83, 18th District 1883-84, 20th District 1885-87, 18th District 1887-91); delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1888; Governor of Ohio, 1892-96; President of the United States, 1897-1901; died in office 1901. Methodist. Scotch-Irish ancestry. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Loyal Legion; Freemasons; Knights of Pythias; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. His portrait appeared on the U.S. $500 bill from about 1928 until 1946. Shot by Leon Czolgosz, at a reception in the Temple of Music, at the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo, N.Y., September 6,
1901, and died eight days later, in Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y., September 14, 1901. Interment at McKinley Monument, Canton, Ohio; statue at Lucas County Courthouse Grounds, Toledo, Ohio. McKinley County, N.M. is named for him.
Cross-reference: Albert Halstead
See also: congressional biography.
Books about William McKinley: Lewis L. Gould, The Presidency of William McKinley; Kevin Phillips, William McKinley; H. Wayne Morgan, William McKinley and His America
U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt -

Note: He was a Freemasons; Alpha Delta Phi; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa member.

Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919) — also known as 'T.R.'; 'Teddy'; 'The Colonel'; 'The Hero of San Juan Hill'; 'The Rough Rider'; 'Trust-Buster'; 'The Happy Warrior'; 'The Bull Moose' — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., October 27, 1858. Great-great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; nephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; married, October 27, 1880, to Alice Hathaway Lee (died 1884) and Edith Kermit Carow; father-in-law of Nicholas Longworth; fourth cousin once removed and uncle by marriage of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; father of Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.; granduncle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr.; great-grandfather-in-law of William Floyd Weld. Member of New York state assembly, 1882-84; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1884, 1900; candidate for mayor of New York City, N.Y., 1886; colonel in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; Governor of New York, 1899-1901; Vice
President of the United States, 1901; President of the United States, 1901-09; defeated (Progressive), 1912; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1916. Christian Reformed. Dutch ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Alpha Delta Phi; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Received the Medal of Honor for leading a charge up San Juan Hill during battle there, July 1, 1898. While campaigning for president in Milwaukee, Wis., on October 14, 1912, was shot in the chest by John F. Schrank; despite the injury, he continued his speech for another hour and a half before seeking medical attention. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1906; elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950. Died in Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., January 6, 1919. Interment at Youngs' Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y. Roosevelt counties in Mont. and N.M. are named for him.
Cross-reference: Gifford Pinchot; David J. Leahy
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Theodore Roosevelt: James MacGregor Burns & Susan Dunn, The Three Roosevelts: Patrician Leaders Who Transformed America; H. W. Brands, T.R : The Last Romantic; Edmund Morris, Theodore Rex; Edmund Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt; John Morton Blum, The Republican Roosevelt; Richard D. White, Jr., Roosevelt the Reformer : Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, 1889-1895; Frederick W. Marks III, Velvet on Iron : The Diplomacy of Theodore Roosevelt; James Chace, 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the Country; Patricia O'Toole, When Trumpets Call : Theodore Roosevelt After the White House
U.S. President William Howard Taft -

Note: He was a Freemasons; Skull and Bones; Phi Alpha Delta; Psi Upsilon member.

Taft, William Howard (1857-1930) — also known as William H. Taft; 'Big Bill' — of Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, September 15, 1857. Grandson of Peter Rawson Taft; grandson-in-law of Ela Collins; son of Alphonso Taft; nephew by marriage of William Collins; married to the sister-in-law of Henry Lippitt; half-brother of Charles Phelps Taft; married, June 19, 1886, to Helen Herron; brother of Henry Waters Taft; uncle of Walbridge S. Taft; father of Robert Alphonso Taft and Charles Phelps Taft II; grandfather of William Howard Taft III, Robert Taft, Jr. and Seth Chase Taft; great-grandfather of Robert A. Taft II. Republican. Superior court judge in Ohio, 1887-90; Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals, 1892-1900; Governor of the Philippine Islands, 1900-04; U.S. Secretary of War, 1904-08; President of the United States, 1909-13; defeated, 1912; Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1921-30. Unitarian. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Skull and Bones; Phi Alpha
Delta; Psi Upsilon. Died in Washington, D.C., March 8, 1930. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Cross-reference: Walter P. Johnson; Fred Warner Carpenter
Books about William Howard Taft: Paolo Enrico Coletta, The Presidency of William Howard Taft; James Chace, 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the Country; Alpheus Thomas Mason, William Howard Taft
Critical books about William Howard Taft: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson -

Note: He was a Phi Alpha Delta; Phi Kappa Psi member.

Wilson, Thomas Woodrow (1856-1924) — also known as Woodrow Wilson; 'Schoolmaster in Politics' — of New Jersey. Born in Staunton, Va., December 28, 1856. Married, June 24, 1885, to Ellen Louise Axson (died 1914) and Edith Bolling Galt; father-in-law of William Gibbs McAdoo. Democrat. University professor; president of Princeton University, 1902-10; Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13; President of the United States, 1913-21. Presbyterian. Member, Phi Alpha Delta; Phi Kappa Psi. Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize in 1919; elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950. His portrait appeared on the U.S. $100,000 gold certificate which was issued in 1934-45 for cash transactions between banks. Died in Washington, D.C., February 3, 1924. Interment at Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
Cross-reference: William C. Bullitt; Bainbridge Colby; Joseph E. Davies; Joseph P. Tumulty; Thomas H. Birch
Books about Woodrow Wilson: Louis Auchincloss, Woodrow Wilson; Herbert Hoover, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson; James Chace, 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the Country; Anne Schraff, Woodrow Wilson (for young readers)
Critical books about Woodrow Wilson: Jim Powell, Wilson's War : How Woodrow Wilson's Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and World War II

Responses: 2 -->-->-->-->                reply by
amelia gora
(649 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
7/10/2007 (15:58)            delete edit  reply top        Response to message 1 written by amelia gora

-->U.S. President Warren Gamaliel Harding -

Note: He was a Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Phi Alpha Delta member.

Harding, Warren Gamaliel (1865-1923) — also known as Warren G. Harding — of Marion, Marion County, Ohio. Born in Blooming Grove, Morrow County, Ohio, November 2, 1865. Married, July 8, 1891, to Florence Kling DeWolf. Republican. Newspaper publisher; member of Ohio state senate 13th District, 1899-1903; Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, 1904-06; candidate for Governor of Ohio, 1910; U.S. Senator from Ohio, 1915-21; delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1916; President of the United States, 1921-23; died in office 1923. Baptist. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Phi Alpha Delta. First president ever to have his voice broadcast on the radio, June 14, 1922. Died in a room at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Calif., August 2, 1923; the claim that he was poisoned by his wife is not accepted by historians. Original interment at Marion Cemetery, Marion, Ohio; reinterment in 1927 at Harding Memorial Tomb, Marion,
Ohio. Harding County, N.M. is named for him.
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Warren G. Harding: Francis Russell, The Shadow of Blooming Grove : Warren G. Harding In His Times (out of print); Robert K. Murray, The Harding Era : Warren G. Harding and His Administration; Eugene P. Trani & David L. Wilson, The Presidency of Warren G. Harding; Harry M. Daugherty, Inside Story of the Harding Tragedy; Charles L. Mee, The Ohio Gang : The World of Warren G. Harding (out of print); John W. Dean, Warren G. Harding; Russell Roberts, Warren G. Harding (for young readers)
Critical books about Warren G. Harding: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Calvin Coolidge -
He was a
Coolidge, John Calvin (1872-1933) — also known as Calvin Coolidge; 'Silent Cal'; 'Cautious Cal' — of Northampton, Hampshire County, Mass. Born in Plymouth, Windsor County, Vt., July 4, 1872. Cousin of William Wallace Stickney; married, October 4, 1905, to Grace Anna Goodhue. Republican. Lawyer; member of Massachusetts state house of representatives, 1907; mayor of Northampton, Mass., 1910-11; member of Massachusetts state senate, 1912-15; Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, 1916-19; Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-21; Vice President of the United States, 1921-23; President of the United States, 1923-29. Congregationalist. English ancestry. Died of coronary thrombosis in Northampton, Hampshire County, Mass., January 5, 1933. Interment at Plymouth Notch Cemetery, Plymouth, Vt.
Cross-reference: John W. Langley
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Calvin Coolidge: The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge (1929, out of print)
Books about Calvin Coolidge: Peter Hannaford, ed., The Quotable Calvin Coolidge : Sensible Words for the New Century; Robert H. Ferrell, The Presidency of Calvin Coolidge; Robert Sobel, Coolidge: An American Enigma
Critical books about Calvin Coolidge: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Herbert Clark Hoover -
Note: Although not listed, he appears to have been a Loyal Legion member.
Hoover, Herbert Clark (1874-1964) — also known as Herbert Hoover; 'The Great Engineer'; 'The Grand Old Man' — of Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, Calif. Born in West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa, August 10, 1874. Married, February 10, 1899, to Lou Henry (died 1944). Republican. Mining engineer; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1920; U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1921-28; President of the United States, 1929-33; defeated, 1932. Quaker. Dutch ancestry. Inducted into the National Mining Hall of Fame, Leadville, Colorado. Died, of intestinal cancer, in his suite at the Waldorf Towers Hotel, New York, New York County, N.Y., October 20, 1964. Interment at Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa.
Cross-reference: Horace A. Mann; Walter H. Newton; Christian A. Herter
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Herbert Hoover: The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson
Books about Herbert Hoover: Martin L. Fausold, The Presidency of Herbert C. Hoover; Joan Hoff Wilson, Herbert Hoover : Forgotten Progressive; George H. Nash, Life of Herbert Hoover : The Humanitarian, 1914-1917; George H. Nash, The Life of Herbert Hoover : Masters of Emergencies, 1917-1918; David Holford, Herbert Hoover (for young readers)
U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Note: He was a Grange; Freemasons; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa member.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945) — also known as Franklin D. Roosevelt; 'F.D.R.' — of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, N.Y. Born in Hyde Park, Dutchess County, N.Y., January 30, 1882. Great-great-grandson of Edward Hutchinson Robbins; fourth cousin once removed and nephew by marriage of Theodore Roosevelt; half-uncle of Helen Roosevelt Robinson; married, March 17, 1905, to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt; first cousin of Warren Delano Robbins; fifth cousin of Nicholas Roosevelt; father of James Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr.. Democrat. Lawyer; member of New York state senate 26th District, 1911-13; resigned 1913; candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1920; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1920, 1924, 1928; contracted polio in the early 1920s; as a result, his legs were paralyzed for the rest of his life; Governor of New York, 1929-33; President of the United States, 1933-45; died in office 1945; on February 15, 1933, in Miami,
Fla., he and Chicago mayor Anton J. Cermak were shot at by Guiseppe Zangara; Cermak was hit and mortally wounded. Episcopalian. Member, Grange; Freemasons; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa. Served as president during the Depression and World War II. His portrait appears on the U.S. dime (ten cent coin). Died of a cerebral hemorrhage, in Warm Springs, Meriwether County, Ga., April 12, 1945. Interment at Roosevelt Home, Hyde Park, N.Y.
Cross-reference: Ross T. McIntire; Milton Lipson; W. W. Howes
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Franklin D. Roosevelt: James MacGregor Burns & Susan Dunn, The Three Roosevelts: Patrician Leaders Who Transformed America; Doris Kearns Goodwin, No Ordinary Time : Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II; Joseph Alsop & Roland Gelatt, FDR : 1882-1945; Bernard Bellush, Franklin Roosevelt as Governor of New York; Robert H. Jackson, That Man : An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt; Jonas Klein, Beloved Island : Franklin & Eleanor and the Legacy of Campobello; Conrad Black, Franklin Delano Roosevelt : Champion of Freedom; Karen Bornemann Spies, Franklin D. Roosevelt (for young readers)
Critical books about Franklin D. Roosevelt: Jim Powell, FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression; John T. Flynn, The Roosevelt Myth
U.S. President Harry S. Truman -
Note: He was a American Legion; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Eagles; Elks; Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Alpha Delta member.
Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972) — also known as 'Give 'Em Hell Harry' — of Independence, Jackson County, Mo. Born in Lamar, Barton County, Mo., May 8, 1884. Grandnephew of James Chiles; married, June 28, 1919, to Elizabeth Virginia 'Bess' Wallace. Democrat. Major in the U.S. Army during World War I; county judge in Missouri, 1922-24, 1926-34; U.S. Senator from Missouri, 1935-45; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, 1940, 1944, 1952, 1960; Vice President of the United States, 1945; President of the United States, 1945-53; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1952. Baptist. Member, American Legion; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Eagles; Elks; Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Alpha Delta. Two members of a Puerto Rican nationalist group, Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo, tried to shoot their way into Blair House, temporary residence of the President, as part of an attempted assassination, November 1, 1950. Torresola and a guard, Leslie Coffelt, were
killed. Collazo, wounded, was arrested, tried, and convicted of murder. Died at Research Hospital and Medical Center, Kansas City, Jackson County, Mo., December 26, 1972. Interment at Truman Presidential Library and Museum, Independence, Mo.
Cross-reference: Andrew J. May; Milton Lipson
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Harry S. Truman: The Autobiography of Harry S. Truman
Books about Harry S. Truman: David McCullough, Truman; Alonzo L. Hamby, Man of the People : A Life of Harry S. Truman; Sean J. Savage, Truman and the Democratic Party; Ken Hechler, Working With Truman : A Personal Memoir of the White House Years; Alan Axelrod, When the Buck Stops With You: Harry S. Truman on Leadership; Ralph Keyes, The Wit and Wisdom of Harry S. Truman
U.S. President Dwight David Eisenhower -
He was a Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion member.
Eisenhower, Dwight David (1890-1969) — also known as Dwight D. Eisenhower; 'Ike' — Born in Denison, Grayson County, Tex., October 14, 1890. Married, July 1, 1916, to Mary Geneva 'Mamie' Doud. Republican. General in the U.S. Army during World War II; president of Columbia University, 1948-53; President of the United States, 1953-61. Presbyterian. German ancestry. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion. His portrait appeared on the U.S. dollar coin, 1971-78. Died, after a series of heart attacks, at Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, D.C., March 28, 1969. Interment at Eisenhower Center, Abilene, Kan.
Cross-reference: Sherman Adams; Carter L. Burgess; Woodrow Wilson Mann
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Dwight D. Eisenhower: Stephen E. Ambrose, Eisenhower : Soldier and President; Fred I. Greenstein, The Hidden-Hand Presidency : Eisenhower as Leader; Carlo d'Este, Eisenhower : A Soldier's Life; Robert F. Burk, Dwight D. Eisenhower: Hero and Politician
U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy -
Note: He was a American Legion; Elks; Knights of Columbus member.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963) — also known as John F. Kennedy; 'J.F.K.'; 'Lancer' — of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass. Born in Brookline, Norfolk County, Mass., May 29, 1917. Grandson of Patrick Joseph Kennedy (1858-1929) and John Francis Fitzgerald; son of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose (Fitzgerald) Kennedy; brother-in-law of Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.; brother of Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Jr., Robert Francis Kennedy, Jean Kennedy Smith and Edward Moore Kennedy; married, September 12, 1953, to Jacqueline Lee 'Jackie' Bouvier; his step-father-in-law married the mother of Eugene Luther Gore Vidal, Jr.; uncle of Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Mark Kennedy Shriver and Patrick Joseph Kennedy (1967-). Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 11th District, 1947-53; elected unopposed 1948; U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, 1953-60; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1956;
candidate for Democratic nomination for Vice President, 1956; President of the United States, 1961-63; died in office 1963. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, American Legion; Elks; Knights of Columbus. Received a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his book Profiles in Courage; posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963. His portrait appears on the U.S. half dollar (50 cent coin). Shot by a sniper, Lee Harvey Oswald, while riding in a motorcade, and died in Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Dallas County, Tex., November 22, 1963. Oswald was shot and killed two days later by Jack Ruby. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Cross-reference: John B. Connally; Henry B. Gonzalez; Henry M. Wade; Walter Edward Rogers; Gerry E. Studds; James B. McCahey, Jr.; Mark Dalton; Waggoner Carr
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by John F. Kennedy: Profiles in Courage
Books about John F. Kennedy: Christopher Loviny & Vincent Touze, JFK : Remembering Jack; Robert Dallek, An Unfinished Life : John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963; Michael O'Brien, John F. Kennedy : A Biography; Sean J. Savage, JFK, LBJ, and the Democratic Party; Thurston Clarke, Ask Not : The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the Speech That Changed America; Shelley Sommer, John F. Kennedy : His Life and Legacy (for young readers)
Critical books about John F. Kennedy: Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot

Responses: 3 -->-->-->-->                reply by
amelia gora
(650 posts)
Mililani, Hawaii,
Kingdom of Hawaii
7/10/2007 (15:58)            delete edit  reply top        Response to message 2 written by amelia gora

-->U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson -
Note: He was an American Legion member.
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-1973) — also known as Lyndon B. Johnson; 'L.B.J.'; 'Landslide Lyndon'; 'Preacher Lyndon'; 'The Accidental President'; 'Volunteer'; 'Light Bulb Johnson' — of Johnson City, Blanco County, Tex. Born near Stonewall, Gillespie County, Tex., August 27, 1908. Son of Samuel Ealy Johnson and Rebekah (Baines) Johnson; married, November 17, 1934, to Claudia Alta 'Lady Bird' Taylor; father-in-law of Charles Spittal Robb. Democrat. U.S. Representative from Texas 10th District, 1937-49; elected unopposed 1940, 1942, 1946; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1940; U.S. Senator from Texas, 1949-61; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1956, 1968; Vice President of the United States, 1961-63; President of the United States, 1963-69. Disciples of Christ. Member, American Legion. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously in 1980. Died from a heart attack, on a plane en route to a hospital, near San Antonio, Bexar
County, Tex., January 22, 1973. Interment at LBJ Ranch, Stonewall, Tex.
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books about Lyndon B. Johnson: Doris Kearns Goodwin, Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream; Robert A. Caro, Years of Lyndon Johnson : The Path to Power; Robert A. Caro, Years of Lyndon Johnson : Means of Ascent; Robert Dallek, Flawed Giant : Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973; Robert A. Caro, Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson; Sean J. Savage, JFK, LBJ, and the Democratic Party; Michael A. Schuman, Lyndon B. Johnson (for young readers
U.S. President Richard Milhous Nixon -
Note: He was an American Legion member.
Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-1994) — also known as Richard M. Nixon; 'Tricky Dick'; 'Searchlight' — of Whittier, Los Angeles County, Calif. Born in Yorba Linda, Orange County, Calif., January 9, 1913. Married, June 21, 1940, to Thelma Catherine 'Pat' Ryan (died 1993). Republican. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S. Representative from California 12th District, 1947-50; U.S. Senator from California, 1950-53; appointed 1950; resigned 1953; delegate to Republican National Convention from California, 1952, 1956; Vice President of the United States, 1953-61; President of the United States, 1969-74; defeated, 1960; candidate for Governor of California, 1962; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1964. Quaker. Member, American Legion. Resigned as President under threat of impeachment as a result of the Watergate scandal; pardoned in 1974 by President Gerald R. Ford. Died, from a stroke, at New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center, New York, New
York County, N.Y., April 22, 1994. Interment at Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace, Yorba Linda, Calif.
Cross-reference: Maurice H. Stans; John H. Holdridge; Clark MacGregor; Harry L. Sears
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Richard M. Nixon: RN : The Memoirs of Richard Nixon (1978); Beyond Peace (1994); 1999: Victory Without War (1988); Leaders (1982); Memoirs; Six Crises (1962); The Challenges We Face (1960, out of print); In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat and Renewal (1990, out of print); No More Vietnams (1985, out of print); The Poetry of Richard Milhous Nixon (1974, out of print); Real Peace (1984, out of print); The Real War (1980, out of print); Seize The Moment: America's Challenge in a One-Superpower World (1992, out of print)
Books about Richard M. Nixon: Melvin Small, The Presidency of Richard Nixon; Joan Hoff, Nixon Reconsidered; Jonathan Aitken, Nixon : A Life; Garry Wills, Nixon Agonistes : The Crisis of the Self-Made Man; Thomas Monsell, Nixon on Stage and Screen : The Thirty-Seventh President As Depicted in Films, Television, Plays and Opera; Stephen E. Ambrose, Nixon : Education of a Politician, 1913-1962; Richard Reeves, President Nixon: Alone in the White House; Roger Morris, Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an American Politician; Robert Mason, Richard Nixon and the Quest for a New Majority
Critical books about Richard M. Nixon: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents
U.S. President Gerald Rudolph Ford -
Note: He was a Humane Society; American Legion; Amvets; Forty and Eight; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Freemasons; Shriners; Jaycees; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi member.
Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr. (b. 1913) — also known as Gerald R. Ford; Jerry Ford; Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; 'Passkey' — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Omaha, Douglas County, Neb., July 14, 1913. Married, October 15, 1948, to Elizabeth Bloomer 'Betty' Warren; half-brother of Thomas G. Ford, Sr.. Republican. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1948, 1960, 1964; U.S. Representative from Michigan 5th District, 1949-73; resigned 1973; Vice President of the United States, 1973-74; President of the United States, 1974-77; defeated, 1976. Episcopalian. Member, Humane Society; American Legion; Amvets; Forty and Eight; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Freemasons; Shriners; Jaycees; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi. Shot at in two separate incidents in San Francisco in September 1975. On September 5, Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme, follower of murderous cult leader Charles Manson, got close to the President with
a loaded pistol, and squeezed the trigger at close range; the gun misfired. On September 22, Sara Jane Moore fired a shot at him, but a bystander deflected her aim. Both women were convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Received the Medal of Freedom in 1999. Still living as of 2003.
Cross-reference: Richard M. Nixon
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Gerald R. Ford: A Time to Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford (1983)
Books about Gerald R. Ford: John Robert Greene, The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford; Edward L. Schapsmeier, Gerald R. Ford's Date With Destiny: A Political Biography; James Cannon, Time and Chance : Gerald Ford's Appointment With History
U.S. President James Earl Carter, Jr.
Note: He was a Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion; Phi Alpha Delta member.
Carter, James Earl, Jr. (b. 1924) — also known as Jimmy Carter; 'The Peanut'; 'Dasher'; 'Deacon' — of Plains, Sumter County, Ga. Born in a hospital, at Plains, Sumter County, Ga., October 1, 1924. Son of James Earl Carter and Lillian (Gordy) Carter; first cousin of Hugh Alton Carter, Sr.; married, July 7, 1946, to Eleanor Rosalynn Smith. Democrat. Member of Georgia state senate, 1963-66; Governor of Georgia, 1971-75; President of the United States, 1977-81; defeated, 1980; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, 2000, 2004. Baptist. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion; Phi Alpha Delta. Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Still living as of 2004.
Cross-reference: Clennon King; Thomas A. Hutto
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Jimmy Carter: Turning Point : A Candidate, a State, and a Nation Come of Age (1992); An Hour Before Daylight : Memories of a Rural Boyhood (2001); Keeping Faith : Memoirs of a President (1982); Always a Reckoning and Other Poems (1995); The Blood of Abraham: Insights into the Middle East (1993); Everything to Gain : Making the Most of the Rest of Your Life (1987); A Government As Good As Its People (1977); Living Faith (1996); Negotiation: The Alternative to Hostility (1984, out of print); An Outdoor Journal: Adventures and Reflections (1994); Sources of Strength : Meditations on Scripture for a Living Faith (1997); The Virtues of Aging (1998); Why Not The Best? (1975); Talking Peace : A Vision for the Next Generation (1993, for young readers)
Books about Jimmy Carter: Douglas Brinkley, The Unfinished Presidency : Jimmy Carter's Journey to the Nobel Peace Prize; Rod Troester, Jimmy Carter as Peacemaker : A Post-Presidential Biography
Critical books about Jimmy Carter: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents; Steven F. Hayward, The Real Jimmy Carter : How Our Worst Ex-President Undermines American Foreign Policy, Coddles Dictators, and Created the Party of Clinton and Kerry
U.S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan -
Note: He was a American Legion; Lions; Tau Kappa Epsilon member.
Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911-2004) — also known as Ronald Reagan; 'Dutch'; 'The Gipper'; 'The Great Communicator'; 'The Teflon President'; 'Rawhide' — of Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles County, Calif. Born in Tampico, Whiteside County, Ill., February 6, 1911. Married, January 26, 1940, to Jane Wyman (actress; divorced 1948) and Nancy Davis (actress); father of Maureen Elizabeth Reagan. Republican. Worked as a sports broadcaster in Iowa in the 1930s, doing local radio broadcast of Chicago Cubs baseball games; served in the U.S. Army during World War II; professional actor in 1937-64; appeared in dozens of films including Kings Row, Dark Victory, Santa Fe Trail, Knute Rockne, All American, and The Winning Team; president of the Screen Actors Guild, 1947-52, 1959-60; member of California Republican State Central Committee, 1964-66; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from California, 1964; Governor of California, 1967-75; candidate for Republican nomination for
President, 1968, 1976; President of the United States, 1981-89; on March 30, 1981, outside the Washington Hilton hotel, he and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinkley, Jr.; received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1993. Disciples of Christ. Member, American Legion; Lions; Tau Kappa Epsilon. Died, from pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease, in Bel Air, Los Angeles County, Calif., June 5, 2004. Burial location unknown.
Cross-reference: Katherine Hoffman Haley; Dana Rohrabacher; Donald T. Regan
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Ronald Reagan: Ronald Reagan : An American Life
Books about Ronald Reagan: Lou Cannon, President Reagan : The Role of a Lifetime; Lou Cannon, Governor Reagan : His Rise to Power; Peter Schweizer, Reagan's War : The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism; Lee Edwards, Ronald Reagan: A Political Biography; Paul Kengor, God and Ronald Reagan : A Spiritual Life; Mary Beth Brown, Hand of Providence: The Strong and Quiet Faith of Ronald Reagan; Edmund Morris, Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan; Peggy Noonan, When Character Was King: A Story of Ronald Reagan; Peter J. Wallison, Ronald Reagan: The Power of Conviction and the Success of His Presidency; Dinesh D'Souza, Ronald Reagan : How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader; William F. Buckley, Jr., Ronald Reagan: An American Hero
U.S. President George Bush
Note: He was/is a member of Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion; Society of the Cincinnati; Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa.
Bush, George Herbert Walker (b. 1924) — also known as George Bush; 'Poppy'; 'Sheepskin'; 'Timberwolf' — of Midland, Midland County, Tex.; Houston, Harris County, Tex. Born in Milton, Norfolk County, Mass., June 12, 1924. First cousin thrice removed of David Davis; son of Prescott Sheldon Bush and Dorothy (Walker) Bush (1901-1992); married, January 6, 1945, to Barbara Pierce; father of George Walker Bush and John Ellis Bush. Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, 1964; candidate for U.S. Senator from Texas, 1964, 1970; U.S. Representative from Texas 7th District, 1967-71; U.S. Representative to United Nations, 1971-73; Chairman of Republican National Committee, 1973-74; U.S. Liaison to China, 1974-75; director, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 1976-77; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1980; Vice President of the United States, 1981-89; President of the United States, 1989-93;
defeated, 1992. Episcopalian. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion; Society of the Cincinnati; Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Still living as of 2003.
Cross-reference: Caspar W. Weinberger; John H. Sununu
See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by George H. W. Bush: All The Best, George Bush: My Life and Other Writings (1999); Looking Forward (1987, out of print); A World Transformed (1998)
Books about George H. W. Bush: John Robert Greene, The Presidency of George Bush; Tim O'Shei & Joe Marren, George H. W. Bush (for young readers)
Critical books about George H. W. Bush: Kevin Phillips, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; Kitty Kelly, The Family : The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty
U.S. President William Clinton
Note: He was/is a member of Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Phi Alpha Delta; Pi Sigma Alpha.
Clinton, William Jefferson (b. 1946) — also known as Bill Clinton; William Jefferson Blythe IV; 'Slick Willie'; 'Bubba'; 'Elvis'; 'Eagle'; 'The Big Dog' — of Arkansas. Born in Hope, Hempstead County, Ark., August 19, 1946. Third cousin twice removed of James Alexander Lockhart; married, October 11, 1975, to Hillary Diane Rodham. Democrat. Rhodes scholar; candidate for U.S. Representative from Arkansas 3rd District, 1974; Arkansas state attorney general, 1977-79; Governor of Arkansas, 1979-81, 1983-92; President of the United States, 1993-2001; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, 2000; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 2004. Baptist. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Phi Alpha Delta; Pi Sigma Alpha. Impeached by the House of Representatives in December 1998 over allegations of perjury and obstruction of justice, but acquitted by the Senate. Still living as of 2004.
Cross-reference: Abraham J. Hirschfeld; Kenneth W. Starr; Rahm Emanuel
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by Bill Clinton: Between Hope and History : Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st Century (1996, out of print); My Life (2004)
Books about Bill Clinton: David Maraniss, First in His Class : The Biography of Bill Clinton; Joe Conason, The Hunting of the President : The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton; Gene Lyons, Fools for Scandal : How the Media Invented Whitewater; Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars; Dewayne Wickham, Bill Clinton and Black America; Joe Klein, The Natural : The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill Clinton; Nigel Hamilton, Bill Clinton: An American Journey; Bob Woodward, The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House; George Stephanopolous, All Too Human; Tim O'Shei, Bill Clinton (for young readers)
Critical books about Bill Clinton: Barbara Olson, The Final Days : The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House; Meredith L. Oakley, On the Make : The Rise of Bill Clinton; Robert Patterson, Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Securi; Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories; Ann Coulter, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton; Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Because He Could; Jack Cashill, Ron Brown's Body : How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary's Future; Christopher Hitchens, No One Left To Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family; Rich Lowry, Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years; Richard Miniter, Losing Bin Laden : How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror
U.S. President George W. Bush
Note: He was/is a member of Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Bush, George Walker (b. 1946) — also known as George W. Bush; 'Dubya'; 'Shrub'; 'The Smirking Chimp' — of Midland, Midland County, Tex.; Crawford, McLennan County, Tex. Born in New Haven, New Haven County, Conn., July 6, 1946. Grandson of Prescott Sheldon Bush; son of Barbara (Pierce) Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush; married, November 5, 1977, to Laura Welch; brother of John Ellis Bush. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, 1988; Governor of Texas, 1995-2000; President of the United States, 2001-. Methodist. Member, Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Still living as of 2004.
See also: Internet Movie Database profile.
Books by George W. Bush: A Charge to Keep (1999)
Books about George W. Bush: J. H. Hatfield et al, Fortunate Son : George W. Bush and the Making of An American President; Roger Simon, Divided We Stand : How Al Gore Beat George Bush and Lost the Presidency; Frank Bruni, Ambling into History : The Unlikely Odyssey of George W. Bush; Bryan Laberge, George W. Bush : In the Whirlwind; Lou Dubose et al, Boy Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W. Bush; Bill Sammon, Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, John Kerry, and the Bush Haters; David Aikman, A Man of Faith: The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush; Bob Woodward, Bush at War; Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack; Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties; Bill Sammon, Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, John Kerry, and the Bush Haters; Sandra J. Kachurek, George W. Bush (for young readers); Tim O'Shei & Joe Marren, George W. Bush (for
young readers)
Critical books about George W. Bush: Molly Ivins, Shrub: The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush; David Corn, The Lies of George W. Bush : Mastering the Politics of Deception; Kevin Phillips, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; John Dean, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush; Kitty Kelly, The Family : The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty; John W. Dean, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush; Ron Suskind, The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill; Robert C. Byrd, Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency; Jack Huberman, The Bush - Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years.

The U.S./America/AmeriKKKa continues to affect the World today through the associations, affiliations of the U.S. Presidents through overt and covert operations. Aggression through WARS as well as subtle moves of 'friendly' maneuvers such as the moves of Al Gore who moves in other directions (World Woodstock project) with the ultimate goal of enslaving the masses under the One World Order/New World Order scheme.
Research incomplete.
References: website
CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF HAWAII, ABROAD, AND THE UNITED STATES (2003) and other books, writings by Amelia Kuulei Gora -->-->-->
-->  p.s.  in regards to the SECRET TREATY OF VERONA:(break down of Monarchy governments)
        -U.S. SENATE -
  Page 6781
  25 April 1916
  also see AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC CODE, 1778 -1884 vol. 2; Elliott, p. 179
  lastly, if you google, you'll see hundreds of referrals regarding the Secret Treaty of Verona.

7.  Hawaii is occupied by a nation contrary to neutral, peaceful existence:
REFERENCE: FOREIGN AFFAIRS - The Road to War America and the World, page 31,Volume 70, No. 1
In other words the following on the U.S. list to WAR with or TERRORIZE are:
1. IRAQ  (2003 – Iraq accused of having nuclear weapons – GW Bush moved to WAR for EXXON (oil)  see:  above article, a repost, THE BROWN STUFF by Greg Palast,
4. NORTH KOREA   (October 2006 – underground nuclear weapon set off)
Off the forums:
MC Intern
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: New York City
Posts: 15
you're absolutely right!
I can't agree with you more. First Afghanistan, now Iraq, next? God knows better!
I, as a Pakistani, believe our turn is right around the corner somewhere. If the US government and foreign policy go unchecked, and the media continues to play its present role, then surely, the world will be an absolutely horrifying global village.
and not necessarily in that order! Just to verify some of the above:
'Learn from Iraq'
Top Stories - Reuters
By Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) - The United States on Wednesday warned countries it has accused of pursuing weapons of mass destruction, including Iran, Syria and North Korea (news - web sites), to "draw the appropriate lesson from Iraq (news - web sites)."
1)    Failure in telling Americans about the true relationship with England/U.S. is but a "colony of the Crown (of England)"
Reference:  CBS Channel 9 news, 5:45PM, 10/30/05 Sunday
Announcing Prince Charles and his wife would visit the U.S.,
"a colony of the Crown (of England)";

This article covers part of checking up on the U.S., whose Southern (Confederate) Presidents have been actively destroying the Constitution without the understanding of most Americans.
The most recent U.S. Presidents who have had a hand in the ongoing destruction of the U.S. Constitution are:
President Lyndon Baines Johnson (Texas – Confederate State)
President Richard Nixon (Texas – Confederate State)
President Ronald Reagan (Texas – Confederate State)
President James Earl Carter (Georgia – Confederate State)
President George Bush (Texas – Confederate State)
President William Clinton (Arkansas – Confederate State)
President George W. Bush (Texas – Confederate State)
See John Nelson, legal researcher's article at for the U.S. President's role in destroying the U.S. Constitution, etc.
By impeaching the U.S. President, not only can the rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution be maintained, but it will also be a credible sign to other nations that Americans are NOT about WAR, the wrongful Pl under Ing Upon Inn *o* CENTS.
The removal/withdrawal of the American military from the Middle East/other nations will help to keep in check:
1)     the Foreign Policies;
2)     the Media (mostly Jewish run) who promotes WAR for GREED/money, resources, etc.;
3)     and would impede the progress of the World being dominated by the 'UPPER CLASS'/a few seeking control of a slave world society/ New World Order/ One World Order.
4)     Question the United Nations and the President's need to connect with other nations. 
5)     Question the United Nations and the CFR /Council on Foreign Relations made up of U.S., England, and the bankers.
6)     Question the basis of Allen Dulles, former CIA/Central Intelligence Agency's former chief who prepared a report recommending the following:
"….a world government, strong immediate limitation on national sovereignty, international control of all armies and navies, a universal system of money, world-wide freedom of immigration, progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade and a democratically-controlled world bank." – Allen Dulles 1942
"The report also called for world-wide redistribution of wealth.  It held that a "new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative."  "It accepted Marxian concepts by denouncing various defects in the profit system as being responsible for breeding war, demagogues, and dictators."
7)     Take a step back and watch the U.S. and Russia's possible merger into a world government:
Dulles in 1946 said: 
"Moreover, Communism as an economic program for social reconstruction has points of contact with the social message of Christianity as in its avowed concern for the underprivileged and its insistence on racial equality…neither state socialism nor free enterprise provides a perfect economic system; each can learn from the experience of the other…the free enterprise system has yet to prove it can assure steady production and employment…Soviet socialism has changed mch particularly in placing greater dependence upon the incentive of personal gain."
Do note that in the "first 25 years of Communist control of Russia" the "mass murder of 20-million human beings" occurred.
"15-million persons" were in Soviet Slave Labor camps in 1946;
From 1946 – 1963, the communists "exterminated another 40-million people in Russia, China, Hungary, Cuba, Poland, Tibet and Korea."
Note and Comments:
Being that the treasonous activities, Communist affiliations of the Presidents, including the building of the United Nations, does this mean that the recent count of 655,000 Iraqi's who were killed adds to the additional count of Communist mass murders?
The United Nations is communist based, headed by England, the WAR arm U.S., and funded by the international bankers.
The U.S. Constitution has been TAMPERED WITH by U.S. Presidents of a slave state background/Confederate States with less than a full recognition as the other States.  See John Nelson's article at and other issues of IOLANI – The Royal Hawk for U.S. President's backgrounds, etc.
As a reminder:  Russia, the U.S., England were part of the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona along with Austria, France, Prussia and assistance from the Vatican.  See Wolfram Graetz, researcher's finds in the U.S. Congress records in IOLANI – The Royal Hawk issues or go to his website:
8.  Royal families exist documenting excessive frauds, criminal deviance, Pirates of the Pacific and Friends.
9.  Royal families, excluding the clowns(not Crown's) - Kawananakoa's, have filed liens/notices/affidavits (1996, 2005, 2007, etc.) for the world to see.
9.  Royal families, excluding the clowns(not Crown's) - Kawananakoa's, document the truth and defend out kanaka maoli and others for their ancestral land claims, health, safety, and maintain peaceful, neutral status while recognizing the permanent treaties with other nations affecting Royal persons, descendants of Kamehameha, etals. today.
An example of one of the land claims:
General -  IOLANI PALACE has Owners  notify me whenever anyone 
posts in this discussionSubscribe  
From: hwnwahine  Aug-19 9:02 pm 
To: ALL (1 of 1) 

Welcome to Iolani PalaceIolani Palace
A Hawaiian national treasure  has owners.  Descendants of the Alii exist.  Criminal entity State of Hawaii (headed by penis nosed Jew Linda Lingle) moves to charge Hawaiian activist groups for entering OUR families properties.
The Iolani Palace was the official residence of the Hawaiian Kingdom's last two monarchs--King Kalakaua, who built the Palace in 1882, and his sister and successor, Queen Lili`uokalani.
Princess Poomaikelani, and others lived there during the monarchy period, the Palace was the center of social and political activity in the Kingdom of Hawai`i.
Though its grandeur was neglected after the premeditated plan to dethrone the Queen/ monarchy, assume the lands, assets, resources, etc., Queen Liliuokalani continued to press on with her claims, including the fact that the U.S. breached the law of nations, etc.
Theft, removal of rugs, furniture, artifacts, paintings, silverware, plates, etc. was made and auctioned off to PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and friends, also known as treasonous persons, conspirators, TERRORISTS against Queen Liliuokalani, the Royal families, and people/subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago, aka's.
Restoration began in the 1970s through efforts of concerned individuals.  The thieves slowly returned the artifacts as well.  Restoration and preservation continues, and, as a result, today's visitors, view the Palace without legal or granted jurisdiction to the premises.
The IOLANI PALACE has documented owners who are NOT related to the entity State of Hawaii, U.S. - a nation who breached the law of Nations and premeditated the move against our Queen and people in 1893, etc.
Reference:  See Affidavit/Liens at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, and many news articles about Hawaii at archives regarding the Pearl Harbor treaty, etc.
To date, the following activists and their followers have been wrongfully charged, imprisoned, harrassed:
Bumpy Kanahele
Mahealani Asing
Akahi Nui
P.S.  The entity State of Hawaii has no jurisdiction in Hawaii.  Criminal activities continue against our kanaka maoli.
Kamehameha's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, Princess Poomaikelani's, etals. descendants exist.  The Royal families exist, those who did not participate in the wrongful dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani.

The crimes uncovered in genealogies will be exposed thoroughly in other writings, or read the articles, pamphlets, 25+ books or the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk, news on the web with 297 issues to date.
The entity State of Hawaii has no jurisdiction in the Hawaiian archipelago.  They are belligerent occupiers with evidence of premeditation moves against our people, criminal deviance, criminal assumption, inappropriate use of justice, piracy(ies) on the high seas, etc.

The purpose of this particular writings with references/exhibits are to support all who oppose wrongdoings in our Hawaiian Islands and all affected by the same Warring Nations documented as terrorists, genocide activists in our Hawaiian Kingdom. 

Wrongdoings include bullying behavior in, around, under, over a neutral non-violent nation that has Royal families existing, the true owners of pirated lands, resources, mineral rights, water rights, ahupuaa konohiki rights, etc. by non bloods, non kanaka maoli.
Do occupiers have the right to prosecute our kanaka maoli to the full extent of the law?  whose law(s)....Pirates laws!?
Who are the legal owners of the Iolani Palace/ the Palace....the citizens of the occupiers? then move the Palace people because the land that it's sitting on has owners who happen to be the Royal families in Hawaii.... the descendants of Kamehameha, Mataio Kekuanaoa, John Young, and heirs of Charles Kanaina, etals.....whose ancestors did not participate in the criminal moves of an entity currently occupying the rightful government of our Hawaiian archipelago, etc.

These writings are purposeful, to be used for maintaining land, water rights, resources, by kanaka maoli who believe in truth, continue to support their ancestors oppositions against the belligerent, documented occupiers who have criminally violated all rights, legal rights of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation called the Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago, including the true property owners, descendants of the Royal Families.

These documents are also to be used to oppose depleted uranium/DU, GMO/Genetic Modifications, etc. in Hawaii by a belligerent, criminal occupier who progressively moved against our Queen, our Royal families, all kanaka maoli who were not treasonous to the Hawaiian Kingdom. 

The true owners exist and deny all, and any toxins, poisons, radiation, Depleted Uranium, GMO's, etc. on our private properties.

These writings and documents are also to be used in opposing the entity State of Hawaii, the U.S. Federal government, and their military, City and Counties all foreign Warring occupiers who fail to protect even their own citizens over their "health and safety", etc. with educating the masses the truth, the problematic issues, and why the Akaka Bill, etc. must forever be opposed.

The statements are mines as a Royal person, a 30+ year history researcher, 22+ genealogy researcher, and 15+ years legal researcher.

Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, and One of the Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, Hawaiian Kingdom, one of the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Trust, Queen Emma Trust, descendant of Kalola (w), Kaaumoana (w), Akahi (w), et. als. heirs of Bernice Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi Bishop/Pauahi (w).
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Important Articles

Chronological History

hi, have put together a condensed version of our history in 2001 and added bits of information today.... you could also see it at my website shortly along with the typed articles that everyone should know about....... i tried my best to download the legal article, radio shows papers and have placed some of the info at other forums due to the significant issue that the 911 twin towers was indeed set up since 1997 or earlier as discovered through the radio article..... have to type the whole thing....the drudgery but so IMPORTANT! in maintaining OPPOSITIONS to War it should be completed in a few hours..... website:
PEOPLE by Amelia Kuulei Gora (2001) One of Kamehameha's descendants, a Royal Person not subject to the law(s) The following was written with the purpose of showing the early contact period, the Pre-Monarchy Period through the Monarchy Period up till Kamehameha V. (Other Periods have been discussed and has been presented on various boards on this and other other forums as well.)
Number 1.
Utilization of Aged Documents for Land, Money, Water, etc. Ongoing Since 1863 Disregarding the True Heirs
KOHALA SUGAR, the predecessors of Hamakua Mill/Hamakua Sugar was started by the missionaries utilizing documents of association signed by Minister of Interior, Lot Kamehameha, in 1863.
Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was still in command at the time.
Number 2.
The Protestant Missionaries, the KOHALA SUGAR and other eventual plantations operating under the documents of 1863, were descendants of the English Pilgrims who had historically created a climate of hate, animosity, greed towards the indigenous peoples, the Indians.
The English Pilgrims and 50 years later, Captain James Cook left the location called Plymouth, England. The English Pilgrims landing in the Americas, named their already inhabited site Plymouth, Massachussetts.
A statement made by a well-known Protestant minister sets the climate of the times:
“The woods were cleared of those pernicious creatures (Indians) to make room for a better growth.”
Two well known ministers, Increase and Cotton Mather (father and son), wrote more than 450+ books. They were descendants of Richard Mather a minister suspended from the Church of England’s ministry and moved to Massachussetts where he created conflicts in the church.
**** A Look at the Wampaog Indians – King Phillip’s War ****
The Wampaog tribe was nearly wiped out, many prisoners were taken into slavery.
King Phillip, the high chief was decapitated, his head was placed on a stick in the Massachussetts town square, on display till as late as 1700.
**** A Look at the Witchhunts of Massachussetts ****
The following books witten by the influential Protestant ministers moved the masses of people to witch hunts, hangings, killings, cruelty and punishment to many innocent people. These books were: ESSAY FOR THE RECORDING OF ILLUSTRIOUS PROVIDENCES; CASES OF CONSCIENCE CONCERNING EVIL SPIRITS AND OTHERS. These books led the people to believe that WITCHES WERE IN THE LEAGUE OF SATAN. **** The Printing Presses of the Early Missionaries or Pilgrim Descendants **** With the proud missionaries and their printing presses, it afforded news of all kinds to be dispersed to all “learned men or cultured peoples” including Plymouth, England, the former homes of the Pilgrims who had formed a Pact/Mayflower Compact, forming a new kind of government, a government in the already inhabited America’s. RETALIATION AFTER CAPTAIN JAMES COOK’S DEATH Captain James Cook GRABBED kapu alii/chief Kalniopuu by the shoulder. Cook failed to respect the cultural norms of the Hawaiian Society and was killed. No one was allowed to touch the kapu alii/chief and suffered the consequences, along with his men on shore. After Captain James Cook and four of his men were slain, the English retaliated similar to the works of the English Pilgrim/missionaries on the Indians. In Captain Cook’s men’s diaries/journals, they constantly referred to the kanaka maoli as “Indians”. (Notice the Protestant pilgrims influence.) Three of our kanaka maoli alii/chief’s were decapitated, their heads were hung on the bows of the ship for all to see. Hundreds of kanaka maoli were shot, many in their backs, fire was set to their homes. (Notice the Protestant pilgrims influence – see the previous entries of the Wampaog Indians and the slain Indians leader King Phillip.) Thousands of kanaka maoli were killed, due to the disease infested men from Captain Cook’s ships. They had frequented many island shores, such as TAHITI, COOK ISLANDS and others leaving disease trails behind them. The doctor knew that 66 were afflicted. The men knew they were afflicted/infected and yet blamed the kanaka maoli for being the cause of the later outbreaks. The Protestant Missionaries in later years, accused the kanaka maoli as being the cause. What about the depraved English sailors aching for sexual, bodily pleasures, which ultimately produced another human? Were whites exempt from the carnal evils preached by whites and caused by only people of color? Meanwhile, thousands, hundreds of thousands of unborn kanaka maoli babies, women and men died. Number 3. CATHOLICS IN HAWAII Kamehameha friend/consultant was name Paul Marin, or Paulo Manini, a Spaniard who baptized more than 300 chiefs into the Catholic religion. Kamehameha (k) instructed his alii/chiefs to set aside the kapu system because he was a makaula/a seer and prophesied the dangers if the Hawaiian religion were continued. He died on May 18, 1819. Kaahumanu (w), one of his wives, became the Kuhina Nui. Her Cousin Kalanimoku (k) became the assistant and kahu of Kamehameha’s son through another wife Keopuolani (w), Kamehameha , Liholiho. Note: The setting aside of the kapu system left the Hawaiian Society in a fragile condition, a period of Anomie – social norms absent. This was the perfect period for social change, a time for Opportunists to sell their bibles, preach their bibles, etc. The main concern of Kamehameha was the ceasing of the ancient Kapu system with “barbaric” rituals which could have been the cause of the demise of the whole of the kanaka maoli society. Kamehameha was a makaula, a seer, who operated partly with spiritual confidence aside from his physical confidence. Due to the affects of the Papal Bull issues by the Pope in 1493 and the thrust towards all world civilizations with the claims of delineating the uncivilized vs. the civilized peoples, with intentions of destroying, plundering, and assuming lands, resources, etc. belonging to those suspected as being barbaric, etc., the rationale of our ancestor Kamehameha can be seen. The Papal Bull was recently set aside after ongoing protests by aboriginal peoples which included kanaka maoli and American Indians. Kalanimoku’s (k) mother had been baptized a Catholic and had requested for her family to follow. Kalanimoku (k) whose wives included Akahi (w), my ancestor, and his brother Boki (k) were baptized Catholics aboard the French ship L’URANIE. Kamehameha II – Liholiho (k) wanted to be baptized also but chose not to because of stepmother Kaahumanu (w) the appointed Kuhina Nui’s temperament. Number 4. PROTESTANTS/PILGRIMS DESCENDANTS INFLUENCE The First (1st) Company of American Protestant Missionaries sponsored by the American Board of Foreign Missions (ABFM) arrived in Hawaii on the THADDEUS at Kailua, Hawaii. The American missionaries introduced the concept of Western marriages. Their names are as follows: Rev. Hiram Bingham and wife Sybil Mosely Daniel Chamaberlain and wife Jerusha Thomas Holman, M>D> and wife, Lucy Ruggles Elisha Loomis and wife, Maria Theresa Sartwell Samuel Ruggles and wife, Nancy Wells Rev. Asa Thurston and wife, Lucy Goodale Rev. Samuel Whitney and wife Mercy Partridge Three Hawaiian helpers: Thomas Hopu William Kaniu John Honolii On April 27, 1823, the Second (2nd) Company of American Protestant Missionaries arrived from New England. They arrived on the ship THAMES captained by Reuben Clasby. The missionaries were the following: Rev. Artemas Bishop and wife Elizabeth E. Abraham Blatchley, M. amnd wife Jemima Marvin Levi Chamberlain and wife, Maria Patton Rev. James Ely and wife, Louisa Everest Rev. Joseph Goodrich and wife, Martha Barnes Rev. William Richards and wife, Clarissa Lyman Rev. Charles Samuel Stewart and wife Harriet Bradford Tiffany Miss Betsy Stockton Tahitian: Stephen Popohe Hawaiians: William Kamooula Richard Kalaioulu Kupelii These mercenaries for the United States, armed with bibles, greed, jealousy, animosities, etc. quickly moved to encourage the kanaka maoli in joining their cause. They were opportunists who entered a Society which was in a state of anomie – unstable, flux, grasping at all religions to substitute one that was in place for hundreds/thousands of years. These mercenaries(backed by their government: the United States who also paid for their move, etc.) were operating from a slave-master society along with validation given to them through the Papal Bulls of 1493 by the Vatican to plunder upon ‘barbarous societies’. The Papal Bulls of 1493 allowed killing of peoples, most of whom were all peoples of color. On November 27, 1823, Kamehameha II – Liholiho (k) and company sailed for England. Kauikeaouli was named as heir apparent under Kaahumanu’s regency. On July 8, 1824, Kamamalu (w) died, six days later, on July 14, 1824 her husband, Kamehameha II - Liholiho (k) died. Both were afflicted with the measles, died in England and their bodies were returned unaccompanied by John Rives, Kamehameha’s II’s childhood playmate who was a Catholic. (Kamehameha II had seven wives. One was named Pali who married my great great grandfather.) Kaahumanu (w) who took care of Liholiho (k) was so angry that it appears that the Protestant Missionaries saw it as an opportunity and took advantage of the situation. Catholic Chiefs were tortured, imprisoned, put to hard labor. All Catholics were punished. ---------------------------------- Summary: The information has been placed on the internet due to requests by one of many new friends, namely Mutassdes. The above information covers part of the missionary/mercenary period of Hawaii and the United States revealing the similarities of labeling Hawaiian/ kanaka maoli "Indians" by Americans and Brittish. Significantly, all countries will see some of the issues when exploring each time period with the missionaries/mercenaries in their homelands as well. The United States government maintains that they will "protect the lives, and property of their own" actually means that Americans outside of the United States, once investing in foreign soil is also investing as private investors in foreign lands due to the taxes, etc. due to the United States. As with out ancestors and the Great Mahele/Land Division period, Kamehameha III/King Kamehameha III, foreigners were given "freehold" paperwork, less than "allodial" paperwork. Americans then rewrote the meanings, destroyed old books that has the true definitions and proceeded to accomodate and deviate by helping themselves through devious manipulations of paperwork, legalities, etc. Although the United States and others tried to write history as Hawaii being barbaric, that charge could not be maintained due to the activities uncovered in conspiracies, deviance, FRAUD, criminal manipulations via the paper trails which exists in Monarchial and other such governments. FRAUD vitiates all claims, all contracts, which also covers all the bases for the many, excessive amount of reasons why the UNITED NATIONS can and must cease to exist. A formation of a new entity must be made for the purpose of ongoing respect to each country knowing that the United States has indeed set everyone up based on FRAUD, CONSPIRACIES, DEVIANCE and as documented by Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 has BREACHED THE LAW of NATIONS. The continued survival of all ANCIENT nations, countries, societies must recognize the importance of the LAW of NATIONS versus the manipulations and maneuvers by United States etals who maintains the documented charge of BREACHES by Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani, Kingdom of Hawaii, a Monarchy government turned Constitutional Monarchy. The Kings bloodlines EXIST, Kamehameha's descendants are Royal Persons and NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAWS. The Sovereigns, namely King Kalakaua, bloodlines and heirs exist and much to the despair, despair of the entity calling themselves the State of Hawaii with documented OPPOSITION and wrongfully backed by the United States with ongoing and unresolved issues affecting ALL NATIONS today. Oppositions to War, financed at the expense of the Kingdom of Hawaii and our Kamehameha Families, Royals Families is UNACCEPTABLE. It is with ongoing hope and prayers that these efforts via the Internet are indeed purposeful and useful in maintaining the continued safety from harm by those who make BUSINESS OF WAR and set their goals on PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS for greed, power, animosities towards all people of color, etc.........................aloha nui loa.


Historical Evidence

350 A.D – 1782 Ancient History, Kalaniopuu & Others with Genealogies
1782 – 1819 Kamehameha Time Period with Genealogies 1819 Kamehameha and Keopuolani’s (w) children
1819-1824 Kamehameha II Time Period with Genealogies 1827 Kamehameha III early printed laws
1824-1854 Kamehameha III Time Period with Genealogies 1833 Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi (w) adopted by Kinau (w) 1834 Alexander/Alexander Liholiho adopted by Kamehameha III Kamehameha III letter affecting ALL LANDS Flag atop a Church 1838 Lydia Kamakaeha/Liliuokalani adopted by Paki (k) and Konia (w) 1840 Konia’s (w) letter re: Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani (w) Konia’s (w) letter re: Kekuanaoa’s (k) punahele Kekapala (w) Konia’s (w) letter re: Kipola Polohau/Kapolohau (w) Kanuha (k) letter re: Kuakini (k) heir The First constitution of Hawaii Constitution printed in 1918 (claimed for this period) 1843 Restoration of the Hawaiian flag 1848 Bernice Pauahi WAS NOT THE LAST OF THE KAMEHAMEHA’S Crown Lands List 1850 Kekauonohi’s (w) father 1851 Akahi/Chiefess Akahi’s Claims J.W.D. Paalua/Paalua’s, and older brother Naihe’s claims 1852 Land Sharks 1853 Coral reefs, fishes, archipelago claims Konohiki claims 1854 Kamehameha III and third wife Kekualoa (w)
1854-1863 Kamehameha IV Time Period with Genealogies 1855 Death of Paki/Abner Paki (k) Future King Kalakaua’s Daughter Queen Emma’s True Father 1857 Kamehameha II’s wife deceased Kinau (w) deceased reported age 28 Kinau (w) deceased reported age 50 Kinau (w) deceased reported age 64 Bernice Pauahi’s TRUE FATHER ( a haole/white man) 1859 Gerrit Parmele Judd, THIEF 1860 Future King Kalakaua’s children Charles Reed Bishop’s Third Wife
1863-1872 Kamehameha V Time Period and Genealogies 1863 Kamehameha IV Probate with Crown Lands as Private Estate Signature of Lot Kamehameha wrongfully, criminally used 1864 Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa (k) and wife Kalima (w) Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa (k) and wife Kalima (w) 1868 Kekuanaoa/Mataio Kekuanaoa (k) genealogies 1869 Non-lepers sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai
1872-1874 King William Lunalilo Time Period with Genealogies
1874-1891 King David Kalakaua time Period with Genealogies 1875 King Kalakaua’s Deed to deceased ancestor and wife 1878 Pacific Cable company in support of the United States George Macy, Jr. with purported father MACY stores investor 1883 “Hooks of Steel” connections to the United States 1884 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Heir: Kalola (w) Relatives document OBJECTIONS/Fraud issues 1888 “Witch Hunt in Hawaii” – Genocide Issue 1889 Hale O Keawe/House of Keawe Edwin Jones Questionable Claims King Kalakaua’s additions to Crown Lands; Fraud issues, etc. King Kalakaua’s claimed father 1890 Kanaka maoli on Census of 1890
1891-1917 Queen Liliuokalani’s Time Period with Genealogies 1891 Fraud deed to J. M. Monsarrat Queen Kapiolani’s hanai father deeds all land interest to his true children 1892Population Tables/Census Tracts Expenditures and Receipts Public Debt of the Hawaiian Kingdom Area, Character, Rental, Value of Government Lands, Sugar Statistics Rulers of Hawaii 1893Queen Liliuokalani’s Protest Recognition of de facto government Franklin Seaver Pratt’s Protest – February 17, 1893 Franklin Seaver Pratt’s Protest – February 19, 1893 United States President’s Message 1894 TERRORISTS laws Special rights of Citizenship Declarations for TERRORISTS 1895 TERRORIST Albert Francis Judd also documented THIEF TERRORIST laws passed Queen’s Court Martial Homestead leases on lands that still has OWNERS who are Sovereigns/ Descendants of Sovereigns 1897 Extinction of the Hawaiian race anticipated 1898 Crown Lands by Queen Liliuokalani Queen Kapiolani’s vs. nephews: Prince Kuhio and Kawananakoa 1899 Crown lands, claimed ceded, given away “under authority of the United States” 1901 McKinley condolence Genocide issue(s) 1902 TERRORISTS perspective on the Crown Lands, etc. 1908 Kamehameha descendants Existed, named Kamehameha descendants Existed, placing flowers Genocide documented: Stolen documents shipped to the United States 1911 United States paid salaries to TERRORISTS
1917-present (Impared) Kingdom of Hawaii de jure Time Period – Kamehameha Descendants EXIST 1917 Temporary use of Kamehameha’s cloak for Queen Liliuokalani’s casket drape refused by TERRORISTS
1918 Queeen Liliuokalani’s funeral expenses approved by United State’s President appointed Governor United States president’s appointed Governor passed Disloyalty Act With fines/imprisonment 1920 Hawaiian Homes Commission 1926 Haole history opposed by another haole 1930 United States Disclaimer 1931 Queen Liliuokalani was documented “dethroned” 1938 Queen Emma’s Free Hospital for Hawaiians 1950 Constitution for the State of Hawaii 1961 Kamehameha Schools Planning Survey – Genocide documented
1962 OPPOSITION to Statehood documented by a Kamehameha Descendant
1969 Catholic church/Roman Catholic Church STEALS LANDS Interest to Catholic church/Roman Catholic Church stated in Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 dated 12/17/96 rescinded in This case—only monies allowed. 1984 Law of the Sea Ancient Precedent Kingdom of Hawaii issued permits in history Freedom of the Seas/Mare Liberum Archipelagic concept Hawaii, an archipelago Interest in Archipelago and resources not negotiated away Hawaiian inheritance Oversights in admitting Hawaii as a State 1992 Hawaiian Homes Commission AUDIT REPORT 1994 PAPAL BULLS of 1493
1996 Affidavit/Lien filed on all 133 islands/Hawaiian Archipelago
1998 Catholic Church deed rescinded/clarified Genocide Activities in Hawaii recorded with Honolulu Police Department 2001 Probates of Alii Nui/Alii
Japanese Consulate Letter re: EHIME MARU Ramming
Department of Interior Letter re: JURISDICTION NOT GRANTED and Hawaiians/Kanaka maoli CANNOT BE ARRESTED for Tresspassing on CROWN LANDS/ Lands that still has OWNERS Governor Letter re: Kawananakoa claims
United States President Bush letter re: Twin Towers 9-11
2002 OPPOSITION to Akaka’s and Inouye’s Bill defrauding Kamehameha’s/Sovereigns/Sovereigns descendants and heirs; Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, IV, V, King Lunalilo’s; King Kalakaua’s; and Queen Liliuokalani’s descendants/heirs, All konohiki, Tenants/Kanaka Maoli/Hawaiians, impaired Kingdom of Hawaii de jure Genocide documented
MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION -PROBATE OF VICTORIA KAMAMALU SIBLING OF KAMEHAMEHA IV AND KAMEHAMEHA V DOCUMENTED ISSUE OF ROYAL PERSON(S) "NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAW(S)" - ROYAL PERSONS EXIST TODAY - KAMEHAMEHA DESCENDANTS EXIST TODAY- From the United States Affecting Hawaii - Statutes At Large - Enactment of a Law - Jefferson’s Parliamentary Writing (1812) - Public Law 103-150 from 107 STAT. 1510-1514 From the Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii - The PENAL CODE of the Hawaiian Islands RE: TREASON From the Hawaiian Genealogy Society affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii de jure (impaired) - Kamehameha Descendants – Year 2000 and Present
About the Author
Books Available
During Kamehameha’s lifetime, the Catholic Church maintained its Papal Bull Laws of 1493. The United States in unison with the Catholic church, passed laws validating The subjugation rules aligning itself with the Catholic Church. Because Queen Liliuokalani had many enemies, including her brother-in-laws Who were Masons/Freemasons with goals to rid Monarchies, and Their roles As Christian leaders backed up by the Pope, it could be stated that the Pope, His successors were also honorary member(s) in the secret Society set up to Sabotage governments including the Kingdom of Hawaii, knowingly Supporting TERRORIST governments such as the Entity which was neither de facto nor de jure stated Queen Liliuokalani but recognized by the United States Minister Stevens as a de facto Provisional Government. The United States backed the claims of the wrongdoers and was in BREACH of the Law of Nations maintained Queen Liliuokalani. The entity called itself a Republic, turned Territory, turned State and feeding off of the governments monies, income, Treasury, rents, leases, fees, taxes, etc. supplying the Catholic Church with agreements/Trusts to Maintain and perpetuate FRAUD in alignment with the Catholic, Christian/ Protestant, and the Secret Society (ies) such as the Masons/Freemasons Which maintains White races in OPPOSITION to ALL PEOPLES OF COLOR Including Hawaiians/kanaka maoli. The Roman Catholic Church/Church is documented as STEALING LANDS. See 1969 entries. Hawaiian/kanaka maoli researcher attended Protest in Rome. Early 2002, The Pope merely apologized for the Papal Bulls of 1493. The mere apology Carries no weight, means nothing. The Papal Bulls of 1493 is a DEATH WARRANT for claimed uncivilized nations honored and followed By the United States due to the 1923 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Johnson v. McIntosh 8 Wheat 543 expressing the subjugation principle expressed in the Inter Cetera Bull. Be ever so watchful of the ongoing Crusaders which includes perverted Priests and Americans, etal. Militaries.
References: PAPAL BULLS BURNING! A Response to the “Columbus” Legacy from A Flyer with the following addresses/contacts:; Indigenous Law Institute 262-9466

PIRATES of the Pacific


Dedication Introduction Drawing PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC Aldrich, William Arthur Alexander, William DeWitt Alexander, Samuel Thomas Allen, Elisha Hunt Allen, William F 2 Andrews, Lorrin Armstrong, Richard Armstrong, Samuel C. 3 Armstrong, William N. Ashford, Clarence Wilder Ashford, Marguerite Kamehaokalani 4 Atherton, Joseph Ballard Austin, Jonathan Baldwin, Henry Perrine Belknap, George 5 Bishop, Charles Reed 6 Bishop, Eben Faxon 9 Bishop, Sereno E. Bolte, C. Bond, Edward P. Bowen, William Boyd. E.S. 10 Boyd, J. H. Boyd, R. N. Brewer, Charles Brewer II, Charles 11 Brown, Charles Augustus 12 Brown, George 13 Brown, Godfrey Brown, Jacob Foster Brown, M. Bush, Gavien Fred Bush, John Edward 14 Camara, Jr., J.M. Campbell, James Carlisle, John Griffith Carter, Charles L. Carter, George Robert Carter, Henry Alpheus Pierce 16 Cartwright, Bruce Castle, Samuel Northrup 17 Castle, William R. Chamberlain, Levi Cleghorn, Archibald Scott 18 Coffman, De Witt Cooke, Amos Starr Cooke, Charles 19 Cooper, Henry Ernest Cummins, John A. Cummings, W. H. Damon, Edward Damon, Samuel Mills Davies, Theophilus Harris 20 Day, Francis R. Dayton, David Delameter, N.B. Dillingham, Benjamin Franklin Dillingham, Walter 21 Dimond, Henry Dodge, F. S. Dole, Sanford Ballard Dominis, John O. 22 Dowsett, James Isaac Emmeluth, John Fisher, Joseph Henry 23 Forbes, Anderson Oliver Frear, Walter Francis Gibson, Walter Murray Gilman, Gorham D. 24 Glade, H. F. Godkin, Edwin L. Green, William Lowthan Gresham, Walter Quintin 25 Gulick, Charles T. Hackfeld, Heinrich Hall, Edwin Oscar Hall, W. W. Harris, Charles Coffin 26 Hartwell, Alfred Stedman Hassinger, J.A. Herrick, C. f. Hobbs, L. G. Hoes, R. R. Hoffman Holt, Robert Hooper, William Northey Iaukea, Curtis Piehu 27 Ihihi, I. Irwin, William Jones, G. W. C. Jones, Peter Cushman Judd, Albert Francis 28 Judd, Bernice Judd, Charles Hastings Judd, Gerrit Parmele 29 Kaai, Simon K. Kaia, Maria Kalanianaole/Kuhio/Prince Kuhio/Kuhio Kalanianaole 30 Kalu, D Kaluna, William Kamakaia, Samuel K Kanakanui, S. M. 31 Kauanui Keohokalole, Morris K. King, James A. Kinney, William A. Ku, Sam Kulike 32 Laird Lawrence, Robert Lee, William Little Liwai, J. Low, Frederick Ferdinand Lucas, Albert Ludlow, N. Lyons, C. S. McCandless, J. A. 33 McChesney, F. W. McGrew, John S. MacCarthur, Charles L. Macy, George Mahaulu, S. Marsden, Joseph 34 Meheula, H. Moore, E. K. Moreno, Celso Morgan, James F. Mott Smith, John Nakuina, Moses K. Neumann, Paul Notley, Charles 35 Oleson, William B. Olney, Richard Oxnard, Henry T. Parker, Samuel Peterson, A. P. 36 Pratt, J. W. Preston, Edward Procter, John Robert Ralston, William C. Reeder, F. W. Rice, William Hyde Robertson, George Rosa, Geo 37 Rose, Geo C. Rowell, William E. Schurz, Carl Shipman, William Silva, Manuel Enos Simpson, W. E Smith, William Owen 38 Soper, J. H. Spalding, Z.S. Spreckels, Claus Stelker, M. Stevens, John Leavitt Swinburne, W. T. 39 Thrum, Thomas G. Thurston, Lorrin Andrews Tracy, B. F. Vida, C. E. Waity, Henry E. Wall, W. E. 40 Ward, Curtis Perry Waterhouse, John Thomas White, Jno C. Whiting, William Austin Widemann, H.A. Wilcox, Albert S. Wilcox, Charles Wilcox, George N. Wilder, William C. 41 Wilder, Jr., W. O. Willis, C. J. Wundenburg, F. W. Wyllie, Robert C. Young, Alexander 42 Young, Lucien Ziegler, C. W. United States Presidents Family(ies)/Close Friends in Hawaii  Franklin Pierce – 14th President –Term: 1853 – 1857 43  Abraham Lincoln – 16th President – Term: 1861-1865  Grover Cleveland – 22nd & 24th President – Terms: 1885-1889 and 1893-1897  Theodore Roosevelt – 26th President – Terms: 1901-1905 and 1905-1909  Franklin D. Roosevelt – 32nd President – Terms: 1933-1941; and 1941-1945;  John F. Kennedy – 35th President – Term: 1961-1963 Santa Claus from Hawaii 45  Original Owner of MACY’S: Roland H. Macy’s relatives in Hawaii  General Electric Credit Corporation  Mutual Shares Corporation  Michael A. Price  Goldman & Sachs, limited partnership with Sidney J. Weinberg  Ed Finkelstein  Mark Handler  Art Reiner  Bobby Friedman  Hal Kahn  Sidney J. Weinberg  Dan I. Hale  Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bishop Estates aka’s  George Macy  Internal Revenue Service of the United States government  George Macy, Jr.  LIBERTY HOUSE  MACY’S Commentary Overview of the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC -Americans -Bankers -Genealogy Frauds -Judges -Lawyers -Missionary or Missionary descendant -Planters or Plantation employees -Pacific Cable Company/cable interests -Suspected Spy (includes Masons, etc.) -Unidentified ---Totals ---Grand Totals -----Civil War Generals in Hawaii or Family in Hawaii Summary Notes References About the Author Other Books Available


Legal Research by Nelson

unidentified author, the pages were shared by a mainland researcher.....until the actual author is discovered the following remains as is with the knowledge that JOHN B. NELSON, Legal Scholar, did the research. Due to the IMPORTANT, SIGNIFICANT ISSUES DOCUMENTED, the following Information is meant for all Countries, all United States Citizens, etals. to be educated and aware of the SCHEMES, FRAUD, TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES by an Administration that is setting up to KILL INNOCENTS in the Middle East and elsewhere:
“ The United States is Bankrupt Now
Documented Evidence
I hope this communication finds you well and mentally strong for the occasion. It is quite apparent that the “Treasonous” and “Seditious” are brewing up a storm of untold magnitude…. John B. Nelson December 26, 1991
Re: Senate Report No. 93-549, Etc.
To: The American National People, The people of the State of Colorado, U.S.A.
(Note: I strongly recommend, while you are reading this material, that you mentally skip over the [bracketed] material. Mr. Nelson has researched this writing to a far greater extent than most other material you will ever be exposed to and the source material is vitally important to demonstrate that this material is founded on fact and on Law (statute). However, as important as the sources are, you will find it extremely difficult to read this Adendum if you insist on reading each and evey word. Please, skip the [brackets] and only refer to them when you find a need for a source. To help you in distinguishing between the source material and the main part of the material presented, I have italicized all of the material in [brackets] which are not vital to the understanding of the facts being presented, but which are vital to prove the facts stated.)
I have enclosed Senate Report No. 93-549 (Note: If you wish to have a copy of this report, simply call your Senator and request it from him), consisting of 607 pages, which I believe you will find most interesting. The United States went “Bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by President Roosevelt by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and Executive Order 6260 [See: Senate Report 93-549, pgs 187 & 594 under the “Trading With the Enemy Act” {Sixty-Fifth congress, Sess. I, chs. 105,106, October 6, 1917}, and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a}. The several States of the Union then pledged the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the National Government, and formed numerous socialist committees, such as the “Council of State Governments”, “Social Security Administration” etc., to purportedly deal with the economic “Emergency”. These Organizations operated under the “Declaration of INTERdependence” of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in “The Book Of The States.” The 1937 Edition of The Book Of The States openly declared that the people engaged in such activities as the Farming/Husbandry Industry had been reduced to mere feudal “Tenants” on their Land [Book Of The States, 1937, pg. 155].
This , of course, was compounded by such activities as price fixing wheat and grains [7 U.S.C.A. 1332], quota regulation [7 U.S.C.A. 1371], and livestock products [7 U.S.C.A. 1903], which have been held consistently below the costs of production, interest on loans and inflation of the paper “Bills of Credit” (Author’s note: Mr. Nelson is referring to Federal Reserve Notes); leaving the food producers and others in a state of peonage and involuntary servitude, constituting the taking of private property, for the benefit and use of others, without just compensation.
Note: The Council of State Governments has now been absorbed into such things as the “National Conference of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws”, whose Headquarters’ Office is located at 676 North Street, Clair Street, Suite 1700, Chicago, Illinois 60611, and “all” being “members of the Bar”, and operating under a different “Constitution and ByLaws” has promulgated, lobbied for, passed, adjudicated and ordereed the implementation and execution of their purported statutory provisions, to “help implement international treaties of the United States or where world uniformity would be desirable” [See: 1990/91 Reference Book, National council of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws, pg. 2]. This is apparently what Robert Bork meant when he wrote “we are governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own” [See: The Tempting of america, Robert H. Bork, pg. 130].
The United States thereafter entered the second World War during which time the “League of Nations” was re instituted under the pretense of the “United Nations” and the “Bretton Woods Agreement” [See: 60 Stat. 1401]. The United States as a corporate body politic (artificial), came out of World War II in worse economic shape than when it entered, and in 1950 declared Bankruptcy and “Reorganization.” The Reorganization is located in Title 5 of the United States Codes annotated. The “Explanation” at the beginning of 5 U.S.C.A. is most informative reading. The “Secretary of the Treasury” was appointed as the “Receiver” in Bankruptcy.[See: Reorganization Plan No. 26, 5 U.s.C.a. 903, Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967]. The United States went down the road and periodically filed for further Reorganization. Things and situations worsened, having done what they were Commanded NOT to do [See: Madison’s Notes, Constitutional Convention, August 16, 1787, Federalist Papers No. 44 and in 1965 passed the “Coinage Act of 1965” completely debasing the Constitutional Coin (gold & silver Dollar)]. [See: 18 U.S.C.A. 331 & 332, U.S. vs. Marigold, 50 U.S.560, 13 L.Ed. 257]. At the signing of the Coinage Act on July 23, 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson stated in his Press Release that:
“When I have signed this bill before me, we will have made the first fundamental change in our coinage in 173 years. The Coinage Act of 1965 supersedes the Act of 1792. And that Act had the title: An Act Establishing a Mint and Regulating the Coinage of the United States…”
“Now I will sign this bill to make the first change in our coinage system since the 18th Century. To those members of Congress, who are here on this historic occasion, I want to assure you that in making this change from the 18th Century we have no idea of returning to it.”
It is important to take cognizance of the fact that NO Constitutional Amendment was ever obtained to FUNDAMENTALLY “Change”, amend, abridge or abolish the Constitutional mandates, provisions or prohibitions, but due to internal and external diversions surrounding the Viet Nam War Etc., the usurpation and breach went basically unchallenged and unnoticed by the general public at large, who became “a wealthy man’s cannon fodder or cheap source of slave labor”[See: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, TM-SW7905.1, pgs 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 56]. Congress was clearly delegated the Power and Authority to regulate and maintain the true and inherent “value “ of the Coin within the scope and purview of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 5 & 6 and Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the ordained Sonstitution (1787), and further, under a corresponding duty and obligation to maintain said gold and silver Coin and Foreign Coin at and within the necessary and proper “equal weights and measures” clause [See also: Bible, Dueteronomy, Chapter 25, verses 13 through 16, Public Law 97-289, 96 Stat. 1211]:
Those exercising the Offices of the several States, in equal measure, knew such “De Facto Transitions” were unlawful and unauthorized, but sanctioned, implemented and enforced the complete debauchment and the resulting “governmental, social, industrial economic change” in the “De Jure” States and in United States of America [See: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5936, 5945, 31 U.S.C.A. 314, 31 U.S.C.A. 321, 31 U.S.C.A. 5112, C.R.S. 11-61-101, C.R.S. 39-22-103.5 and C.R.S. 18-11-203], and were and are now under the delusion that they can do both directly and indirectly what they were absolutely prohibited from doing [See also: Federalist Papers No. 44, Craig vs. Missouri, 4 Peters 903].
In 1966, Congress being severly compromised, passed the “Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966,” by which the entire taxing and monetary system i.e., “Essential Engine” [See: Federalist Papers No. 31], was placed under the Uniform Commercial Code [See: Public Law 899-719, Legislative History, pg. 3722, also see, C.R.S. 5-1-106]. The Uniform Commercial Code was of course promulgated by the National Conferences of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws in collusion with the American Law Institute for the “banking and business interests” [See: Handbook Of The National Conference Of Commissioners On Uniform State Laws, ()1966) Ed., pgs. 152 & 153]. The United States being engaged in numerous U.N. conflicts, including the Korean and the Viet Nam conflicts, which were under the direction of the United Nations [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 287d], and agreeing to foot the bill [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 287j], and not being able to honor their obligations and re hypothecated debt credit, openly and publicly dishonored and disavowed their “Notes” and “obligations”. [12 U.S.C.A. 411], i.e., “Federal Reserve Notes” through Public Law 90-269, Section 2, 82 Stat. 50 (1968), to wit:
“Sec. 2. The first sentence of section 15 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 391) is amended by striking and the funds provided in this Act for the redemption of Federal Reserve Notes’.”
Things steadily grew worse and on March 28, 1970, President Nixon issued Proclamation No. 3972, declaring an “emergency” because the Postal Employees struck against the de facto government (?) for higher pay, due to inflation of the paper “Bills of Credit” [See: Senate Report No. 93-549, pg 596]. Nixon place the U.S. Postal Department under control of the “Department of Defense” [See: Department of the Army Field Manual, FM 41-10 (1969 Ed.)].
“The System has been faltering for a decade, but the bench mark date of the collapse is put at August 15, 1971. On this day, President Nixon reversed U.S. international monetary policy by officially declaring the non-convertibility of the U.S. dollar (F.R.N.) into gold” [See: public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5937 & Senate Report No. 93-549, Foreword pg 111, Proclamation No. 4074, pg. 597, 31 U.S.C.A. 314 & 31 U.S.C.A. 5112].
On September 21, 1973, Congress passed Public Law 93-110, amending the Bretton Woods Par Value Modification Act, 82 Stat. 116 [31 U.S.C.A. 449], and reiterated the ‘Emergency’ [22 U.S.C.A. 95a], and section 8 of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act of 1945 [22 U.S.C.A. 286f], and which included ‘reports of foreign currency transactions’ ]see also: Executive Order No. 10033]. This Act further declared in Section 2(b) that:
“No provision of any law in effect on the date of enactment of this Act, and no rule, regulation, or order under authority of any such law, may be construed to prohibit any person from purchasing, holding, selling, or otherwise dealing with gold.”
On January 19, 1976, Marjorie S. Holt noted for the record, a second “Declaration of INTERdependence” and clearly identified the U.N. as a “Communist” organization, and that they were seeking both production and monetary control over the Union and the People through International Organizations promoting the “One World Order” [See: 8 U.S.C.A. 1101 (40), 50 U.S.C.A. 781 & 783].
The socio/economic situation worsened as noted in the Complaint/Petition, filed in the U.S. Court of Claim, Docket No. 41-76, on Fegruary 11, 1976, by 44 Federal Judges, Atkins eta al. Vs. U.S. Atkins et al. Complained that “As a result of inflation, the compensation of federal judges has been substantialy diminished each year since 1969, causing direct and continuing monetary harm to plaintiffs…the real value of the dollar decreased by approximately 34.5 percent from March 15th, 1969 to October 1, 1975…As a result, plaintiffs have suffered as unconstitutional deprivation of earnings”, and in the prayer for relief claimed “damages for the constitutional violations enumerated above, measured as the dimunition of his earnings for the entire period since March 9, 1969.” It is quite apparent that the persons holding and enjoying Offices of Public Trust, Honor and/or Profit knew of the emergency emergent problem and sought protection for themselves, to the damage and injury of the People and Children, who were classified as “a club that has many other members” who “have no remedy.” And knowing that “heinous” acts had been committed, stated that they [judges/lawyers] would not apply the Law, nor would any substantive remedy be applied (checked more or less, but never stopped)”until all of us [judges] are dead.” Such persons Fraudulently swore an Oath to uphold, defend and preserve the soverignty of the Nation and several Republican States of the Union, and breached the Duty to protect the People/Citizens and Poterity from fraud, imposition, avarice, and stealthy encroachment [See: Atkins et al. Vs. U.S. 556, F.2d 1028, pgs. 1072, 1074, The Tempting of America, supra, pgs. 69-71, C.R.S. 24-75-101]. This is verifed in Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5944, which states:
“Moving to a floating exchange rate for international commerce means private enterprise and not central governments bear the risk of currency fluctuations.”
Numerous serious debates were held in Congress, including but not limited to, Tuesday: July 27, 1976 [See: Congressional Record – House, July 27, 1976], concerning the International Financial Institutions and their operations. Representative Ron Paul, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, made numerous references to the true practices of the “International” financial institutions, including but not limited to, the conversion of 27,000,000 (2.7 million) in gold, contributed by the United States as part of its “quota obligations”, which the International Monetary Fund (Governor-Secretary of Treasury) sold [See: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pgs. 5945 & 5946] under some very questionable terms and concessions [See also: The ron Paul Money Book, (1991), by Ron Paul, Plantain Publishing, 837 W. Plantation, Chite, Texas 77531].
“(2) Section 10(a) of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 (31 U.S.C. 822a(b) is amended by striking out the phrase ‘stabilizing the exchange value of the dollar’…”
“( c ) The joint resolution entitled ‘Joint resolution to assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States’, approved June 5, 1933 (31 U.S.C. 463) shall not apply to obligations issued on or after the date of enactment of this section.”
The United States as Corporator [22 U.S.C.A. 286e, et seq.], and “State” [C.R.S. 24-36-104, C.R.S. 24-60-130(h)] had declared “Insolvency” [See: 261.R.C. 165(g)(1), U.C.C. 1-201(23), C.R.S. 39-22-103.5, Westfall vs. Bradley, 10 Ohio 188, 78 Am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 S.W. 2d 911, Ward vs. Smith, 7 Wall 447]. A permanent state of “Emergency” was instituted, formed and erected within the Union through the contrivances, fraud and avarice of the International Financial Institutions, Organizations, Corporations and associations, including the Federal Reserve, their “fiscal and depository agent” [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 286d]. This has lead to such “Emergency” legislation as the “Public Debt Limit-Balance Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985”, Public Law 99-177, etc.
The government by becoming a corporator [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 286d], lays down its sovereignty and takes on that of a private citizen. It can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter [See: The Bank of the United States vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, 6 L. Ed. (9 Wheat) 244, U.S. vs. Burr, 309 U.S. 242]. The real part of interest is not the de jure “United States of America” or “State”, but “The Bank” and “The Fund” [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 286, et seq., C.R.S. 11-60-103]. The acts committed under fraud, force and seizures are many times done under “Letters of Marque and Reprisal”,i.e., “recapture” [See: 31 U.S.C.A. 5323]. Such principles as “Fraud and Justice never dwell together” [Wingate’s Maxims 680], and “A right of action cannot arie out of fraud’ [Broom’s Maxims 297, 729; Cowper’s Reports 343, 5 Scott’s New Reports 558, 10 Mass, 276; 38 Fed. 800]. And do not rightfully contemplate the thought concept, as “Due Process”, “Just Compensation” and Justice itself. Honor or earned by honesty and integrity, not under false and fraudulent pretenses, nor will the color of the cloth one wears cover-up the usurpation’s, lies, trickery and deceits. When Black is fraudulently declared to be White, not all will live in darkness. As astutely observed by Will Rogers, “there are men running governments who shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches”, and is as applicable today as Jesus’ statement about Lawyers.
The contrived “emergency” has created numerous abuses and usurpation’s, and abridgments of delegated Powers and Authority. As stated in Senate Report 93-549:
“These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional process.
Under the powers delegated by these sttutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens” [See: Foreword, pg III]
The “Introduction”, on page 1, begins with a phenomenal declaration, to wit:
“A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have in varying degrees been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency…”
According to the research done in 16 American Jurisprudence, 2nd Edition, Sections 71 and 82, no “emergency” justifies a violation of any Constitutional provision. Arguendo, “Supremacy Clause” and “Separation of Powers”, it is clearly admitted in Senate Report No. 93-549 that abridgment has ocurred. The statements heard in the Federal and State Tribunals (Author’s note: Tribunals are what our so-called courts really are, leagally speaking), on numerous occasions, that Constitutional arguments are "i“material",”frivolous" ”tc., are based upon the concealment, furtherance and compounding of the Frauds and “Emergency” created and sustained by the “Expatriated”, ALIENS of the United Nations and its Organizations, Corporations and Associations [See: Letter, Insight Magazine, February 18, 1991, pg. 7, Lowell L. Flanders, President, U.N. Staff Union, New York]. Please note that, 8 U.S.C.A. 1481, is one of the controlling statutes on expatriation, as is 22 U.S.C.A. 611, 612 & 613 and 50 U.S.C.A. 781.
The Internal Revenue Service entered into a “service agreement” with the U.S. Treasury Department [See: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History; pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26] and the Agency for International Development, pursuant to Treasury Delegation Order No. 91. The Agency for International Development is an International paramilitary operation [See: Department of the Army Field Manual, (1969) FM 41-10, pgs. 1-4, Sec. 1-7(b) & 1-6, Section 1-10(7)(c)(1), 22 U.S.C.A. 284], and includes such activities as “Assumption of full or partial executive, legislative, and judicial authority over a country or area” [See: FM 41-10, pg. 1-7, Section 110(7)(c)(4); also the Agreement Between The United Nations And The United States of America Regarding The Headquarters Of The United Nations, Section 7(d) & (8), 22 U.S.C.A. 287 (1979 Ed.) at pg. 241). It is to be further observed that the “Agreement” regarding the Headquarters District of the United Nations was NOT agreed to [See: Congressional Record-Senate, December 13, 1967, Mr. Thurnond], and is illegally in the Country in the first instant.
The International Organizational intents, purposes and activities include complete control of “Public Finance”, i.e., “control, supervision, and audit of indigenous fiscal resources, budget practices, taxation, expenditures of public funds, currency issues, and banking agencies and affiliates” [See: FM 41-10, pgs. 2-30 through 2-31, Section 251, Public Finance]. This, of course, complies with “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars” Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1, which discloses a declaration of war upon the American people (See: pgs. 3 & 7), monetary control by the Internationalist, through information, etc., solicited and collected by the Internal Revenue Service [See: TM-SW7905.1, pg 48, also see, 22 U.S.C.A. 286F & Executive Order No. 10033, 26 U.S.C.A. 6103(k) (4)] and who is operating and enforcing the seditious International program [See: TM-SW7905.1, pg. 52]. The 1985 Edition of the Department of Army Field Manual, FM 41-10, further describes the International “Civil Affairs” operations. At page 3-6, it is admitted that the A.I.D. is autonomous and under the direction of the International Development Cooperation Agency, and at page 3-8, that the operation is “paramilitary.” The International Cooperation Agency, and at page 3-8, that the operation is “paramilitary”. The International Organization(s) intents and purposes was to promote, implement, and enforce a "DICTATORSHIP OVER FINANCE IN THE UNITED STATES” [See: Senate Report No. 93-549, pg. 186].
It appears from the documentary evidence tht the Internal Revenue Service Agents etc. are “Agents of a Foreign Principal” within the meaning and intent of the “Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.” They are directed and controlled by the corporate “Governor” of “The Fund”, also known s “Secretary of Treasury” [See: Public Law 94-564, supra, pg. 5942, U.S. Government Manual 1990/91, pgs. 480 & 481, 26 U.S.C.A. 7701(a)(11), Treasury Delegation Order No. 150-10], and the corporate “Governor” of “The Bank” 22 U.S.C.A. 286 and 286a, acting as “information-service employees” {22 U.S.C.A. 611(c)(ii)], and have been and do now “solicit, collect, disburse or dispense contribution [Tax – pecuniary contribution, Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Edition], loans money or other things of value for or in interest of such foreign principal [22 U.S.C.A. 611(c)(iii)], and they entered into agreements with a Foreign Principal pursuant to Treasury Delegation Order No. 91, i.e., the “Agency For International Development” [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 611 (c) (2)]. The Internal Revenue Service is also an agency of the International Criminal Police Organization, and solicits and collects information for 150 Foreign Powers [See: U.S.C.A. 263a, The United States Government Manual, 1990/91, pg. 385, see also, The Ron Paul Money Book, pgs, 250-251]. It should be further noted that Congress has appointed, transferred, and converted vast sums to Foreign Powers [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 262c(b)] and has entered into numerous Foreign Taxing Treaties (conventions) [See: 22 U.S.C.A. 285g, 22 U.S.C.A. 287j] and other Agreements, which are solicited and collected pursuant to 261 R.C. 6103(k)(4). Along with the other documentary evidence submitted herewith, this should absolve any further doubt as to the true character of the party. Such restrictions as “For the general welfare and common defense of the United States” [See: Constitution (1787), Article I, Section 8, Clause 1] apparently aren’t applicable, and the fraudulent re hypothecated debit credit will be merely added to the insolvent nature of the continual “emergency”, and the reciprocal socio/economic repercussions laid upon present and future generations.
Among other reasons for lack of authority to act, such as a Foreign Agents Registration Statement, 22 U.S.C.A. 612 and 18 U.S.C.A. 219 & 951, military authority cannot be imposed into civil affairs {See: Department of The Army Pamphlet 27100-70, Military Law Review, Vol. 70]. The United Nations Charter, Article 2, Section 7, further prohibits the U.N. from intervening in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state…” Korea, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Angola, Kuwait, etc., are evidence enough of the “BAD FAITH” of the United Nations and its Organizations, Corporations and Associations, not to mention the seizing of two day care centers in the State of Minnesota by their agents, and holding the children as collateral/hostages for payment/ransom of their fraudulent, dishonored, re hypothecated debt credit, worthless securities (Author’s note: Yes, this statement is correct. I.R.S. agents seized the day care centers and the children, and refused to permit the parents permission to remove their children from the centers until certain public credit (Federal Reserve Notes) funds were collected from the parents. In several instances, this included funds which were not owing by the parents. Something for you to consider, I’m sure that all of those children hd social security numbers, and parents married under a priviledge granted by the state (marriage license)). Such is the “Rule of Law” “as envisioned by the Founders” of the United Nations. Such is Communist terrorism, despotism and tyranny. ALL WERE AND ARE OUTLAWED HERE.
I hope this communication finds you well and mentally strong for the occasion. It is quite apparent that the “Treasonous” and “Seditious” are brewing up a storm of untold magnitude. Bush’s public address of September 11, 1991 [See: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents] should further qualify what is being said here. He admitted “Interdependence” [See also: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5950], “One World Order” [See: Extension Of Remarks, January 19, 1976, Marjorie S. Holt, 8 U.S.C.A. 1101(40)], affiliation and collusion with the Soviet Union Oligarchy[50 U.S.C.A. 781], direction by the U.N. [22 U.S.C.A. 611] etc. You might also find it interesting that Treasury Delegation Order No. 92 states that the I.R.S. is trained under the direction of the Division of “Human Resources” (U.N.) and the Commissioner (INTERNATIONAL), by the “Office of Personal Management.” In the 1979 Edition of 22 U.S.C.A. 287, The United Nations, at pg. 248, you will find Executive Order No. 10422. The Office of Personnel Management is under direction of the Secretary General of the United Nations. And as stated previously, the I.R.S. is also a member in a one hundred fifty (150) nation pact called the “International Criminal Police Organization” found at 22 U.S.C.A. 263a. The “Memorandum & Agreement” between the Secretary of Treasury/Corporate Governor of “The Fund” and “The Bank” and the Office of the U.S. Attorney General would indicate that the Attorney General and his associates are soliciting and collecting information for Foreign Principals [See: The United States Government Manual 1990/91, pg. 385; also see, The Ron Paul Money Book, supra, pgs, 250-251].
It is worthy of note that each and every Attorney/Representative, Judge, or Officer is required to file a “Foreign Agents Registration Statement” pursuant to 22 U.S.C.A. 611©(1)(iv) & 612, if representing the interests of a Foreign Principal or Power [See 22U.S.C.A. 613; Rabinowitz vs. Kennedy, 376 U.S. 605, 11 L. Ed.2d 940; 18 U.s.C.A. 219 & 951].
On January 17, 1980, the President and Senate confirmed another “Constitution”, namely, the “constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization”, found at Senate, Treaty Document No. 97-19, 97th Congress, 1st Session. A perusal of this Foreign Constitution should more than qualify the internationalist intents. The “Preamble”, Article 1, “Objectives” and Article 2, “Functions”, clearly evidences their intent to direct, control, finance and subsidize all “natural and human resources” and “agro-related as well as basic industries”, through “dynaic social and economic changes”” with a view to assisting in the establishment of a new international economic order.” The high flown rhetoric is obviously of “Communist” origin and intents. An unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable oligarchy of expatriates and aliens, who fraudulently claim in the Preamble that they intend to establish “rational and equitable international economic relations”, yet openly declare that they no longer “stabilize the value of the dollar” nor “assure the value of the coin and currency of the United States” is purely misrepresentation, deceit and fraud [See: Public Law 95-147; 91 Stat. 1227, at pg. 1229]. This was augmented by [Public Law 101-167] 103 Stat. 1195, which discloses massive appropriations of re hypothecated debt for the general welfare and common defense of other Foreign Powers, including “Communist” countries or satelllites. International control of natural and human resources, etc. etc. A “Resource” is a claim of “property” and when related to people constitutes “slavery.”
It is now necessary to ask, “Which constitution they are operating under?” The “Constitution For the Newstates Of The United States.” This effort was the subject matter of the book entitled “The Emerging Constitution” by Rexford G. Tugewll, which was accomplished under the auspices of the Rockefeller tax-exempt foundation called the “Center For The Study of Democratic Institutions.” The People and Citizens of the Nation were forewarned against formation of “Democracies.” “Democracies have ever been the spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths” [See: Federalist Papers No. 10; see also, The Law, Fredrick Bastiat; Code of Professional Responsibility; Preamble]. This Alien Constitution, however, has nothing to do with democracy in reality. It is the basis of and for a despotic, tyrannical oligarch.
(Author’s note: Make no mistake about what Mr. Nelson just said. The International Elite, the money kings, are PRESENTLY, by a gradual change in the laws of the nation, bringing the Newstates Constitution into force and effect. If this was a honest, legal change in the form of government of the United States of america, you would be reading about it in the papers and watching debates concerning the possible effects of this type of change on T.V. Not to mention hearing about it constantly on talk radio. Since this move is being hidden from the people of America, we know and understand that treason is being commited by the President of the United States and by many members of Congress. Undoubtedly, many members of Congress do not understand exactly what is going on. As long as they continue to receive their “contributions,” they will “go along, to get along.” My question to you is, why are you permitting these type of men to represent you?)
Article I, “Rights and Responsibilities”, Sections 1 and 15 evidence their knowledge of the “emergency.” The Rights of expression, communication, movement, assembly, petition and Habeas Corpus are all excepted from being exercised under and in a “declared emergency.” The constitution for the Newstates of America, openly declares, among other seditious things and delusions that “Until each indicated change in the government shall have been completed the provisions of the existing constitution and the organs of government shall be in effect”. [See Article XII, Section 3] “All operations of the national government shall cease as they are replaced by those authorized under this Constitution” [See: Article XII, Section 4]. This is apparently what Burger was promoting in 1976, after he resigned as Supreme Court Justice and took up the promotion of a “Constitutional Convention.” No trial by jury is mentioned, “JUST” compensation has been removed, along with being informed of the “Nature & Cause of the Accusation”, etc.etc. and every one will, of course, participate in the “democracy.” The Constitution is but a reiteration of the Communist Doctrines, intents and purposes, and clearly establishes a “Police Power” State, under direction and control of a self appointed oligarchy.
Foreign/Alien Constitutions, Laws, Rules and Regultions. The overthrow of the “essential engine” declared in and by the ordained and established Constitution for the United States of America (1787), and by an under the “Bill of Rights” (1791) is obvious. The covert procedure used to implement and enforce these Foreign Constitutions, Laws, Procedures, Rules, Regulations, Etc. has not, to my knowledge, been collected and assimilated nor presented as evidence to establish seditious collusion and conspiracy.
Fortunately and Unfortunately in my Land it is necessary to seek, obtain and present EVIDENCE to sustain a conviction and/or judgment. Our patience and tolerance for those who pervert the very necessary and basic foundations of society has been pushed to insufferable levels. They have “fundamentally” changed the form and substance of the de jure Republican form of Government, exhibited a willful and wanton disregard for the Rights, Safety and Property of others, evinced a despotic design to reduce my people to slavery, peonage and involuntary servitude, under a fraudulent, tyrannical, seditious foreign oligarchy, with the intent and purpose to institute, erect and form a “Dictatorship”over the Citizens and our Posterity. They have completely debauched the de jure monetary system, destroyed the Livelihood and Lives of thousands, aided and abetted our enemies, declared War upon us and our Posterity, destroyed untold families and made homeless over 750,000 children in the middle of winter, afflicted widows and orphans, turned Sodomites lose among our young, implemented foreign laws, rules, regulations and procedures within the body of the country, incited insurrection, rebellion, sedition and anarchy within the dejure society, illegally entered our Land, taken the false Oaths, entered into Seditious Foreign Constitutions, Agreements, Pactions, Confederations, and Alliances, and under pretense of “emergency”, which they themselves created, promoted and furthered, formed a multitude of offices and retained those of alien allegiance to perpetuate their frauds and to eat out the substance of the good and productive people of our Land, and have arbitrarily dismissed and held mock trials for those who trespassed upon our lives, Liberties, Properties and Families and endangered our Peace, Safety, Welfare and dignity. The damage, injury and costs have been higher than mere money can repay. They have done that which they were COMMANDED NOT TO DO. The time for just correction is NOW!
Sincere consideration of “Presentment” to a Grand Jury under the ordained and established constitution for the United States of American (1787), Amendment V is in order. Numerous High Crimes and Misdemeanors have been committed under the Constitution for the United States of America, and Laws made in Pursuance thereof, and under the constitution for the State of Colorado, and the laws made in Pursuance thereof, and against the Peace and Dignity of the People, including but not limited to, C.R.S. 18-11-203, which defines and prescribes punishment for “Seditious Associations” which is applicable to the other constitutions, and the intents and professed purposes of their Organizations, Corporations and Associations. If the Presentment should be obstructed by the members of the Bar, ARREST THEM.
I could go on but the story is long! I hope this information and research is of assistance to you. Much remains to be uncovered and disclosed, as it is necessary and imperative to secure the Lives, Liberties, Property, Peace and Dignity of the People and our Posterity. Good Hunting and the Good Lord be with you in all your endeavors.
God Bless John Nelson, Jure Soli Jure Sanguinis, Jure Coronea
P.S. In addition, I am yet expecting a copy of the “Service Agreement”[T.D.O. 91]. It was located in the Department of Treasury, office of the Assistant General Council (International Affairs), Russell L. Munk, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20220. Efforts are being made to obtain a copy, but so far have been obstructed by the Bar. If anyone knows where and how a copy can be obtained please do so immediately, the documents are necessary and imperative. It ought to be most informative! By the way, it’s against the law for an insolvent to make a loan or to try to fraudulently collect thereon [See: Neal et a. vs. Clark, 251 P.2d.903]. It should be further noted that an “Alien” or “Denizen” cannot sit on a Jury [See: 3 Am. Jur.2d Sec.40], nor hold a Public Office [See also: 50 U.S.C.A. 781(9) & 842].
The “out of court” summery determinations upon matters in issue is purely , “Administrative” procedure [see: 1 Am. Jur. 2d Sec. 78]. The jury, if any, is reduced to an “advisory jury” position, and is more than likely arrayed as a “homage” jury (Note: What Mr. Nelson means is that since all juries impaneled in American come from the “Registered Voter” list of United States citizens, and are Aliens to the State wherein they re sitting, they are not a Jury as defined in the Constitution, but are merely an advisory panel for the so-called judge, actually an Administrative Magistrate under the Executive branch of the federal government. As more and more of these hidden facts become clear to you, what is wrong in American becomes painfully clear).
5 U.S.C.A. 701-701 should be of interest concerning “Judicial Review” of Agency actions. It can be found in most States under such headings and Acts as the “Administrative Procedures Act” or the “Administrative Reorganization Act.”
All de facto Federal/International chartered “Institutions”, their Officers, Employees, Servants, Agents and Representative re subject to and should be turned over to a Court of Law for prosecution, trial and judgment according to law [See: Pope Mfg. Co. vs. Gormully, 144 U.S. 414, at pg. 419; see also, 22 U.S.C.A. 286g].
“FRAUD vitiates the most solemn Contracts, documents and even judgments” (U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 US61, at pg. 65).
I believe that the statement made in Cohen vs. Virginia, 6 Wheat 264, 5 L.Ed 257 (1821) is worthy of note:
“We (Courts) have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than to usurp that which is not given. THE ONE OR THE OTHER WOULD BE TREASON TO THE CONSTITUTION” (Also see: U.S. vs. Will, 449 US 200 66 L.Ed. 3d 392, at pg. 406).

“No political truth is of greater intrinsic value….The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary in the same hands, whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may be justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny”[Federalist Papers No. 47]. (Author’s note: This refers to the Separation of Powers which forms the basis for freedom in our Republican form of government.)
“IF a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functions of every government have propensities to command at will the liberties and property of ther constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information” [The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Albert E. Bergh Ed., vol. 14, pg. 384].
One cannot make agreements with Sodomites, Babylonians and/or Satanics. Their words, oaths or signatures are of no meaning or value; their intent and purpose is to deceive, cheat, steal, lie, defraud and destroy. The seditious overt conspiracy and collusion of certain Organizations, Corporations and Associations to damage, injure, oppress, threaten, intimidate and enforce their fraudulent, foreign, socialist, Communist, “Democracy” and foist their delusions upon the Citizens and children of this land, and to corrupt the de jure Public Offices established to accomplish the purposes set forth in the “Preamble” to the ordained and established Constitution is cause and necessity enough.
Once again finding our safety, happiness and liberties to be in imminent danger, it has become necessary and imperative to our rights, privileges, immunities, lives, liberties and property and that of our prosperity, to declare our separate and equal station, and exercise our Right and Duty to throw off and abolish the form and operation of thede facto, fraudulent, seditious “state” [See: Constitution For The State Of Colorado, Article II, Section 2; Declaration of Independence (1776); Constitution For The United States Of America, Amendments IX and X, C.R.S. 24-60-130], Article IV(h)].
Section 2. People may alter or abolish form of government – proviso. The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign and independent state; and to alter or abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided, such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States.
Let Us Now Proceed With The Prosecutions
A Call For The Cleansing Of Our Nation Under God
(Note: For those of you who have read this document, if you are a Public Official, a police officer, a member of the Bar, a government employee at any level of government, a member of the armed forces of the United States, or a , forgive the use of the ‘word’, politician, and are involved in any manner in helping to subvert the Constitution of the United States of America as has been described in this work in general, you are, either knowingly or unknowingly, committing treason. To me, either knowingly or unknowingly makes no difference. This was clearly spelled out at the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II.
Treason is Treason, and there will come a time, in the very near future, where you will be held accountable for your actions by your peers. If you escape that retribution, there will be a Final Judgment from a power far greater than any on the face of this Earth, and far more severe than any I or anyone of this earth could ever hand down onto you.)
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.” – Edmond Burke
“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Society in every state is a blessing, but Government in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.” – Thomas Paine
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny in government.”---Thomas Jefferson
typed by A. Gora - completed Sat. morn. 3/15/2003...for the sake of our INNOCENTS, our babies, everyone's babies, "we are one in the spirit with our Lord....."


70 Countries Affected

Intact for hundreds of years, until the time that Queen Liliuokalani maintained that the United States BREACHED the Law of Nations.
League of Nations
Formed in 1817, shortly before Queen Liliuokalani died.
Only two nation members: United States and Great Britain. Both planned the formation of the United Nations.
United Nations
1942. January 2. Fifty nations pledged themselves “to employ full resources against the Axis powers, not to make a separate peace, etc.” in Washington. They signed a charter which was written at theUnited Nations Conference on International Organization. 1944. August 21 – October 7. Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Russia and China met, planned, proposed and formulated to “deal with world peace and security” through a general international organization. 1945. April 25 - June 26. A conference “United Nations Conference on International Organization was held from April 25 to June 26, 1945 in San Francisco. The charter was based on the proposals of Dumbarton Oaks Conference, a mansion in Washington, D.C.
1864. A socialist association, International Working-Men’s Association, met and formed a political organization in 1864. Karl Marx was the influence. 1876. The International Working-Men’s Association also known as the First International was dissolved in Philadelphia. 1889. An international, socialist group was formed, which included various countries. They agreed to hold international congresses from time to time. 1919. A communist association was formed in Moscow, uniting various countries radical groups promoting revolutions or violence.
Christian International Laws/ Papal Bulls of the Vatican
1493. “Four Papal Bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarchy in 1493 which legally SANCTIONED COLUMBUS GENOCIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE Americas. The Bull “InterCaetera” of May 3rd 1493 states, “the Catholic Faith and the Christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everwhere amplified and spread, (and) that the Salvation of souls may be provided for and barbarous nations subjugated and brought to the very true faith…” 1552. Las Casas, “The colonial spanish affirmed this arrogance claiming “the bulls gave them the right to use just WAR to convert local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity.” (Researcher: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar) 1898. Spain, the Arm of the Vatican warred with the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt said, “that was a splendid little war”. 1923. United States Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. mcIntosh 8 Wheat 543 (in 1823/1923) adopted the same principal of subjugation expressed in the InterCeteral Bull. This Papal Bull has been and continues to be, devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our populations.” (Researcher: Steven Newcomb, Shawnee/Lenape (Indian) legal scholar)
On November 6, 2002 nefeli posted the following on forums:
27 countries opinion about USA
“I am Greek and would like to talk about the American government and its “invasion” in other countries. Since 1945 the United States have been involved in the politics of more than 70 countries, mostly using the threat of “communistic conspiracy” in order to be free to invade any country (the same does the government now, using the terrorists’ threat). The reason this happens is that USA wants a safer world for the American companies, it wants to stop the development of any other society which could be an alternative to the capitalistic globalisation and to expand the political and economical empire of USA in order to always be the “great power”. This is not only my opinion about America, it is the opinion of 27 countries.
(The source of the following article is the daily newspaper “TA NEA” and it was written by reporter Kostas Betinakis, 29/9/01.)
1. China 1945-49; USA gets involved in the civil war, supporting Chang Kai Shek against Mao’s communists. Chang Kai Shek flees to Taiwan in 1949. USA recruits Japanese soldiers who were defeated during the war.
2. Italy, 1947-48: USA interferes with the Italian elections in order to stop the Communist party from being in the government. During the next years, they sponsor the smaller parties with millions of dollars, blocking the Communist party from forming a government.
3. Greece, 1947-49: USA replaces the UK who supported the fight against Communists. Right wing comes and starts the chasing of the Communists (this ends to a very bloody civil war).
4. Fillipines, 1945-53: American soldiers fight against left forces (Hooks), during the fights between the Hooks and the Japanese. After the end of the war, fighting against the Hooks goes on, until the regime of Ferdinand Marcos comes into power.
5. South Korea, 1945-53: After the war, USA suppresses the liberals and supports the convervatives who had collaborated with the Japanese invaders. In the war that followed against North Korea, the “volunteers” from other countries were all allies of USA.
6. Albania, 1949-53: American and English secret services tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the communistic government and to found a western government, made of collaborators of Italian fascists and German nazis.
7. Germany, 1950: CIA organizes propaganda and psychological war against East Germany, who is led to the building of the Berlin wall in 1961.
8. Iran 1953: Elected Prime minister Mosadek is overthrown byan American-English operation. His mist….(message cut off)
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MAHALO TO MUTASSDES from the English Forum who messaged the following information:
this is also relevant, but not a complete list, as it doesn't include Galtieri of Argentina for a start.
another relevant list of facts:
Here's a list of the countries that the U.S. has bombed since the end of World War II, compiled by historian William Blum:
China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s Nicaragua 1980s Panama 1989 Iraq 1991-99 Sudan 1998 Afghanistan 1998 Yugoslavia 1999


Important Researchers!

22 Mar. '03 (war of aggression +3)
Aloha kaua e Frauline Linda,
Wanted to get this to you since you are 12' (FRA) ahead of us out here in our corner of the world - "Paradise under the boot (jack) of the socialists".
Sun., 23 Mar. '03, will mark the anniversary of that fateful day in World history.
There was an unsuccessful attempt to stop the Nazis-anniv. of vote UNICH, Germany (AP) - Josef Felder, the last surviving legislator who voted against the 1933 law that entrenched Germany's Nazi dictatorship, has died after a lengthy illness pos late 2002. He was 100. Felder, who was honored by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on his birthday two months ago as a "fighter for democracy and freedom," died Saturday evening in his Munich apartment, the Bavarian branch of the Social Democratic party said Sunday. After joining the Social Democrats at age 20, Felder was first elected to the parliament in 1932. He was one of 94 legislators who voted on March 23, 1933 against the law ceding the Reichstag's powers to Adolf Hitler's Cabinet, sanctioning the Nazis' totalitarian state. Felder described the mood of that session in a book to be published soon, titled "Why I said No."
We must remember history lest we repeat it. Doesn't the Bushwhacker resemble someone we know - the famous socialist? I see a PAX Americana (actually PAX UNITED STATES) coming down the pike.
How can a government be lead by a bush, a dick and a colin?
God bless and yours in liberty,
greetings, here some urls of articles on the story. a google search on the author's name (andreas zumach) will yield more. checked out your website, it's great! no need to credit me but do post them if you see fit. regards, agoiz,3604,862471,00.html -- =================================================
The following was researched by Mr. Buckley and placed on this website Saturday, April 12, 2003:
Subject: Stop the rise of American nationalism From: YREKABAKERY (MBUCKLEY12) To: (HWNWAHINE) DateTime: 01/03/2003 13:36:42
Interesting cartoon of David Kalakaua, who weakened the Kingdom with his compulsive gambling and alcoholism. The yacht "Lurline" in the background played a significant part in Hawaiian history. It was built for John D. Spreckels in 1883, and won the first Trans-Pac race from SF to Honolulu. Spreckels founded Spreckelsville on the Big Island, and tried for years to break into cane sugar (he was the owner of almost all beet sugar production around Monterey and in the San Jaoquin Valley). As I'm sure you know, cane sugar is far superior to beet sugar for baking, yet chemists have yet to identify any difference.
Aborad the yacht Lurline in 1902, Spreckels attempted to purchase the failed Starr Mills facility in Crockett, California, while living aboard the yacht Lurline in the Napa River estuary, for conversion to cane sugar refining, but Alexander & Baldwin beat him out, completing the deal in 1903. The C&H cooperative was founded in 1906 and took possession of the sugar refinery. Spreckels was instrumental in undermining the Kingdom, however.
There is a significant error in your cartoon website. The Lurline was not a schooner but a sloop, which shows clearly in the cartoon. The Lurline yacht was 75' LOD, 21,2' beam and 47 tons displacement. John D Spreckels loved it and kept it about 25 years. The teak decking was taken up and used to build the bar at Spenger's fish restaurant in Berkeley, CA, and it is still in use there.
The second Lurline was a brigantine, mastered by none other than William Matson, later he wrecked the Selina at Hilo, and rescued a comely young passenger whom he subsequently married. Matson Lines also had three steamers named Lurline. The name Lurline is synonomous with travel to Hawaii, though it comes from a joke popular in San Francico at the time the yacht was launched.
Other sailing ships usd by Spreckels in his commerce with Hawaii were the CLAUS SPRECKELS, CONSUELO, W. H. DIMOND, ANNA, WILLIAM G. IRWIN, and the brigantine LURLINE, which later was mastered by Willian Matson, who also owned the EMMA CLAUDINA.
It is said that one day Matson was sailing his favorite, the brigantine Lurline, between Hawaii and San Francisco when he was becalmed, watched Spreckels' steamer ALAMEDA from horizon to horizon, and never sailed again, preferring to compete with Spreckels' Oceanic steamers head-to-head. Eventually, Matson won the competition.
Aloha from the Golden State.
Edited 01/03/2003 13:41:39 ET by YREKABAKERY (MBUCKLEY12) =================================================

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**************************** THE MASTERS OF CAPITAL by John Moody (1919) Yale University “BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE The literature covering special phases of the development and growth of capitalized industry and “high finance” in the United States during the past half century is plentiful enough. Scores of volumes have been written on the Trusts, on particular industries, and special combinations of cpital. But no exhaustive study appears to have been made of the broad trend toward the concentration and control of industry and finance by Wall Street financiers, during the remarkable period culminating in the aggressive antitrust legislation afte the financial crash of 1907. Among the best popular books on the Standard Oil Trust may be mentioned: WEALTH AGAINST COMMON WEALTH by Henry Demarest Lloyd (1894); HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL TRUST, BY S.C.T. Dodd (1894); RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, BY Gilbert Holland Montague (1903); HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, by Ida M. Tarbell (1904). To supplement these books, bringing the facts relating to this great business aggregation down to later dates, reference should be made to government exhibits, such as the report of the United States Industrial Commission (1900 and 1902); the testimony in the Supreme Court suit for dissolution (1910 and 1911) and the report of the “Money Trust Investigation” made by the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives in 1913. These latter are a real mine of information regarding the activities not only of Standard Oil magnates in business and banking fields, but of others as well during the preceding decade. The story of the Morgan banking house has never been full told, though the LIFE STORY OF J.P. MORGAN, BY Carl Hovey (1911), presents a fair outline. Consult also, FORTY YEARS OF AMERICAN FINANCE, BY Alexander D. Noyes (1909) which contains interesting chapters on the government financing undertaken by the firm. The facts of Edward H. Harriman’s remarkable career can be culled only from the current financial publications of the period. Government reports, such as the testimony in the Supreme Court suit for the dissolution of the Northern Securities Company (1904) and the report of the Committee on Banking and Currency, show the general activities of the Harriman financiers and their connections with Wall Street. The rise to power of the steel and iron magnates and the growth of allied industries have been presented to the public in various forms. A valuable but biased work is the INSIDE HISTORY OF THE CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY, BY James H. Bridge (1903). THE ROMANCE OF STEEL, BY Herbern N. Casson (1907) is a very readable story. On the specific subject of Wall Street mechanism and finance, THE WORK OF WALL STREET, BY Sereno S. Pratt (1912), ad WALL STREET AND THE COUNTRY, by Charles A. Conant (1904), will be found interesting. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUSTS, by John Moody (1904), is a statistical exhibit of capitalized industry and finance as it existed at the apex of the merger movement. On the general subject of industrial trusts and combinations scores of volumes have been written, some of value and many worthless. Among the informing, popular books of the past two decades may be mentioned: THE STORY OF LIFE INSURANCE by Burton J. Hendrick (1907); TRUSTS, OR INDUSTRIAL COMBINATIONS AND COALITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY Ernst von Halle (1895); CORPORATION FINANCE, by Thomas L. Greene (1908); THE CONTROL OF TRUSTS, by John B. Clark (1901); TRUST FINANCE, by Edward Sherwood Meade (1903); THE TRUST PROBLEM, by Jeremiah W. Jenks (1900); and INDUSTRIAL COMBINATIONS AND TRUSTS, by William H. Stevens (1913). But to learn the full story of the great masters of capital of the last generation, one must depend chiefly on financial and investment periodicals. Chief among these are the COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, and the New York JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. For purely banking subjects, the BANKERS MAGAZINE is the best source of information. For full light on the subject of the control of life insurance funds by the powers of Wall Street, nothing better can be found than the report of the joint committee of the New York Legislature appointed to investigate life insurance companies (1906). The facts regarding the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust and the American Tobacco Company are to be found in the testimony in the Supreme Court suits against those companies. The best popular description of the panic of 1907 is contained in Alexander D. Noyes’s FORTY YEARS OF AMERICAN FINANCE.”

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