Sunday, February 23, 2025

Facebook legal notice

Kanaloa Kokohi I am one of Kamehameha’s heir of his body from 4 of his children named kaoleioku, kauikeaouli/kamehameha lll, kanekapolei 2(w), and kalanihelemaiiluna Paki, and hanai/adopted children: Hueu Davis and his sister Peke Davis, and his stepchildren Haupu/Kahekili and Kinoiki ( w) children of Kaumualii Kauai king who married his wife Namahana/Piia…. Also our family are the heirs of Kalaniopuu from 4 of his children …,,the ruling chiefs of the Hawaiian archipelago for more than 2000 years ….most of the people’s on FB haven’t a clue what’s being said here but the legal fact/directive/notice is that the Kamehameha’s exist in esse which means the Crown lands, Iolani Palace etc including the mineral rights the water the gold belongs to our Royal family and the kanaka maoli has Allodial lands gifted by Kamehameha lll and aliens have only 30 years fee simple and can never own Allodial lands … invasion by rule of law breakers are documented and the U.S. has no annexation and no jurisdiction… rents are due in the trillions! Including the mined gold the water minerals etc.  meetings to review the contracts treaties etc expected and review of protectorates etc

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