Thursday, February 13, 2025

Print article: Gold in Hawaii, etc.





The Hague

ICJ/International Court of Justice

Neutral and All Nations

U.S. President Joe Biden  

Secretary of State Blinken

Governor Josh Green  

Judges, et. als. in the U.S., Hawaiian Islands, etc.

Many Interested others\


Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/All Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2024 - 1017: The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Secrets about the Kingdom of Hawaii's Lands,  Water, Gold found in Quartz

-Mineral Rights, Taxes, Revenue, etc. is Out! Kingdom of Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family's Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii

There's GOLD in Hawaii, and other places including Samoa, the Philippines etc.  which also means that PIRATES are here still without Annexation - No Jurisdiction and bound to contracts - the treaties, the Neutrality Law, etc.  Kanaka Maoli own all the 
Allodial lands/Generational Trust lands in the Hawaiian Islands, while Aliens/non-kanaka maoli are limited to only 30 years fee simple ----Facts documented.... includes NO ANNEXATION meaning that the U.S., State of Hawaii, Counties of Hawaii has No Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands...also, the Kingdom of Hawaii exists and is Not part of the "Sanctuary" status claims of the U.S. and remains a neutral,  friendly, non-violent nation since 1854.

Iolani Title.png

  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Gold found in Hawaii and other places documented

                                                                  Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

The following article shows that gold dust was found in Quartz on Kahaluu, Oahu.  Gold has also been found in Samoa, etc............It appears that there are a number of hidden secrets kept from the Kanaka Maoli.  

Note:  It is suspicious that the State of Hawaii through the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation create contracts to claim to help Hawaiians with their lands and have them sign their interest in water and mineral rights to the State............wicked.........illegal contracts set up to defraud the Kanaka Maoli who are the Generational Trust owners/the Allodial Lands/ Forever Lands:

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, February 22, 1862, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, February 22, 1862, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Riches in the Amazon

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, May 20, 1854, Page 6, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1899 - Gold found in quartz:

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 05, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1910 - Gold found in the Phillippines

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 30, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1899 - 

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, January 24, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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more gold, silver etc. in Phillippines:

Austin's Hawaiian weekly. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1899-190?, October 21, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1900 -

The Hawaiian star. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, November 03, 1900, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Hawaiian star. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, May 10, 1904, SECOND EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1909 - Gold found in Fiji

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, July 21, 1909, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1922 - 

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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There is GOLD in Hawaii - Kanaka Maoli..........

are you sleeping?\

  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Gold found in Hawaii and other places documented

                                                                  Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

The following article shows that gold dust was found in Quartz on Kahaluu, Oahu.  Gold has also been found in Samoa, etc............It appears that there are a number of hidden secrets kept from the Kanaka Maoli.  

Note:  It is suspicious that the State of Hawaii through the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation create contracts to claim to help Hawaiians with their lands and have them sign their interest in water and mineral rights to the State............wicked.........illegal contracts set up to defraud the Kanaka Maoli who are the Generational Trust owners/the Allodial Lands/ Forever Lands:

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, February 22, 1862, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, February 22, 1862, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Riches in the Amazon

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, May 20, 1854, Page 6, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1899 - Gold found in quartz:

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 05, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1910 - Gold found in the Phillippines

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 30, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1899 - 

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, January 24, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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more gold, silver etc. in Phillippines:

Austin's Hawaiian weekly. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1899-190?, October 21, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1900 -

The Hawaiian star. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, November 03, 1900, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Hawaiian star. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, May 10, 1904, SECOND EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1909 - Gold found in Fiji

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, July 21, 1909, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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1922 - 

The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Garden Island. [volume] (Lihue, Kauai, H.T.) 1902-current, April 11, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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There is GOLD in Hawaii!


Research incomplete.


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